What seeds can be planted in February. Seedlings in February, what to sow from vegetable and flower crops

After a decade of catalog dominance by original variegated and colorful tulip varieties, trends began to change. At exhibitions, the best designers in the world offer to remember the classics and pay tribute to charming white tulips. Sparkling under the warm rays of the spring sun, they look especially festive in the garden. Welcoming spring after a long wait, tulips seem to remind us that white is not only the color of snow, but also the joyful celebration of flowering.

Despite the fact that cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables, not all summer residents, especially beginners, can grow its seedlings. In apartment conditions they are hot and dark. In this case, it is impossible to obtain high-quality seedlings. And without a strong one, healthy seedlings it's hard to count on good harvest. Experienced gardeners know that it is better to sow cabbage seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. And some even grow cabbage by direct sowing seeds in the ground.

Flower growers tirelessly discover new indoor plants, replacing some with others. And here the conditions of a particular room are of no small importance, because plants have different requirements for their maintenance. Lovers of beauty often face difficulties flowering plants. After all, for flowering to be long and abundant, such specimens require special care. Unpretentious plants There are not very many flowers blooming in rooms, and one of them is streptocarpus.

Calendula (marigold) is a flower that stands out among others with its bright color. Low bushes with delicate orange inflorescences can be found on the side of the road, in the meadow, in the front garden next to the house or even in vegetable beds. Calendula is so widespread in our area that it seems like it has always grown here. About interesting decorative varieties calendula, as well as about the use of calendula in cooking and medicine, read our article.

I think many will agree that the wind is well perceived by us only in the romantic aspect: we are sitting in a cozy warm home, and the wind is raging outside the window... In fact, the wind blowing through our areas is a problem and there is nothing good about it. By creating windbreaks with the help of plants, we break the strong wind into several weak currents and significantly weaken its destructive power. How to protect a site from the wind will be discussed in this article.

Modern ferns are those rare plants antiquities, which, despite the passage of time and all kinds of cataclysms, not only survived, but were also largely able to preserve their former appearance. Of course, it is not possible to grow any of the fern representatives indoors, but some species have successfully adapted to life indoors. They look great as single plants or decorate a group of decorative foliage flowers.

Pilaf with pumpkin and meat is Azerbaijani pilaf, which differs in the method of preparation from traditional oriental pilaf. All ingredients for this recipe are prepared separately. Rice is boiled with ghee, saffron and turmeric. The meat is fried separately until golden brown, and pumpkin slices as well. Separately prepare the onions and carrots. Then everything is placed in layers in a cauldron or thick-walled pan, a little water or broth is poured in and simmered over low heat for about half an hour.

Basil - a wonderful universal seasoning for meat, fish, soups and fresh salads - is well known to all lovers of Caucasian and Italian cuisine. However, upon closer inspection, basil turns out to be a surprisingly versatile plant. For several seasons now, our family has been happily drinking aromatic basil tea. In a flowerbed with perennials and in flowerpots with annual flowers, bright spice plant a worthy place was also found.

Thuja or juniper - which is better? This question can sometimes be heard in garden centers and markets where these plants are sold. It is, of course, not entirely correct and correct. Well, it’s the same as asking what is better - night or day? Coffee or tea? Woman or man? Surely, everyone will have their own answer and opinion. And yet... What if you approach with an open mind and try to compare juniper and thuja according to certain objective parameters? Let's try.

Brown Cream of Cauliflower Soup with Crispy Smoked Bacon is a delicious, smooth and creamy soup that both adults and children will love. If you are preparing a dish for the whole family, including kids, then do not add a lot of spices, although many modern children are not at all against spicy flavors. Bacon for serving can be prepared in different ways - fry in a frying pan, as in this recipe, or bake in the oven on parchment for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for others it is a difficult necessity, while others wonder whether it would be easier to buy ready seedlings at the market or with friends? Be that as it may, even if you gave up growing vegetable crops, for sure, you will still have to sow something. These are flowers and perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you sow.

A lover of moist air and one of the most compact and rare orchids, pafinia is a real star for most orchid growers. Its flowering rarely lasts longer than a week, but it can be an unforgettable sight. You want to look at the unusual striped patterns on the huge flowers of the modest orchid endlessly. IN indoor culture pafinia is rightly ranked among the difficult-to-grow species. It became fashionable only with the spread of interior terrariums.

Pumpkin ginger marmalade is a warming sweet that can be prepared almost all year round. Pumpkin keeps for a long time - sometimes I manage to save a few vegetables until summer, fresh ginger and lemons are always available these days. Lemon can be replaced with lime or orange to create different flavors - variety in sweets is always nice. The finished marmalade is placed in dry jars; it can be stored at room temperature, but it’s always healthier to cook fresh food.

In 2014, the Japanese company Takii seed introduced petunia with a striking petal color - salmon-orange. Based on associations with the bright colors of the southern sunset sky, the unique hybrid was named African Sunset. Needless to say, this petunia instantly won the hearts of gardeners and was in great demand. But in the last two years, the curiosity has suddenly disappeared from store windows. Where did the orange petunia go?

In our family Bell pepper they love it, that’s why we plant it every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season; I cultivate them constantly. I also try to try something new every year. Pepper is a heat-loving plant and quite whimsical. Varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and productive sweet peppers, which grow well for me, will be discussed further. I live in middle lane Russia.

She was already quite strong and strong. But at the same time, they should not be allowed to outgrow, since during transplantation they can break and it will be much more difficult for them to take root in a new place. What to sow in February for vegetable seedlings?

In the last month of winter, you need to decide on the crops to sow, as well as their varieties. Indeed, in some cases, early ripening and late-ripening varieties crops are sown in different time.

But most gardeners still prefer to sow them at the same time, since the ripening time is already laid down in the variety itself.

Growers also take into account other parameters, such as the growth of tomatoes. Tall varieties tomatoes intended for growing in greenhouses are sown earlier, low-growing tomatoes transplanted into the ground - later.

So, this article is about what crops are sown for seedlings in February, and what are the basic planting rules.

At the very beginning of February, crops are planted that are subsequently planned to be grown in warm greenhouses.

What seedlings are planted in February, in the first half:

  • Eggplant;
  • Bell pepper;
  • Root celery.

In the second half of February, closer to March, you can sow seedlings:

  • Tomatoes, mainly indeterminate varieties;
  • Head lettuce for planting 45-day-old seedlings in warm greenhouses;
  • parthenocarpic or self-pollinating varieties.

When planning planting, it is advisable to look at the gardener’s lunar sowing calendar for February and adjust the sowing time taking into account its recommendations. It is advisable to sow plant seeds on the growing moon.

Rules for planting seeds for seedlings in February

When sowing seeds, you need to take into account individual rules plantings for each crop. To do this you will need to know and observe the embedment depth seed material, the temperature of the nursery for each period of plant germination, the timing of emergence of seedlings.

Therefore, we will consider the rules for planting seeds for each crop that is planned to be sown for seedlings in February.


When planting seeds of all crops, you can use special soil for seedlings, which is usually presented in several types in specialized stores (“Tomato”, “Bogatyr”, “Soil for cucumbers”, “Nutritious peat for seedlings”), or prepare it yourself.

Sowing seeds can be done either in special boxes or cassettes, or in peat pots and tablets.

Eggplant seeds, pre-treated against diseases and pests with magnesium permanganate or growth stimulants, as well as germinated ones, are embedded in a moistened substrate to a depth of 1 cm. After this, the container with the sown seeds is covered with plastic film or glass. The germination temperature of eggplants is maintained within +25 – +30˚С. The seeds of this crop take a long time to germinate, and usually appear on the 7th to 14th day.

Sowing peppers for seedlings in February

Seeds bell pepper They are disinfected and germinated, after which they are sown in seedling boxes to a depth of 0.5 cm. It should be noted that they usually take a very long time to germinate. The temperature for germination should be +25 – +30 C.

Sow tomato seeds in cassettes or boxes, which are filled with substrate for seedlings. They can be filled with specially prepared soil in the fall. To do this, mix chernozem with humus, sand and peat in proportions (3: 3: 1: 1).

Planting is done in a well-moistened substrate. The seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm. Then they are sprinkled with soil and sprayed with a spray bottle. Boxes or cassettes with sown seeds are covered with film. During seedling germination, the temperature is maintained at +20 – +25˚С. Shoots appear in approximately a week.

Head lettuce

Head lettuce seeds, like all other crops in February, are sown for growing in warm greenhouses. Sowing is carried out both in special cassettes or boxes, buried in the soil to a depth of 1.5 cm, and in peat tablets, 2 seeds in each, without deepening. Before the emergence of seedlings, the temperature of the nursery is maintained within +20˚С; when seedlings appear, it drops to +16–+17˚С. Shoots appear approximately in a week.

Thus, the yield of crops such as root celery, greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers, sweet peppers and eggplants, as well as head lettuce depends on the competent and coordinated actions of the grower in planting seedlings in February.

February is the month for sowing seedlings of flowers with a long growing season. To rejoice beautiful flowering, start sowing flowers in February.

Let's consider what flowers to sow in February for seedlings when to start planting flower seedlings.

– everyone’s favorite flower, unpretentious and hardy.

A beautiful plant that happens different types with a variety of bush shapes, sizes and colors of flowers. Everyone chooses petunia according to their taste.

Sow petunia in January, February and even early March. It all depends on whether it is possible to provide full daylight during the winter and spring.

If you sow petunia in February, then in May you will be able to admire its beautiful flowering.

Petunia seeds very small, so only surface sowing is carried out, without deepening the seeds. The first shoots appear in a couple of weeks. Grown seedlings dive into separate containers. In May, petunias are planted in open ground in flower beds or containers.

- a charming plant that is appropriate to sow in February. It comes in different types and sizes, from low-growing 5 cm to very large ones up to several meters high. Small flowers with bright colors. Lobelia blooms for a long time - from June until frost.

Suitable for both carpet plantings and border decoration, elegantly decorates balcony boxes and containers. Sow it superficially, without sprinkling the seeds with soil, moistening it generously with a spray bottle.

After a couple of weeks, abundant shoots appear. After a while, the seedlings are planted and transferred to a bright, well-ventilated place.

– they begin to sow in February, as the seeds take a long time to germinate. Begonia blooms from June until frost.

These ever-blooming flowers come in all sorts of forms: in the form of herbs crawling along the ground, tall upright bushes and subshrubs. Therefore, begonias are great for decorating balconies, window sills and garden areas.

Seeds are sown superficially on well-moistened soil, germination temperature is 20 degrees Celsius. After 1.5 months, the seedlings are picked and planted in the ground in the first ten days of June.

– flowers for February sowing.

There are various varieties and hybrids with large flowers of various shades.

Because it takes 5 months from the moment of sowing to the beginning of flowering, it is one of the very first to be sown, starting from the second ten days of January until the end of February.

Small grooves are made on the surface, approximately 3 mm deep, and the seeds are placed in them at a distance of approximately 1.5 cm from each other. Sprinkle the crops not with soil, but with sand - this will protect the seedlings from the appearance of blacklegs.

After sowing, the boxes are placed in rooms with a temperature of 22 degrees. after germination, transfer to a room with a temperature of 15 degrees and good lighting, carry out moderate watering. In the second half of May it can be planted in open ground.

beautiful flower both for the site and for the balcony. Viola seeds are inexpensive, unlike ready-grown seedlings.

It is better to sow seeds in cassettes with cells, sowing 2 seeds in each cell on top of a moistened substrate, then sprinkle with a thin layer of vermiculite. Optimal temperature for seed germination 22 degrees.

After the sprouts appear in 5-10 days (it all depends on the variety), it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 15 degrees and place the seedlings in a sunny place. Viola tolerates transplantation well, even when in bloom.

– good for both a flower garden in the garden and for growing in containers on the balcony. The flower has a wonderful vanilla aroma.

Seeds take a long time to germinate, usually 2-3 weeks. Therefore, they are sown superficially, without deepening or sprinkling on top; they germinate only in the light. In about a month, the seedlings will have grown and can be plucked. In mid-May, seedlings can be transplanted into open ground on a site.

A fragrant flower that is grown on balconies and flower beds.

Seeds require mandatory stratification (imitation winter cold), so the seeds are sown in February. The seeds are sown in moistened soil to a depth of 0.5 cm. Cover the container with film after sowing and put it in the refrigerator. Stratification is carried out for 3-4 weeks.

Grown seedlings dive and plant in open ground in early June.

(or Irish rose) is a beautiful, but capricious plant to grow.

Tall eustoma is suitable for decorating gardens; it is also grown for cutting. Low-growing flowers are perfect for decorating balcony boxes or as a houseplant.

It takes about 6 months from sowing to flowering of eustoma, so it should be sown as early as possible in February.

Seeds are sown in peat tablets, one in each. The first shoots will appear in about a couple of weeks, after which it is necessary to reduce the air temperature to 15 degrees.

After 1.5 months it will be possible to plant the seedlings. And after 3 months you can plant the seedlings with a lump of earth in open ground.

Video - Flowers: urgently sow in February

Many summer residents begin to sow flower seedlings in February, isn’t it too early? Absolutely not experienced flower growers It is recommended to start growing flower seedlings in winter. What flowers should I sow for seedlings in February? You can sow both annual and biennial perennials. Let's look at them in order.

Photos and names of flower crops will help you understand whether you want to have them in your front garden, and whether you can take into account all the nuances to get high-quality seedlings. Our selection contains only plants that even gardeners without experience can grow at home and whose seeds are sold in all regions.

What flowers are planted as seedlings?

The most common flower crops have a long growing season, And early sowing will allow them time to prepare for summer flowering. February is the time to start sowing flower seeds for seedlings.

If needed good seedlings flowers, the following crops begin to be sown in February:

  • Annuals - petunia, lobelia, verbena, begonia, cineraria, shabot carnation.
  • Biennial, perennial - pansies, viola, lupine, daisies, primroses, chrysanthemums, delphinium.

Annual flowers for seedlings in February


If you want to see flowering gramophones already in June, sowing flower seedlings must be done in winter. Petunia seeds are very small, so it should be planted only superficially, moistened with a spray bottle and covered with film or glass.

Before planting in open ground, it is necessary to make one, or preferably two, transplants. The latter is better - in separate glasses.

Don’t worry if your petunia blooms already on the window; even blooming flower seedlings will tolerate replanting just fine.


Meet the graceful beauty with small buds in blue, white and pink shades. Lobelia seeds, like petunias, are very small, so the planting method is the same.

Just planting lobelia is worth three or four plants in one glass to get more lush bushes.


In front of you is not only beautiful, but also aromatic plant. Since verbena seeds are quite large, when planting they need to be slightly buried in the soil.

Although you can leave the seeds on the surface. In this case, be sure to cover the container with the seeds with black film, since verbena seeds need darkness to germinate.


This is due to the fact that at the end of winter the days lengthen noticeably, especially towards the beginning of March. The seeds are small, planted superficially and always under glass or film.


If you plant this flower for seedlings in February, then by June it will grow beautiful silver bushes.

When planting, cineraria seeds are slightly buried and covered with film. Otherwise, caring for flower seedlings and watering are the same.

Carnation Shabo

This beautiful plant it takes up to six months to bloom. Keep this in mind when planning flower seedlings in February.

Carnation seedlings must be picked several times, then by the time of planting permanent place it will begin to bush. Seeds are sown in the usual way, under film.

Biennial and perennial flowers through seedlings

Unlike annuals, perennials with a short development period are planted in February, which will allow you not to wait until next year to bloom, but to see it already at the end of summer or early autumn.

Viola or pansy

If you plant the seeds of this plant in February, the first buds will appear at the end of July.

Although viola seeds are quite small, they should still be buried when planting. Since seeds left on the surface may become moldy if exposed to excess moisture.


At early boarding the plants will bloom by the end of August. For faster germination, seeds should be soaked for a day before planting. Deepen approximately 5-8 mm. Since lupins do not tolerate transplantation well, they need to be planted in separate cups or pots.

If the cups are small, by the time of planting the entire earthen ball will be entangled in roots and will be easy to remove entirely. This will allow you to plant the plant without damaging the root system.


If you really want, you can see it blooming in the fall if you plant the daisy seeds in early February.

It must be borne in mind that if the summer is hot and dry, you will not be able to see full flowering. Instead, single buds will appear on thin stems, most likely not double.


It is planted superficially, under glass. In order for flowering to occur in September, primrose is planted in a slightly shaded place.

The plant loves to be watered abundantly and fed several times over the summer.


This perennial will definitely bloom in the year of sowing, since the most important condition for the formation of buds is a decrease in daylight hours.

Planting flower seeds for seedlings in February will ensure the growth of sufficient vegetative mass and roots for the plant to successfully overwinter.


If you purchased rare seeds and you can’t wait to see them bloom, then plant delphinium seeds in February. At good care The peduncle will appear in late summer.

Be prepared that in the first year the delphinium will not bloom particularly brightly. The plant will open in all its glory only next year.

As you can see, the range of flower crops for planting in February is not so small. There are many more of them, we have indicated the most unpretentious ones - such that even novice gardeners can get flower seedlings at home.

Choose names, photos, see what will go well with your summer cottage and feel free to buy everything for growing flower seedlings at home. Good luck!