Zinnia: how to grow a flower using seedlings. How to grow zinnia from seeds when to plant seedlings

Zinnias, similar to small gerberas, when grown from seedlings, bloom in early summer and bloom before the onset of cold weather. Depending on the variety, they can be stunted and reach a height of more than a meter. On long peduncles, reed flowers form and bloom, which can be of a wide variety of colors. For the variety of flower colors, beauty and unpretentiousness, gardeners grow zinnias in the country and in the garden, and use them to decorate balconies, front gardens, flower beds, and courtyards.

When to plant zinnia seeds for seedlings in 2019

By Lunar calendar favorable days for sowing zinnia seeds this year:

  • March: 10th, 12th, 15th;
  • April: 7, 11, 18;
  • May: 9th, 10th, 15th, 17th.

In March and April, zinnia is planted as seedlings, in May - immediately in open ground. Zinnia seedlings are heat-loving and can die even with minor frosts. Therefore, in regions where there are subzero temperatures, Zinnia is grown through seedlings. Sowing is done in March and April. Seedlings are planted in the ground in late May - early June.

IN southern regions Zinnias are sown in May directly into the flowerbed. At temperatures of +20 degrees and above, seedlings will quickly appear and begin to grow. They will bloom by mid-summer.

Sowing seedlings

Zinnia seeds are quite large, which makes sowing much easier for the gardener. It is recommended to use separate containers for planting, since zinnias do not like picking and do not tolerate picking well. It is best to plant them in peat pots so that when transplanting seedlings to a flowerbed, the roots are not disturbed.

Place the seeds to a depth of 1 cm, sprinkle with soil, spray warm water, cover with cellophane and put in a warm place with an air temperature of about +22..+24 degrees. In such conditions, shoots will appear within a few days, and the seedling containers can be moved to a bright place.

Until the seedlings appear, the crops should be ventilated daily and, if necessary, moisten the soil using warm water and a sprayer.

Seedling care

Caring for zinnia seedlings is easy. The main rule is to provide plants good lighting . Otherwise, the seedlings will stretch out and look sickly. If the seedlings have stretched out, you can simply sprinkle soil around the seedlings. Adventitious roots will form on the zinnia stems, and the bushes will become stronger.

Water seedlings should be planted as the soil dries. While the seedlings are small, it is better to spray the soil around them with a spray bottle. Do not overwater the plants, otherwise they may develop blackleg or other fungal diseases.

Feed seedlings during growth and development at home are recommended three times mineral fertilizers. Fertilizing should be comprehensive, with a minimum nitrogen content.

For better tillering of zinnia pinching above the 3rd or 4th pair of leaves.

Two weeks before planting in the garden, seedlings begin temper. To do this, take it out onto an open balcony or area on a warm day. On the first day, the plants are kept in fresh air for an hour. Every day the hardening time is extended. Seedlings should be hardened off in a place protected from drafts and shaded from direct sunlight.

Planting zinnia in open ground

When to plant zinnia seedlings in a flower bed depends on weather conditions. In May - early June, as soon as the threat of frost has passed, young plants can be moved into open ground.

  1. Dig to a depth of 45-50 cm.
  2. During digging, fertilize with rotted manure or leaf humus (about 8 kg per 1 sq. m. bed).
  3. Make holes at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other.

Zinnia bushes are placed in the prepared holes along with peat pots, the roots are covered with soil and watered well. If you used disposable cups as seedling containers, they should be cut so as not to disturb the roots of the flowers.

Growing and care in open ground

Caring for zinnia in the garden is quite simple:

  1. Watering should be timely and plentiful. Water the zinnias at the root so that water does not get on the flowers. If it rains regularly, you can skip watering. Zinnias do not like waterlogged soil.
  2. After watering or rain, the moist soil is freed from weeds and carefully loosen row spacing.
  3. They feed zinnias twice a summer. The first time - a month after transplanting to the flowerbed, and the second time - during the formation of buds. Ready-made fertilizers can be used mineral supplements or liquid manure.
  4. If you don't have seedlings pinched, then this procedure can be carried out after the transplanted flowers have taken root in open ground. After pinching, the plants will begin to bush. The procedure may not be carried out. Then the zinnias will turn out tall and elegant.
  5. Withered flowers should be regularly delete so that new flowers form and bloom on the bush as quickly as possible.

How to collect seeds

About two months after flowering, seeds will begin to ripen on the remaining faded flowers. If you want to collect your planting material, choose the best bush, remove its side shoots, and leave the central flower.

When the baskets turn brown, they need to be cut off and laid out to dry. After drying, the seeds are dried and stored in cardboard box or a bag of their fabric. Zinnia seeds will remain viable for three to four years.

As you can see, caring for and growing zinnia in open ground will not take much time. If you grow good, healthy seedlings, in the summer the small bushes will grow and bloom with bright or delicate beautiful flowers.

People will always say about a bouquet of these flowers that they were given from the heart, because they can stand in a vase for up to two weeks without losing their original freshness and shine. That is why, wanting to get a catchy expressive element in the composition on, it is impossible to make a mistake with the choice of zinnia. Grow from seeds, when to plant seedlings and how to care for them - we will learn later.

Briefly about zinnia: description

Given flower plant refer to annual species, it is possible to grow it using the seed method. The intensity of zinnia growth plays into the hands of gardeners and landscapers when there is an urgent need to improve areas. These motley ones bright flowers give the area more colors, and serve as a natural garden decoration throughout the summer. With the arrival of September, the final phase of the life of this annual plant begins, which makes it possible to collect seeds that differ from the seeds of their flower counterparts in their rather large size.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a place to grow zinnia?

The first thing you should pay attention to is garden flower This species is very thermophilic and needs natural, long-lasting lighting. The shadow negatively affects his growth. When choosing a location, you should take into account this feature of zinnia. Growing from seeds, when to plant, photos of your favorite variety and many tips for caring for a flower can be found without special labor. However, in many information sources, the authors miss extremely important details.

Firstly, you should avoid planting the plant in a draft, since windy currents can cause significant damage to the stems.

Secondly, the selection is maximum suitable soil- the key to success in floriculture, including in the process of growing zinnia. Uncompacted loose soil will become great solution for a plant in the front garden, flower bed or in the garden between fruit trees. In addition, we must not forget about drainage in the soil. Without it, there is a huge risk of ruining the plant due to constantly accumulating moisture. Using sand will solve the problem of waterlogging evenly.

Preparing seedlings from zinnia seeds

To get zinnia seedlings, you need to wait until mid-April. Only bypassing it is it worth starting a similar procedure. Experts do not advise rushing to sow, as this plant characterized by intensity and rapidity of growth. In turn, this fact can create significant obstacles in the process of picking, possible transportation and further transplantation of zinnia grown from seeds to an open area. When to plant this plant in Siberia is quite difficult to answer. Considering the mentioned love of the flower for warmth and sun, it will be difficult for it to take root in northern areas, especially if sowing work takes place too early. Beginning of May - optimal time for sowing seeds.

In addition to all of the above, the early appearance of sprouts can negatively affect the further development of flowers.

To obtain seedlings, deep pots are mainly used, one container per seed. Priority should be given to a pre-prepared substrate. A high-quality soil mixture can be purchased at any flower shop. Unlike many flower brethren, zinnias have large seeds, which during planting it is advisable to deepen by 1 cm. It is also not required additional measures to ensure a greenhouse effect in order to accelerate flower growth. In just a few days (from 5 to 7) it will be simply impossible not to notice them.

When the seedlings grow (it is important that at least two or three leaves appear), it is advisable to carry out the hardening procedure. Periodic removal to the street or open balcony is beneficial for zinnia grown from seeds. When the need arises for planting in open ground, the result of this procedure will be an easy period of adaptation of the seedlings and long-term stable flowering.

Seedless method of growing zinnia from seeds

Most gardeners prefer to sow zinnia right away. open ground. If you have confidence in complete absence further frosts, then this method of growing a flower from seeds is preferable.

Having taken care in advance about the seed holes, which should be about 5 cm deep, you can place several seeds in them.

Regardless of whether zinnia was sown immediately on open area or replanted with seedlings, it is important not to forget about moderate watering and fertilizing of the plant. Complex fertilizers Great for a nutritious zinnia diet.

Growing from seeds, when to plant - forums will always give answers to any of these questions. By listening to the experiences of other people, you can cope with many difficulties and conquer peaks that seem insurmountable at first glance.

Zinnia or zinnia, a more familiar name for us, (common - Mallorca) is a plant with discreet beauty, but the popularity of the flower is high. It got its name from the German botanist who led the botanical garden, Johann Gottfried Zinn. Zinnias were cultivated back in the 15th century by the Aztecs. The plant came to European countries in the 18th century, and to Russia a little later. Planting zinnia in the ground - important point in cultivation. Beginners in floriculture are just as concerned about getting quality seedlings. So, next in order, zinnia planting and care in the open ground.

Zinnias are annuals and perennial herbs or subshrubs. They belong to the Astrov family. IN natural environment exists until 20 wild species colors.
Plant height at good conditions and depending on the variety it can be 15-120 cm. Upright or branched zinnias are distinguished. The stems are tough and greenish-purple in color. The leaves are slightly pubescent, the tip is pointed.
The inflorescences are basket-shaped and firmly located on strong stems. Each basket has a multi-row wrapper, similar to tiles. Petals are reed, different shades(except of blue color). There are zinnias with one row of petals, terry ones. When ripe, seeds are formed.

Flowering is long, the plant is not afraid of drought and the first autumn frosts. Homemade zinnia is valued for its ease of care. Cut mallorcas last a long time.

Why flower growers love zinnia:

  1. Variety of colors, flower sizes, petal shapes.
  2. The different heights of zinnias and rich colors are appreciated by landscape designers for the opportunity to create any flower arrangements.
  3. Flowering plants attract colorful butterflies and the garden comes alive.
  4. You can independently regulate flowering if you remove fading buds in a timely manner.

Popular types and varieties

For planting on the site, two types of zinnias are most often used: Graceful and Narrow-leaved. Plants also differ in petal shape.

Zinnia graceful Zinnia angustifolia

Russians prefer four types and corresponding

table “The most grown species and varieties of zinnia”

Features of growing seedlings

  1. Which container to choose

It is better to sow zinnia seeds in shallow (up to 10 cm) and wide containers; you can use cake pans with a lid. Fertile soil is poured and boiling water with dissolved potassium permanganate is poured over to kill spores of blackleg and other fungal diseases.

  1. Seed preparation

Zinnia is grown from seeds; at home, it begins in April. They need to be sorted out first. The viable seed is then soaked in a piece of cloth. Drying out should not be allowed. Good seeds hatch after 2 days. Plant to a depth of 1 cm, the distance between seeds is at least 3 cm. Deeper planting slows down germination.
As soon as the sowing of zinnia seedlings is completed, the soil is sprinkled with water and covered with a lid or plastic bag. The greenhouse effect promotes the rapid emergence of sprouts. The container is placed in a warm place, maintaining a temperature of +22-24 degrees.

  1. Rules for caring for seedlings

As a rule, sprouts appear within three days. Remove the bag or lid from the container so that the plants can get enough oxygen and not stretch out. The seedlings are fragile; they need to be watered sparingly so as not to damage the root system.
The container is placed in a window with good lighting. Temperatures up to +22 degrees allow Mallorcas to grow quickly and evenly, the sprouts do not stretch.

  1. Picking

When the seedlings are 10 cm high, zinnia picking begins. Each plant is transplanted into plastic cups. You need to carefully remove the sprouts from the nursery so as not to damage the roots.

When planting, the soil is filled up to the cotyledon leaves. This promotes the development of a powerful root system. All care during seedling growth comes down to watering and superficial loosening of the soil. If the soil is fertile, then fertilizing is not required.

To prevent Majorca from getting burns when planted in the ground, the seedlings are hardened off by taking them outside or onto the balcony on warm days. The main thing is that there are no drafts. They get used to the sun gradually. Flower growers like zinnia; growing it is not particularly difficult.

Video “Zinnia: planting and care”

Planting zinnias in a flowerbed

If you live in a warm climate and there are no frosts at the end of April, then the process of picking majorcas can be eliminated. The seedlings are immediately planted in the ground. In addition, perennial zinnias can be grown in such regions.

Before planting seedlings, prepare the beds and dig them carefully. Zinnias love nutritious, well-fertilized soil. You can add flower fertilizer or use superphosphate. Any medications are used strictly according to the instructions.
After spilling the soil with warm water and potassium permanganate, you can begin planting seedlings. A distance of 10 cm is maintained between the bushes so that there is room for branching. When planting zinnia seedlings in open ground, take into account the height of the plants. If flowers grow in the same flowerbed, then high grades planted in the center, low at the edges. Then the plants will not interfere with each other and will reveal all their attractiveness.

Rules for outdoor care

Zinnia pompom

For majorcas, choose an open, well-lit place. When growing zinnias, planting and care in open ground do not cause problems.
Watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries. Remember that excess moisture in the soil leads to root rot and the development of fungal diseases.

The plant requires fertilizing. If you want to get a beautiful corner of healthy zinnias, feed them twice a season. The first feeding is a week after planting the zinnias in the ground, the second before the buds appear. Plants respond well to wood ash. It is poured under the root, the soil is loosened and water is spilled.

Foliar feeding should be done when zinnias open their buds. To do this, dilute 10 g of the drug “Bud” in a ten-liter bucket. The work is carried out using a sprayer. If there is no such device, a regular, just new, broom will do.
And, of course, clearing weeds. As a rule, they are breeding grounds for diseases and pests. A real war needs to be declared on the weeds.

Pests and diseases

If watering is abundant, then in Mallorcas it may appear powdery mildew. The disease can be identified by a whitish coating on all parts of the plants. To prevent disease when preparing a flower bed, drainage is placed under the soil layer.

Harm to flowers:

  • slugs;
  • snails;
  • spider mite;
  • Chafer.

It is necessary to inspect the plantings and remove pests. Spraying with special preparations will help the plants reveal their full potential.

We tried to tell you how to grow zinnia with your own hands. Beautiful, bright flowers have a subtle, unobtrusive aroma. The buds last a long time, even when cut. You will always have the opportunity to please your friends with bouquets from your garden. If you want to make your garden or yard unique, choose zinnias.

Zinnia (growing from seeds and seedlings) - when to plant flowers.

The Zinnia flower is a very bright and beautiful flower. It belongs to the decorative annuals for planting in gardens and flower beds. A healthy multi-petaled flower that sits on a tough, durable stem can vary in height from 50 to 90 cm. There are dwarf varieties, the height of which is 25-30 cm.

Zinnia can be easily grown from either seeds or transplants. This plant is very unpretentious. to provide good flowering, it is enough to plant it in a sunny place, provide moderate watering and sufficient soil fertility. The time from germination to full flowering is on average 60-70 days. That's why. If you want to speed up the appearance of zinnia flowers, its seeds need to be planted as early as possible.

There are two ways to grow Zinnia. The first method is sowing seeds in open ground, and the second is growing from seedlings. For those areas where there are no frosts in May, it is recommended to plant zinnia seeds directly in the open, and the planting depth should be 3 cm. It is better to sow seeds in the 2-3rd decade of May. To do this, you need to put several seeds in a small hole. Holes should be made at a distance 20-30 cm. In just a week you will be able to see the first shoots. Some experts recommend covering the holes before germination with a special covering material to protect them from cold and drying out.

After zinnia seedlings appear, they need to be provided with moderate watering, fertilizing several times over the summer and careful loosening of the soil. If you choose to grow zinnia from seeds, you will not be able to see the flowering plant until late July - early August.

As for growing from seedlings, to obtain it you need to plant Zinnia seeds in pots of 2-3 pieces. in the beginning of April. This plant does not like diving because it does not tolerate damage to the root system. When sowing seedlings, try to plant them not densely, and if the plant is stretched out, you need to add soil to the pots, so the Zinnia seedlings will form additional roots. When to harvest seedlings? It can be planted in a flowerbed in late May - early June.

Zinnia seedlings should be planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other, and care must be taken when transferring the plant with soil from the pot. If you choose this planting method, you will see a flowering plant in early July.

So to summarize:

Sowing zinnia seeds for seedlings - early April.

Planting zinnia seedlings in flower beds - late May - early June.

Zinnia – unpretentious plant, capable of growing in any region, although its homeland is Central and South America. The ancient Aztecs first started growing zinnia in the 15th century, but the flower appeared in Europe only in the 18th century. Breeders have developed many varieties with a wide variety of bud colors. With the help of these shades, you can add brightness to any flower bed by planting tall and low-growing varieties, which grow from 20 to 100 centimeters. Growing zinnia from seeds- the task is not difficult. To do this you don't have to be experienced florist or have special knowledge.

Growing zinnia from seeds

How to grow zinnia from seeds?

The Zinnia flower is distinguished by its shape, the size of its buds and the surface of its leaves, which can be double or smooth. Zinnias easily combine with any plants, so some gardeners use the plant to create an original and aesthetic flower bed. Gardeners most often plant the following varieties of zinnia: graceful, dahlia, pompom, chrysanthemum. They are less whimsical, do not require complex care and quickly adapt to new conditions.

Zinnia blossom

What is the best way to plant zinnia? It all depends on where you live. For example, if you live in an area with a warm climate, then planting a flower can be done directly into the soil itself. But if the climate in your area is unstable and severe frost may suddenly fall at night, then it is recommended to grow seedlings from seeds. How to do it?

Sowing seeds: what not to forget?

  • Selection of planting material. Where do you buy zinnia seeds? Experts advise not to give preference to spontaneous markets and grandmothers who “guarantee” high-quality goods. It is better to trust specialized stores and nurseries for breeding planting material.
  • Preparing containers. What container is suitable for growing zinnia seedlings? Deep. The main feature of plant seedlings is the presence of a long, well-developed root system. Therefore, containers must have a depth of at least 10 centimeters.
  • The soil. The soil mixture for sowing seeds should consist of turf soil, humus and peat, taken in equal proportions. If you cannot mix all the ingredients yourself, then immediately purchase a ready-made soil mixture in the store.
  • Disinfection. Before sowing, the seeds need to be soaked using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Those that float are not suitable for planting, and the rest are placed on a damp cloth for germination. The first shoots most often appear on the second day, which indicates good seed germination. If the seeds are old, they may hatch in 5–7 days.

At what distance are the seeds placed? Planting material Zinnias are placed at a distance of up to 3 centimeters from each other, deepening them no more than 1 centimeter. After sowing, the soil must be moistened with a sprayer. You can sow seedlings in a common container, individual cups or peat tablets. Individual containers are preferable, because when transplanted into open ground, seedlings are not injured and adapt more easily. Seeds are planted no earlier than April, so that the seedlings do not have time to start setting buds, otherwise, when transplanted into open ground, zinnia may drop them. If you sowed the seeds in May, then the first flowering can be expected in early July.

Immediately after planting the seeds, the container is covered with film to create a greenhouse effect. You can make several small holes in the shelter for air exchange. In order for seed growth to continue actively, it is important to maintain a certain level of soil moisture by periodically adding water to the tray with a container. After the sprouts appear, the film can be removed.

Caring for zinnia seedlings at home

As soon as you see the first leaves, immediately start adding light fertilizing.

Growing zinnia: when and how to plant seedlings in 2018

Do not immediately flood the flower with a large amount of mineral fertilizers. First you can try adding a large number of feeding, highly diluted with water. The first serious feeding is done after four true leaves appear, and then fertilized weekly. Root and foliar feeding complex mineral fertilizers diluted in water for irrigation. But, the solution should not get on the leaves of the seedlings, so as not to cause burns. But that is not all.

Seedling care consists of:

  • Transplants. If the planting was carried out in a common container, then when the seedlings reach a height of 8–10 centimeters, they need to be transplanted into individual containers, deepening the seedlings to a depth of two centimeters. This will promote their rapid growth and protect against the spread of infections.
  • Hilling up. When they reach 10 centimeters, the seedlings should be hilled (create a small earthen hill at the root), which will promote the appearance of adventitious shoots.
  • Pinching. At the same time, you need to pinch, removing shoots at the base of the root, at a height of two centimeters.
  • Hardening. Want to grow healthy seedlings? Then, 10 to 14 days in advance, begin to harden it, taking it out onto the loggia for several hours.

Many summer residents are delighted with zinnia. Why? The flower has pointed, ovoid leaves, and graceful basket-shaped buds, the diameter of which is from 3 to 16 centimeters. Only one flower blooms on each stem and the plant blooms almost all summer, starting in June. From mid-May, if frost has passed, zinnia can be planted in open ground. To do this, you should choose a well-lit place with fertile soil. You should not plant zinnia in lowlands where large amounts of moisture collect. The root system of the flower does not tolerate stagnation of water, so the result of such a transplant can be disastrous.

Zinnia can tolerate various vagaries of weather, even cold down to -4 degrees below zero. But it is better to take care of young seedlings and, if necessary, cover them at night. Zinnias look good in bouquets. They need to be cut off when the bud has opened a little more than half. In order for the bouquet to last longer, it is recommended to burn the cut areas and place the flowers in warm water. So, now you know how to grow zinnia at home. Bloom this beautiful plant will not leave anyone indifferent and will make your country cottage area the most attractive.

Zinnia - planting and care in open ground, types and varieties

The genus Zinnia (Zinnia) from the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family includes about 20 species of herbaceous and semi-shrub annuals, perennial plants. In nature, the culture grows in the regions of South and Central America. The genus is named after the German professor of botany and pharmacology, director of the botanical garden in Göttingen Johann Gottfried Zinn.

The plant is characterized by a straight stem, along which there are pairs of oval leaves of an intense bright green color. At the ends of the shoots, magnificent single inflorescences-baskets are formed, which are distinguished by a wide range of colors, although the most popular shades are pink, orange, lilac, red, yellow and white. The annual is characterized by long and abundant flowering - from June to late autumn.

Due to its ease of care in open ground, zinnia is one of the most popular garden plants. flowering plants, which are ideal for creating magnificent flower beds and ridges. Low forms look good in container gardening and along paths. And cut flowers can stand in a vase for about 2 weeks. The annual is well suited for filling empty spaces after bulbous primroses have faded.

Popular types and varieties

Only two types of zinnia, diverse in their decorative capabilities - Zinnia elegans and Zinnia angustifolia, as well as their numerous hybrids and varietal forms, are widely used in garden landscaping.

Zinnia graceful(Zinnia elegans) - the most known species. Thanks to the work of breeders, you can find a large number of varieties and new forms are constantly being created - from miniature ones, reaching 30 cm in height, to tall ones - almost 120 cm. Inflorescences with a rich color palette can be single, double or semi-double and vary in size - from small (3 cm) to impressively large (15 cm in diameter). Seed germination lasts 3-4 years.

Based on the structure of the inflorescences and height, this species is divided into garden groups zinnia:

Dahlia. The height of some specimens can reach 120 cm. It is distinguished by a large number of large spherical flowers 12-15 cm in diameter. There can be about 25 of them on one bush! Among the group we will find such valuable varieties as the giant “Benary's Giants Series”, low “Burnus” (55 cm) with bright red flowers, snow-white compact “Polar Bear” (60 cm), pink “Eldorado”, purple “Purple Prince” and “Violett” in all shades purple and etc.

Chrysanthemum. Grows up to 60 -70 cm and has no less impressive inflorescences of orange, bright yellow, soft pink, coral and violet shade. Popular varieties: “Coral Pink”, “Fantasia”, series of hybrids “New Burpee’s Hybrids”.

Giant cactus is also called acicular with petals of a characteristic needle shape. As a rule, it reaches 60-80 cm in height. The most common on sale are multi-colored varietal mixtures and "Burpees Spielarten" in pastel colors. Sometimes you can find seeds of individual varieties that are intensely orange, light pink or dark lilac in color.

Pompon zinnias They are distinguished by abundant flowering and do not exceed 40-50 cm in height. Among them we can highlight a mixture of Liliput and Thumbelina with miniature plants up to 15 cm in height. Small double dense inflorescences-balls 4-6 cm in diameter. Well-known and popular varieties in gardening include compact bushes of the densely double “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Tom-Thumb” with flatter inflorescences.

Narrow-leaved(Z. angmtifolia) also known as Mexican (Z. Mexicana). It has narrower, elongated leaves and forms a branched bush, often creeping, up to 40 cm in height. Single or semi-double inflorescences are small and not as showy as those of other species.

The flower palette is usually monochromatic, yellow, orange or white, sometimes with a contrasting dark color of the tips of the reed petals, but in varietal forms you can find red, pink or purple color scheme. For example, excellent low-growing variety mixtures “Persian Carpet” and “Candy Stripe”.

Features of care

Zinnia thrives in sunny, warm locations. For good growth And abundant flowering Requires fertile, slightly moist, permeable soil.

When and how to plant zinnia when growing from seeds

The clay structure of the soil can be improved by adding coarse sand and compost. The crop is resistant to short-term drought, during active growth After planting, zinnia requires moderate watering.

If the soil is rich nutrients, then the plantings do not require fertilization. In poor substrates, the first fertilizing with organic and nitrogen-containing fertilizers for flowering crops is carried out long before the development period flower buds and then repeat during the budding period.
Subsequent care of zinnia is limited mainly to the systematic removal of faded inflorescences, maintaining uniform soil moisture during the hot period and loosening.

Planting zinnia and growing from seeds

In agricultural cultivation technology, the seedling method of planting zinnia is used. At the end of March - beginning of April, the seeds are sown in containers with peat to a depth of about 1 cm in a room with a temperature of 22 to 24 ° C. Before sowing, it is advisable to soak the seed material in a damp cloth. This will help you select seeds with good germination. Containers are placed in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight. Watering is carried out using a spray. The substrate should be constantly moderately moist. The first shoots appear after a few days.

When the saplings produce their first two true leaves, they are picked into separate pots. In May, the seedlings are hardened off by exposing them to the open air during the day. On permanent place They are planted in the garden in the second half of May, when the danger of the slightest frost has passed. Zinnias are planted at a distance of 20-40 cm from each other. The time from sowing to flowering is approximately 12 weeks.

Seeds can also be sown directly into the ground at the end of May. In this case, flowering should be expected much later. Shoots that are too dense are thinned out.

Zinnia is loved by many for its rich range of shades and gigantic flower sizes! What attracts me is the ease of growing it from seeds. Zinnia has another amazing feature that is dear to my heart. Her flower lives 34-35 days! And if you cut it and put it in a vase, it will last for a whole week, and sometimes more!

It is curious that if you write two “n” in the name of a flower, this will not be considered an error! Both options will be correct.

Zinnia is an annual plant. It grows fantastically fast! From the moment the seeds are sowed until the first flowers appear, not much time passes - 2.5 months. And flowering lasts all summer, from late June to late autumn.

Growing a flower - exciting process. Her seeds are large and easy to work with. You don’t have to wait long for seedlings, they grow quickly and easily take root in the flowerbed. Seeds can be sown directly into a flower bed in mid-May or seedlings can be grown, as you wish.

Growing zinnia for seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are sown in mid-April and not earlier. March seedlings quickly gain height and by the time they are planted in the ground they even manage to acquire buds. It is difficult to transport such giants to the dacha - they can be broken. And where can you find so much space for seedlings at home? Moreover, than older plant, the worse it will take root in the new place.

So, for seedlings you will need a large container, at least 10 cm deep. Remember, zinnia grows very quickly! The seedlings will be rather large, so place the seeds at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other and to a depth of no more than 1 cm. Moisten thoroughly and cover with film or glass.

It’s great that you only have to wait 3-4 days for germination. When the green babies appear, remove the film immediately. Try not to overdo it with watering. The soil at the base of the plant should be barely moist, but not a swamp!

When the sprouts become 10 cm high, each of them will need to be planted in a separate pot. Do not be afraid to deepen the seedlings to the level of the cotyledons. Very soon the green stem of the sprouts will grow in the soil with adventitious roots.

Another trick: to root system better branched, the main root should be pinched a little 1-2 cm and immediately into the ground!

"walk". IN good weather take her out to the balcony. This way the plants will get stronger and harden.

Approximately 4-6 weeks after sowing, the seedlings can be taken to the dacha.

If sowed tall varieties, there should be 30-40 cm of free space between plants, low-growing ones - 20 cm.

As soon as the zinnias have settled a little in their new place, it’s time to pinch the top of their heads to make the bushes more branchy. Some do this even at the seedling stage, above the fifth leaf level. Well, it’s ready, all you have to do is wait for flowering!

Growing zinnia from seeds in a flower bed

Sowing zinnia seeds directly into the flower garden is less hassle. There is not always extra space for seedlings on the windowsill, and it is time consuming. Moreover, the flower grows well in open ground. And you gain strength in the air faster than in a greenhouse!

When the threat of spring frosts has passed, approximately sometime after May 15, you can begin to sow the plant. Make beds in the area allocated for it. Perhaps you have your own ideas for arranging a flower bed? For example, in a circle or in a checkerboard pattern? Pay attention to what varieties and species you plant. Depending on the size, they can be quite tall or quite small.

In any case, do not sow the seeds deeper than 1 cm.

I like to sow directly into the flower bed. I sow 10 cm between seeds, and then at the stage of 4-5 leaves I thin out. I don’t throw away the removed plants, but plant them somewhere else in the flowerbed.

That's all the subtleties of growing zinnia from seeds. As you can see, it's not that difficult! But what a queue of neighbors I gather at the dacha on the eve of September 1st! Everyone wants a bouquet of zinnias for the teacher! But I don’t feel sorry for it, let my neighbors and school teachers rejoice with me!