Stone sink for the bathroom. Natural stone sinks: variety of types

Recently, kitchen products made from stone have become increasingly popular and in demand among buyers. This demand is due to the high performance qualities of the material. Strength, stability, durability - this is what stone products combine. Particularly popular are stone kitchen sinks, which fit perfectly into both classic and modern designs rooms.


Basically, sinks made from artificial stone. Most often, the material includes several components in its base, which makes it possible to achieve high performance qualities.

The artificial type contains stone chips, polymer and non- a large number of dyes that provide attractive appearance. Sometimes the material is based on natural components.

A special feature of sinks made from artificial stone is the presence of gelcoat. The product creates a durable protective layer on the surface of the product, completely closing the pores. Thanks to the presence of gelcoat, the material does not become dirty and retains its original appearance. Modern manufacturers Special antibacterial compounds are often used as protective options. This allows you to get rid of pathogenic bacteria.

It is worth noting that in comparison with many modern materials, which are presented on the construction market, artificial stone has higher technical performance. It is based not only on mineral fillers, but also on various hardeners and plasticizers. The use of this technology in production allows us to obtain a durable and stable material.

Sinks made of stone can have a variety of shapes. The presence of decorative additives in the base provides a smooth and shiny surface, which is important in arranging a beautiful and aesthetic interior.

Main types

Modern manufacturers produce a variety of kitchen sinks, which are based on a wide variety of materials. There are several main types of artificial stone sinks that are in high demand among buyers:

  1. From Corian. The stone has no pores, has water-repellent properties and does not become dirty even after prolonged use. Sinks made from Corian are easy to clean. The material is easy to care for and retains its original appearance for quite a long time.
  2. Made from granite. This synthetic type is based on fine stone chips and polymer resin. The more granite in the material, the higher the price of the product. Shells made from this type are smooth and resistant to aggressive influences. They can be easily washed using simple household products.
  3. From liquid stone. Relatively the new kind material with high strength. The peculiarity of liquid stone is that it can be sprayed onto finished sinks. This increases strength indicators. The advantage of the material is durability.

It is worth noting that in addition to the above types, there are also a large number various products. No less popular are kitchen sinks made from natural stone. The peculiarity of these options is their high cost. The sinks have an expensive and presentable design.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Kitchen sinks made of stone have many advantages over products made from other materials. The first and important advantage of sinks is the stylish and Beautiful design. The products fit perfectly into classic, modern and even ethnic interiors. A wide range of stone sinks allows you to choose suitable model in accordance with your own preferences and design features in the kitchen.
  2. Sinks are produced in different forms and shades. Each buyer can choose an option in accordance with the color prevailing in the kitchen interior. Models that are installed in the countertop look beautiful. The product, selected according to its shade, looks harmonious against the background of the kitchen set. Particularly popular are black sinks, which are most often used in creating modern interiors in the style of minimalism.
  3. Another advantage of artificial stone is the absence of pores. This prevents the absorption of moisture and the appearance of dirt, as often happens with other types of materials. No grease accumulates on the surface of the sink. Due to its smoothness, the product is easy to clean using standard detergents. Contaminants disappear immediately if you rub with a sponge.
  4. Special attention You need to pay attention to the performance of stone sinks. In these indicators, the product is in no way inferior to common metal options. It is worth noting that some stone sinks even outperform many options. Artificial stone is not deformable due to temperature changes, retains its color and is resistant to mechanical stress.
  5. It is worth noting that during use, the sound of water from the tap is practically inaudible. This is due to the massiveness of the products. It is known that when installing metal models, water creates a slight noise.
  6. Another advantage of sinks made of artificial or natural stone is durability. They can serve you for quite a long period.

But, like any product, a stone sink has some disadvantages. The first and main disadvantage of sinks is the cost. Recently, the price of these models has fallen, but still, many people cannot purchase a similar option.

Another disadvantage is the defects that arise during the production process. Often there are microcracks in the base of the sinks, and during operation, through holes appear. It also happens that when you turn on hot water depressurization occurs. This defect can be eliminated using a special construction staff for processing seams.

How to install

Mostly, professionals install stone sinks. This is due to the fact that sinks are often mounted on a countertop made of the same material, and the process itself is complex. Specialists not only install the product correctly, but also make sure that the seams between the sink and work area completely invisible. It is not recommended to carry out installation yourself in such cases.

If you decide to install a stone sink in a regular countertop, you can do it yourself. All that is required from the master in this case is to follow the step-by-step instructions.

  1. The first step is to cut a hole to fit the size of the sink. Standard options include overhead sinks 60x60 cm. At this stage, you need to draw an outline to create a hole. To make all the markings correctly, it is best to use a template made of cardboard or paper. A jigsaw is used to create the hole.
  2. After this, you need to process the edge using a sealant for this purpose. Often a special sealing tape is mounted on this part, which is also convenient. At the same stage, you need to process the perimeter from the top side. After this, the sink is slowly and carefully mounted into the countertop; special screws are used to secure the product. They are fixed on the bottom.
  3. After installing the sink, you need to work on the faucet. It is fixed on the sink, after which it is connected to water pipes. A siphon is connected to the drain hole.

At the final stage, the remaining sealant is removed. After this, the sink will be ready for use.

How to choose

Even when choosing such a universal option as a stone sink, you need to consider several important features. Due attention must be paid to the stability, strength and moisture resistance of the surface. When purchasing, check whether the product has antibacterial properties.

An important point is the ability to recover in case of damage. Stone is one of the most resistant materials, but sometimes situations occur from which no one is immune. Basically, the artificial look is easy to restore, which is what makes it superior to other options.

During the purchasing process, pay special attention to the depth of the sink. Check the distance from the front to the back of the sink.

Today's trends in bathroom design require a combination of functionality and aesthetics of all interior elements. In this case, plumbing is no exception. Trivial ceramic washbasins are gradually giving way to modern analogues made from unusual materials, characterized by increased utilitarianism and exquisite design.

Considering that the washbasin has long become a necessary attribute of the bathroom, that is, a room with its own specifics, there are certain requirements for its quality. This product must be hygienic and resistant to the appearance of fungus on its surface. Another important factor will be the strength and wear resistance of the model. The next point is the smoothness of the outer coating, which makes it easy to get rid of accidental dirt. Of course, the dimensions of the sink should correspond to the area of ​​the room and be convenient for the unhindered operation of the plumbing.

Artificial stone sinks are becoming increasingly popular today.

The choice of one model or another often depends on the financial capabilities of the owners and general solution interior Today, manufacturers present a wide range of similar products - there are the usual earthenware and porcelain products, bathroom washbasins made of artificial stone and wood, glass and metal models. Among this variety you can always find a suitable option at an affordable price. Lately, stone sinks are deservedly in increasing demand, because this material perfectly tolerates high humidity in the bathroom and looks very attractive.

Natural stone products

Washbasins made from natural materials attract people with their special energy and uniqueness. A stone sink is usually made from a single piece. Often among them there are containers self made. Often marble or granite is used for these purposes. Models made of onyx or jade are slightly less common. Regardless of the type of material, such products are highly durable and resistant to moisture and temperature. Such washbasins are hygienic and attract attention.

Natural stone attracts attention with its special energy

If we talk about the configuration of various models, it can be anything. You can always purchase a rectangular or round bowl. In addition, there are designer models of unusual and bizarre shapes.

Be that as it may, any washbasin made of stone, in addition to its undeniable advantages, also has disadvantages. The impressive mass of the product will require a reliable and stable stand. In this case, tabletops made of glass and polymers can be completely eliminated. Another disadvantage will be low thermal conductivity. This means that the container will remain unpleasantly cold even in hot weather.

Of course, the most controversial point in the decision to purchase such a model will be its too high cost. However, today there is a reasonable alternative to natural stone - its artificial analogue.

Features of composite models

Washbasin made of artificial stone for the bathroom, unlike sinks made of natural material made from many components. The base is usually stone chips mixed with liquid acrylic and color dyes. The resulting mass is heated and poured into the mold. Thus, cast stone bowls do not require manual labor, like products from natural stone. This factor affects their cost - such a model will cost several times less than its analogue made from natural material.

Products made from a composite mixture are in no way inferior to their natural counterparts

However, at the same time, it retains many positive characteristics, and sometimes even surpasses the qualities of stone sinks for the bathroom. The surface of these models is always perfectly smooth, which prevents the appearance of persistent dirt on it. In addition, such a coating is characterized by low porosity.

Advantages and disadvantages of products

One of the main advantages, in addition to the price, will be the mass of such washbasins. Of course, the sink weighs a lot, but, nevertheless, it can be mounted on hanging consoles or a light countertop. Bowls with a stand, cast using a seamless method, look especially interesting. In this case, they are made from a stone-acrylic mixture monolithic structure tabletops along with the container. This method allows you to avoid unnecessary joints where liquid and dirt can penetrate.

The one-piece design is very hygienic and comfortable

Thanks to the acrylic additives that are present in the composite mixture, an artificial stone product is much more plastic than natural material. Therefore, it is highly resistant to mechanical stress. This composite is very wear-resistant and reliable. Even with accidental scratches or chips, it is always possible to restore the bowl at home.

Of course, the possibility of adding pigment of any shade increases the aesthetic characteristics of products and increases the possibility of choice. Even if the model you need is not on sale, there is always the opportunity to purchase it to order. At the same time, you can specify the required dimensions, configuration and color of the sink.

If you have certain skills and tools, you can easily install the sink yourself. However, if you do not have such experience, it is still appropriate to seek help from professional craftsmen. In this case, it is better to overpay a little, but get a securely fixed bowl. Remember that despite its high plasticity, the product may break if dropped.

The relatively low weight, compared to washbasins made of natural stone, allows you to install such a sink on a wall-hung structure

The disadvantages of such bowls include the difficulty of processing these surfaces. The impressive weight, compared to wooden or porcelain products, will be another disadvantage of this design. It creates certain inconveniences during transportation and installation of the product. Besides, An artificial stone bathroom sink has another negative characteristic.

If you accidentally spill a permanent stain, such as red wine, you should clean up the stain as soon as possible. Once completely absorbed, it will remain on the surface of the product forever, and it will be almost impossible to remove it.

Naturally, such a washbasin will require constant systematic care. If you neglect this recommendation, the deposition of lime salts and the formation of smudges on its surface cannot be ruled out.

Variations of stone models

In addition to the variety of colors, artificial stone products differ in their shape. Modern technologies make it possible to produce a model of almost any configuration. Today there are round and rectangular designs, corner and spiral washbasins.

Washbasin made of artificial stone in the shape of a spiral

Products also differ in the method of their installation. Today, overhead bowls mounted on a rigid support are becoming increasingly popular. They look very stylish and will decorate any bathroom interior. Drop-in sinks and containers that are mounted under the countertop are quite common. These are very practical and laconic models in the spirit of minimalism. In addition, this design also includes a cabinet underneath, which will allow you to organize an additional storage system and hide communications.

One-piece sink systems combined with a base are distinguished by increased hygiene and reliability. In this case, the product is completely monolithic and has no joining seams. Its only drawback can be its significant massiveness and the associated difficulties with installation time.

Of course, models are also classified according to their sizes. At the same time, when purchasing a washbasin, it is important to compare its parameters with the overall dimensions of the bathroom. For indoors small size Round or corner systems would be appropriate, and for spacious bathrooms you can purchase a double sink.

You can see how to install a washbasin into a countertop yourself in the video below.

Rules for caring for artificial stone surfaces

The key to maintaining the attractive appearance of the product is regular care. Considering that such surfaces are quite resistant, they can withstand even aggressive chemical compounds. Of course, it is better not to overuse such cleaning and carry it out no more than once every two months. If possible, try to avoid abrasive cleaning agents. The optimal solution there will be cleaning by special means for such coatings or with ordinary soap solution.

To care for a sink made of artificial stone, you need a special detergent and a soft sponge

If lime deposits appear, it would be appropriate to purchase a cleaner designed for this purpose. Before using it, please read the instructions carefully. Usually it is diluted in a certain proportion with water and then applied to the contamination. After some time, the substance is washed off with a large amount of running liquid. In addition, you can get rid of this problem by using a 2.5% vinegar solution.

It is important to remember that any detergent should not be left on the surface for more than ten minutes, as it may react with the surface layer of the washbasin.

The washbasin cover is very hygienic and therefore does not require special disinfection. However, if there is a need to carry out this event, it is better not to use preparations containing acids and chlorine for these purposes. Although, with short-term exposure to such substances on the washbasin, you will not damage the product.

After wet cleaning or using the sink, wipe it with a dry, clean cloth.

It is advisable to wipe the container dry after cleaning and each use. To a greater extent, this recommendation applies to sinks of dark shades. The fact is that drops of liquid, evaporating from the surface of the bowl, leave a light coating and unsightly smudges.

As for everyday household use of the product, do not drop heavy objects into the sink or pour caustic dyes into it. Such actions will cause irreversible damage to the bowl. If trouble does occur, it would be advisable to try to restore the product. In this case the best solution will involve professionals for help.

These washbasins are very durable and reliable.

By purchasing plumbing equipment made from natural or artificial stone, you can be assured of the long service life of such a structure. In addition, such washbasins are distinguished by excellent ergonomics and look extremely impressive. Of course, the cost of the original designer model will be high, but you can always find a reasonable alternative to such a product.

Stylish and laconic stone sink Today there is a wide range of colors and shapes of stone sinks. Overhead stone sink. Corner sink made of artificial stone of unusual shape. Sometimes there are wall-mounted models of such washbasins. Stacked sink made of natural marble in two colors.

The kitchen area is distinguished by its needs. Frequent use household appliances and other elements, requires the correct and careful selection of the components of the kitchen area. The question often arises about which sink would be better suited for use – sink made of of stainless steel or from artificial stone. To make a choice, you need to know the characteristics of the material from which the product is made.

Choice of stainless or stone sink

A stone kitchen sink is distinguished by its constituent components used in its production. The composition includes fillers and binders. The composition of natural stone for a sink includes the following components:

  • 80% is natural stone (this includes marble and granite chips);
  • 20% are polymer resins (they are binding elements).

As additional elements Coloring agents are introduced to create a unique appearance for the product. A mandatory stage of the production process is coating the finished product with gelcoat.

Stone products are wear-resistant and durable

This is a specialized substance that increases resistance to wear and damage to the shell. Kitchen sinks made of stone coated with this protective composition are distinguished by their smoothness and lack of pores. This helps the product maintain its original appearance for a long period of time.

Distinctive feature Such a product is that the sink is cast. Production is carried out using vibration casting, which allows you to create perfect shapes any sizes.

A gelcoat substance is usually sprayed onto the stone surface to improve wear resistance.

Natural stone sinks are distinguished by their properties and unique performance characteristics, which increases the demand for products of this type. The homogeneous structure significantly increases the reliability of the sink, and the protective gelcoat layer ensures that the sink is resistant to chemicals.

Types of stone shells

Thanks to the rapid development modern technologies, the market is flooded with different sink options. The most popular among consumers is a sink made of beige stone; it is a universal option that fits any kitchen interior design.

Beige color is a universal choice for kitchen interiors

White or black products are also often used. But the choice of colors has been significantly expanded, in the modern market building elements You can purchase sinks in pink, green and any other colors.

One-piece sink made of white stone

A distinctive feature of a kitchen sink made of stone is that it can retain its original color for up to ten years of use. When painting a product, it is given various options effects - a matte result, the presence of gloss, silkiness and other design options. A structural surface is often used as an effect option.

The sink should be cleaned with special cleaning solutions

A variety of shapes is achieved thanks to injection molding technology. You can purchase a kitchen sink with two bowls or one; the shape can be a shell, a butterfly, or any other option. The lineup allows the consumer to choose a product to suit their style and character; it is much wider than that of stainless steel products.

Operating characteristics of stone sinks

A sink made of stone for the kitchen is distinguished by its positive characteristics during the period of its use. The surface of the product is quite unpretentious, so it does not require special and labor-intensive care.

It is resistant to mechanical damage, with the exception of glossy surfaces, where small scratches appear when using abrasive substances for cleaning. The surface can withstand temperature changes and can be easily cleaned of contaminants.

Resistance to damage varies depending on different types stone sinks, what to consider before purchasing

A stone sink has a low coefficient of expansion, so rapid temperature changes cannot damage or crack the surface. Ceramic product Sudden heating or cooling may cause it to become unusable. But the stainless steel model remains safe and sound when boiling water hits it, but at the same time it begins to emit a deafening and very unpleasant sound.

A stainless steel sink may make a slight noise when the tap is open.

Another positive performance characteristic is resistance to chemically aggressive compounds. The polished surface remains in good condition even after exposure to various acids. However, acetone or a concentrated nitric acid solution can damage the surface and leave unpleasant marks.

A little about the advantages and disadvantages of the product

The pros and cons of products made from this material differ from sink options made from other types of materials. The advantages of a stone sink are the following:

  • Thanks to special technology When making a sink, its service life can be up to ten years. But manufacturers claim that with proper and careful care of the product, it will last and remain attractive for several decades;
  • The product has an increased level of strength and is therefore not subject to mechanical damage;
  • The ability to reconstruct the surface makes it easy to correct defects, so scratches are sanded off and chipped pieces are glued. In this case, the sink takes on its original appearance.

While a stone sink has its advantages, it also has disadvantages that should be kept in mind when using the sink. The surface of the product can be damaged by an overheated pan, for example, dishes removed from the fire are immediately placed inside the product. Here there is a risk of stains appearing on the surface that cannot be washed off.

A stone sink may have poor impact resistance

It is not advisable to drop heavy things onto the sink - this may damage the integrity of the sink. This happens rarely, but if you treat the item negligently, it can be damaged. By the way, they are more susceptible to splitting monolithic options sinks, which are made as one piece together with countertops. If one of the elements is damaged, the sink will have to be replaced completely.

Stainless steel or stone?

On modern market The most popular models of sinks are stone products for the kitchen or stainless steel. The second option is low cost, but has a number of qualities that reduce it performance characteristics. Despite good combination sinks with a mixer and a harmonious combination in the interior, stainless steel products do not absorb noise well.

The low cost of stainless steel products is a significant advantage for most buyers

A stainless steel product must be subjected to careful and careful care; it is rubbed with a soft cloth, this helps to avoid the presence of stains on the surface. A sink made to resemble stone, on the surface of which there are no streaks, does not require such careful care, as long as basic recommendations for use are followed.

Therefore, during operation there is noise created by water pressure. These sinks are strong and durable, but are often scratched. Defects are not removed by restoration, so the sink takes on an unattractive appearance due to microscratches on the surface and mineral deposits.

The big disadvantage is the scratches left on the sink.

The color range of stainless steel is not so rich - only steel color, which is not suitable for every interior. Thanks to a special production technology, a stone sink is distinguished by a wide choice of colors and shapes. But a stainless steel sink is lightweight, which cannot be said about a stone product.

There is a wide variety of models on the modern market, so you have to choose carefully and carefully. Rectangular shape sinks are a classic version of the product with a spacious bowl. Suitable for housewives who prefer to wash dishes by hand.

Now many people are trying to give preference to natural materials. It's nice to enjoy the beauty of natural stones, their natural color and texture. On the plumbing market today you can see a range of sinks made of natural stone. Their diversity is amazing in shapes, sizes, color scheme. These products are an excellent choice for lovers of ecological materials that can give luxury and natural wealth.

Stone Bathroom Sinks

These products can be safely called elite, since each sink made of natural stone is unique. They give the interior luxury and presentability. Thanks to such products, the bathroom will look stylish, elegant and cozy. Natural material has a rich natural color. You can immediately notice the unique and bizarre patterns in it.

Making sinks from natural stone is a simple process. However, it requires a special approach in order to create a real work of art from such material. At the very beginning, craftsmen select the required part from the bulk of the rock. It must have certain dimensions. Then blanks are cut out on machines, from which finished products are then created. The most labor-intensive operations to complete a finished washbasin are done manually.

Benefits of stone sinks

The sanitary ware of their artificial stone is superior in its characteristics to products made from natural materials. They almost immediately set the mood for relaxation, since they fit most harmoniously into the bathroom. Calm shades of natural stones give us peace and tranquility. These are mainly shades:

  • gray;
  • beige;
  • brown;
  • black;
  • yellow.

All of them are ideal for the interior of an elite bathroom. The main advantages of sinks made of natural stone are:

  • high strength and durability;
  • environmental friendliness and rich texture;
  • functionality;
  • possibility of restoration;
  • style and presentability;
  • good adaptation to temperature environment.

Washbasins made of natural stone are easy to use. They do not emit harmful substances, which is very important for those who suffer from allergies. In the hands of skilled craftsmen, stone products of original and unique shapes are created. If you follow the operating instructions, they will decorate your bathrooms for many years.


In addition to the positive characteristics, there are also disadvantages to such products. These include:

  • high price;
  • heavy weight;
  • hygroscopicity of some types of material.

There are few disadvantages, but they need to be taken into account when choosing washbasins. The high cost of stone sinks is not affordable for everyone. The heavy weight will be a problem for self-transportation.

Gallery: sinks made of natural stone (25 photos)



Despite the fact that this type of stone is distinguished by cold shades, it gives a feeling of comfort. Since ancient times, beautiful marble has been used to decorate temples and palaces of noble people. Marble has many advantages, which is why craftsmen often make sinks from marble. He withstands heavy loads, does not delaminate or crack.

Such properties of the stone are very important when making a marble sink. During operation, the washbasin is constantly in contact with moisture and experiences certain temperature loads. The material is hygroscopic, and this property must be taken into account when purchasing a marble sink. To maintain the beautiful appearance of the marble product, needs careful care. Marble plumbing products Most often they are decorated with luxurious mosaics, which results in an exclusive decor.


This type of stone can be called a luxurious and expensive material for creating sanitary ware. It has a variety of colors, beautiful shades from light yellow to brown. Stone has a unique design with translucent and glassy sheen. There are onyxes that are completely transparent.

Each onyx sink is crafted by craftsmen manually. They resemble a work of art after being processed by experienced professionals. They do not use adhesives or machinery. The result is exclusive onyx sinks.

Onyx has more advantages than marble. His durability and water resistance are much higher than that of marble. An onyx sink will become a real decoration of the bathroom and will emphasize its nobility and refined taste of the owners.


Among the many types of natural stone, travertine is very popular for the manufacture of plumbing fixtures. It also has many advantages, one of which is easy processing. This property allows you to obtain various shapes from travertine. Natural material has a beautiful patterned texture. It has many rich shades from light to the darkest.

There are a number of other advantages - durability, low specific gravity, strength. The only drawback of travertine is quite porous structure. Travertine sinks will get dirty quickly, so you should always keep them clean.

Magic of forms

People have been working with stone for centuries, creating a wide variety of products. Fonts, washbasins and bathtubs made of marble, still in old times decorated the palaces of the nobility. Sinks made from any natural stone can add perfection and harmony to any setting.

These products are distinguished by their unique shape, size, color and texture. This material inspires craftsmen to create original and unique products. Most often they are made round, square or rectangular, sometimes in the form of a cone.

There are options made in the form of unusual designs. They are most often made to order. Basically they look like monoliths or figured bowls. Such products are installed in countertops or built into them. Countertops are selected from the same stone, sometimes from wood.

Faux stone bathroom sinks are becoming more popular every day. What is the reason for this trend? First of all, it is very practical, because polymer material much stronger and more reliable than traditional earthenware. In addition, it is reliably protected from temperature changes, corrosive contaminants, and chemicals. It is much easier to care for such a surface. And this list of advantages is complemented by a rich palette of colors and attractive appearance.

Artificial stone bathroom sink: price

An artificial stone sink for a bathroom seems like a very expensive and status item. However, this material has long ceased to be something ultra-modern and exclusive. Many companies produce budget composite lines that allow you to create reliable and inexpensive products. The table below shows approximate prices for products made from different materials.

It is worth noting that all figures given are only approximate. Not only the material itself, but also the work of the craftsmen plays an important role in the final cost. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to such important parameters as the dimensions of the product, its thickness, the chosen shape and the complexity of the work. At the same time, standard models will cost much less than exclusive ones. design solutions. To receive a detailed calculation for individual sizes, call our managers in Moscow.

Photo of bathroom sinks made of artificial stone

The catalog presents the works of our masters, which display a wide range of models, designs and color solutions. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the photos posted on the site in order to choose the most suitable shape of an artificial stone sink for your bathroom. If you do not find a product in a suitable format, we will produce it according to your requirements.

Buying from us is profitable! And that's why:

If you are interested in high-quality and reliable products, then buy products from the Sound Stone company. We work without intermediaries in our own production, so we can offer customers not only Better conditions, but also a guarantee.

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Manufacturers of artificial stone bathroom sinks

Our company has been manufacturing washbasins for many years and is constantly improving in this area. We work only with proven and reliable material suppliers. That is why we can guarantee the durability and strength of our products. But each specific case requires a special approach and correct selection material. Plasticity or impact resistance, light-conducting or matte surface - the final result depends on these characteristics.


Price: from 13,000 rub. per square meter

This material is produced in Eastern Europe and is popular due to its affordable price range. At the same time, it is not inferior to analogues in strength, reliability, resistance to mechanical damage and chemicals. The line contains more than 100 color solutions: from pure solid colors to unusual texture solutions. The surface can be matte or glossy, light-transmitting or semi-gloss.

Price: from 16,500 rub. per square meter

The special structure of this material reliably protects it not only from dirt and chemicals, but also from impacts and mechanical damage. If you drop nail scissors or a razor, then there will be no trace left on the surface of the washbasin. A wide range of colors will allow you to choose both a solid shade and a textured option for any interior. Glossy, semi-gloss, matte and reflective surfaces are available.


Price: from 24,300 rub. per square meter

This premium material has a feature that makes it especially popular among designers - high ductility. Thanks to thermoforming technology, Tristone composite can be used to create unique custom-made products. The rich palette currently includes more than 70 colors: from solid colors with a glossy or semi-gloss sheen to textured ones with a matte or reflective surface.

Price: from 18,000 rub. per square meter

One of the most famous brands in this field has been leading the market for a quarter of a century composite materials. Practical and durable, the Corian range is strong and durable, with vibrant solid colors that won't fade or fade. The shine of gloss and semi-gloss also lasts for many years, and the texture matte surfaces look neat and natural.


Price: from 13,900 rub. per square meter

Another relatively inexpensive brand that boasts high quality products. The absence of pores does not allow moisture to penetrate into the polymer surface and destroy it, so the material can last for decades. The color palette is currently limited to 30 shades, but among them there are both pure solid colors with a glossy or semi-gloss sheen, as well as reflective or matte textured designs.

Price: from 13,300 rub. per square meter

Democratic material from South Korea differs from most other composites in that it is warm to the touch. This effect allows you to use it to completely simulate natural wood(in combination with textured colors). But the assortment includes many solid colors with a glossy or semi-gloss sheen, matte or reflective surface texture.

Price: from 21,300 rub. per square meter

Durability, reliability, quality are the main advantages of this brand. The dense structure prevents contamination, resists chemicals and damage. You can judge Grandex products by numerous positive reviews. Bright solid colors remain just as rich, glossy and semi-gloss surfaces do not lose their shine even after years, and matte textured options perfectly replicate natural materials.

Price: from 20,300 rub. per square meter

This brand is distinguished by an increased level of safety not only in relation to humans, but also to the surrounding world. The special production technology does not reduce strength, reliability and resistance to mechanical damage. In addition, this composite is presented in various designs: from light-conducting textured to matte solid colors. The surface can also be glossy or semi-glossy.

Which artificial stone sink should I buy for my bathroom?

Modern sinks made of artificial stone for the bathroom amaze the imagination with their unusual shapes and original colors and shades. It is difficult to understand such a variety of options without professional help. What should you pay attention to first? And how not to make a mistake in choosing? Classic white interiors remain popular, but they are being replaced by more original and practical solutions. Bright and rich shades can completely change the entire interior of a room. And although solid colors look attractive, on such a surface all the stains and drops of water are perfectly visible. We recommend giving preference to non-staining colors: gray, beige, light blue. The textured design will also help hide small stains due to its uneven surface with flecks or patterns. In addition, a correctly selected texture will create an imitation of expensive natural material. Marbled colors are often used for shower rooms. Don't forget to pay attention to the texture of the surface itself. Attractive glossy options are great at retaining fingerprints and highlighting drip marks. Therefore, the most practical artificial stone sink for a bathroom will have a matte or semi-gloss surface.