Caring for indoor flowers in autumn. How to care for indoor plants in the fall. Feeding indoor plants in the fall - gradation according to the dormant period. External manifestations on plants

If indoor plants have drooped: the leaves have become dull and covered with spots, the shoots have stretched out, and the buds have fallen off - do not rush to treat them with some miracle drugs. The cause of this condition may not be diseases and pests, but poor living conditions.

In the autumn-winter season, in our apartments it is dark for plants, like in a cave, plus the air is very dry for them, and the streams of water that they are doused with from time to time do not save the situation, but only aggravate it. Let's try to avoid mistakes in .

Lack of light for indoor plants

Light for plants is the same food. Lighting, which is quite comfortable for humans, is often insufficient for them. In nature, they grow either in the forest or in the open. And if tropical forest herbs are usually shade-tolerant, then for plants in open areas (succulents, cacti, most beautifully flowering herbaceous plants and shrubs) the light on the windowsill is ten times less than needed. In autumn and winter the problem worsens.

The stems are elongated, with long internodes. The total number of leaves decreases, they lose their characteristic color (for example, variegated leaves become green). U flowering species flowers are small or completely absent.

How to help indoor plants in winter?

We move plants from western and northern windows to eastern and southern ones so that they receive as much natural light as possible (leaves should not touch the glass). We regularly wipe the windows from the inside: clean glass increases the light intensity by 10%. For tropical herbaceous plants ( begonias , bromeliads, peperomia, cineraria ) we use artificial lighting. If it is not possible to provide additional light to plants, subtropical ( oleander, laurel, myrtle, hoya , pomegranate , citrus ) we send it to cool storage.

Low air humidity in rooms

As soon as it comes heating season, air humidity in rooms with central heating decreases sharply, dropping to 30% and below. For the majority tropical plants ideal humidity- 70-90% (acceptable - 65-70%).

External manifestations on plants

Young leaves grow small, damaged at the edges. The ends are dry. In many species, leaf fall begins. Buds and flowers dry up and fall off.

How to help plants?

Neither the frequency of watering nor its intensity can increase air humidity. Spraying helps until the plant dries, that is, within 5-10 minutes. Let's find a new place for the plant - on another window or in another room, in the kitchen, where the humidity is higher. Or we’ll just move it to the far edge of the window sill - away from the radiator. If this is inconvenient, we get an air humidifier. Or we increase the air humidity by placing flower pots on a tray filled with pebbles, gravel, expanded clay, and adding water to it from time to time. You can place the pot in a larger planter, fill the gap with peat and keep it moist. Another option is decorative bowls, for example, with glass balls, etc., filled with water, which are placed between the plants. The bottoms of containers with flowers should not be immersed in water.

Improper or uneven watering in winter

In a hot room, the soil in the pot dries out faster. If the plant is on a cold windowsill, the soil in the pot remains damp for a long time. It is in winter that house flowers can suffer from excessive watering - in the dark season, photosynthesis is reduced, growth is slowed down, and we, struggling with dryness, continue to water them abundantly, as in summer.

External manifestations on plants

A sluggish plant with moist soil in a pot. Do not allow irregular watering, when the plant is either dried out or flooded.

How to help plants?

We water the plant only when the top layer of soil looks dry - no matter how much time has passed since the previous watering: one day or two weeks. To do this, we often evaluate the moisture content of the soil by touch. Without doing this, you cannot water! If the soil is too dry (typical of peaty soil), it is better to soak the plant: completely immerse the pot in water and let it sit until the release of air bubbles stops.

Very soon the golden landscape outside the window will be replaced by dullness and grayness. Deep autumn will come. Indoor flowers in the fall will begin to suffer from lack of light and sudden fluctuation temperature. Our article today is about how to help plants adapt.

Protection from cold in autumn-winter period

— it is better to place flower pots on low stands. And here cold-resistant plants should be placed closer to the glass. Such plants include: geranium, Washingtonia palm, cyclamen.

- You can build frost protection for plants with your own hands. Take bubble wrap or plastic wrap and attach it to the bottom of the frame (at a height of 25-30 cm). Fold the rest of the film under the window sill.

— it is also recommended to raise potted plants standing in close proximity to the balcony.

Attention! To control the temperature, place a thermometer on the windowsill.

How to protect indoor flowers in autumn from lack of light

— for additional lighting, you can attach compact lamps to frames.

— no need to leave the lights on 24 hours a day! Because of this, the physiological rhythm of the plant will be disrupted.

— do not forget about the balance between room temperature and light level. The length of the light period should be 10 – 12 hours.

Remember! Plants during the dormant period do not need feeding! For plants that overwinter in warm conditions with good lighting, fertilizer is applied in ½ part indicated on the label.

How to protect indoor flowers from spider mites in the fall

Dry air from heat sources and low humidity can provoke the appearance of spider mites. This article is written about methods of dealing with it.

Indoor flowers have long become an integral attribute of window sills. They perfectly complement the interior, create comfort, and saturate the dry air of apartments with oxygen. With a huge variety of types of house plants, everyone can choose specimens to their liking - climbing plants, ferns, cacti. But many still prefer flowering ones. From mid-October, most indoor flowers go into a dormant state. They require less watering, new greenery does not form, and develops poorly root system. But precisely in winter period I want to enjoy flowers as a reminder of the warm summer, I want to add color to the gray and boring landscape outside the window.

They can help with this plants, blooming in winter . Winter is the time for them intensive growth, and not peace, like many others.

You can choose any of the following to decorate your home.

Flower growers prefer to grow Indian azalea. She is not as whimsical as others, but at the same time she is not inferior to them in beauty. With proper care, azalea blooms so profusely that sometimes the leaves are not even visible from under the fluffy cap of flowers. Cool, moist air and diffused light are favorable for azaleas.

In order to provide the conditions necessary for flowering, the pot with the plant cover with ice cubes.

Azalea does not tolerate direct sunlight. In summer, on a brightly lit windowsill it may die.

She is known as the "Christmas star". Poinsettia has become popular thanks to its bright bracts - leaves collected in star-shaped rosettes that frame small flowers.

In the classic version, the bracts are bright red, however, during the selection process, agronomists developed varieties with white, pink and cream colors.

poisonous. When leaves or stems are injured, a poisonous milky sap is released.

This cactus got its name precisely because the flowering period is at the end of November - beginning of December. In nature it grows in tropical forests and gardens, where there is little light and high humidity.

During the flowering period, Decembrist needs abundant watering. The earth should not dry out. And, conversely, from March to September, during the dormant period, watering should be reduced to a minimum. In summer, it is better to place the Decembrist outdoors - on a balcony or terrace, choosing a shady place.

During bud formation, the plant should not be disturbed. You shouldn’t rearrange or even just turn the pot over.

Extraordinarily beautiful, but fastidious plant. To make a camellia please you with its flowers, you need to work hard. At insufficient care drops flowers, buds, and even leaves.

Suitable for placing camellias the brightest room. But not direct sunlight, but diffused light. To flower, it needs more than 12 hours of light, so winter time Need additional lighting.

needs to high humidity . Therefore, it must be sprayed frequently, and moistened drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot.

This perennials with tuberous roots. Cyclamen blooms from autumn to early spring. The flowers resemble butterflies hovering above the oval leaves. Cyclamen are very sensitive to overwatering, however, drying out the earthen coma is very dangerous.

If the soil is dry, cyclamen is placed in a basin of water for about 45 minutes. The dormant period for cyclamen is May-June. At this time, it drops flowers and leaves.

The plant is poisonous. Cyclamen juice causes severe irritation if it comes into contact with the skin. Gloves must be used.

Very unpretentious plant. It is a bundle of elongated green leaves And beautiful flower, usually red or Pink colour. In houses it grows up to 40 cm in height, and in nature it can reach 70-80 cm.

Overfilling is very dangerous for Guzmania. It is recommended not to water the soil, but to leave the water in the pan.


Large, bright flowers of hipperastrum will not leave anyone indifferent. Does not require increased attention , it is enough to follow simple rules to achieve flowering.

Hyperastrum is light- and heat-loving. However, diffused light is still preferable.

Watering must be organized so that water does not fall on the bulb. It is ideal to add water to the pan.


This exotic plant has become a familiar resident of our homes. Most often you can buy phalaenopsis in flower shops. The most important part is its roots. The life of an orchid depends on their condition.

You cannot water the substrate in which the orchid grows. Water getting into the rosette of leaves can lead to rotting. To water, place the pot in a bowl of water for 10-15 minutes, after which excess water is allowed to drain.

Direct sunlight may cause burns leaves.


Unpretentious plants with long green leaves and bright colors, collected in panicles. All bromeliads bloom in winter. Among bromeliads, epiphytic and terrestrial species are distinguished. The most popular are Vriesia, Guzmania, Tillansia.

Bulbous flowers

They are very easy to care for and are varied in shape and color. It got its name because of its onion-like root. The most famous and beloved bulbous flower growers are amaryllis, hymenocallis, hyperastrum,.

All plants that bloom in winter are representatives of tropical and subtropical flora. Therefore, in order to achieve flowering, it is necessary to create conditions closest natural environment a habitat. Namely, high humidity, diffused light, daylight hours of more than 10 hours.

Love your plants, take care of them, and they will delight you with bright colors!


It’s rainy autumn time outside, and indoor plants require care and attention. Today we will talk about how to care for indoor plants in the fall. Autumn is the hardest time for our green pets. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. Life processes for the majority indoor plants are suspended.

are suspended.



The most important reason for changes in the viability of domestic plants is a change light mode. With more short day plants use up their energy much faster nutrients, which they accumulated over the summer. Also does not promote flowering and improvement appearance plants and central heating, switched on in the fall.

For many indoor plants, the lack of lighting can be compensated for artificially. You need to light the lamp only when it is completely dark outside the window. In total, natural and artificial lighting should be at least ten to twelve hours.


The heat regime is an individual parameter for each individual plant species. For example, aucuba, aloe, aspidistra, dracaena, zygocactus, lemon, ficus, cyperus are not at all demanding on the air temperature in the room.

An elevated temperature (+ 15°C) is necessary for warm-blooded indoor flowers: Saintpaulia, anthurium, begonia.

Roses, primroses, fuchsias, camellias, and geraniums need cooler temperatures. But the indoor plant cyclamen does not tolerate heat at all.

Attention! Indoor plants do not tolerate drafts in autumn.

When ventilating rooms, be sure to cover indoor flowers with newspapers. Care must be taken to ensure that plants are not exposed to cold air or drafts.


How to water indoor flowers in the fall? The watering procedure, which at first glance is completely simple, is fraught with secrets. Not all novice gardeners know that abundant and frequent watering in autumn and winter is dangerous for indoor plants.

During this period, the substrate, without having time to dry out at depth, again receives a new portion of moisture, and as a result, the root system rots. Plants may die if appropriate measures are not taken.

House plants shedding autumn time The foliage needs to be watered even less often than the main part of indoor plants, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out completely.

Even such indoor plants as: cyclamen, gloxinia, tuberous begonia, which during the rest period do not have aboveground shoots, it is necessary to water occasionally.

Water for irrigation must be settled and have a temperature approximately equal to room temperature. Cold water It is harmful to plants in that it is practically not absorbed by the roots properly, as is boiled water, which after boiling does not contain oxygen.

When watering, it is better to direct the stream closer to the edge of the pot and water carefully so as not to erode the substrate. If the earth mixture is too compacted, it needs to be loosened periodically.



In September, indoor flowers experience the most critical period of their lives. At this time, they enter the period of the end of growth and gradually plunge into a state of rest. The vital activity of indoor flowers is still normal, but external conditions are continuously getting worse. The days become short and the nights become cool.

Indoor flowers with flowers standing outdoors can still bloom if September is sunny and there is enough lighting. Flowers blooming in September consume a huge amount of mineral salts, so they should be watered abundantly and fertilized once a week.

In September, a strong growth of shoots is possible, but it is not desirable, since the shoots that appeared in the fall do not ripen by the time of arrival. winter cold. These shoots will evaporate moisture, and in winter they will take water from adults lower leaves, as a result, mature leaves may fall off.

To prevent the growth of unwanted shoots, caring for indoor flowers in the fall (September) requires completing fertilizing with fertilizer and gradually reducing watering. Thus, the growth of the plant is stopped.

The end of September - beginning of October marks the beginning of the heating season. In the life of indoor flowers there are sudden changes, which will not be immediately visible. Most house flowers go dormant in September. Therefore, watering is significantly reduced and fertilizing is not carried out during this period. With inclusion central heating the air in the apartment rooms will be dry.

Attention! To help flowers cope with dry air, you need to systematically spray your indoor plants with cooled boiled water from a spray bottle.

It is forbidden to replant most indoor plants in September, because the flowers have entered the dormant stage and their vital activity is decreasing every day. Even if you think that the flower pot is catastrophically small, still postpone replanting until spring.

In September, you need to gradually reduce watering of amaryllis (hippeastrum), its leaves will wither and die. The pot with the plant is placed in a cool place.

In September zygocactus ( Schlumberger ) periodically sprayed and moistened, preventing the substrate from drying out. The pot with the Christmas cactus is not moved, as the flower may shed its buds.

Cacti stop growing in September; they are watered much less frequently and kept in a bright place. If there is no frost, I recommend placing cacti on the balcony. Cool autumn air will contribute to successful wintering and hardening of plants.


After the summer holiday, callas begin to actively grow in September. Caring for indoor flowers in the fall during this period involves abundant watering. You should not lose sight of the pan; there should always be water in it. Calla lilies are fed with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Large callas should be transplanted into an earthen mixture consisting of peat, humus, sand, leaf soil (all parts are equal). The children are separated and placed in a small pot with earth mixture described above. Places where babies are separated are sprinkled with charcoal or sulfur.

Indoor flower cyclamen comes into season in autumn active growth, forming many buds. Cyclamen is systematically watered from a tray, placing the flower closer to the window glass.

Wallots and eucharis develop their flower arrows at this time. These bulbous flowers need to be fed with 0.1% complete mineral fertilizer and increased watering.

Blooms in September indoor orchid- large odontoglossum. The substrate is moistened with soft (boiled or rain water). The plant is sprayed frequently until its bright, large flowers bloom. The following sprayings are carried out carefully, trying not to get on the flowers; if moisture accidentally gets in, unsightly black spots will appear on them.


With the arrival of October, indoor plants no longer need to special care. At this time, the needs of indoor plants sharply decrease, but the requirements for environment. Lighting deteriorates and humidity levels for plants in the house decrease. It is necessary to stop fertilizing the plants, reduce watering and carefully control the humidity of the substrate. Much attention should be paid to plants that are placed close to heat sources.

When caring for indoor plants in the fall, many gardeners use this technique. They collect their indoor flowers in one large container filled with expanded clay, which is constantly moist. If there are not many plants, then each flower is placed in a separate tray. This method requires control over the volume of moisture to avoid stagnation.

Moderate watering is necessary for plants with woody shoots. Using a small amount of moisture prevents the emergence of new shoots, which allows existing shoots to fully ripen. During this period, propagation of plants by cuttings is stopped.

Attention! Watering indoor plants in October depends on the indoor air temperature. At high temperature- watering is plentiful, when low - moderate.

The substrate in the pots is periodically loosened and the moss that often forms on the surface is removed. If necessary, you can add sand or peat. Since the root system of plants should be kept moderately moist, it is recommended to cover the surface of the substrate with sphagnum moss, which should be sprayed. Plants that require cold wintering are placed on the veranda (basement).


Every gardener knows that house flowers require special attention in November. At this time, you need to take into the house all the house flowers that were still on the balcony or in the garden. In November, house flowers along with their pots should be washed with soapy water so as not to introduce dirt, dust, bacteria and pests into the apartment.

In November, such indoor flowers as: roses, hydrangeas, fuchsias, agapanthus, which are suitable for wintering at low temperatures before the arrival of spring, must be placed in basements, on verandas or in the coldest place (for example, at the door opening onto the balcony, where the temperature will be approximately three to six degrees above zero). During the dormant period, these plants need to be watered occasionally, approximately no more than once a month, just so that the roots of the plants do not dry out.

It is also recommended, to increase air humidity, to place pots with plants on pallets filled with expanded clay or gravel covered with water. You can also cover the substrate in pots with a small layer of moss (sphagnum) and spray it periodically.

Indoor flowers that bloom in November: Saintpaulia, bellflower, begonia, primrose, jasmine sambac, etc. must be watered in proportion to the drying of the substrate with water at a temperature of 20 ° C. And feed occasionally with a weak solution mineral fertilizers. Their flowering can be easily extended if additional lighting is done with fluorescent lamps.

Bulbous indoor plants: eucharis, crinum are just beginning to bloom. It is necessary to water only when the top layer of the substrate is completely dry and fertilize with 0.1 - 0.2% mineral fertilizer.


September is the time for the end of growth and the beginning of the dormant period for many plants. The living conditions of plants are still satisfactory, but they are continuously deteriorating. Their life gradually slows down.

Before the first frosts, it is necessary to bring into the house plants that were in the garden or on the balcony during the summer. From coleus, pelargoniums, and begonias, you can only take cuttings that can easily take root in your home. In this case, you need to carefully examine the plants, are there any pests on them?

Often aphids, scale insects, and mites are brought into the house with infected plants. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion, treat the plants with FAS, acarin, agravertin, fitoverm, Inta-vir, etc.

Flowering plants in good weather When there is still enough sunlight for the growth and flowering of indoor plants, we continue to water abundantly, but only once a week. Plants should not be replanted at this time. Even if the flower pot is too small, it is better to postpone this operation until spring.

Placing plants correctly

Light-loving species - tree aloe, American agave, three-striped sansevieria, chlorophytums are placed on the windowsill. We place cacti and other succulents near the glass. Shade-tolerant plants - ferns, peperomia, aspidistra, monstera - are placed on stands and tables near the window.

Reducing watering

To stop the unwanted growth of indoor plants, when the young leaves that form evaporate a lot of water and in winter cause leaf fall, stop feeding and reduce watering. Ficus, aloe and cacti are watered even less often in the second half of September than in winter.

Increasing air humidity

With the beginning of the heating season, dramatic changes occur in the life of plants. Increased dryness of the air and short daylight hours are not very favorable for indoor plants. Easily rotting herbaceous plants are especially affected if water gets on the leaves when watering. Cyclamen tubers can also easily rot if they are watered incorrectly: a weak stream of water should not be directed at the tubers. And on the surface of the earth at the very edge of the pot or water it on a tray. The leaves of palm trees and other deciduous plants need to be wiped with water more often room temperature or spray. Once a week, the leaves are washed with water under a warm shower. To increase air humidity, cuvettes with water or damp sand are placed on central heating radiators, and air humidifiers are turned on.

Optimal conditions

Plants. Those who came from the subtropics tolerate winter better in a cool room at a temperature of 10-12 degrees. These include laurel, boxwood, myrtle, ivy, cissus, ophiopogon, etc. Plants are watered occasionally as the earth clod dries, and the surface of the soil in pots is often sprayed and loosened.

Crops such as conifers, laurels, oleanders, agapanthus, fuchsias, and hydrangeas overwinter well in a dry, ventilated basement at a temperature of 2 - 6 degrees. Some of them lose their leaves for the winter. The plants are brought into the basement as late as possible, when the temperature outside has dropped to 1 - 2 degrees. The soil in pots and tubs is rarely moistened; care is taken to ensure that mold does not form on the surface.

Kinds tropical origin- Saintpaulias, orchids, episcias, etc. continue to grow and bloom. They are watered regularly. Spray (except episcia) warm water and illuminated with fluorescent lamps.

Azaleas with buds are kept in moderately warm temperatures (18 - 20 degrees) bright rooms, watered and sprayed daily. Camellias require coolness, a temperature of 12 - 15 degrees and good lighting, otherwise their buds will fall off or not bloom. Hippeastrums quickly develop flower shoots. To prevent them from bending towards the light, the pots are periodically turned. On the contrary, flowerpots with camellias, azaleas, and zygocacti cannot be touched or moved.


It’s rainy autumn time outside, and indoor plants require care and attention. Today we will talk about how to care for indoor plants in the fall. Autumn is the hardest time for our green pets. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. The life processes of most indoor plants are suspended.

are suspended.



The most important reason for changes in the viability of houseplants is a change in light conditions. With shorter days, plants use up the nutrients they accumulated over the summer much faster. Central heating turned on in the fall also does not contribute to flowering and improving the appearance of plants.

For many indoor plants, the lack of lighting can be compensated for artificially. You need to light the lamp only when it is completely dark outside the window. In total, natural and artificial lighting should be at least ten to twelve hours.


The heat regime is an individual parameter for each individual plant species. For example, aucuba, aloe, aspidistra, dracaena, zygocactus, lemon, ficus, cyperus are not at all demanding on the air temperature in the room.

An elevated temperature (+ 15°C) is necessary for warm-blooded indoor flowers: Saintpaulia, anthurium, begonia.

Roses, primroses, fuchsias, camellias, and geraniums need cooler temperatures. But the indoor plant cyclamen does not tolerate heat at all.

When ventilating rooms, be sure to cover indoor flowers with newspapers. Care must be taken to ensure that plants are not exposed to cold air or drafts.


How to water indoor flowers in the fall? The watering procedure, which at first glance is completely simple, is fraught with secrets. Not all novice gardeners know that abundant and frequent watering in autumn and winter is dangerous for indoor plants.

During this period, the substrate, without having time to dry out at depth, again receives a new portion of moisture, and as a result, the root system rots. Plants may die if appropriate measures are not taken.

Houseplants that sometimes shed their leaves in autumn need to be watered even less often than the main part of indoor plants, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out completely.

Even indoor plants such as cyclamen, gloxinia, tuberous begonia, which do not have above-ground shoots during the dormant period, need to be watered occasionally.

Water for irrigation must be settled and have a temperature approximately equal to room temperature. Cold water is harmful to plants because it is practically not absorbed by the roots properly, as is boiled water, which after boiling does not contain oxygen.

When watering, it is better to direct the stream closer to the edge of the pot and water carefully so as not to erode the substrate. If the earth mixture is too compacted, it needs to be loosened periodically.



In September, indoor flowers experience the most critical period of their lives. At this time, they enter the period of the end of growth and gradually plunge into a state of rest. The vital activity of indoor flowers is still normal, but external conditions are continuously deteriorating. The days become short and the nights become cool.

Indoor flowers with flowers standing outdoors can still bloom if September is sunny and there is enough lighting. Flowers blooming in September consume a huge amount of mineral salts, so they should be watered abundantly and fertilized once a week.

In September, a strong growth of shoots is possible, but it is not desirable, since the shoots that appear in the fall do not ripen before the arrival of winter cold. These shoots will evaporate moisture and, in winter, take water from the mature lower leaves, causing mature leaves to fall off.

To prevent the growth of unwanted shoots, caring for indoor flowers in the fall (September) requires completing fertilizing with fertilizer and gradually reducing watering. Thus, the growth of the plant is stopped.

The end of September - beginning of October marks the beginning of the heating season. There are drastic changes in the life of indoor flowers that will not be immediately visible. Most house flowers go dormant in September. Therefore, watering is significantly reduced and fertilizing is not carried out during this period. When the central heating is turned on, the air in the apartment rooms will be dry.

Attention! To help flowers cope with dry air, you need to systematically spray your indoor plants with cooled boiled water from a spray bottle.

It is forbidden to replant most indoor plants in September, because the flowers have entered the dormant stage and their vital activity is decreasing every day. Even if you think that the flower pot is catastrophically small, still postpone replanting until spring.

In September, you need to gradually reduce watering of amaryllis (hippeastrum), its leaves will wither and die. The pot with the plant is placed in a cool place.

In September, zygocactus (Schlumbergera ) periodically sprayed and moistened, preventing the substrate from drying out. The pot with the Christmas cactus is not moved, as the flower may shed its buds.

Cacti stop growing in September; they are watered much less frequently and kept in a bright place. If there is no frost, I recommend placing cacti on the balcony. Cool autumn air will contribute to successful wintering and hardening of plants.


After the summer holiday, callas begin to actively grow in September. Caring for indoor flowers in the fall during this period involves abundant watering. You should not lose sight of the pan; there should always be water in it. Calla lilies are fed with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Large callas should be transplanted into an earthen mixture consisting of peat, humus, sand, leaf soil (all parts are equal). The children are separated and placed in a small pot with the earthen mixture described above. Places where babies are separated are sprinkled with charcoal or sulfur.

In the autumn, the indoor cyclamen flower enters a period of active growth, forming many buds. Cyclamen is systematically watered from a tray, placing the flower closer to the window glass.

Wallots and eucharis develop their flower arrows at this time. These bulbous flowers need to be fed with 0.1% complete mineral fertilizer and increased watering.

In September, the indoor orchid blooms - large odontoglossum. The substrate is moistened with soft (boiled or rain water). The plant is sprayed frequently until its bright, large flowers bloom. The following sprayings are carried out carefully, trying not to get on the flowers; if moisture accidentally gets in, unsightly black spots will appear on them.


With the arrival of October, indoor plants no longer need special care. At this time, the needs of indoor plants sharply decrease, but the requirements for the environment increase. Lighting deteriorates and humidity levels for plants in the house decrease. It is necessary to stop fertilizing the plants, reduce watering and carefully control the humidity of the substrate. Much attention should be paid to plants that are placed close to heat sources.

When caring for indoor plants in the fall, many gardeners use this technique. They collect their indoor flowers in one large container filled with expanded clay, which is constantly moist. If there are not many plants, then each flower is placed in a separate tray. This method requires control over the volume of moisture to avoid stagnation.

Moderate watering is necessary for plants with woody shoots. Using a small amount of moisture prevents the emergence of new shoots, which allows existing shoots to fully ripen. During this period, propagation of plants by cuttings is stopped.

Attention! Watering indoor plants in October depends on the indoor air temperature. At high temperatures - abundant watering, at low temperatures - moderate.

The substrate in the pots is periodically loosened and the moss that often forms on the surface is removed. If necessary, you can add sand or peat. Since the root system of plants should be kept moderately moist, it is recommended to cover the surface of the substrate with sphagnum moss, which should be sprayed. Plants that require cold wintering are placed on the veranda (basement).


Every gardener knows that house flowers require special attention in November. At this time, you need to take into the house all the house flowers that were still on the balcony or in the garden. In November, house flowers along with their pots should be washed with soapy water so as not to introduce dirt, dust, bacteria and pests into the apartment.

In November, such indoor flowers as: roses, hydrangeas, fuchsias, agapanthus, which are suitable for wintering at low temperatures before the arrival of spring, must be placed in basements, on verandas or in the coldest place (for example, at the door opening onto the balcony, where the temperature will be approximately three to six degrees above zero). During the dormant period, these plants need to be watered occasionally, approximately no more than once a month, just so that the roots of the plants do not dry out.

It is also recommended, to increase air humidity, to place pots with plants on pallets filled with expanded clay or gravel covered with water. You can also cover the substrate in pots with a small layer of moss (sphagnum) and spray it periodically.

Indoor flowers that bloom in November: Saintpaulia, bellflower, begonia, primrose, jasmine sambac, etc. must be watered in proportion to the drying of the substrate with water at a temperature of 20 ° C. And they are fed occasionally with a weak solution of mineral fertilizers. Their flowering can be easily extended if additional lighting is done with fluorescent lamps.

Bulbous indoor plants: eucharis, crinum are just beginning to bloom. It is necessary to water only when the top layer of the substrate is completely dry and fertilize with 0.1 - 0.2% mineral fertilizer.

Often annual climate changes are so unexpected that it is sometimes difficult to determine the moment at which one season ends and another begins.

The transition from summer to autumn is usually a very difficult phase for a houseplant. During this period, the vital functions of plants are weakened. This applies primarily to perennial flowers. They are preparing for winter rest. And yet the plant is still full of vitality. Many of the leaves have turned yellow and the flowers have faded, but a few warm days are enough and you can see new leaves and new flowers blooming.

This period is quite difficult for any indoor plant, including annuals, which must “spread” seeds, and therefore require careful care and maximum protection. For example, replanting them is completely contraindicated, even if it seems to you that your flower is too cramped in a small pot.


During this period of the year, the amount of water required by indoor plants gradually decreases to a minimum. However, when caring for flowers, great care must be taken and provide them only with the amount of water that is necessary, depending on weather conditions. However, most houseplants automatically reduce their water intake in preparation for winter dormancy, so excessive watering becomes harmful both for the root system and for the above-ground part.


Starting from the end of September necessary stop feeding most plants, because their growth rate slows down and their nutrient requirements are so reduced that the roots cease to perform their functions. If you still continue to feed them with fertilizers, the depleted soil will gradually begin to accumulate them. As a result, due to their increased concentration, it will become toxic and, instead of being beneficial, can cause serious damage to the roots.

For those types of indoor plants that can continue to be fed, even in reduced doses, slow-release solid fertilizers should be used, especially suitable for such cases, because the nutritional regime in this situation is determined either by temperature or the level of soil moisture.

Most plants at this time of year are preparing to go dormant with very little signs of growth and therefore do not require additional contribution fertilizers But there are a number of few exceptions - these are species that bloom in late autumn and even in winter. They require fertilizing with fertilizers that contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.


In the fall, when caring for indoor flowers, it is important to maintain as stable and constant a temperature as possible, gradually lowering it so that the plants acclimatize to colder conditions. Sudden changes in temperature can cause serious harm, especially if the weather changes suddenly, going from warm summer days to freezing cold nights.

A sudden drop in temperature, especially if you have left the soil moist enough, is the main danger to which the plant is exposed at this time of year. Do not forget move indoor plants from the balcony into the room . If a flower on the windowsill suddenly begins to fade, move it to a warmer place; most likely the plant is cold at night from the glass.


Carry on remove any wilted or weakened flowers from those plants that still form them during this period of the year. Houseplants that bloom in late fall or winter need to be fed and watered appropriately.

In addition, it is extremely important to take special care of those flowers that are sensitive to shortening daylight hours, such as the most beautiful poinsettia. For their normal development and the formation of the correct color of the bracts (leaflets from the axils of which the flower grows), it is necessary not only to feed and water them appropriately, but also to provide them with a sufficient amount of sunlight. In September-November, any artificial lighting during the hours when there is sunlight prevents the plants from forming bright bracts.


For indoor plants with falling leaves, it is enough to limit pruning wilted leaves as they appear, to avoid their rotting and subsequent damage to plants by certain diseases. For perennial non-flowering plants, care varies depending on the species. Anyway, remove all wilted and damaged leaves. Stop spraying with water. As a rule, almost all indoor plants require a gradual reduction in watering intensity. Only some types of indoor plants, when cared for in the autumn, require watering with greater frequency to maintain leaves.


Since the maximum activity of pests occurs in the summer, many of them do not reproduce, and therefore it may seem that the problem itself is losing its relevance. But that's not true. Most insects continue to remain active; moreover, for some of them, autumn is favorable time of the year.

Aphid can cause problems in the first half of autumn, especially if the plant is still blooming. Still, by the end of autumn it will probably disappear until spring, when its activity will resume.

Otherwise it will be the case with spider mite, which must be kept under strict control throughout this period of the year, because it continues to feed on your plants all year round, although with less activity - in accordance with the shortening of the day and the drop in temperature.

Chervetsy also continue to be active, although to a lesser extent than at the height of summer.

The same goes for thrips, which cause serious trouble all winter and can become elusive to control. Warm, dry conditions are optimal for them and they thrive in the comfortable environment provided by central heating. Little by little, thrips go through different stages of development from eggs to larvae and become less and less catchable. That is why they can be completely destroyed only in the adult stage. It's harder to keep track of them during the fall and winter months because their life cycle spans that long period. Therefore, plants should be treated with a special long-acting insecticide, which will destroy adult insects as soon as they appear. Keeping a close eye on thrips in early fall will reduce the likelihood that they will lay eggs, making these pests easier to control.

In autumn, problems when caring for indoor plants can be caused by whiteflies. These small insects lay eggs on the surface of the soil and hatch into larvae that feed on organic tissue such as dead leaves and roots. These pests cause damage not only in their adult state, when they fly off every time you touch the plant. Their larvae also contribute to the transfer of diseases from infected plants to healthy ones. Therefore, there is a good chance that this will happen in the fall with relatively wet, rot-promoting conditions.


When caring for indoor plants in the fall, be prepared for possible rotting of roots and aerial parts of flowers. Both can easily happen during this period, especially when the plant is at risk of overwatering. If you notice that the roots or aboveground part still rotted, it is necessary to immediately apply the appropriate fungicide to prevent the fungus from causing any serious diseases.

It is important to promptly remove any wilted leaf or flower, which is an ideal environment for the development of fungal diseases such as blight, which forms large, fluffy gray-brown spots on stems and leaves ( gray rot). This nasty fungus, having exhausted the available food in the form of dead tissue, quickly multiplies and attacks already healthy plant tissue, especially such sensitive species as Saintpaulia (Uzumbara violet) and cyclamen.

In addition to careful care of indoor plants, it is also useful to apply an appropriate fungicide to prevent the development of the disease at the first symptom, and not wait to treat until the moment the flower is already completely infected and it will be difficult to save it.

It may also be a problem leaf rust- a fungal disease that appears on leaves if they are left wet or in an overly humid atmosphere. In addition, the foliage turns yellow in the fall, and the symptoms of this disease are often difficult to notice.

When caring for a sick houseplant, you must try to improve growing conditions and use all methods to prevent the subsequent manifestation of infection.

Autumn is a wonderful time, glorified by poets of all times and peoples. Golden foliage, fresh air, hot tea and warm blankets make this time of year especially attractive. However, sudden climate changes adversely affect indoor flowers. Even for those cultures that “live” at home, this period is considered very dangerous. The vital functions of plants are fading, flowers are preparing for winter holidays. Therefore, in the fall, potted crops need special attention.


During the fall months, your guide will be the weather. So, on sunny days, make sure that the soil does not dry out, but if it is raining outside, skip watering and wait until the soil dries. Many indoor plants require less water in the fall, such as cacti and succulents. At this time, you should water only 1-2 times a month.


The end of September is the time when the bulk of indoor plants no longer need feeding. The reason for this is the slowdown in crop growth. If feeding the flower is not stopped, nutrients will accumulate in the soil, which can lead to damage to the root system and death of the plant.

The exception is plants whose flowering period occurs in autumn or winter. In this case, the flowers are periodically fertilized with long-acting solid compounds. During the flowering period, fertilizers of phosphorus-potassium origin are used.


In the fall, you should take spraying of potted crops seriously. Unstable temperatures prevailing at this time of year can harm the plant. Spray the flowers with warm water in the morning or afternoon. You should not do this at night - the plant will freeze.

When heating is turned on in homes, the humidity in the room decreases noticeably. Crops such as dracaenas, monsteras, ferns , ivy, etc., need high humidity - they should be sprayed more often - several times a day. You can place the plants on pallets with expanded clay or gravel, thereby improving drainage. Great solution During the heating season there will be a humidifier.


Lovers of light (cacti, crotons ) it’s better to put it on the windowsill. Preference should be given to southern and eastern windows. Here the green wards will have enough sunlight. Less light-loving flowers (ferns, philodendrons) can be placed near a well-lit window on a table or stand. If the plant does not have enough light, its stems will stretch, the leaves will begin to fall, and the variegated color of the flower will change.

As for the temperature regime, it is important to maintain a relatively constant temperature. Gradually reduce the rate so that the flower gets used to cooler conditions. Sudden temperature changes are undesirable, for example, a warm, rainy day followed by a frosty night.

Almost all varieties of flowers feel comfortable in a moderately warm room at a temperature of 15-17 degrees in autumn period.


The majority of pests are most active in the warm season; in the fall, harmful organisms do not reproduce. The above fact does not at all indicate that the problem is irrelevant. Some pests still remain quite active in the autumn months, so they can cause a lot of trouble.

For example, with aphids you may encounter at the very beginning of autumn, especially if the plant is still in its flowering period. At the end of autumn she will leave the plant alone.

It's a completely different matter - spider mite , which feeds on indoor crops throughout the year, even in winter. With the arrival of autumn, the pest's appetite decreases, but you should not let your guard down. The same picture emerges in the case of mealybugs, which continue to be active.

Big troubles can arise with thrips , they remain elusive even in the dead of winter. Warm conditions, which are safely provided by central heating, will be ideal for harmful organisms. Thrips grow to adulthood, and now is the time to fight them. The affected plant is treated with a special composition. The beginning of autumn is the time for pest control - the fewer eggs they lay during this period, the easier it will be to eliminate them later.

In autumn, problems can be created by whitefly . It is dangerous not only as an adult, but also as a larva - it transmits diseases from one crop to another. Therefore, the probability of such a phenomenon is very high in conditions of sufficient humidity, i.e. in autumn.


The most common unpleasant phenomenon in the autumn is rotting of the root system and above-ground parts of plants. The topic becomes especially relevant in conditions of excessive watering. If a problem is detected, use an appropriate fungicide immediately to prevent serious disease from developing.

It is also necessary to promptly remove wilted leaves and flowers, since they are the most favorable environment for the spread of fungal diseases, such as gray rot. This type of fungus, after absorbing dead flower tissues, moves on to healthy ones, gradually “killing” the plant.

In the autumn months, it is possible that such a phenomenon as rust foliar fungus is a type of fungus that spreads on wet leaves in humid environments. Signs of the disease can be easily missed, since in the fall the leaves of many crops already turn yellow.

To save a houseplant, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions for its cultivation and take measures to prevent the further spread of infection.

So that your home plant continues to delight you with its attractive looking in the autumn, spare no effort and time to care for it. Special attention We advise you to pay attention to the watering regime and temperature conditions.

Autumn is a wonderful time, glorified by poets of all times and peoples. Golden foliage, fresh air, hot tea and warm blankets make this time of year especially attractive. However, sudden climate changes adversely affect indoor flowers. Even for those cultures that “live” at home, this period is considered very dangerous. The vital functions of plants are fading, the flowers are preparing for winter rest. Therefore, in the fall, potted crops need special attention.


During the fall months, your guide will be the weather. So, on sunny days, make sure that the soil does not dry out, but if it is raining outside, skip watering and wait until the soil dries. Many houseplants require less water in the fall, for example, and should only be watered 1-2 times a month at this time.


The end of September is the time when the bulk of indoor plants no longer need feeding. The reason for this is the slowdown in crop growth. If feeding the flower is not stopped, nutrients will accumulate in the soil, which can lead to damage to the root system and death of the plant.

The exception is plants whose flowering period occurs in autumn or winter. In this case, the flowers are periodically fertilized with long-acting solid compounds. During the flowering period, fertilizers of phosphorus-potassium origin are used.


In the fall, you should take spraying of potted crops seriously. Unstable temperatures prevailing at this time of year can harm the plant. Spray the flowers with warm water in the morning or afternoon. You should not do this at night - the plant will freeze.

When heating is turned on in homes, the humidity in the room decreases noticeably. Crops such as dracaenas, ivies, etc. need high humidity– they should be sprayed more often – several times a day. You can place the plants on pallets with expanded clay or gravel, thereby improving drainage. An excellent solution during the heating season would be a humidifier.


Light lovers (cacti) are best placed on the windowsill. Preference should be given to southern and eastern windows. Here the green wards will have enough sunlight. Less light-loving flowers (ferns, philodendrons) can be placed near a well-lit window on a table or stand. If the plant does not have enough light, its stems will stretch, the leaves will begin to fall, and the variegated color of the flower will change.

Concerning temperature regime, then it is important to maintain a relatively constant temperature. Gradually reduce the rate so that the flower gets used to cooler conditions. Sudden temperature changes are undesirable, for example, a warm, rainy day followed by a frosty night.

Almost all varieties of flowers feel comfortable in a moderately warm room at a temperature of 15-17 degrees in the autumn.


The majority of pests are most active in the warm season; in the fall, harmful organisms do not reproduce. The above fact does not at all indicate that the problem is irrelevant. Some pests still remain quite active in the autumn months, so they can cause a lot of trouble.

For example, you may encounter this at the very beginning of autumn, especially if the plant continues to flower. At the end of autumn she will leave the plant alone.

It’s a completely different matter - the one who eats indoor culture throughout the year, even in winter. With the arrival of autumn, the pest's appetite decreases, but you should not let your guard down. The same picture emerges in the case of mealybugs, which continue to be active.

Big troubles can arise, they remain elusive even in the depths of winter. Ideal for harmful organisms warm conditions, which are safely provided by central heating. Thrips grow to adulthood, and the time comes the right time to fight them. The affected plant is treated with a special composition. The beginning of autumn is the time for pest control - the fewer eggs they lay during this period, the easier it will be to eliminate them later.

In the fall, problems can also arise. It is dangerous not only as an adult, but also as a larva - it transmits diseases from one crop to another. Therefore, the probability of such a phenomenon is very high in conditions of sufficient humidity, i.e. in autumn.


The most common unpleasant phenomenon in the autumn is rotting of the root system and above-ground parts of plants. The topic becomes especially relevant in conditions of excessive watering. If a problem is detected, use an appropriate fungicide immediately to prevent serious disease from developing.

It is also necessary to promptly remove wilted leaves and flowers, since they are the most favorable environment for the spread of fungal diseases, such as gray rot. This type of fungus, after absorbing dead flower tissues, moves on to healthy ones, gradually “killing” the plant.

During the fall months, it is possible that foliar fungus is a type of fungus that spreads on wet leaves in humid environments. Signs of the disease can be easily missed, since in the fall the leaves of many crops already turn yellow.

To save a houseplant it is necessary to provide favorable conditions its cultivation and take measures to prevent further spread of infection.

To your home plant continued to delight you with its attractive appearance in the autumn, spare no effort and time to care for it. We recommend paying special attention to the watering regime and temperature conditions.