How to bleed air from a heating radiator. How to bleed air from a battery - easy and simple! Removing air lock

With the beginning heating season some residents apartment buildings and the owners of their own cottages are wondering: how to bleed air from the heating radiator?

The need for this arises due to uneven heating of the premises. After the heating season begins, it becomes noticeable that some radiators heat well, while others remain completely or half cold. Cold radiators and noises in them are signs of the formation of air locks, the causes of which are:

  • lack of proper pressure in the heating system, which in itself leads to its incorrect operation. The pressure decreases when coolant leaks through poorly sealed seams;
  • production of low quality radiators, non-compliance with standards in their manufacture;
  • production of low quality repair work– non-compliance with the slope directions of pipeline mains;
  • incorrect filling of the heating system with water - filling must be carried out while bleeding air; draining can only be done at a slow pace;
  • low quality of water in the heating system - too hard water does not allow the system to work correctly, optimal hardness is 5-7 mg/eq/l.

Cold heating devices in this case, it’s not so bad, the air lock poses a threat to the entire heating system as a whole. The metal parts of the system rust and cease to perform their basic functions, which may entail additional costs in the form of replacing the entire system.

Unpleasant moments include excess noise in the premises. Usually this is the sound of flowing water, noise and crackling noises that distract and interfere with rest and work. Therefore, the problem of properly releasing air from the battery remains relevant. For independent work you need to know the nuances of correct manipulation of heating devices for draining water.

How to bleed air from batteries

In houses and apartments, old heating systems coexist with modern ones, in some places there are radiators equipped with air exhaust systems, and in other places there are still cast iron structures without them. Therefore, understanding how to bleed air from batteries of one design or another can sometimes be a difficult task. As a rule, several methods of carrying out preventive work are considered.

In a heating system with natural circulation, in which the pipe distribution is located in the upper part of the system, the air lock is removed through storage tank, also located at the highest point. Such systems as less stable ones fade into the background. Their place is taken by systems with forced circulation, in which air vents are required. They are installed on aluminum and bimetallic heating devices. This is correct due to the fact that when these materials come into contact with the coolant, hydrogen will certainly be released, which must be removed.

Manual air vents or Mayevsky taps

The faucet was invented by a plumber named Roev, and another more dexterous master named Mayevsky patented the invention. The usual way of draining water through large holes in radiators was not economical for boiler houses, since citizens used hot water from radiators for personal needs. For example, for washing clothes or washing a car.

The Mayevsky faucet is a mechanical unit that is a blank with a 1/2 or 3/4 inch thread with a tiny hole in the middle and a rubber O-ring. Sometimes it is also called an air vent needle valve. It is attached to the radiator using a sleeve (sleeve with external thread). The tap is installed on the top of the radiator or heated towel rail.

To start releasing air from the heating system, use a screwdriver to unscrew the cone-shaped screw of the faucet counterclockwise and wait for a slight hiss and drops or streams of water - the air has flown out. If the hissing stops, this does not mean that the process is complete. It is better to wait a little longer and then turn on the tap.

Advice. There is no need to unscrew the tap too much, as the water pressure may not allow you to turn it back on later. When carrying out manipulations, it is important not to forget to place a rag next to the battery. It would be a good idea to ensure that the hole is not directed towards the walls, as there will be a risk of damage to the finishing of the room.

The price of a Mayevsky crane is 60–100 rubles. Some companies offer antique-style models, their price reaches 1200 rubles.

This is a metal unit mounted on a radiator, which is designed to automatically remove air without human intervention. Inside there is a float and a needle valve. These two mechanisms create the balance of the air vent. In working condition, the body is filled with water, the float is raised, the valve is closed. The resulting air gradually enters the device, the float, under its influence, lowers and opens the valve, which allows the air to escape. These devices are usually installed at the highest points of the heating system, where the largest amount accumulates.

These units can be straight or angular, depending on the battery configuration. Important, that outlet should always point upward.

The automatic air vent is installed in two ways.

  1. Direct installation into thread.
  2. Installation via shut-off valve. This valve allows the air vents to be removed without shutting down the system. They are removed for periodic cleaning, since in a state contaminated with impurities it stops working correctly.

To avoid problems when installing this mechanism, follow a number of rules. You can only unscrew and tighten it with a wrench, since when using an adjustable wrench, you may miscalculate the force and it will crack. You cannot hold on to the air vent housing during work - it can break.

The price of an automatic unit is from 300 to 500 rubles, which is much more expensive than its mechanical counterparts. Well-known companies producing air vents are Danfoss and Wind.

How to bleed air from a cast iron battery

To carry out manipulations to remove excess air from old-style cast iron heating devices in apartment buildings invite plumbers from the housing office, since this rule is regulated by the decree of the Ministry of Public Construction dated September 27, 2003. In fact, plumbers are eliminated from this work, leaving it up to the owners to solve heating problems.

In private cottages, as a rule, this work has to be done by the residents themselves. Some craftsmen install a regular tap on the holes in cast iron batteries, which undoubtedly spoils the appearance of the living space, but simplifies the process of bleeding air. To bleed air from a cast iron battery correctly, you need to know a certain sequence of actions.

In a private cottage, the boiler must be turned off. If you decide to carry out the work yourself in the apartment, you must turn off the distribution valve on the riser. Next you need to move on to installing the hose to the radiator hole. The hose should be long, reaching the nearest convenient drain into the sewer or onto the street.

Advice. When releasing water, you need to place a bowl or bucket of water under the battery and stock up on rags, as water will flow out of the battery.

Then unscrew the plug. This is not easy to do, because cast iron batteries are usually painted oil paint, and it hardens around the plug. Sometimes tow is also applied to the connecting parts, which also does not facilitate easy unscrewing of the plugs. To make the work easier, apply a special lubricant to the threads, which simplifies the unscrewing process.

The work is carried out using an adjustable wrench.

Advice. If it is not possible to immediately unscrew the plug on a cast iron battery, lubricant does not help, then kerosene will help dissolve the paint; apply it to the joints and wait 10–20 minutes.

After everything necessary work carried out, you need to wrap the plug with fum tape (thin transparent sealant) and attach it again.

Whether it is necessary to bleed air from the battery is up to the owners of houses and apartments to decide. But if you want to live in comfortable conditions, without freezing due to incorrectly working heating, it is better to learn how to bleed air from the heating battery yourself. Moreover, if you know the sequence of actions, this will not be a difficult task!

During operation heating systems Situations often arise when the normal operation of batteries is disrupted due to the formation of air pockets in them. Undesirable consequences of such a violation include the appearance of extraneous noise in the radiators, as well as a sharp deterioration in the quality of heating. In this article we will tell you how to bleed air from a heating radiator in an apartment without outside help.

Before starting work, it is advisable to understand the reasons for the formation of traffic jams, which are most often explained by defects in the design of radiators or their improper operation. Only after they have been eliminated will it be possible to proceed to directly removing air from the system.

Methods for removing air locks

The choice of method for bleeding air from the heating system is determined by what type of coolant circulation in the batteries you are dealing with (natural or forced). At natural circulation coolant, the air that accumulates in the upper pipe distribution is easily removed through an expansion tank installed at the highest point of the system.

In systems with forced circulation, a small air collector is installed at the top point of the wiring, designed specifically to remove plugs. It is possible to release air from such a system only if the supply pipe is laid with a slight rise in the direction of movement of the coolant; at the same time, the air pockets that rise with it are removed through special valves installed at the highest point.

With any circulation method, the return branch of the pipeline (the so-called “return”) should be laid with a slight slope towards the drain, which allows, if necessary, to quickly drain the media from the system.

Types of bleeding mechanisms

Known mechanisms used to remove air from heating systems are usually divided into manual and automatic. Hand-held devices (or Mayevsky taps) are small in size and are usually installed on the end section of the radiator. The valve is controlled when bleeding air using a special key, a simple screwdriver, and sometimes manually.

Bleeding air using the Mayevsky tap should be done after the coolant in the system has completely cooled (i.e. when the batteries are cold). Because of their small sizes Mayevsky's devices are not characterized by high performance and are usually used only to eliminate local faults.

Automatic air vents are used in heating systems closed type and work without direct human participation. Distinguished by their high performance, they are quite sensitive to the content of impurities in the coolant and are mounted together with filters installed on both the supply and return branches of the heating system.

To increase the efficiency of automatic bleeding systems, they are made multi-stage, which ensures the possibility of separate air bleeding in each group of devices. If the pipes are installed with a slight slope in the direction of water movement, the release of air into them is accompanied by an increased flow of coolant, which usually leads to a gradual increase in pressure in the system.

With aluminum batteries

Now many people have begun to install aluminum batteries in their houses and apartments, so a completely reasonable question may also arise about how to bleed air from the bottom. Here, too, there will be no difficulties, since in most cases the Mayevsky valve, already familiar to us, is installed in the battery, so the process of bleeding air occurs in exactly the same way as with cast iron batteries.

We also note that a decrease in pressure in the pipes is a sign of a leak in the system, and the appearance of a noticeable temperature difference indicates the presence of air pockets in the radiators.


Example of removal work air lock:

Some residents from time to time ask questions: how to bleed air from the battery and why do it?

You should know that if the radiator is cold in some areas, this means that air has accumulated in the heating device, which interferes with its proper operation.

But before starting work, you need to find out whether there really is an air lock in the radiator that needs to be vented?

Step one: diagnosis

However, completely cold temperatures can indicate not only air accumulation, but also a number of other problems:

  • A breakdown of the water heater may be indicated by too hot or too cold radiators in the room;
  • Unstable temperature indicates a blockage with low-quality coolant - water;
  • To find out whether there is a leak in the heating system, a thorough inspection of the floor surface under the radiator will help: if water has accumulated under it, then you must urgently call professionals or try to solve the problem yourself (turn off the heating and tighten the nut on the outlet valve);
  • talk to your neighbors - perhaps the communal heating system does not have enough power. This is easy to find out: if the radiators of the residents of the upper floors are cold, and the neighbors on the first floor complain about boiling water in the pipes, then this indicates a clear lack of pressure in the heating system.

If it turns out that air has accumulated in the heating radiator, then it is worth clarifying how it got there:

  • poor-quality connection of pipeline elements;
  • errors were made during the installation of the heating system - for example, the Mayevsky tap is not installed on every radiator;
  • Initially, the heating devices were incorrectly filled with coolant;
  • the air release valve is faulty;
  • elements of pipeline parts are not hermetically connected or covered with cracks.

How to remove air from a heating device? A plumber from the local housing office or a “husband for an hour” will help solve the problem.

However, in practice, there are also more advanced cases when the question of how to properly bleed excess air from batteries becomes especially acute and requires an immediate solution.

For example, if there are several aluminum batteries in the room. Due to the interaction of the material and low-quality coolant, a chemical reaction occurs, during which oxygen or hydrogen is released.

It is these gases that can form an air lock. It can also be detected by manual inspection by feeling the cold, hollow area.

After finding the approximate location of the plug, you need to open the nearest tap slightly. The main thing is that you need to act carefully to release the air.

We save radiators in the apartment

How to remove air? To begin with, you should take care of correct selection tools.

So, to work you will need a radiator key, with which you can open the radiator valve located on outside heating device, a radiator key will help you adjust it.

This tool is sold in every hardware store. The main thing is to choose right size. However, some houses have radiators whose valve can be easily opened with a regular screwdriver, which is found in every house.

So, you should have a radiator wrench and a wrench and a screwdriver at home to open the valve.

If air begins to accumulate in the radiator, it will take quite a long time to expel it, so you need to protect yourself from injuries - for example, burns.

To do this, it is important to turn off the system central heating– this can be done upon application to the Housing Office or independently.

Otherwise, even more air will accumulate in the operating heating system. So, how to properly bleed accumulated air from a home battery?

After turning off the heating system, wait until the radiator has completely cooled down.

You need to make sure that the intake and exhaust valves are fully open: to do this, insert a radiator wrench or screwdriver into the valve and carefully turn it counterclockwise several times.

A quiet hissing sound, which you should hear, will unmistakably indicate the air coming out.

Gradually, the batteries will be filled with coolant, which enters through the pipes of the heating system, and the air will be displaced.

Pay attention to the drops flowing from the valve - when there are more of them, and water flows from the battery under strong pressure, this means that you have vented all the excess air.

Now you need to close the valve by turning it clockwise and make sure that there are no leaks left. Remove any puddles that have formed under the battery and repeat the same procedure for all radiators.

Remember that the main thing is prevention. Therefore, even if there are problems with only one battery, everything should be checked.

And in general, you need to bleed the air several times a year, especially if the apartment has cast iron heating devices - this procedure will help increase their service life.

Do not forget to check the pressure in the boiler located in the basement after work: after the air has been released from the radiator in one apartment, it decreases general indicator heating system pressure throughout the house.

If the numbers are too low, then the heat may not reach the apartments of neighbors living on the upper floors - the system simply does not have enough power. Simply adding water to the boiler will help restore the balance.

Universal methods for a private home

Bleeding air from an apartment heating radiator and carrying out a similar operation outside the city is not an easy task. But what to do - you have to sweat!

To bleed air, you need to fill the pipes with coolant manually, thus displacing the excess.

To work you will need running water, which will get into the house using a street hose, and a little time.

Is air constantly accumulating in the pipes? To remove all excess, open the feed tap and do not overuse high pressure.

Make sure the pipes are filled evenly.

Remember that strong water pressure will lead to the formation of an increased amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which will subsequently be much more difficult to remove.

Are there any other ways to bleed air out of the battery?

  • turn off the make-up valve;
  • use a special tool - a Mayevsky tap - to open each valve that shuts off the boiler;
  • when filling the boiler, the air release valve will hiss a little;
  • after venting the air, it is necessary to increase the water level in the tank to the two-thirds mark;
  • when the removal is completed, turn on the boiler to make sure that the heating device operates stably and the radiators heat up evenly;
  • if some areas of the radiator remain cold, they must be re-subjected to the de-airing procedure;
  • The operation of the system, after the air has been released, needs to be monitored for about a week.

It is impossible to bleed air from a heating battery installed in a closed system alone.

For such work, an assistant will be required: one will monitor how the pipeline is filled and pressure level readings, and the other will release air at the moment when the pressure gauge readings reach the required level.

When the 2 Bar mark is set on the screen, the replenishment must be turned off: the assistant needs to open the Mayevsky taps at this moment, and the other person needs to continue filling the system with coolant.

In addition, installing a special expansion tank membrane, which is under stable pressure, also helps to remove air from closed-type heating systems.

When the air plug is released, its place is gradually taken by the coolant, which is pushed through the membrane.

However, such standard way doesn't always work. The difficulty of bleeding is that the air can get into the most inconvenient place - for example, the radiator elbow.

In such a situation, it will have to be literally “squeezed out”, increasing the temperature in the heating system and regulating the pressure almost to maximum values.

If this procedure does not bring results, then the bleed air will have to be expelled through the detachable compartment. Follow safety precautions, otherwise you can easily get burned or flood the whole house.

If the heating system is made of polypropylene materials, then it is easier to completely drain the coolant and then properly fill the radiators.

Let's sum it up

There are many reasons why airing occurs in the heating system. Thus, radiators can fail due to low-quality coolant, which contains impurities and suspended matter - the valves will simply become clogged, and this is not immediately noticeable.

Therefore, it is especially important to periodically flush heating devices and check the serviceability of the valves. Otherwise, the batteries may cool down at the most inopportune moment - for example, in winter.

However, airiness in itself is not as harmless as it might seem. It turns out that a cold room and cold radiators are not the worst thing.

Much worse is that due to the presence of air inside the radiator, it is easily subject to corrosion, which leads to a shortened service life.

If you live in a private house and the heating system is autonomous, then the boiler is forced to run “idle”, driving air through the heating system rather than coolant, as a result of which wear on the bearings increases and the pump fails.

It is easier, of course, to prevent the occurrence of air locks - for this, the batteries should be given close attention during repairs.

You need to use only high-quality radiators from trusted manufacturers or install a Mayevsky tap on each radiator so that you can easily bleed air from a specific heating device at any time.

You can use an automatic air vent that can control the operation of the entire heating system in autonomous mode.

In addition, install additional valves that release excess air in the tortuous areas of the heating device - in places of bends and turns, because this is where traffic jams most often form.

If the article did not help answer the question of how to quickly bleed air from the battery correctly, watch the video on the topic.

Most often there are no problems. But sometimes the house suddenly becomes cold or strange sounds appear in the heating radiator. What could it be? Unfortunately, in in this case There is evidence of air in the heating system, which means it is necessary to bleed air from there. Today you will learn how to do this without a Mayevsky crane.

Air in the battery: what is it and how to determine it

What is airiness in a heating battery? This concept refers to the accumulation of air, most often in the upper part heating radiator. This situation becomes a problem and quite common for those who live in multi-storey buildings on one of the top floors. There may be several reasons for such a problem:

  • Carrying out repair work on the site/on adjacent floors. If work was done on heating pipes in a residential area, there is a high probability of a small air flow entering the system.
  • A coolant leak has occurred in some area (which means an immediate check of the system is required to eliminate the leak).
  • Features of the underfloor heating system. The problem of airiness in the system is indeed a common picture when there is a heated floor system, especially if it has a complex layout and many branches.

Cast iron battery

  • In water that has high temperature, contains air and the more often the system is updated, the higher the likelihood of a problem occurring.
  • If the appearance of an air “plug” coincides in time with the start-up of the common heating main, we can say with a greater degree of probability that it was the start-up of the system that caused the airiness.

Advice. If you live in a private house, then, in principle, you should not worry too much about the airiness of the system (if it is small). The fact is that in private heating systems, the coolant most often changes extremely rarely, which means the air should bleed out on its own within a few days.

Determining the presence of an air lock is quite simple. For example, if the temperature of the water in the battery has dropped sharply or the battery has become only partially cold, it may even begin to gurgle - all these are signs of airiness.

Bleeding air without a Mayevsky crane

On most homes heating batteries There is a special device that helps simplify the task of bleeding air as much as possible - or an automatic valve.

But the question is: what to do if there is simply no such device on the battery? If this is exactly the picture that appears before your eyes, most likely they are installed in your house. Such batteries are often fitted with a simple plug, which is screwed onto a tow coated with paint. In addition, it was also covered with a layer of paint while painting the heating radiators.

Mayevsky crane

It seems difficult to remove it in order to gain access to the coolant located in the system. For this reason, the simplest way out of the situation is to contact your neighbors from the top floor of the house (they will probably have a Mayevsky tap on the radiator). But if the neighbors, for example, have left or you yourself are a resident of the top floor and there is no tap? In this case, you will have to resort to the “old-fashioned” method of bleeding air from the heating system.

So, you need to stock up on a basin, a bucket and plenty of rags. In addition (you can’t take this “barrier” with your bare hands), you will need an adjustable wrench to unscrew the plug and some kind of paint solvent. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to move the plug from the “dead” point.

So, first apply solvent to the place where the plug is installed and wait about 15 minutes. After this, carefully start moving the adjustable wrench along the thread until the plug begins to feed. You will hear the air begin to bleed. When the sound subsides (a sign of lack of air), be sure to wrap a layer of foam around the plug and insert it into place. If desired, you can lightly paint over the junction of the plug and the battery.

Advice. Before starting work, it is advisable to shut off the riser for work safety, otherwise with a sufficiently sharp jerk you will completely unscrew the plug and the water from the battery will no longer be stopped.

You learned how quickly and quite simply you can cope with the task of bleeding air from a heating radiator in the absence of a Mayevsky tap. Good luck!

Installing a tap on a battery: video

If some batteries remain cold when the heating system is turned on, this is a consequence of their airing. That is, air bubbles form in them, requiring mandatory removal. In some cases, the system begins to noticeably gurgle and murmur, as small forest streams do. All this indicates that the heating needs to be ventilated. Let's see how to bleed air from a radiator and what tools we need for this. We will also tell you where the air comes from in closed and open systems.

Reasons for airing

Many people are interested in why air appears in heating systems. And this is truly surprising, because heating systems are sealed. In fact, airiness is a fairly common phenomenon that manifests itself in private homes and apartment buildings. Only in multi-apartment buildings the problem of de-airing is dealt with by specialized specialists from the heat supplier. IN own home You will have to deal with this issue yourself.

Before we tell you how to bleed air from a heating radiator, we will tell you about the main reasons for the formation of air locks:

  • Natural air formation when using aluminum radiators and some other types of low-quality batteries. Air bubbles are formed here as a result of the reaction between metals and water;
  • Penetration of air along with water - this may contain dissolved gases that do not appear when normal conditions, but released when heated and in contact with metal surfaces, due to which the coolant will become airy;
  • When carrying out repair work, the battery may indeed become airy after the last repair. If you do not bleed the air, the battery at the repair site may be cold;
  • Violation of heating system installation technologies - air in the heating system may appear even at the stage of installation installation work. And if the installers did not observe the slopes and did not install valves that allow air to bleed from the system from the batteries, then the problem becomes permanent;
  • Cracks or random gaps in the elements of the system - air from outside is sucked in through them.

An air lock in the heating system is not always a sign that the installers did their job poorly. If the batteries are constantly airing, this may indicate problems with the water - you need to analyze it and install a water treatment system. Most often, it is aluminum batteries that will air, while bimetallic radiators are practically not susceptible to this.

There is another reason for air getting into heating radiators - through plastic pipes. Some of their types are equipped with far from the highest quality oxygen barrier.

What does air affect?

The thermal image especially clearly shows how much the presence of air pockets affects the temperature of the battery.

The presence of air in heating radiators is an obstacle to their normal functioning. In the place where air pockets accumulate, a cold area is formed. As a result, operating efficiency decreases and the rooms become noticeably cooler. If the air is not released, the heating will not be able to work at full capacity.

On startup circulation pump You can hear a slight gurgling sound from the radiators and pipes - this is a direct sign that your heating system is airy. The pump cannot press through the air pockets, which is why they circulate in place, causing the formation of gurgling sounds. And it is useless to increase the pressure, since you need to either bleed it or try to add water to the system - sometimes this really helps.

Sometimes air pockets form directly in the pipelines of heating systems. As a result, the coolant cannot get through to the batteries, since air interferes with it. You need to somehow get rid of it, otherwise the heating boiler may fail - it will simply overheat due to the lack of normal circulation.

How to remove an air lock from a heating system

Medical experts say that diseases can be treated, but it is even better to prevent their occurrence. The same applies to heating and air congestion. Let's see how to get rid of existing traffic jams, and also talk about how to avoid their occurrence in the future.

Preventing the formation of air pockets

You can avoid the appearance of air in the heating system even at the very initial stage of its startup. To do this, it is necessary to correctly fill the pipes and batteries with coolant. IN open systems this is done in the following way:

  • We open all the valves to ensure unhindered movement of the coolant;
  • Leave the drain valve closed;
  • We begin to carefully fill the system with water.

Please note that the pressure is not very high.

When filling a closed-type heating system, bleed air in the following way:

  • We connect a pressure test pump, which allows pumping stable pressure in the heating;
  • Close the taps on the radiators;
  • We are waiting for the system to fill up.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the Mayevsky crane is an extremely effective tool that perfectly performs the task.

Now you need to fill the batteries with water and get rid of the air using Mayevsky taps. We sequentially go around all the heating devices, carefully open the valves, let in the coolant, remove air masses using the above taps, after which we close the valves. The pressure in the pipes must be maintained at one atmosphere, so it is more convenient to perform the operation together. At the final stage of work, we turn on the heating, wait until the set temperature is reached, and then repeat the procedure with the batteries.

Good radiators, for example, steel or bimetallic, will help prevent the appearance of air in the heating - in them the likelihood of air jams forming is reduced to almost zero. When carrying out installation work, it is necessary to pay attention to tightness, carefully and completely tightening all connecting parts. It is also recommended to install automatic or manual air vents.

One of the air vents is installed at the highest point, since air in radiators and pipes tends to accumulate in the upper parts of heating systems.

What to do if air pockets form

Our task is to properly bleed air from the heating system. If in a house or apartment with individual heating If the cast iron radiators familiar to many are installed, the matter is complicated by the fact that they may not have the means to eliminate air locks. Bleeding air from a cast iron battery is done in several ways:

  • By carefully unscrewing the plug using a gas wrench;
  • By removing the coolant and installing valves that allow air to be released at any time;
  • By using high pressure water - allows you to break through the airlock.

The first method is the most difficult. Firstly, the plug may be painted over with numerous layers of paint - it needs to be peeled off somehow. And secondly, the plug may completely rust to the battery body - in this case, you should use some kind of liquid to loosen the grip of the rust.

The well-known WD-40 liquid, which penetrates well into the deepest layers of rust, will help you unscrew the rusty plug.

When planning to bleed air from a cast iron battery, do not forget to place a bucket, basin or any other container under the plug into which the water will be drained. By the way, it is water that indicates that the air lock has already come out. After that, screw the plug back.

The next method is to install an automatic or manual air bleeder in a cast iron battery. The place for its installation is the same plug. We cut a thread in it and install an air vent. Now, as soon as an air lock occurs in the heating, use the vent and your problem will be solved.

If you don’t have a Mayevsky tap, you can remove the air using powerful water pressure. Connect the heating to the water supply, open the water tap and wait until the pressure can eliminate the air lock. This method is well suited for old heating systems, where no one thought much about the problem of airing.

Removing the air lock with bleeders

Automatic or manual bleeders (Mayevsky taps) will help to bleed air from the heating radiator, and at the same time from the pipes. Today they are mounted on all radiators, since airiness can manifest itself anywhere, even if all standards and rules for installation work are observed. An air valve for radiators is inexpensive, but it has many benefits - it will allow you to clear out any air congestion that has formed at any time.

In order to bleed air from the battery using a Mayevsky tap, it is necessary to determine the location of the airlock. This is done by touch, you just need to feel the heating devices after starting the boiler. Where you find cold areas, there are plugs that interfere with the heating - it is these that we need to remove using the Mayevsky tap.

After the location of the plug has been determined, it is necessary to turn the tap and ensure that the accumulation of air detected there comes out. Don't forget to use a bucket or basin to avoid flooding the floors. A signal that the entire air lock has been safely released is a trickle of water oozing from under the valve. While the water is bubbling, it means that air masses are still escaping. We carry out a similar procedure on other batteries where plugs are found.

The easiest way is to install automatic air vents on radiators. Their main advantages:

  • Independent work that does not require human intervention;
  • Compact design - they will not spoil the interior;
  • Reliability - being in good working order, they will not let you down.

Automatic vents allow you to release even the smallest amounts of air. That is, they do not allow its accumulation. But the accumulated air masses not only interfere with the heating, but also lead to the formation of corrosion.

Now you know how to remove air from radiators - the easiest way to do this is with automatic bleeders. If you still don't have them on your system, there's nothing stopping you from mounting them in summer season when the heating is turned off.
