We placed peonies buds near the water. Why peonies do not bloom buds and how to achieve lush flowering

Peonies do not require special care, they grow in one place for many years. But often inexperienced flower growers complain that buds appear on the bushes, but refuse to bloom and dry out small. There are many reasons for this, and to prevent this from happening next year, you should know them.

Reasons why peonies do not bloom buds and ways to solve the problem

Most of the problems are related to the weakening of the bush due to various flaws in planting or care. It happens that weather conditions, diseases or pests are to blame.

Weakened Bush

In order for the peony bush to bloom successfully, you should remember simple rules when planting and caring for it.


It often happens that spring frosts destroy the newly born buds. If peony stems are frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures of -6 o C, then this does not apply to buds. Frozen buds cannot be saved, but this does not affect the future development of the bush.

The second weather reason is too dry weather at the end of the last season: already in August, peonies need a lot of moisture to prepare for winter, and if it doesn’t rain at this time, they need to be watered well, using a bucket of water every 10–12 days. The opposite reason - prolonged rains - can also play a bad joke, leading to rotting of the roots. There is nothing you can do about this, you need to dig up the bush and try to find a healthy piece in it to plant it in a new place, unless the rotting has led to a serious illness.

Diseases and pests

As for pests, ants are often blamed for the failure of peonies to bloom. These insects really like to crawl on the buds and even nibble the edges of the flowers, but for them to cause the buds not to open, there must be a lot of them. Ants must be destroyed; There are many drugs against them. For example, Anteater, Muracid (3rd hazard class) or Borax, which is of little danger to humans. They are used according to the instructions: scatter the powder in places of accumulation or prepare a solution with which to water the ground.

Muracid effectively destroys ants, but it is better to use harmless borax

Peonies can get sick with a dangerous infectious disease - fusarium, in which the rhizome rots, and the bushes are no longer able to bloom. Even large buds do not open. If a disease is suspected, water the bush generously with 1% Bordeaux mixture, soaking the soil as well. The procedure is repeated several times a season, and in August the bush is dug up, the rhizome is washed and the consequences are analyzed. Perhaps part of the bush can be replanted. Bordeaux mixture also protects against other fungal diseases, such as gray rot and various spots.

There are many reasons why peony buds do not open, and we will eliminate a number of them. In most cases, the owner is to blame for this, allowing the bush to weaken. Sometimes the reason is bad weather, but peonies are attacked by diseases that can and should be fought.

Summer has come, and for many personal plots The beautiful peonies bloomed. These flowers not only delight the eye with their beauty, but also fill the air with a unique aroma. Unfortunately, cut peonies, unlike roses or chrysanthemums, quickly fall off. But you really want fresh and bright flowers to last a long time in a vase and become the decoration of the room. After reading this article, you will know how to properly cut and store peonies in a vase, and therefore beautiful bouquet will delight you for more than one day.

The right time to cut flowers

Fresh peonies will decorate any interior if placed in beautiful vase. And if you properly care for the bouquet, it will last in the vase for more than a week. In addition, peonies are stored well in the refrigerator for a long time if they are first wrapped in paper. Cold storage allows you to keep the buds intact and beautiful for at least three weeks.

If you want your cut flowers to last longer in the vase, take the time to get up early in the morning. At this time there is still no sweltering heat, and the buds have not yet fully bloomed. When cutting buds in the daytime, keep in mind that the moisture has already evaporated from them and they are unlikely to allow you to admire them for a long time. You can cut peonies in the evening, after sunset. Then they will be able to adapt to home temperature overnight.

If peonies are intended for transportation, it is not recommended to cut them during rain, as they will quickly begin to darken if water gets into the leaves and buds. If you are planning to transport peonies, cut them early in the morning, wrap them in special paper and put them in the refrigerator. You can cut flowers with large scissors or garden pruners.

In order for the flowers to please you for a long time and turn into large and lush beauties, cut off those inflorescences that have not yet fully blossomed and are only slightly colored.

Keeping peonies fresh in a vase

Before placing peonies in a vase, keep them in a cool, dark place for several hours. Ideally, you fill the bathtub with water at room temperature and place the bouquet in it. Flowers must acclimatize after the street and absorb moisture.

While the peonies are adapting, prepare a suitable vase and water. Peonies love vases in dark colors. The water in these does not rot. Before use, wash the vase with a solution of potassium permanganate.

For these plants, the ideal water is rain or melt water. However, not everyone has the opportunity to pamper flowers this way, so simple settled water will do.

Pour just enough water into the container so that the stems are half submerged.

Just before placing the bouquet in the vase, do the following:

  • Trim each flower stem at as wide an angle as possible. This will allow the flowers to better absorb the liquid. It will be good if you do this procedure under running water. cold water.
  • Using any knife with a thin blade, make a cut about 5 cm long on the stem of the flower. This will improve the flow of liquid into the plant.
  • Tear off all the leaves from the part of the stem that will be placed in water. This will prevent them from rotting in the vase. Also, carefully inspect the flowers and remove any broken or damaged leaves.
  • Place a bouquet with peonies in a place that receives diffused light. The room temperature should be comfortable - not hot and not cold.

Small tricks: how to feed flowers

Any flowers need careful treatment and care. So that you can admire fresh peonies in a vase for a long time, it doesn’t hurt to feed them:

  • add one tablespoon of sugar and vinegar to 1 liter of water - this will increase the resistance of plants;
  • dilute the water for peonies with 200 ml of boric acid. In this solution the bouquet will be stored longer.

And by adding a little potassium permanganate, 2 drops of camphor alcohol or one aspirin tablet to a vase of water, you will disinfect environment and protect flowers from negative influences.

Please note that peonies are very susceptible to bacteria, so disinfection is necessary.

Caring for a bouquet in a vase

Firstly, peonies do not tolerate drafts or being located near heat sources. Secondly, they are not friendly with fruits, so avoid placing them close to a vase of flowers.

  1. To preserve the wonderful aroma of peonies for a long time, cover the buds overnight with a plastic bag or special paper.
  2. If you purchased or cut unopened buds, you can speed up the process of opening them. To do this, add a little alcohol to the vase or simply lower the flowers with their buds down in hot water. And if you want the bud to bloom right before your eyes, place the flower in a vase with hot water.
  3. Lilies of the valley and peonies are incompatible. By making a bouquet of these flowers, you will shorten the life of the peonies, and none of the above remedies will help you.
  4. Flowers such as carnation, narcissus, chrysanthemum, rose, lily, calla lily are not good neighbors with peonies in a vase. They have strong aroma, which will simply kill the wonderful smell of peonies.
  5. Peonies are well compatible with orchids, freesias, and lotus. Therefore, you can combine them, creating different bouquets and adding branches of green plants.
  6. Change the water in the vase daily and wash it well.
  7. If you notice yellow leaves appearing on the stem, remove them. This will extend the life of the peony.
  8. Those flowers that spoiled earlier than the rest, immediately remove them from the bouquet and throw them away.
  9. The vase in which you place the cut flowers should be tall enough.

By following all the tips given in the article, you can keep peonies fresh for 1-2 weeks. Store flowers in a vase correctly, inhale their divine scent and get a pleasant experience!

Peonies bloom in the last days of spring. They delight with their lush foliage and showy flowers. Peonies look equally beautiful both in a flowerbed and in a vase. Just a few branches form a magnificent fragrant bouquet. Peonies are unpretentious flowers. If you follow a few techniques, they can be stored in cut form for more than one day.

Properly cutting flowers

Ideal for forming a bouquet are buds that are half bloomed. In this state, flowers are able to maintain freshness longer and delight with an unobtrusive and wonderful aroma. Therefore, in order for the bouquet to last for several days, it is necessary to cut off peonies that have not fully blossomed. Otherwise, they will quickly fall off, although they look great in a vase.


  • The optimal time to cut peonies is early morning or evening. It is during this period of the day that the air is cooler and the sun's rays are moderate. Flowers picked during the day have almost no moisture, and you won’t be able to admire them for a long time: the petals will begin to fall off almost immediately.
  • We do not cut the stem at the root. It is necessary to leave at least two leaves on the part that remains on the bushes. This will help the plant receive moisture and fully develop after the cutting procedure.
  • Use large, sharp scissors or garden pruners. Under no circumstances should we tear off the branches by hand: the peonies will receive serious damage and quickly wither. In addition, you can accidentally pull out part of the bush by the roots and harm the growing flower.
  • Cut the stems at an angle. The larger it is, the longer the peonies will not fade.

You will be able to inhale the aroma of fresh flowers in your house for at least a week.

Before placing flowers in a vase, it is advisable to keep them cool and dark for several hours. Perfect option– place the bouquet in a bathtub filled with water at room temperature. Flowers will absorb moisture and adapt after being cut from the bush.

Preparing the vase:

  • Vessels of darkish tones are more suitable for peonies. The water in them stays fresh longer.
  • Rinse the vase with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will protect the stems from the penetration of harmful microorganisms and early rotting.

Peonies, like all plants, love rainwater most of all. But a simple settled one will also work.

Pour enough water so that you can immerse the peony stems halfway in it.

Before putting flowers in a vase, do the following:

  • We place each peony branch individually under the stream running water and carefully trim the stem diagonally by a few millimeters.
  • Using a thin knife blade, make a vertical cut about 4–5 cm long. After this procedure, the flowers will be able to absorb liquid more intensively.
  • Carefully remove those leaves that will drown in water. Otherwise they will simply start to rot.
  • We inspect the peonies and remove damaged and broken leaves.

We place the bouquet in that part of the room where the light is diffused. Temperatures up to 22 degrees are suitable for flowers. They, like humans, should be comfortable - neither hot nor cold. Peonies will delight you with their fresh appearance and aroma for up to a week.

Feeding for peonies

In order for the flowers to last for a week or more, they need to be fed - to prepare a kind of elixir of youth:

  • Mix a tablespoon (tablespoon) of sugar or the same amount of vinegar with one liter of water. If there is less liquid, we make simple calculations and reduce the amount of added ingredients.
  • Dilute in water boric acid(200 ml per 1 l).

You can add two drops of camphor alcohol or a tablet of acetylsalicylic acid to the liquid. These “seasonings” will disinfect the water and reduce negative impact microorganisms. Peonies are extremely sensitive to them, so such additives are appropriate.

Features of caring for cut peonies

It must be remembered that peonies:

  • do not tolerate drafts;
  • wither faster if they are close to heat sources;
  • They are not friendly with fruits, so you cannot place a bouquet next to them.

  • The buds should be covered at night light paper or a large plastic bag.
  • You should not add other flowers to a bouquet with peonies. This will not only kill the wonderful aroma, but will also significantly shorten their life. But there are exceptions: peonies combine well with lotus, orchids, and freesia.
  • The water in the vase with peonies needs to be changed daily. Before filling a new one, the container should be thoroughly rinsed.
  • If yellow leaves appear on the stem, they must be removed immediately. This also applies to flowers that faded earlier than others. No matter how sorry it is, they will have to be thrown away. If this is not done, all the flowers will fade earlier.

When the buds do not bloom for a long time, they can be helped. You should add a little alcohol to the vase or put the flower heads in hot water. A small miracle will happen: the bud will bloom in a few minutes.

Cut peonies are pleasing to the eye and fill the home with a pleasant and relaxing aroma. At proper care the flowers will last in the vase for at least a week.

Source: http://OnWomen.ru/kak-sohranit-srezannye-piony.html

Summer has come, and beautiful peonies have bloomed in many garden plots. These flowers not only delight the eye with their beauty, but also fill the air with a unique aroma.

Unfortunately, cut peonies, unlike roses or chrysanthemums, quickly fall off. But you really want fresh and bright flowers to last a long time in a vase and become the decoration of the room.

After reading this article, you will know how to properly cut and store peonies in a vase, and therefore, a beautiful bouquet will delight you for many days.

The right time to cut flowers

Fresh peonies will decorate any interior if they are placed in a beautiful vase. And if you properly care for the bouquet, it will last in the vase for more than a week. In addition, peonies are stored well in the refrigerator for a long time if they are first wrapped in paper. Cold storage allows you to keep the buds intact and beautiful for at least three weeks.

If you want your cut flowers to last longer in the vase, take the time to get up early in the morning. At this time there is still no sweltering heat, and the buds have not yet fully bloomed.

When cutting buds in the daytime, keep in mind that the moisture has already evaporated from them and they are unlikely to allow you to admire them for a long time. You can cut peonies in the evening, after sunset.

Then they will be able to adapt to home temperature overnight.

If peonies are intended for transportation, it is not recommended to cut them during rain, as they will quickly begin to darken if water gets into the leaves and buds. If you are planning to transport peonies, cut them early in the morning, wrap them in special paper and put them in the refrigerator. You can cut flowers with large scissors or garden pruners.

In order for the flowers to please you for a long time and turn into large and lush beauties, cut off those inflorescences that have not yet fully blossomed and are only slightly colored.

Keeping peonies fresh in a vase

Before placing peonies in a vase, keep them in a cool, dark place for several hours. Ideally, you fill the bathtub with water at room temperature and place the bouquet in it. Flowers must acclimatize after the street and absorb moisture.

While the peonies are adapting, prepare a suitable vase and water. Peonies love vases in dark colors. The water in these does not rot. Before use, wash the vase with a solution of potassium permanganate.

For these plants, the ideal water is rain or melt water. However, not everyone has the opportunity to pamper flowers this way, so simple settled water will do.

Pour just enough water into the container so that the stems are half submerged.

Just before placing the bouquet in the vase, do the following:

  • Trim each flower stem at as wide an angle as possible. This will allow the flowers to better absorb the liquid. It will be good if you do this procedure under running cold water.
  • Using any knife with a thin blade, make a cut about 5 cm long on the stem of the flower. This will improve the flow of liquid into the plant.
  • Tear off all the leaves from the part of the stem that will be placed in water. This will prevent them from rotting in the vase. Also, carefully inspect the flowers and remove any broken or damaged leaves.
  • Place a bouquet with peonies in a place that receives diffused light. The room temperature should be comfortable - not hot and not cold.

Small tricks: how to feed flowers

Any flowers need careful treatment and care. So that you can admire fresh peonies in a vase for a long time, it doesn’t hurt to feed them:

  • add one tablespoon of sugar and vinegar to 1 liter of water - this will increase the resistance of plants;
  • dilute the water for peonies with 200 ml of boric acid. In this solution the bouquet will be stored longer.

And by adding a little potassium permanganate, 2 drops of camphor alcohol or one aspirin tablet to a vase of water, you will disinfect the environment and protect the flowers from negative effects.

Please note that peonies are very susceptible to bacteria, so disinfection is necessary.

Caring for a bouquet in a vase

Firstly, peonies do not tolerate drafts or being located near heat sources. Secondly, they are not friendly with fruits, so avoid placing them close to a vase of flowers.

  1. To preserve the wonderful aroma of peonies for a long time, cover the buds overnight with a plastic bag or special paper.
  2. If you purchased or cut unopened buds, you can speed up the process of opening them. To do this, add a little alcohol to the vase or simply lower the flowers, buds down, into hot water. And if you want the bud to bloom right before your eyes, place the flower in a vase with hot water.
  3. Lilies of the valley and peonies are incompatible. By making a bouquet of these flowers, you will shorten the life of the peonies, and none of the above remedies will help you.
  4. Flowers such as carnations, daffodils, chrysanthemums, roses, lilies, and callas are not good neighbors with peonies in a vase. They have a strong aroma that will simply overpower the wonderful smell of peonies.
  5. Peonies are well compatible with orchids, freesias, and lotus. Therefore, you can combine them, creating different bouquets and adding branches of green plants.
  6. Change the water in the vase daily and wash it well.
  7. If you notice yellow leaves appearing on the stem, remove them. This will extend the life of the peony.
  8. Those flowers that spoiled earlier than the rest, immediately remove them from the bouquet and throw them away.
  9. The vase in which you place the cut flowers should be tall enough.

By following all the tips given in the article, you can keep peonies fresh for 1-2 weeks. Store flowers in a vase correctly, inhale their divine scent and get a pleasant experience!

Source: http://HozObzor.ru/kak-hranit/pionyi-v-vaze.html

How to store peonies - 5 tricks to prolong flowering in a vase

Can't understand why peonies don't bloom? Most likely you are not caring for them correctly.

The nuances of collecting flowers

Beautiful fragrant peonies are good because they can decorate any interior. It is quite difficult to answer the question of how much peonies cost. It all depends on the variety and size of the bouquet. But if you took the trouble to plant these “beauties” at your dacha, then their price will be a pittance.

Country flowers, as in the photo, are no worse than purchased ones

In any case, in order for these luxurious flowers to please the eye for as long as possible, you need to take good care of them. And you should start with the correct cutting.

If you want peonies to last longer, don’t be lazy and get up early in the morning. This is the ideal time to cut plants - the buds have not yet fully blossomed, and the midday heat has not dried them out.

You can also cut fresh peonies after sunset, in the evening. Overnight, the plants will have time to adapt to home conditions.

In addition, consider a few more nuances:

Features of caring for peonies

So, the flowers have been collected. This is just the beginning of the matter, then you should subject them to preliminary preparation and only then put them in a vase.

In order for peonies to last as long as possible, they must be properly prepared and stored.

Preparatory procedures

Before putting flowers in a vase, you need to carry out several simple but very important manipulations:

  • "Acclimatization". After you bring flowers into the house, you should keep them in a cool, dark place. Better yet, immerse in a filled bathtub with water at room temperature.
  • Preparing water and vase. While the greenery in the bathroom is filling with moisture, it’s worth choosing a vase. For these flowers, vessels made of dark glass that do not transmit light are best suited. Before use, wash it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Store flowers in a dark, opaque vase

As for water, rain or melt water would be ideal. But I understand that this is not always available on hand, so it can be replaced with the usual settled one.

  • Pruning. Before placing the bouquet in the vase, you need to trim each stem at as wide an angle as possible. It is best to perform this procedure under a stream of cold water. This will allow the plant to absorb as much moisture as possible.

To help the plant absorb moisture better, cut the stems at an angle.

  • Removing leaves. Tear off the leaves from those parts of the stems that will be placed in water. This will prevent them from rotting in the vase.
  • Selecting a location. A vase with peonies should be placed in a place where diffused light falls.

Remove leaves from the part of the stem that will be in water, this will prevent them from rotting

Five storage rules

When all the preparatory procedures are completed, the question arises of how to extend the life of the flowers in the vase. It’s not that difficult to do, the main thing is to follow a few simple rules.

Image Recommendations
Rule 1. No drafts. Cut peonies in a vase simply do not tolerate drafts, and wither from such exposure many times faster.
Rule 2. Cover the buds at night. Use special paper or a regular plastic bag for this. This manipulation will preserve the delicious aroma of the plants.
Rule 3. Avoid unpleasant "neighborhoods". When making a bouquet with your own hands, remember that there is whole line flowers (including lilies of the valley, carnations, roses, lilies, chrysanthemums and callas), which should not be placed next to peonies.
Rule 4. Change the water regularly. This must be done daily, thoroughly washing the vase each time.
Rule 5. Remove spoiled leaves. If you notice yellowed leaves or wilted buds in the vase, immediately remove them from the bouquet.

To make cut peonies bloom, place them in hot water with the buds facing down or add a small amount of alcohol to the vase.

Peonies can successfully coexist with hydrangea, orchid, freesia or lotus

Top dressing

Proper care of any flowers is difficult to imagine without additional feeding. I share the most effective recipes.

To summarize

Source: https://stozabot.com/hranenie/383-kak-hranit-piony

How to keep cut peonies fresh?

In the summer, owners like to grow peonies in their dachas and garden plots. These are really very beautiful summer flowers that bring a lot of pleasure with their uniqueness. Freshly cut peonies will be a worthy decoration for any interior and will delight you as a pleasant addition to a holiday gift.

Or you can give a bouquet of peonies to your mother, grandmother or beloved woman for no reason - this will bring great joy to anyone. But cut peonies tend to fade very quickly. What can you do to keep the peony in the vase for a long time?

When and how best to cut peonies

The most delicate bouquet is considered to be a bouquet of half-opened fresh peonies. Fully opened flowers look spectacular, of course, but they will last a maximum of one day. Wanting to admire peonies for as long as possible, they are cut in the morning. It is advisable to do this in cooler weather. Until the summer heat begins, peony buds do not fully bloom.

If you cut flowers during the day, the moisture will already have time to evaporate, and they will not last even a few days. Peonies are also cut just before sunset so that the flowers get used to the night. room temperature where they will be placed.

If peonies need to be transported somewhere, they cannot be cut in the rain, because rainwater that gets on the buds will cause them to quickly darken.

Flowers for transportation are cut at dawn, wrapped in paper and placed in the refrigerator.

With proper care, a bouquet of peonies will retain its freshness for a long time.

To cut peonies, you use either pruning shears or garden shears, and you need to cut the stems not straight, but at an angle. It is not recommended to cut peonies too close to the root; it would be better to leave a couple of leaves on the stem. This way, the bud will have something to eat after cutting. Before cutting the flower, you can gently squeeze it with your fingers - the bud should not be too tight.

Before putting flowers in a vase, you need to put them in a dark place for a while, especially if it’s summer outside. This will give the flowers freshness. When choosing a vase, give preference to dark glass - this way the water will not spoil.

The water intended for peonies should stand, or even better if it is rainwater. Its level also matters - for peonies it will be better if the water half covers the stems. It is better to tear off unnecessary leaves. In purchased peonies, you should update the cut diagonally with a knife. This is done in water to prevent air from entering the stem.

To keep the flowers fresh and lush longer, add granulated sugar or boric acid to the water. You will need to dilute 200 ml of the substance in 1 liter of water. How to extend the life of cut flowers - Everything will be fine - Issue 144 - 07.03.

2013 - Everything will be fine

The water in the vase should be changed daily. And when you add a small amount to it pine extract you can do without frequent water changes, since the extract acts as a natural antiseptic.

In the evening, the bouquet is taken out of the vase, wrapped in paper and placed in a cold place until the morning.

There is another way to preserve flowers in a vase. You can put a tablet with the peonies activated carbon. If you want the buds to open quickly, add a little alcohol or immerse the stems in hot water for a short time.

Peonies should not be mixed with roses, daffodils, lilies, tulips, and lilies of the valley. It is advisable that peonies stand far from these flowers, then they will provide fragrance and aesthetic pleasure much longer.

Rules for caring for cut flowers

Flower companies use large refrigerators to preserve cut peonies for as long as possible. At home, flowers can also be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks. But it is worth considering that after the peonies are taken out of the refrigerator, they can only stand for a few days at room temperature.

Cut flowers in the bud stage are stored dry, packaged or in plastic bags, or in paper, in the refrigerator in a lying position. After removing them from the refrigerator, you should definitely update the cut of the stems.

Cut flowers require special care

The most suitable for peonies is rainwater. Before placing flowers in a vase, perform the following manipulations:

  • Under cool water, cut each peony stem at an angle.
  • Use a sharpened blade to make an incision on the stem, which will allow water to flow freely into the vessels of the stem.
  • The stem located directly in the water must be completely without leaves, otherwise they may begin to rot.
  • You also need to remove all damaged and wilted leaves.

A bouquet of peonies is placed in a place where light sunlight will fall. If you put flowers in a place that is too hot, or, conversely, in a very cold place, they will not last long. Also, peonies do not like drafts and various heating devices. It is not recommended to place flowers near fruits.

If you add a few green branches to such a bouquet, you will get a very interesting combination.

Those flowers that have just begun to fade should be immediately removed from the vase and thrown away, otherwise the entire bouquet will wither very soon.

If you follow all the rules, fresh fragrant peonies will delight you for several weeks.

Source: http://www.LadyKiss.ru/dom/kak-soxranit-pion.html

Peonies are the kings of summer gardens; these large luxurious flowers look equally good on country flower bed and in a flower vase. But how to preserve cut peonies so that they please the eye longer?

Just a few inflorescences can be used to create a lush and beautiful bouquet; peonies are self-sufficient and do not require additional decoration; at the same time, they are unpretentious and, subject to certain storage rules, can be stored for a long time even in cut form.

Perfect bouquet

Those who are familiar with peonies know that the ideal bouquet is freshly cut, half-bloomed flowers at the bud stage.

It is in this form that cut flowers are transported over distances and as a result they are able to retain their freshness longer and delight us with their beautiful full inflorescences.

Of course, fully blossomed peonies also look very good in bouquets, but, unfortunately, such a bouquet will not last longer than a few days.

If for a bouquet you use peonies growing in own garden, try to cut flowers in the early morning or evening, preferably in cool and sunny weather.

Do not cut the stem close to the root, leave at least two or three leaves on the uncut part of the stem, this way the plant can fully feed and develop even after cutting off the inflorescences.

To cut flowers, use sharp pruning shears or large scissors and cut the stems at an angle.

It is best to cut peonies at the “marshmallow” bud stage; such a bud is not too tight; its softness can be checked by gently squeezing the bud with your fingers. With proper care, peonies can be cut in advance and stored until the bouquet gets into the vase safe and sound.

In large flower companies, where peonies are grown and cut for commercial purposes, the inflorescences are cut at the stage of a fairly tight bud, and in special refrigerators such peonies can remain fresh for up to three months. Unfortunately, the flowering period of peonies is not very long, and such storage can significantly extend the period of commercial demand for this flower.

At home, peonies can also be stored for quite a long time.

Home refrigerators allow you to store flowers at a temperature of 2-4 degrees Celsius, as opposed to zero temperature in industrial refrigerators, so at home, cut flowers can be stored in the refrigerator for two to three weeks.

However, the shelf life of cut peonies, both in a vase and in the refrigerator, depends on the type of peony and the climate in which it grew, but on average, after long storage in the refrigerator, peonies of any variety can stand in a vase for several days without losing the presentability of the inflorescences .

Peony cut at the bud stage is stored dry; it is best to pack the flowers in plastic or paper and place them flat on the shelves of the refrigerator. With sufficient dimensions refrigeration equipment Peonies can be stored upright in a vase with a little water.

Before placing peonies in a vase of water, be sure to remove any leaves that may be submerged. Leaves immersed in water rot very quickly, thereby providing fertile soil for the growth of bacteria, which in turn negatively affect the freshness of cut flowers.

For peonies, a medium-height vase with a fairly wide neck and middle part is best suited. Fill the vase with water to about 12-15 cm. The water temperature should be medium, not too hot, but not icy either. The deeper the stems are immersed in water, the faster the peony buds will bloom.

If the flowers were stored in the refrigerator before lowering them into water, be sure to refresh the ends of the stems by trimming them a few millimeters.

If you want peonies to bloom as soon as possible, place the vase in warm room, but at the same time make sure that the flowers are not exposed to direct sunlight and the vase is not close to heating devices.

To keep the flowers longer bright color and freshness, change the water in the vase regularly. Some florists recommend changing the water daily; if you do not have the opportunity to change the water so often, changing the water every two to three days is quite enough. Each time you change the water in the vase, do not forget to trim the tips of the peony stems by a few millimeters.

How to delay or slow down the blooming of peonies

Wrap the cut peonies in paper and place them in the refrigerator in a dry place away from vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits emit ethylene, which accelerates the ripening process, which in our case is extremely undesirable. Without water in the refrigerator, cut peonies can last about a week.

You can slow down the opening of peonies somewhat after you have placed the flowers in water. Simply place the vase in the refrigerator, rearranging the layout of the shelves inside.

If you don't have a refrigerator, place the cut peonies in the coldest dark room, in the garage, storage room or bathroom. However, don't overdo it and freeze your peonies.

In principle, it is not difficult to extend the life of cut peonies, the main thing is to regularly change the water and trim the stems. Let your bouquets of peonies last as long as possible, delighting you with their aroma and lush color.

Peonies can be a vibrant splash of pink, yellow, red or white in any garden. These flowers need sun and fertile, well-drained soil. Every gardener should know that peonies need four to six hours of direct sunlight per day to bloom.


Choosing the right conditions

    Keep in mind that peonies grow well in areas with winter chill. Peonies grow best in areas where there is little winter cold and, therefore, they are not recommended for cultivation by gardeners who reside in the lower regions of the Southern United States. Peonies in zones 8 and 9 may not bloom if they are too warm in the winter. Minimum temperatures in zones 8 and 9 reach -12.2 to -6.7 degrees Celsius.

    • Gardeners in warm climates should choose early flowering varieties, because they are generally resistant to botrytis and will bloom before it gets warmer outside.
  1. Select sunny place with well-drained soil. How well the peonies bloom will depend on the choice of planting location. Choose an area where they will receive at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day. Moisture should be well removed from the soil. Otherwise, the roots or tubers of the peony may rot or fungal diseases will begin to develop on them.

    • In the shade they will be able to bloom, but not fully.
  2. Measure the pH level of your soil. Ideally, the soil should be organically balanced, with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.0. Test your soil pH at your local garden center, or buy a special soil pH test kit to measure it yourself.

    • If you decide to use a pH test kit, take the soil from a depth of 10 cm. Be careful not to touch the test kit with your hands, as this may distort the test result. Scoop the soil into a clean bowl, loosen any clumps, remove any weeds, grass or roots, and let the soil dry.
    • Transfer the dried soil to a test container, add the chemical solution and the recommended amount of distilled water, cover the container and shake vigorously.
    • After the soil has settled, check the color of the liquid in the test container using the pH scale provided in the kit.
  3. Adjust the pH of your soil if necessary. Peonies can grow for many years. Prepare the place before planting so that the peonies are guaranteed to grow and the buds to bloom throughout their long life. Prepare the site three to six months before planting to give the soil time to settle. Add sulfur or lime to adjust soil pH levels if needed.

    • The dose of soil pH amendments depends on the type of soil and the desired pH level. For example, to raise the pH of sandy soil from 5.5 to 6.5, you will need 1.12 kg of lime for every 4.5 square meters soil. For clay soil with the same indicators you will need 2.47 kg.
    • To reduce the pH in sandy soil from 7.5 to 6.5, 0.22 to 0.34 kg of aluminum sulfate per 4.5 square meters of land will be required. With the same indicators, clay soil will require 0.67 kg.
  4. Add some organic matter to the soil. If necessary, distribute 7-15 cm of sulfur or lime over the flowerbed. Good options: sphagnum peat moss, composted shredded pine bark, well-seasoned cow dung and compost. Use a tiller to thoroughly fertilize the soil to a depth of at least 30 cm.

    • A depth of 7.6 cm is sufficient if the soil is already rich in organic matter. If you determine the level organic composition impossible, add fertilizer at a depth of 12.5 - 15 cm.

    Planting and caring for peonies

    1. Plant peonies in early or mid-autumn in holes 30-50 cm deep. The eyes or buds of the top of each tuber should be covered by no more than 2.5-5 cm. Planting peonies before frost gives them a chance to acclimatize and often helps them bloom earlier than under other conditions.

      • However, even so, peonies may not bloom in the first season. It can take up to five years for seedlings grown from seed to bloom.
    2. Don't plant peonies too deep. Gardeners should proceed with caution and not plant peonies too deep, otherwise the plants will grow with foliage and no flowers. Seedlings that have been over-fertilized with mulch may also suffer from this problem. In spring, remove the mulch and check that the root buds are buried no more than 5 cm deep in the soil. Otherwise, you will have to dig up the plants to raise them to the correct level.

    3. Water the peonies. Water peony tubers well every 10-14 days until frost sets in. Deep but infrequent watering will stimulate deeper root growth, making the flowers more resistant to drought.

      • Once the ground is frozen, spread a 2- to 3-inch layer of organic mulch over the peony tubers. Remove the mulch in the spring when the first new stems appear.
      • Start watering your plants after winter if they don't get enough water from spring rain. Continue to water them every 10 to 14 days throughout the growing season.
      • In the fall, when the leaves begin to fall after the first hard frost, remove the leaves and stems and water the peonies less often.
    4. Feed peonies with low-nitrogen fertilizers. Peonies do not need to be fertilized too much, but a small dose of low-nitrogen fertilizer will encourage flowering. Use fertilizer in a 5-10-10 or 5-10-5 ratio

      • In general, the rate of addition is from 0.45 to 0.67 kg for every 4.5 square meters, but it can fluctuate. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for fertilizing the soil. Fertilize the soil with a layer from 15.2 to 45.7 cm from the peony stems. Do not allow fertilizer to touch the stems.
      • Using a rake, smoothly spread a few centimeters of fertilizer over the top ball of soil. After fertilizing, water the peonies generously so that the water gets deeper into the roots.
    5. Do not prune peonies in summer. Gardeners are advised not to prune peonies in July and August, as this can weaken the plant and there will be fewer flowers. Sometimes in such conditions plants do not bloom at all.

      • Sometimes nothing can be done to save the flowers. Late frosts, drought and other natural disasters - all this can interfere with the flowering of peonies. Still healthy plants should recover and bloom next year.

Peonies are the kings of summer gardens; these large, luxurious flowers look equally good in a country flower bed or in a flower vase. But how to preserve cut peonies so that they please the eye longer?

Just a few inflorescences can be used to create a lush and beautiful bouquet; peonies are self-sufficient and do not require additional decoration; at the same time, they are unpretentious and, subject to certain storage rules, can be stored for a long time even in cut form.

Perfect bouquet

Those who are familiar with peonies know that the ideal bouquet is freshly cut, half-bloomed flowers at the bud stage. It is in this form that cut flowers are transported over distances and as a result they are able to retain their freshness longer and delight us with their beautiful full inflorescences. Of course, fully blossomed peonies also look very good in bouquets, but, unfortunately, such a bouquet will not last longer than a few days.

If you are using peonies from your own garden for your bouquet, try to cut the flowers early in the morning or evening, preferably in cool, sunny weather. Do not cut the stem close to the root, leave at least two or three leaves on the uncut part of the stem, this way the plant can fully feed and develop even after cutting off the inflorescences. To cut flowers, use sharp pruning shears or large scissors and cut the stems at an angle.

It is best to cut peonies at the “marshmallow” bud stage; such a bud is not too tight; its softness can be checked by gently squeezing the bud with your fingers. With proper care, peonies can be cut in advance and stored until the bouquet gets into the vase safe and sound.

In large flower companies, where peonies are grown and cut for commercial purposes, the inflorescences are cut at the stage of a fairly tight bud, and in special refrigerators such peonies can remain fresh for up to three months. Unfortunately, the flowering period of peonies is not very long, and such storage can significantly extend the period of commercial demand for this flower.

At home, peonies can also be stored for quite a long time. Home refrigerators allow you to store flowers at a temperature of 2-4 degrees Celsius, as opposed to zero temperature in industrial refrigerators, so at home, cut flowers can be stored in the refrigerator for two to three weeks. However, the shelf life of cut peonies, both in a vase and in the refrigerator, depends on the type of peony and the climate in which it grew, but on average, after long storage in the refrigerator, peonies of any variety can stand in a vase for several days without losing the presentability of the inflorescences .

Peony cut at the bud stage is stored dry; it is best to pack the flowers in plastic or paper and place them flat on the shelves of the refrigerator. If the refrigeration equipment has sufficient dimensions, peonies can be stored in an upright position, placed in a vase with a small amount of water.

Before placing peonies in a vase of water, be sure to remove any leaves that may be submerged. Leaves immersed in water rot very quickly, thereby providing fertile soil for the growth of bacteria, which in turn negatively affect the freshness of cut flowers.

For peonies, a medium-height vase with a fairly wide neck and middle part is best suited. Fill the vase with water to about 12-15 cm. The water temperature should be medium, not too hot, but not icy either. The deeper the stems are immersed in water, the faster the peony buds will bloom.

If the flowers were stored in the refrigerator before lowering them into water, be sure to refresh the ends of the stems by trimming them a few millimeters.

If you want the peonies to bloom as soon as possible, place the vase in a warm room, but make sure that the flowers are not exposed to direct sunlight and the vase is not close to heating devices.

To help flowers retain their bright color longer and freshness, change the water in the vase regularly. Some florists recommend changing the water daily; if you do not have the opportunity to change the water so often, changing the water every two to three days is quite enough. Each time you change the water in the vase, do not forget to trim the tips of the peony stems by a few millimeters.

How to delay or slow down the blooming of peonies

Wrap the cut peonies in paper and place them in the refrigerator in a dry place away from vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits emit ethylene, which accelerates the ripening process, which in our case is extremely undesirable. Without water in the refrigerator, cut peonies can last about a week.

You can slow down the opening of peonies somewhat after you have placed the flowers in water. Simply place the vase in the refrigerator, rearranging the layout of the shelves inside.

If you don't have a refrigerator, place the cut peonies in the coldest, darkest room, the garage, closet or bathroom. However, don't overdo it and freeze your peonies.

In principle, it is not difficult to extend the life of cut peonies, the main thing is to regularly change the water and trim the stems. Let your bouquets of peonies last as long as possible, delighting you with their aroma and lush color.