What height should a children's mattress be? Seaweed mattress. Useful video on how to choose a children's mattress

Closer to the time of childbirth, the expectant mother thinks about which mattress is best to choose for her child. This is a very important question, since a small organism needs to create ideal conditions for a healthy and comfortable sleep. The rules for choosing a mattress for a child's bed are not the same as for an adult.

How to choose a mattress for a newborn

The product must meet the following requirements:

  • Have good rigidity. It is contraindicated for newborns to sleep on a soft surface.
  • Be made from natural materials or high-quality and environmentally friendly artificial substances.
  • Exactly fits the size of the crib.
  • Have a flat surface and not be dented in some places.

Types of fillers

When considering the question of which mattress to choose for a newborn’s crib, it’s worth Special attention pay attention to the internal contents of the product. Pediatricians unanimously declare that in the early stages of a baby’s development, the spine is strengthened and posture is formed. To avoid problems in the future, you need to choose a high-quality model and spare no expense on it. It is worth giving preference to these types of padding:

  • Coconut coir. A natural material obtained by processing coconut fiber. The mattress has good rigidity, ensures normal air and moisture exchange, does not absorb odors, practically does not get wet, and is hypoallergenic. Expensive goods have natural impregnation (for example, coconut latex). In the production of cheap mattresses, impregnations that are unsafe for babies may be used.
  • Latex. Another natural material, which is made from the sap of the Hevea tree. In exceptional cases it causes allergies, has good elasticity, but is not as hard as coconut. The best option– a combination of natural latex and coconut coir.
  • Polyurethane foam. In simple words– hard foam rubber. Has a long service life, does not emit toxins, provides good air exchange and high level fire safety. Used for the manufacture of orthopedic mattresses.
  • Struttofiber. Hypoallergenic substance made from natural and synthetic compressed materials. If you don’t yet know which mattress to choose for a newborn’s crib, winter time, think about struttofiber - this filler is warm and practical.

Crib mattress size

The height of a quality product is about 10 cm. The mattress should fit snugly against the sides of the crib and be 2-3 cm less than the bottom. The formation of gaps is not allowed, since the baby’s arm or leg may get stuck in them, which will lead to injury. A model that is too large in area will create depressions and bumps, and this is harmful to the child’s spine. The standard sizes of cribs are 120x60 cm, European parameters are slightly different - 125x65 cm, there are samples of 140x70 cm.

Which mattress pad is better to choose?

Parents should also pay attention to the cover. A good product does not get wet, helps create a comfortable microclimate for the baby, and makes the sleeping surface softer. Which crib mattress to choose for a defenseless newborn and which mattress pad to choose? Useful tips:

  • It is convenient to use a product with elasticated sides. When choosing this option, do not forget to take into account the height of the mattress.
  • Buy a case with a protective waterproof (membrane) coating. Outer side the product must be made of soft natural material.
  • If you can't buy a mattress pad, look for waterproof, non-rustling diapers.
  • Quilted jacquard products have proven themselves well as upholstery. Calico and chintz quickly lose their original appearance.

Which mattress is better

These products are spring and springless. Which crib mattress to choose for a newborn? The second category is more common among parents' preferences because it has an affordable price and good functional properties. Spring samples raise some doubts. The main thing in a children's mattress is that it supports the baby's correct posture and is comfortable.


For newborns, this is not the most worthy option, and an experienced pediatrician will confirm this information. Have you decided to opt for a spring model? Then you should know which mattress is best for a newborn. Manufacturers produce the following models:

  • With dependent spring block. When loaded, each spring of the product is activated, since they are connected to each other. The model bends a lot, which is not very good for the baby. It is better to choose a product with a small spring diameter, but even this will not guarantee an absolutely healthy sleep.
  • WITH independent block. If the impact is on one spring, the rest remain in the same position. The model does not sag and relaxes the spine. It has a large height - 13-15 cm.

Orthopedic mattress for a newborn

The best option for the little ones. Still wondering which mattress to choose for a standard crib for a newborn? Buy springless or orthopedic. High-quality models have one or more of the fillers listed above. Also, the internal content can be pressed horsehair. By alternating hard and soft layers, optimal elasticity of the mattress is achieved. At a very young age, the child is put to sleep on the hard side, and when he grows up, the mattress can be turned over to the soft side.

Baby cotton wool in the crib

This model clearly will not be the answer to the question of which mattress is best to choose for a newborn. Although the material is considered safe, it will not bring any benefit to the baby. The product easily absorbs moisture and odors, quickly clumps and loses its shape. Cotton mattresses do not support the spine, which subsequently leads to its curvature. Don't be surprised if over time your baby develops diaper rash and heat rash. A cotton product that has been in use does not allow air to pass through well. When your child reaches 2-3 years old, you can think about buying this model.

Rating of mattresses for newborns

The following companies are popular among parents:

  • Bottlenose dolphin Bye-bye. An excellent orthopedic mattress that has given more than one child a healthy sleep. Made from environmentally friendly safe materials, has two sides - winter and summer. Height – 14 cm, upholstery – jacquard.
  • Plitex. A company offering quality products in the middle price range. Stuffing – coconut and artificial latex. The model has earned positive reviews from parents.
  • RedCastle. Manufacturer of cocoon mattresses. Designed for babies up to 4 months. The model is a cocoon-shaped product with a depression in the middle, reminiscent of an oblong nest.


Setting up a nursery before the baby is born is very important point. The main element of this room in the first months is the crib, and how comfortable it is for the newborn largely depends on his health and the quiet life of his parents. Healthy sleep is important not only in the first year of life, but also as you grow older. Therefore, you need to know how to choose children's mattress, and what qualities it should have for kids of different ages.

For a newborn

How to choose a mattress for a crib? The main requirement for mattresses for young children is rigidity. Orthopedic mattresses that follow the curves of the body are of no use to a baby at this age. These curves have simply not yet formed and the baby needs to sleep on a relatively hard surface, but one that provides the baby with comfort, which, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is also important.

A high-quality product for a newborn is made from natural fabrics or hypoallergenic synthetic materials.


The mattress for a children's bed must be ideal in size and exactly match the dimensions of the newborn's sleeping area. It is necessary that it fits tightly to the sides of the bed and differs from the size of the bottom by no more than 2-3 cm. Otherwise, Dr. Komarovsky warns, gaps will form into which the baby will definitely insert an arm or leg, which can lead to injury .

Models that exceed the bottom dimensions will cause unnecessary and harmful bends. The height of the selected mattress should be about 10 cm.

How to choose the right mattress? Before purchasing, measure the parameters of the bottom of the crib. You should not believe consultants who claim that all cribs have standard sizes. European furniture differs from Russian furniture, and domestic manufacturers produce various modifications.

If the sleep product is purchased second-hand and not in a store, you need to check it for unevenness or dented areas. Such defects are unlikely to please the baby and can affect the health of the spine.


What contents should you choose a mattress for a newborn? This aspect affects the rigidity of the product, the degree of allergenicity, and comfort. It is customary to stuff children's mattresses as follows.

Coconut coir

The filler consists of plates of coconut fiber. They provide the necessary rigidity, but remain flexible. Coconut bedding is non-allergenic, practically does not get wet and does not absorb odors, which is a very important quality that a mattress for a newborn should have. Prices for coconut mattresses vary, this is explained by the fact that expensive models use natural impregnation, which their cheap counterparts cannot boast of.


The material, although natural, can cause allergic reactions. Although this happens extremely rarely. This material has good elasticity, but is inferior to coconut filler in rigidity. The perfect combination the combination of these two components is considered.

In other words - hard foam rubber. This material is the most wear-resistant, non-toxic and has excellent air exchange. The filler is also used in orthopedic mattresses.

A combined material combining natural and compressed synthetic components. Struttofiber is a very warm and wear-resistant material, so it is suitable for winter babies.

cotton wool

When thinking about which mattress to choose for a newborn, you should not stop at cotton wool ones. The material is natural and safe, but it absorbs moisture too well, retains odor, and is prone to bunching and loss of shape. In addition, there is no support for the spine from the cotton product.

Are springs needed?

Should I choose a crib mattress with or without springs? The second option is more common due to the combination of affordable price and functionality. Models with springs do not always meet all the requirements for products for newborns.

Metal springs produce static electricity, and over time they may begin to creak. The sleeping place should be comfortable and keep the baby's back in the correct position. But if spring models attract more attention, then you need to know that such specimens come in two types.

Dependent spring block

All springs are interconnected, so when under load, not individual parts are used, but the entire frame. The disadvantage of such models is that they bend noticeably, and this can harm the baby. Springs with the smallest diameter give greater elasticity.

Independent spring block

IN in this case Each spring works separately. This allows for greater rigidity and elasticity. But this mattress is taller.

Combined model

Still, for a baby it is better to opt for non-spring or orthopedic models. Some orthopedic mattresses are designed to have a firmer surface for newborns and a softer surface for older children. Those. When the baby grows up, you won’t need to buy another mattress; you just need to turn the existing one over to the other side.

Choosing a mattress pad

An important part of a crib is the mattress cover. The cover should create a comfortable microclimate for the baby, not get wet and soften the surface a little.

The most convenient to use models of mattress covers are those with elastic bands on the sides. But this option may not be suitable for non-standard high mattress. The mattress cover should provide good protection from moisture penetration, while its surface is made of natural fabrics that are pleasant to the body.

When choosing a mattress cover, Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend stopping at products made from calico and chintz. These fabrics wear out too quickly. Instead of mattress covers, you can use those sold in pharmacies.

Each age has its own mattress

You can't talk about what sleeping area better for a child regardless of age. When choosing, you should be guided not by the brand name, but by the age characteristics of the child, as Dr. Komarovsky advises. If a baby's sleeping place up to one year should be hard, then children from one to three years old are allowed to sleep in a softer bed.

The exception is children with contraindications to soft sleep from an orthopedist. A good filler option in this case is latex coconut. Sufficient rigidity of the filler has the elasticity necessary for this age.

2-3 years

At 2-3 years old, it is recommended for a child to sleep on a mattress with medium or increased hardness. Features of the development of the musculoskeletal system at this age do not allow the use of softer models. It is at this time that the S-curve forms, so the mattress should be firm, but at the same time comfortable. Only if both conditions are met will the baby be ensured a healthy and sound sleep. Latex-coconut filler copes well with this task.

From 3 to 7 years

In children over 3 years old, the spine is already strengthened. In the period from three to seven years, it does not matter much whether the mattress has springs or not. Both designs are quite suitable for this age group, but it is still better to choose a hard filler for now.

The only drawback of spring models is that they may not withstand children jumping on the bed. But you can allow your child to make a choice on his own, so that a 5-year-old child can proudly say: “I choose my own mattress!” It is better to prefer orthopedic mattresses with latex, polyurethane or coconut-latex filling.

7 years and older

In seven-year-old children, daily sleep time is reduced to 10 hours. But the child continues to grow and the spine continues to form. Starting school classes and sitting at a desk increases the load on the spine. To avoid serious problems with posture, your back should receive complete and proper rest during sleep. Mattresses with medium hardness and a mixed type of filler are suitable for this.

10-12 years

At 10-12 years of age the phase begins active growth. The spine quickly stretches and becomes most vulnerable. The degree of hardness of the mattress during this period should be medium. Fillers made of coconut board and latex layer are suitable. If your child has any, even minor, back problems, you should go shopping only after the recommendations of an orthopedist.

For children with allergies

There are children in every age group who suffer from allergic reactions. For such babies, hypoallergenic mattresses with artificial fillings have been developed. Usually the mattress comes with a soft cover that can be easily washed and removed from dust. The prices for such models are much lower than for mattresses made from natural ingredients, which allows them to be replaced more often.

Dr. Komarovsky advises carefully studying the rules for transporting the purchased product. Some models cannot be bent or folded. It may be better to leave the transportation to the seller rather than trying to deliver the mattress yourself.


Having decided on the type of filling and quality of the mattress, an important question remains: which brand of mattress is better? Experts recommend giving preference to the following five manufacturers. These models are more popular and consistently receive excellent customer reviews.

Bottlenose dolphin Bayu-Bai

Mattress for newborns from the Russian manufacturer Afalina Bayu-Bai. This sandwich mattress combines natural and synthetic fillers. Multi-layering is provided by coconut, coconut-latex, polyurethane and latex layers.

This design allows you to keep the baby's spine in a straight position. No glue is used in the manufacture of the mattress. The layers are held together by special seams, which makes the product environmentally friendly. This mattress has two sides, hard and softer, for older children. The kit also includes a special case for cold and hot seasons.

Polyurethane foam model Italbaby Jolly Plus

Ideal option for allergic children. Polyurethane boards do not retain moisture and dust. They are protected from the proliferation of microorganisms and mites. At the same time, they have the necessary rigidity, and the convenient cover with a zipper is convenient to remove and easy to wash.

Latex-coconut copy of Lapsi Cocolatex Lux 65X125.

High-quality double-sided mattress made of coconut coir, latex and cotton. The breathable cover's unique fabrics include jersey, polyamide, polyester, cottonwood and cellulose.

Spring model for children over one year old Ormatek Kids Comfort

Mattress Russian manufacturer Ormatek. The frame consists of individual springs that are not interconnected. Latexed coconut fiber and polyurethane foam are used as filler.

High-tech mattress Taumeland Snowflake 60X120X11

A product filled with elastic cold foam is suitable for newborns and children up to 4 years old. The design of the mattress with reinforced sides increases safety. The breathable cover perfectly protects the mattress from moisture.

All parents try to choose the best for their baby, trying not to forget or miss anything.

A mattress is one of the most important things that should be purchased, making the choice with all responsibility, because a crib with such a sleeping accessory is the main habitat of a newly born child, and accordingly, the restful sleep and health of your baby depends on its quality .

Nowadays the range of bedding for newborns is so large that many parents are simply lost and don’t know how to make right choice. In today's article we will get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages various products, we’ll tell you what criteria to use to choose models for kids.


A good mattress must have the following qualities:

  • ventilation;
  • moderate hardness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • hygiene;
  • orthopedic;
  • high-quality upholstery;
  • right size;
  • mattress cover.

And now first things first...


It is necessary to pay attention to the ability of the product to “breathe”. Good ventilation ensures better hygiene and prevents the development of harmful microorganisms inside that can harm a fragile immune system. Also, poor air exchange of the product, combined with its excessive softness, can cause difficulty breathing for the child while sleeping on his stomach.

Can provide good ventilation quality materials, for example, German knitwear “Green Cotton” and “Slip-Fresh”, as well as the sewn-in ventilation mesh “Aero-Fresh”.


It is often difficult for parents to understand the need to choose a rigid product for a newborn. It seems to them that it will be uncomfortable for a child to sleep on such a mattress, and he needs a feather bed made of down, which will provide convenience and a comfortable sleep. However, such an opinion is fundamentally wrong and even dangerous.

Here are the main problems that may arise if you choose a soft model:

  1. The baby may develop an allergy from the fluff. This type of filler often harbors mites, whose waste products can cause allergic reactions.
  2. Such a choice can lead to curvature of the child’s spine, and to the occurrence of scoliosis even in childhood. preschool age. His bones and muscles are not yet strong enough, and if they are not provided with proper support, they can become distorted and develop incorrect posture.
  3. And the worst thing that can happen to a newborn due to an overly soft mattress is that he can simply suffocate while sleeping on his stomach.

To avoid all the above problems, it is better to choose products with a rigid fit. Moreover, pediatricians recommend choosing the hardness of the mattress depending on the age of the child, i.e. The smaller it is, the greater the rigidity should be.

But it is worth considering that you should not get carried away with excessive rigidity, because your child should sleep comfortably. That's why, the best option for a newborn there will be a product with medium hardness. Some models meet these requirements spring mattresses, or springless made of latex and coconut coir.

A double-sided sleeping accessory can be an excellent economical option. One side is harder and the other is softer.

For a newborn, you can use the hard side, and when the baby grows up, transfer it to a soft surface: this will save you money, you will not have to buy a new product for an older child.

Environmental friendliness

Each person chooses for himself comfortable mattress, relying on the advice of sellers and your feelings. What's worse is the baby? The child’s healthy sleep, his posture, and many other aspects of the baby’s health depend on what kind of mattress you buy for a newborn’s crib.

What should you pay attention to before purchasing, which mattress is better to choose for a child, what are the features of caring for the product? Young parents should take care of choosing a mattress for their baby before his birth, so that when he brings the baby home from the hospital, he feels cozy and comfortable.

When choosing a mattress for a crib, be guided by some aspects that are very important for the health and comfort of the newborn.


Choose a device that matches the size of the crib for your baby. If you made it to order or inherited it, don’t be lazy and measure the parameters of your baby’s sleeping place. Consider that the mattress should be several centimeters smaller than the crib. This aspect will help to place the product neatly, the gap will not be visible. You cannot leave a space of more than 4 centimeters; the baby may inadvertently crush his fingers.

If the size of the mattress does not match the crib, such a product will be difficult to get, sometimes it bends and forms a hump, which negatively affects the child’s posture. In most cases, all sleeping areas are for infants standard size, choosing the perfect mattress is not difficult.

Filler quality

A sleep product should consist of natural fillers, or at least most of it. This aspect will allow air to pass through. Natural fillers They do not cause allergies and are easy to care for. It is difficult to find a completely environmentally friendly mattress; it is expensive. Give preference to combined products. Carefully read the composition of the filler; there should be no foul-smelling substances or toxic components. At the first “accident,” the mattress will leak unpleasant aroma, can provoke an allergic reaction in a newborn.

Environmental friendliness

To make sleeping devices, a lot of environmental materials are used, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Products made from wood shavings, felt, and natural latex tend to absorb moisture, rot, and quickly become unusable. Such mattresses are inexpensive, but they will not last long;
  • Some manufacturers offer horsehair products to young parents. Such mattresses have excellent ergonomic qualities, are functional, and infants often develop allergies to them. You can avoid such a turn of events by first placing the baby on such a sleeping place, looking at the result, and only then buying it;
  • The newest material is compressed coconut, used in the form of slabs. A coconut-based mattress does not rot, has bactericidal properties, and does not cause allergies. Such products cost a lot, but convenience and many other positive aspects persuade young parents to buy coconut mattresses for their children.

Orthopedic effect

At an early age, such an addition is not necessary; if you plan to use the device until the age of four, choose a product on an orthopedic basis. Coconut berths with independent springs are perfect for such purposes. Sleeping on such a mattress becomes sound and beneficial, fatigue is quickly relieved, and the spine remains in a natural position.


When choosing a product, pay attention not only to the “filling”, be sure to look at the cover. Budget options include an outer shell of cotton, calico, calico. The materials allow air to pass through, but quickly tear, wear out, and absorb unpleasant odors. A cover made of jacquard fabric is perfect for a baby. The shell consists of 80% cotton, the remaining 20% ​​is synthetic fibers, thanks to which the cover is breathable, durable, and does not absorb various aromas.

Mattress cover

Waterproof products are produced especially for children. They are easy to care for, they protect the mattress from “accidents”, and work on the principle of diapers. If the mattress is old, then such a mattress cover is a must-buy; it will help create the necessary environmental conditions for the child.

Before purchasing a product, be sure to study the quality certificates and other documents confirming the environmental friendliness and ergonomics of the mattress.

Which product is better to choose for a baby?

Arriving at the store, my parents' eyes widen. It is difficult for moms and dads to make a choice; sellers will not always help you purchase the right product. Which mattress to choose for a baby? You need to think about where you will put it, what its service life will be. In addition to the above aspects, take into account new products produced by various companies. They will help young parents in the sultry heat, cold, and survive a trip in a stroller.


Equipped with a special cover that can be removed and washed separately. Such products are very popular not only among ordinary residents, but also among workers in maternity hospitals and children's hospitals. The main “component” of the mattress is thermosoft fiber, it was invented by the Americans, the filler is very popular among modern manufacturers mattresses for infants.

Products are made in various color ranges, are extremely popular, although they are much more expensive than their non-heated counterparts.

Note! Use heated products in summer period impractical, keep in mind that you will have to purchase another mattress for the hot season.

In the stroller

Many young parents consider buying a product for a stroller a waste of time, replacing it with an ordinary blanket or blanket. In this case, diapers and other devices constantly roll down and need to be adjusted frequently during a walk. Often, mattresses in a stroller for newborns come included; if it is of poor quality, choose a product that fits the size of the stroller.

The accessory helps protect the stroller from contamination (baby saliva, food debris, sand); it is easier to wash the mattress cover than to wash the entire stroller. When choosing a mattress, pay attention to the filling. During the cold season, some materials act as a heater; in the summer, on the contrary, they prevent the baby from sleeping normally: they create a hot environment.

The covering should also be made of environmentally friendly materials; it is advisable to choose orthopedic mattresses. They help maintain the baby’s posture in the desired position throughout the walk.


The variety appeared recently, but is very popular among young parents. The product is manufactured according to special technology, has a special recess for a newborn. This niche allows you to secure your baby in the crib without restricting his movements. The baby sleeps in a comfortable position, which normalizes blood circulation and reduces the risk of colic.

The mattress-cocoon for newborns can be moved with the child, which is convenient if the baby does not want to sleep on his own. For convenience, special handles have been invented. Also, such mattresses can be transported and used as a separate independent sleeping place.

Review of popular brands

When choosing a specific mattress for a baby, be guided by the already established rating of quality manufacturers of products for newborns, trust the professionals.

Baby Flex Jump

The company takes care of the baby’s posture and uses the “minnie-bonell” system as the basis for mattresses, which allows the spine to always be in a natural position. The products are made from environmentally friendly fillers (polyurethane foam, felt), they do not cause allergies and do not absorb odors. The cost of one product for a baby ranges from 1900-3000 rubles.

find out effective methods treatment for children at home.

Home remedies for sunburn in children are described on page.

Read at the address about the rules of use and dosage of Suprastin for children.

Dream Line

They are extremely popular among consumers due to the huge assortment, the ability to choose any type of filler, and the presence of springs. The filler is made from ecological and synthetic substances, Several standard mattresses are produced for infants. average cost One product from this company costs about 2,500 rubles.


The company's products have passed the necessary hygienic tests; the company produces products only from natural ingredients. Virtuoso specializes in making mattresses for children of all ages. There is a special line for newborns: Virtuoso Beloved. The products are two-layer mattresses, the outer shell is made of latex. The mattress is divided into several zones of different hardness, which allows you to achieve maximum orthopedic effect. The price starts from 1050 rubles, can reach 5000 rubles.

Accessory care rules

You've found the perfect mattress for your baby, now don't forget to care for it properly. Regular care is the key to the durability and hygiene of the product.

Some useful tips parents:

  • Ventilate the mattress regularly and make sure there is no contamination. The baby is often in the crib, the presence of dirt provokes allergies;
  • do not allow bedsores to form on the mattress, any unevenness provokes a curvature of the baby’s posture;
  • keep the covers clean, wash them at least twice a week, be sure to iron the product after washing;
  • for better air exchange, turn the mattress from one side to the other (at least twice a year), more often if necessary;
  • Avoid many seams on the mattress, they tend to rub the baby. If the product is purchased, place a sheet in two layers in the crib.

Cleanliness and freshness are the key to sound sleep and health for your baby. Don’t be lazy about washing and dry-cleaning mattresses, especially children’s ones. The accumulation of pathogenic bacteria and mites has a sharply negative impact on the health of the entire family.

From the first days of life, mothers and fathers try to protect the baby from adversity. An important role is played by the choice of mattress for a sound and sweet sleep of the newborn. Many parents prefer to buy coconut products, excellent material does not absorb moisture or odors, and lasts a long time. The cocoon mattress is extremely popular. The device is easy to carry and ensures a restful sleep for the baby throughout the night.

Before purchasing a product for a baby, be sure to study the composition of the filler, certificates, and feel the material of the cover. Once you are convinced of the quality of the product, feel free to buy it.

Video - tips on how to choose a mattress for a baby:

Taking care of your child's posture begins with choosing the first mattress. At first, the baby will spend most of his life in the crib.

The peace and health of the newborn depend on the quality of bedding, their comfort and safety.

Manufacturers are constantly offering new options for crib mattresses, and making a choice is becoming increasingly difficult.

How to choose a mattress for a newborn's crib

Very strict, but understandable requirements are imposed on the baby’s sleeping place.:

  • hygiene;
  • orthopedic properties - some models are made so that the baby’s head is slightly higher than the legs, protecting the baby from choking when regurgitating;
  • environmental friendliness - all materials relating to the child should be as safe as possible;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • high quality and naturalness of filling and upholstery materials - calico, chintz, jacquard are acceptable.

There are two main groups of children's mattresses: spring and springless.

Springless models

Springless mattresses are made on the basis of materials of artificial (struttofiber, polyurethane foam) and natural (latex, coconut) origin.


Struttofiber – artificial material, similar to wool. It is usually used as a layer that provides additional elasticity and retains heat.

Struttofiber is also used as a filler on the winter side of the bed, the summer surface of which is lined with coconut coir.

Faux wool mattresses are more suitable for children over 1 year of age.

The removable cover is a significant advantage for the mattress

Advantages of the material:

  • in physical characteristics it is close to wool;
  • long service life;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • well ventilated;
  • ensures proper heat exchange.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam (PPU) is a foamed polymer. They fill beds of moderate hardness in the middle price segment.


  • strength and durability - polyurethane foam does not sag, roll or crumble;
  • ease of movement;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • Quite a cost-effective option.

The flaw is insufficient rigidity (in high-quality models the defect is completely eliminated).

For children prone to allergic reactions, it is better to choose mattresses with modern artificial fillers that prevent the proliferation of dust mites. But the mattress cover and bed linen should be made of pure cotton.

Polyurethane foam is a porous, breathable material


Latex is the foamed sap of the Hevea tree. In children's mattresses it is used to fill one side. The second traditionally consists of coconut coir.

  • creates the right microclimate;
  • the material is well ventilated;
  • the elasticity of latex allows it to quickly recover even after increased stress;
  • long period of use;
  • environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic. Latex does not accumulate static electricity, neither mold nor dangerous microorganisms live in it;
  • noiselessness when changing position.
  • not firm enough for a baby, but very good for an older child;
  • new product smells like rubber. Gradually it wears off;
  • high price, especially when using natural latex.

Latex is a hygienic and hypoallergenic material


Coconut coir is the material that best meets the requirements for a bed for newborns.

Similar models are produced in the form of coconut fiber, stitched (fastened) or impregnated with latex. In the first case, the coir will gradually crumble and begin to crumble, deforming the surface of the sleeping area. Irritation may occur. Option with impregnation natural latex preferable.

Benefits of Coconut Coir:

  • good orthopedic properties due to moderate surface rigidity;
  • it is not predisposed to absorb liquid and odor;
  • ventilation;
  • does not rot and does not contribute to the proliferation of pathogenic microflora;
  • hypoallergenic.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

Coconut fiber should be supplemented with layers of latex, polyurethane foam or spring blocks

Double-sided mattresses: latex - for summer; coconut coir - for winter

Models with springs

All spring mattresses have a layer between the wire and the cover. This is usually one of the materials used for springless options.

Models with springs are not used for infants, therefore such mattresses are usually produced with the expectation of use in the beds of teenagers.

A high-quality product is necessarily equipped with aerators - special holes that provide ventilation inside the structure.

Correct position of the baby on the mattress

Bonnel system

Bonnell dependent springs are used in economy class mattresses. Its base is wire spirals tightly intertwined.

The disadvantage of the Bonnell system is the “hammock” effect, when the surface bends under the heaviest part of the body, creating a funnel. The models are extremely inconvenient.

Independent springs

In mattresses with independent springs, each spiral is placed in a separate nest.

Individual spring blocks

Similar models differ in the number of spring coils per 1 sq.m., which is indicated in the marking:

  • S-500 – 250 springs;
  • S-1000 – 500 spirals;
  • S-2000 – 1000 pieces.

The greater the number of spirals per 1 square meter of surface, the better.

A bed with independent springs does not sag and does not make noise when changing position. But sleeping places with independent springs:

  • tall;
  • heavy;
  • the wire accumulates static electricity;
  • expensive.


When purchasing a crib, to simplify the selection of a mattress, you need to measure the sleeping area. As a standard, cradles and cribs are produced for babies with the following bed sizes:

  • 80 x 160 cm;
  • 120 x 60 cm;
  • 125 x 65 cm;
  • 140 x 70 cm.

A mattress whose length and width are 2 cm less than the sleeping place will ideally fit into the crib. With these parameters, it will be easy to remove it, preserving the structure, and there will also be room for folding the sheet.

A mattress that is too large will bend or sag, disturbing the baby’s peace and posture. Too small will “walk”, opening the backing, which can lead to injury. The maximum allowable play between the crib and the mattress in a smaller direction is 4 cm.

You need to change the bedding on your child’s crib at least 3 times a week.

Rules of care

To keep the mattress clean and dry, mattress covers are used. They are easy to remove and wash.

Ideal mattress pad:

  • made from natural material;
  • has an antibacterial coating;
  • does not absorb odor.

Despite the presence of a mattress cover, the bed itself also requires care. The mattress must be vacuumed (knocked out) and ventilated regularly, because... Dust accumulates there.

The case on high-quality models is equipped with a zipper, which simplifies maintenance. The mattress can be unzipped and ventilated.

It is advisable to periodically remove and wash the cover, and at this time expose the mattress itself to airing. It is recommended to carry out such maintenance more often, for example, during a walk, when the baby does not need a crib.

The mattress must be vacuumed and ventilated

The bed should be turned over periodically. Despite the light weight of the child, the mattress simply cakes and sag.


This video will tell you how to choose a mattress for a newborn.

The choice of a mattress for a newborn is based on the assertion that saving on quality is fraught with the most dire consequences. For children, spring models cannot be purchased; options with cheap fillers - cotton wool and foam rubber - are also unacceptable.

The best thing is to find a middle ground on price, but no compromise on quality.

Before purchasing this or that mattress, you must make sure that the product meets the requirements of GOST and has the appropriate certificate. It is advisable to look at product reviews on the Internet.