What kind of soil is needed to transplant spathiphyllum. Propagation of spathiphyllum and care of young plants

Spathiphyllum is a genus of plants belonging to the Araceae family. Its number fluctuates around 40 species. Spathiphyllum is native to the tropical regions of South America.

These plants are perennials that do not have a stem. Leaf blades grow immediately from the rhizome. Flowering is represented by a spadix, which is placed on a peduncle and covered with a leaf-spread. People call this flower “female happiness” or “flower of love.” This poisonous plant, contact with which can cause irritation and allergies.

Types and varieties

- has oblong leaves up to half a meter high, placed on long petioles, the width of the leaf plate is up to 25 cm. The color of the flower goes from white to almost black. The bract is about 15 cm long and 10 cm wide.

- has oval-shaped leaves and a greenish flower and bract.

- lanceolate leaves reach 40 cm, wavy. Petioles that hold leaves more than 50 cm. The flower is a white spadix, which is decorated with a bract.

- this flower reaches 50 cm in height, the leaves are a little more than 20 cm. The bract covering the spadix is ​​white.

— the difference between this species is the elongated leaves with a curved tip. The bract of the spadix is ​​white-green.

- the leaves of this species are lanceolate, the spadix is ​​white, the spathe, the color of which changes from white to green, is larger than the spadix. Great for indoor growing. On the basis of this species, spathiphyllum domina was bred, which differs from its parent in variegated leaves.

This is one of the variegated varieties. Some parts of the bract and leaves of this flower lack chlorophyll and therefore have White color.

high grade with long and wide leaves, which is excellent for growing in low-light areas.

Among other varieties we can distinguish spathiphyllum alana , chopin , cupido , Verdi , Sweet Silvio . But overall there is much more different varieties this plant.

Spathiphyllum care at home

Care indoor spathiphyllum implies the fulfillment of certain rules. In terms of lighting, it needs diffused light, because in this way it will grow larger and flowering will be longer.

During the spring-summer period, the temperature should be at 22°C. And in the fall and winter time not lower than 16°C. If the degree drops below 10°C, the plant will die. Drafts also have a very destructive effect.

How to water spathiphyllum

Watering should be carried out all year round with settled water. During active growth and in general, watering should be plentiful during the warm months. It needs to be done two to three times a week, without even waiting for the top layer of soil to completely dry, since when the soil dries out, part of the rhizome dies. Watering must be done carefully so that the water only pours onto the soil.

When growing spathiphyllum in a room, you need to spray it, and also place the pot with the plant in a container with raw expanded clay. Spraying must be done at least twice a day, otherwise the leaves will begin to dry. In winter, watering is limited to once every seven days.

Fertilizer for spathiphyllum

From March to September, spathiphyllum requires fertilizer mineral supplements. The fertilizer is diluted very weakly - 1 g/1 liter of water. Before and after fertilizing, you need to water the flower well.

Feeding should be regular - once every 15 days. In winter, if the plant does not bloom, it is also fertilized about once every 5 weeks. Fertilization is not recommended during the flowering period. Also, this procedure is not performed for young plants and after transplantation. For better flowering choose fertilizers with plenty of potassium and phosphorus.

Spathiphyllum transplantation and soil composition

Transplanting spathiphyllum at home is carried out in the spring if the rhizome has grown to cover the entire pot. The roots of the flower are quite fragile, so it is recommended to use transshipment, removing only a small part of the soil from the roots. If the rhizome is rotten, then it needs to be cleaned.

The composition of the soil for spathiphyllum includes peat, humus, river sand and a mixture of leaf soil and turf (the same amount of each component). But you can buy ready-made soil for aroids in a specialized store.

The pot is a little larger in size than the previous one. Drainage is required. During rooting, the plant is watered a little less; you can also cover the flower with polyethylene and ventilate it a couple of times a day.

After purchase, replanting is required if the container with the flower is too small, but in general, purchased spathiphyllums already feel good.

Spathiphyllum pruning

After flowering, you need to trim the peduncle so that it no longer sucks out nutrients; pruning should be done as close to the rhizome as possible. You also need to cut off dry and diseased leaves of the plant, and the sections are powdered with crushed coal.

How to propagate spathiphyllum at home

Cuttings are carried out in spring or summer. To do this, cut off a leaf rosette and place it in water or plant it in damp sand until root formation. If the roots are already formed, then you can immediately plant them in the soil. Propagation cannot be carried out by leaf cuttings.

Spathiphyllum propagation by dividing the bush

Dividing the bush is the most easy way propagation of spathiphyllum. This plant quickly forms many young rosettes and because of this it needs not only to be replanted every year, but also to divide the bush. Parts of the plant are already independent spathiphyllums and can be immediately planted in the soil.

The division procedure must be carried out before the stage of growing green mass, that is, in the spring. The separated part of the bush should have at least three strong leaf rosettes and part of a healthy rhizome. The divisions need to be deepened to the same depth as in the old pot.

Containers for planting young plants need to be small, otherwise the roots will take all the strength for growth. Before dividing, soak the roots with water, wash them and untangle them. After this, they are cleaned, the sections are powdered with charcoal and then divided.

Diseases and pests

  • If your spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow , then you should check whether you follow all the rules of care. For example, the plant will begin to turn yellow if it is rarely watered or if it is kept indoors too much. low humidity air. Also, yellowness may appear due to aphids, which feed on its juice. Carefully inspect the plant for the presence of this pest.
  • But the most common destroyer of spathiphyllum is spider mite . If you find it, take immediate action.
  • In case of insufficient humidity there is drying and curling of leaf tips . Also, the leaves curl if the flower is cold.
  • When the light is too bright, the leaves of the plant begin to turn pale. . Move the pot to another location and light leaves trim, otherwise this process may become irreversible.
  • Leaves turn black if the root is sick . Most often this happens if the spathiphyllum suffers from excess moisture. If this is the case, then urgently replant and clean the rhizome. But also the reason for the appearance of blackness on the leaves is unbalanced fertilizer. If you overdo it with top dressing and after that black spots appear, then replanting is not required.
  • Spathiphyllum will not bloom if the amount of fertilizer was excessive. Also, flowers usually do not appear if the entire container of the pot is filled with roots.
  • All types of spathiphyllum have a slightly greenish bract. But if the flowers begin to turn excessively green, this indicates errors in care. . Possible reason is a decrease in temperature to 15°C and below. Also, greening begins with a lack of lighting. Green flowers are trimmed, but be sure to leave one.

Dreaming of female happiness, representatives of the fairer sex buy indoor flower with the Greek name spathiphyllum. Outwardly, it resembles a white sail, which gives hope that achieving the goal is just around the corner. Caring for a flower for a woman's happiness should be especially meticulous so as not to spoil her destiny, according to popular belief.

How to care for spathiphyllum at home

Grow perennial can be done without complicated manipulations, especially if you follow certain rules, from soil selection to quality and watering conditions. Spathiphyllum is not fussy with everyday care, so it easily takes root even in the same area as a novice “gardener”. The evergreen bush is a pleasant sight when placed in a window.

Main settingscaring for spathiphyllum at home– correctly selected pot size, acceptable temperature environment, sufficient humidity, harmonious placement in the room, light flowing onto the leaves. In order for the care of spathiphyllum to be adequate, and for women’s happiness to truly bring joy and peace, it is recommended to remember the following rules of care for yourself:

  1. As the flower grows, it needs to be transplanted into a capacious pot, and it is advisable to do this in the spring. Special soil purchase in the store or prepare it yourself at home. Good choice becomes a clay pot capable of long time maintain the required level of humidity and provide accessible care.
  2. This heat-loving plant from the tropics does not tolerate cold or exposure to drafts during care. Optimal temperature regime limited to 18-23 degrees. Overheating is also harmful, since a woman’s happiness begins to rapidly fade and no longer pleases with its impeccable appearance.
  3. Such a moisture-loving flower natural conditions grows in swamps and rivers. The higher the ambient temperature, the more often it needs to be watered. As the weather gets colder, it is necessary to reduce the humidity level, and water only when the soil dries out. Underfilling during maintenance is harmful, as is overfilling.
  4. Placing the flower is appropriate on the north side of the room, but it also grows abundantly and continuously on a south-facing window. Having chosen the most convenient place, the main thing is to prevent direct sunlight from falling on the leaves. The heating radiator may be nearby, but when caring for the plant, it is better not to overheat, dose out portions of heat and a natural flow of color. When exposed to dry air, the plant will dry out and the tips of the leaves will turn black.
  5. Spathiphyllum is a shade-tolerant indoor flower. The light should be diffused, because direct rays of the sun are the real pests of natural and full flowering. If they enter in excess quantities, the plant may droop and begin to turn yellow. But the lack of lighting makes the leaves small and elongated in shape.

How to fertilize spathiphyllum at home

This flower of the aroid family needs to be sprayed and the roots must be protected in a timely manner from small and not always noticeable pests. Used for feeding once every three weeks. mineral fertilizers low concentration. Before spraying with a special composition and after such a session, it is necessary to water the indoor flower warm water. If this rule is followedfertilizers for spathiphyllum at homeprotect from aphids, sooty fungus, spider mites, scale insects, mealybug.

How to water spathiphyllum at home

For watering, use settled or boiled water with low chlorine content. It can be acidified, and to do this, dilute a liter of warm liquid with 5 drops of vinegar and mix.Watering spathiphyllum at homeabundant in summer and moderate in the cold season. If black spots appear on the leaves, this means that the basics of watering have been disrupted, and the flower may gradually disappear at home.

Land for spathiphyllum

When caring, be especially careful about the choice of soil, otherwise the leaves will soon begin to turn yellow.Soil for spathiphyllumshould be a mixture of leaf soil, sphagnum, peat, river sand. It is necessary to combine the required amount of each ingredient, place the resulting composition in a flowerpot and only after planting the spathiphyllum, moisten it.

How to transplant spathiphyllum at home

If the flower blooms regularly, you can postpone replanting and do it no more than once a year. When the leaves turn yellow, it is better to choose a more spacious pot and replant indoor plant unscheduled. Optimal time ForSpathiphyllum transplants at home– spring, pot height – no more than 20 cm. After placing the flower in the pot, moisten it abundantly, and when leaving, put it in the shade. It will dry gradually, how long it takes is an individual question. An alternative to replanting is to renew the topsoil.

How to propagate spathiphyllum at home

There are three known methods of propagation - cuttings, dormant buds and seeds. Grown flowers look equally beautiful, but they have their own nuances. During the growing season, a young plant can bloom 8-10 months from the moment of planting. Ifpropagate spathiphyllum at homeseeds, the flowering period with proper care begins only after 3-4 years.

Spathiphyllum - diseases

If the flower is withered and the leaves continue to dry - poor care, treatment is required. It is important to knowspathiphyllum diseasesand in order to save women's happiness in time. If sooty fungus is harmful, treat the plant with soapy water. Any alcohol product applied to the leaves will help against mealybugs. If spider mites appear, the flowers will also dry out. A soap solution is beneficial.

What to do to make spathiphyllum bloom

To reveal the secret, you need to understand the reason.For spathiphyllum to bloomwhite or red, eliminate improper watering, excessive light flow, regulate the baiting process, control air humidity. Only then blooming flower can be safely associated with the approaching women's happiness, call it a good omen for the future. If you buy spathiphyllum, caring for it at home will not cause any trouble.

Video: caring for spathiphyllum at home

Correct transplantation of spathiphyllum after purchase

Indoor flowers live constantly in conditions that are only vaguely reminiscent of natural ones. Therefore, the decorativeness of a plant depends on many factors. Spathiphyllum transplantation is a mandatory procedure in captivity. The root system requires nutrition, and in a cramped container, light, infertile soil is unable to feed the plant for a long period. When transplanting a plant and propagating it, certain rules must be followed.

Conditions for caring for and transplanting spathiphyllum at home

The flower should sit in a pot in cramped conditions. As long as the roots do not touch the walls of the vessel, all the power of the plant is directed to their growth, flowering is delayed, and the plant fattens. Therefore, it is unlikely that you need to replant the plant often unless absolutely necessary. In spring, when the plant is just beginning to awaken from winter holidays best time change the soil.

The following is considered necessary: ​​an operation to transplant spathiphyllum at home and care before rooting:

  • the plant has grown so much that when moving apart sheet plates it's clear that lower leaves die from lack of nutrition and lighting:
  • new flower acquired after keeping a greenhouse, purchased at a flower shop;
  • annual transfer of young plants into a large container;
  • the plant became sick, it was discovered root rot or insect pests;
  • plant propagation.

How to transplant spathiphyllum at home, how to create conditions for the speedy recovery of the plant?

The soil for spathiphyllum is prepared lightly with an acidic reaction, but closer to neutral. This soil mixture can be bought at a flower shop for aroids, or you can prepare it yourself. Slightly acidic components are leaf soil, peat and added bark coniferous trees. Sand, turf soil and charcoal are neutral and help to average the composition to slightly acidic, close to neutral.

Soil composition for spathiphyllum and choice of dishes:

  • turf land - 2 volumes;
  • sheet, peat, sand - 1 volume each;
  • ceramic chips, charcoal, bark - 0.5 volume each.

You will need pebbles or expanded clay for the drainage layer in the flower pots. The created soil must be steamed and treated with phytosporin. To restore beneficial microflora, 2 weeks before planting, moisten the mixture with EM-1 and place in a dark place.

To transplant an adult plant, select a container that is one size or 1-2 cm larger than the previous pot. It should be taken into account that painless transfer is carried out up to a container diameter of 20 cm, and then try to remove the top loose layer and add fresh nutrient mixture. The tightness for the roots is prerequisite flowering. Sign required shift dish is a beard of yellow spathiphyllum roots emerging from the drainage hole.

Transshipment or transplantation, the right choice

We know that transshipment is a method of changing a container without disturbing a clod of earth connected by roots. In this case, the plant is moistened abundantly, but not so much that the soil turns into mud. It is enough for it to slide out of the tight pot easily, like clockwork, without damaging the roots. Having visually verified that the roots are healthy and the leaves have no signs of disease, the plant is carefully placed in a large bowl.

At the bottom of the new container there is a layer of drainage of 2 cm, 2 cm of soil and an intact lump of earth with roots is installed on top, having previously selected pebbles and expanded clay from the lower beard. Soil for spathiphyllum is poured on the sides, compacted a little, and lightly watered. When wet, the soil will settle; it needs to be added up to the neck. Shake the pot a little, make sure that the plant does not fall over and stands in the center. For several days, the new plant should be sprayed on the leaves, but not watered. It will quickly help the plant to take root if you place an inverted plastic bag on top, in the form of a mini-greenhouse.

If you really need to, you can also transfer a flowering plant this way, but a spacious pot will create conditions for stopping flowering.

If the plant is newly purchased, is it necessary and how to replant the spathiphyllum after purchase? Yes, it is necessary, but only after preliminary quarantine for 2 weeks. The soil on which plants are grown for sale contains a lot of peat and is seasoned nutrients only for the first time. Therefore, as far as the root system allows, you need to carefully clean it of the substrate and place it in the desired composition.

Just as during transshipment, a layer of drainage and soil is prepared, the roots are placed on it and carefully sprinkled with soil for spathiphyllum, with light shaking to compact it. The sprinkled roots are moistened, the soil fits tightly around the roots, and the soil is again poured up to the neck. In this case, about 2 cm should remain to the edges of the pot. The plant is checked for planting density, slightly rocking and checking that it does not fall over.

But such a spathiphyllum transplant requires careful observation for 2 weeks and frequent spraying of the leaves. An airtight cap over the plant will retain moisture and promote rapid rooting.

The only way to revise the roots is to replant. Therefore, each specimen needs to be checked for rot, damaged and questionable areas should be cut out, the wounds should be sprinkled with crushed charcoal and dried slightly. At the same time, young leaves are also removed, they will die anyway.

In order to plant spathiphyllum thickets, you will need to completely immerse the plant in a container of water and let the soil turn into moving mud. After this, remove the plant, and, laying it out on a horizontal plane, select young plants, cut the rhizomes of old ones so that there are up to 5 leaves along with the root.

Plant those plants that have root system can be placed directly into containers. If there are no roots on the cuttings, they need to be germinated in a glass of water. Transplanting spathiphyllum during propagation is no different from how to transplant spathiphyllum after purchase.

In all cases of transplanting and transshipment, the plants are not watered until new leaves begin to appear. This means that the plant has taken root, and moisture will not harm it, and rot will not appear.

Thanks to his beautiful view and rather unpretentious requests, spathiphyllum is found in many residential buildings. All year round he decorates the house with the greenery of his foliage. During flowering, it becomes even more spectacular thanks to its unusual flowers. Because of them, the plant is also called “white sails”.

The article will discuss how spathiphyllum is transplanted at home.

General information about the flower

Spathiphyllum belongs to the aroid family. It is native to tropical regions of South America. The plant does not have a stem, growing from the root system. It is perennial. The flower is a spadix covered with a white leaf.

The plant is poisonous. It should not be placed in a children's room or close to pets. Contact with it may cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is important to take care of safety when working with flowers. It will not be superfluous to use gloves.

People call it “women’s happiness.” Before you learn about spathiphyllum transplantation and care at home, it is worth considering its varieties.


There are forty species of these plants in total. The following varieties of spathiphyllum are considered the most popular:

  • Heliconifolia. The leaves are oblong, located on long petioles. The width of the plate is up to twenty-five centimeters. The color of the leaves is uneven - from green to black.
  • Cannofolia. The shape of the leaves of the flower is oval. Spadix with greenish tint bract.
  • Spoon-shaped. The leaves of the plant are wavy and quite large - forty centimeters. The flower consists of a white spadix and the same bract.
  • Abundantly flowering. The plant reaches a height of fifty centimeters. Its leaves grow up to twenty centimeters. The bract is white.
  • Charming. Leaves of this flower elongated, have a curved tip. The bract of the cob has a white-green color.
  • Wallis. The plant is great for growing indoors. Its leaves are lanceolate and the spadix is ​​white. The spathe is larger than a cob and changes its color from white to green.
  • Picasso. The plant is distinguished by white areas on the leaves and bracts. This is due to the fact that they lack chlorophyll. Because of this, the flower looks very colorful.
  • Sensation. The plant is taller than other varieties. The leaves are long and wide. Does well in rooms with dim lighting.

Basic rules for plant care

Most flower varieties do well in dimly lit rooms. With normal care, it will bloom twice a year, without losing its decorative qualities between blooms.

The main condition for the full development of spathiphyllum is high humidity air. This is due to the fact that the flower comes from the tropics. Watering should be plentiful, but rare. Excess water from the pan must be poured out. Stagnation of water in the soil will lead to rotting of the roots. Flowers can be sprayed daily. A container of water placed nearby can replace spraying. In winter, watering and spraying is reduced.

During intensive growth required additional feeding. Suitable for this complex fertilizers. They are applied after watering once every seven to ten days. In winter, it is enough to fertilize the soil once a month.

When choosing a place for a plant, it is worth considering that it does not like direct sunlight, but it cannot live without constant lighting. It is better to place it on the windowsill on any side except the south. Any part of the room will do, but if the place is too dark, the flower needs to be provided with additional lighting.

The comfortable air temperature for the plant is eighteen to twenty-two degrees Celsius above zero.

When purchasing a flower, it is important to know that after three weeks after purchase, a spathiphyllum transplant is simply necessary.

Transplant immediately after purchase

The container and soil are changed after the above-mentioned time after purchase. The flower needs to acclimatize to new conditions. Without transplantation, spathiphyllum will stop blooming and may die. The fact is that in stores the plants are kept in small pots, and they are fed by properly calculated special feeding.

Preparing for the first transplant:

  • Priming. Slightly acidic soil suits the flower. Two parts of turf soil, one part each of leaf soil, sand and peat are added to it. The mixture can be supplemented with crushed spruce bark, ceramic chips, and charcoal. Ready-made soil will also work.
  • Drainage. Expanded clay is usually used. Although river pebbles will also work.
  • Capacity. The pot should be chosen in such a way that it will soon be filled with the roots of the plant. Only then will flowering begin. That is, the capacity should be slightly larger than the previous one.

You can replant the plant either with or without an old clod of earth.

Transplantation with an earthen ball

Spathiphyllum, the care and replanting of which are being considered, can be updated with the pot by transshipment. It is much simpler and recommended for beginners. It is better to use it at home.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the selected pot. It is enough to fill it two centimeters. A little soil is poured on top. The plant is carefully removed along with the soil and in this form is placed in a new container. The mixture is poured around the circumference. While adding new soil, it can be moistened. If the flower is in the middle, all parts of its root system will receive nutrition.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to remove a flower with soil from a pot. What to do in this case? It's not worth breaking it. There is a less traumatic way. It is necessary to carefully add water along the edge of the container. The liquid will soften the soil and the plant will come out easily.

Replanting with complete soil replacement

How else can you transplant spathiphyllum? Care at home sometimes leads to rotting of the root system. This problem is expressed by blackening of the leaves. In this case, it is necessary to urgently replace the soil.

To do this, the ground is abundantly filled with water. When it is soaked, the flower can be pulled out. The earthen lump should crumble. Now you need to carefully remove the damaged areas of the root system. Then it is properly dried and planted in new soil. Dried and damaged leaves are also removed.

In order for the flower to grow faster, it is very important not to damage the neck of the plant. Planting into a new container is carried out in the same way as during transshipment. But the soil mixture is added little by little. In the process of adding it, the soil must be compacted at the roots. The pot should be filled to the base of the flower neck. Then earth mixture watered abundantly. If the flower settles, you will have to add more soil.

Transplant frequency

Young, intensively growing spathiphyllums are replanted once a year. Mature plants can live in the same pot for three to four years. It is better to change the pot in the spring, when the flower has not yet awakened.

An extraordinary transplant can also be carried out in the event of a green pet becoming ill or damaged. There will be no harm from it.

Transplanting a flowering plant

If necessary, spathiphyllum can be transplanted during the flowering period. The process of changing the pot differs only in that it requires preliminary removal of flower stalks. This way the plant will use all its strength to adapt the root system. In this case, the soil must be changed completely.

But it’s better, of course, to wait until flowering is complete. How to care for a newly transplanted flower?

Care after changing the potty

Spathiphyllum transplantation will be painless if certain rules are followed. Firstly, you need to ensure sufficient air humidity. Constantly spraying the leaves will help with this.

Secondly, the roots must be kept in moist soil all the time. Therefore, watering should be regular. In the first two to three weeks after changing the soil, you can arrange a mini-greenhouse for the plant. It's completely wrapped plastic bag, arranging daily ventilation and watering.

Spathiphyllum after transplantation is especially sensitive to lack of moisture, as well as to the burning sun. First of all, it will show this by drooping and yellowing of the leaves. If all the conditions for transplantation are met, the plant will not only be able to delight with flowering, but will also be suitable for further reproduction. By the way, during one of the transplants it can be divided into several parts. In this case, a mini-greenhouse will be required, as will special feeding of new plants. Then, instead of one spathiphyllum, two renewed flowers will appear in the house.

Many people believe that happiness comes to the house with this flower. It needs to be protected and propagated. Then there will be enough happiness for everyone.

Over the years, the spathiphyllum bush grows, becomes too heavy to lift, and cannot be painlessly replaced with soil. At this time, only the top layer is loosened and removed. Meanwhile, the spathiphyllum flower ages and loses its decorative effect. Therefore, no matter how memorable the plant is for you, you need to prepare a replacement for it. The procedure will not seem difficult for those who annually transplant the flower into a larger container.

Principles of propagation of spathiphyllum

The biology of the flower is such that it has no stems, and the lanceolate leaves emerge directly from the ground, from the root from dormant buds. The resulting rosette of two or three leaves creates a vagina, from which emerges the stem of a flower, wrapped in a snow-white blanket, like a diaper. This is how the clump grows, which makes it possible to disassemble the rhizomes into pieces, each of which contains either a finished plant with roots, or a dormant bud.

How does spathiphyllum propagate by others? by known methods? It happens:

  • obtaining a plant from dormant buds of a piece of rhizome;
  • receiving young plant from layerings or cuttings;
  • sowing seeds.

When propagating spathiphyllum by any vegetative method with good care it can bloom in 8-10 months. The seed method does not imply the transfer of characteristics of the uterine bush; flowering occurs after 3-4 years. In this case, there is a possibility of getting completely new variety.

For vegetative propagation It is important to carry out the planned work in the spring, when the plant is just starting to grow after winter rest. However, in case of illness or for another reason, you can carefully replant the plant even during flowering.

Soil requirements or how to prepare soil for spathiphyllum. The flower loves soil with slight acidity, composed of equal parts:

  • garden or turf land;
  • leaf humus;
  • sand

Additionally, to give a resemblance to the natural composition, a total of 1 part is added from fine coniferous bark, charcoal ground into a fine fraction and brick or ceramic chips. After disinfection by known methods, the soil is moistened with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Regardless of whether to sow seeds or root cuttings, work on propagating spathiphyllum is carried out at a room temperature of at least 21 degrees.

After planting or sowing the seeds, everything possible is done to ensure rooting. To do this, create a mini-greenhouse, moisten the leaves and soil surface, and create conditions for the rapid restoration of root function.

The choice of dishes is important for the vegetative propagation of spathiphyllum. The containers should not be spacious, or several sections should be planted in them at once. Until the container is filled with roots, the plant will not bloom.

When planting, it is important to leave enough space at the top, to have a good drainage layer of pebbles or expanded clay at the bottom, and not to bury the root collar of the plant.

How to plant spathiphyllum, which is cramped in a container

To do this, you need to water the plant so that it easily slides out of the old pot. Since the goal is to get the maximum number of divisions, then the bush should be soaked in warm water in a large basin, so that the roots are freed from the ground. Place the plant on the table. In this case, the parts into which the bush needs to be cut when dividing will be clearly visible.

Free each part from old brown dead roots. Leave the young ones light. Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed coal and prepare the containers. Pour 2 cm of soil over the drainage and arrange the roots of the division, spreading them slightly. While holding the plant suspended, carefully add little by little the prepared soil for spathiphyllum. Shake the glass slightly and compact the soil with your fingers. Having filled the roots, water the soil to compact it, after the soil settles, add it to the neck and rock the plant to see if it sits tightly.

For the first week, you need to wet the leaves with a spray bottle and keep the plant under a hood with little ventilation. If the lump of earth dries out, moisten it a little so as not to provoke rotting of the diseased roots. A sign that the plant has taken root will be the appearance of a young leaf. After this, the plant is gradually freed from shelter, feeding begins after 3 months at half the dose.

Propagation by divisions without roots and pieces of rhizome

In this case, the cuttings should be germinated in water and then planted as described above. The rhizomes are laid out on wet sand or peat. At the same time, until the roots sprout, the litter should be constantly moist. Cover the top with film, but ventilate. As a result, the fragment will send out roots, and then it can be planted in the ground.

How does spathiphyllum propagate by seeds?

The plant is cross-pollinated and has male and female flower stalks. They differ in terms of flowering and flower height. The male blooms 2-3 days earlier, the pollen disappears while it ripens. female flower. Therefore, seeds are obtained in greenhouses, where there are many flowers and they bloom in different time. The pollinated female flower eventually turns green and becomes plump with cones that turn into peas. Seeds ripen up to six months. Their viability is low, and they must be sown immediately after harvesting.

When purchasing seeds, you should make sure that they are fresh. If the mother plant was a hybrid, then splitting of properties will be inevitable. Seedlings are grown in a closed bowl, occasionally opening it for ventilation. Shoots appear unevenly; several seedlings will appear from one pea. After germination, the plant needs to be accustomed to air gradually, opening the transparent film for a while.

Such flowers develop much more slowly, but subsequently they are more resistant to the dry air of the apartment in winter. Can be seeded into a large container for decoration office space and young flowers will create an original composition, blooming at the same time.

Another way would be to grow the seedlings to 5-6 cm and plant them in separate cups, from which you can also make any composition, but later they are easier to replant.

Video about spathiphyllum transplantation