How to annoy your neighbors in your dacha. How to take revenge on noisy neighbors without breaking the law

You can find many opportunities to take revenge on your neighbor, it all depends only on the ingenuity and sophistication of your mind and the degree of anger at the harmful dirty trick.

Human life is very complex, and its basis is human relationships. And most often, the most painful topics in human life are relationships with lovers, relationships at work and relationships with neighbors. IN modern world, where the density of life is constantly growing, and people often simply do not have time to adapt to the ever-decreasing personal space, we all have neighbors.

Apartment neighbors above and below, neighbors in the country and so on.

We are never alone anywhere, and what’s more, these same neighbors seem to be just on purpose prevent us from living!

They play loud music when we have a headache or our child is sleeping, they park their car in our parking spot, they fry something in the kitchen so that it’s simply impossible to breathe, they flood us, they don’t want to change burnt-out light bulbs.

We can remember a million more reasons and situations that made us lose our temper and harbor a grudge against our neighbors. So, so that our life does not turn into constant torment in own home, you can arrange it for the neighbors instructive dirty tricks, which should show them in an accessible form that they can no longer live like this.

You can find many ways to ruin your neighbor's life. From the simplest to the most original. It all depends on your ingenuity and ability to escape from the crime scene in time.

For example, for very annoying grandmother neighbors, you can cover the “peephole” with tape and hang the sign “Don’t peek!”

The method is good, but only interesting as light entertainment, but you can take revenge on your neighbor using a sign announcing “Troublemaker!”

If your neighbors disturb your sleep, organize night parties and drunken riotous feasts, then it costs you nothing to complain about them to the tax office or the sanitary and epidemiological station. Let them constantly call and bother them with morning visits.

Rest assured, they will very quickly get tired of annoying tax officials and will not bother you anymore. For neighbors who listen to loud music or invite guests, there is original way revenge: insert several needles, pre-lubricated, into your neighbor's keyhole super glue. Break off the needles. The neighbors will not be able to get into the apartment for a long time, and the locks will have to be changed. After several times of such “acts of retaliation,” the neighbors will quickly understand what’s going on. Suitable for those music lovers old method impacts on the battery. As old as time, but still effective.

An original way to take revenge on a neighbor would be to post advertisements with the text “A young man wants to meet a handsome middle-aged man to live together” and always with the neighbor’s address. Then you can enjoy watching the neighbors’ reaction to the appearance of “roommates”.

Good, but more humane, announcements about the sale or exchange of apartments, the sale of a neighbor’s car, the purchase of a plot for a summer house or the sale of a summer house can be.

Calls will be sent to your neighbors with enviable regularity.

How to take revenge on your upstairs neighbor?

  • Method 1. For neighbors above, the good old method of punishment “through the battery” is suitable. Just when your neighbors are bothering you, knock on the battery, maybe it will work!
  • Method 2. Original and in a modern way to take revenge on neighbors is the purchase of the so-called "GSM-signal jammers". It guarantees that it is impossible to make calls in the area where it operates. Write a note to your neighbors warning them that, except mobile phone, you can deprive them of the Internet in the same way. If your neighbors are still young, then believe me, they value these amenities.
  • Method 3. An old and proven way to calm down noisy neighbors upstairs, and not only them, is cut the phone wires, Internet, intercom, deprive neighbors of electricity. It’s just worth repeating such actions several times.
  • Method 4. If your upstairs neighbors regularly flood you and do not respond to your requests, then fill a bucket of water in your bathroom. Let your neighbors from below come running. Show them the rivulets flowing across your ceiling. The “swimmers” from above simply cannot withstand the double pressure. If this doesn’t work, then you can organize a “good neighbors action.” If you manage to reach an agreement with the residents below.
  • Method 5. If you have enough money, then an elegant way to get revenge would be to buy powerful speaker system. I don’t think my music-loving neighbors will be able to stand the powerful sounds from a speaker connected to a battery.

How to take revenge on your downstairs neighbors?

  1. Method 1. Easier than taking revenge on your upstairs neighbor! There are many ways to make noise: move furniture, jump, dance, vacuum cleaner, and finally turn on music.
  2. Method 2. Flood the neighbors! Water is a terrible force. Flood the neighbors, and when they “unexpectedly come to you”, pretend that your place is dry. Or remove everything in advance.
  3. Method 3. Draw into the syringe a raw egg. Then pour it all into the door frame or trim. Further events will develop according to a well-known plan: the egg will go dry and will emit “divine” aromas. The neighbors will be happy.

    After all, finding the source of the stench will be very difficult.

How to take revenge on a neighbor who is a motorist?

Neighbors' car problems are a topic on which monographs on psychiatry can be written. A occupied parking space, a scratched car, a car alarm blaring, and so on. We will offer several ways revenge.

Method 1. A great way to hint at the inconvenience caused by your neighbor’s car would be a brick placed on the hood of a car. For the first time to instill respect for your intentions, you need to spread a newspaper. If the suggestion does not work, then the brick is placed directly on the car. Believe me, after this all inconveniences will be eliminated.

Method 2. Sprinkle your neighbor's car grains or bread crumbs. All the birds in your area will enjoy such a treat, and after the feast, traces of bird claws and beaks, as well as droppings, will remain on the car. The neighbor will very quickly understand your subtle hint.

Method 3. It's more radical and effective method. Mix silicate glue with sand, the resulting mass spread over windshield neighbor's car. Since the properties of glue and glass are the same, and, as you know, “like dissolves like,” when the glue dries, it can no longer be washed off with anything. Your neighbor will have to splurge on a new glass for his car, but you will live in peace.

How to take revenge on your dacha neighbors?

Method 1. The simplest and in an effective way impact on neighboring plantings will be spraying a powerful herbicide on them. Young seedlings will not withstand such persecution, and the neighbors will never know who did it. You can also douse your neighbor's plantings with a large amount of saltpeter. This will also disrupt their growth.

Method 2. You can also take revenge on your dacha neighbor using destroying his favorite tree. You can suppress the growth of neighboring trees by using a hole in the trunk and adding the same herbicide inside.

The growth of trees will slow down, and after regular exposure to this type they will even die.

Method 3. Destroy the neighbor's tree You can use a copper nail. Just drive it into the trunk of a tree, it will quickly die from malnutrition, and the neighbor will never know the reason. But to do this, most likely, you will have to climb over the fence, so you need to be extremely careful and act unnoticed.

Method 4. If your neighbors are not keen on planting, but disturb you with frequent parties with friends, barbecue and drunken fights, then for this case there is an original solution. The way to take revenge on your neighbor is simple: throw a packet of yeast into your neighbor’s toilet (if it’s on the street, this method won’t work with a normal toilet). In a few hours the yeast will begin its work of producing unpleasant odor and not only. The life of yeast is based on the fermentation process, and for it the toilet is full of substrate. Only this same substrate, under the influence of yeast, will begin to increase in volume, like dough. Bottom line: the neighbor's holiday will be ruined by the "substrate" leaking from the toilet and the terrible smell.

You can find a great many ways to take revenge on your neighbor. It depends on your courage, ingenuity, and imagination. Many methods can be found on the Internet. But you should always remember that the negotiation method should come first.

Video: Why do people swear (Torsunov)

We are all human, and probably everyone would prefer to have it explained to them that they are causing inconvenience to other people. There is no need to go on the warpath in the first place without warning anyone. The path of dialogue should come first, but if dialogue does not work out, you can have fun. But remember that everything should be in moderation.

Very close proximity can lead to a serious quarrel, and even to very sad consequences. Often the problem occurs out of the blue and is caused by intense noise coming from the apartment on the top floor. Of course there are various ways, allowing you to cope with an unpleasant situation, even physical impact, but it is better to resort to those that do not contradict the norms of the law.

In this article we will try to give a clear answer to the question of how to take revenge on neighbors above for noise without violating individual legislative provisions. We will comprehensively study each option and highlight the safest and most effective.

There are many situations in which you can make claims against your neighbors. The most common problem is that neighbors are constantly making noise and causing a lot of unpleasant moments for people living on the ground floor. Sometimes children run around in the apartment, stomp loudly and also do not allow you to rest after a working day. In fact. There can be a lot of complaints, for example, loud music or frequent conflicts. If a problem exists, then there are several standard methods eliminate it.

The simplest option is to try to influence neighbors from a moral point of view and post a notice asking them to behave as decently as possible. The second option is to contact the tax office or the sanitary and epidemiological station. Employees will periodically visit the troublemakers, and sooner or later this will lead to the cessation of noise.

When it comes to loud music, you can annoy your neighbors by indicating their address or number in an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, or by covering the lock with glue. All of the above methods give their results, but sometimes it takes a lot of time and effort, while you want peace here and now.

Particularly effective methods of influence

Under certain circumstances, you want to harm your neighbors above with special force, and you also want to do it as quickly as possible.

The following measures are suitable for this:

  • you can take something heavy and knock on the battery;
  • An excellent option would be special “jammers” for GSM signals. Thanks to this device, you will not be able to make calls or use the Internet;
  • you can cut the wire to the telephone, Internet or intercom, if possible, but this method of influence is not entirely legal;
  • you can purchase a powerful acoustic system and influence other residents. It is unlikely that anyone can withstand such a test. long time.

Each of these options can be a solution to the problem, but in any case you shouldn’t get carried away. In most cases, you can correct the situation simply by talking to your neighbors. It is possible that people simply do not realize or understand that they are causing inconvenience to other residents.

Legal method of conflict resolution

Loud noise gets boring very quickly, and if you can’t cope with the situation by talking and don’t want to resort to methods that are not entirely legal, then it is best to turn your attention to the current legislative acts. In particular, according to the law, all citizens are required to maintain silence between 22:00 and 06:00. If a violation of the established schedule occurs, a person who is disturbed by noise can contact the police.

Here you can go one of two ways: contact the local police officer the next morning with a corresponding statement or call the police on the fact of noisy behavior of the neighbors. If this option does not help or the employees of the executive body do not respond to the complaint received, then you can resort to active methods of influence:

  1. The affected person may try to create uncomfortable living conditions for noisy neighbors. Here you can use the Internet, post an ad, take help from friends and acquaintances.
  2. Write the word “noise” above the apartment of the person responsible, but it is important not to overdo it so as not to harm people.
  3. You can use the “auto dialer” program to mentally influence noisy neighbors.
  4. If a person understands electricity, then you can turn off the electricity.
  5. To cause inconvenience to the neighbors above, you can prepare a so-called vibrating column. To do this, you will need a regular saucepan filled with water. The container is pressed against the ceiling, and then headphones are attached to the walls of the pan. A strong hum will appear in someone else's apartment, but the victim's room will be quiet.
When choosing one method or another, you should take into account the fact that not all of these options are legal. In order not to aggravate your own situation, you need to be sure that you have chosen the best way dealing with noisy neighbors.


Noise from above can cause a lot of unpleasant moments and turn the life of a person or family into hell. If such circumstances do occur, then the best option will first try to talk with the perpetrators and only after that, if there is no result, contact the authorized body to resolve the situation in accordance with the law. There are enough legal means of influence to exclude recourse to radical and illegal options.

The nightly festivities of neighbors in the apartment above often cause a lot of inconvenience to the neighbors on the lower floor. If residents make noise at night, listen to music at high volumes, or simply shout, then these neighbors can simply be politely asked not to make noise. To do this, you should go up to the top floor and verbally convey to people the essence of the complaint and the request for silence. From 23:00 to 7:00 for all residents apartment building Silence must be maintained. During this period, listening to music, television and radio devices at high volumes, as well as carrying out repair work, is prohibited.

So, the first way to solve the problem is a peaceful conversation. At the same time, there is no need to raise your voice when talking with neighbors, insult them or threaten them. The task is not to quarrel with the pity, but to peacefully agree on order.

If it is not possible to resolve the issue peacefully, more drastic methods should be taken to take revenge on impolite residents. To do this, you should resort to legal methods, namely calling the police. With its help, it will be possible to achieve silence, and the conversation with law enforcement officers, as a rule, goes quickly and is very effective.

However, the police are not always able to influence neighbors who make noise in their apartment above, because it happens that they simply do not open the apartment door to talk. Then residents suffering from noise write a statement, and if there are many such neighbors, then a collective complaint addressed to the district police officer who is responsible for law and order in the area where the house belongs.

In cases where even law enforcement officers cannot instill norms of order in noisy neighbors, neighbors suffering from music, stomping and other loud sounds should prepare an appeal to the judicial authority. A statement of claim is being drawn up in the name of noisy neighbors who cause discomfort by violating the norms of silence. Attached to this document are complaints with appeals to the police, responses to complaints from law enforcement agencies, photo and video evidence that records the fact of violation of silence standards. In such situations, the matter may not reach a direct trial, because the neighbors who are being sued are unlikely to want to be involved in court proceedings. As a result of such actions, the effect can be positive, and neighbors suffering from loud noise can finally breathe easy.

There is quite a lot of advice on how to convey information and a note of dissatisfaction to your neighbors due to their noisy behavior. The main thing in any action is not to violate the law.

How to teach neighbors upstairs who make noise at night a lesson?

When neighbors on the top floor from time to time disturb the peace and tranquility of other residents, you can annoy them without involving the judiciary and police. To influence your neighbor from above, you can resort to several simple measures. Here are some tips on how to deal with noisy neighbors on your own:

  1. An announcement is written on whatman paper, so that everyone can see it, asking for silence.
  2. On the impromptu advertisement, indicate the exact details of the neighbors, namely the apartment number, floor, etc., who are disturbing the silence in the house. Thus, they should simply feel ashamed.
  3. Every time the upstairs neighbors begin to make noise, it is worth contacting the relevant organizations, whose representatives will come to the call and arrange inspections for the noisy residents. Eventually, the offenders will get tired of this and will become more respectful of the people around them.
  4. To cause not only physical, but also psychological discomfort noisy neighbors, you can create an obstacle for them to get into their own apartment. To do this, during their absence, the keyhole is filled with fragments of needles, which are smeared with super glue. Residents who come home will rack their brains for a long time about how to get into the apartment, and, accordingly, silence at this moment is guaranteed to the neighbors.
  5. Very effective solution is the submission of an advertisement for the sale of their apartment by violators. Constant calls and conversations will become an obstacle to noise.
  6. The simplest option is to respond to the noise by hitting the batteries. However, these blows will be heard by all residents along the heating riser.

How to take revenge unnoticed?

If you don’t want to go out on the warpath with your neighbors openly, then simple tips on how to annoy offenders without being noticed will help.

If you have some knowledge of electricity and wiring, then by depriving the apartment of violators of power supply, it will be possible to achieve silence. To figure out what exactly happened, the neighbors will need a lot of time, during which calm and tranquility will reign. Internet, telephone and television lines can also be cut.

Another technique is to use automatic dialing programs. By programming an automatic redial to a neighbor's phone number, the phone in the apartment will start ringing when loud music is turned on or during strong footsteps. Constantly being distracted by answers, your neighbors will have to turn the music down.

One of the most effective techniques is placing in Mailbox violators of notices that a large fine has been imposed on them, or subpoenas. The main thing is to approach this issue very carefully and seriously and prepare papers that will be completely consistent in appearance with the original documents. You can download agenda templates online on the Internet. Another one important detail- To fill out fake papers, you will need accurate personal information about your neighbors. To find out about them, you can look at the information in advance on the utility bills received in their names.

Ultrasound, high frequency sound

If the neighbors on the top floor have completely gone beyond all norms of what is permitted, do not respond to peaceful requests for silence, and ignore law enforcement services, then you can take revenge on them and even survive from their apartment with the help of ultrasound. The high-frequency sound resembles the squeaking of a mosquito and affects human body not in the most pleasant way.

Stores have ready-made devices with ultrasound that repel small rodents. If you buy this and use it against noisy neighbors, the result will definitely be noticeable, because you won’t be able to withstand the sound for long.

However, craftsmen make ultrasonic devices with their own hands at home from improvised devices. To do this, you will need a piezo head designed to emit sound, a transformer with two windings. Having assembled the emitter, you can begin to fight.

Homemade vibrating column

Another homemade device, which will not let you offend yourself and will help you take revenge on the violators of peace and order from the top floor - this is a vibrating speaker. A vibration speaker is a small sound amplifier that operates at resonance. The sound produced by the device is amplified when the device is placed against a flat surface that can resonate.

A ready-made vibrating column can be purchased at the store. By attaching such a device to the ceiling, it will be possible to create noise in the neighbor’s apartment. At the same time, no noise will be heard in the place where the speaker will be installed.

The cost of a vibration column is quite high, therefore, in order not to spend money on purchasing it, you can make a device from simple and affordable means at hand. This is done in several stages:

  1. Take a large container and fill it with water. The best solution for this is a regular saucepan, which is filled with water, leaving 2 cm to the edge.
  2. Then this pan is raised to the ceiling and pressed tightly against it with its edges.
  3. Now large headphones are put on the pan, in which you should turn on the music.

The installation is ready. No external sound will be heard in the victim’s apartment, but the neighbors will begin to hear a loud echo and rumble in their house, which will unsettle them in a short time.

GSM communication jammers

To more modern means GSM communication jammers are used to combat troublemakers. With its help, the neighbor above can turn off mobile communications and the Internet.

What noise standards are acceptable in apartment buildings?

The only mention of silence in the legislation of the Russian Federation is the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population,” which sets out all the standards for multi-apartment residential buildings.

According to this legal document, noise above 30 dB from 23 to 7 is strictly prohibited. From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., repair work is permitted only on weekdays. In this case, the continuous duration of work cannot exceed 6 hours.

If during the daytime noise from a neighbor comes from more than 40 dB, and in the evening more than 30 dB, then this is already considered a violation of the norms, therefore the neighbor can already be held accountable.

To record a violation, the Police are called, and employees draw up a protocol on the fact of the violation. Next, the district police officer may be involved in resolving the problems that have arisen. As a rule, police officers draw up a report on an administrative offense, according to which the neighbor will have to pay a fine of 1,500 rubles. If violators refuse to pay the fine, this may result in 15 days of administrative arrest with payment of this amount.

If, even after paying the fine and talking with the police, the neighbors do not stop making noise, stomping and listening to loud music, then a statement of claim is prepared in court. In this case, an independent examination may be required, as a result of which a specialist, with the help of special device will be able to establish noise standards and identify violations.

If the court satisfies the claim, the results may be as follows:

  • if the housing is rented by third parties who cause disturbances, they will be evicted;
  • violators will pay moral damages;
  • violating neighbors will have to carry out additional soundproofing of the apartment at their own expense.

Other tips on how to deal with noisy residents who constantly disturb the peace with stomping, music, floods and other actions are:

  • respond to the actions of noisy neighbors in the same way. That is, knowing the period of time when the neighbors are still or already asleep, you can also turn on music, radio or TV loudly, directing the speakers to the ceiling or wall behind which they live, not allowing them to rest peacefully.
  • paint the walls and doors of the apartment with inscriptions that indicate that trespassers live here. This will make people feel ashamed.
  • if the neighbors are superstitious people, then using simple, accessible magical paraphernalia in the form of black feathers, needles, salt and other things, you can create the appearance of a magical effect on the apartment. This should scare the neighbors and they will become quieter.

More drastic measures include exposing the property to loud tenants. So, if a neighbor has a car, then the easiest way to convey a request for silence to the person is by acting on the car.

  • a brick placed on the hood of a car with a written appeal and a request to maintain order will become a kind of warning about the seriousness of intentions,
  • Also, if you sprinkle grain on the roof and hood of a car, your neighbor will have a hard time when he sees what the yard pigeons have done to his “iron horse.” Such a sign will definitely not go unnoticed,
  • more severe methods are gluing windshield wipers to the windshield with superglue or covering the glass with silicate glue. However, it is worth thinking about the response of the neighbor, who will understand who damaged his car.

Before embarking on the warpath, you should initially use peaceful methods to solve any problem that arises. If you have to resort to radical and not always pleasant actions, then you need to remember that everything must be done within the framework of the law and should not in any way infringe on the rights and personal qualities of a person.

There is no need to offend yourself and allow disrespect towards you. If the neighbors above you regularly disturb the peace and order and allow you to create conditions in which other residents do not feel comfortable living, then you should definitely find effective measures struggle. Simple tips, recommendations and experience of others will help you find best ways influence on violators, the result of which will be calm, comfortable life side by side with neighboring people.

Throw them in the street toilet and, preferably, go visit someone for a while. Yeast, interacting with what is in the country house cesspool substrate, will begin to increase in volume and spread a fetid aroma, which will undoubtedly make further entertainment impossible.

  • If your neighbors pay excessive attention to your personal life, then distract them with other concerns. Write an advertisement in a newspaper, on a forum or a special advertising website of the following nature: “I will sell country houses from a block of containers is cheap!”, and indicate the details of the violators of your right to privacy. In the near future they will no longer care about you.
  • But... it’s better, of course, to be friends! Tip: It is recommended to use more accurate and enticing data when creating an ad. This will make it much more effective.

You get an undeniable advantage to the current situation; now you are on top. And you have access to such a function as a flood. If, of course, you don’t mind your covering or it is very old and already requires repair, then you can fill all the floors.

And after half an hour, start intensively cleaning everything. If your neighbors knock on your door, you can open the door and show that you have been sleeping for a long time and are surprised that water is dripping from them. You can safely send them to your neighbors on the floor above, citing very old ceilings.
Method No. 7. A neighbor parks his car or motorcycle under your windows or parks on the playground.

Discover the nuances of how to annoy your neighbor in the country

In this regard, there are general standards for removing objects from the common border: Object Permitted distance to the fence Bush 1 m Tree 3 m Building From three meters depending on the fire resistance of the material used building material But we also shouldn’t forget, for example, about the walnut, which displaces any trees within the radius of its entire crown, which can reach impressive sizes over the years, or about shrubs with a huge root system that can make a vast area of ​​land unsuitable for a vegetable garden. Buildings may have such a purpose that they will become a refuge for rats, which a three-meter distance will not stop from wandering into your lands.

Such “surprises” already fully deserve fair retribution, which can be done with your own hands.
  1. Throwing trash on your property.

Several guerrilla options for messing up your neighbors

It very rarely happens that neighbors in the stairwell become bosom friends. Usually the opposite happens. Or friendship ends as soon as renovations, guests and loud music begin.

And these endless renovation work, which last all day and do not allow you or your children to sleep. You have a question: “How to take revenge on dysfunctional neighbors?”


And there is nothing left for you to do except sit modestly in your apartment and only mentally start a war with them. Since your attempts to peacefully resolve the current conflict situation, the neighbors respond with even more “nasties”.


How to legally take revenge on your neighbors without harming them. In our article you will learn 9 legal ways to take revenge on your neighbors.

Method No. 1. If the neighbor's grandmother is on daily guard, watching your apartment through a peephole.

How to take revenge on your neighbors - 9 legal ways

There is quite harmless way, to do this, you just need to place an ad in a free newspaper with a huge circulation, about the “sale of your neighbors’ apartment” for a symbolic amount, or about “renting out an apartment” with payment only utility payments. Required condition At the same time, register calls on weekdays from 23:00 to 24:00, and on weekends from 7 to 8 am.
If they don’t have a phone number, just provide the address and it’s doubly fun. You'll see, your neighbors will begin to have a “sweet life”! You can also post notices about the loss of a gray kitten named “Kotya”; any cat will respond to this name. And you need to promise a huge reward, for example 10 thousand rubles and give the address of your neighbors. Imagine what a string of people with gray kittens will reach out to their neighbor. After all, everyone wants to get easy money.
It is important to indicate the address, not the telephone number! Everyone can enjoy "guests with cats"! Method No. 3. The new neighbors are a young couple who have late-night get-togethers every night.
You can legally take revenge on your neighbors using an ordinary GSM signal jamming device. Young people always have a huge amount of electronic devices and equipment, and no one wants to live in an apartment where “for some reason” not a single gadget works. You will see that your neighbors will soon move away from you. But there is one significant problem: electronic devices will not work in your home either.
Method number 4. Your neighbors like to organize night dances that continue until the morning. If you have already tried all the ways to peacefully resolve the conflict, but your neighbors still haven’t understood anything, then it’s time to take revenge on your neighbors.

What dirty tricks can you do to your neighbors in a private house?

And organize rehearsals in the morning, when your “musical neighbor” is just getting ready to sleep. But if you don’t have a child or the baby is still too small, then ordinary power speakers will come to your aid, which you turn on at full power and point at the wall where your “musical gourmet” lives and you can calmly go to work, leaving him to listen to favorite song on constant repeat.
But there are situations when, on the contrary, a neighbor gets up very early, for example at 5 am, but his alarm clock is the radio turned on at full power. You can fight with such a neighbor in the same way. If he lives on the first floor, then it is enough to sprinkle millet on the cornice of his window and he will wake up to completely different sounds. Method number 6. If jokers and partygoers have settled below you. In addition to the options already listed, how to take revenge on your neighbors using music, stomping, rumble and other sound irritants.
And here you shouldn’t even think about how to harm your neighbors in your dacha, just pick up the documents and go to the police. Advice: in case of land disputes, it is recommended to immediately call specialists with equipment that allows you to accurately mark the boundary of your plot according to the documentation. So you can and decide forever this problem legally. Measuring instruments will help draw the exact boundary between neighbors

  1. Close proximity of plants and buildings. The main problem here is the possible presence of a shadow, which will interfere with development. plant crops your site.
  • Renting a diesel generator for your dacha or using a long carrier will allow you to comfortably place a strong light source in the form of a spotlight near the border of your territory towards the neighbor’s house. This way you will “kill two birds with one stone”: both cause mischief and prevent attacks on your property.
  • Bright light shining through the windows will cause a lot of unpleasant sensations. Conclusion We have looked at some methods that describe how to get at your neighbor in the country. Ingenuity and imagination will help you diversify and improve them. But at the same time, it is necessary to remember that “a bad peace is better than a good quarrel,” and first of all try to resolve all disagreements through negotiations.
    If diplomacy turns out to be powerless, then “dig up the hatchet” and protect your interests with less polite, but effective methods.

If you do not have witnesses to this violation or material evidence of your neighbor’s guilt, but you are absolutely sure of it, then there is only one way out - to take justice into your own hands. Photo of possible dacha garbage

  1. Boorish behavior, drunken brawling, the presence of aggressive animals without proper supervision - all this can also be a sufficient reason to start a confrontation between your areas, from which it is better to emerge victorious.

Waging war The price of defeat is, at a minimum, the lack of peace, so it is worth fighting for your “place in the sun” with a problematic neighbor. But you shouldn’t overdo it with this idea, stooping to crime.

So, how to take revenge on your neighbor in the country:

  1. Vegetation growing close to your border can be destroyed by spraying it with strong herbicides or watering it with saltpeter.