How to use peat tablets for seedlings? Peat tablets for seedlings of vegetables and flowers

Even in the recent past, receiving good harvest required significant effort and labor. To make the work of gardeners and gardeners easier, many different tools and devices have been invented. Peat tablets As one of these innovations, they have already made a significant contribution to the process of growing seedlings and are appreciated by both amateurs and gardening professionals. What is it, how to use peat tablets, how do they affect plants?

Peat tablets for seedlings: what they are, how to use them

Their appearance It is a round and flat cylinder, similar to large tablets or washers, brownish-gray, sometimes brown in color. In fact, this similarity is why the device was called peat tablets. Peat tablets differ in size, composition, shell (presence or absence), and other additional components.

Peat tablets vary in diameter and height. These indicators range from 24–90 mm in diameter, and 8–30 mm in height. This difference in size helps to make optimal choice tablets for planting seeds of a certain horticultural crop on seedlings. For example, for small seeds it is necessary to choose medium-sized tablets. And to obtain seedlings from large seeds, a large peat tablet will be required.

The composition of peat tablets is a pressed peat humus substrate to which are added mineral fertilizers, growth stimulants and antibacterial components.

Taken together, this composition provides an optimal environment for seed germination due to good water permeability and easy air exchange between peat particles. Minerals help the development and growth of the plant, antibacterial elements protect against the development of diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

An important indicator is the pH composition of peat tablets, since the peat substrate used for their production can have different acidity, ranging from 5.4 to 6.2. Typically, manufacturers indicate information about this indicator on the product packaging. Different levels of acidity allow the use of peat tablets for wide range

Sometimes peat tablets have a shell in the form of a thin mesh of non-woven material, which protects the tablet from crumbling during the swelling of the tablet and the growth of plant roots. In addition, the shell is sometimes impregnated with a fungicide solution, which protects the seedlings from fungal diseases. Some gardeners remove the shell from the tablets before use, which is not necessary.

Advantages of the method

  1. Simplifying the work of planting seeds. Planting in peat tablets comes down to carefully placing the seed into a swollen tablet. This saves the gardener’s efforts and time spent on the planting process, and also eliminates the work of preparing the soil for planting. It is convenient to use tablets for planting very small seeds, for example, petunias.
  2. Space saving. This is especially true in city apartments. Instead of massive and bulky boxes with soil for seedlings, there are small and light pallets with tablets.
  3. Less likelihood of seedling disease due to antibacterial and antifungal additives in the tablets.
  4. Optimal water regime and the possibility of its regulation.
  5. With this method of planting, there is no need to pick seedlings, which greatly increases the survival rate of seedlings.
  6. There is no need to use growth stimulants and fertilizers, since they are already included in the peat tablets (however, the composition of the tablets should be clarified when purchasing, since it differs from different manufacturers).
  7. Good breathability of the substrate promotes root aeration.
  8. Convenient when transplanting seedlings to a place of permanent growth: you can plant them together with a tablet without damaging the roots.

Disadvantages of the method

  1. High price of peat tablets. This is not a problem when purchasing planting tablets large quantity seedlings, but for production plantings this method is sometimes unprofitable.
  2. Careful and constant checking of the moisture content of the tablets, since peat is a quickly drying substrate.

What plants can be grown using peat tablets?

This method of growing seedlings can be called universal - it is suitable for all types of garden plants. Most often, tablets are used when planting very small or difficult-to-germinate seeds, as well as for granular seeds. They are ideal for those crops whose seedlings are characterized by weak and tender shoots that are easily damaged (for example, petunia, lobelia). It is convenient to use peat tablets even when the plant does not tolerate transplanting or picking (eschscholzia).

Rules for using peat tablets

Before planting the seeds, the tablets are placed in such a way that it is convenient to water, carry, and care for the emerging seedlings. To do this, peat tablets are placed on trays or pallets, sometimes placed in plastic cups or ordinary pots. There are also special mini-greenhouses (mini-greenhouses) made specifically for growing seedlings in peat tablets.

The tablets must be carefully placed in the selected container. On one side of the tablet there is a special recess for the plant seed. This indentation should be on the top side of the tablet. Before sowing the seeds, the tablets are filled with warm water (36–40 degrees Celsius), after which they quickly swell and increase in size, absorbing moisture. The shell prevents the tablet from expanding, so only its height changes. After 15–20 minutes after watering, if there is excess water left in the pan, it must be drained. Thus, an almost ideal environment for sowing seeds is ready. All that remains is to place the seed in a special recess and sprinkle it with a layer of peat 1–2 mm thick.

It is important to use the rule when planting seeds: the planting depth should not exceed twice the size of the seed itself.

As with other methods of obtaining seedlings, it will be better if the container with tablets is covered with glass or plastic film to create a greenhouse effect. The place where the container with the sown seeds is located should be warm and bright, without drafts. Seeds and grown shoots need to be ventilated periodically by removing the film, glass or lid from the container.

Video: planting seeds in peat tablets

Caring for grown seedlings

Caring for seedlings grown in peat tablets is not much different from caring for seedlings grown in the usual way. First of all, you need to carefully monitor the moisture content of the substrate - peat tablets are prone to drying out quickly. Watering the seedlings is carried out by spraying (when tender and weak seedlings have just appeared), moistening the substrate from above. When the seedlings grow up and become stronger, they are watered by pouring water into a tray with tablets. This method is convenient because the plant uses its roots to take as much moisture as it needs. Overflowing with such watering is impossible.


Grown seedlings can be considered ready for transplanting from the moment when the roots completely entangle the peat tablet and begin to show through the shell. Plant the seedlings in a pot or box with soil, or in open ground depends on the climatic conditions of the region and the type of cultivated plant.

Transplanting seedlings is not difficult: you just need to place the seedling in the soil at the required depth and cover it with soil. Picking seedlings grown in this way is not required. You should not delay the moment of transplantation, otherwise the roots of the plants in tablets will standing nearby with each other, they can grow together. In this case, it will be difficult to plant tender shoots without damaging the tangled roots. Each gardener decides for himself whether it is necessary to remove the tablet shell. This is not of fundamental importance, since the roots grow well through it. But during removal, it is quite possible that the roots that have already begun to grow through the shell will be damaged.

Video: transplanting grown seedlings

How to choose peat tablets

Peat tablets are sold in stores and shopping centers, selling goods for gardening and horticulture. Peat tablets have also appeared on sale in online stores, which is very convenient: it’s easy to see the characteristics of the product and make a choice without leaving home. The range of peat tablets is varied. In order not to get lost in it and get good result When using tablets, it is enough to follow the following rules:

  1. Study the structure of the tablet, namely what fractions it consists of. Small pieces of peat in a tablet will be preferable to large ones, since the large fraction allows water and air to pass through worse. This, in turn, leads to a slowdown in the development of plant roots, excessive moisture and root rotting.
  2. Pay attention to the acidity of the peat tablets and make a choice in accordance with the types of plants for which these tablets will be intended to grow.
  3. Select the diameter of the peat tablet in accordance with the size of the seeds of the crop being grown.
  4. It is advisable to choose tablets with a coating that allows the tablet to retain its shape.

Since their appearance, peat tablets have established themselves as one of the simplest and reliable ways growing seedlings. Most amateurs and gardening professionals have already appreciated the ease of use. By following the above recommendations for choosing peat tablets, planting and caring for seedlings, every gardener can grow an excellent harvest.


Such tablets are made from a special peat substrate, to which nutrients and microelements are added in the required proportions, ensuring comfortable development of the seeds after germination. They are placed in a fine mesh so that the peat does not crumble after soaking. Therefore, using peat tablets for germinating seeds is very convenient. Before planting the seeds, the tablets should be filled with water. Under the influence of moisture, the tablet expands and increases in size in width and height, turning into a cylinder.

The tablet is kept in water for about 10 minutes, then the excess moisture is drained. The recess in the upper part of the tablet is enlarged, a seed is placed in it and covered with peat on top, lightly tamping. After this, water the tablet as it dries. It is advisable to keep the tablets with seeds placed in them for germination in a mini-greenhouse or simply in a spacious box covered with glass. Peat tablets dry out quickly and do not have the ability to retain and retain moisture for a long time, so you need to carefully monitor watering the seeds. It is most convenient to pour water into the pan, draining the excess as soon as it stops being absorbed. You don't have to drain it completely; a layer of water of about 0.5 - 1 cm at the bottom is an acceptable amount.

Peat tablets are ideal for growing seeds from plants that cannot tolerate transplanting. Easy to grow from seeds expensive plants, capricious flowers. It is much more convenient to grow unevenly germinating seeds in peat tablets than in general containers. The first sprouted ones can already be removed from under the film, and the remaining ones will not feel any inconvenience from this. As the seedlings grow, it is necessary to place tablets with seedlings in larger containers filled with soil. The mesh, which prevents peat from scattering, may not be removed, but experienced gardeners It is recommended to tear it or remove it completely. This is due to the type of plant that is grown in the tablet. The roots of some flowers are very delicate, and even this mesh can serve as a slight obstacle to their development.

Peat tablets have no expiration date, provided storage conditions are met. They should be stored in places that exclude moisture and with air humidity of no more than 40-60%, at a temperature of 0 to 15 degrees. The sizes of peat tablets offered in stores are different, and you can choose one for each plant. When purchasing, you should pay attention to whether the tablet is wrapped in a material that prevents peat from scattering during watering. If there is no such mesh on the tablet, you need to place it in an individual container or not purchase it at all. The point of using the tablet is in individual conditions for the growth and development of each plant, so several seeds should not be used in one tablet, unless this is an experimental idea.

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Beautiful petunia is the best decoration for numerous flower beds and balconies. She gives bright cascades of flowers from the beginning of summer until the frost, generously sharing beauty and sophistication. Its flowers delight the eye with a variety of colors. Petunia can be called one of the most popular flower plants.

Seeds and cuttings

Petunia - perennial herbaceous plant from South America, in which there are more than 25 species in the genus. In our climate, petunias are used as annuals, so they have to be replanted every year. Petunia loves loamy and sandy loam soils, but can easily grow in any soil that is sufficiently fertile.

Petunia is most often planted by seeds. The seeds of the plant are very small - from 0.5 mm in diameter. The seedlings are also miniature, so you will have to pay a lot of attention to the seedlings and provide proper care so that they do not die.

Seeds for seedlings from late February to mid-March. The sowing process occurs on the surface, without planting seeds in the ground. If you plant them, even shallowly, they will not germinate. It is advisable to sow rarely so that the seedlings do not oppress each other. Just before sowing, the soil is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. The container with the sown seeds is placed under a film or bag.

There is a way to sow petunia seeds in the snow. Collect snow from the street and place it on the surface of a substrate prepared in a pot. Seeds are placed on top. When snow melts, it draws seeds into the soil, simultaneously moistening it.

For seeds to germinate, temperatures above room temperature are needed. Shoots usually begin to appear after 7-10 days. Grown petunia seedlings are planted in the ground after the end of spring and return frosts. When planting in a flowerbed, immediately leave a distance of 20-40 cm between plants.

You can plant petunia using the cutting method. It is better to use not the tops of the shoots, but the side branches 7-10 cm long. They are not cut off, but rather twisted at the base. It is good to plant petunia by cuttings in the summer - the cuttings easily form roots. But planted cuttings should be protected with film even in summer.

The optimal temperature for keeping petunias is +22...25°C. They tolerate direct sunlight well, but you need to carefully monitor the humidity level. During hot, dry periods, flowers need more moisture. Watering is carried out as the soil dries only at the root (not on the leaves).

For proper metabolism and comfortable conditions plants need to grow good lighting. With a lack of light

A large selection is presented for convenient growing and easy care crops using various soils, fertilizers and everything that is so necessary to achieve a high yield, but among the choices, peat tablets are also of interest. All those gardeners who have already used peat washers at least once now cannot do without them.

What are peat tablets?

The development of the new product is presented for use by beginners or professionals. The direct purpose was to grow plants, germinate green seeds and root cuttings. Sometimes such pressed briquettes are used for indoor plants as the main soil. Peat is almost ready-made humus, consisting of rotted mosses and other bog plants with the full composition of fertilizers provided by nature. They began to be produced not so long ago, but have already proven themselves in the market.

Peat washers include a dry composition, pressed together with antibacterial additives, a growth stimulator and mineral fertilizers. The shape of the product is similar to a flattened circle or tablet, which is where the name later came from. The pressed composition is packed in a special mesh, which will not allow it to crumble during use. Some gardeners remove the mesh for better development of the root system of the seedlings, but in fact it does not interfere at all, and the roots grow well through the mesh.

The composition of the tablet is selected in the best way so that the seeds germinate and the plants feel comfortable.

  1. The peat-humus mixture nourishes the plant.
  2. Antibacterial substances suppress the development of fungi and mold.
  3. Mineral supplements accelerate the growth of seedlings.

What sizes of peats are there and how to choose?

They are produced in various diameters from 24 mm. up to 90mm, and their thickness reaches from 8mm. up to 30mm. Peats made with a diameter of 33 mm are suitable for large and small seeds. Root crops grown in a puck require further and final transplantation into street soil. This method is good in that it does not require further thinning or picking from a minimum of ungerminated seeds than when sowing directly into open ground. You should take into account the time of sowing and planting sprouted root crops in open ground, and this is not earlier than the beginning of May. Tablets with a diameter of 41 or 44 mm are suitable for vegetable plants, which are planted in open ground already mature, such as peppers and tomatoes, eggplants and cucumbers, or others. Saturated soil nutrients will help the rapid germination and growth of plants.

There is no special care, but only regular watering of the seedlings is required.

  1. It should be taken into account that the smaller the diameter of the tablet, the smaller the supply of nutrients for the development of the plant, so it will be necessary to feed the plant.
  2. The diameter of the tablet should be selected depending on the plant seed and its type. Large ones are suitable for peppers and other vegetables, while smaller ones are suitable for petunias.
  3. The best choice of tablets would be those with a mesh; they will not only retain the mixture after soaking with water, but will also prevent some plant diseases because it is impregnated with fungicides. At a lower cost, a tablet without such a coating will turn into a lump after preparation for sowing, so this option requires a container of its size.
  4. When choosing and purchasing peat tablets, you should pay attention to their structure. Some manufacturers fill the washers with too coarse peat mixture, and such a structure will have little air permeability and therefore, plant roots will develop poorly.

To make tablets, the manufacturer uses peat of different fractions and acidity, which is necessarily indicated on the packaging. It is necessary to clarify the desired environment for plant cuttings or seeds, which soil is preferably acidic or slightly acidic for them. If you don't pay attention to this, then in the end ornamental crops, for example in acidic peat, will greatly slow down their growth and development, up to the death of seeds or seedlings. Therefore, you should not buy tablets in bulk without proper information about the composition, and to get an effective result, you should purchase tablets with packaging and all the specified characteristics on it.

How to use peat?

In the center of each washer there is a small depression and this is the exact place to place the seed. The lightness and looseness of the substrate provides the roots with air exchange and water permeability. The development of crops is ensured by additives in the form of mineral fertilizers.

For sowing, peat is first prepared; they are placed in a recessed box or other container, for example, disposable glasses. Next, pour warm water into the container with peat or room temperature in a small amount, getting water on each tablet when watering. Leave everything for a while, and after that you will be able to see how much the peat has increased literally 7 times. The mesh fixes the shape in the swollen and pressed state. After half an hour, they will take the shape of an elongated cylinder and reach their size, and at the end of the transformation procedure, the remaining water should be drained from the container.

Peat can be placed in each individual and suitable container, and if there are mini-greenhouses, then this will perfect option for plants. Russian manufacturers They don’t always use a mesh to support molding, then the container will definitely come in handy.

Peat contains all the necessary substances for the proper development of the plant, therefore additional feeding You will need seedlings only after two weeks when two true leaves grow.

It is worth trying containers in which confectionery, pastries or cakes are sold as a mini-greenhouse. The containers are transparent and perfectly transmit light with a tight-fitting lid, which will provide a greenhouse microclimate for plants. You can place peat washers as conveniently as possible or in several ways:

  1. In rows on beds, one after another or close to each other in a pallet or other container.
  2. In special cassettes for growing crops.
  3. Using low boxes with spilled sand.
  4. In a greenhouse with throughput light and holes for air flow.
  5. For preventive purposes against crop diseases, potassium permanganate is added to the water for soaking peat, bringing the solution to Pink colour. They also use melted or settled water for at least one day.
  6. One or two seeds of crops are placed using a toothpick into a special recess of wet peat and after that we place the container in a warm place or simply cover the surface of the container with cling film. We don’t water because the soil is already saturated with moisture.
  7. You can plant germinated seeds in peat, and grown seedlings from a common container with plants can be planted in large-volume peats.

Seed placement during sowing should not exceed the size of the seed by more than twice; this rule will help to plant the seeds correctly.

When the seeds have not sprouted well and the grown ones need to be taken out for hardening, then such measures can be easily implemented with tablets, and belated plants can be given the opportunity to germinate in the warmth. Sprouted seeds require more frequent ventilation, and cultivation is carried out according to the requirements of each specific type of crop.

Video - How to use peat tablets correctly

Caring for seedlings in peat tablets

Caring for seedlings is to ensure that the substrate does not dry out and the seedlings do not die if they are not in a greenhouse. Especially in sunny days You should keep an eye on the soil; it tends to dry out completely faster than usual. It is possible to moisten crops in simple ways:

  1. Spray the peat with a spray bottle if the sprouts are not yet visible or the seedlings are not yet strong.
  2. It is very convenient to grow those species that do not tolerate transplantation or the seeds of the crop are too small and they are sown on the surface. In order not to damage fastidious plants even by watering, it is convenient to use a tray, pouring water into it, thereby moistening the substrate.

If the plant has a delicate and fragile root system, and it has difficulty growing through an obstacle, then you should help the plant and break through the mesh a little yourself.

When the weather settles and the seedlings are sufficiently grown, it will be time to plant them in the beds. It will be easy and quick to plant seedlings together with the cylinder, and the mesh, once it gets into the ground, will completely dissolve there after some time.

Benefits of peat

These tablets do not have an expiration date, so what is left can be stored for as long as desired. Storage should not be exposed to moisture or high humidity air up to 40-60% and no more, and the temperature ranges from 0-15 degrees.

Disadvantages of tablets

  1. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the peat for moisture, because it tends to dry out quickly.
  2. It is necessary to use trays or cups, pots or other containers for convenient care of plants.
  3. When purchasing washers for a high price and needing to purchase them in large quantities, the amount will be noticeable.

There is no doubt that the benefits of using tablets are much greater, and the benefits are colossal. You should not skimp on quantity, because one tablet is designed for one plant and after germination of the seed there is no need to replant it if the size is correctly selected. The peat tablet was created for the gardener to facilitate and simplify the work as much as possible, making it fruitful.

Using peat when planting seedlings will be the best of all growing methods with guaranteed seed germination and excellent survival rate. The main observance of the rule to achieve one hundred percent of the result will be timely watering of the seeds and plants located in a light planting mixture. Excellent growth of crops on peat will allow you to quickly obtain a developed and healthy type of crop, which will be guaranteed to bloom and produce a harvest earlier than others that were sprouted and grown in the usual, seedling way.

What are the benefits of popular peat tablets for seedlings? How to use them correctly? All the subtleties of using peat tablets for growing healthy seedlings– in this review. And step-by-step instruction on the use of new products, reviews from practical plant growers, and a unique video.

Peat tablets. Composition and characteristics

What can you do for the sake of seedlings! You need to soak the seeds, fry the soil in a frying pan, and purchase a special home greenhouse. And still there is no guarantee that the green babies will sprout on time and will not get sick with the “black leg”. How to spend much less effort and get the same or better results? Let's get acquainted with the new market product in the field of growing seedlings.

Advice. When using peat cylinders, you should not forget to take care of the seedlings. They need to be ventilated, moistened in time, and monitor the temperature in the room. If there is not enough light, you can turn on additional fluorescent or LED lamps.

Peat tablets are crushed and pressed high-moor peat, wrapped in a special mesh (sometimes without a mesh). Growth stimulants and special fertilizers for seedlings are added to the tableted substrate. Tablets are produced in Norway, Denmark, Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow regions. The cost of one tablet is on average from 3 to 10 rubles. depending on size. The size ranges from 2.5 to 7 cm in diameter. During use, the tablets do not increase in diameter, they become 5-7 times larger in height.

Pros and cons of using tableted peat

Gardeners who have used the new product respond positively to the tablets. They note the high germination rate of seedlings and the ease of use of the substrate. So why did peat tablets appeal to plant growers?

  1. Quick to use. From unpacking the tablet to the moment of landing, a maximum of 30 minutes passes.
  2. Clean and simple. There is no need to mess with the soil, disinfect it and fertilize it.
  3. Rich mineral composition. There is no need to add growth stimulants and fertilizers. This means that there is no possibility of damaging the seedlings with incorrectly diluted fertilizer.
  4. High seed germination. Reduced probability various diseases. The fungus that causes blackleg does not grow in peat.
  5. Seedlings in a peat tablet actively “breathe” oxygen.
  6. No need for picking. Plants are replanted without being removed from the peat “house”. In this case, the roots are not damaged.
  7. Any root system can grow through a thin natural mesh, which provides the peat soil with a stable shape.
  8. Tablets are well suited for cuttings.

What are the disadvantages of peat substrate?

  1. If you need to grow a lot of seeds, peat tablets will be expensive.
  2. It is necessary to closely monitor the moisture content of peat soil. It dries out very quickly.
  3. You cannot do without special trays, pots or cups when growing.

You can grow any seedlings of vegetables and flowers in peat tablets, there are no restrictions. But the tablets are most suitable:

  • for plants with delicate, vulnerable shoots. For example, eustoma, lobelia, petunia;
  • for crops that do not tolerate pickling. Perennial poppies, gypsophila, eschscholzia;
  • for expensive granulated seeds, whose germination is very important.

Correct use of peat tablets

The use of peat is quite simple, but requires compliance with several rules. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly plant seedlings in peat tablets.

  1. Release the tablets from the packaging.
  2. Place in a tray and fill warm water.
  3. After 30 minutes, the tablets will have expanded to their maximum size and excess water can be drained off.
  4. A seed or cutting must be placed in a small recess located on one side of the cylinder. The seeds can be soaked or sown dry.
  5. When planting small seeds in pellets, they need to be wetted so that the shell becomes soft. Then lightly disperse with a toothpick to ensure maximum germination.

Advice. To work with very small seeds, it is better to use a toothpick. If you need to cover the seed with soil, it is better to take a little regular or peat soil. Or, lightly pressing the seed with a toothpick, deepen it into the tablet.

Caring for seedlings in peat tablets

Immediately after sowing, the tablets should be placed in deep transparent boxes, drawers or cups and placed on the windowsill. An east or west window is recommended, because... on a windowsill facing north, it will be dark for the seedlings. And on a south window they may suffer from overheating.

Attention! When choosing cookware to house your cylinders, you need to avoid two common mistakes.

The first is the shallow depth of the container. In this case, the top of the tablets will suffer from lack of moisture. The second mistake is that the cells are too spacious. The water will spread out in them, and again the upper part of the cylinder will quickly dry out. The containers should be at least 10 cm deep and slightly larger in diameter than the width of the peat tablets.

Immediately after planting, the box must be closed with a transparent lid or film, which will ensure that the seedlings optimal microclimate. Plants need to be ventilated every day from the moment condensation forms. After the cotyledon leaves appear, remove the lid immediately.

Water is poured into the container for seedlings, and the top is moistened with a spray bottle. To avoid water stagnation, the box or box must have drainage holes.

How to replant peat tablets with grown seedlings

When the tender greenery is already enjoying the gentle sun, and the roots are growing beyond the peat cylinder, it is time to replant the seedlings. Transplantation occurs quickly and is non-traumatic for the plants. The seedlings are not plucked, but are transferred together with a tablet penetrated by roots.

Advice. Do not miss best moment for transplanting into a larger container. If you are late, the roots of neighboring peat cylinders may become tangled.

It is known that the mesh on the peat tablet dissolves upon contact with the soil. But some vegetable growers prefer to remove the mesh at the bottom of the cylinder, right under the root.

The peat tablet needs to be deepened into the soil, like a regular seedling. Tomatoes - under cotyledon leaves, and nightshade crops are left at the same level.

Feedback from practitioners about peat tablets

Gardeners, having understood the effectiveness of the product, use it constantly. Reviews about peat tablets are only positive. Summer residents not only write comments with positive ratings, but also talk about their own experience of use and post master classes on various websites.

Experienced farmers believe that the use of peat tablets accelerates the growth of strong, independent seedlings and brings the long-awaited harvest of a tasty or beautiful harvest closer.

Peat tablets for seedlings - video

Peat tablets for seedlings - photo

When the last snow melts and the sun begins to warm up more and more, novice summer residents have to start growing seedlings. This process in itself is quite labor-intensive, but you can do it easier and save yourself from difficult work, while achieving High Quality sprouts This can be done by using compressed peat containers as planting containers.

A couple of decades ago, many gardeners had to plant seeds for seedlings in the materials they had available. For these purposes they adapted boxes of juice, milk, cups of yogurt, sour cream, and often used and homemade devices . However, the characteristics of these devices did not meet the expectations of summer residents.

This also affected peat pots, which until recently were very popular. Everything changed when compressed peat tablets appeared. Despite the fact that it is very convenient to plant seeds in such containers, and after sowing almost all seeds germinate, they have one serious advantage - these pots do not decompose in the ground for many months, since thick pressed cardboard is used for their production.

Previously, the process of planting seedlings required a lot of effort, since you had to carefully cut the edge of the pot with a knife or other sharp object and carefully pull out the seedlings to place them in the garden bed. Things didn't always work out as planned. Therefore, if the owner provided proper care for the seedlings throughout the spring, then when they were transplanted into the ground, they often received damage. As a result of the fact that many of the seedlings were injured, at the end of the season the harvest turned out to be less than what the summer resident expected.

Peat tablets for seedlings are dry containers, having a washer shape, made from thin pressed wood material, inside of which there is pressed peat. To make the pots easier to use, they are made using the most suitable components, which undergo a drying and pressing operation. After contact with warm water, the tablets begin to react and swell. As a result, their shape and size change. After this, they can be used for their intended purpose.

Instructions for using peat tablets for seedlings

Process of using peat tablets involves performing the following actions:

  • additives;
  • fungicides;
  • growth accelerators.

Therefore, when using peat tablets for growing seedlings, you can reduce the risk of infection with various diseases and rotting.

Features of peat tablets

The cylinder is contained in a thin mesh material, thanks to which the peat retains its original shape during transportation, as well as when growing and watering the seeds. Peat has optimal performance acidity for most plants. Average value ph ranges from 5.4 to 6.2. These tablets, even after 5-10 years, do not lose their original properties. However, for this they need to provide appropriate storage conditions: they must be kept in a dry place.

Peat briquettes are presented in stores different sizes. They can have a diameter from 2.5 cm to 7 cm. However, experts advise choosing briquettes measuring 4 cm, as they are ideal for garden seedlings.

If you need to grow seedlings from small seeds, it is best to purchase discs of a smaller diameter. If you plan to grow eggplant, pepper and tomato seedlings, then the largest briquettes are best for you.

What are the advantages of peat tablets for seedlings?

Peat discs are a universal device for growing seedlings. Therefore, you can plant whatever you want in them, not only garden crops, but also flower crops.

Peat tablets are perfect for growing seedlings of tender sprouts of petunia, lobelia, and certain types of plants for which picking is contraindicated. Considering that the tablets contain additives, a high percentage of seed germination is ensured. This point is of particular importance if it is necessary to grow seedlings of expensive and rare crops, as well as seeds placed in a shell.

It is also beneficial to use these briquettes because stem and leaf cuttings take root well in them. Thanks to peat tablets, you can save a lot of space that is used for planting. This point is of particular importance for an apartment, where there is not always enough space for seedlings.

Thanks to peat containers, it becomes possible to randomly choose places to place seedlings and swap seedlings if some sprouted earlier than others.

Considering the price of briquettes, and one such a pot costs about 5 rubles, they are not suitable for growing large numbers of seedlings. Peat discs will be primarily appreciated by summer residents who need containers for growing seedlings in a small volume.

How to use seedling tablets?

Before sowing into peat briquettes seeds need to be prepared:

In some cases it may be necessary cover the sown seeds. To do this, you need to use special peat. After sowing, the seeds must be slightly deepened inward, and only then high-moor peat is laid on them.

Dry or wet seeds can be used for planting. In the latter case, they must be placed in water for 2 days, waiting for them to germinate. In this case, they must be sown in peat tablets very carefully, using a spatula or thin wooden stick.

When the seeds are in the tablets, they need to be watered well with a pipette. When the shell becomes soft, the shell must be spread over the peat using a toothpick. Thanks to this technique, you can speed up the process of seed germination.

Peat tablets are perfect for growing strawberry seedlings. You can use a match to sow the seeds of this crop. To pick up a seed with a match, you must first moisten its tip. After that he transfer the tablets into the well. After waiting for the seedlings to emerge from the seeds and get stronger, you can transplant them to permanent place, placing it in the ground along with a peat tablet.

Planting seeds in peat tablets

Having completed sowing the seeds, take transparent trays in which the tablets are placed, after which they are taken to the windowsill or other warm place. You can use a plastic transparent cake box as a pallet. If a suitable lid is not found for the container, then a film is placed over it, creating an optimal level of humidity inside.

It is best to use peat tablets in mini-greenhouses, in which holes are provided for each tablet. Water accumulation can be avoided if greenhouses are installed on special pallets. While the seedlings are growing and getting stronger, an optimal level of humidity should be maintained. In addition, they require regular ventilation, for which it is necessary to open the container lid.

Also get strong seedlings impossible without creating an optimal temperature regime. It is recommended to plant on a western or eastern window. The north side is not very suitable for growing seedlings due to the too cold microclimate. At the same time, don't the best solution will install it on the south side, since at lunchtime the sun begins to get too hot here.

Gradually, drops of condensation will form on the walls of the container; at such moments it is necessary to open the mini-greenhouses. To effectively remove moisture, it is necessary to carry out airing at least once a day. Otherwise, you may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as mold, which will subsequently lead to the death of weak plants. When the first shoots appear, the lid is removed. At this time, watering should not be very abundant. To do this, you need to pour water into the lower stand or use a spray bottle. When growing seedlings in room conditions No fertilizing is required.

When using peat tablets to grow seedlings, the gardener will not have to pick, so during transplantation he will only need to transfer the seedlings directly with the peat ball. This method of growing seedlings is advantageous in that during replanting, damage to the root system of garden crops can be avoided. This point becomes especially important in cases where you have to deal with seedlings with small seedlings.

When growing seedlings it is necessary constantly monitor the cylinder. Having discovered that roots have appeared on it, know that the time has come to transplant the plants into larger containers. It is very important not to miss this moment, because otherwise the roots will intertwine with each other and grow. In this case, the plants will no longer be able to grow and develop normally. If peat tablets placed in a mesh shell are used to grow seedlings, then at the time of transplantation it must be cut to the root so that the seedlings can subsequently take root well. However, in some cases this is not necessary, provided that the peat is not placed in a mesh, but in a thin layer of wood cardboard.


Although many methods are available today for growing seedlings at home, every year more and more beginners and more experienced summer residents choose the method of growing them in peat tablets. Knowing how to plant in peat tablets, the gardener gets rid of many difficulties. Its main advantage is that during transplantation it minimizes risk of damage to the root system. This directly affects future harvest garden culture.