Larch or pine, which is better for finishing? How to distinguish larch from pine: description, photo, where they grow

The forest kingdom is not only beautiful nature, but also a home for animals and birds. The forest consists of many trees that differ from each other, but also have similar qualities. Many people know pine and larch, but have never delved into their characteristics. This is the main topic, helping to understand how they are similar and how they differ from each other.


By its type, larch belongs to coniferous trees. It is very popular all over the planet. Most important feature The main factor is that larch sheds its needles in the winter.

The larch tree grows numerously in Siberia and the Far East. IN good conditions it can reach heights up to 50 m and trunk diameter up to 1 meter.

It got its name from the word “ Larix" There is no exact understanding of what this word means. The first opinion is that this is the name of resin, another opinion is that “lar” is translated as resinous. Some scientists say that it got its name thanks to the word “laridum”, which translates as fat.

Young larch trees are cone-shaped and only become rounder with age. The needles of larches are annual and soft. She has a bright green tint. In larches, female and male generative organs are located on the same tree. Scientifically this is called monoecy.

Female cones have a reddish or green tint. Pollination begins at the time when the needles bloom. The buds ripen in the fall. They have an ovoid shape (3.5) cm. Ripe cones can open immediately or in the spring. Their seeds are small and ovoid. Fruiting can occur only at the age of 15 years, every 7 years. Seeds have low germination.

In larches powerful root system . Thanks to them, the tree is very wind-resistant. If the soil is too wet, the roots of the tree can weaken and because of this, the trees can fall from the wind. In swamps, when moss forms on a tree trunk, additional roots are formed.

Larch generally grows only in bright places, and very quickly. Up to 20 years old she can gain every year 100 cm. Larch tolerates cold well. That is why it can easily grow in cold climates.

The soil does not play any role for it. Larch is famous for its magnificent wood. It is hard, flexible and very resinous. Therefore, this wood is mainly used in construction work. It is considered the best wood after oak.

Of course there are also some disadvantages. Larch wood too tight and this is what can create big problems during construction. Previously, trees were transported along the river to their destination, but larch wood is very heavy and such a tree immediately sinks in water. Larch wood is considered a unique, expensive material. It is used for finishing works baths, saunas, as well as for other decorative purposes.

Larch as a material is very popular in America, where it is widely used in the construction of residential buildings.

There are two options for the name of this tree. The first option is that pine comes from the Celtic word “ pin", which translates as mountain. The second version states that the derivative of the name comes from the Latin word “pix” meaning resin.

Pine is a resinous, large, evergreen tree. Mainly large trees, in rare cases you can find low-growing pines. They grow mainly in southern regions. Pine belongs to the class coniferous plants. She is famous for her rapid growth. The height of the trunk can reach 75 meters, and the diameter up to 4 meters.

Female cones have a rounded shape ( 8 cm), and males are ovoid ( 15 cm). When fully ripe, the cones fall off. The number of seeds in one embryo is up to 15 pieces. The male branches that produce spores are found near the young branches, while the female branches are found in the upper parts of the trees.

The color of the cones depends on the type of pine. Pine shoots are of two types: elongated and shortened. Needles are found only on short shoots (8 cm). They are in the form of bundles of 5 pieces. The leaves remain on the shoots for several years. Pine trees may have rosette shoots due to insect damage. They are shorter and have bundles of short and long needles.

Pine loves light, and it grows faster in bright places. The crown of the tree has a conical shape. You can tell whether a pine tree is old or young by its bark. At a young age it is almost smooth, but in old age many cracks appear on the bark. Pine needles are hard and have a life span 3 years. The length of the needles is 20 cm. The tree trunk can be straight or can have a curved shape.

Pine is a plant that is unpretentious to the soil. If a pine tree grows on moist soil, then the roots are distributed evenly and go deep (11 meters). In dry soil, the roots go 7 meters into the ground. Pine is frost-resistant and loves clean air, so urban and polluted oxygen does not suit it well.

Around the globe there are about 120 varieties of pine trees. A unique pine tree that produces edible nuts is called the “pine pine.” The cost of such a tree is high.

Pine grows in Russia, Europe, America and Asia. In Russia, pine is considered a very popular tree and has 16 species. Of course, in first place in popularity is the most common pine.

Common factors of pine and larch

Pine and larch belong to the class of coniferous trees. They take root well in any soil and can withstand cold weather. They grow well in brighter areas. The crowns of the trees are the same (have a rounded shape). Pine and larch are resinous trees. Used in construction. Have a beneficial effect on the human body. From pine resin they produce the elixir of immortality “resin” and healing turpentine for medicinal baths. Larch is also a widely used ingredient in medicine.

Difference between pine and larch

Pine is an evergreen tree; larch sheds its leaves in the winter. Pine needles are hard and prickly, while larch needles are soft. The size of the trunk is also important. Larch is smaller in size than pine. Larch has denser wood than pine and is more moisture resistant.

Trees are living plants that need the right climate. Some need more sun, others can easily tolerate the cold. The most important thing is to remember that the forest must be preserved and protected. The forest is the green lungs of our blue planet.

Larch or pine, what to choose?

Choosing material for construction or finishing wooden house , dachas, cottages, as well as the construction of a bathhouse or sauna, the construction of gazebos and terraces, many people wonder about choosing a practical material. Focusing on a natural “natural” product, the buyer makes a choice between the two most popular types of wood - pine or larch.

What are the main differences and what type of wood should you give your preference, we will look at in this article.

Pine– inexpensive, practical and accessible.

Pine is different medium density wood, it is quite easy to process.

When planning to buy pine flooring or decking boards , prepare yourself immediately possible problems with such materials. Pine wood does not have high strength; it is quite susceptible to rotting. A floor made of such material quickly becomes covered with dents from furniture legs. Yes, pine is cheap and available, but, for example, a pine terrace needs to be rebuilt every 2-3 years.

Siberian larch– built to last

Some European castles are still preserved in excellent condition. larch floor, which is already 300-400(!) years old. Moreover, it did not undergo deformation, but acquired an almost stone fortress. Doorways, dining tables, interior and exterior decoration - this is just a small part of the scope of use of larch in the Middle Ages.

In addition, ships were built from it, furniture and dishes were made. Larch, buy which you can always find in our warehouses in any volume, and today it is the most desired material among “gourmets” from natural construction.

Erecting country houses from rounded logs or laminated veneer lumber, many people prefer larch. This tree is distinguished by its amazing strength, maximum durability and beauty and uniqueness of the cutting area and overall appearance buildings.

Before the advent of concrete, larch was used as the main material for the construction of river bridges. It successfully resists the negative influence of both fresh and sea water.

Any larch lumber contains a unique resin - a natural antiseptic that prevents bug infection, prevents the growth of mold and mildew even in conditions of constant humidity. In many countries of the world larch beam It is considered an elite building material, which, moreover, has increased resistance to fire (twice as high as pine) and has a beneficial effect on health. Tree resin contains natural antioxidants that prevent the growth and development of many respiratory diseases.

Larch is twice as expensive as pine, but in terms of density and durability it leaves it far behind. The larch floor is hard and will last forever. Larch is ideal for the street (terrace, external cladding) and where high hardness is needed (floors in the house, assembly halls, stages).

Comparative analysis of two breeds

Let's compare two materials based on their main characteristics:

  • Durability and service life.

Larch is unrivaled; it is characterized by the highest density and hardness (remember floorboard larches in old castles). Increased resin content has a beneficial effect on health, prevents the growth of fungus and mold, and prevents the destructive effects of moisture (rotting).

  • Ease of processing.

Pine is much easier to process and prepare for construction. The less labor costs, the less problems with construction and the final cost of the house.

  • Surface quality.

Larch floor board characterized by one of the most beautiful wood surface structures. The pattern of each cut is unique, and its texture is very pleasant to the touch. Properly processed larch has a perfectly smooth, almost polished surface, which cannot be said about pine.

  • Decorative properties.

Larch looks more aesthetically pleasing and beautiful due to its structure and color. Eg, larch has practically no knots when compared with pine. The only problem when choosing is the differences in shades, which can cause some difficulty when selecting identical boards.

  • Price.

If you are going buy a board, price which will correspond highest quality, pay attention specifically to larch. Pine is budget material, its quality is much worse.

How to distinguish pine from larch by appearance

How to visually identify pine boards and larch lumber? First of all, pay attention to the cut of the board: the annual rings of larch are located tightly to each other. Larch has a darker shade than pine. Over time, pine wood turns yellow, and larch acquires a characteristic brown-red hue.

The woody structure of a larch cut is more clearly defined. The high density of the material can be checked by simply running a fingernail across the surface: a mark will definitely remain on pine, but not on larch. Also, the main differences include weight (larch has more) and the presence of a specific resinous odor in pine (larch has almost no smell).

If you are used to getting the best from life, if the health of your family members comes first for you, larch is your choice. This is an elite material that has not lost its relevance after centuries of active use by humans.

The abundance of lumber is confusing to some buyers, so studying the features, varieties and differences of each of them should be a priority. This will prevent you from being deceived during the purchase, allowing you to make an objective comparison of the advantages of each type of wood. The rocks are both similar and radically different, so without in-depth study it is impossible to determine the obvious differences between these materials, reminds the company

Features of each material

Before determining the main differences, it is necessary to study the characteristics of the materials. This will allow you to objectively evaluate the differences between larch and pine lumber.


  • Wood Density. The indicator reaches 660 kg/m3, which exceeds the density of other coniferous species used in Russia.
  • Hardness. This species is only one unit inferior to oak wood on the Brinell scale, reaching 395 kg/cm2.
  • Appearance. The wood of this species has an expressive cut texture and an unusual reddish tint. The rings are quite pronounced, which makes the material even more original and unusual. With prolonged contact with sunlight, the color gradually turns into red-brown.
  • Usage. This material is used in construction and decoration wooden houses, manufacturing of cabinet or classic furniture. Larch is perfect for installing floors because it has high strength and hardness, which directly increases the wear resistance of the material.


  • Wood Density. Depending on the breed, this figure varies between 450-500 kg/m3.
  • Hardness. The indicator reaches 260 kg/cm, this figure is higher than all coniferous wood species, except larch.
  • Appearance. The wood has a yellowish-white color, and over time it changes to yellow-brown. The core and sapwood are quite soft and pliable to external influences.
  • Usage. Lumber is used in furniture production, finishing of wooden houses. Most of the block house and false beams are made from pine, as well as a large number of materials for construction, laying railway tracks or installing masts and piles.

How to distinguish lumber

  • Smell and color. The smell of pine boards is significantly pronounced, in contrast to the subtle aroma of larch. A fresh log house is radically different in color, since pine has a lighter shade, close to white color. Larch looks noble, especially after contact with the sun's rays, acquiring a red tint.
  • Weight. The increased density of larch makes it easy to distinguish lumber by weight. A pine board or timber is almost 2 times lighter than a similar fragment.
  • Strength. Due to the low strength of pine, its fibers are softer and more luxurious, which can be seen in cross sections with the naked eye.
  • Texture. Tree rings are better visible in larch, since the texture of pine is quite uniform. Dark, red-brown rings will help you quickly identify larch lumber.

By learning these details about each type of wood, you can easily identify the wood from which the lumber is made, without any outside help.

What kind of wood should be used in the construction and decoration of a house? Usually the choice is among the most popular species in Belarus - pine or spruce. This choice is due to the availability of these lumber, as they grow on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Moreover, pine is always in an advantageous position due to more widespread. However, there is also such a tree as larch, which is brought to us from Russia. Larch closes the top three among coniferous trees. Let's try to figure out which is better - spruce, pine or larch.

How to choose wood

The consumer is primarily interested in wood appearance. Here, as they say, there are no comrades according to taste. Everyone chooses solely from their own preferences. Moreover, the grade of wood also relates to personal preferences. Some people, for example, think that Extra grade wood is similar to plastic, because... there are no knots on it.

Color of spruce, pine and larch wood

white spruce boards
yellowish pine boards
reddish larch boards

Spruce, pine and larch are coniferous species. The spruce wood is the whitest, the knots are small and randomly located, the core is not expressed. The core of the pine can already be distinguished, its wood is more yellow, the knots are larger and grow in groups. The larch core has a reddish tint, it is very large and dense, and the color is very different from the sapwood.

spruce pine

Resistance of wood to rotting

The second most important issue is the resistance of wood to rotting. The answer to this question is given by

However, in GOST the difference is not entirely clear. After all, everyone knows that larch is more resistant than pine or spruce. For this there is concept of relative durability of wood(resistance to decay of linden sapwood is taken as 1.0).

Spruce's resistance to rot is average. Moreover, along the entire cut from the center of the trunk to its edges it is approximately the same. Pine is a resistant species. There is one nuance with larch - the core has very strong natural resistance. But the resistance of larch sapwood is less than even that of spruce.
By impregnation with protective compounds Pine is clearly in the lead, i.e. its sapwood perfectly absorbs antiseptics and oils. And what’s most interesting is that spruce is the least resistant species of the species under consideration; it is impregnated just as poorly as larch, which is many times stronger than spruce! Those. For exterior finishing the best species are pine or larch. Spruce is good for interior spaces.

Mechanical properties of wood

The third thing that interests us is the properties of lumber, which affect their operation and processing. All considered Coniferous species have sufficient structural strength. They can be used without restrictions in construction and decoration.


Due to its dense core, larch is the strongest, heaviest and coldest. It is very difficult to process, especially difficult to saw and plane - the tool becomes greasy and dull. However, staining properly prepared wood usually does not cause problems. Larch has a very high shrinkage rate, and swelling pressure. This is a consequence of the postulate - than denser wood, the more bound moisture it contains.

Larch is much larger than pine and spruce and is susceptible to warping and cracking and has high internal stresses. To reduce these phenomena, larch moldings must be covered with protective compounds that prevent moisture from penetrating into/from the wood. Only if this condition is met does it retain its physical parameters(does not dry out/swell, does not crack). If you use larch as piles, then this parameter is not important. In a constant humid environment, larch only becomes stronger (turns to stone). When installing, larch necessarily requires preliminary drilling (as it may split). When using larch as a decking board, compensation cuts must be made to relieve internal stress. That's why terrace board larch is always made in a “corduroy” (comb) profile.


Christmas tree is the loosest and warmest type. When fresh, spruce is easy to process, although hard small knots during processing often cause many problems, including chipping the blades of the processing tool. With high humidity, it quickly rots and collapses. For outdoor use, spruce must be specially prepared. Indoors, spruce absorbs odors more than other species. But at first, the spruce house has a wonderful microclimate. Due to the homogeneous structure of the wood, spruce is the least prone to warping and cracking. Spruce bends well, is less resinous, and practically does not turn yellow over time.


Pine is the golden mean among conifers. Like spruce, it has a low shrinkage coefficient, i.e. warps much less than larch. It is perfectly processed - sawn, sanded, impregnated, glued. Pine is the main structural material in the construction of houses. The disadvantages of pine include its softness; like spruce, it is easily scratched and damaged. To reduce this disadvantage, pine boards are treated with varnishes, which, penetrating into the top layer, strengthen the surface. This mainly concerns furniture and floors.

Wood shrinkage coefficients

As mentioned above, larch has a higher coefficient of shrinkage and swelling than pine or spruce. Use of wood outdoors in our climate occurs at levels ranging from 12% in summer to 20% in winter. GOST 6782.1-75 provides the following data in the tables: shrinkage of a 100 mm thick bar to a moisture content of 17-19% is 3.4% for pine and spruce and 4.4% for larch. It is important to consider these coefficients when installing terraces and facades. It is necessary to leave the necessary gaps for the natural expansion/contraction of wood depending on the season of the year.

Thus, the mechanical properties of wood do not give a clear answer as to which is better: spruce, pine or larch. It all depends on where the wood is used.

Application of spruce, pine and larch

Larch more in demand in places with high humidity, on terraces, facades of houses. She will behave as well flooring in public places, where people often wear heels. This wood is also suitable for parquet. But a house made of larch will be cold, and the facade will be heavy, requiring very reliable fastening. When using it in exterior decoration, on terraces, larch requires constant attention - treatment with protective oils.

Pine- this is an excellent construction material, it also behaves well as a finishing material (planken, lining, imitation timber...). Pine is unpretentious during operation, but when used outdoors it requires antiseptic or any other protection. When using pine on terraces, it is preferable to use the so-called deck board. The deck board does not have a comb on the front side. Since pine is a fairly soft wood, the comb takes on a rather untidy appearance over time. In addition, the comb is an excellent “garbage collector”. Pine facades behave well when the weather changes. They hold paintwork well and also have a beautiful natural pattern.

Spruce more in demand in paper production than in construction, although it makes excellent finishing material For interior decoration premises. Spruce lining is distinguished by its whiteness and the absence of a pronounced pattern. Using spruce without appropriate antiseptic treatment not recommended for exterior decoration. This tree does not have such a reserve of natural antiseptic (resin) as pine or larch.

Ultraviolet has a negative effect on any tree, regardless of species or grade, as well as on any coating. Spruce, pine or larch will fade in the sun equally. And this means that for the street, the determining factor is protection from rotting. A faded board can be repainted, but a rotten one can only be replaced.

Article Pine or larch was modified: September 13th, 2018 by LLC "LesKhimProm"

Coniferous trees are found almost everywhere - in both warm and cold regions. Some areas are even distinguished by the predominance of representatives of this family over other varieties. The most famous conifers are spruce, cedar, pine, fir, cypress, juniper, larch, sequoia and yew. Most of these are tall trees, but there are also shrubs and dwarf tree representatives. They are widespread in Russian regions, but not everyone can distinguish, for example, larch from pine.

In this article we will try to figure out how to distinguish larch from pine and what is the difference between the wood of these trees.

How is larch different from pine?

The forest kingdom is not only a magnificent nature, but also a place where birds and animals live. Among other things, the forest contains a huge variety of trees that differ from each other. Pine and larch are familiar to many, but few have delved into their features and differences. Both of these plants are coniferous trees, but there are some significant differences between them. Next, let's try to figure out how they are similar to each other and how they differ from each other.

Below is a description of larch and pine.


This plant is one of the most common among conifers growing in Russia and beyond. The tree grows up to 50 meters in height, and the trunk diameter reaches 1 meter. The lifespan of this breed is 300-400 years. There are also “old-timers” who have reached 800 years of age.

Instead of foliage, the tree has needles, which is typical for all coniferous trees. In larch, unlike pine and spruce, it is soft to the touch and annual. The needles are shed in the fall, and the tree overwinters as a deciduous tree, without foliage. Therefore, many people have a question: what type of tree does the plant belong to and how to distinguish larch from pine?

Scots pine

The height of the tree is 25-40 meters, the trunk in diameter is more than 1 meter. Age can reach up to 350 years (maximum - 600).

Paired needles emerge from brown leathery sheaths. The length of the prickly and hard needles is 4-9 cm, width - up to 2 mm. They are placed on the shoot in a linear-spiral manner. In the upper part the needles are dark green, in the lower part they are bluish-green due to a waxy coating. She lives for about 2-3 years, sometimes up to 8 years. The cones sit on the branches singly or in groups of 2-3. They are oblong-ovoid in shape, up to 7 cm long.

Scots pine, like larch, is very light-loving and is easily replaced by fast-growing and more shade-tolerant species. Not demanding on soil moisture and fertility. Scots pine is cold-resistant and frost-resistant.

Where do larch and pine grow?

Larch can withstand the most severe frosts and can grow in the most depleted soils. In nature, it is found in any area and can even form larch forests. You can meet this tree in Primorye, Siberia, the Carpathians and Far East. Some representatives grow all over the world.

Pines grow in the Northern Hemisphere, in the temperate zone. The growing area extends from northern Africa to regions beyond the Arctic Circle. This is Russia, European countries, North America and Asia. Pine forms mixed forests and pine forests, where they grow together with spruce and other trees.

In Russia, the leading position is occupied by Scots pine. There are a total of 16 wild species.

Features of larch

Larch (see photo in the article) - conifer tree, belonging to the pine family. Although it sheds its needles, it looks attractive at any time of the year. In spring it is bright green, in autumn it is yellow. IN autumn time, having shed its needles, it is also magnificent with beautiful cones on the branches.

Soft needles grow singly or in a bunch.

This light-loving plant grows in places where there is a lot of light. Larch is unpretentious and tolerates frost well. Under favorable conditions for it, it increases its height to one meter over the course of a year. It can grow on mountain tops and in wetlands.

How to distinguish larch from pine

As you can see, pine and larch plants have a lot in common in terms of places and growing conditions. It is difficult to confuse larch with pine if you see them close up. The main difference is that larch, like all deciduous trees, sheds its leaves for the winter, and in winter it looks almost bare. Pine is an evergreen coniferous tree, changing only the shades of its needles with the seasons.

Both of these trees can grow up to 40 meters in height, but the larch trunk is thicker and can reach up to 1.8 meters in diameter. And their trunk is straight, so both trees serve as excellent building materials. Larch has a more transparent crown than pine.

On young trees it is much lighter than on pine, but on older trees this difference is practically not noticeable. Larch needles (this is clearly visible in the photo) are bright green, flattened, soft and arranged spirally on the branches and in bunches of about 20-40 pieces. In autumn it turns yellow and crumbles. Pine needles are long and located on a branch, 2 pieces in a bunch, also in a spiral. The leaves do not fall for 2-5 years, and they are replaced imperceptibly and gradually.

Pine cones have a classic cone shape. The young have green color, and ripe ones are dark brown with pointed, hard scales. In the spring they open and fall. graceful, more rounded and ovoid in shape. Young cones are pale yellow in color, while mature ones are brown. After opening, they pour out seeds, and the cones themselves remain on the branches and hang for about three years.

The answer to the question of how to distinguish larch from pine in terms of the appearance of the plant is clear. Now we need to find out the quality of the wood of these two plants.

Construction material

As building material Which is better - larch or pine? Many master builders know that larch is valued more than pine.

Pine is not very suitable for use in rooms with high temperature air, for example in saunas and baths, due to the oiliness of the plant. In such places, you can get burned if the resin gets on your skin.

Advantages of larch:

  • middle group wood hardness (comparable to oak);
  • good resistance to chips and impacts (produce high-quality parquet);
  • durable and dense (sinks in water), less susceptible to rotting;
  • good water resistance (used in exterior decoration of rooms with high humidity).

There are also some disadvantages. Due to the fact that larch wood is very dense, this creates problems during construction. Trees used to be floated down the river to their destination, and larch wood, due to its high density and heaviness, immediately sank to the bottom.

In any case, larch is a unique and expensive material.