Narzan baths

The main impact factor when taking narzan baths is carbon dioxide naturally dissolved in water. As soon as a person plunges into the bath, his body becomes covered with bubbles carbon dioxide, which gradually penetrates through the pores of the skin along with minerals.

The process starts within 1-2 minutes after immersion, and this seemingly simple procedure produces a great many complex processes in the body.

IN skin biologically active substances histamine and sympathins are formed.
Work is returning to normal cardiovascular And nervous systems
Function is enhanced sweat And sebaceous iron
Processes are stimulated regeneration.
The tone increases skeletal muscles.
Blood supply to the muscle is activated hearts.
Activity intensifies kidney.

If speak about external manifestations effects of baths, then a person feels cheerfulness and a surge of strength after them. His blood pressure is normalized, nervous processes are calmed, the cardiovascular system is trained, and the condition of the body as a whole improves.

Baths are prescribed every other day. A course of 8-10 procedures provides sustainable healing effect. Accept narzan baths is possible only by .



Diseases of the cardiovascular system:
- condition after suffering myocarditis of rheumatic and other origin in the absence of signs of process activity, not earlier than 8-10 months after the end of the acute process;
- myocardial dystrophy of endocrine-metabolic, toxic origin,
- atherosclerotic or myocardial cardiosclerosis without circulatory failure, atrial fibrillation;
- chronic ischemic disease heart disease with rare attacks of angina pectoris;
- defects of the mitral and aortic valves without pronounced phenomena of stenosis of the mitral and aortic orifices;
- hypertension stages I and II, phase A;
- hypotension.

Nervous system diseases:
- neuroses with a predominant dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

Endocrinopathies with decreased function of the thyroid and gonads.

General contraindications to sanatorium-resort treatment,
- circulatory disorders of II-III degree,
- acute and subacute diseases of the heart, blood vessels, fresh thrombosis and embolism;
- exacerbation of coronary insufficiency;
- chronic coronary insufficiency with frequent and severe attacks of angina pectoris;
- atrial fibrillation, severe conduction dysfunction (blockade), early periods after myocardial infarction;
- cardiac asthma, hypertension of II and III degrees, tendency to hypertensive crises, stroke; - neuroses with pronounced phenomena of excitation;
- menopause with sudden angioedema;
- nephritis, nephrosis, rheumatism in the active phase.

The practice of using Narzan baths is widespread today, so the real impact of procedures of this kind can be assessed in many sanatoriums. The process of taking such baths looks quite simple. The procedure consists of the patient taking a bath of mineral water saturated with carbon dioxide. But how great is the effect of this method of influence on the body and the organism as a whole? Understanding this will be incredibly useful and instructive.

Characteristic features of baths

It is possible to name the most characteristic indications and contraindications for performing such a procedure only if its mechanism is well understood. It is not difficult to explain, since the baths themselves are a common and to some extent elementary method. Although the treatments demonstrate a wide variety of effects, the process of taking them is extremely simple. Its most important aspects are as follows.

  1. The main "equipment" used in in this case, this is a bath filled with mineral water with a high carbon dioxide content.
  2. The time spent in such a bath may vary. Usually it ranges from 10 minutes to half an hour. This is enough for carbon dioxide to be absorbed through the skin and affect, among other things, the internal organs. The period that the patient has to spend in the bath is determined by the concentration of carbon dioxide in the water, the volume of the liquid, its pressure, and so on.
  3. It is necessary to take a bath at intervals a day for one to two weeks. In total, during this time you can complete 8-12 sessions.

As you can see, this technology does not require any complex actions from the patient or the sanatorium staff. But to whom such procedures can be indicated? Without an accurate understanding of the indications for such a treatment method, it is impossible to say exactly how effective it will be.

Indications for taking baths

There are many situations in which baths can have a positive effect. Even those people who do not experience any health problems find such procedures useful. But still, the best possibilities of baths with mineral water are revealed for such indications.

  1. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. We are talking about almost any pathology associated with this organ system. Helps with hyper- and hypotension, arrhythmia, ischemia. These are just the main diseases that can become an indication for this method of treatment.
  2. Pathologies of the nervous system of various types. They are also effectively used in neurological practice. They can be useful, for example, for neuroses. But this does not mean that they can be prescribed for mental disorders.
  3. Difficulties with metabolic processes. The ability to stabilize metabolism is also guaranteed.
  4. Skin diseases. You should not use baths only if you have open ulcers or ulcers.
  5. Lack of tone, general exhaustion. One course is enough to recover after protracted illness or major surgery. Naturally, in this case, special caution is necessary, since there may be quite dangerous contraindications.

Get from procedures best result It will be possible if they are performed correctly, as well as provided there are no factors interfering with treatment. It’s worth talking about them further. Since the baths themselves are quite effective, the contraindications to them are also very diverse and dangerous.

Contraindications for baths

The excellent therapeutic effect that can be obtained from such activities is combined with certain risks. They are talked about when some contraindications to this treatment method are observed. The doctor must determine their presence or absence. By contraindications we mean.

  1. Any infectious and inflammatory processes in the acute stage.
  2. The presence of unhealed wounds or stitches after surgery.
  3. Cirrhosis of the liver or other extensive lesions of this organ.
  4. Diagnosed neoplasms.
  5. A history of heart attack, hypertensive crisis or stroke.
  6. Tuberculosis in the acute stage.
  7. Blood diseases and serious pathologies of circulatory processes.
  8. Ulcers and extensive skin lesions.

It should be noted that these contraindications are only basic. In fact, narzan baths should not be taken in many other, less serious cases. Therefore, careful preparation is always required before prescribing such a procedure. During it, the doctor finds out everything important aspects, affecting efficiency. Only if there are no obstacles to the procedure can treatment begin. A responsible approach guarantees that the result from a course of such bathrooms will be excellent.

Meanwhile, the building of the Main Narzan Baths has a history of more than a century. The complex was erected for the 100th anniversary of the Kislovodsk resort: in 1803, Emperor Alexander I, by a special decree, declared Kislovodsk a healing area. The building erected a century later, no doubt, would not have upset the monarch himself: the complex of the Main Narzan Baths amazed visitors with its Indian flavor, fancy turrets and openwork stucco. Oriental decorative elements gave the ensemble lightness and airiness, playfully emphasizing the resort character of the city and its inherent freedom.

The resort theme was not played out by chance - during the period of the appearance of the building of the Main Narzan Baths, Kislovodsk gained incredible popularity. By the end of the 19th century, the resort was one of the most visited places by the Russian aristocracy. Many factors contributed to this. The first and main one is the unique natural conditions: the purest mountain air and warm weather (the amount sunny days in Kislovodsk is about three hundred per year) numerous underground sources of mineral water have been added. Kislovodsk Narzans contain copper, iron, manganese, silver, iodine, bromine, radon, as well as phosphorus and boric acid; this composition is very rare and provides mineral waters with high medicinal properties. Resorts in the Caucasus specialized in the treatment of cardiac diseases, nervous system disorders, metabolic disorders and digestive organs.

Also, the popularization of the resort at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries was facilitated by the concept developed in 1885 by the German doctor M.I. Ertel's method of treatment is a path path - dosed ascents along marked routes. At the leading resort, the new product was immediately put into development. In 1901, local doctor N.N. Oblonsky laid out the first health path route along Mount Tupoy, and after scientific study it began to be widely used at all resorts. This method is also very beneficial for the heart, blood vessels and digestive system.

By the end of the 19th century, the construction of two communication routes between Moscow and Kislovodsk was completed: a highway and a railway line. Of course, this contributed to an increase in the influx of patients. In addition, fashion also had an influence: going to the resort “by train” in those days was considered incredibly prestigious. And only wealthy people could afford this - a one-way ticket to Kislovodsk for one person with modern money cost about 30,000 rubles.

By the end of the 19th century, the number of vacationers in Kislovodsk, compared with the beginning of the century, almost tripled. In addition, the public began to understand the various methods of hydrotherapy and demand the most progressive, improved forms. There was an urgent need for a new, equipped with the most modern equipment building for narzan baths.

A location was chosen for the complex on the former Poplar Alley (now Kurortny Boulevard), since there was a small Narzan lake there. The design of the future baths was entrusted to civil engineer A.N. Klepinin. He decided that in spirit and architecture a large two-story building would be ideal for Kislovodsk, the lower floor of which would be intended for narzan baths and swimming pools, and the upper floor for hydrotherapeutic procedures. There should have been massage rooms, saunas, fresh showers various types and a special Wellenbad massage bath, in which a stream flowed from a special hole in the wall hot water. Moreover, Klepinin thought out the location of the baths in such a way that the narzan would flow into a special tank in the engine room on its own - due to the fact that the building was located just below the level of the main source. Construction of the complex according to Klepinin's design began in 1901 and lasted four years - until January 1905. The complex cost the state 393 thousand royal rubles, which would now be a little more than 400 million rubles.

For the design engineer, this building apparently became the main work in his life. Six years after the grand opening of the complex, Klepinin turned to the director of the KMV with a personal request to add a marble plaque to the façade of the building with the inscription: “Designed and built by engineer A.N. Klepinin. 1901-1903." The wish was fulfilled, and this sign notifies residents and guests of Kislovodsk about the creator of the Narzan baths to this day, and the building he designed received the status of an architectural monument of federal significance.

It is worth noting that in Klepinin’s time the complex had a different name - it was known not as the “main”, but as the “carbon dioxide baths of Narzan”. The building received its solemn name in Soviet time. The party leadership not only decided to continue the Russian tradition of recreation and treatment in Kislovodsk, but to make the resort even more popular and crowded. The complex building was reconstructed, the number of baths increased significantly. After this, the name also changed - the baths officially acquired the status of “main”. The elite of the Soviet Union - academicians, scientists, writers - were sent here for treatment. So, in 1935, Samuil Marshak tried to improve his health with the help of Narzan baths in Kislovodsk. "I am feeling better. I started writing. Now I’m translating English poems, and I’m thinking of writing a children’s book called “Nedralitet,” the poet wrote from there to his son.

During the Great Patriotic War the development of the city as a resort ceased. Almost all sanatoriums were converted into hospitals, local residents worked as orderlies, nurses and military doctors. Their work was not in vain - after the victory, the city of Kislovodsk was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, for its dedicated work in treating and restoring the health of soldiers.

Kislovodsk literary

For many residents of Russia, the very word “Kislovodsk” evokes extremely romantic and literary associations - mountains, duels, walks, young ladies in dresses and with sun umbrellas. The image, on the one hand, is far-fetched, but on the other, justified to some extent: in terms of the number of famous guests-writers, only Moscow and St. Petersburg can compete with the resorts of Kislovodsk. IN different times People visited here without whom it is impossible to imagine Russian culture. Lermontov, Pushkin, Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy mentioned Kislovodsk in their works and diaries, and Solzhenitsyn was even a native of this city.

But still, Kislovodsk occupied the greatest place in Lermontov’s work, and it is this poet who immediately remembers everyone who comes to these places. Lermontov visited the Caucasus for the first time as a boy of ten years old - he came for treatment with his grandmother - and fell in love with his age. Since then, the Caucasus and romance have been inseparable for the poet. “The Caucasian mountains are sacred to me,” wrote Lermontov. He returned here, however, only 14 years later, in 1838, as part of His Majesty’s Life Guards Hussar Regiment. This was the poet's second visit to the Caucasus; the third and last one began two years later, and the reason for it was extremely dramatic - exile due to a duel, by the personal decision of the king. Impressions from his stay in the Caucasus became the basis for many of Lermontov’s works; among them “Demon”, “Mtsyri” and, of course, “Hero of Our Time”.

Pushkin visited Kislovodsk twice - in 1820 with the family of General Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky (the poet lived in the Kislovodsk fortress) - and in 1829. These were his only two trips to the Caucasus. During his stay in Kislovodsk, Pushkin even visited the mineral baths - however, the complex of the Main Narzan Baths did not exist then, and the poet used the Ermolov ones.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy visited the Caucasus Mineral water in the summer of 1852 and 1853. However, the then future great writer spent most of his time in Pyatigorsk; He went to Kislovodsk on an introductory visit.

Chekhov first came to the Caucasus in 1888 and was stunned. “There are a lot of impressions. If I lived in the Caucasus, I would write fairy tales there. Amazing country!” - he wrote in his diary. True, the writer strongly recommended that his friends avoid resort towns “like Kislovodsk.” But at the same time, it was Kislovodsk, according to legend, that inspired Chekhov to write one of his most famous works. In 1896, the writer’s notebook stated: “I arrived in Kislovodsk on August 24.” And immediately below this note is the phrase: “Lady with a pug.”

Kislovodsk, thanks to Narzan, deservedly enjoys worldwide fame. The desire of a huge number of heart patients to go on vacation to Kislovodsk is caused by the hope of finding in “Bogatyr Narzan” an all-healing remedy for a number of diseases.

In fact, narzan treatment, along with other medicinal means of the Kislovodsk resort, is a non-specific method of treatment and, like other means, requires great attention and caution. From many years of practice and experience, we know that at the Kislovodsk resort you can have a wonderful rest and restore your health with the help of a number of therapeutic agents, provided that the disease is indicated for treatment not in a resort and if the patient’s body is adapted (compensated) for resort treatment. Narzan treatment is considered one of the responsible links in the entire complex of resort treatments, and elucidating the essence of its action is an extremely responsible and important task.

life itself and scientific experiment proved that narzan baths - despite the short duration of action - produce profound changes in the patient’s body. Both a single bath and a whole course of narzan baths cause appropriate responses from the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems.

The main active elements of narzan are carbon dioxide, mineral salts and radioactive emanation. It has been proven that the skin has the ability to absorb gases that come into contact with it. The leading role in the mechanism of action of a narzan bath on the body belongs to carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide enters the blood through the skin and through inhalation lungs of air. As it is absorbed by the skin and lungs, carbon dioxide enters directly into the bloodstream. Mansfeld, Sribner and others believe that absorbed carbon dioxide is a specific causative agent of automatism in cardiac activity, and it also stimulates the respiratory center. As a result of this irritating effect of carbon dioxide, the pulmonary capillaries expand (when inhaled) and the huge network of skin capillaries (when carbon dioxide is absorbed by the skin surface). Thanks to this expansion of the skin capillary network, a significant amount of oxygenated blood passes through the pulmonary circulation into the large circulation. As a result, the so-called “depot” is unloaded from stagnant blood and the nutrition of all cells of the body improves.

This redistribution of blood occurs due to a special redness reaction resulting from the thermal, mechanical and chemical effects of the narzan bath on the skin.

The mechanism of the balneological reaction of redness is as follows: 20-30 seconds after the patient sits in a narzan bath, the surface of his body is covered like pearls with bubbles of carbon dioxide. A feeling of pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body. This thermal sensation that appears from a narzan bath occurs as a result of the expansion of the diameter of the capillaries and the deeper located subcapillary veins, and also due to the inclusion of a huge number of capillaries in the current blood circulation. To judge the length of the skin's capillary network, one must recall the calculations of anatomists who believe that a stretched thread from this capillary network can wrap the globe around the equator two and a half times.

The full reaction of redness of the body usually occurs 1 - 2 minutes after immersion in a narzan bath, lasts 10 - 12 minutes and then undergoes reverse development. Redness of the body is a response from the body to a physical and chemical irritant in the form of narzan applied to the skin and is called a positive balneological reaction. This reaction does not occur in the same way in different individuals and, for the most part, passes quickly. In some patients, while taking baths, a short period of an opposite reaction sometimes appears when the body turns pale and the feeling of warmth disappears. In these cases, a temporary spasm of the capillaries occurs and part of the blood seems to go back to its “depots”.

This condition, the opposite of skin hyperemia, is called ischemic or anemic (negative balneological reaction). Fortunately, in the majority of those treated, it quickly disappears and is replaced again by a redness reaction or hyperemia. Upon leaving the bath, the redness of the body usually disappears after 2-5 minutes, and the feeling of warmth lasts much longer in the skin. As a result of a positive balneological reaction of redness, a more correct distribution of blood circulating in the body occurs with the unloading of internal organs (liver, spleen, intestines) from stagnant blood. Among the various theories that explain the essence of the occurrence of the redness reaction, we will analyze one of the main ones.

Lewis was the first to suggest that when the skin is irritated by the sun, chemical, thermal or simply mechanical stimuli, a redness reaction occurs. This filling of the skin capillaries with blood, in his opinion, occurs due to the expanding action of special chemical substances on them, which are called vasoactive, histamine-like substances. They arise in the capillary network as a result of the disintegration of part of the endothelial cells of these vessels under the influence of skin irritants. Experiments have shown that there is always a small amount of histamine-like substances in the circulating human blood. During the period of the Narzan bath, more of them appear in the blood. Along with them, during the action of a narzan bath, others appear in the bloodstream of the skin. chemical substances- acetylcholine, which mainly act as a slower on the pulse, slowing down the activity of the heart

A negative or negative reaction to a narzan bath serves as a signal that either narzan baths are generally contraindicated for this patient, or a change in the concentration of narzan, temperature, etc. is required. With a positive reaction, the internal organs are relieved of stagnant blood and the venous pressure in the post-bath period decreases - a good sign of the effect of the narzan bath. The opposite relationship occurs in the case of a negative balneological reaction, when, due to a spasm of the capillary network (palning and coldness of the skin), proper blood circulation does not occur and in the post-bath period the venous pressure increases - an undesirable effect of a narzan bath.

The movement of blood from large arteries to smaller ones, capillaries and veins is accomplished by central blood pressure. The amount of blood flowing through the vessels obeys Poiseuille's law, according to which the amount of fluid flowing through a tube under a certain pressure decreases or increases by the square of the decrease or increase in the diameter of this tube. For example, when the diameter of a tube is halved, the amount of liquid flowing through it decreases by 4 times.

In the human body, the greater the spasm of the capillaries, the higher the resistance to advancing blood and, naturally, the greater the load on the working heart muscle. Depending on the magnitude of the narrowing of the small arteries of the internal organs, the arterial pressure. Vascular tone (tension) is of great practical importance in human life.

The narzan bath, expanding the huge capillary network, thereby reduces the resistance to moving blood and facilitates the work of the heart. As a result, there is an increase in blood circulation energy, and the cells and tissues of the body receive more nutrients and sour.

During narzan treatment, the heart muscle rests due to a decrease in the number of heart contractions and a slower pulse. The period of rest of the heart (its diastole) is lengthened - this is the time when the heart muscle itself is fed with blood and the performance of the heart thereby increases. Thus, the beneficial effect of the Narzan bath comes down to improving blood circulation in the periphery and increasing the rate of blood turnover (bleeding). The latter occurs due to the expansion of peripheral vessels, narrowing of deeper vessels and a decrease in deposited (stagnant) blood.

The carbon dioxide of the Narzan bath also slows down breathing, increasing the suction effect of the chest. Due to this, blood flow to the right heart also increases and the systolic tension of the heart increases. This reaction to a narzan bath lasts whole line hours, when the heart, on the one hand, has an extended rest period (increased diastole), and on the other, a more powerful systole (increased contraction of the heart muscle). As a result of such rational work, the heart acquires a more normal rhythm and is relieved of excess blood flow, this is the gentle training effect of narzan baths on the cardiovascular system.

So, under the influence of carbon dioxide from narzan baths, the heart muscle itself is better nourished and thereby increases its contractility. This training effect of narzan baths on the entire circulatory system improves metabolic processes in the tissues and cells of the body

If each narzan bath has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, then there is a corresponding limit for the optimal number of them. The total number of narzan baths that a patient can take depends on the form of the disease and the general condition of the whole organism. The effect of treatment is determined not by the number of procedures, but by their correct use. Some authors believe (Polonsky) that after 14 narzan baths the body’s reaction of fatigue begins; the positive balneological reaction of redness no longer occurs. Experiences of the clinic named after. Lenin showed that on the 18th bath, in the majority of patients, by the end of treatment, fatigue of the heart muscle appeared, which led to diastole (the period of rest of the heart) and a weakening of the sound phenomena of the heart. The treatment method of “paired baths” (2 days in a row and the third day of rest) also had a negative effect on patients.

Along with the balneological reaction of redness, which characterizes the positive side of the action of narzan baths, the so-called bathing reaction often occurs. During narzan treatment, patients sometimes experience various kinds exacerbation of pain in joints, muscles and nerves, temporarily worsening general health. Pain suddenly appears in places that were affected by some process in the past. Diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, etc. are also extremely often exacerbated. Usually, these exacerbations occur during the 3-5 narzan bath. Heart pain intensifies, palpitations appear, general nervous excitability increases, and sleep worsens. As a rule, with the appropriate regimen, all these exacerbations soon pass and a corresponding improvement occurs in the state of health. Thus, narzan baths are considered a strong provocateur of attenuated inflammatory processes.

Most often, such a swimming reaction occurs in patients during periods of sudden meteorological changes (cyclones - anticyclones). Quite often, in case of sharp exacerbations of painful symptoms, it is necessary to temporarily interrupt narzan treatment, replacing it with soothing physiotherapeutic procedures. All of the above leads us to the conclusion that the effectiveness of Narzan treatment depends mainly on a number of conditions for using Narzan baths.

First of all, it is recommended on the day of the Narzan bath to avoid any excursions, walking in the mountains and anything that can cause fatigue, especially fatigue of the heart muscle. On the day of taking a Narzan bath, it is not recommended to take other physiotherapeutic procedures, even a hygienic shower, otherwise the beneficial effect of the Narzan bath is reduced. Great importance is attached to the concentration of the bath, its temperature and duration. Both before a bath and especially after it, adequate rest (at least 2 hours) is required.

When is it better to take narzan baths - after meals or on an empty stomach? It is recommended to take them after a light breakfast, or no earlier than 2 hours after lunch. The degree of reaction of the body depends on the depth of immersion in the bath. Generally, it is recommended to sit in the bath up to your nipples. If possible, the support points should be the back of the head, toes - the rest of the body is freely washed by narzan. Excessive movements in the bath are not recommended to avoid abrasion of gas bubbles from the surface of the body. Despite the particularly pleasant sensation, you should lie in the bath for as long as prescribed by your doctor. When the negative phase of the balneological reaction occurs, you must leave the bath with a feeling of chilling. ahead of schedule. The process of immersion in and out of the bath should be done without sudden movements. It is recommended to wipe the body with a sheet by applying it, without the usual rubbing and irritation of the skin. Why is a short rest (15-20 minutes) in the relaxation room necessary after taking a Narzan bath? From the above, it should be clear that the change in blood circulation that occurs under the influence of a single narzan bath in a favorable direction must be supported by freeing the body from excessive workload. It is not for nothing that in the future it is recommended to lie down for an additional 1.5-2 hours upon returning to your room (depending on the instructions of the attending physician). For a certain group of patients with a high diaphragm, it is more useful to spend the post-bath rest in a comfortable chair in a sitting or semi-sitting position. Electrocardiographic observations carried out within 2-3 hours after the bath proved the need for post-bath rest. Only if these conditions are met, the full effectiveness of the narzan bath and the normalization of cardiac function are ensured.

The above general rules The use of narzan baths can be changed by the attending physician, depending on a number of characteristics of the sick organism. It should be pointed out that an extremely harmful aspect in the treatment process is the pursuit of unnecessary

number of narzan baths. It must be remembered that the task of every patient who comes to the resort is to free the body from those health problems that interfere with productive work and a quiet life. From what medicinal means healing will occur, after how many narzan baths - it does not matter, you just need to achieve the goal: to achieve healing in the shortest possible time of spa treatment. We must not forget the fact that the full post-resort effect does not occur earlier than 2-3 weeks after the end of treatment. This is called the consistent effect of balneological treatment, the beneficial effects of which last up to 6 months or more. It is not for nothing that repeated treatment at a resort earlier than six months is not recommended. If during the period of treatment at the resort the patient does not experience noticeable improvements in his health, he should not despair. This serves as a signal that the layering of one irritation reaction on another causes a temporary aggravation of the process, which usually disappears 2-3 weeks after the end of treatment at the resort.

Taking a bath is usually considered a personal hygiene procedure; it can also have a preventive and therapeutic effect. Various hydrotherapy procedures have a positive effect on the human body. Narzan baths are becoming increasingly popular and cure many diseases.

Narzan baths are baths filled with mineral water and saturated with carbon dioxide. This procedure is the leading treatment method various diseases at the Kislovodsk resort.

Thanks to carbon dioxide, the formation of histamine-like substances in the skin affects hemodynamics. Carbon dioxide entering through the skin is carried by the blood throughout the body and affects the nerve center and cardiovascular system. Another way carbon dioxide affects the body is inhalation. Inhalation takes place more intensively when the water temperature rises. Excreted from the body through the lungs.

Staying in such a bath is about 10-30 minutes - this time is enough for carbon dioxide to act on the internal organs through the skin.

The main reactions to the cardiovascular and nervous system when carbon dioxide enters the body:

  • Activation of regeneration processes.
  • Strengthening the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
  • Improving blood supply to the heart muscle.
  • Increased skeletal muscle tone.
  • Strengthening kidney function.

Narzan baths have a calming effect on various parts of the nervous system and the patient easily falls asleep. In addition, the functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands, the tone of the skeletal muscle are enhanced, and redox processes are activated.

Carbon dioxide baths reduce the need human body in oxygen by 18-20%, help adapt the body to physical activity. A person’s breathing becomes deep, and lung capacity increases.A course of baths can improve performance and reduce depression.Carbon dioxide affects the skin and penetrates the respiratory tract, which leads to irritation of nerve endings. When bubbles settle on the skin, a gas cover is formed, i.e. thermal insulation layer.


Narzan baths tone up the heart and normalize blood pressure!

Taking narzan baths is often recommended for treating joints. This procedure has a positive effect on many human organs. Main indications for the use of narzan baths:

  1. Cardiovascular pathologies.
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (chondropathy, osteopathy, soft tissue pathologies).
  3. Diseases of the nervous system.
  4. Violation of the metabolic process.
  5. Skin diseases.
  6. Gynecological diseases.
  7. Thyroid gland dysfunction.
  8. Pathologies of the digestive system (gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, etc.).
  9. Narzan baths are recommended for mild cases of diabetes mellitus, obesity.

Narzan baths help with arrhythmia, hypertension, hypotension, ischemia, etc. Such procedures help stabilize metabolism. When carbon dioxide penetrates through the skin, blood vessels dilate, blood pressure normalizes, breathing becomes easier, etc.

Taking into account the patient’s condition and concomitant diseases, the doctor may recommend sanatorium-resort treatment using narzan baths. It is advisable to use such baths with other methods of treatment, then the effect will be higher.

Preparation and procedure

The bath is prepared by a doctor, taking into account the size hydrostatic pressure, temperature, duration - all this is selected individually for each patient.Before and after the procedure, you should not eat food so as not to burden your stomach.

It is recommended to take a shower before taking a bath and wash off the sebaceous secretions and sweat that have accumulated during the day. It will not be superfluous to carry out peeling. This preparation will greatly facilitate the penetration of carbon dioxide into the skin.

The water temperature in the bath is about 32-36 degrees.

Carbon dioxide baths can have a lower temperature and, if well tolerated, a skin reaction is observed in response to a carbon dioxide bath. As a result, the vessels dilate and blood flow accelerates, against the background of which heat transfer occurs, which a person may not feel.

During the procedure, carbon dioxide bubbles will settle on the skin and do not need to be brushed off. The duration of the bath is from 5-20 minutes. It all depends on the patient’s condition, his age, weight and other factors. During one session, a nurse is always with the patient and monitors the process.

More information about medicinal baths ah you can find out from the video:

The Narzan bath technique is aimed at reducing the temperature and the period of stay in water during the course, while having a training and hardening effect. The carbon dioxide concentration is 1-1.4 g/l. The number of therapeutic baths per week varies from 3 to 5.After a bath, you do not need to dry yourself with a towel, but only lightly blot the moisture from your skin without making sudden movements. It is recommended to avoid physical activity after the procedure and rest for 1.5 hours.


However, it is not always possible to use narzan baths. There are certain pathologies when such procedures are contraindicated:

  • Mental illnesses.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Fungal diseases.
  • Diseases of joints and bones in severe form.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Kidney and liver diseases.
  • The use of baths is prohibited during pregnancy for more than 5 months, in case of acute infectious and oncological diseases.
  • If the patient has acute pain in the heart area, impaired blood circulation, as well as an exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases, then narzan baths are strictly contraindicated.
  • The use of baths after surgery, stroke or crisis is not recommended.
  • Reception is prohibited carbon dioxide baths for neuroses with severe agitation, during menopause, for vascular diseases, thrombosis.

If you have a history of any of these diseases, you should definitely consult a doctor.