Unpretentious ones also need care, or why do yucca leaves turn yellow? Why do yucca leaves turn yellow?

Yucca - decorative evergreen tree plant from the Agave family. The Yucca genus includes 40 species, many of which grow in the open air on the Black Sea coast (in the Caucasus, Sochi, Crimea and southern Ukraine). IN indoor floriculture Yucca aloelia, which resembles a palm tree, is commonly used. This tree grows up to 4 meters in height, so it requires a lot of space.

But the microclimate of our apartments and offices is not always suitable for it; often the plant begins to ache and turn yellow. Let's try to find the reasons for this and eliminate them so that your home can again be decorated with green and healthy yucca. Yucca leaves turn yellow, most likely due to waterlogging. We urgently need to take action. To do this, remove the plant from the pot and carefully examine the roots. Cut out everything rotten to a healthy place and treat the sections with some fungicide or pink (but quite bright) solution of potassium permanganate, sprinkle wood ash. Replant the plant in new soil (a mixture for palm trees is suitable) with good drainage; it is advisable to add coarse sand to the soil. You can immediately water the plant with the root, and then water it 3-4 more times.

In the case when the roots have already rotted, all that remains is to try to use the top of the plant as a cutting (also treated with rootstock). If the plant is flooded, but you quickly notice it, it is not at all necessary to replant it immediately. You need to use a thin, sharp stick (or knitting needle) to pierce the soil to the bottom in several places.

Due to waterlogging and stagnation of air, yucca can be affected by dangerous fungal disease- stem rot. As a result, part of the crown or stem (or one of several stems) rots. You can identify the diseased parts of the plant by touch; they become soft (if air is felt in the stem, but in general it is hard, then the plant is not sick). If the damaged parts are not immediately removed (to a healthy place, treated with a fungicide), then the entire yucca will die. Unfortunately, such pruning only helps if not the entire plant is affected.

For the same reason (waterlogging), yucca can develop leaf spot. This is a disease of fungal or bacterial origin, it is expressed in the appearance of grayish-brown spots on the leaves (“mosaic” yucca). Caring for a sick specimen involves removing spotted leaves, treating with a fungicide and reducing watering. Please note that it is not advisable to spray yucca to avoid diseases.

There is another reason why yucca may hurt. The leaves turn yellow, possibly due to too high temperatures in winter time. The temperature for wintering yucca should be about +8...+10 degrees. If yucca is kept in a too warm room in winter, it begins to shed its leaves. In this case, only moving the plant to a place with a suitable temperature will help.

If the yucca leaves are curled and soft, brown at the edges, it means the room temperature is too low or the plant is frozen near a cold window. Dried brown ends of leaves or drying out of their edges are usually caused by excessive dry air. By the way, if you have an aquarium, then yucca will feel great around it.

Lack of light can also have a negative effect on the plant. Because of this, yucca often gets sick and the leaves turn yellow. This problem can be solved by providing the plant with additional lighting (preferably with a special lamp for plants) or by moving it to a brighter place, for example, to a south or east window.

But if dry, pale spots have formed on the leaves, then this happens, on the contrary, from excess sun. Yucca is also sensitive to direct sunlight. The leaves turn yellow simply from old age, because in nature they gradually die off, exposing the trunk. After transplanting or changing location and conditions, yucca may also lose leaves. This often happens after purchasing a plant, since “moving” is very stressful for it.

Yucca is an unpretentious exotic indoor plant from the Agave family with weakly branching shoots and fluffy caps of long light green leaves. With age or if flower care rules are violated lower leaves They begin to turn yellow, then dry out and fall off. If the reason for this behavior of the plant is not identified and eliminated in time, it may die. Experienced flower growers identify several main reasons for negative changes appearance Yucca Beginners in indoor floriculture will be able to avoid problems with their pets if they take these factors into account when keeping them.

The main reasons why yucca leaves turn yellow and dry

Lack of lighting

This reason is considered the most common, especially in autumn period when the length daylight hours is significantly reduced and natural light houseplants are lacking. On the darkest and cloudiest days between September and February, bright diffuse lighting can be created using phytolamps or other additional lighting. The length of artificial daylight should last at least ten to twelve hours a day. With such daily lighting, the process of yellowing and dying of the leaf part of the yucca will stop and very quickly stop completely.

Excess lighting

Excess light, or rather direct sunlight, very easily damages yucca leaves, causing thermal burns. This reason is relevant in spring and summer months, when the flower is grown on a windowsill on the south side of the house and during the daytime the rays of the sun are directly directed at the delicate indoor plant. In natural conditions, yucca tolerates tropical and subtropical climates with maximum sun during the day. But as a houseplant, it is much more vulnerable and therefore direct sunlight leaves its yellow marks on the leaves indoor culture. You can protect the flower with light translucent shading and gradual accustoming to fresh air (on the balcony or open veranda).

Violation of watering rules

The individual characteristics of yucca include its adaptability to drought; this must be taken into account when caring for it. The thick trunk of the plant accumulates a lot of moisture (like succulents and cacti), and the dense surface layer of the leaves will protect them from rapid loss of moisture. But insufficient volume and frequency of watering (especially in summer period) will lead to withering of the leaf part and their gradual death. Yucca does not like lack of moisture. The underground part of the flower does not tolerate excess moisture in the soil and regular overflow of irrigation water. Yellow, drooping and drying leaves can signal the beginning of rotting of the root part of the plant.

It is very important to find a middle ground in this process. The next watering should be carried out only when the soil mixture in the flower pot dries out by about fifty percent or a little more. Water for irrigation must be warm (with a temperature of 22 to 25 degrees Celsius), and must be purified or settled. When watering cold tap water The base of the stem may begin to rot, and then the root part.

A plant that is sick from overwatering can be saved only by transplanting it into a new substrate. The plant must be carefully removed from flower pot, thoroughly rinse the roots, remove all rotten parts of leaves and roots. After trimming diseased roots, it is recommended to treat the cut areas with activated carbon or charcoal powder. After this, the indoor plant is planted in a new container with fresh soil. If the root part is completely damaged and there is nothing left to save, then you can cut off the top of the plant and root it.

Dry air for yucca is normal throughout the year, except heating season. During this period, the tips of the leaves dry out greatly, the plant requires periodic additional moisture by spraying. The water should be soft and not cold. Favorable time For water procedures– early morning or evening after sunset. Spraying during the day in direct sunlight will leave spots on the leaves after droplets of water - burns.

Failure to comply with temperature conditions

If the leaves on a houseplant begin to curl and the tips of the leaves turn yellow, this indicates an incorrect temperature regime. Yucca prefers a constant moderate temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. Sudden changes in temperature up or down, as well as cold drafts, negatively affect the appearance of the plant and its further growth and development. When low or high temperature If left untreated, the plant may turn completely yellow and dry out.

Failure to comply with transplant rules

Yucca reacts very painfully to transplants, since its root system is easily damaged and then the whole plant begins to hurt. This manifests itself in yellowing and drying of the leaf mass. It is recommended to replant yucca only together with a lump of earth. The transshipment method reduces the risk of injury to the roots.

When moving a container with a flower to a new place, to a new room and during long-term transportation, the plant experiences severe stress and adapts to new conditions for a long time. At this time, yellowing, wilting and drying of the leaves is possible. This is explained by changes in living conditions, which include temperature, lighting direction, humidity level, and sometimes damage to the root system when moving.

The appearance of pests

The main pests of yucca are scale insects, spider mites and aphids. The invasion of these pests can only be stopped with special chemicals(for example, “Fitoverm”, “Aktara”, “Aktellik”). They are sprayed or sprayed directly onto insect habitats. Unfortunately, yellowed leaves will not recover after the pests have been destroyed. If there are healthy roots, the plant will continue to develop, but if they are damaged, it is almost impossible to save the flower.

Natural causes

Each plant ages over time, and the death of several of its leaves in the lower part is considered a normal natural process that should not worry gardeners. It is quite natural that sometimes one or two lower leaves begin to turn yellow and soon dry up. Flower lovers need to help the plant remove these leaves in time, since the yucca will not be able to get rid of them on its own. It is recommended to take the yellowed leaf by the tip and pull it downwards, as if removing the peel.

Knowing the main reasons for negative changes in appearance indoor plant, it will be easier for beginners to care for him and create the necessary conditions for him.

Let's take a closer look possible problems when growing yucca: why the leaves turn yellow, dry, turn black or droop. As well as pests and most dangerous diseases, which can lead to the death of the flower.

At proper care By growing yucca at home, the risk of pests, diseases or problems with decorativeness is significantly reduced. Therefore, observe optimal conditions for cultivation and take good care of it.

It is especially important to implement proper watering palm trees and conduct regular inspections for prevention.

Pests and diseases

Among the pests, yucca is most often affected by:, and.

Common diseases include anthracnose, yellow mottle (viral) and stem rot.


With this disease, small spots with convex brown edges and a yellow edging are visible on yucca leaves. The spots appear in a chaotic order and gradually merge into larger formations.

Control measures: stop spraying leaves and reduce indoor air humidity. Remove severely affected leaves and, if necessary, treat the palm tree with special preparations.


The disease is manifested by the appearance of specks on the leaves of the flower. yellow color, especially at the leaf tips, most often due to aphids.

Control measures: check home collection for the presence of aphids. Affected specimens are destroyed.


This disease is caused by a fungus or bacteria that grows rapidly and makes the plant's leaves drooping, pale and soft. Appears most often due to excess moisture in the soil and poor ventilation indoors, sometimes due to hypothermia (moving the palm tree outside in winter).

Control measures: if a small part of the yucca is damaged, the affected areas must be removed. If most of it is affected, then gardeners recommend getting rid of the palm tree and pot in order to protect the rest of the indoor plants.

Why did the yucca leaves drop?

If the leaves gradually droop, become soft and pale, and the stem of the flower has softened, then this is a sign of disease - stem rot. It develops very quickly and in a neglected situation (the leaves are hanging and their base is yellow) it is impossible to save the palm tree.

If the yucca has a soft trunk, but the leaves have not turned black, are not very yellow and have not completely drooped, then you can try to save it.

  1. Cut off all affected parts of the plant (if there is only one soft trunk, then remove only that).
  2. Remove the palm tree from the pot, cut off the rotten roots and dip it in a solution with a fungicide (Topaz, colloidal sulfur or copper sulfate).
  3. Plant the flower in dry new soil mixture and do not water for 4-5 days.
  • If the only trunk has rotted, then cut off the top and plant it in the soil for rooting, as when propagating by cuttings. Throw away the remaining part of the flower along with the soil, wash the pot and soak in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.
  • If the leaves of the plant have turned black (become dirty gray) and the trunk has become very soft, then all that remains is to throw it away along with the soil.

Yucca dropped its leaves

Why do yucca leaves dry out or turn yellow? What to do?

Yucca leaves are an indicator of proper flower care and signal the presence of problems. They may turn yellow and dry out due to excessive lighting, low humidity or insufficient watering.

IMPORTANT! If the lower leaves of an adult palm tree turn yellow and dry, but the upper ones are healthy and dense, then this is a normal process and there is no reason to worry.

Now, you know why the lower leaves of yucca turn yellow, and in what situation there is no reason to worry.

Yellowing yucca leaves

Light dry spots on yucca leaves

The reason for the appearance of such spots is an overabundance solar lighting. Protect the flower from direct bright rays of the sun in summer.

Brown spots on yucca leaves

Stains Brown may be caused by a fungal disease due to high soil moisture. The reason lies in excessive watering, incorrect composition of the soil mixture (insufficient drainage, low air permeability) or inappropriate acidity of the substrate.

Remove the affected leaves, reduce watering, loosen the soil (described in the watering section), and also place the palm tree in a brighter place. Treat the plant with a fungicide (Fitosporin is the safest) or folk remedy(iodine, potassium permanganate, etc. - more details in the article - folk remedies section).

Brown edges and tips of yucca leaves

This sign indicates excessively dry air in the room. Also, the tips of the leaves may turn brown due to insufficient watering or strong drafts, especially in the cold season. If the leaves turn brown at the end of summer, it means that the palm tree did not have enough spraying and watering.

Why do yucca leaves curl?

If the leaves of a flower curl and have darkened edges, then this is a sign of hypothermia. Avoid excessively low room temperatures.

And if they curl into a tube, but do not darken, then the reason is that the substrate is too dry or the humidity is very low (July-August or winter). Protect your home palm tree from the scorching sun and the flow of hot air from the battery.

The yucca leaves turned pale at the base, and the flower itself stretched upward

The leaves turn yellow or lighten (turn to almost white) at the base, and the plant stretches upward in low light, most often in late fall/winter. See section - lighting.

And if they turn pale and become soft and lethargic, then read - stem rot.


We wish you a beautiful and healthy “home palm” yucca and a great mood!

Let’s find out in more detail what diseases yucca is susceptible to.

Diseases and treatment

They are mainly related with non-compliance with the watering regime Yucca

Watering in winter during the dormant period has an extremely detrimental effect. Excessive dryness of the room also contributes to weakening of the plant.

Why does the palm tree turn yellow and the leaves and their tips fall off?

Why do yucca leaves droop? What to do if room conditions Do the lower leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall off? When a plant begins to turn yellow, this does not mean that the reason lies in the disease.

It could be due to natural process ridding a false palm tree of foliage. This is necessary for further active growth.

In the case where it is the lower foliage that is shed, this may mean that excessive or insufficient hydration. Find out the recommendations on how to properly water a false palm tree and correct the situation.

Well, if the roots were not damaged, then there is a better chance of resuscitating the yucca.

Brown spots on leaves

If When leaves fall, they have yellow spots, which then become oval in shape and change color to brown, this means that the plant is affected by brown spotting.

To cure it, you need to figure out whether you cared for the yucca correctly, and then treat it.

Causes of drying out

Why do yucca leaves turn yellow and dry? What to do, how to care for the palm tree to prevent this from happening? How to save? When there's not enough light, the plant also appears yellow at the tips of its leaves and they begin to dry out.

For the normal process of photosynthesis, it is advisable to provide it with bright lighting with scattered rays, but in no case direct, so as not to provoke the appearance of burns.

Impact of temperature

An alarming signal when growing a false palm tree at home is if Yucca leaves curl.

Low temperatures have a detrimental effect on the life of the plant, because it comes from the subtropics and absolutely cannot stand the cold.

Under the influence of low temperatures the leaves at the edges become brownish and gradually curl up. There are times when the temperature drops at night and the sensitive yucca freezes overnight. In winter, it is better to remove it from the windowsill in the evening until the morning, until it gets warmer.

With severe hypothermia, foliage can fall off en masse. Doesn't tolerate well false palm drafts. It is better to take care in advance that the flower is warm and cozy, especially in winter.


false palm quite disease resistant and is rarely attacked by pests. But if the disease has already affected the foliage or stem, it is better to immediately take the necessary measures.

To do this, it is advisable to know what pests we can deal with in order to respond in time and cure the plant, and not throw away the yucca and the pot from under it.

Spider mite

Appears when living conditions are not suitable for the plant and it weakens - from excessive dry air or due to heat. It settles on the back side of the leaves and feeds on its juices. By sucking the juice from the false palm tree, it makes it weaker and contributes to wilting, because the flower then receives almost no nutrients.

Light spots and yellowness appear on the affected foliage; they are entwined with a thin web, causing the yucca to gradually dry out.

himself spider mite It is quite difficult to see on the leaf, but from the above signs you can easily determine that it is the plant that is infecting the plant.

Shield aphid or scale insect

It mainly affects plants of the agave genus, including yucca. She settles on the foliage. Dangerous because reproduces rapidly and is well adapted to the home microclimate.

At the early stage of the disease, it is problematic to notice shield aphids on the plant. When it becomes an adult, it is covered with a waxy shield. The larvae mature underneath it.

Damaged plant stops growing and withers. This is caused by the fact that the scale insect begins to eat the leaves, and if the necessary measures to eliminate it are not taken in time, the false palm tree will die.

How to save a palm tree from death?

How to revive yucca? A timely response will allow the yucca to be revived. It is important to know what to do if it is affected by fungal diseases or pests.

Resuscitation from fungal diseases

If the problem is fungi or bacteria, get rid of affected areas of the plant, and treat healthy foliage with a systemic fungicide. We reduce watering and do not spray at all.

These are productive measures for the first phase of the disease. When the disease is already actively progressing, the plant cannot be helped. It needs to be thrown away. We also throw away the pot from under the dead flower.

Fighting spider mites

Start spraying and rinsing the foliage, mainly her reverse side a low concentrated solution of tobacco, onion peel or chamomile infusion, garlic infusion. We wash the leaf, starting from the stem and ending with the edge of the leaf. We repeat the procedure until the tick is completely destroyed.

Rescue from scale insects

The best assistant will be laundry soap.

Dip a cotton swab or cloth into its solution, wring it lightly and use it to remove pests.

At the same time, we spray the larvae with a solution of tobacco mixed with kerosene or alcohol.

You can use store bought ones insecticides– fitoverm, actellikom.

If the yucca has suffered from improper care

You can try to revive the plant. First of all change the soil. Cleaning root system from dead and rotten areas. We disinfect the roots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, and then dry them and replant them in new soil. No earlier than 15 days later it is allowed to feed the false palm tree.

When yucca leaves turn yellow and dry, first of all pay attention to the accompanying signs. Perhaps you will notice small insects on the bottom of leaves or in the soil when loosening it.

If the yucca turns yellow, this is a reason to pay more attention to the plant.

The cause of the disease may be fungus or rot, which develops when the roots become waterlogged and rot. If the foliage simply dries out and turns yellow, this may be a consequence of the following errors.

  • The plant pot was moved to another room or moved further away or closer to the window. Yucca reacts painfully to any changes in lighting, unless they are associated with a natural change in the length of daylight hours.
  • Frequent watering cold water. This can cause root rot, especially when it comes to young plant with a weak root system. Overwatering is most dangerous in winter.
  • A lack of moisture that the plant may experience during the hot summer months.
  • Incorrect transplantation with injury to the roots. This situation is temporary, the plant will return to normal after the root system is restored.
  • Too dry air and proximity to radiators.

Yucca may lose its decorative properties if not temperature regime winter and summer. If the temperature does not begin to drop to 10 degrees in the fall, its foliage lengthens, thins and begins to turn yellow. In summer, on the contrary, the plant should be kept at 22-25 degrees.

What to do if yucca leaves turn yellow

When it becomes clear why the yucca leaves turn yellow, you can begin to rehabilitate the plant. If you have over-watered the plant, it needs to be replanted, removing rotten areas of the root system. In this case, the soil in the tub is completely changed, the roots are carefully cut with a knife and sprinkled with fungicide.

If the reason for the loss of decorativeness is dry air, you need to regularly spray the plant with a spray bottle or turn on a humidifier nearby until it returns to shape.

Even if the roots of the plant are dead, and the top boasts only a couple of green leaves, you can bring the flower back to life. It is enough to cut off the top and root it.