Gas boiler "Viessman": characteristics, instructions, reviews. Solid fuel boilers Viessmann (Visman)

Gas individual heating- This is a great way to not only heat your home. Modern equipment In addition to heating, it allows you to uninterruptedly receive hot water for household needs and save a lot of money at the same time. A striking example of this is the Viessmann double-circuit gas boiler.

  • single-circuit,
  • double-circuit,
  • floor,
  • wall,
  • condensation,
  • low-temperature boilers of various capacities.

Let's look at some of the most popular series and their main characteristics.

This series is represented by the following models:

  1. 100-WH1D. This wall-mounted boiler is available with power from 10.5 to 30 kW.
  2. 100-WHKB is a two-circuit unit with a rated power of 10.5–30 kW.
  3. 111-W/222-W. This Visman boiler is equipped with a cylinder water heater and has a power of up to 24 kW.
  • MatriX cylindrical burner with electronic flame modulation.
  • Inox-Radial technology allows heated surfaces to effectively clean themselves of soot and other technical contaminants.
  • Closed combustion chamber with exhaust fan.
  • An integrated plate heat exchanger is used for the DHW circuit.

Viessmann Vitocrossal 300 series

Visman boilers of this series are floor-standing condensing units with a power from 29 to 60 kW. Besides high efficiency, reaching 108%, the instructions contain such features and specifications:

  • Inox-Crossal condensation surfaces are arranged vertically.
  • All heating surfaces are made of of stainless steel special hardening.
  • The MatriX burner with electronic flame modulation ensures quiet and environmentally friendly boiler operation.
  • Using a coaxial chimney.

Advice! It is possible to connect several Visman boilers into one cascade if necessary economical heating significant areas.

In conclusion, it can be noted that gas boilers The Viessmann brand fully justifies the title of reliable German technology. Praiseworthy reviews from customers who appreciated the simplicity, reliability and efficiency of this heating equipment serve as a solid argument in favor of choosing a boiler of this brand.

The German company Wissmann has been one of the world leaders in the heating equipment market for several decades. The company gained its fame primarily due to its solid fuel and gas floor-standing boilers. And in this segment, perhaps, they have no equal at all.

In recent years, the German concern has increasingly relied on compact and economical wall-mounted Viessmann gas boilers. Reviews for this type equipment is not as common as, for example, popular boilers of the brands or.

This is understandable, because the equipment from the German manufacturer has never been budget-friendly, and the price of wall-mounted single-circuit and double-circuit gas boilers Wisman did not allow them to be purchased and made available to the average buyer.

Today we’ll talk in more detail and review the wall-mounted gas appliances of the widespread Viessmann Vitopend 100-W WH1d series. Thanks to the operating instructions, we will together determine their significant advantages and disadvantages compared to competitors, and consider the main types and technical characteristics of German boilers of this brand.

Main types and models of wall-mounted gas boilers Visman

Today, the German concern produces two main types of wall-mounted devices:

1. Traditional boiler models Viessmann Vitopend 100-W;
2. Condensing boilers Viessmann Vitodens 100(-200)-W.

Gas boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W

A German company supplies condensing gas boilers of the model to Western European countries Viessmann Vitodens. In Russia, this type of equipment is not so popular due to its high price of 100 thousand rubles and above. These devices have a very good efficiency indicator (more than 100%), and the country of origin is Germany.

For Russia and the CIS countries, this company has developed a more budget-friendly series of wall-mounted gas boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100-W. These models are characterized by a standard (for wall-mounted units) efficiency indicator of about 90%, and the price for a boiler is more realistic for the consumer - from 700 euros, which is already noticeably lower than, for example, for the same “”.

Boilers of the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W series are assembled in Turkey and in some countries of Eastern Europe; they are available in several versions:

— double-circuit with thermal power of 22, 24 and 30 kW;
- single-circuit with a power of 24 and 30 kW.

Depending on the type of combustion product emissions, gas boilers are divided into devices:

- With closed camera combustion or “turbo boilers”, with separate (80/80 mm) and, i.e. “pipe-in-pipe” type (60/100 mm);
- with an open chamber or “atmospheric” boilers, with a chimney pipe diameter of 130-140 mm.

Design and features of gas boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100-W

In Russia, turbocharged double-circuit gas boilers have gained the most popularity, let's take a closer look at them in the photo below.

1. Turbine
2. Primary copper heat exchanger
3. Combustion chamber
4. Gas burner with flame modulation
5. AquaBloc hydraulic unit with Multi-Stecksystem quick-release connections
6. Boiler control unit
7. Expansion tank

Boilers of this model have two heat exchangers: a copper primary, and a compact secondary made of stainless steel for heating running water.

Three-speed circulation pump"Wilo" with an automatic air vent was replaced with a higher quality analogue - a pump from a German manufacturer " Grundfos", capable of raising a column of water up to 6 meters. The membrane expansion tank for models with a nominal power of up to 24 kW has a volume of 6 liters, and for 30 kW - 10 liters.

Thanks to a special hydraulic module AquaBloc With quick connectors Multi-Stacksystem, it has become very convenient to diagnose and repair basic elements gas boiler. This is especially true if you need to quickly replace any spare parts when outside the window subzero temperature air.

The entire hydraulic part of the boiler of this brand is made of high-quality composite materials. Both heat exchangers, gas and three-way valve, flow and temperature, flame and draft sensors are made in Europe.

Vitopend boilers automatically maintain the temperature of hot water and coolant, thanks to an automatic modulating burner. The device also has a self-diagnosis system and boiler protection against freezing and overheating, as well as a safety group.

Operation control and functions of the Visman gas boiler

On the front side of the device body there is a control unit, with the help of which the temperature is adjusted and the operating modes of the Vitopend boiler are set. In addition, the digital LCD display shows error codes if a malfunction occurs during the operation of this gas heating equipment, as well as control of the operation of the indirect heating boiler, if necessary.

Visman boiler control unit

1 - pressure gauge
2 - LCD display
3 — flow water temperature controller in the DHW circuit
4 - coolant temperature regulator in the heating circuit
5 - boiler on/off button

Single-circuit and double-circuit gas boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100-W have built-in weather-dependent automation. If you additionally buy an outdoor temperature sensor, the boiler will operate taking into account the weather and air temperature outside the window, on the street.

In addition, to maintain the required air temperature in the house, it is possible to install a room thermostat for the Visman boiler. The company produces several types of these control devices under the name “Vitotrol”:

— mechanical thermostat type “RT”
— programmable type “UTA”
— with digital display “UTDB”
— with a built-in receiver and remote radio transmitter “UTDB-RF”

Kit for connecting underfloor heating to a Viessmann gas boiler

To connect the underfloor heating system, the company has developed a special kit.

It consists of the following elements:

- circulation pump;

- thermostatic mixing valve;

— thermal heads with a remote sensor;

— supply copper fittings.

This set automatically supports temperature regime, necessary for heated floors and prevents the formation of condensation in the boiler.

Having purchased such an installation kit for a Wiesmann boiler, you no longer have to purchase an expensive manifold group with a pumping and mixing unit for heated floors.

Technical characteristics of double-circuit gas boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100-W

Double-circuit (combined) boilers of the Visman brand have a hot water capacity of 10 to 14 l/min, depending on the power of the specific model. Electricity consumption is small: up to 120 W from a 220 V power supply. To avoid breakdowns electronic board boiler, experts strongly recommend buying.

Capable of operating on natural and liquefied gas (when replacing injectors gas burner) at low consumption. More detailed technical parameters are given in the table.

Gas boiler Visman: technical characteristics

Advantages of wall-mounted gas boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100-W

— quality of materials;
— noiselessness;
— compact dimensions;
- modern German technology;
- a prestigious brand.

Disadvantages of Visman gas boilers

— high price for boilers;
— high prices for spare parts and components;
- hydraulic tubes from composite material;
- narrow the lineup.

Today we together disassembled wall-mounted double-circuit gas boilers Visman and wrote your review about this device. In accordance with the operating instructions, we examined the technical characteristics and design of the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W WH1d series boilers.

Despite some shortcomings and high prices for gas boilers, this is a very high-quality and reliable heating device from a German manufacturer. It may be worth spending once on a brand and buying good, prestigious heating equipment to avoid problems with your boiler in the future. Let's watch the video.



The Viessmann gas boiler is perfect for creating an autonomous heating and water heating system in your home. Most buyers have special requirements for boilers - practicality and ease of maintenance, efficiency and long service life. Viessmann equipment fully meets these criteria.

Photo of Viessmann gas boiler

Boilers from the German company Wisman have been present on the Russian market for quite a long time. During this period, they managed to gain trust and become the number one choice for many consumers.

But what exactly did Wisman do to deserve such a preference for his gas heating equipment from buyers? There are several objective reasons for this.

  1. Real German quality and assembly of Viessmann boilers. Unlike many heating systems, pedantic Germans are responsible for the assembly of Wisman gas boilers. It seems that German companies have it in their blood to bring everything to perfection. As with the quality of German cars, there are no complaints about the level of assembly of gas boilers from Viessmann.
  2. Efficient operation of Viessmann double-circuit boilers. Many gas boilers with two circuits are often not efficient enough, performing two tasks at the same time. By purchasing double-circuit units from Viessmann, you can be sure that the rooms will warm up and there will always be hot water on the tap. It is also enough to connect the underfloor heating system to the boiler.
  3. Two heat exchangers. This feature follows from the previous paragraph. A pair of heat exchangers each performs its own function. Thanks to them, you don’t have to wait for the water on the DHW circuit to heat up for the heating to start working again. When the need for hot water arises, the boiler simply increases the burner power. This way consumers get everything they need.
  4. Viessmann has a wide power range. Given the ability to choose the power of a Visman heating boiler, the buyer can easily find the unit that has the optimal characteristics. Wall-mounted models are offered in the power range of 10-31 kW, while floor-standing models can reach 140 kW.
  5. Possibility to choose between open and closed combustion chamber. Models with an open chamber are marked ATMO. Such heating boilers are characterized by low noise levels during operation. The Turbo marking tells you what's in front of you. closed system. Although the noise level is slightly higher, the boiler demonstrates excellent efficiency with economical gas consumption.
  6. The ability to quickly heat water in the Viessmann DHW circuit. If you urgently need to heat water to use it for household needs, you won’t find better Viessmann boilers. This is due to the fact that the unit’s productivity is up to 30 liters per minute. It is difficult to find competitors capable of demonstrating similar indicators.

Advantages and disadvantages of Viessmann

Now let’s move on to the advantages that characterize Visman boilers.

  • Widespread use of stainless steel. It is used to create the housing, burner and heat exchanger. The exception is floor-standing models, where to increase productivity the heat exchanger is made from cast iron. This design feature of a gas boiler seriously affects the long service life of the equipment;
  • The protective noise-insulating layer provides a significant reduction in the noise level during operation of the Visman gas boiler. This also applies to models labeled Turbo, despite the presence of rather noisy elements inside the Viessmann boiler;
  • Modulating burners. With their help, impressive gas savings are achieved during boiler operation. The efficiency of Viessmann equipment is particularly reflected in the bills for public utilities V summer period. By working exclusively to heat water, you consume minimal gas without depriving yourself of the pleasure of bathing and washing dishes in hot water;
  • A special controller that provides control and diagnostics of a Viessmann gas boiler. The device ensures that the heating equipment does not overheat, does not exceed permissible temperature coolant. The controller also monitors the voltage in electrical network, monitors the behavior of the burner in case of possible flame extinction. In this case, the device automatically diagnoses the condition of the boiler and its components, determines the presence of faults, and issues appropriate notifications on the display;
  • In case of problems with the main gas, Visman heating and hot water supply systems can switch to liquefied gas;
  • Thermal sensors. With their help, a Viessmann boiler can automatically change the amount of gas supplied to the burner, focusing on the current temperature inside the heated premises. This way the rooms won’t be too hot, and you won’t have to overuse gas to create excess heat;
  • Adaptation to the Russian climate. The big advantage of Viessmann is that when supplying their equipment to the Russian market, they took into account climatic features most regions of our country. While in Europe the climate is milder and warmer, where high performance heating systems are not required, winters in Russia are very cold. Therefore, it is important for a gas boiler to be resistant to such conditions;
  • Opportunity remote control. It is not necessary to run to the boiler room or press buttons on the boiler every time. Visman have developed a number of sensors that allow boilers to be controlled remotely through a special remote control.

Does Viessmann have any disadvantages? These gas boilers are quite expensive. But given their capabilities, the price of Viessmann is completely justified.

Nuances of installation and operation

Let's say right away that installation gas system It is recommended to trust Viessmann heating systems to specialists. It is not worth taking on such work on your own, since installation is associated with certain difficulties.

At the same time, you must know some nuances.

  1. If you purchased open system Viessmann heating, that is, an open type of combustion chamber is used; in addition to the boiler, you will have to buy a stainless steel chimney pipe. Such corrugated elements are widely available on the market, but choose only high-quality products.
  2. Provide the room where the Visman gas boiler is installed with an additional ventilation system. A simple open window is not enough. This is due to the fact that boilers with an open gas combustion chamber take oxygen from the room.
  3. But for Viessmann turbocharged boilers it is forced ventilation system need not. The burner will receive the required amount of oxygen through the chimney.
  4. - This important element when installing Visman turbocharged boilers. Moreover, there are a number of stores that sell non-certified coaxial chimneys. Having installed this, at the very first inspection of the gas service, serious problems and monetary fines may arise. Therefore, when purchasing, be sure to ask about the availability of a certificate.
  5. When installing on the floor or wall, ensure that there is at least 40 centimeters of free space above the Viessmann boiler.

The German corporation Viessmann, founded in 1917, occupies a leading position in the market of heating equipment using traditional and renewable energy sources. The most modern technologies are constantly being introduced into the design of all types of installations. technical solutions allowing him to work with maximum efficiency and the least possible emissions in environment. One of the brightest representatives of heating equipment is the Viessmann gas boiler, a high-tech product that is reliable in operation.

Overview of wall-mounted boilers

The range of wall-mounted boilers opens with the most affordable model Vitopend 100-W WHKB. The power range covered by the line of units is from 10 to 30 kW. The efficiency of the installation declared by the manufacturer is 90%, there is a separate circuit for heating hot water for household needs. Heating occurs in a secondary heat exchanger, which works in conjunction with a small storage capacity, its capacity is 4 liters. This solution allows for a hot water flow rate of 14 liters per minute. At the same time, the manufacturer honestly indicates that this flow rate is guaranteed with an operating power of the installation of 30 kW and a temperature difference of the heated water of 30 ºС.

Gas burner devices in all Viessmann brand boilers use modulation. That is, the burner itself is capable of smoothly increasing or decreasing the combustion intensity within a certain range. In the basic version, the unit has an open combustion chamber, and the unit takes air for its operation from the room in which it is located. The burner is controlled by the Vitotronic 100 controller, which also maintains the coolant temperature at a given level, monitors the operation of the safety automation and periodically performs self-diagnosis. For the most part, all of the listed functions apply to other Viessmann double-circuit wall-mounted gas boilers with various additions.

Device double-circuit boiler Viessmann

The next model of the suspended heating installation Vitopend 100-W WHKB has the same functions and is equipped with the same burner, but it does not have a storage tank. Instead, the boiler can be equipped with a closed combustion chamber, resulting in an efficiency increase of up to 93%. This is achieved by forcing air into the chamber from the street using a fan. Its performance is controlled by the same Vitotronic 100 electronic unit, ensuring synchronized operation of the fan and burner. At the same time, the manufacturer indicates the water consumption for domestic hot water at 14.7 l/min under the same conditions as mentioned above. The power range is from 10.5 to 31 kW, it is possible to connect several types of Vitotrol remote controllers:

  • A simple thermostat (type RT) together with the unit controller maintains the set temperature in the room.
  • The same thermostat, but with programmability (UTA type).
  • Digital thermostat with display (UTDB type)
  • Same as UTDB type, but wireless (UTDB-RF type).

The Viessmann suspended gas boilers of the Vitopend 111-W WHSB model are equipped with the same wide range of functions. One of important additions– built-in hot water boiler with a capacity of 46 l, providing water flow up to 18 l/min, which operates in heat accumulator mode; hot water supply can be programmed for a certain time of day. The ability to connect outdoor air temperature sensors has been implemented; with their help, the heating installation can regulate the heating of the coolant depending on weather conditions.

Wall-mounted condensing boilers

Viessmann suspended condensing boilers are even more high-tech and efficient in operation. During a chemical combustion reaction natural gas water vapor is formed and released in conventional boiler systems into the street through the chimney. Thus, the heat of vaporization (or condensation) is lost; it is spent (or released) during the transition of a substance from one state of aggregation to another.

The amount of this heat is considerable; when used to heat the coolant, the efficiency of Viessmann condensing units is 97%. Water vapor passes through a stainless steel heat exchanger located in the path of the flue gases. The vapors settle on it in the form of condensate, giving off heat, after which they flow into a special container. The technology is implemented in the Vitodens 100 - W model, which opens the Viessmann range of wall-mounted condensing gas boilers.

The heating installation is equipped with a new generation Matrix gas burner device, which has a cylindrical shape. The manufacturer declares this solution as increasing the efficiency of the device and its increased durability. The burner is of modulation type and is made of heat-resistant stainless steel. The flame from it spreads radially in all directions except the front, heating the cylindrical heat exchanger coil, inside which the burner is located.

The heat exchanger coil is wound from a square tube, the turns are located close to each other.

During the combustion process, condensate appears on the heat exchanger tubes, giving off heat to the water that passes through it and flows down.

Like its regular brother, the Vitodens 100 - W condensing boiler is double-circuit, with a water flow rate for DHW needs of 14 l/min and a power range from 19 to 35 kW. There are also modifications with open and closed combustion chambers and it is possible to connect remote control and automation equipment.

The next model of Viessmann wall-mounted heating systems using condensation energy is distinguished by an expanded power range (Vitodens 200 - W). The range is impressive - from 17 to 150 kW; few manufacturers of heating equipment can offer a suspended boiler of such high power. There is also a heating circuit for DHW needs, consumption depends on the thermal power of the installation, there is a function automatic regulation hot water temperature.

Floor-standing hot water installations

The condensing floor-standing gas boiler Viessmann Vitodens 222 - F is very similar to the wall-hung model. It has a floor-standing design due to the built-in large-capacity boiler (100 l). The result is something between wall-mounted and floor-standing models, a compact unit that takes up little space, but at the same time is very functional. It can easily fit into the interior of the kitchen; this is facilitated by the almost silent operation of the fan. The power range of the model is from 3.2 to 35 kW, the efficiency reaches 97%, all the same options are present as the Vitodens 200 - W. The only difference is the ability to provide hot water many consumers.

The model range of condensing units is completed by the floor-standing version of the Vitocrossal 300. This boiler differs from the previous model in its power range - from 20 to 60 kW, otherwise the design and wide range of functions are the same. In addition, the last two models are equipped with Lambda Pro Control gas combustion regulators. Their introduction made it possible to regulate the proportions of the gas-air mixture depending on the readings of the sensor recording the composition of the flue gases. As a result, boilers can work with low-quality fuel, preparing the gas-air mixture in such a way that combustion is as efficient as possible.

Classic floor-standing installations include gas heating boilers Viessmann Vitorond 100, having a traditional cast iron heat exchanger. The power range of the model is from 15 to 63 kW, the “heart” of the unit is a single-stage Vitoflame 200 type VG burner with forced combustion air. A special feature of the Vitorond heating system is the ability to operate on two types of fuel: diesel and natural gas. To switch, it is enough to replace the burner with a Vitoflame 200 type VEK I. The efficiency value when burning main gas is 93%, there is no water heating circuit for DHW.

The most popular floor-standing model Viessmann Vitogas 100-F has won universal recognition for its simplicity and affordable price. The gas burner device is of atmospheric type and a heat exchanger made of high-quality gray cast iron makes it possible to achieve an efficiency of 92% and cover a power range from 29 to 60 kW. Boilers of this model are reliable and durable, and have many useful functions as standard.

All Viessmann boiler systems for private homes are designed for a maximum pressure inside the water jacket of up to 3 bar; all boilers have a safety group with safety valve, set to release at this pressure. The critical pressure in the hot water heating circuit is up to 10 Bar.

Viessmann units are assembled from devices and parts made in own production. In addition to boilers, the corporation produces a lot of additional equipment that can fully equip a boiler room.


Viessmann gas heating boilers can become the best solution for any type of home, be it an apartment, a private house or cottage. They are well made and use the most advanced technologies to achieve maximum efficiency. Installations have high level automation and can work with intelligent systems " smart homes" Accordingly, you need to pay a decent price for all this.

The Viessmann company specializes in the production of climate control equipment for domestic and industrial consumers. It has its own production facilities and provides its manufactured products with a long warranty. By installing a Visman gas heating boiler in your home, you have at your disposal fault-tolerant and durable equipment - this is what we will consider in our review.

Boilers from Viessmann

Visman gas boilers are available in many models, differing in design and purpose. Here we see low-power samples for heating houses and apartments, as well as powerful industrial units that can operate not only on gas, but also on other types of fuel. Condensing boilers that save fuel are also on sale - this is a smart choice for a modern consumer who cares about the environment.

When developing gas boilers, the Visman company pays Special attention build quality and manufacturing materials. Despite the fact that this brand is not particularly well known in Russia (even taking into account the presence of branches), its equipment is in certain demand. And in addition to boilers, Visman indirect heating boilers are available on the market, providing hot water preparation.

In this review we will look at:

  • The most popular and interesting Viessmann boilers;
  • Characteristics of the presented equipment;
  • User reviews about Viessmann equipment.

Let's go through these points in more detail.

Main models

Viesmann heating boilers are available in floor-mounted and wall-mounted models with one or two circuits. Their power varies widely - up to 85 kW and even more. We will touch on household samples used for heating residential buildings and auxiliary buildings.

Before us is a traditional wall-mounted Visman boiler with a power of 24.8 kW. It is built according to a dual-circuit scheme using a dual bithermic heat exchanger. The combustion chamber here is closed, and the control is electronic. The second circuit is quite productive; it can heat up to 11.5 liters of water per minute at temperatures from +30 to +57 degrees and pressure up to 10 bar.

Natural gas consumption is up to 2.83 cubic meters. m/hour. The device can also operate on liquefied bottled gas fuel, but for this it needs to be reconfigured. The unit is mounted in a wall position and connected to a coaxial chimney. It can work not only with conventional heating, but also with warm floors. For more convenient control, it is recommended to connect room thermostat. Inside the Visman boiler there is already a circulation pump and a 6-liter expansion tank.

The disadvantage of this boiler from the Visman company is, according to experts, the dual bithermic heat exchanger - separate heat exchangers are more reliable. The cost of the device is about 42 thousand rubles.

The presented model is floor-standing. It is designed to work in low temperature heating systems. The power of the unit is 29 kW, the combustion chamber is open, the number of circuits is 1, therefore, to prepare hot water you will have to use a separate water heater. Operation in mode maximum power leads to fuel consumption of up to 3.94 cubic meters. m/hour.

The basis of the Visman floor-standing boiler is an impressive cast-iron heat exchanger, which significantly increases the reliability of the device. Due to this, its weight is 142 kg. The control system on board is electronic, flame modulation is provided. For automatic temperature control, a room thermostat is connected to the boiler. average price for this model is 134-135 thousand rubles.

The double-circuit gas boiler Wisman Vitodens 100-W B1KC032 is a classic condensing boiler that uses heat from condensation of water vapor to heat the coolant. During combustion, gas releases carbon dioxide and water vapor. In traditional devices, this entire cocktail flies into the chimney, taking with it some of the thermal energy. Condensation equipment is equipped with additional heat exchangers that remove this energy - the resulting condensate is sent to drainage.

The gas double-circuit wall-mounted boiler from Wisman Vitodens 100-W B1KC032, built using condensing technology, has a power of 4.7 to 26 kW. The combustion chamber here is closed, as in all similar models. Both heat exchangers are made of stainless steel. Maximum flow blue fuel is 3.23 cubic meters. m/hour. As for the DHW circuit, it is capable of preparing hot water in quantities of up to 14.1 l/min.

Other features and characteristics of the boiler from Visman:

  • Self-diagnosis system that monitors all components;
  • Installed security group;
  • Electronic flame modulation;
  • Works only on natural gas;
  • Efficiency – up to 108.7% (marketing indicator).

In fact, the efficiency of Visman condensing boilers is 4-5% higher than that of traditional convection devices.

Before us is a classic convection double-circuit gas boiler Visman, which became a new product for 2017. His thermal power is 29.9 kW, efficiency is up to 91%, depending on the operating mode. The device is made in a wall-mounted form factor, its weight is only 39 kg. Maximum gas consumption – up to 3.47 cubic meters. m/hour. It is also possible to convert the equipment to work with liquefied gas, for which it is supplemented with modules to reduce pressure.

The Visman wall-mounted boiler is built using a turbocharged design with a low-noise fan. It can work in fully automatic mode, obeying a program stored in memory. An undoubted advantage will be the manufacturer’s ability to work with fluctuations in supply voltage and pressure in the supply line. The productivity of the water supply circuit is up to 14.1 l/min at temperatures from +35 to +57 degrees. average cost device on the market - 37.5 thousand rubles.