Aloe as a houseplant. Medicinal properties of aloe. Improved digestion, appetite, recovery after long-term illnesses

Aloe can be found on the windows of many Russians. Its value is not only decorative form, but also in healing properties juice But it can be taken from healthy plants. You can grow aloe at home if you know the care details. These will vary slightly depending on the type of houseplant in question. Plants must be grown in comfortable conditions.

The aloe house plant varies in external signs, depending on the type. In nature, this succulent plant is tall and forms thickets. Domestic aloe is a dwarf, a hybrid, compared to its wild relatives.

Most often grown (description and photo):

Aloe real

Aloe vera has a short stem, fleshy smoky green leaves that gather in a rosette. The leaf blade is covered in white spots. There are thorns along the edges. It blooms, but rarely, but if aloe is cared for at home according to all the rules, it will throw out an inflorescence that looks like a brush. The flowers are inconspicuous, yellowish.

Aloe arborescens

Aloe arborescens has another name - . Grows quickly. Gray-green leaves, resembling swords, are located on the stems, forming a rosette. Flowers - a rare event, but if they appear, they delight the eye with red, yellow or pink inflorescences. On some plants the flower is scarlet.

Scarlet tiger

Aloe variegated, with tiger-colored green leaves, grows up to 30 cm. Rosettes are arranged in a spiral. Valued among gardeners for its decorative properties. When asked how often aloe blooms, there is only one answer: you don’t often see pink or yellow inflorescences that resemble tassels.

Any of these varieties can be used as a medicinal and cosmetic product. Cosmetologists all over the world prepare rejuvenating and medicinal preparations with the juice of the leaves.

In order for the plant to please, you need to know how to care for aloe at home.

Features of care


The question of how to plant aloe from a shoot is of interest to novice gardeners. For aloe, pots are purchased before planting. They should be spacious and large in volume, preferably ceramic, so that the root system can “breathe”. The root grows well, it will be uncomfortable in a small bowl, since an incorrectly planted aloe shoot begins to signal an error with crawling roots and drying leaves.

Replanting should be done when the plant becomes crowded. Each time the aloe flower is placed in a new, larger (in accordance with the dimensions of the flower) bowl, in a certain soil composition. Although unpretentious plant undemanding to soil; for young sprouts you need to buy soil at a flower shop. By the way, agave prefer to grow in cacti soil.

First, drainage is poured, then soil. Lightly shed and you can plant aloe. After planting, the indoor flower is placed in a cool place where direct sunlight does not reach. Then they transfer it to a sunny windowsill: after all, agave (the second name for aloe) is a heat-loving plant.

Experienced gardeners advise keeping the soil in a hot oven to protect the future plant from diseases and harmful insects.

Watering rules

Aloe at proper care, grows quickly at home. When watering aloe, you must follow this rule:

  1. In summer, once every 7 days is enough, but generously. If the agave begins to bloom, watering increases.
  2. In winter, when the plant rests, it grows very slowly, moisture consumption is minimal, it is enough to water once every 15 days.

How to water aloe properly so as not to harm it:

  • Moisture stagnation should not be allowed. Roots rot in water. A lack of moisture in the soil is easily determined: usually the fleshy leaves become flat and the tops curl.
  • A drainage cushion made of expanded clay, brick chips, and fine gravel helps prevent stagnation.
  • Before planting aloe, the bottom of the pot is drilled in several places so that excess water drains into the tray, otherwise the ground becomes covered with a green coating.
  • Watering from above is prohibited. It is better to pour water into a tray and place a flower in it.
  • Use water at room temperature. If water is taken from the system, it is first settled.
  • In summer, plants are created around high humidity by spraying
  • Once every two months, special fertilizers are added to the water for irrigation and the home healer is fed.

Lighting Features

We've talked about how to water aloe, now it's time to talk about lighting. Any home flower demanding of certain things light mode. Place the agave on a sunny windowsill. As for the winter period, it can withstand darkening well, dispensing with artificial lighting.

To create a uniform arrangement of leaves, indoor flowers, including agave, are moved to the balcony for the summer. You need to place it so that direct sunlight does not hit it and burn it.

Properly caring for agave means creating and temperature conditions: in summer from +22 to 26 degrees, in winter within +10 and slightly higher.

Transfer rules

The indoor flower needs to be replanted. This procedure is usually carried out with the onset of spring days. If you transplant the agave correctly, it quickly takes root and begins to form new leaves.

Before replanting aloe at home, divide the plants by age. If the plant is young, it needs to change the pot and soil annually. Old after 2 or 3 years. It is also necessary to plant heavily overgrown agave plants, regardless of age.

After preparing the container and soil, separate the plant from the pot using a knife. You need to shake off the roots old land, cut off the darkened roots. The same operation is carried out with damaged roots. Having placed the flower in the center, you need to add soil and compact it.

When aloe is transplanted, a lot of variety remains planting material:

  • root shoots;
  • accidentally broken leaves;
  • cut cuttings from the top. By the way, the top is specially cut off to obtain a new plant.

Which aloe breeding method should you choose?

There are several ways, each requiring its own approach. Therefore, if you have no experience, you will have to decide and choose one thing:

  1. Seeds. Not all flower growers decide to use this method, because obtaining a flower requires whole year. It looks like this: sowing seeds, obtaining seedlings, caring for them, creating certain conditions. You'll have to fiddle around like a small child.
  2. Growing aloe from a leaf is a practical method. Pinch off the planting material and sprinkle the cut with activated carbon. Let it sit for 5 days to dry. Then immerse it 5 cm into the ground and cover it with a jar. Since the leaf is without a root, planting is carried out in moist soil and covered with a jar on top. The created greenhouse effect accelerates the development of the root system (10-15 days).
  3. Now let's figure out how to grow aloe from a shoot. Let's take the required part from healthy plant. The shoot should have up to 8 leaves. Trim aloe to in the right place and remove the planting material to dry for five days. Before planting an aloe shoot, you need to make sure that lower leaves reached the wet ground. The shoot takes root well on a lighted windowsill. The first signs that the plant has taken root will appear in about a month.
  4. Agave plants are propagated by children. This is the name given to shoots coming from the root. If aloe babies are without roots, they can also be used as planting material. Root system then it will develop.

Plant diseases and pests, how to fight

Agave is an unpretentious plant, but if damaged by pests, it looks depressing.

Let's look at the most common problems.

Root rot, leaf lightening, rotting of the lower part of the plant Excessive watering Reduce intensity and wait until the soil dries. If the problem does not disappear, replant in any way
Sudden leaf drop Used when watering cold water or the plant is standing in the cold Water with warm, settled water, find a more suitable place
Appearance of brown spots Not enough moisture Increase watering
Appearance of soft spots Fungus For treatment, apply a fungicide, ventilate the room
Strong pulling of the plant Lack of light Move to a lit window

There are also insects that can cause irreparable harm. You need to beware of scale insects, spider mite, mealybug, thrips. The measures to combat them are the same as with other indoor plants.


in the photo aloe marlota/A.marlothii

An agave is a must have in every family. It is advisable to place a flower pot in the bedroom to receive enough oxygen at night.

There are many signs associated with aloe growing in the house:

  • protects the house and residents from the evil eye, damage, brings good luck;
  • people live happily ever after;
  • The flowering of agave is associated with an angel who has taken up residence in the house.

If the plant is used in medicinal purposes, then you need to take leaves from the oldest. How to determine the age of aloe? This can be done using the height of the plant: if above 20 cm, then approximately 3 years.

Aloe(Aloe) unites more than 500 species of shrubby, herbaceous and tree-like succulents belonging to the Xanthorrhoeaceae family. Like most types of succulents, aloe leaves are quite fleshy and contain a large number of water and nutrients. The sword-shaped leaves grow from the root in a spiral and are collected in dense rosettes. The leaf blades of some species are covered with a waxy coating and have thorns along the edges. Aloe flowers small size bell-shaped or tubular, collected in racemes or paniculate inflorescences. Some types of indoor aloe sometimes bloom at home. Typically the flowers have orange or yellowish hues, but there are also flowers with red petals.

Indoor views:

Aloe vera(Aloe vera, Barbados, Indian, Lanza) - a bush with short stems and fleshy, smoky-green lanceolate-shaped leaves, which are collected in small rosettes. On the leaf blade with white spots there may be pinkish thorns along the edge. During the flowering period, racemose inflorescences with yellowish flowers grow on a long peduncle.

Aloe arborescens(Aloe arborescens, agave) is a rapidly growing bush with well-defined stems and rosette, sword-shaped leaves of a grayish-green color. Flowers yellow, red or Pink colour located on a long peduncle and collected in racemose inflorescences. At home, this species blooms very rarely and is therefore called Agave, since there is a belief that it blooms only once every hundred years.

Aloe variegated(Aloe variegata, tiger, dotted, ausana) - a low plant (up to 30 cm in height) with dark green leaves. The leaves grow spirally from basal rosettes and are decorated with stripes and dots white. During the flowering period, yellow or pink flowers appear on long peduncles, which are collected in racemes. Aloe variegated is valued primarily for its decorative qualities and is often used by phytodesigners to decorate home interiors. Along with aloe flower arrangement It will be interesting to look at such bush-like or tree-like plants as ficus benjamina, indoor yucca in the form of a palm tree, dracaena marginata, zamioculcas dollar tree, chlorophytum with long leaves and rosette bushes on hanging tendrils, shefflera with palmately dissected leaves, lemon tree with shiny leaves and bright fruits.

- photo of aloe species

Beneficial properties and uses of aloe:

Juice from aloe leaves (Agave or Aloe Vera) is rich in useful substances such as carotenoids, flavonoids, catechins, active enzymes, vitamins A, vitamins C, vitamins A and E, mineral salts, amino acids.

The juice from fresh leaves of an adult plant is widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. Pharmacists often add Aloe Vera extract to effective medications. Condensed aloe juice or sabur, which is obtained by evaporation, is simply irreplaceable in many medical programs for the treatment of dangerous ailments and the prevention of diseases. In cosmetology - primarily as a catalyst for accelerating skin regeneration (for example, to get rid of folds after childbirth), improving the properties and rejuvenation of the skin.

Traditional methods of treatment often use aloe juice to make effective means against pharyngitis, purulent tonsillitis, various inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, stomatitis. The anti-inflammatory properties of homemade aloe promote rapid healing of ulcers, wounds, bruises, cuts, chemical or thermal burns. Crushed leaves of Agave or Aloe Vera can be added to medicinal compresses to get rid of allergic reactions on the skin, eczema, and dermatitis. Aloe extract has excellent bacteriostatic properties and therefore is added to products for the treatment of various digestive disorders and infectious diseases of the urinary system. Aloe extract is included in many antifungal drugs.

Homemade aloe - recipes:

Aloe juice along with honey can be used to prevent hair loss, to get rid of dandruff, and to make effective hair masks. Aloe with honey is also added to products to strengthen and protect the immune system, to treat colds, sinusitis, pulmonary diseases, chronic bronchitis, acute adnexitis.

Recipe for honey mask with aloe for dry skin.
Make a mixture of aloe juice, honey, oatmeal and glycerin in equal proportions. Beat the mixture with a blender and after 20 minutes, apply the mask in an even layer on cleansed skin. After 30 minutes, you can wash off the mask. Apply this mask to dry skin in the evening every other day for a month.

Recipe for a honey mask with aloe for aging skin.
Beat approximately 100 ml of juice with 2 tablespoons of honey in a blender. After 10 minutes, thoroughly cleanse the skin and apply the mask in a thick layer. After 30-40 minutes, you can wash off the mask. This product perfectly moisturizes the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.

An aloe vera mask with honey perfectly tones the skin, moisturizes, rejuvenates, cleanses inflammation and pustules.

Recipe for making an infusion to strengthen the immune system.

Pass 600 g through a meat grinder. Agave leaves and 500 gr. walnuts. Add 100 g to the mixture. natural honey, pour the contents into glass jar and put it in a closet for 3-4 days. Take 1 tbsp infusion. spoons after meals 30 minutes every day.

Recipe for preparing a mixture to strengthen the immune system.
Add 100 g to a small container. butter, four tablespoons of Agave juice, 50 gr. natural honey, 6 tbsp. spoons of cocoa. Mix everything thoroughly in a blender. Add 3 tablespoons of the mixture to warm milk and take after meals.

Recipe for making tincture for bronchitis and colds.

Mix 70 grams of dry red wine with 100 grams. alcohol, add 400 gr. crushed Aloe Vera leaves, stir thoroughly. Store in a dark and cool place. Take tincture 2 tbsp. spoons half an hour before meals 3 times a day.


Location and lighting.

All domestic aloe species are light-loving succulents. You can place a pot with a plant on the windowsill of a window facing the west or east side of the room. On the south side, aloe will also feel comfortable next to a window on a shelf or on a stand. However, be sure to shade window glass in summer sunny days to prevent burns from direct sunlight on the leaves. Protect homemade aloe from drafts. IN heating season Ventilate the room often. On warm spring days and summer, you can place the pot on the balcony or loggia.

Temperature regime.

In winter, when the plant begins its dormant period, it is advisable to keep the temperature within 14-17°C. The rest of the time - normal room temperature 18-26°C.

Air humidity.

Aloe will feel comfortable at almost any humidity level if you water the plant correctly and on time.


For irrigation, use warm, settled water. If in winter period the temperature does not rise above 16°C, then water the plant no more than once every two weeks. During the period of active growth and development, you can water the plant once every 3-4 days (in summer it can be done more often, when the top layer of the substrate is completely dry). Try to water the aloe along the edge of the pot. Water should not get on the leaves and especially on the root rosette!

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

For landing indoor species aloe, you can use a purchased substrate intended for succulents and cacti. But it can be done earth mixture on your own: 2 parts of rotted leaf soil and 1 part of clean coarse sand.

The feeding period is from April to September. Feed the plant monthly with the solution. mineral fertilizers after watering. During the dormant period, fertilizing cannot be applied.


To plant aloe, choose a spacious, wide pot. Before use, you need to treat the pot with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. At the bottom of the pot you need to pour a drainage mixture of expanded clay, broken bricks and coarse sand. The best time for transplantation is mid-autumn. It is not necessary to replant the plant often - it is enough to change the top layer of the substrate annually. Young plants are replanted once every 2 years, old plants - once every 4 years.


Homemade aloe is propagated by root shoots, shoots and seeds.

By shoots.
Using a sharp, clean knife, cut off the shoot and dry it for 2-3 days, treating the cut area with crushed activated carbon. You need to pour clean, damp sand into the pot, make a depression, carefully place the shoot there and compact it a little. After a week, the shoot will take root and you can care for it in the same way as an adult aloe.

Seeds. Plant the seeds in a container with soil mixture at a distance of 2 cm from each other, slightly pressing them into the soil. Then you need to pour a thin layer of dry sand. Immerse the container with holes in the bottom 1/3 of the way into a tray with water. Cover the container with cellophane and keep the temperature in the “greenhouse” at 25-32°C. place the container closer to the light source. After 3-4 days, shoots should appear. Transplant sprouts into individual pots It is possible only when leaves appear on them.

The houseplant aloe is rightly called " home first aid kit" It contains many useful substances, so this succulent is used to treat diseases of a wide variety of nature - from colds associated with weakened immunity to gastrointestinal disorders. Also, due to its properties, the aloe plant is actively used in herbal medicine and cosmetology.

Types of indoor aloe plant

Genus Aloe (Aloe) unites about 300 species of African shrubs, creeping or tree plants with juicy fleshy leaves.

The most common and popular - aloe vera, or A. arborescence (A. arborescens). At home, the aloe plant blooms extremely rarely, which is why the name “agave” - “blooming once every hundred years” - is associated. By the way, this characteristic of aloe has also extended to cacti: The belief about the rarity of cacti flowering is largely associated with aloe. Meanwhile, these plants have no external resemblance.

Look at the photo - an aloe plant in the wild is a highly branched tree or shrub 2-3 m high, and sometimes more, forming dense rosettes of leaves up to 80 cm in diameter:

In their homeland, Africa, aloe blooms annually, forming tall (up to 80 cm) peduncles with large red flowers.

In addition to aloe vera, among indoor plants you can sometimes find Aristata (aristata), very similar to .

This plant's leaves, up to 10 cm long and up to 1.5 cm wide, are collected in dense rosettes, and numerous white spines are scattered over their dark surface.

Another popular type of indoor aloe plant is A variegata (variegata), with relatively thin, boat-folded and transversely striated leaves, collected in squat rosettes.

Care and propagation of home aloe plants

The requirements for caring for an aloe plant and its growing conditions are approximately the same as for most cacti. And the main thing is a cool and dry winter.

IN normal conditions aloe, especially those grown for home medicine, tend to suffer. Not only are they constantly being plucked, but they are also being grown incorrectly.

In cultivation, these plants, like , grow well in a loose substrate with a large amount of coarse sand and clay-turf soil, to which it is not recommended to add peat. They need a lot of sunlight and abundant watering during the growth period. When caring for indoor aloe in winter, plants require cool conditions (temperature about 10 ° C, rare watering). At proper cultivation at home turns out to be not only useful, but also wonderful beautiful plant. At the same time, aloe can live in a room for a very long time and begin to bloom at a respectable age (there is a known case of annual flowering after the plant reaches 17 years of age). Aloe flowers appear in mid-winter.

The most common mistakes when growing aloe are related to the fact that they are kept as ordinary, non-succulent plants. As a result, a lack of light leads to strong stretching of the plant; heavy nutrient soil and abundant watering in winter lead to souring of the substrate and death of the roots. But aloe is remarkably resilient. They do not get sick, and if they are allowed to lose their roots, they will easily take root again in dry sand.

When caring for aloe, propagation of the plant is carried out exclusively by vegetative means - by rooting the top, branches or root layering. The cut cuttings are pre-dried for several days. Rooting is possible at any time of the year.

The main medicinal properties of the indoor aloe plant

This succulent plant is very common in indoor culture, but evokes associations not with floriculture, but with a pharmacy. There is perhaps no other indoor plant so widely used for medicinal purposes. Moreover, they admit medicinal properties aloe plants are adherents of all competing medical trends.

The basic medicinal properties of the aloe plant were known more than three thousand years ago. The succulent tissues of this succulent contain anthraglycosides, resinous substances, essential oils, enzymes, vitamins, phytoncides.

Evaporated aloe juice (sabur) has long been used for constipation. Preparations made from aloe have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, choleretic, anti-burn and wound-healing effects, improve appetite and digestion.

The beneficial properties of the aloe plant are used in pharmacology and cosmetology (even diapers with aloe extract have appeared). At home, mature (at least 15 cm long) leaves are used, which are cut off in the winter-spring period. They are ground in a meat grinder, the juice is squeezed out, filtered through several layers of gauze, and boiled for 3 minutes. The juice must be used immediately, as it quickly loses its activity. 5-8 drops of juice poured into the nostrils at intervals of 3-5 minutes stop a runny nose. Knowing about the medicinal properties of the indoor aloe plant, preparations based on it are recommended for gastritis and gastric ulcers, as well as for increasing the body's resistance to infectious diseases. For these purposes, it is recommended to take one teaspoon of juice three times a day 30 minutes before meals. There are recipes alcohol tincture aloe (“liqueur”): crushed leaves are covered with sugar and kept for three days, then poured with vodka and left for another week, after which the leaves are squeezed out and the infusion is filtered. His
Store in the refrigerator and take, like juice, a teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals.

Some indoor flowers are grown solely for beauty, others have medicinal properties. There is a plant that combines both qualities - aloe vera. Even beginners in floriculture can grow it at home. The subtleties of care, requirements for conditions and common mistakes are given in this article.

Aloe vera or aloe vera is a perennial succulent. The leaves are fleshy, thick, green with a matte coating. Along the edges there are small and sparse purple spines. The leaves reach 50 cm in length. The bush is formed from branching, erect stems. Their surface is covered with grooves from fallen leaves. In wild natural conditions, the shrub is larger - reaches 3 meters in height.

The roots are straight, powerful, covered with many small roots. In nature it produces a long peduncle. The flowers form a racemose inflorescence. You are unlikely to see aloe vera bloom, since it is usually not possible to achieve flowering in an apartment.

In rare cases, attempts may be successful. In winter, a rest period is organized at low temperatures about +15 °C. Fluorescent lamps artificially create extended daylight hours. In spring, transfer to a warm place and wait for flowering. Shrubs bloom when they are no younger than 10 years old.

The flower's homeland is the semi-desert regions of Africa and India. In European countries it is cultivated as medicinal plant. Valued for its anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, softening properties.

Aloe vera is often confused with agave. Agave is a tree aloe. The main difference between aloe vera and agave is appearance. Agave has longer stems, aloe vera forms a neat bush. Otherwise they are very similar.

Interesting! In addition to aloe vera, there are other varieties - tree-like, variegated, spinous aloe. All of them are grown as indoor flowers.

Basic rules of care

The plant is unpretentious and resistant to negative factors. To create favorable conditions answers active growth and decorative appearance. Before caring for aloe vera, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of cultivation.

  1. Lighting. Loves bright sun and lighting. Grows well on windows facing south or southeast. Lack of light leads to stretching. Place in direct sunlight after preliminary preparation. At first, the plant is shaded with tulle.
  2. Temperature. The flower is unpretentious in terms of temperature. Easily withstands temperatures above +26 °C. Afraid of frost. In winter, the temperature is lowered, but care is taken that it does not fall below +13 °C.
  3. Watering. As the soil dries out. In summer every 2-3 days, in winter - every 2 weeks. Use warm, settled water. Try to avoid getting water into the center of the rosette of leaves. The plant should not be flooded - this will lead to rot on the roots. The roots that absorb moisture are located at the very bottom of the pot. Therefore, bottom watering is often used - the pot is placed in a pan of water for 10-15 minutes. Periodically wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust. No need to spray.
  4. The soil. The soil for aloe vera is prepared from turf, leaf soil, humus and sand. Take 2 parts of turf, one part at a time of the remaining components. A ready-made soil mixture for cacti is suitable. To loosen the soil, add a little charcoal, hydrogel or brick chips. Soil acidity is low.
  5. Feeding. Fertilizers are applied rarely - maximum once a month. Use mineral preparations for succulents. Before fertilizing, water the soil. After transplantation, it is not recommended to apply fertilizers for six months.
  6. Transfer. At first, the plant is replanted annually, each time using a larger pot. Adult bushes are not so demanding when it comes to replanting. Replanting is carried out every three years or simply replacing the top layer of soil.

Reminder for caring for aloe! These are the golden rules that every gardener must remember:

  • Need bright sunlight.
  • The minimum temperature in winter is not lower than +13 °C.
  • In summer - 2 waterings per week, in winter - 2 waterings per month.
  • Aloe does not like stuffiness - the room needs to be ventilated.
  • Fertilizers are applied from April to September once a month. Use preparations for succulents.

Reproduction methods

How indoor plant Aloe vera is ubiquitous. Flower growers use several propagation methods. They all give good results.

  1. Seeds. Sowing of seeds begins at the end of the season. Use light soils consisting of turf, leaf soil and sand. When the seedlings become stronger, they are planted in separate temporary cups. It is useful to add crushed charcoal to the soil. Water the seedlings moderately and do not allow the soil to become waterlogged. After a year, they are transplanted into permanent pots.
  2. Cuttings. Best period for propagation by cuttings - summer. Healthy shoots are cut into 10 cm pieces, the sections are sprinkled with crushed coal, and the cuttings are dried in the shade. For rooting, use fine wet sand. The cuttings are pressed into it 1 cm. Water rarely, but do not allow it to dry out. Once the roots appear, the seedlings are transplanted into soil for adult plants.
  3. The top of the shoots. They are carefully cut and dried in the shade for 3 days. Plant the cuttings vertically, burying them 2-4 cm in moistened sand. Pegs for garter are placed next to the long cuttings. Before rooting, maintain a temperature of +18 °C and above, spray the plant daily.
  4. Overgrowth. If an adult aloe bush has produced shoots, they are planted during transplantation.

Important! If you grow aloe for medicinal purposes, then refrain from using mineral fertilizers. They will negatively affect the healing properties. Safe biological preparations can be used for feeding.

Common diseases and pests

If caring for aloe vera at home is not organized correctly, you may encounter a number of problems.

  • Root rot. Excessive watering leads to the appearance of root rot. The plant is dug up and the roots are examined. Healthy - light and elastic roots are left, darkened and soft - cut off. The plant is transplanted into another pot using fresh soil. If the root system is severely damaged, healthy parts of the bush are cut into cuttings and the rest are thrown away.
  • Dry rot. The affected plant dries out. It is sprayed with systemic fungicides, but the likelihood of salvation is very low.
  • The flower stretches out. The reason is watering cold water or poor lighting.
  • Scale insect and false scale insect. Brown plaques appear on the underside of the leaves. They are removed mechanically with a sponge soaked in alcohol. Treat with a fungicide.
  • Red spider. To combat it, the plant is sprayed with fungicides. For prevention, ventilate the room daily.

Aloe vera is not only beautiful indoor flower, but also medicinal plant. Its unpretentiousness simplifies cultivation, and its interesting appearance makes it a worthy specimen home collection colors.