Sunflower - cultivation, beneficial properties and contraindications. Annual sunflower: growing features, description and types

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Everybody knows sunflower How beautiful plant, resembling the sun and giving tasty and useful product- seeds that almost fully satisfy the needs of an adult, both in polyunsaturated acids and vitamin E. Thus, sunflower preparations can quickly relax the smooth muscles of internal organs, lower body temperature, and stimulate appetite. At the same time, not only the kernels (or seeds) of sunflower are useful, but also its other parts, namely inflorescences, leaves, roots, stems. We’ll talk more about the use of sunflower in medicine and its beneficial properties later.

Description of the plant

Sunflower name ( Helianthus) is translated from Latin as “flower of the sun” (or solar flower). And it is not by chance that this name was given to it, because large sunflower inflorescences, which are bordered by bright yellow petals, really resemble the sun. In addition, the sunflower has a unique ability, which consists in the fact that the plant turns its head behind the sun, thereby traveling with it from sunrise to sunset.

It should be noted that most sunflower species are annual plants, although there are also perennials, which are mainly herbaceous plants.

Sunflower is distinguished by a thick and strong root, rough and pointed leaves at the top, of which there can be from 15 to 35. The top of the stem has a large inflorescence-basket, surrounded below by green leaves, but outside the basket there are golden flowers.

The sunflower fruit is an achene with a kernel. Depending on the type of plant, the skin of the achene is white or black.

Where do sunflowers grow?

The homeland of sunflower is Peru and Mexico (it was from here that this plant was brought to Russia). Sunflower prefers a warm climate and fertile soil, so it is grown in the southern part of Russia. In intense sunlight, as well as providing moisture and nutrients directly in the soil, this plant develops a powerful root system, has large leaves and produces enough good harvest seeds

Sunflower varieties

The sunflower genus has about 108 species, with two rightfully considered the most famous:
1. Oilseed (annual).
2. Jerusalem artichoke (perennial).

Annual sunflower (oilseed or ordinary)

The annual sunflower, which is also called oilseed or ordinary, has a stem reaching a height of two to three meters, heart-shaped triangular leaves, placed alternately on the stem. The powerful stem is topped with a large inflorescence-basket, the diameter of which varies from 10 to 35 cm. The lower part of the inflorescence is surrounded by green, tiled-like leaves, while the flowers in the central part of the basket are smaller in size and bright yellow in color. It must be said that by the time flowering begins, the baskets droop.

The thick stem of the plant is covered with stiff hairs. Fruit annual sunflower- these are oblong and slightly flattened achenes of white, gray or black color (the achenes can also be striped). This type of sunflower blooms from July to October. As an oilseed crop, it is grown in fields, vegetable gardens and orchards.

Perennial sunflower (Jerusalem artichoke)

This is a tuberous plant, which in Russia is better known as “earthen pear,” but in Europe, perennial sunflower is called “Jerusalem artichoke.”

The homeland of the earthen pear is Brazil, it was from here that this plant was brought to Europe along with the American Indians from the Tupinambus tribe (hence another name for the plant - “Jerusalem artichoke”).

This light-loving and drought-resistant plant is used as decorative element, food product And medicinal plant. Thus, Jerusalem artichoke tubers contain inulin, macro- and microelements, pectins, vitamins C and B, and iron salts. But Jerusalem artichoke does not accumulate harmful substances and nitrates.

Inulin is a polysaccharide, the hydrolysis of which produces fructose, a sugar that is harmless to diabetics.

Jerusalem artichoke contains large amounts of iron, manganese, calcium, as well as magnesium, potassium and sodium. In addition, this type of sunflower actively accumulates silicon directly from the soil. It is impossible not to say that Jerusalem artichoke contains proteins, pectin, amino acids, beneficial organic and fatty acids.

Important! Jerusalem artichoke contains 8 amino acids that are synthesized exclusively by plants (that is, not synthesized in the human body). We are talking about histidine, arginine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan.

Thus, biologically active substances are the basis healing properties Jerusalem artichoke.

Jerusalem artichoke is similar to an ordinary sunflower, but it has underground shoots(the so-called stolons), on which potato tubers are formed. Perennial sunflower grows in one place for 30 (or even 40) years, although it produces a high yield only in the first three to four years.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers have medicinal properties, which normalize metabolism, which has a positive effect on treatment:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
Preparations from Jerusalem artichoke are used in the treatment of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, and in the prevention of heart attack. Jerusalem artichoke perfectly removes toxins and all kinds of waste from the body, and also calms the nervous system.

Sunflower collection and storage

The medicinal raw materials of sunflower are:
  • marginal flowers;
  • leaves;
  • seeds;
  • stem;
  • roots.
The collection of raw materials is carried out during the flowering period, and it is important to collect flowers and leaves separately: for example, it is recommended to pick off the edge flowers of the baskets at the beginning of flowering, and the leaves at the end.

In medicine, reed flowers of bright yellow sunflower are used, which are cut off in such a way as not to damage the baskets themselves. collected flowers Dry immediately in a well-ventilated area, which allows you to preserve their natural color. The smell of dried raw materials during the soaking process should be faint and honey-like, but the taste should be a little bitter.

Sunflower leaves are torn from the petioles, and very large leaves should not be collected, especially if they are damaged by rust or eaten by insects. The leaves are dried in the air, but always in the shade (you can use special dryers). Properly dried leaves should be rough and have prominent and heavily pubescent veins. The dried raw material has a dark green color and a bitter taste, while the dried leaves have no odor.

Sunflower roots are collected (pulled out) in the fall (more precisely, at the end of September), that is, after ripening, as well as after collecting the seeds. It is at this time that the roots of the plant have healing properties.

Sunflower seeds ripen by September.

Flowers and leaves are stored in fabric bags for no more than two years.

Composition and properties of sunflower


It is an immunostimulant plant origin, which increases many times protective forces the body by neutralizing the negative effects of free radicals.


  • activation of lipid metabolism;
  • normalization of triglyceride levels in the blood;
  • promoting energy production;
  • normalization of the acidity of gastric contents;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • preventing fat deposition.


  • promoting fat absorption;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • stimulation of cardiac activity;
  • strengthening the central nervous system;
  • prevention of premature aging.


  • bactericidal;
  • bacteriostatic;
  • astringent;
  • antiputrefactive.

Fixed oils

  • regeneration of tissues and cells of the body;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • accelerating the wound healing process;
  • protecting the body from negative impact carcinogenic substances.


  • strengthening and improving the elasticity of both capillaries and vascular walls;
  • neutralization of free radicals;
  • regulation of the central nervous system;
  • lowering blood pressure.

Organic acids

  • increased appetite;
  • activation of metabolic processes, which promotes the breakdown of fats;
  • increasing immunity;
  • removal of toxins;
  • normalization of digestion.


By modifying cell proteins, they form protective film, accelerating the healing process of wounds and neutralizing the harmful effects of bacteria. Tannins are used as anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, bacteriostatic and astringent agents.


Action of calcium:
  • forms teeth and skeleton;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • strengthens heart vessels;
  • increases immunity;
  • regulates the functioning of the central nervous system.


  • renews skin cells;
  • reduces allergic manifestations;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • increases immunity.


  • diuretic;
  • sedative;
  • vasodilator;
  • expectorant;
  • antimicrobial;
  • disinfectant.


  • reducing the fragility of capillaries and blood vessels;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • normalization of the central nervous system.


  • appetite stimulation;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • restoration of the body in case of exhaustion, weakness, loss of strength, neurasthenia;
  • strengthening the immune system.


This excellent source of energy provides the body with hormones, antibodies, as well as other enzymes that are necessary for the full functioning of the body.


This is the main source of energy for humans, ensuring a complete metabolic process.


  • stimulating liver function;
  • prevention of the development of fatty liver;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • activation of fat metabolism.


  • acceleration of oxidative processes;
  • ensuring normal fat metabolism;
  • improving brain function;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • increasing the body's resistance to toxic substances;
  • stimulation of bile secretion;
  • participation in the process of formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Vitamin A

  • participation in oxidative as well as reduction processes;
  • regulation of the process of protein synthesis;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • participation in the formation of bones and teeth;
  • slowing down the aging process.

Vitamin E

  • inhibition of membrane destruction and calcium leakage from cells;
  • optimization of metabolic processes inside the cell;
  • removal of toxins;
  • normalization of reproductive function;
  • regulation of RNA and protein biosynthesis.


  • removal of radionuclides, salts of heavy metals;
  • suppression of putrefactive intestinal flora.


  • thinning of sputum;
  • removal of mucus from the bronchopulmonary system;
  • preventing DNA synthesis in tumor cells.

Properties of sunflower

  • choleretic;
  • antipyretic;
  • laxative;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antitussive;
  • emollient;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • enveloping;
  • astringent;
  • antirheumatic;
  • antisclerotic;
  • expectorant.

Treatment with common sunflower

Sunflower is widely used for health purposes due to the presence in the plant of many biologically active substances that are vital for the normal functioning of the entire body.

The following parts of the plant are used in medicine:

  • seeds;
  • root;
  • flowers;
  • inflorescences;
  • petals;
  • stem.


Raw seeds have the following properties:
  • help normalize blood pressure;
  • facilitate the removal of sputum;
  • prevent sclerotic changes directly in blood vessels;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • reduce the manifestations of allergies.
In addition, sunflower seeds have expectorant, softening and diuretic effects, therefore they are widely used in the treatment of laryngeal, bronchial, and pulmonary diseases.

Sunflower oil is obtained from sunflower seeds, which is a component of ointments, plasters, and effective oil solutions.


This part of the plant helps dissolve and remove salts from the body, therefore preparations from sunflower roots are used in the treatment of:
  • arthrosis;
  • stones and sand both in the kidneys and in the gall bladder.


Annual sunflower flowers are included in products intended for the treatment of the following diseases:
  • heart disease;
  • cold;
  • neurasthenia;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • malaria;
  • gout;


Sunflower inflorescence is indicated for the treatment of diseases of the liver, stomach, as well as the duodenum, intestines and pancreas, and articular rheumatism.

Sunflower leaves

Preparations from sunflower leaves are used for:
  • fever;
  • neuralgia;
  • psoriasis;
  • gastrointestinal colic;
  • diseases of the spinal cord and brain;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cold.


An infusion of yellow sunflower petals is used internally for cancer as a diuretic. Externally, products containing sunflower petals are used to treat pemphigus vulgaris and old ulcers in diabetes mellitus.


This part of the plant is used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys, and thyroid gland. In the process of using sunflower stem, which has a pronounced diuretic effect, joint pain may be observed, indicating the cleansing of the joint capsules from harmful deposits.

Application of sunflower

Sunflower preparations are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, and tinctures.


A decoction of sunflower flowers is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. the raw materials are crushed and poured with a glass of boiling water, then the mixture is put on low heat for 10 minutes, after which the product is infused for an hour, filtered and brought boiled water to the original volume. Take a decoction of three tablespoons no more than four times a day, 20 minutes before eating.


Sunflower infusion helps cure colds and relieve fever. To prepare the infusion, 2 tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over sunflower petals, leave for 10 minutes and drink at night.


Sunflower tincture, prepared from leaves and flowers, is prescribed to improve appetite and enhance gastrointestinal activity. In addition, the tincture is used for malaria, pulmonary diseases and neuralgia.

To prepare the tincture, 3 tbsp. The flowers are poured into a glass of vodka and left to infuse for a week in a dark place. After the specified time, the tincture is filtered and drunk 40 drops, twice a day.

Contraindications to the use of sunflower

When taking sunflower preparations in therapeutic doses, no side effects occur. But still, experts do not recommend taking sunflower seeds to people who suffer from gastritis or peptic ulcers. It is also undesirable to consume sunflower seeds in large quantities for overweight people, since the seeds of the plant belong to the class of high-calorie foods.

A contraindication to the use of sunflower is individual intolerance to the plant.

Important! Before taking sunflower preparations, it is necessary to determine whether you are allergic to this plant in order to avoid possible complications.

Sunflower allergy

An allergy to sunflower is most often triggered by the human body’s sensitivity to the plant’s pollen, which, penetrating into the bronchi, causes a negative reaction of the immune system. In the worst case, hay fever (or an allergic reaction to pollen) can cause the development of bronchial asthma, a disease that is accompanied by shortness of breath and cough. Therefore, it is important to determine the presence or absence of an allergy to this plant before starting to use sunflower preparations. And an allergist will help with this, who will collect an anamnesis and prescribe tests to clarify the allergen or rule out allergies.

In general, hay fever is often accompanied by allergic rhinitis, which can be recognized by the following signs:

  • severe itching in the nose;
  • paroxysmal sneezing;
  • nasal congestion;
  • decreased sense of smell;
In addition, against the background of hay fever, allergic conjunctivitis may develop, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • itching in the eyes;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • lacrimation.
The most obvious sign of sensitization to sunflower is the seasonality of the allergy: thus, with the end of the flowering time of the plant, the ailment goes away on its own.

Sunflower honey is distinguished by a fairly high content of carotene, vitamin A, as well as aromatic substances that have bactericidal properties, therefore it is used to accelerate wound healing.

This type of honey is recommended to be used simultaneously with apple cider vinegar, for which you should mix a glass of water room temperature, a tablespoon of sunflower honey and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. This mixture is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach for at least a month.

Important! Sunflower honey contains a high percentage of pollen, so it is not recommended for people who are prone to allergies.

Beneficial properties of sunflower honey

Unfortunately, in our country, sunflower honey is not always in demand, which cannot be said about European countries, where this honey is compulsorily included in the school and kindergarten diet. Our compatriots do not prefer sunflower honey for the reason that it quickly crystallizes (in liquid form this honey is kept for no more than 20 days, and sometimes crystallizes in the hive itself). Moreover, after crystallization, honey acquires a bitter taste.

But rapid crystallization does not detract medicinal properties this honey, which contains an amount of glucose one and a half times higher than in other types of honey.

Glucose does not need additional processing directly in the stomach, since it is instantly absorbed into the blood, spreading throughout the body.

Properties of glucose:

  • strengthening the walls of the heart muscle;
  • increasing the strength of blood vessels;
  • promoting the normalization of heart function.
Properties of sunflower honey:
  • normalization of arterial and venous circulation;
  • removing toxins from the body;
  • improvement of liver function;
  • preventing the appearance of edema;
  • strengthening the myocardial muscle;
  • promoting the process of hematopoiesis, which accelerates the renewal of the body.

Sunflower Lecithin

Lecithin is an integral component of the growth and development of the body. Lecithin is a component of all cell membranes human body, acting as the main component of the protective shell not only of the brain, but of all nerve fibers without exception. Simply put, without lecithin the normal functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs is impossible.

Lecithin is responsible for the “repair” and regular renewal of body cells, since it is part of the so-called “good” cholesterol, which removes “bad” cholesterol from the atherosclerotic plaque located in the vessel, thereby helping to restore its lumen.

In general, lecithin has three main functions:
1. Conservation of energy transported throughout the body.
2. Ensuring the construction of cell membranes.
3. Providing adaptive properties of the body.

It is in such a plant as the common sunflower that contains a large amount of lecithin, which affects the body in the following way:

  • prevents the development of diseases caused by dysfunction of the nervous system;
  • has a beneficial effect on mental development;
  • produces acetylcholine, which ensures normal metabolism of both fats and cholesterol;
  • strengthens memory;
  • normalizes reproductive function (without lecithin, women cannot conceive, bear and give birth to a healthy child);
  • increases the body's resistance to the influence of toxic substances;
  • stimulates bile secretion;
  • prevents the development of multiple sclerosis;
  • improves attention;
  • increases physical endurance;
  • promotes the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K;
  • protects the liver from the negative effects of preservatives, insecticides, toxins, as well as drugs and alcohol.

Recipes with annual sunflower

Tincture for gout

Young sunflower flower and its green small ones lower leaves are crushed well, after which they fill the third part of the bottle, into which vodka is poured to the top. The product is infused for a month in a warm place, shaking regularly. The strained tincture is taken daily in half a glass, diluted with boiled water. The same tincture can be used as warming compresses.

Compresses for the treatment of joints

One glass of crushed sunflower roots is poured into a liter hot water, after which the mixture is cooked over low heat for one hour (the product should boil down by almost half). The finished decoction has a dark, rich color. In the resulting decoction, gauze (or cloth) folded in several layers is moistened and applied to the sore joint. Cellophane is placed on top of the compress, then cotton wool, and then the compress is secured with a warm scarf. This procedure is carried out at night, which will provide rest to the sore joint.

Infusion for stomach cancer

3 tbsp. fresh crushed flowers of the plant are poured with one liter of fresh milk, after which the mixture is simmered in a steam bath until the product has evaporated to half the original volume. The infusion is cooled, filtered and consumed three times a day, a tablespoon, 30 minutes before meals. The treatment course is two liters of infusion. Then there is a break for three weeks.

Decoction for whooping cough

Ripe sunflower seeds are dried in the oven and kneaded in a mortar. 3 tbsp. crushed seeds are poured with half a liter of sweetened water and simmered over fire until the volume of water is reduced by one fourth. The strained decoction is taken for 10 – 12 days.

Decoction for prostate adenoma

Dried sunflower roots (a little less than one glass) are boiled in three liters of water (exclusively used for preparing the decoction). enamel cookware). The decoction is infused for three hours and taken one liter per day.

In addition, for prostate adenoma, enemas from the sediment of sunflower oil, which must be unrefined, are indicated. Enemas are done for 10 days, for which 100 - 150 g of oil with sediment should be poured into a heated enema and inserted into the anus.

Tincture for pneumonia

A half-liter bottle is filled with sunflower flowers, filled with vodka and infused for two weeks. The strained tincture is drunk a teaspoon three times a day. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Sunflower (Helianthus) is a genus of plants in the Asteraceae family, numbering about 90 annual and perennial species. Sunflower has been one of the favorites of floral fashion for many years. Its large inflorescences, crowned with a solar crown, decorate the interiors of exhibition halls, largest stores, and hotels in many countries around the world. It is no less popular in chamber arrangements.


The name "Sunflower" (Helianthus) comes from the combination of two Greek words "helios" - sun and "anthos" - flower. This name was not given to it by chance. Huge sunflower inflorescences, bordered by bright radiant petals, really resemble the sun. In addition, the sunflower has the unique ability to turn its head after the sun, tracing its entire path from sunrise to sunset. It is also known that the “flower turning behind the sun” is found in the Greek myth of Clytia by Ovid, that is, long before its appearance in Europe - presumably we are talking about heliotrope or calendula. In heraldry, the sunflower is a symbol of fertility, unity, sunshine and prosperity.

Apparently, sunflowers were first domesticated by North American Indian tribes. There is archaeological evidence of its cultivation in what is now Arizona and New Mexico around 3000 BC. e. Some archaeologists claim that sunflowers were domesticated even before wheat. Many Native American cultures used the sunflower as a symbol of the Sun deity, especially the Aztecs and Otomi of Mexico and the Incas of Peru.

Description of the sunflower plant

Sunflower - species herbaceous plants. Annual plant.
The stem grows up to 3 m high, straight, covered with stiff hairs.
The leaves are oval-heart-shaped, dark green, up to 40 cm long, covered with hard, short, pubescent hairs.
The flowers are large in diameter, 30-50 cm, turning towards the sun during the day (only in young plants).
Petals are reed, orange-yellow, 4-7 cm long; internal ones are brown-yellow, tubular, numerous - from 500 to 3000 pieces.
Inside the flower there are 4 stamens with fused anthers. They form a single flower on a single stem, but occur with additional, small shoots.
Sunflowers bloom in August for 30 days.
The fruits are achenes, slightly compressed, slightly granular, 8-15 mm long and 4-8 mm wide. They can be white, gray, black or striped, with a leathery pericarp.

The homeland of the sunflower is North America. Archaeologists confirm the fact that the Indians cultivated this plant more than 2000 years ago. This plant appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 16th century, when the Spaniards brought sunflowers and began to grow them in botanical gardens.
In Russia, sunflowers began to be grown during the reign of Peter I, who, having seen a sunflower in Holland, ordered to send seeds to his homeland and cultivate this plant.

The leaves and flowers contain coumarin glycoside, scopolin, flavonoids, triterpene saponids, carotenoids, anthocyanins, and phenolcarboxylic acids.
Sunflower is widespread in countries with warm and temperate climate. In the southern regions of Russia it is grown as a field crop, in the more northern regions as a silage crop. Requires intense sunlight, moisture and nutrients in the soil. IN favorable conditions develops powerful roots, thick stems, large leaves and produces a good harvest of seeds.

Economic use

Sunflower is the main Russian oilseed crop. Sunflower oil is semi-dry, has an excellent taste, and is of great value to humans. It is used as food in kind, and in the form of margarine and cooking fats. It is in wide demand in the confectionery, baking, and canning industries. The cake remaining from the seeds after extracting the oil from them also has nutritional value. The cake contains a lot of protein containing essential amino acids. The cake is used for the production of halva, as well as for animal feed.

Low grades of sunflower oil are consumed by the soap and paint industries. It is used in the manufacture of linoleum, oilcloth, waterproof fabrics, stearin, insulating materials etc. In Brazil, aviation fuel “prozene” was created with the properties of kerosene, but without the unpleasant odor. The raw materials for it were cotton, sunflower and soybean seeds. There was a report in the press that an airplane even flew on the new fuel.

The outer skin of sunflower seeds (husk), which accumulates in large quantities during the production of sweets, is a raw material for the production of ethyl alcohol, feed yeast, plastics, and artificial fiber. Sunflower stems are raw materials for the production of paper and cardboard. They are used in large quantities for fuel, since in the steppe regions, where sunflowers are mainly grown, firewood is in great short supply. The ash remaining after burning the stems of this plant is beautiful. phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. In the 19th century Potash was obtained from the ash of stems and threshed sunflower baskets, which served as a raw material for the production of gunpowder.

Aboveground shoots of sunflower are used for silage for domestic animals. In terms of nutritional value, such silage is not inferior to corn silage. Sometimes young sunflowers are cut down for green fodder for cattle.
Sunflower is a cross-pollinated plant. Its flowers secrete a lot of nectar, so they are readily visited by bees. Beekeepers often take their apiaries closer to the fields of this crop during the flowering period of sunflowers. Sunflower honey is transparent, pleasant in appearance, excellent taste and aroma, it is highly valued by connoisseurs, and is often used for medicinal purposes. Sunflower is valued as a crop that absorbs engine emissions - in Japan it was found that on highways adjacent to the crops of this plant, the air is noticeably cleaner than where there is no sunflower.

Application in medicine

A decoction of reed flowers is drunk for heart disease, jaundice, gastrointestinal colic and bronchial spasms, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, influenza, and malaria. It is useful as a diuretic and also against diarrhea. Tincture of reed flowers is effective for neuralgia and fever. If you cannot use the tincture, take a decoction.

The oil obtained from annual sunflower has high energy value and nutritional qualities. Due to its high content of unsaturated fatty acids, it is used for prevention of atherosclerosis. Boiled, cooled sunflower oil is used to prepare oil dressings for healing burns and fresh wounds.

Sunflower plant. Photo

Sunflower. Photo: Bert Kaufmann

Sunflower. Photo: Kyle Rush

Sunflower. Photo: Everett

Sunflower leaves, fruits, oil and flowers are used for diseases of the biliary tract and liver. Leaves and flowers are used as a remedy for fever; tincture of leaves and flowers is drunk for upper respiratory tract catarrh, influenza and malaria. Fresh seeds of the plant are used for allergies.

Preparations of the medicinal plant sunflower annua lower body temperature, relax the smooth muscles of internal organs, have an expectorant effect, and stimulate appetite.

The sunflower is the younger brother of the heavenly sun, but lives on earth. On a warm, clear day, the sunflower always raises its beautiful head up. His smiling dark face is surrounded by a dense wreath of bright yellow petals, smooth and soft to the touch. But the trunk and leaves of the sunflower are covered with small, small spines, which can seriously scratch you. When a sunflower matures, its petals lose color and become hard and dry. But the seeds ripen in it, which we happily eat or make oil from.

Description of a sunflower in an artistic style

Sunflower - tall plant with a hard stem. Large dark green leaves are attached to it. The plant blooms in summer. There are inflorescences on one stem. In the center there is a round center of tubular flowers. They are dark brown in color. On both sides of the basket there are large reed flowers. They are the ones that resemble the orange sun. Even the name of the flower is consonant with this similarity.
In summer you often see a golden carpet of blooming sunflowers in endless fields. This is an amazingly beautiful picture.

Description of sunflower for children

The king of fields in summer is sunflower. This is the messenger of the sun. You will find it everywhere: in the field, in the garden, in the yard.

The sunflower is perhaps the only flower that combines beauty and benefits. Smooth, tall, with a bright yellow head sadly tilted to the side. And if you look under the petals, you can see black cells. It is these small cells that bring so many benefits to humans.

Sunflowers have risen above the ground, with their gentle flames they warm you, inspire you, and lift you up.

Description of a sunflower in a scientific style

Sunflower is an annual plant 2-4 m high, with a well-developed taproot and rootlets that penetrate the soil to a depth of 2-3 m. The stems are covered with hard hairs, rough, filled with a spongy core. Leaves with jagged edges, on long petioles, densely pubescent with stiff hairs. The stems end in inflorescences (baskets) with a diameter of 15 to 45 cm. Numerous flowers are placed in circles on the receptacle.

Sunflower pollination occurs with the help of insects.
The fruit is a seed with a woody fruit shell. The achene is filled with a core that does not fuse with the shell. The top shell of the fruit is covered with epidermis, colored white, gray, black, black-violet, brown or other colors.
Sunflower plants are cold- and drought-resistant. The annual sunflower is native to North America.

Annual sunflower is grown almost all over the world. First of all, for the production of sunflower oil from seeds, which is then used for cooking and for technical needs.

Description of the painting “Vase with twelve sunflowers” ​​by V. Gogh

The painting "Sunflowers" is business card the works of Vincent van Gogh, an outstanding Dutch painter of the post-impressionist era. The artist idolized this flower and considered it a symbol of appreciation and gratitude. He associated the color yellow with friendship and hope.

A somewhat rough-looking peasant vase containing sunflowers gives the impression of being disproportionately small and fragile in comparison with the huge flowers. The sunflowers themselves are not only small in the vase - they lack the space of the entire canvas. The inflorescences and leaves of sunflowers rest against the edges of the picture, as if “recoiling” from the frame with displeasure. The artist applies paint in a very thick layer (impasto technique), squeezing it directly from the tube onto the canvas. Traces of the touch of a brush and a special knife are clearly visible on the canvas. The relief rough surface of the painting seems to be a cast of the frantic feelings that possessed the artist at the moment of creativity. Painted with energetic, moving strokes, sunflowers give the impression of being alive - heavy inflorescences filled with inner strength and elastic, flexible stems are in constant motion, pulsating, swelling, growing, ripening and withering before the viewer's eyes.

Still lifes with sunflowers shine in all shades yellow color- the colors of the sun. The artist’s idea is clear: to achieve the effect of sunshine, a yellow glow.

Van Gogh was gifted with the ability to feel color with extraordinary acuteness. Every color shade He associated it with a whole set of images and concepts, thoughts and feelings. Every stroke on the canvas had the power of a spoken word. Van Gogh's favorite yellow color was the embodiment of joy, kindness, benevolence, energy, fertility of the earth and life-giving solar heat. And the sunflowers shine brighter than the sun itself, as if they have absorbed the light of its hot rays and radiated it into the surrounding space.

Many see in the painting with sunflowers a reflection of the mental disorder from which the artist is known to have suffered. From the canvas, sunflowers look at the viewer, literally drawing him into their magical world, in which chaos and confusion reign. It is no coincidence that there is a desire to correct their position in the vase in order to introduce some kind of orderliness. Due to the abundance of bright yellow color, an image that is simple in concept literally eats into the consciousness, striking with its overwhelming emotionality...

“Sunflowers” ​​by Vincent Van Gogh are a symbol of our beautiful and at the same time tragic existence, its quintessence. Flowers that bloom and fade; living beings that are born, mature and grow old; stars that light up, glow and go out; - all this is an image of the Universe, which is in a state of ceaseless circulation.

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Photo of the medicinal plant Sunflower annual (sunflower)

Medicinal properties of sunflower

Sunflower valued in folk medicine for its oil and seeds.

Synonym: oilseed sunflower.

Latin name: Helianthus annus.

English name: Sunflower.

Family: Asteraceae - Asteraceae.

Common names: sunflower.

Pharmacy name: sunflower flowers - Helianthi flos, sunflower oil - Helianthi oleum.

Parts used: reed flowers, leaves, seeds (seeds), roots.

Botanical description: sunflower is one of the most large plants among the Compositae and, perhaps, the most beloved. There are no vegetable gardens in rural areas where this giant does not show off among other plants. Despite its size, it is annual plant. A stem extends from the fibrous root, which can reach a height of 3 m. The leaves are heart-shaped, triangular, pointed, coarsely pubescent, petiolate, located alternately on the stem. A powerful stem with a hollow core is crowned by a giant basket-shaped inflorescence with a diameter of 10 to 35 cm. Below, the inflorescence is surrounded by a wrapper of green tiled-like leaves. The flowers in the central part of the basket are small, and the bright yellow ligulate ones are much longer. By the beginning of flowering, the baskets droop. Blooms from July to September.

Habitat: Sunflowers are grown in gardens and fields. There are many cultivated varieties; they differ from each other in the size of the baskets and the oil content in the seeds. Individual specimens sometimes “escape” to freedom, and then wild sunflowers appear on railway embankments, compost heaps and vacant lots. But they should not be collected. IN medicinal purposes Only flowers of cultivated plants are used.

Collection and preparation: medicinal raw materials are reed flowers, leaves and mature achenes. The bright yellow flowers are collected at the beginning of flowering, carefully torn off without damaging the baskets. Green, healthy leaves are harvested in early summer. Dry at a temperature of 40 -50 °C. Store in fabric bags for 2 years.

Active ingredients: Flavonoids (quercimeritrin), coumarin glycoside scopolin, triterpene saponids, sterols (sitosterol glycoside), carotenoids (β-carotene, cryptoxanthin, taraxanthin), phenolcarboxylic acids (chlorogenic, neochlorogenic, caffeic), and anthocyanins were found in the leaves and flowers.

Sunflower seeds contain fatty oil (about 40%, sometimes up to 50-52%), proteins (up to 20%). carbohydrates (up to 25%), sterols, carotenoids, organic acids, phospholipids.

Annual sunflower - beneficial properties and applications

In folk medicine, annual sunflower seed oil is especially valued. It is used to massage sore joints and to treat poorly healing wounds with oil dressings. Sunflower oil is given orally as a mild laxative, while it acts as an emollient. In some cases, tea from reed flowers is used together with as an anti-influenza remedy.

Sunflower oil, is part of the dietary supplement Total Nutrition Today (Complete nutrition for every day), produced according to the international GMP quality standard for medicines.

Complete nutrition for every day

Nutritional value table for 100 grams of sunflower seeds

100 grams of peeled sunflower seeds fried in a dry frying pan contains 19.33 grams of protein, 24.07 grams of carbohydrates, 11.1 grams, calorie content = 582 kcal.


Self-medication is dangerous! Before treating at home, consult your doctor.

Sunflower treatment
  • Heart arythmy. Pour 200 g of sunflower roots into 2 liters of water and boil for 5 minutes. Drink during the day. Pour 2 liters of water over the same roots again, boil for 10 minutes, also drink during the day, pour 2 liters of water over the same roots a third time and boil for 15 minutes. Drink the decoction throughout the day, discard the roots. This decoction also normalizes blood pressure.
  • Arthritis. Pour a full glass of crushed sunflower roots into 3 liters of water and boil for 5 minutes. Cool, strain, put the roots in a cool place, or put them in the refrigerator. Drink the decoction 2 days before. Pour 3 liters of water over the roots again and boil for 10 minutes. Drink the decoction 2 days before. Pour 3 liters of water over the same roots again and boil for 15 minutes. After this, throw away the roots. Also drink the decoction for 2 days. You can take the decoction at any time, regardless of meals.
    This decoction helps get rid of joint pain, osteochondrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, relieves headaches, fatigue, treats hypertension, impaired hearing and vision, helps with nervous overload, and also perfectly cleanses and rejuvenates the body, removes stones from the kidneys and gall bladder .
  • Arthritis. Pour a glass of crushed sunflower roots into 1.5 liters of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, leave for 2 hours. Rub or apply compresses to sore joints.
  • Kidney pain. Place half a glass of crushed sunflower roots in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Take the resulting product 1 glass 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Kidney pain. Three times a day, pour a small pinch of sunflower petals into a glass of boiling water, steep like tea for several minutes and drink warm.
  • Bronchial asthma. As soon as the sunflower blooms and the seeds appear milky ripe (milk instead of grains), take 600 g of them, mince them, add 300 g of May honey and 0.5 liters of alcohol. Mix everything well and put it in a dark place for a week. After this, strain and take 1 tablespoon of the tincture 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
  • Malaria(treatment). Wash the sunflower down to the very root (with flower, leaves and trunk), cut into large pieces, place in an enamel pan (or tank, if the sunflower is very large), add water to completely cover the raw material, bring to a boil, and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. Drink the decoction without the norm at any time. It may take several days to heal.
  • Metabolic disease. Tincture recipe: 20 g of sunflower flowers and leaves, pour 160 ml of vodka, leave for 9 days, strain. Take 15 drops 3 times a day.
  • Salt deposits(kidney stone disease). Pour 1 cup of crushed sunflower roots into 3 liters of water. Boil for 5 minutes. Strain and drink the decoction for 3 days. Pour the used roots again with 3 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Also drink 3 days in advance. Pour the raw material again with 3 liters of water and boil for 15 minutes. Drink the decoction again within 3 days. You can drink at any time. Then throw away the used roots.
  • Pneumonia(pneumonia). Fill the bottle with sunflower flowers and add vodka, leave for 2 weeks, strain. Drink 1 teaspoon of tincture 3 times a day.
  • Elevated blood sugar. Rinse 0.5 cups of black sunflower seeds well, pour into a liter thermos and pour boiling water. Leave overnight, strain. Drink the infusion throughout the day, take before and after meals. The course of treatment is to take the infusion for 2 weeks, take a break for 2 weeks. To reduce sugar levels, carry out 3 such courses of treatment.
  • Prostatitis(prostate adenoma). For prostate adenoma, enemas at home from the sediment of unrefined sunflower oil can help. They need to be done for 10 days, taking 100-150 g of oil with sediment into a heated enema.
  • Prostatitis(prostate adenoma). Wash, peel and dry the sunflower roots. Take a little less than a glass of dried roots and boil in 3 liters of water in an enamel pan. Leave for 3-4 hours and drink 1 liter of infusion per day.
  • Heel spur. Cut the cotton pulp of a ripe sunflower (what remains from the head after removing the greens and seeds), boil and apply the hot pieces to the heel. Cover with cellophane and wrap your leg with a warm scarf.
  • Senile cough. 1 part marginal flowers to 5 parts 70% alcohol, leave for 10 days, strain. Drink tincture 40-80 drops 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
  • Angina pectoris(angina pectoris). Pour 1 cup of sunflower edge flowers into 1 liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, leave until cool, strain. Drink the infusion over 2 days in 6 doses.
  • Fibroma. Pour 100 g of yellow sunflower petals into 3 liters of vodka, leave for 14 days, strain. Take tincture 2-3 tablespoons 30 minutes before meals, until all the tincture is gone.

Side effects There is no need to worry when using sunflower.

Translated from Greek, sunflower means sunny flower. Annual sunflowers are grown mainly to produce sunflower oil.

Tsar Peter the Great sent sunflower seeds from Holland to Russia.

There is an opinion that sunflowers suppress all plants within a radius of one meter from themselves! It is not for nothing that in villages it is customary to plant most sunflowers along fences. If you believe this, then sunflowers are not suitable as supports for cucumbers and tomatoes. This is actually not true! Sepp Holzer successfully grows many plants together with sunflowers and believes that sunflowers are good at protecting other plants from hail and sunburn.

The sunflower root system develops from the primary germinal root and moves vertically to a depth of 3 m or more. This structure of the root system allows it to withstand drought. The growth of sunflower roots, especially at a young age, significantly outpaces the growth of the stem. In the cotyledon phase, the height of the stem reaches 2-4 cm, and the length of the root is 6-10 cm; when 4-5 pairs of leaves are formed root system penetrates to a depth of 80-100 cm. By the time the basket is formed, root growth stops.

The root system of sunflower is powerful, with a large number of secondary roots and roots. Part of the lateral roots is first located almost parallel to the soil surface, and at a distance of 20-40 cm from the main root it deepens and runs parallel to it, giving off branches from the roots of the following orders. The other part of the lateral roots spreads in a soil layer of 10-45 cm with a deep bend, is highly branched, and forms a dense network of tiny roots. The angle of deviation of the roots of the second order and subsequent ones from the tap root, as well as the depth of their occurrence, depend on weather conditions and soil conditions.

In stable dry weather, the roots penetrate deeper, and in wet weather, they approach the surface at a distance of 8-10 cm. In dry weather, plants are more resistant to wind load, and in wet weather, they are less stable, which leads to lodging and complicates harvesting, leading to big losses. This must also be taken into account during inter-row processing. Damage to lateral roots during row-spacing treatments is harmful to plants only during drought. If during loosening there is enough moisture in a layer of 0-10 cm, the viability of the lateral roots is quickly restored. In places of pruning, second-order roots grow in the form of a branched bud. The seed productivity of such plants does not decrease.

The lateral roots of the varieties spread horizontally and in crops reach mainly the middle of the row spacing, where their path is blocked by the roots of neighboring rows. Here they change direction and grow vertically inward, parallel to the tap root. If there are no plants in a nearby nest or row, the roots of the sunflower variety spread in the upper layer at a distance of more than 2 m.

Having cut off the heads with ripened seeds, I will leave the stems until spring for snow retention, and in the spring I will cut off the stems and send them to the bottom.

Sunflowers. Botanical description

An annual herbaceous plant.

The stem is 0.6 to 3 meters high, straight, mostly unbranched, covered with stiff hairs.

Leaves are alternate, on long petioles, upper sessile, lower opposite, dark green, oval-heart-shaped, with a blade up to 40 cm long, pubescent with short stiff hairs, with serrated edges.

Flowers in apical, very large baskets, 30-50 cm in diameter, turn towards the sun during the day before flowering (in the bud stage). After blooming, the flowers are oriented mainly to the east. The marginal flowers are ligulate, orange-yellow, 4-7 cm long, usually sterile; internal - tubular, brown-yellow, bisexual, numerous (500-2000). The corolla is five-membered. The flower has five stamens with free filaments, but with fused anthers. Sunflower often forms one inflorescence, but there are also additional shoots with small inflorescences. Blooms in July-August for 30 days.

The fruits are oblong-ovate achenes, slightly granular, slightly compressed, 8-15 mm long and 4-8 mm wide, with a leathery pericarp, white, gray, striped or black.

Pollen grains are tricolate-oral, spherical in shape. In diameter (with spines) 37.4-44.8 microns. Almost round in outline from the pole and equator. The furrows are 4-5 microns wide, short, with uneven edges, often with faint contours, and blunt ends. The orae are oval, equatorially elongated, 4-5 µm wide, 6-6.5 µm long. The width of the mesocolpium is 22-25 microns, the diameter of the apocolpium is 11-14.2 microns. The thickness of the exine (without spines) is 1.2-1.8 µm. The underlying and underlying layers are thin. The height of the rods under the spines is up to 1 µm, between the spines 0.3-0.4 µm. The sculpture is spinous, the height of the spines is 3.5-5 microns, the diameter of the base is 1.2-1.5 microns, their ends are drawn out and pointed; the spines are located evenly; there are five spines on the mesocolpium in the polar projection. Pollen is golden in color.


The homeland of sunflower is North America. Archaeological excavations confirm the fact that the Indians cultivated this plant more than 2000 years ago. Sunflower was brought to Europe by the Spaniards, and at the beginning of the 16th century it began to be grown in the Madrid Botanical Garden. Sunflower came to Russia under Peter I, who, having seen this plant in Holland, ordered its seeds to be sent to Russia.

Nowadays, oilseed sunflower is widely cultivated in Russia.

Chemical composition

Flavonoids (quercimeritrin), coumarin glycoside scopolin, triterpene saponids, sterols (sitosterol glycoside), carotenoids (β-carotene, cryptoxanthin, taraxanthin), phenolcarboxylic acids (chlorogenic, neochlorogenic, caffeic), and anthocyanins were found in the leaves and flowers.

The seeds contain fatty oil (about 40%, sometimes up to 50-52%), proteins (up to 20%), carbohydrates (up to 25%), sterols, carotenoids, organic acids, phospholipids.


There is a widespread false belief that sunflowers “reach” towards the sun (heliotropism). In fact, mature sunflower flowers usually face east and do not move. However, sunflower buds (before flowering) are heliotropic.
They change their orientation from east to west throughout the day.

Meaning and Application

A ubiquitous agricultural crop. It is the main oilseed crop in Russia and Ukraine and one of the most important oilseeds in the world. Industrial production sunflower oil was first patented in 1716 in England, but began in Russia by the peasant D. Bokarev. Many varieties have been bred, differing from each other in the size of the inflorescences-baskets and the oil content in the seeds. Academician V. S. Pustovoit made a special contribution to agricultural technology and sunflower selection.

The fruits and seeds are consumed raw and roasted. Sunflower oil is made from the seeds.

The cake is used to feed livestock and is also used to make halva. Sunflower stems serve as raw material for paper production. In treeless areas they are also used for fuel. Potash is extracted from the ash from burning the stems, which is used in soap making, the production of refractory and crystal glass, for dyeing and as a potash fertilizer. The threshed inflorescences - baskets - are used to feed livestock. Tall varieties Sunflower is grown for silage. Sunflower is sown as a canopy plant to retain snow in the fields.

There are decorative varieties of sunflower.

Sunflower is also used as medicinal plant: A tincture is prepared from dried leaves and marginal flowers to increase appetite. In folk medicine, an infusion of the marginal reeds of flowers is used as an antipyretic. Sunflower oil is not only a valuable food product, but also an important medicinal product. It is used externally to rub sore joints, and taken internally as a mild and mild laxative. In the past, fresh sunflower oilseeds were recommended for use against allergies, bronchitis and malaria.

Honeybees collect nectar and pollen from annual sunflower flowers. In Ukraine, the Northern Caucasus, in a number of regions of the Chernozem zone, the Lower Volga region, Siberia and Kazakhstan, it is the most important honey crop, providing the main honey yield, as well as replenishing pollen reserves in the nests of bee families. Depending on weather conditions and agricultural technology of crops, honey production ranges from 13 kg per hectare in Bashkortostan to 25 kg in the Voronezh region, and nectar sugar content - from 45 to 79%. According to other data, honey productivity is 40-50 kg/ha. Distinctive feature nectar - a small amount (3-4%) and even complete absence cane sugar. Sunflower honey is golden, light amber, sometimes with a greenish tint.

Sunflower is demanding of heat, lighting, and soil fertility. In the initial period of development, in the germination phase, it tolerates frosts down to -4.-6°; during flowering, the most favorable temperature is 20-30°. It consumes quite a lot of water, but at the same time it is heat and drought resistant, since the deep and powerful root system allows the plant to use moisture from the lower soil horizons. It is cultivated on various soils; higher yields are obtained on chernozems and floodplain soils. Growing season 80-140 days.

Sunflower cannot be returned to its original place of cultivation earlier than after 3-4 years. The area allocated for it must be dug up in the fall to a depth of at least 20 cm. You can add rotted manure, mineral fertilizers at the rate of 0.3 kg of nitrogen and 0.4 kg of phosphorus per 100 m 2.

Growing sunflower for seeds involves the use of elite and reproductive seeds. Please note that sunflower is a cross-pollinated crop and when pollinated with other varieties or hybrids, the yield, oil content, large-fruitedness and “gnawing” quality of the seeds decrease after just one year. Under no circumstances should you use seeds of the third or lower reproduction rate, and especially those of unknown origin.

With a small number of plants, sunflower can be grown between rows of potatoes, beans, and beets. When placed separately, it is sown according to a pattern of 30 x 50 cm. The less frequently the sunflower is planted, the larger the seeds are.

Caring for the “flower of the sun” is the simplest: the row spacing should be free of weeds, and the soil in them should be loose. There is no need to hill up sunflowers.

Keep in mind: Sunflower seedlings are a favorite food for birds. You can prevent them by pulling white threads across the sown area on small pegs. A couple of weeks after the emergence of seedlings, the birds cease to be interested in sunflower crops.

When the seeds begin to ripen, expect new invasions. To scare away birds, you can use scarecrows, newspaper or gauze ties, fabric strips, or strips of aluminum foil on poles. Personally, we use ordinary gauze for these purposes. We tie it around the sunflower heads and that’s how they ripen.

Sunflower on summer cottage Harvest by hand, cutting off the heads with a sharp knife. Very wet seeds are dried for 8-10 days, placing the cut baskets on the stump of the stem. Seeds whose moisture content does not exceed 10% (you can click your teeth) do not lose their quality until the next harvest.

At correct selection varieties and adherence to technology, it is not difficult to grow sunflower for “gnawing” seeds. At minimal cost, you can provide your family with excellent oil, and a handful of roasted seeds eaten in the evening in front of the TV will not only fill you up, but also help calm your nerves.

Sunflowers I will grow them not only for the seeds and green mass of the stems, but also for the sake of decorating and admiring their large yellow heads.

I will try to use sunflower stems in open spaces for snow retention.

In 2014, I bought a bag of seeds in Leroy and planted 15 seeds in an infertile bud near the fence. 10 plants have grown to a height of significantly more than two meters. I removed and laid out 8 large baskets of seeds to dry. Two baskets did not ripen.

Thus, next year we are provided with many hundreds of seeds for planting sunflowers. As an alternative, I am considering buying large seeds at the market in Pereslavl - the prices at this market are very reasonable: for example, a bucket of rye grain costs one hundred rubles.

Now I'm thinking about getting sunflower oil.

Table with main features Sunflowers is located on the " " page.

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