Growing early cabbage in open ground. Collection and storage. The best varieties and modern hybrids

As we said earlier, growing cabbage begins with choosing varieties and the right seeds. Most of the space on the plot should be allocated to late-ripening cabbage. It is stored for a long time and is suitable for eating all winter and spring. If you follow the sowing dates and take into account the characteristics of your region, you will be able to eat fresh cabbage almost all year round. For example, in the Urals it will not be possible to grow cabbage using the seedless method - it will not have time to reach technical maturity. In other regions, it is permissible to plant cabbage using both seedlings and the non-seedling method.

Cabbage is cold-resistant plant, however, if the temperature is too low, the plants will die.

Cabbage: growing and care

Cabbage is a rather capricious vegetable. It does not grow everywhere, is susceptible to many diseases and pests, and if the varieties are chosen incorrectly, the harvest will be weak. Growing cabbage in open ground requires considerable time investment. And it will take a lot of strength!

Preparing a place for cabbage should begin in the fall. The soil is fertilized with manure or rotted straw, dug up, and freed from weeds. In the spring, you should additionally fertilize the cabbage bed with peat and wood ash. Many summer residents fertilize their beds with manure in the spring. But if it is too fresh, the plants may suffer. For 1 square meter, take about 2 cups of ash and one bucket of peat. The components can be thoroughly mixed, which reduces preparation time. Now the ground needs to be dug up.

Soil acidity

For planting cabbage, you should choose flat, light areas without shading. The soil should be soft, light, well fertilized with humus and always slightly acidic. To test the acidity of the soil, you can use special devices - they are always available in specialized stores and markets. An acidity of 6.7-7.4 units is considered optimal for the growth and development of cabbage. If this indicator is less, then the Ph of your soil is too high: the plants will get sick, grow and develop poorly, and produce a small harvest. By the way, beets and cabbage suffer most from high acidity.

The first sign of high soil acidity is the presence of a large amount of horsetail in the area. Buttercups, pikulnik, whiteweed and other weeds actively grow in such areas.

The most common lime helps reduce acidity. You need to apply it in the fall, dig up the area and in the spring it will be ready for planting cabbage. If the acidity is high and you do not reduce it, the plants will suffer from clubroot and other diseases.

Predecessors of white cabbage

Cabbage cannot be grown in one place for more than two years, although some summer residents do this for three or five years. In such cases, plants often get sick, are affected by pests and clubroot, and productivity inevitably drops.

Cabbage grows well after legumes and grains. Most often it is planted after beans and peas. If cabbage is planted after onions or garlic, the plants will get sick much less. Precursors such as cucumbers, root vegetables and potatoes are allowed.

By the way, in agriculture The principle of tops and roots works amazingly. Alternate planting of vegetables depending on the type. For example, one year plant root crops (potatoes, beets, carrots), and in the next season give this place to plants that produce tops (cabbage, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.).

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Seedlings are planted in pre-prepared beds. Early varieties cabbage should be planted only after the leaves on the birch trees reach the size of a penny. If planted earlier, there is a high probability that the plants will suffer from the cold.

Remember that seedlings should have up to 5-8 true leaves. If there are fewer of them, the plant has not yet become stronger and will take a long time to recover after transplantation. If it is more, it will not form a head of cabbage and will show an arrow. The seedlings should be a little lethargic so that they do not break when planted.

The cabbage planting scheme depends on the ripening period and variety. Early ripening varieties can be safely planted every 50 cm in the length of the bed and about 30 cm in width. The plants form small heads, so they do not require much space. Mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties are giants, and therefore between them you need to leave about 65 cm in length and about 50-70 in width. The distance can be reduced only in one case - if you plant cabbages in beards. The harvest will be large if you water the plants in a timely manner.

Early varieties of cabbage for consumption in late July - August must be planted in the ground with seedlings no later than April 20. For an earlier harvest, you need to take care of planting even earlier and plant seedlings before April 10. To prevent it from catching a cold and dying, each plant can be covered with pruned plastic bottle. Late cabbage varieties can be planted until June 10.

When planted, plants are buried down to the first true leaf. When watering, do not forget to cover the puddle of water with dry soil. This must be done to prevent crusts from forming on the surface of the soil.

Caring for cabbage is simple. It consists of systematic loosening, watering and weed removal. Plants need to be hilled 2-3 times per season. Adding soil to the roots will cause the growth of additional roots, and the heads of cabbage will be larger.

As cabbage grows, it requires more and more moisture. The balance of moisture in the soil must always be maintained. If there is too much water, the heads of cabbage will begin to crack. We will deliberately not indicate watering norms. Plants have the same moisture consumption, of course, but the rate at which the soil clod dries out depends on the type of soil. In peaty areas, moisture can remain for 5 days, but in sandy areas it will disappear by morning.

To speed up the growth of cabbage, fertilize the plants regularly. Feed the plants with mineral fertilizers for the first time 10 days after planting. After another three weeks, add potassium chloride to the fertilizer.

Sometimes cabbage is fed with a ten-day infusion of mullein. The measure is very effective, increases productivity, but only a small part of summer residents will be able to find manure.

Cabbage should be harvested as the heads ripen. Make sure they don't start to crack. The more carefully and carefully you remove the heads of cabbage, the longer they will be stored. Late varieties of cabbage can be left on the site until the first serious frost. If the varieties are bitter, then a light frost will eliminate this defect. In this case, the plants themselves will not be harmed.


Planting cabbage is an important and special process for every gardener. After all, white cabbage is an integral part of our diet. all year round. Without it, it is impossible to imagine cabbage soup or borscht, as well as summer salads and a pantry shelf. Therefore, it is extremely important for the cabbage harvest to be a success, and for this you need to know the basic rules for planting white cabbage, providing it with appropriate care.

Before you start planting cabbage, you must first figure out what kind of vegetable you want to get - early ripeness for fresh summer salads or later, with stronger leaves for. After all, the final choice of variety will depend on this. In the first case, it is worth giving preference to varieties June, Golden hectare, Gift. But they are perfect for pickling Amager, Türkiz, Geneva and mid-season Anniversary. Regarding sowing dates early cabbage, then it starts from the first days of March and ends on the twentieth. The mid-season variety is grown from April 25, and the late variety - from the beginning of April to the middle of the month.

White cabbage

If you have already decided on the variety and planting time, all you have to do is prepare the soil. First of all, it needs to be fertilized. Wood ash and humus will help you with this. Their quantity is one tablespoon per kilogram of soil. The composition of ash is a natural antiseptic that prevents the formation of blackleg on cabbage seedlings. In addition to humus, other natural components, such as peat, can be an excellent fertile base. The main thing is that in the end the soil should be loose and allow air to pass through well. But it is not recommended to use garden soil for seedlings, especially if other sacral crops were previously grown on it.

Remember, such soil can be very dangerous for young seedlings due to the high probability of diseases and pests accumulated in it, even if the vegetable is provided with maximum care. If you do not have time to prepare a nutritional mixture, you can use ready-made complex fertilizer Kemira Lux, adding it in the required quantity according to the instructions. Before planting seeds in the ground, they must be warmed up. For these purposes, use water heated to 50 degrees. The seeds are dipped in it for a quarter of an hour, after which they are dipped in cool water for another five minutes. Such cold and hot shower increases resistance to the development of fungal diseases.

And to further strengthen the plant’s immunity and enhance its growth, special stimulants are used - Humates, Silk, Epin. It is recommended to soak the seeds in them for several hours. Before doing this, carefully read the instructions; soaking is not necessary for growing some varieties. Next, water the soil for sowing generously, deepen the seeds literally 1 cm and sprinkle them with soil. To ensure that cultivation takes place as intensively as possible, the soil is covered with film. This way, excess moisture will not evaporate. After this, we do not water the soil until the first shoots appear, while maintaining a constant temperature of 20 degrees.

If you did everything correctly, then already on the fifth day after planting the seeds, the first shoots should appear. As soon as this moment has arrived, we remove the film and also create new ones for the seedlings. temperature conditions– 6-10 degrees. We maintain this temperature regime until the first real leaf appears. Usually it takes no more than a week. When the first leaf begins to grow, raise the temperature to 14-18 degrees. During this period, the seedlings should be provided with maximum care, in particular a good flow of fresh air, while protecting them from drafts.

Young cabbage seedlings

In order for the plant to grow successfully, a sufficient amount of sunlight is necessary. Daylight hours for cabbage should be at least 12-15 hours. In greenhouse conditions this can be achieved through the use of fluorescent lamp. As for watering, it should be balanced, avoid drought and waterlogging. Do not forget to loosen the soil for better air penetration to the roots. And in order to increase the plant’s immunity during the period intensive growth seedlings, a week after the appearance of the first shoots, water it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate, at the rate of three grams of substance per 10 liters of water.

After two weeks after the appearance of the first shoots and true leaves, a pick is made, which consists of transplanting the seedlings into separate cups. About an hour before such a transplant, the seedlings are watered abundantly, then the soil is allowed to dry a little, and then the seedling is carefully removed along with the earthen lump. In order for it to take root better in the new soil, its root is shortened by a third of its length. The best foundation A peat-humus mixture will be used for replanting. However, you can start growing seeds in individual containers and further caring for them from the very beginning. In this case, the likelihood of injury to the root system of the seedling decreases.

After picking, hardening begins, that is, preparing the plant for natural conditions growing. So, in the first 2 days in the room where the seedlings are growing, open the window for 3-4 hours, while observing measures to protect it from drafts. Then, for a couple of hours a day, the pots with seedlings are placed in direct sunlight, not forgetting to cover the fragile seedlings with gauze. After about a week, watering is reduced, gradually preparing it for the next transplant into open ground.

Before you start planting seedlings in open ground, you should understand the appropriate one. Growing is especially good of this plant close to groundwater. But the swampy and acidic soils Can't stand cabbage. The best option The soil is considered slightly acidic. If the acidity is higher, be sure to do liming. However, soil fertility criteria also depend on the early maturity of the variety. Early and mid-ripening varieties of white cabbage are considered the least whimsical, which cannot be said about late-ripening crops. Therefore, for the first and second options, growing on loamy and sandy soils is quite suitable, and for the last one, loamy and clayey soil.

White cabbage seedlings

Moreover, to achieve high productivity late ripening varieties this will also not be enough. Care must be taken to introduce organic and mineral fertilizers. The most whimsical in this regard hybrid varieties late ripeness. To get a high yield, you will need to apply fifty percent more mineral fertilizers than usual. It is also important to follow agricultural cultivation techniques. In particular, this applies to the place where seedlings are planted. You should not choose areas where cabbage crops previously grew (turnips, radishes, kohlrabi, turnips, rutabaga, white mustard). Before such areas can be used again, at least 3 years must pass.

Preparing the area for planting cabbage should be planned in advance. In the first autumn days, dig up the soil thoroughly, but do not try to level it. Thanks to digging and unevenness, moisture will be able to saturate the soil well in winter. But in the spring, after the snow melts, carefully level the top layer of soil for rapid evaporation excess moisture. Soon after the first buds, weeds will appear on the trees. They must be uprooted and burned.

Depending on the ripeness of cabbage, the very moment when it needs to be planted in open ground is determined. For example, planting of early cabbage occurs when the seedlings have the first 5-7 leaves and their height reaches 12-20 cm, and mid-season and late cabbage - when there are 4-6 leaves and a height of 15-20 cm. Planting of early cabbage is planned for the beginning of May, mid-season varieties - at the end of May-mid-June, and late varieties - in the middle and end of June. To make it comfortable for vegetables to grow in a personal plot, a certain planting pattern is also followed:

  • for hybrid and early varieties – 30x40 cm;
  • for mid-season varieties – 50×60 cm;
  • For late varieties white cabbage – 60×70 cm.

Planting cabbage in the garden

Such indicators are the most optimal. Plantings should not be too dense; growing cabbage requires free space and good access to sunlight, so in this case The planting pattern is extremely important. The holes for planting seedlings should be deep enough, approximately the height of a shovel, because mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as other fertilizers. As for the width of the hole, it should be slightly larger than the size of the earthen ball of seedlings.

In each cavity we place two handfuls of humus or manure, a handful of sand or peat, and also 50 g wood ash and 1 tsp. nitrophoska. Lightly mix all these fertilizers and pour plenty of water on them so that they react with each other. If you are planting in sunny weather, leave the soil to dry out, this is especially advisable when using manure. This way the earth will warm up enough and will promote the rapid growth of white cabbage.

Sprinkle a layer of fertilizer on top with a thin layer of soil and plant the seedlings together with a lump of earth in the soil, carefully compact it and lightly press it to the ground so that the roots take the correct direction. If you thought that root system weak or slightly damaged, we recommend lightly dusting the earthen ball before planting Kornevin. This root formation stimulator will help minimize the risk of white cabbage not germinating. At the end, the seedlings need to be watered generously around the area, avoiding getting it on the leaves.

First of all, after planting the seedlings, make sure that they do not bend too much towards the ground. If this still happens after watering, the seedlings need to be seated in place. During the first week, water the seedlings every evening using a watering can with a divider. If there is no frost during the growing period, the cover can be removed at night. Further care will consist of regular watering, loosening the soil, weeding, applying necessary fertilizing and pollination of white cabbage from pests and fungal diseases. And another 21 days after planting, hilling is done, repeating the procedure after 10 days.

Watering cabbage

Due to the fact that the plant loves moisture, maintaining watering is very important. In order for it to remain in the soil longer, it is advisable to water it in the evening. In hot weather, seedlings need to be watered every 2-3 days, and in cloudy weather - once every 5-6 days. After this, be sure to loosen the soil, allowing a flow of fresh air and moisture to better penetrate the root system. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to use soil mulching, lining the seedlings with a layer of peat about 5 cm thick. It simultaneously nourishes the plant and allows it to retain moisture in the soil longer, thus providing maximum care for the plant.

As for fertilizing, they also do not stop after planting in the ground. Ideal solution ammonium nitrate, prepared at the rate of 10 g of substance per 10 liters of water. This amount is enough for 5-6 bushes of white cabbage seedlings. Further care involves fertilizing when the cabbage heads begin to form; do this with a mineral solution consisting of 4 g of urea, 5 g of double superphosphate and 8 g of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.

As you can see, growing white cabbage requires uneven application of fertilizers. At first, it actively needs nitrogen, and during the formation of a head of cabbage, it needs potassium and phosphorus. Besides, proper care and the timely application of such fertilizers will have a beneficial effect not only on a high yield, but also on the plant’s resistance to changes in weather conditions and fungal diseases.

An important point in caring for white cabbage is also the treatment of seedlings from pests. The greatest effectiveness is shown by dusting the leaves with ash with the addition of tobacco dust, with their preliminary treatment with a solution laundry soap. This method helps repel garden slugs and fleas that love to feed on the succulent leaves of the plant. Plus, it's absolutely safe.

Infusion against cabbage pests

Among the others traditional methods, which have proven themselves in eliminating dangerous pests, such as aphids, caterpillars, we extract an infusion from tomato tops. To prepare it, you will need to take 2 kg of tomato tops, pour 5 liters of water into it and leave it to steep for 3-4 hours. After this time, the infusion is allowed to boil for 3 hours and cool slightly. The concentrated infusion is diluted with water in proportions 1:2. In order for such a solution to stick better to the leaves, and therefore have a longer lasting effect, it is worth adding 20-30 g of grated tar soap to it before use.

An infusion of onion peels has similar properties. Will need liter jar husk, which will need to be poured with 2 liters of boiling water and left to steep for two days. At the end of the infusion process, filter the liquid and dilute it with an equal amount of water, and for better stickiness, add two tablespoons of liquid soap.

Gardeners fight other cabbage pests, such as the larvae of winter cutworms, cabbage flies and chafers, in a simple but very in an effective way- bait. Moreover, it is arranged not for the pests themselves, but for the ants, who are their first enemies. To do this, add a small jar of sweet water, diluting a couple of tablespoons of honey or jam in it. The ants, attracted by such a delicacy, eat the larvae and neutralize their harmful effects on the cabbage. In addition to spraying and ants, you can fight insect pests by planting fragrant aromatic plants. Planting marigolds, sage, cilantro, rosemary, basil, and mint works well to repel aphids, caterpillars, flea beetles and slugs. Take this into account when providing proper care to white cabbage.

White cabbage is one of the leading vegetable crops and is very widely cultivated by gardeners in personal plots. The wild relative of the crop is currently not known for certain.

Biological features

White cabbage is vegetable crop belonging to the Brassica family (Brassicaceae Burnett) and the Cabbage family (Brassica L.) A synonym for the family is called Cruciferae (Cruciferae Jussus).

In the first year of the growing season, the plant develops a stalk-stem. Solid sheets are large in size. Upper and lower leaves, densely located on the stump, intersecting, form a head of cabbage.

Early ripening varieties have a rosette of 10-15 leaves. Mid-season varieties have 20-25 medium-sized petiolate leaves. Late-ripening ones are characterized by the presence of 25-30 long petiolate leaves.

The following year, leafy flowering shoots develop from the stem buds, the height of which does not exceed 150 cm. The inflorescence is represented by a brush. Standard flowers of large sizes. The fruits are long pods. The seed material is round-angular in shape, black with a brown tint. The diameter of the seed does not exceed 2 mm.

The best varieties and modern hybrids

Selection work to develop new, most promising varieties and hybrids of white cabbage are carried out by both Russian and foreign specialists. However, along with new products, some time-tested varieties do not lose their relevance.

Early ripening varieties

Today, according to most gardeners, the following early-ripening varieties of cabbage deserve special attention.

Name Peculiarities Productivity Sustainability indicators
"June" Ultra early ripening variety. Oval-shaped heads of cabbage weighing 1.0-2.5 kg. Used fresh. from 2.0 to 6.0 kg per m² Average resistance to diseases. If harvesting is not done in a timely manner, cracking of the heads of cabbage is observed.
"Transfer-F1" Ripens in a maximum of 120 days. The fruits are round, weighing up to 1.5 kg. up to 6.0 kg per 1 m² Average disease resistance. No tendency to crack.
"Copenhagen Market" Ripens in a maximum of 115 days. The average weight of a ripe vegetable is from 1.5 to 2.5 kg. up to 4.5 kg per 1 m² Average resistance to diseases. High resistance to cracking.
"Ditmarskaya Early" 105-115 days pass before the onset of technical maturity. The weight of the head of cabbage is 1.5 kg. up to 5.5 kg per 1 m² The variety is resistant to mucous and vascular bacteriosis, as well as clubroot.
"Golden hectare-1432" From full germination to harvest – 102-110 days. The fruits are small, about 1.5-2.5 kg. from 5.0 to 8.5 kg per 1 m² Average indicators of disease resistance. Resistant to flowering and drought-resistant.

Mid-season varieties

It is possible to obtain a high yield of medium ripening when growing the following varieties.

Name Peculiarities Productivity Sustainability indicators
"Present" The ripening period is 130 days. The shape of the heads of cabbage is round or flat-round. The weight of the heads is from 2.5 to 4.5 kg. up to 15.0 kg per m²
"Menza F1" After planting the seedlings, it takes 115 days to ripen. The shape of the fruit is round-flat, the stump is very small. Head weight is from 4 to 9 kg. about 15.0 kg per 1 m² Average indicators of disease resistance.
"Slava 1305" No more than 137 days pass from germination to harvest. Head weight is from 4 to 5 kg. up to 12.5 kg per 1 m² Average resistance to diseases. Resistant to mucous bacteriosis.
"Slava Gribovskaya-231" The ripening of heads of cabbage occurs in 125 days. The weight of the fetus ranges from 1.7 to 4.5 kg. up to 9.0 kg per 1 m² Average disease resistance. Quite frequent cracking of heads of cabbage.
"Caporal-F1" Ripens in 90-100 days, forming heads weighing from 2.5 to 5 kg. from 5 to 8.5 kg per 1 m² Highly resistant to drought and heat, not affected by fusarium

Late ripening varieties

Late-ripening varieties are in demand as vegetable products with a long shelf life, as well as in canning.

Name Peculiarities Productivity Sustainability indicators
"Amager" Technical ripeness of heads of cabbage occurs in 129-148 days. The fruits are high density, weighing from 2.3 to 3.6 kg. up to 15.0 kg per m² The variety is moderately resistant to diseases, but is susceptible to vascular bacteriosis.
"Kolobok-F1" Ripening in 115-125 days. The shape of the heads of cabbage is round. The weight of a dense head of cabbage is 2-3 kg. Yield indicators are about 12.0 kg per 1 m² Good resistance to mucous and vascular bacteriosis, various kinds rot, fusarium wilt.
"Valentina-F1" Hybrid for long-term storage and fresh consumption. Full ripening - in 140-180 days. The weight of the head of cabbage is 3.2–3.8 kg. Up to 8.0 kg per 1 m² Resistant to Fusarium wilt.
"Kolobok-F1" The ripeness of heads of cabbage occurs 145–160 days after germination. Weight 4.2 kg. about 8.0–9.0 kg per 1 m² Average disease resistance.
"Biryuchekutskaya138" Approximately 140–170 days until the heads of cabbage are technically ripe. The head of cabbage is flat-rounded, weighing up to 5 kg. about 9.0-10.0 kg per 1 m² The variety is resistant to bacteriosis. The most heat-resistant variety.

Landing rules

Despite the apparent ease of cultivation, this vegetable crop is quite demanding in terms of conditions such as quality soil composition, sowing time seed material, important and correct scheme landings.

How to grow early cabbage (video)

Soil requirements

Soil density is not particularly important. It is the chemical or qualitative composition of the soil that largely determines the yield. The best option is to use a site with very fertile, humus-enriched soil with a neutral pH reaction for planting.

In addition, it is important to comply with the following requirements:

  • the described vegetable should be grown on open areas With good lighting;
  • V autumn period to prepare the planting area, add manure, compost or peat at the rate of 4 kg per 1 m²;
  • in the spring, mineral, phosphorus and potash fertilizers at the rate of 36 g of superphosphate and 18 g of potassium salt or potassium chloride per 1 m²;
  • The pH acidity of the soil should be 6.5-7.5;
  • application of fertilizers must be accompanied by high-quality and deep digging of the soil;
  • you should be very careful about observing crop rotation and grow white cabbage in one area no more than three years;
  • the best predecessors for this vegetable crop are cucumbers, legumes, onions and most root vegetables;
  • The optimal garden crops cultivated before white cabbage cannot be cabbage crops, beets, tomatoes, turnips, radishes, radishes. After growing them, the crop can be returned to the ridges only after 4 years.

Should Special attention pay attention to soil moisture. In addition, sowing seeds and planting seedlings should not be done on sandy soils.

Time for sowing seeds

When cultivating cabbage without seedling method It is possible to preserve the taproot of a vegetable crop, which can be located at a depth of 2 m, where it obtains moisture.

When sowing in open ground, the following terms should be adhered to:

  • early varieties need to be sown from the end of April to mid-May;
  • late varieties need to be sown in the second or third ten days of May;
  • Medium ripening varieties must be sown in the third ten days of May or the first ten days of June.

Summer residents grow a significant part of the seedling material in film greenhouses:

  • seeds early ripening varieties should be sown in the first ten days of March;
  • seed material of late-ripening varieties should be sown from mid-March to mid-April;
  • The last to be sown is mid-season cabbage, which is sown from the last ten days of April to mid-May.

Sowing dates may vary slightly depending on the region of cultivation, as well as weather conditions.

Growing cabbage seedlings

For getting decent harvest you should perform a number of activities listed below.

  • The seeds must pass pre-sowing preparation, which consists of briefly soaking dry seeds in hot water at a temperature of 50 °C.
  • Next, the seed material is cooled and transferred to water with microelements for 12 hours.
  • After preplanting treatment, the seed material is dried and sown according to standard sowing dates.
  • At the stage of forming the first pair of real sheets, the first foliar feeding seedlings with basic microelements.
  • At the beginning of hardening, a second foliar feeding is performed. The leaves are treated with a solution based on 1 tbsp. l. urea and the same amount of potassium sulfate, diluted in a bucket of water. For each seedling, 200 g of the prepared solution should be used.

The seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground beds if they have 4-6 leaves.

Planting scheme

High-quality seedlings of early-ripening varieties should be placed at a distance of 0.35 m. The standard distance when planting late-ripening cabbage is about 0.7 m. When planting seedlings mid-season cabbage it is necessary to focus on a distance of seedlings of 0.6 m from each other.

Features of care

Compliance with agricultural technology is of no small importance for the formation bountiful harvest.

Cabbage: from seedlings to harvest (video)

Fertilizer application

With high-quality pre-planting soil preparation for sowing or planting seedlings, it is necessary to adhere to the following fertilizer application scheme:

  • 14 days after planting, it is necessary to add urea, superphosphates and potassium salt to the soil in a ratio of 1:2:1.5;
  • the second feeding should be carried out during the fruit formation phase. Urea and potassium salt should be used in a ratio of 1.5:1.

The efficiency of fertilizers can be increased by combining fertilizing with watering.

Rules for watering at different stages of development

Cabbage is a very moisture-loving vegetable crop that consumes about 9 cubic meters of water per 100 kg of produce. Irrigation technology is based on taking into account the following factors:

  • significant watering is necessary for the plant during the phases of formation and growth of heads of cabbage;
  • when growing early white cabbage in light soil and climate conditions middle zone in our country, watering should be carried out at least 5-6 times per season;
  • Cultivation of early ripening varieties on soils that are too heavy or dense requires watering 3-4 times per growing season.

The number of waterings when cultivating mid- and late-ripening varieties should be increased by 1.5 times.

Additional types of care

In addition to watering, you should pay attention to the following care measures:

  • performing regular shallow loosening of the soil between the rows;
  • During the loosening process, any weeds in the white cabbage growing area should be removed as thoroughly as possible.

The square cultivation method using mechanical processing involves the first loosening of the soil longitudinally. After half a month, loosening the soil should be carried out in the opposite direction.

Main diseases of cabbage

Timely detection of the disease and proper use of the right drugs for prevention and treatment are the most important principles getting high and stable harvest.

Disease Peculiarities Signs of defeat
Kila Most often, plants become infected in soil that is too wet at the stage of growing seedlings. The plants first wilt slightly, and growths and swellings are recorded on the root system. The diseased plant must be dug up and destroyed. The soil is disinfected with Bordeaux mixture or formaldehyde. The next planting should be carried out no earlier than 5 years.
Fusarium Seedlings are most often affected. The seedling material completely withers or dies. Mature plants reduce the yield and quality of heads of cabbage. Soil treatment with 1% solution Bordeaux mixture. Treatment with hot pepper infusion. Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology and cultivation of disease-resistant hybrids or varieties.
Blackleg Seedlings in greenhouses are more susceptible to damage when crops are thickened and there is insufficient lighting. Darkening of the stem part near the root collar, followed by thinning, which causes curvature and lodging of the stems. Steam treatment, treatment of seed material and soil with fungicides, elimination of waterlogging, compliance with agricultural technology.
White and gray rot By-effect insufficient potassium or phosphorus supplements, as well as neglect of storage conditions. The appearance of weeping, mucous-type spots with a characteristic coating on the leaf plate. Compliance with crop rotation and agricultural technology. Carrying out processing of storage facilities before storing vegetable products.

Pests and methods of controlling them

Quite often, cabbage is affected by the most common pests for any cruciferous crop. The cultivated plant needs protection throughout growing season.

Pest Peculiarities Signs of defeat Methods of treatment and prevention
slugs The pest appears in the last month of spring. The pest eats a huge amount of cabbage green mass. The main method of destroying slugs is to collect them manually, as well as install traps.
flea beetles Small black bugs The appearance of numerous holes on young leaves. Massive pest damage can cause the death of the plant. The use of drugs "Actellik", "Bankol", "Karate", "Decis" and "Bi-58".
cabbage fly A species of short-whiskered dipterans from the family of flower flies, or Anthomyiidae. When plants are damaged, the root system suffers. Cabbage stunts and wilts. If the damage is significant, the plant dies. Systematic treatment weekly with 5.5% DDT or 12% hexachlorane solution.
cabbage moth A species of butterfly from the sickle-winged moth family. An outbreak of mass reproduction of cabbage moth leads to the death of young plants due to damage to the central rosettes. The use of bacterial preparations “Lepidocid”, “Dendrobacillin”, “Bitoxibacilin”, “Dipel” and “Bactospein”.

Early ripening varieties are collected selectively. Cutting is carried out as it matures. To protect the heads of cabbage ready for cutting from cracking, bend them a couple of times in one direction. Mid-season and late varieties must be cut at one time. Heads of cabbage that are intended to be preserved are cut at the most late dates.

How to choose the right cabbage seeds (video)

Reviews and comments

(2 ratings, average: 4,50 out of 5)

Sveta 09.22.2015

Cabbage is sensitive to the climate in which it is stored. Not only temperature is important here, but also humidity: if it is too dry in the cellar or basement, then the cabbage will wither, and if it is too wet, it will begin to rot. I have a good cellar with a hood (pipe), I put late cabbage on wooden shelves, and that’s how it is stored until summer.

Marikha 10/08/2015

My main problems are slug pests and high humidity. If the first problem can be somehow dealt with, then excessive humidity I can not. This summer was rainy and my hair was cracked. Unfortunately, there is no help in this matter.

Alexandrovna 10/14/2015

I found a way to fight slugs - I simply sprinkle salt around the plant. They just burn out from it. But cracked cabbage, yes, is a problem. I’ll try to do it next year as advised in the article.

Olga 02/16/2016

My main problem is cabbage fly. You may not notice it right away, but it lays eggs and the larvae devour the stem from the inside, unnoticed. Seedlings that have already taken root and started to grow die - it’s a shame. And slugs appear in September, in already formed heads of cabbage, when it becomes cooler and more humid. Yes, salt helps with them. Lina 03/02/2017

I only discovered celery last summer. It grows well and does not require care. True, it was leaf celery. Super aromatic and spicy greens. This season I will definitely try to grow root celery. After all, such celery has double benefits - the tuber and greens are edible. The month of March is just the right time to plant it. I hope I can do it.

Elena 03/05/2017

Celery is, indeed, not a difficult vegetable to grow, but the benefits are enormous.
I also, as recommended in the article, plant more than 15 plants at my dacha, and for our family of two, that’s quite enough. We eat celery greens all summer, and tubers the rest of the time.
When preparing dishes, I add celery to almost all first courses and many second courses. The food turns out tasty, aromatic and healthy.

Svetlana 03/05/2017

Celery is a healthy and tasty product. I often go on vegetable diets and not a single salad is complete without celery. Moreover, the product has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and heart function.

Alena 04/24/2017

Nadezhda 12/13/2017

Grown different types cabbage, I decided for myself that I would only plant broccoli: firstly, it is expensive in stores, secondly, it does not require much care, and thirdly, it is very healthy. It is only important to protect from aphids and not to miss the moment of collection, otherwise it will fade.
In general, kohlrabi grew well, but my family didn’t really want to eat it. I liked the Brussels one because it harvested until the frosts. In my opinion, it’s not worth planting white cabbage at all - it’s easier to buy than to waste time and effort on care.

Alexander 08/28/2018

You can't grow good cabbage without good seedlings. Our apartment is shady, so year after year the seedlings turned out to be weak, and as a result, the harvest was often poor. But about ten years ago we started buying high-quality seedlings from the local state farm. It is rooted in a peat cube, strong, healthy, as a result, it does not burn out when sowing, and grows quickly and well. Since then we have had an abundance of cabbage.

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White cabbage is a well-known and widespread vegetable among gardeners and gardeners. I grow almost all of it in my garden plot.

An experienced gardener knows how to grow cabbage and get good harvest. This is possible because he knows how to care for cabbage. Despite the fact that the vegetable is widespread, agricultural cultivation technology has its own nuances and you need to clearly know what cabbage likes when grown.

Cabbage is loved by gardeners not only for its beneficial features, delicate juicy taste, but also for the possibility of obtaining a good harvest with subsequent long-term preservation of heads of cabbage.

The first people to cultivate cabbage were in Egypt. Then she moved to Europe, and from there to Russia. It was consumed fresh and fermented. Cabbage brine was used to restore strength after suffering serious illnesses. The composition contains a lot of vitamin U. This is due to its benefits for the digestive tract. As dietary product used in the fight against excess weight. Used in cosmetology.

Rules for growing cabbage in open ground

The main task for novice gardeners is the question of how to properly grow cabbage in open ground? The set and characteristics of agrotechnical measures will depend on the variety. Early varieties of cabbage will ripen 2-3 months after planting.

You should not expect a late cabbage harvest earlier than 5-7 months. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to grow cabbage in open ground is the recommendation to use seedlings. You can use another method to grow cabbage. We are talking about a seedless option. But it is more applicable for greenhouses.

In order to understand how to grow good cabbage outdoors, you need to know some rules.

  1. The vegetable loves moisture. Planting seedlings should be done in open areas, and the place should be chosen in a lowland
  2. Cabbage loves light. The site is selected with the expectation that the sun will illuminate it all day. If there is not enough light, then by the time of harvest you will only be able to see gorgeous foliage, but not a head of cabbage.
  3. It should be borne in mind that cabbage is loved not only by humans, but also by all kinds of insects. In order to get a good harvest, they will have to fight constantly and painstakingly.
  4. Cabbage cultivation and care involve correct crop rotation. What does it mean? You can plant cabbage in the same place after 3-4 years.

Cabbage cultivation and care in open ground is also associated with the right choice landing places. You can’t plant it where radishes used to be. Doesn't like to be in the garden after turnips and mustard. This is due to their assignment to the same family. Growth and development require the same microelements. Therefore, yields are gradually falling.

Choosing a cabbage variety

If a gardener wants to get a good harvest, he must choose the right variety. The following points must be taken into account:

  1. The region where the vegetable is supposed to be planted in open ground.
  2. The timing at which maturation occurs. You need to know how cabbage reacts to cold, heat, moisture deficiency, and its resistance to various insects.
  3. At what time do they ripen? various varieties. Early ripening species have low yields. The weight of heads of cabbage rarely exceeds 1.5 kg. They are poorly stored and are used mainly for preparing various dishes. Varieties with mid-ripening maturity are used for pickling and salting. They are stored well and can be used for future use. The timing of ripening also determines the time of sowing activities.

Features of agricultural technology

Agrotechnical measures are related to the cost of production and the possibility of obtaining a certain economic effect. This mainly applies to the mass production of cabbage. At the same time, the preparation is underway technological maps. The steps are displayed listing the required operations.

The technological map can also be used for individual cultivation. All work is divided into certain stages. Needs are identified and possible problems. Planning and variety selection go in parallel. The variety will determine the activities under which the cabbage will be grown.

When choosing a variety, pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Harvest time.
  2. Carrying out sowing activities in different time without prejudice to quality characteristics. For example, in the first month of spring, crops are transferred to a greenhouse. In early April, seedlings are placed in open ground under a film cover.
  3. It is determined what size of heads of cabbage is planned to be obtained.
  4. Correct varietal selection to obtain maximum yield in terms of qualitative and quantitative characteristics.
  5. Preservation of crops in the garden. This allows you to extend the cleaning time.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Growing on the balcony

Quality seedlings are required. A box or pot is used for sowing. The seedlings are not picked to prevent damage to the root system.

Prepare a high-quality substrate. The soil from the garden is mixed with sand and peat. Ratio 1:1:1.

Depressions are made in the soil into which the seeds are planted. But first they need to be prepared. The seeds are hardened - this increases resistance to disease. For 15 minutes the seeds are immersed in warm water(55 degrees). Then 4 minutes should visit cold water. After hardening, the material is immersed in a solution of a growth stimulator (humate) for 2 hours. Before processing, you should carefully read the instructions on the package. Individual seeds cannot be soaked.

After immersing the seeds in the soil, a single watering is carried out and covered with film. The next time they are watered after the sprouts appear. The temperature should be 18-22 degrees.

Growing under covering material

Another way to grow cabbage in open ground is to grow it under covering material. You can use black spunbond as it. The main advantage is the absence of weeds. No weeding is required at all.

Another positive point is moisture retention. When grown on spandbond, hilling is not necessary. The soil is dug up and fertilizers are added to it. A film is spread over it. Holes are made in it, soil is removed through them, and sowing is carried out in the resulting hole. After this, the hole is covered with earth and watering is carried out.

Growing in a greenhouse

If in open ground early cabbage produces a harvest in August, then in a greenhouse it can be obtained as early as July. Even a novice gardener can plant vegetables in a greenhouse. Landing takes place in April. Used seedling method. The seedlings must be strong, and they are obtained from high-quality seed material.

Growing seedlings

Early varieties

Before planting seeds, they are checked for germination. The seed is wrapped in cloth and moistened with water. After some time, the germinated seed will swell and hatch. Planting seeds of early varieties of cabbage is carried out in late February.

Mid-season varieties

The seedlings are in pots. The seedlings should not be allowed to overgrow. They grow it for 40-45 days. Such seedlings are grown to obtain an autumn harvest. The seedlings should be strong with a thick stem (approximately 4 mm).

Late ripening varieties

Late-ripening cabbage seedlings in non-Black Earth regions can be grown in open ground. To do this, the seedling boxes are placed in a place protected from the wind. In the first half of April, humus and compost are added to the garden bed. Seeds are planted at the end of April.

Landing in the ground

Cabbage is planted in the ground when the seedlings reach a length of 15 cm and 5-6 true leaves appear on it. Seedlings of late varieties should have a height of 20 cm. Early varieties are planted at the end of April or early May. The planting time for mid-season varieties is shifted by a month. Late cabbage can be planted until the end of May.

Further care

To understand how to care for cabbage in order to get a good harvest, you need to follow certain rules. Caring for cabbage in open ground involves further feeding it.

First feeding

14 days after planting on the beds, the first fertilizing is carried out. You can use fresh chicken manure. It is abundantly diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15.

Second feeding

It is carried out 14 days after the first feeding. It is carried out with mullein. Water is added to it in a ratio of 1:10 and left for 10 days.

Third feeding

It is carried out after fruit set. Use the same infusion.

Important! Fertilizer is poured near the roots. Avoid contact with leaves.

When answering the question of how to care for cabbage in open ground, attention is drawn to the watering procedure. It is carried out in the evening. If the weather is cloudy, then this is done once every 5 days. In hot weather it is necessary to water every two days. After watering, the soil must be loosened.


Two weeks before the expected harvest, watering of vegetables is stopped. Cabbage is harvested along with its rhizome. The collected heads of cabbage are sorted. If they are damaged by pests, they cannot be stored; it is better to ferment them.


Vegetables collected for storage are dried for several days. Cut off the root and place it in the refrigerator or basement.

It may happen that the cabbage is flooded with sediment. In this case, you need to add dry soil and hill up. This event will promote the formation of additional roots on the stem.

Have a good harvest!

Despite its apparent unpretentiousness, cabbage is quite sensitive to changes in growing conditions; sometimes sharp temperature fluctuations or improper watering are enough to jeopardize the death of the entire crop. It is especially important to follow the rules of sowing, growing, and caring for beginning gardeners, because any difficulties or obstacles can deprive you of peace of mind and faith in your life for a long time. own strength. Today we will talk about the difficulties associated with growing cabbage in open ground, and how to overcome them in order to achieve a rich harvest.

Most of us are most familiar with traditional white cabbage, but there are many varieties of this vegetable: cauliflower and broccoli, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, Peking cabbage, Savoy, etc. But most often in Russian gardens you can find white and red varieties.

Video “Planting in open ground”

From the video you will learn how to effectively plant cabbage in open ground.

The main rules for growing in open ground

Growing good cabbage in open ground is actually not as easy as it might seem; the vegetable here faces many dangers, from pests to soil moisture. Factors such as temperature fluctuations or the properties of the soil itself also influence the result. In addition, you should take into account the illumination of the area - it is better to plant cabbage in sunny beds.

Pay attention to what vegetables were the predecessors of cabbage - tomato, radish or beets are not suitable for this. The fact is that these crops deplete the soil as much as possible, as a result of which the cabbage yield will not be at all what you expect.

It is best to plant seedlings in those beds where legumes, potatoes or cucumbers previously grew. The acidity of the soil also does not have the best effect on the harvest - cabbage does not like it, so measures should be taken in advance to reduce the content of acidic substances.

Sowing and caring for seeds

Speaking about how to grow cabbage, first of all it should be noted that sowing seeds directly into the garden bed is categorically not encouraged: the crop is grown by seedlings. The seeds are sown in small containers, and the grown and strengthened shoots are transferred to the ground when the weather is warm.

To grow good viable seedlings, you need to choose the right soil: it must contain a large number of peat

The seedlings need to be pricked, but you can skip this step. In order for cabbage to develop well, growing and caring for it in open ground must be properly organized: both seedlings and adult plants need proper watering - excess moisture leads to rotting of the root system, and lack of moisture causes the sprout to dry out, or lead to a halt in development. The same goes for temperature regime or lighting - when it is cold and there is not enough light around, the sprouts stretch and weaken.

It is noteworthy that crops do not germinate immediately: in the first weeks after sowing, the crop develops very slowly, and the first pair of leaves may appear on the 25th day.

Landing in the ground

In order for the harvest to please you, do not plant it on open garden bed weak seedlings: only strong plants that have acquired a dark green color and have already produced two pairs of leaves can be transferred to open ground. The scheme for planting plants is as follows; between them you need to maintain a distance of about half a meter, and to retreat 80 cm to the next row.

When planting, in addition to the obligatory moistening of the prepared hole, you need to apply fertilizer. Compost is best suited for this. After compacting the soil with the sprout, it is watered abundantly again to help rooting. Be sure to make sure that the growth point of the seedling is not below ground level; by filling it up, you doom the plant to death.


If the planting process was successful, your seedlings have taken root safely, you can relax for a while, now there is no special care no need for cabbage. All you need to do is remember to maintain a moisture regime (water your cabbage beds moderately 2-3 times a week). After some time, the number of waterings can be reduced to one, but then it should be plentiful. Experienced gardeners recommend not using root watering, but providing sprinkling, then you will moisten not only the soil itself, but also the air around the plant.

You also need to take care of the soil cabbage patch, regularly loosen it, remove weeds and make sure that pests do not appear. Remember, many insects pose a danger to cabbage, so you need to deal with them as soon as the problem is noticed. We must not forget about the need regular feeding: Fertilizers should be applied for the first time no earlier than 14 days after planting. permanent place in open ground. The second time - another two weeks later, to support the developing plant. Subsequently, fertilizing should be done as needed, but you should not be overzealous so as not to harm the plants.

In order for your cabbage to grow as it should, planting and especially caring for it in the open ground must be constant, because, like any garden culture, she needs care and attention. You also need to choose the right moment for harvesting: despite the cold resistance of cabbage, and the possible cutting of forks even when frost sets in, you should not unnecessarily delay harvesting: overripe cabbage will certainly crack. If you collect it ahead of time, the forks cannot avoid withering, loss of presentation and taste.

These are all the simple rules, the observance of which will help you get the harvest of your dreams, and will not cause much trouble during the entire time of growing your favorite vegetable. Remember that deviation from at least one of the requirements is fraught with negative consequences that can not only deprive you of the long-awaited harvest, but also discourage you from gardening forever. Don’t risk your own nerves and worries, do everything right, and have a good harvest!

Video “Care”

From the video you will learn how to properly care for cabbage.