How to properly plant strawberries in the garden. Video about the correct autumn planting of strawberries. Seedling method of growing strawberries



From the above list it is clear that green crops contribute better growth strawberries If you follow all the tips for growing this tasty berry, you can get very juicy and large fruits.

After what crop is it not advisable to plant strawberries? Firstly, these are all species of the Asteraceae family (for example, sunflower). Secondly, after some nightshades (tomatoes and potatoes). And, thirdly, all types of buttercups are not particularly suitable as predecessors.

Choosing a landing site

If strawberries have already been growing on the plantation you have chosen for more than three years, then you should not plant them here. Need to change place. After all, there are no longer any useful substances left in the ground for the root system of the crop. Each gardener chooses when it is better to plant strawberries: in autumn or spring. It depends on the soil, weather and a number of other factors.

After the seedlings have been planted, the soil must be mulched. To do this, you can choose sawdust or manure, black film or peat. Then, for the rest of the time, it is worth constantly weeding and trimming the mustache (if there is no need for planting material).

After the first harvest of fruits, the soil is mulched and loosened. You also need to water the strawberries; this is done not from a watering can, but under the bush. Growing this delicious berry is a rather labor-intensive process, but the result is worth the effort.

Planting methods

Now let's figure out at what distance to plant strawberries? If you plan to grow a crop using the one-row method, then first make beds about one meter in size. There should be a distance of seventy centimeters between them. The bushes need to be located close to each other, somewhere around fifteen to twenty centimeters.

How much time he will have to devote to caring for the plant in the future will depend on whether a person knows the answer to the question of how to plant strawberries correctly.

In practice, the two-line method is also used. This scheme is quite simple. Ribbons are made a meter long, with a distance of about seventy centimeters between them, and thirty centimeters between the lines. These two methods of planting seedlings are the most common and popular among amateur gardeners.

Planting period

It is also very important to answer the question of when to plant strawberries in the fall. The best time starts on August 20 and ends on September 15. This period of twenty-seven days is the best. You need to choose a time that is not very hot, preferably rainy. According to gardeners, this makes it easier for the plant to adapt. But if you plant seedlings later than September 15, there will be a risk that they will suffer from frost and die.

How to plant strawberries correctly in the fall? Yes, just like in spring or summer. The planting patterns are the same, the only difference is that a bush planted in the fall begins to bear fruit earlier. It is better to fertilize the land, for example, mix five kilograms of manure, fifty grams of superphosphate and twenty grams of potassium per two square meters.

Site use

Before planting strawberries you need to find appropriate place. The main thing is that it is not darkened and swampy (that is, too waterlogged). A site with young vineyards would be a good choice. Between their rows the seedling bushes will be comfortable. It will take three to four years for the vineyard to grow to a large size. Just after this period of time, you will need to transplant the strawberries to a new place.

In the first year of growing this sweet berries There is quite a lot of empty space between the rows. He can be planted green onions or garlic. Such proximity is permitted. You need to weed the soil regularly. The weed for strawberries does not pose a big threat, because it wild berry. However, the presence of unwanted grass will affect the size of the fruit. The more it is, the smaller the berries.

What soil is suitable for growing strawberries

It is important to learn about the soil on your property. The yield of berries will depend on this. If the soil is sod-podzolic or sandy loam, the result will be good. This is favorable soil for strawberries.

If on site acidic soil, then you need to lime it in advance. It is advisable to do this two to three years before planting. For one square meter About three hundred grams of dolomite lime need to be added to the soil. Strawberries are a crop that does not tolerate salt well, so you should not fertilize them before planting. It is best to do this in advance and in dug up soil. You can add rotted compost or manure.

The place where the strawberries will grow must be protected from the wind. It is better to plant it on a slope, there is less chance of freezing there.

Feeding solution

Every person who grows strawberries wants the harvest to be rich. Of course, you can try to increase it yourself. Worth spending foliar feeding the following trace elements: zinc and molybdenum, manganese and boron. They contribute not only to the quantity of berries, but also to their quality. The plant also becomes more resistant to drought and disease.

Calculation of a mixture of microelements for feeding per ten-liter bucket:

2 grams of ammonium molybdate;

50 grams of potassium permanganate;

This solution is suitable for cultivating the soil and spraying leaves. Treatment should not be carried out in cloudy weather. If the plant is planted in August, then it is necessary to fertilize it. You can also prepare the following solution: for ten liters of water - thirty grams of urea.

The benefits of mulching

IN summer period time, it is especially important not to miss the moment with watering. When there is a drought, you need to moisten the soil almost every day. You shouldn’t pour water on the bushes themselves; it’s better to run a hose under the bush. The result, that is, the yield for the next year, will depend on how you care for your strawberries in August. It is during this period of time that the plant forms buds. It would be good to mulch the soil; straw, sawdust or film are perfect for this. This method will help retain moisture on hot days and warmth on cold days.

It is also important to trim off the tendrils and dry red leaves. An area with strawberries that is not mulched must be regularly weeded and treated for pests and diseases. Red leaves should be removed from the bush, so the plant can turn green and rejuvenate again.

Healthy seedlings

To successfully grow strawberries, you need to regularly control pests and viral diseases. The main thing is to get a healthy planting material or grow it yourself. The safest seedlings are those grown from seeds, but this is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming process. Not every gardener is able to devote his invaluable time to him.

In the second half of summer (especially in August), you can notice spots that appear on the leaves. This disease usually remains from winter and appears on old branches. Such leaves need to be torn off, this is the most effective way fight the virus.

You can also plant seedlings in film. Thanks to her, the berries will always be clean and undamaged. Another plus is that there are no weeds and the tendrils are easy to trim (they have nowhere to put their roots). When the crop stops bearing fruit, you need to remove the film until next use.

Choosing a healthy outlet

Strawberries are easy to propagate yourself. The main thing is to know a few important steps. When a plant bears fruit abundantly, you need to monitor which bush is the healthiest and strongest. All the fruits on it grow approximately the same size.

It is worth choosing the first rosette, it is the strongest, it is powered by the mother bush. The rest are better cut off. The first rosette is transplanted into a pot. There it is until five or six leaves appear. This will mean that the plant’s root system has fully strengthened and it can be sent to open ground. Then, together with the native soil, the seedlings can be planted in the intended place. It is necessary to water it using the sprinkling method, using a shallow watering can. It is better to carry out the transplantation process in cloudy weather or in the evening, this was discussed earlier.

Delicious berry

Strawberries are very a large number of useful substances. This juicy and delicious berry loved not only by children, but also by all adults. The only exceptions are those with allergies.

Even people who are watching their weight can eat strawberries without fear. The berry contains folic acid and carotene, pectins and fiber, vitamins B and C, fruit sugars and organic acids, calcium, iron, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, manganese and many others.

Strawberries are a storehouse of vitamins. It has a beneficial effect on vision and has anti-cancer properties. The unique healing capabilities of strawberries are used to eliminate intestinal disorders and inflammatory processes. For diabetics this is the best remedy to lower blood sugar levels. Jam made from these berries is a favorite sweet for children.

Now, perhaps, there is none summer cottage, on which strawberries would not grow. The tasty and healthy berry suits every person's taste. Therefore, all gardeners and summer residents should know how to plant strawberries correctly.

Strawberry is the queen of berries. Like every queen, she is demanding and capricious. Correct fit strawberries and careful care will help achieve berry abundance.

The harvest will be generous if you know how to plant strawberries correctly, satisfy all their needs for soil composition and lighting, provide adequate nutrition and watering, and protect them from diseases. Let's figure out her preferences.

The bulk of the roots (80-90%) of strawberries are located at a depth of 10 to 30 cm. The best for this crop are sandy loam, chernozem and light loamy soils, rich in humus and nutrients, with an acidity level of 5-6 units and good air permeability.

In plants planted on sandy soil, the roots overheat and dry out, and there is also a lack of nutrients will negatively affect the size and number of berries. If sand predominates on your site, do not despair; it can be enriched and compacted by adding organic matter (manure, peat, compost) in an amount of 6-12 kg per 1 m2. If you plant strawberries on heavy clay soils, the root system will develop poorly, overcoming the increased soil density, lack of oxygen and waterlogging. The soil structure will be improved by adding 8-10 kg per 1 m2 of coarse river sand. You can get around this drawback by planting strawberries in raised beds, which allow you to create a drainage layer of broken bricks and branches. Such structures will also be useful for flooded areas with close groundwater. Strawberries tolerate increased acidity more easily than others berry crops, for example, currants, but up to a certain limit.

When the soil pH is below 5.0, most nutrients change their state and are no longer absorbed by plant roots. Increased acidity inhibits the activity of many beneficial bacteria and fertilizers. To alkalize the soil for strawberries, it is better to use dolomite flour(400-600 g per 1 m2), which is also a source of magnesium. In newly treated areas, strawberries develop poorly due to suppression of the root system. Therefore, it can be planted only after 2-3 years, when the dolomite mixes well with the soil and reduces its acidity.

As for lighting, strawberries will grow even in the shade, but they will bear fruit only in well-lit areas. In partial shade, the berries will ripen a little later and will taste less sweet. Strawberries planted in the garden between fruit trees, grows well, produces many rosettes, but bears fruit weaker, and in rainy weather the berries are more affected by gray rot than in beds located in open areas.

The shallow location of the roots explains the requirement of this plant for well-balanced soil moisture. Excess moisture will lead to the development of fungal diseases and, consequently, to the loss of part of the crop.

Lack of watering during flowering will result in a decrease in the number of ovaries; during fruiting it will lead to crushing of berries, autumn period will reduce the formation of flower buds (in some varieties they are not formed at all).

The best watering for strawberries is drip irrigation, in which water is delivered directly to the roots without getting on the leaves and fruits. It allows you to fertilize simultaneously with moisturizing. Indeed, during its development, strawberries grow a huge mass of greens and fruits, which consume a large amount of nutrients. In terms of removal of nutrients from the soil, it is several times greater than grains and many vegetable crops. Strawberries, the planting and care of which must be careful, require fertilizing, which is done at least 2 times a year: the first - during spring loosening after the appearance of 3 leaves (ammophoska or chicken droppings), the second - during flowering (wood ash).

In the fall, weakened bushes and one-year-old plantings are fertilized. A much larger amount of fertilizing is necessary for remontant and continuously fruiting varieties with neutral daylight hours.

To preserve moisture in the soil and to prevent fungal diseases from damaging the berries, strawberry beds are mulched with straw or agrofibre. The dream of every summer resident is strawberries, planting and caring for which will not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners. Therefore, you need to choose the right varieties. Firstly, they should bear fruit well in your climate, and secondly, you need to plant several varieties of strawberries on the plot for different periods maturation. Most often, garden strawberries are propagated by daughter rosettes - tendrils. But continuously fruiting varieties do not produce runners. How to plant strawberries in this case?

Video “Growing in the country”

From the video you will learn how to grow strawberries without spending a lot of effort.

Growing strawberries from seeds

Large-fruited strawberry seeds germinate very poorly, so they need to be soaked before planting. To do this, the seeds are placed between two damp cotton pads, the resulting “sandwich” is placed in a transparent plastic container with small holes for ventilation and left warm for 2 days. To harden the seeds for the next 2 weeks, place them in the refrigerator. Every day the container must be opened to ventilate and control the moisture content of the cotton pads. When the seeds hatch, they can be sown. Simultaneously with soaking, soil preparation occurs. It should be light and crumbly, but not fertilized. It is better to take garden and forest soil and add sand.

To disinfect, the resulting mixture is heated in the oven for 15-20 minutes and left for 2 weeks to wait for the seeds to grow and beneficial bacteria to grow.

Seeds can be planted in boxes and peat pots filled with soil and moistened with a spray bottle. It is convenient to use tweezers for planting. The seeds are not sprinkled on top, but lightly compacted, and the boxes are covered with film. Shoots will appear after 7-14 days. After the onset of stable heat, strawberries are planted in open ground, by which time they will have formed 3-4 true leaves.

Site preparation

First, you have to choose a good site so that planting and caring for strawberries is not in vain. It should be flat or with a slight (no more than 5 degrees) slope to the south or west. From the north, the selected location should be protected from the winds by trees or buildings. You can use beds after onions, garlic, carrots, beets, radishes, dill or parsley. Strawberries planted after raspberries, potatoes or tomatoes can be affected by their common enemies - late blight or wireworm. Before planting strawberries, the bed is thoroughly cleared of weeds. When is the best time to plant strawberries depends on the propagation method you choose. In August, reproduction is carried out by whiskers. In spring and early summer - seedlings. If you decide when to plant strawberries - in spring or autumn, then you need to prepare the bed in advance. At spring planting

the ground is dug up in the fall, adding organic matter (0.5 buckets of humus, 20 g of potassium chloride and 60 g of superphosphate per m2).

If you plan to plant in the fall, then only organic matter should be added to the soil when digging. The bed can be mulched with a small layer of compost to protect it from freezing.

How to plant correctly Before planting strawberries, planting material must be carefully sorted, removing diseased and weak plants. Good seedling

has a root collar of at least 6 mm in diameter and a fibrous root of at least 7 cm. But here’s how to plant strawberries correctly - the seedlings are lowered into a previously prepared hole so that the upper bud (dew point) is located exactly at the level of the ground surface, after which the hole is filled up and compacts.

Planting methods

How to plant our strawberries correctly - 4 planting methods:

Video “Growing on agrofibre”

From the video you will learn how to properly grow strawberries on agrofibre. Many gardeners have had the opportunity to see from their own experience that autumn is the best time

  • strawberries planted in the fall will get stronger over the winter and will bear fruit in the summer;
  • autumn soil is warmed up summer months, so it will be easier for the bushes to take root in a new place.

The first advantage is decisive, because if strawberries are planted in the spring, the likelihood of the crop ripening is very small. Only special varieties can produce fruits, which can be ordered and purchased in garden stores. And after a long winter, when the body lacks vitamins, you want to quickly get a harvest of sweet and healthy berries. That is why it is better to target planting dates for autumn.

When the optimal time for planting strawberries in the ground has been determined, every gardener should remember several important rules and features of this process. Although planting strawberries is not difficult, doing them will give best result and a rich harvest in the summer.

The best time to plant sweet berry bushes is from the end of August to the end of September. This is the period when the main summer heat is already subsiding, but the weather is still warm. After planting, the strawberry seedlings will still have time to take root in the new soil, grow stronger and gain strength for wintering.

At the beginning of August it is still too hot for planting new tubers; it will be difficult for them to adapt to this temperature, although some varieties are designed specifically for early landing. At the end of September the weather is still warm, but if you plant strawberries in late autumn, the first cold and wind of October can have a bad effect on the seedlings, or even kill them. For late landing only some are suitable resistant varieties strawberries that are adapted to low outdoor temperatures. It’s better not to take risks or experiment with ordinary tubers.

The best time of day to plant strawberries in the fall

The most suitable time of day for planting strawberries is evening. The soil must first be moistened and fertilized. The best fertilizer for the soil in which strawberries will grow is humus. Depending on the condition of the soil and its depletion, you can add up to 5 kg of fertilizer per square meter of land. A larger amount of humus can negatively affect the adaptation of the root system of tubers.

The setting evening sun will not scorch the seedling leaves until the morning, and the evening humidity in the air will give the tubers an opportunity to better get used to their new location. When the bush is planted in wet soil, it should also be watered from above to compact the soil. The next time the young plants can be watered a day later, the next evening, but only if the day is hot and dry. Excessive amounts of water can cause root rot.

Rules for planting strawberries in autumn

Usually obtained after clearing the area where the berries previously grew. Experts recommend changing the place where strawberries are grown at least once every four years, and preferably every three. Young bushes that have grown from shoots of an old planting are suitable for planting. Having given them the opportunity to strengthen and strengthen the root system, you can dig them up and prepare them for planting in a new place. It is best if the bushes lie for several days in a cool and damp place before planting.

The ideal strawberry bed consists of three rows of bushes arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between the bushes is maintained at approximately 30-40 cm. This will not only allow each root system to grow and develop in its own earthen space, but will also simplify the care of the seedlings, as well as harvesting.

Strawberries are planted in holes at a sufficient depth to the point where a new shoot is formed. This will increase the likelihood that the roots will not freeze when winter arrives. Abundant regular watering will ensure moisture penetration into the entire root system. To further help the soil retain moisture, the beds should be loosened after each watering.

If strawberries are being planted on a plot of soil for the first time, and there are no young seedlings of your own, they can be purchased at the market or in a specialized garden store. Consultants can advise when it is best to plant strawberries and give their arguments in favor of autumn planting. Experts will also advise you on the characteristics and requirements of each strawberry variety and recommend rules for caring for strawberries. Choosing suitable variety berries, you can immediately find out how large they are, when the first fruits appear, what diseases can most often affect them.

If you want to purchase and plant several varieties of strawberries, you need to understand that they will have to be planted at a distance from each other. Otherwise, pollination of the plants will occur within a year, and next summer the berries will be the same from both areas of the planted bushes.

Autumn care for strawberries after planting

To confidently leave strawberry bushes in the ground throughout the winter, you need to prepare them for the cold and help them grow strong. To do this you need to do a few simple steps:

  • firstly, strawberries should be fertilized in the fall; nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are used for this - microelements that will help the plant to be strong and produce a good harvest in the summer;
  • secondly, strawberry bushes need to be covered with a layer of leaves or coniferous branches for the winter; this will not only protect the seedlings from frost, but will also allow more snow to remain in the garden bed and moisten the ground when it melts.

Autumn planting of strawberries allows you to immediately provide the bushes with optimal conditions for their growth and strengthening. And correctly chosen planting dates will make it possible to calmly complete everything preparatory work by winter and get a good harvest of sweet berries in the summer.

If a gardener still doubts when it is best to plant strawberries, you can consult with experienced gardeners. Usually neighbors in the country like to share not only their experience and advice, but also good healthy seedlings. By purchasing bushes for planting in this way, you can immediately see what kind of berries you will get in the summer harvest. Although your own experience and skills in planting strawberries will become the main argument in the gardener’s future work.

Strawberries grow in one place for several years in a row. Soil preparation requires special attention, because from the preliminary proper preparation The yield of berries depends.

First you need to select a site. It should be a level area with good sunlight. Indeed, due to the lack of sufficient quantities solar lighting, there will be a bad strawberry harvest. And one more drawback: in the shade there is often excess moisture, various fungal diseases on leaves and roots.

The type of soil on the site can be any. However, strawberry bushes will not grow where the soil is sandy or clayey. There are reasons for this. Sandy soils are less saturated with useful substances, and plant roots dry out faster and overheat. Clay soil– dense, poorly permeable to air, which saturates the roots with oxygen and suffers from excess moisture. Plants stop growing. To improve the quality of the soil, it is necessary to add fertilizer - humus, which will make the soil loose.

You should also pay attention to the acidity of the soil. If the soils are acidic, then they need to be fertilized: add organic fertilizer, and for soil with a large amount of alkalis, fertilizer containing minerals is applied.

When choosing a location for garden strawberries, you also need to take into account the groundwater level, whether there are places where water can stagnate. To mitigate this factor, it is necessary to do drainage, but so that the ground is neither dry nor wet.

You should also remember that strawberries cannot be planted twice in the same place. It is not recommended to replant it where tomatoes, potatoes, and cabbage used to grow. She will feel more comfortable after eating onions, garlic, carrots, pumpkin, and peas.

So, the next step is to prepare the land for seedlings. It is necessary to pull out all the weeds and other weeds that grow on your plantation. You especially need to remove thistles, reeds, and wheatgrass (they take all the beneficial substances from the ground and plants). To do this, the entire area is dug up several times, and all weeds with roots are removed by hand. You can also treat the area for future strawberries with a herbicide, for example, Roundup, Tornado. After two weeks the grass should die.

Next, we prepare the soil: add organic fertilizer (gypsum, lime). The area is dug up and leveled as far as possible. After all, loose soil contributes to the rapid adaptation of seedlings to a new place and their rapid growth.

An important step is planning the planting of strawberries. For example, single rows or double, tapes.

To ensure that the row of strawberries is even, pegs are hammered at both ends and a rope is pulled.

Now you can start planting strawberry seedlings.

Rules for planting strawberries

What are the planting methods?

Strawberry seedlings are planted in the ground in several ways. Gardeners use single-row and double-row.

The principle of planting in a single row is that the distance between the ribbons is 60-70 cm, and the seedling bushes in a row are planted from each other at a distance of approximately 15-20 cm. Single-row planting is used when the bushes are planted in the ground in spring or autumn. Indeed, in the first year, garden strawberries practically do not bear fruit, but produce tendrils that fill the free space in the rows.

Double-row planting is more effective; it is great for summer, since as many seedlings as possible are planted on one piece of land, and you can eat the berries almost the same year they are planted. The distance between ribbons is 70 cm, between lines 30 cm, and seedlings are planted 15-20 cm apart.

Another method that is used is planting seedlings in beds. It is great for areas where there is standing water. The location of the beds is from south to north, two rows of seedlings are planted along the edges, and in the middle the paths (approximately 30 cm wide) remain empty.

Many gardeners use compacted planting of strawberry bushes. This is done in order to remove in the spring all the seedlings that did not bloom in the first year. After the diseased bushes are pulled out, there will be room for the rest of the plants to grow normally.

The main thing is to be on time

There are no strict deadlines for planting strawberries. It can be planted in spring, autumn, and summer. But you need to take into account the nuances of a particular time of year.

Spring. At this time of year, it is recommended to plant seedlings as early as possible, with the start of work in the field, in early April. The main thing is not to miss this moment. If strawberry bushes are planted later than expected, in May, then the pace of their development will be slow. You can’t delay planting dates. In spring, seedlings are immediately planted in open ground.

Summer. With the right approach to planting strawberries, you will be able to pick the berries within a year. It is better to plant it after rain or in cloudy weather, so it will be easier for it to take root. Recommended additional watering, then it is necessary to mulch the soil, i.e. loosen it to avoid the appearance of a crust on the surface.

Autumn is the most positive time of year for planting seedlings. It is best to do this from August 20 to September 15, but the timing is tentative, it all depends on the climate of the region in which planting is planned. But it is advisable to do it before the first frost.

Regardless of the season, before planting strawberries, it is necessary to prepare the seedlings: treat the root system from different insects(use a solution copper sulfate). Immediately before planting the bushes, the roots are straightened. They sit in an upright position, long ones are deliberately cut off.

Which growing method should I choose?

Typically, strawberries are grown in two ways: in greenhouses and open ground . Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, first, it must be prepared. The soil is loosened and compacted to allow oxygen to enter. Then watering is needed, and only after planting occurs.

Strawberries planted in greenhouses under film will ripen earlier than those growing on the ground. This method is suitable for early. Film tunnels are assembled already in April. They need to be ventilated, loosened the soil, watered warm water. You definitely need a thermometer to monitor the temperature. At temperatures above 25 °C, the film is removed for a day. In autumn, strawberries are covered with straw or leaves from trees. Fertilizer is applied: peat or compost.

In addition, strawberries are still growing in vertical rows. This method resembles steps, tiers. It is great for small areas. Special containers resembling a pyramid are placed at a distance of 10 cm from each other. To fill them, use a peat mixture, humus, and turf soil. When it freezes, the containers are removed and covered with agrofibre, leaves, and peat. During frosts, strawberries are also covered with snow.

When growing strawberries under agrofibre, you can harvest a few weeks earlier. Agrofibre retains temperature and protects from wind and frost.

Strawberries are also grown in plastic bags. Pre-prepared soil is poured into the bag, and seedlings are planted in the holes. Then they are tied to the ceiling.

How to properly care for strawberries

Watering strawberries

Watering strawberries directly depends on what the weather dictates to us. The frequency of watering is determined by the dryness of the soil. Optimal time Watering will be early in the morning. The leaves become dry in the evening. While there are no flowers yet, the plants are watered with a watering can. Watering resembles a light rain; with its help, dust is washed off from the leaves.

In hot weather, it is recommended to water strawberries once every seven days, pouring water in an amount of 10 to 25 liters per square meter. m. With the appearance of fruits, the frequency of watering is reduced. Warm water is used for irrigation, the temperature is approximately 20 degrees. Watering cold water may affect seedling growth.

When the first flowers appear, water is poured onto the ground, avoiding getting on the bushes. Do not pour water on the berries, as they may begin to rot.

We destroy weeds

Weed control still needs to begin before seedlings are planted. But there are weeds that continue to clog the plants, taking away moisture and nutrients. It is necessary to constantly weed both throughout the entire period of ripening of the crop and after it. This must be done 8 times. The depth of loosening is about 10 cm. It is better to remove the root system of weeds from the ground and throw them away.

On large areas planted with strawberries, herbicides are used to get rid of grass and weeds. It is recommended to spray them 14 days before the intended planting.

Another way to combat this is to plant buckwheat; it makes the soil more fertile and helps get rid of weeds. Then they sow some winter crops, and only the next year they plant them with strawberries.

Pest control

There are not many pests on strawberries, but they require immediate treatment. Plants are processed before flowers appear or after picking berries.

The main pests include:

  1. The mite is transparent. It affects the leaves, they become yellow and the berries themselves become small. Treated with karbofos after harvesting.
  2. Nematodes. They live in the leaves, they completely infect the plant: the leaves become dark in color, the strawberries do not grow. Infected bushes are pulled out.
  3. Other pests include strawberry beetles, weevils, and whiteflies. They get rid of them with the help of karbofos, aktar.
  4. Snails and slugs. They have a detrimental effect on berries.
  5. To prevent ants, sprinkle the soil with soda.

Pest control should begin in the fall, with soil treatment and disinfection. An excellent way is to mulch the soil with a film, getting rid of all weeds. It is necessary to promptly remove dry leaves and monitor soil moisture.

I’ll say right away, success good harvest depends on the quality of the strawberry seedlings or seedlings that you plant on your site, starting a bed of garden strawberries. Therefore, great attention should be paid to purchasing seedlings and caring for plantings. You can buy strawberry seedlings or you can grow garden strawberries yourself. Here we will look at the first option. How to choose strawberry seedlings? What should it look like?

Strawberries (strawberries) one year

We are used to calling garden strawberries strawberries; their correct botanical name is garden large-fruited strawberries. But I will use both of these names, don’t let the botanists be offended by me.

So, you have decided to plant a garden strawberry bed. I advise you not to save on buying strawberry seedlings. I don’t urge you to choose what is more expensive. Of course not. Take a close look at what you are going to buy.

Which strawberry seedlings to choose

Most often, seedlings or seedlings of strawberries (strawberries) with an open root system are sold on the market. But you don’t know when they were dug out of the ground. The roots could have dried out and were moistened with water before selling. It all depends on the integrity of the seller. Having planted such strawberry seedlings, you will see that not all of the plants have taken root. That is, it was not possible to save money, but on the contrary, not only money was lost, but also mood. So how to understand the seedlings, buy strawberry seedlings so that they take root. How to plant strawberries?

Strawberry bush is well developed

A good strawberry seedling bush should have at least 3 leaves - one in its infancy and two well-developed. It is advisable that the strawberry seedlings have a lump of damp soil. Then we can hope that it will take root.

There is one more a good option– purchase seedlings or strawberry seedlings, which will be dug out of the ground in front of you. Prepare a box or other container where you will put the dug up strawberry bushes. Pour some soil onto the bottom, moisten it, and carefully place the seedlings on top. This is a guarantee of 100% survival rate.

Strawberry bush before planting

It is best to buy strawberry seedlings in cups or containers in specialized gardening stores. Usually these are annual seedlings. The roots should be at least 5 cm long, and the bushes should have at least 2-3 well-developed leaves. Of course, the leaves of garden strawberry seedlings should be healthy in appearance, not limp, without damage, without any stains. When choosing seedlings, pay attention to ensure that the strawberries have well-developed leaves and a healthy central bud.

Planting seedlings - how to plant strawberries so that they take root?

It all depends on what kind of seedlings, or rather, in what form you purchased them:

  • if she is in plastic cup, then an hour and a half before planting, water it generously;
  • if you bought strawberry seedlings in a peat pot, then immerse them together with the pot in water for 1-1.5 minutes so that the pot is completely wet;
  • if you brought home bushes with an open root system, then they must be kept in a solution of HB-101 (3 drops per 1 liter of water).

Let's look at how to plant strawberries, or rather seedlings or seedlings, correctly.

Remove the clod of soil with roots from the cup. Pay attention to the length of the roots. Most often, the roots occupy the entire volume, and at the bottom of the glass, along the walls, they twist in a spiral. These roots will not develop further during transplantation. They will die off sooner or later. But the plant will spend energy on this process, so they need to be trimmed, leaving a length of no more than 5-8 cm. Before pruning, rinse the roots in water. Also trim off the dead roots; they will be yellowish-brown in color.

That is, I do not recommend planting strawberry seedlings together with a lump of earth. The roots there will be twisted and twisted - they must be carefully straightened, sorted out, shortened, and dead and half-rotten ones must be removed. Soak the roots of the seedlings in a solution of growth stimulator NV-101 or a solution of Heteroauxin (Kornevin). A few minutes are enough while you prepare the holes for planting strawberries.

When placing the strawberry plant in the hole, spread out the roots. First, place a small mound about 5-6 cm high at the bottom of the hole. On top of this mound you need to “put” a bush of seedlings, spreading the roots along its cone so that they are directed downward. While covering the roots with soil, hold the “heart” of the bush. The “heart” is the place from which the leaves grow. It should remain above the surface of the earth. It cannot be buried, otherwise it will rot and the strawberry bush will die. But the roots should not be visible, otherwise the bush will simply dry out.

Planting strawberry seedlings

Water the planted bush, lightly press the soil around it with your palms to remove voids from under the ground - all roots should be in contact with the ground, there should be no air spaces around the roots. Sprinkle loose soil on top.

Strawberry seedlings planted in this way will take root well and will easily tolerate transplantation.

Sometimes I don’t have time to build mounds or straighten roots. I dig a hole deeper, fill it to the top with water, immerse the roots of the bush there, holding the plant by the heart. With my other hand I gradually add soil into the hole with water. The most important thing here is not to bury the heart of the bush or, conversely, not to pull it too high.

When to plant seedlings, strawberry seedlings

There are two favorable periods for planting strawberries. Spring and autumn. In the Kuban spring, strawberries are planted in March-April (in middle lane- in May). In the fall, the best time for this is September-October (in the middle zone - August). Frosts are possible in early spring, so the bed with planted seedlings must be covered with covering material. Properly planted seedlings take two weeks to take root. After this, the cover can be removed.

Now the most important thing is that the seedlings take root and are ready to survive the hot summer or cold winter.

What do strawberries like? She loves light, loose soil. Root system It is superficial, so you need to loosen the soil very carefully. In Kuban the soil is heavy, black soil. It would be ideal to use mulch on strawberry beds. Then she doesn’t need any loosening. The soil under the mulch is always loose. Moisture is also retained well. The berries are always clean, even after rains.

Soil for strawberries

Of course, strawberries, like any garden culture, loves fertile soil. There are two options to make the soil fertile for it:

  • when preparing the beds,
  • when planting in a hole.

When you start a strawberry bed, add organic matter - rotted manure, compost - at the rate of 2-3 buckets per 1 square meter. meter.

You can add organic matter directly into the hole when planting seedlings. Prepare the following mixture in advance:

  • 1 bucket of soil from the garden,
  • 1 bucket of compost,
  • 1 bucket of rotted horse or cow manure (if there is no manure, you can mix a bucket of compost with 2 liters of biohumus), 2 cups of wood ash.

By the way, granular organic fertilizer based on poultry, horse, cow dung Organavit. You can use it if you have trouble with organic matter, but follow the dosage as indicated in the instructions.

Holes for planting strawberries - seedlings or seedlings, if you add organic matter there, should be dug deeper and wider: 25x25x25 cm. I usually use the soil from the holes to prepare the mixture that I described above.

For the last two years I have become interested in green manure. I have a large plot - almost 15 acres. Of these, 1.5-2 acres are occupied by wild strawberries, although I have them planted in small clearings scattered throughout the dacha. Of course, processing such an area requires a lot of effort and time. So, along the perimeter of my plot I sow in early spring, as soon as the soil allows, mustard and phacelia. When they throw out color, I cut off the green mass and place it on the beds with strawberries, between the plants. I assure you this is best fertilizer for strawberries.

How to choose a place for strawberry seedlings

What else do strawberries love? She loves a lot of light. Choose a sunny, open place for strawberries. Place the rows in a north-south direction.

Grandma, again you missed the biggest one

By the way, I noticed that if strawberry bushes grow in a partially shaded place, for example, under a solid fence, then the berries ripen later, planted on sunny place. They are larger, but there are not many of them. I still leave these bushes - I love watching my granddaughter, who “suddenly” finds a berry and begins to “educate” me that I forgot about this strawberry and, if not for her, the strawberry would have disappeared.

Modern varieties of garden strawberries (strawberries) form large bushes. When buying seedlings, pay attention to what size they will be mature plant. Therefore, when planting seedlings, leave a distance of 30 to 50 cm between plants, taking into account, of course, the characteristics of the variety, as well as the fact that over time the bush will increase in volume.

Gardeners practice single-row, two- or even three-row planting - in which plants are planted in a checkerboard pattern. There is also carpet planting of garden strawberries, when bushes are planted simply in clearings. But in any case, it is advisable to maintain a distance between bushes of 30-50 cm (taking into account the characteristics of the variety).

Everyone chooses the option that suits them best.

Strawberries, like any plant, need moisture. It is especially necessary for plants

  • during the leaf growth period,
  • during the flowering period,
  • during berry ripening
  • after harvest (August, September) - during bud formation.

And also, be sure to water your strawberries during the dry fall. Before winter, strawberries should grow in moist soil.