Brick house projects and layouts with an attic. The best designs of brick houses with an attic

An attic is an additional floor of a house in the attic space. Since the 17th century, the practice of arranging residential premises under the roof where low-income citizens lived has been known. WITH light hand French architect Mansart, whose name became attached to the method, began to build attics under the roofs of apartment and single-family buildings.

A significant part of individual cottages have additional rooms under the roof, and projects brick houses with an attic are in high demand.

What is the reason for popularity attic houses made of brick?

Such projects are chosen for construction for two reasons:

  • economical construction;
  • aesthetic value of appearance.

The brick structure is highly durable and can stand for several centuries if the walls are built correctly and responsibly, as their predecessors did many centuries ago. Brick is used to build in cities and villages. This is the most popular wall construction material. Brick facade looks convincing, fundamentally, regardless of the size of the house. Expensive facing brick gives facades clarity, strict lines, emphasizes the shape of the structure as a whole and each element separately.

The attic attracts with its appearance and economic feasibility. In the attic space, under a roof carefully insulated from external moisture and temperature, additional living or utility rooms are built. In cottage construction, bedrooms, playrooms, and storage rooms are located in the attic. The attic area is smaller than the floor below it, since the walls are a sloping roof.

Features of the attic:

  • from a full floor to the roof they climb up an internal staircase, which is built of wood;
  • Sloping dormer windows are often installed directly in the roof, creating an unusual daylight from the top point;
  • For winter living, heating is carried out from common system Houses;
  • The sloping ceiling and walls of the rooms are not suitable for every resident psychological reasons;
  • Without thermal insulation of the roof, living is impossible either in winter or in summer. The summer heat heats the roof surface incredibly high temperatures, which is transmitted to the rooms, which is why they arrange careful multi-layer insulation;
  • the construction of attic premises is cheaper than a conventional floor, since there is no need to make a horizontal floor between floors.

Design of brick houses with an attic

The development of standard and individual projects in our company is carried out by experienced certified specialists. It is easy for the buyer to select a ready-made project on the website. It is enough to go to the gallery of samples to plunge into the world of architectural aesthetics. The project description states general characteristics house, room and floor plans.

Each project can be modified according to the buyer’s order, taking into account his special conditions. An individual project with a unique architectural appearance and layout will cost more, but exclusivity is worth the cost if the financial issue is not a determining factor in the decision.

We guarantee that each selected project option can be implemented without additional clarification in the calculations. We are waiting for you in the office to help you choose the right project.

Do you know why a one-story house with an attic is functional and remains at the peak of popularity for decades? I will share features that you did not know about yet. I think you will look at such houses in a new way.

The history of attics and their features

Living quarters under a roof first appeared in France in the 17th century. Such housing was cheap and was popular among writers, artists, poets, performers and other creative people.

Currently, this is no longer exotic. The know-how of architects of the past is used not so much in high-rise housing construction, but to a greater extent by owners of private houses. The equipment of such premises has its own advantages and features.

Repair and placement of rooms can be postponed until later. First, equip the first floor, celebrate the housewarming, and then take on the upper room. However, in this case, it is necessary to immediately carry out communication upward:

  • light;
  • water;
  • sewerage;
  • Internet.

You will not have to disturb the finishing of the lower floor in the future.

How to choose house designs with attic spaces?

Before you start construction, you need to decide: what better construction additional floor or arrangement of rooms in the attic. The choice depends on the planned financial investments. Owners decide whether additional rooms, a personal cinema or a creative office are needed.

Attics inside are decorated differently:

How does the overall layout of the house affect the organization of the attic?

First, let's figure out what an attic is. By definition, these are premises for living and utility rooms located under the roof. This is no ordinary attic. The height at the highest point cannot be lower than human height.

What rooms are best placed in attic floor:

  • Offices.
  • Bedrooms.
  • Children's, including playrooms.
  • Home cinemas.
  • Creative workshops for painting, applied arts, modeling, etc.
  • Additional living room.
  • If roof windows are installed, you can place plants for the winter garden.
  • Wardrobe.
  • Gym.

To make it comfortable to stay and move in the attic, 50% of the room area is made higher than human height. Otherwise, you will not feel comfortable, the room will not be functional and comfortable. And some people will begin to feel discomfort.

Is it possible to combine different styles?

It must be remembered that the attic is part of the living space of the house. Therefore, when choosing finishing materials and direction, you cannot make radical decisions.. As an option, the first floor is decorated in one of the styles: hi-tech, minimalism, Japanese, kitsch. You wanted to make the top one original and you decided to decorate it in the style of Madame Pompadour’s bedroom - blue and gold, a large number of elaborate details. Result: diverse rooms will not be in harmony with each other.


To avoid dissonance, choose the same color scheme, wallpaper, decor, furniture that follows each other’s contours and style.

Otherwise, the house turns into a museum of various styles, but you will not feel comfortable.

This does not mean that you need to buy the same furniture with similar facades, paint (conditionally) all the walls blue or cover them with striped wallpaper. Main principle: basic colors and elements should be repeated fragmentarily in different rooms.

The exception is hygiene rooms. In these intimate areas, it is permissible to deviate from the general direction and use bright, rich colors and laconic furniture. Even if they differ from the general surroundings of other rooms.

A similar option for children. If the child has not reached adolescence, repairs are made more often: wallpaper and furniture are changed. This is necessary so that the baby develops harmoniously and the furniture is appropriate for his age.

Lovers open plan can apply two principles of decoration:

  • Functional areas that are visible to each other are designed in a single manner. Select pieces of furniture and decoration that are identical in shape. Thus, they ensure a harmonious transition between rooms. The house becomes stylish and functional.
  • Choose for different rooms Decoration Materials with a similar pattern and texture. However, they differ in color and tone saturation. One room combines furniture with laconic forms and classic pretentious elements. In essence, eclecticism is created, which implies connection different styles. This approach is often used in the design of houses for country holidays.

Advantages of a 10 by 10 m house for organizing comfortable rooms

Square houses are most suitable for organization on the top floor of the attic. In this case, you can organize not only two full rooms, but also a small vestibule or corridor to isolate the premises.

Houses with an attic and a garage - convenience and functionality

One of the most popular options. Such buildings look compact and holistic.


  • decoration with various materials;
  • coloring;
  • plaster;
  • the roofs are made identical.

House up to 100 sq.m. – what shape of box and roof should I choose?

There are a large number of house projects less than 100 sq.m. Such offers help fulfill the wishes of the owners. They have a sufficient number of rooms. Taking into account the rooms in the attic, the family receives additional living space.

The attic contains bedrooms, full-fledged dressing rooms, offices with a library, playrooms for children, and exercise equipment. You can provide a storage room for household appliances.

If you often have guests or relatives visiting you, organize guest rooms with bathrooms in the attic. In this case, the furnishings are more modest than in the main living rooms. But you shouldn’t put up furniture that has served its purpose. The house should be harmonious and stylish.

You have a teenager in your family and he wants to have his own living space - the attic provides such an opportunity. If the family is small, then you can give him the entire upper “floor” and he will feel like an adult, and you can control what he is doing at any time.

One-story brick houses with an attic

Brick is traditionally used in construction. There are many house projects. They are different in size and shape. If you like variety, choose to build from two types of bricks. This way you will avoid banality, and the house will acquire a zest.

Terrace - a small, cozy corner

In such a house, you can organize a terrace on the top floor, which opens from the attic. You will be provided good place rest and relaxation. A good addition would be great view to the surrounding nature.

Velux GDL Cabrio balcony windows provide an interesting opportunity. They have two structural elements. The lower part moves outward, forward and a railing automatically appears. And the top one opens up and is set at 45º.

The material is unique, after the construction of the first floor, installation of floors and construction of the roof, you can move in, and finish the upper rooms later.

This way, the family can celebrate housewarming faster.

  • Let us list the advantages of constructing buildings from foam blocks:
  • Foam blocks are larger than bricks. The construction of frames is speeding up.
  • The blocks have strict geometry. The masonry is smooth, glue is saved during the masonry process, and the seams are minimal.
  • Houses made of foam concrete give the effect of a thermos. Houses are warm in winter and cool in summer. There is no need to make additional thermal insulation.
  • Houses have been in use for a long time without repair.
  • Not afraid of moisture, resists mold.
  • Does not burn.

The blocks are not affected by temperature changes and humidity. Houses made of timber with an attic look holistic and harmonious. Their appearance reminds us of the past. Such buildings are built using modern technology

, special materials for wood processing, caulking of log houses. Therefore, they last a long time, do not lose their attractiveness and help maintain health. Brick houses are good because they can be in any style, and they are also “forever” and this is not an exaggeration. Only the façade can be made of brick, hiding behind it another, less resistant to atmospheric influences material. Photos of brick houses will help you decide exactly how the building will look. Perhaps you will understand which one appearance

closer to you.

Advantages and disadvantages Like any building material, brick has its pros and cons. Previously, there were no special alternatives. It was still possible to build wooden house , from shell rock (shell rock), limestone and other natural material

Today the situation has changed, other materials have appeared. They are also not without their shortcomings, but they lie on a different plane. Nevertheless, brick still remains a popular material; new colors and textures are appearing, which make it possible to make facades more and more diverse. Photos of brick houses confirm this.


Let's start with the pleasant things - consider the positive aspects of the technology and material:

It is these properties that make brick houses one of the most popular. They retain their original appearance for decades and centuries, and require almost no maintenance or repair. So such a house can pass from generation to generation without changing in appearance.


But brick houses also have serious disadvantages. It is because of them that many people think about using alternative materials and technologies. Here are the disadvantages of brick buildings:

The combination of these shortcomings forces us to look for an alternative. Moreover, new technologies and materials have appeared that make it possible to obtain a house with similar performance characteristics at lower costs and construction time.

Facades of brick houses: architectural styles

One of the main advantages of brick: the ability to create structures that are completely different in appearance from the same material. The small size makes it possible to fold almost brick lace. Although, the trend today is more strict lines and styles, which should also not be overlooked. And there are not just many styles in architecture, but a lot. And everyone also has their own movements... In the article we will talk about the most popular today.

European style

One of the most popular styles recently in the construction of private houses is European. Laconic shape - a square or a figure close to a square, with possible bay window extensions. The square is the most convenient shape for planning, so houses of this style, with small sizes, can accommodate everything you need. Look good in this style two-story houses, as well as houses with .

This European-style house project differs in material: the first floor is brick without finishing, the second floor is finished with boards or siding. A protruding bay window makes it possible to create an open terrace with columns and a large balcony on the second floor. The photo shows a house from yellow brick with dark brown trim. Frequently occurring combination

If you look at a photo of brick houses in the European style, what catches your eye is the base, trimmed with tiles or stone, two or more hipped roof. The traditional roofing material is natural tiles, which have been actively replaced in recent years. Windows are usually small rectangular shape, sometimes with a rounded top. Doors and window frames performed in a tone contrasting with the color of the walls.

Often brick house V modern style has two entrances. The front door can be moved forward relative to the main walls, with a terrace built above it. If the entrance is “recessed”, a balcony is made above it. The design often contains forged products, but their forms are laconic.


The style originated in the second half of the last century, and since then it has gradually become more and more popular. The main idea: the absence of unnecessary details, laconic forms, strict lines, and, if possible, multifunctionality of parts. Since there are no “embellishments” at all, the main emphasis is on the material, its appearance, properties, and qualities. Basically, when building houses in the minimalist style, stone, wood, metal, marble, and glass are used. There are also brick houses in this style, because brick is natural material. Only brick usually High Quality- clinker, dark or light colors, often with contrasting trim.

White brick and metal - somewhat futuristic look

Photos of brick houses in the minimalist style have common features: more windows- from floor to ceiling or almost. The window frame is simple - usually without imposts. The roof is flat or with minimal overhangs, but most often without them at all. There may be several multi-level flat or pitched roofs. The facade can be decorated with rectangular columns, with columns in the shape of the letter G being the most typical.


If you like big ones panoramic windows, you should pay attention to the photos of brick houses in a modern style. Panoramic or French windows- This business card this direction. The layout implies spacious multifunctional premises: dining room-living room or kitchen-dining room. Often, from the premises " common use» there is access to the terrace.

Metal tiles - modern material Stone and glass are a classic combination, but the look is modern. Large windows are one of the characteristic features of the style.

If speak about characteristic features- this is the absence of purely decorative details, modern solutions using new materials and technologies. The windows are large, separated by wide imposts. Roofs are predominantly gable, but can also be multi-level or multi-gable. The overhangs are large, often so large that they become awnings. Roofing material- metal tiles, soft tiles. Moreover, pay attention to the color of the roofing material in color scheme, close to the color of the walls. The frames of windows and doors, however, too.


Unlike all those described above, a brick house in the Art Nouveau style can be decorated decorative elements. Moreover, they are usually round, oval in shape, repeating natural lines. Facade brick house in Art Nouveau style can be decorated various kinds decorative elements, stucco molding, etc. Special attention is given to windows and their design - they are mostly arched, with complex frames; stained glass can be used.

One of the classic representatives of the Art Nouveau style Cottage made of brick does not mean a dull square box. This photo of a brick house in the Art Nouveau style can be considered a style guide...

One of the principles of the Art Nouveau style is the optionality of symmetry, therefore asymmetrical bay windows (and in one building there can be several of them of different sizes/shapes), projections, extensions are one of the signs of the style. In plan, the building spot is square or close to it, as it is disrupted by all the architectural “excesses”.

The roof is complex, multi-gable, since it is necessary to harmoniously design the existing magnificence of forms. All this - complex, varied forms - leads to the fact that the cost of implementing projects of such houses is high. That’s why in the photo there are houses made of bricks, which cannot be called mansions other than. Roofing material - clay or, because of their small sizes Ideal for complex roofs, and they look appropriate.

Photos of beautiful brick houses

Architectural styles and their movements are complex matter. For the uninitiated, understanding all the subtleties and nuances is a very, very difficult matter. Often it is not required. You need to find a photo of a brick house that you like. Based on it, you can create your own project or show what you want to an architect. Next, it’s a matter of technology to agree on the cost of the project. But remember that, most likely, you will be 35-50% over budget.

This style of architecture is called “Provence”. Characteristic roofs, windows...

This style of architecture is usually called American...

Red-brown brick, white joints and white plaster trim... a very memorable appearance

Interesting extension. The house itself is too simple in shape...

Gray brick... gloomy, but non-standard

Red brick different shades and dark brown beams, a peaked roof with living spaces...

Developers quite often think about the question of which projects are best suited for them: two-story or brick house projects with an attic. The choice between a residential attic or the second floor is very important, since the convenience of living in a new house, the layout of the first floor and upper tier, the design of the house and the cost of implementing the turnkey project as a whole depend on it.

Compare projects of brick houses with an attic and projects two-story houses possible based on many criteria. Having a broken shape of the premises and unusual windows, the attic allows you to implement original design solutions. The attic differs from the attic in that it is a living space. If the layout of brick house projects with an attic involves placing the main premises on the ground floor, then the attic itself is a rarely visited room.

For many reasons, our clients choose projects of two-story houses or projects of houses with an attic (brick and other stone materials are suitable for implementation). The most popular of them are:

  • Need or desire to have spacious house if there is a small area;
  • The need to build a two-tier house, since this is regulated local regulations developments;
  • The desire to look at beautiful views from the windows of the upper floors.

If at least one of the reasons suits the developer, then he needs to decide which house project is better to buy: a two-story house or a brick house project with an attic.

To do right choice developers need to understand the difference between plans for brick houses with an attic and plans for houses with two floors. More precisely, you need to know what exactly is the difference between an attic and a floor.

A tier in which the height of the walls is the same along the entire perimeter, the roof rests on them and the rafters constitute a floor.

The attic is a tier, the height of the walls of which changes under the roof slope.

Design of brick houses with an attic

Developers can safely choose brick house designs with an attic if perfect home in their understanding has an acute gable roof, decorated with ceramic tiles and lucarnes. Such a house is more comfortable, beautiful and convenient for them to live in.

Houses with a full second floor look more modern and elegant. In addition, thanks to modern architectural techniques, a two-story house can be freed from the “cube” stereotype and made more attractive than houses with an attic.

Project plans for brick houses with an attic: plot for implementation

Choosing architectural projects it is necessary to compare the quantity and area necessary premises with the size of the building plot. It is not advisable to build up a large part of the site with houses, since there will be no room left for a garden.

For compact plots, designs of two-story houses are suitable, in which the maximum number of rooms will be located on the second tier. This will reduce the area required for construction. If the size of the land plot is limited, but to realize the dream of a roof beautiful shape If you still want to, you can choose ready-made designs for attic houses made of brick.

On large areas You can not limit the area of ​​​​the premises on the first floor and place on it all the rooms that perform the functions of a day zone. Such projects are good and convenient, since from the first floor you can go directly to the garden, and the attic will be occupied only by bedrooms.

It should be noted that the design of the attic floor requires individual approach even in the matter of choosing furniture. The author's design of the premises, which can be ordered for a separate price, can make the rooms on the attic floor more comfortable and cozy. If necessary, the standard layout of brick houses with an attic can be changed.

Projects of attic brick houses: expert opinion

Developers who are thinking about choosing a project with a simple second floor or a project with an attic even before construction begins, need to compare cost estimates for both houses, taking into account the design stage. Since the weight of the attic less weight full second floor, that is, the opportunity to save on the foundation.

In the case when the developer wants to reconstruct his existing a private house, then he must first order a calculation of the bearing capacity of the foundation, and only then choose the option of the upper tier. Most likely, the existing foundation can only withstand the load from a light attic.

Comparing the costs of projects of brick houses with an attic (photos, diagrams, videos, drawings, preliminary designs available on the website for viewing) and for two-story houses, there is no need to compare the cost of 1 m2 of each solution. Such comparative calculations are not entirely correct, since two-story houses The useful volume of the house is much larger, while in attic cottages most of the area remains unused.

According to the calculations of the builders, savings due to the construction of the attic floor are still possible. But the costs square meter The useful area of ​​the attic (if the height is at least 2 meters) will increase significantly. If the developer nevertheless decides to opt for a full second floor, then in addition he will also receive an attic, which over time can also be decorated and used.

We wish you to find in our catalog, updated in 2016, the most suitable plan for a brick house with an attic.

Increasingly, owners of suburban areas want to have a house with an attic. This is explained by the fact that making an attic floor is cheaper and easier than a regular one. The presence of an attic is also attractive because the owner of the house can experiment, creating a unique interior.

Advantages and disadvantages of the attic

Before you build a brick house with an attic, it is worth learning about the advantages of this type of building, as well as the disadvantages. Houses with an attic have the following advantages:

But a building with an attic also has disadvantages. These include:

When considering projects of brick houses with an attic, you can choose the most suitable option for any family.

Subtleties of attic design

Initially, attics were created as a way to rationalize space and save money. But more and more often, houses with an attic are purchased by people who want to create a non-standard interior. When designing a brick house with an attic, it is necessary to ensure that the intersection point of the roof and facade is at a height of at least one and a half meters from the attic floor.

It is important to insulate the attic room in the same way as other rooms in the house. Often a bedroom is created in the attic area. If desired, you can choose almost any option.

If you want to make a bedroom or office on the attic floor, you should calculate in advance the dimensions of the furniture to be installed, since due to the slopes of the roof, you need to select furniture for the room very carefully.

Types of houses with an attic

Before choosing a specific project for a house with an attic, you need to understand what kind of structure you want to have:

When choosing a house project with a brick attic (as in the photo), you should take into account the number of residents. In order for all family members to be comfortable in the house, it is necessary to create a structure in which everyone will have personal space. If you wish, you can find many finished projects houses with an attic. But if none of them suits you, you can order the development of an individual building project.

Factors influencing the creation of a project

Before starting to create a project, you need to decide on the purpose of the future home. At this stage it is necessary to determine whether the house will be used in summer time or is it intended for year-round use. The choice of materials to create the structure depends on this. If it will be used all year, data on materials intended for insulating the house will be added to the project. At the same time, the foundation becomes more solid.

Also, when creating projects for brick houses with an attic, other factors are taken into account:


When looking at houses with an attic (projects), you can choose a building that is ideal for your family.