Roses - types and varieties for Russian gardens with names and descriptions. Roses - the best varieties

Roses are ornamental plants that take first place in terms of beauty and duration of flowering, pleasant and delicate aroma. The rose flower has been a favorite of many peoples of the world since ancient times. An image of a flower was discovered on silver coins of one of the tribes in Altai who lived 5 thousand years BC.

The rose is called the “queen of flowers”, as the best decoration of the garden; poets sang about it and made up legends about it. For example, an ancient Indian legend speaks of the goddess of love, beauty and fertility Lakshmi, who appeared from rose petals.

Beauty of the bush with blooming roses attracts and modern man. It is planted in park plantings in southern cities and in sunny areas of summer cottages. Rose is a very grateful plant that will delight you with its blooms every year.

According to the topic of the article, we will concentrate our attention on considering the varieties of roses with photos. Choose roses for, purchase, and in the next article we will learn how to plant them in open ground and care for them.

It is customary to divide rose bushes into park and garden. We are more interested in garden roses, which are divided into the following groups: remontant, hybrid tea, polyantha, Floribunda, patio, climbing, ground cover, scrub (shrub), standard. Let's move on and look at each group with a photo.

Repair roses

At the beginning of the 19th century, as a result of crossing various types, hybrids were bred that served as the basis for this group of roses. Plants inherited frost resistance from their European ancestors. Hybrids can bloom several times during the summer, that is, they can be remontant.

The bush is tall from 1 to 2 meters. The leaves are large and dense. The flowers are large (8 - 10 cm in diameter), round-cup-shaped, pink or red, less often white and yellow, double with strong aroma. The second flowering is much weaker than the first.

Variety - La Reine.

It is considered the ancestor of the group of remontant roses. Now there are about 200 varieties of them in cultivation.

Variety - Ulrich Brunner Fiss

With cherry-red flowers. Suitable for the Middle Urals.

Variety - Frau Karl Druschki

With white flowers. Suitable for the Middle Urals. The flowers are snow-white, very large (12 - 14 cm in diameter, double (35 petals), in inflorescences of 3 - 5 pieces. Blooms very profusely. A good remontant winter-hardy variety.

Hybrid tea roses. Varieties of roses

Rose varieties are obtained by crossing remontant roses with tea roses. The bush is low (60 - 80 cm). The leaves are large, beautiful, of various shades. Flowers of various beautiful colors differ in a variety of pleasant aroma, large, double, solitary or collected in small inflorescences.

Flowering lasts 30 - 35 days, then there is a break of 15 to 30 days, after which flowering continues until late autumn. The flowers are very decorative in bush and standard form, in floral arrangements, and are used for cutting. Each flower formed on a bush or standard tree is a work of art. This is a true "classic" rose.

Variety - Baccara

The flowers are geranium-red, bright, 9 - 10 cm in diameter, double (80 petals).

Variety - Valentina Tereshkova

The height of the bush is 50 - 70 cm. The flowers are pink, elongated goblet-shaped, 8 - 10 cm in diameter, double (70 petals), very fragrant. Flowering is abundant.

Variety - Alinka

Charming, large double flower up to 10 cm in diameter. Rose petals with an amazing color transition from golden yellow at the base to scarlet, coral red edge, shining with silk velvet. The aroma is subtle and delicate. It blooms from summer to late autumn, without reducing its decorative effect.

Variety - Golden Autumn (Zolotaja Osen)

The bush is medium-sized. The flowers are golden-orange with a lemon-yellow base, large 10 - 12 cm in diameter, double (30 petals), fragrant.

Variety - Karina

The flowers are large, goblet-shaped, elegant in any weather, with an invariable soft pink color of the petals and a rich, pleasant aroma. Blooms all summer until autumn.

Variety - Diamond wedding (Diamond jubilee)

Magnificent flowers, like a diamond. Very large, up to 15 cm in diameter, cup-shaped, terry, with ivory petals.

Variety - Broceliande

Each petal contains “raspberries and cream”, like a delicious melange. Rose flowers are large, up to 12 cm in diameter, double with a very pleasant smell.

Variety - Elina

The flowers are warm vanilla and pastel lemon shades, very large, 13 - 15 cm in diameter, with an elegant classic shape. It blooms all summer until autumn, the aroma is pleasant and refined.

Variety - Ingrid Bergman

An elegant classic rose, bright and unforgettable. The flowers are large, up to 10 cm in diameter, densely double with terracotta-red petals of velvety shades, the color of ripe cherry. The aroma is delicate and unique.

Enthusiastic descriptions in catalogs and praise for the flower's form may give you the impression that the hybrid tea rose is the ideal rose. This is not entirely true. Some varieties form bushes with unattractive, stiff branches, and their flowers quickly deteriorate in wet weather. They bloom less often and are inferior in brightness to Floribunda roses. They are demanding of good conditions for growth.

Be careful when choosing roses from this group. Not all varieties are suitable for garden decoration - some are intended specifically for exhibitions, and their beauty can only be appreciated by judges.

The hybrid tea rose is rightfully considered the queen of roses - but it is not without its drawbacks.

Polyantha roses

This group of rose varieties was obtained by crossing the Chinese rose and the multifloral rose. It is distinguished by long flowering and an abundance of small multi-colored flowers collected in large clusters, most without aroma.

Rose bushes are low, up to 60 cm. Flowers are 3 to 4 cm in diameter, often double: white, pink, red and salmon. They bloom profusely and continuously from mid-July until frost. The plants are winter-hardy, but require light winter protection. They grow and bloom well in open ground on their roots. Look great in landscape design as borders.

Variety - Gloria Mundi

Flowers with orange-red flowers. Suitable for the Middle Urals.

Variety - Lady Reading

The flowers are dark red. Suitable for the Middle Urals.

Variety - Orange Triumph

The flowers are orange-red. Suitable for the Middle Urals.

Floribunda roses - beautiful roses

The varieties of this group were obtained as a result of crossing polyanthus varieties with hybrid tea, Pernetian and other varieties. After the rapid spread of Floribunda roses, polyantha roses somewhat lost their purpose.

By the nature of the inflorescences they are similar to polyanthus, and by the size of the flower and often in shape they resemble hybrid tea. The flowers are simple, semi-double and double. There are fewer of them in inflorescences than in polyanthus and they are not so densely located. Each brush opens several flowers at the same time. Floribundas have all the colors typical of hybrid teas. Many varieties have a scent and bloom profusely and for a long time.

The following varieties are suitable for the conditions of the Urals: Alen, Anchor, Glacier, Display, Fire Flame, Charleston, Highlight. Like all garden varieties, they require shelter for the winter. They look great in landscaping and in various compositions. They occupy a leading place in the design. Good for planting in flower beds.

Floribunda roses are on average hardier, more reliable in damp climates, and easier to care for than hybrid tea beauties.

Variety - Anna (Annapurna)

Charming white rose, like first love. The flowers are single or collected in small inflorescences, double, elegant goblet-shaped, milky white petals, pleasant, delicate aroma.

Variety - Arthur Bell

Translated, it means a wonderful and irresistible handsome gentleman. The flowers are large amber-yellow, 10 cm in diameter, semi-double and very fragrant. The stamens are bright red-crimson - they glow beautifully in the gold of the petals.

Variety - Hot chocolate

The rose attracts attention with the extraordinary coffee and terracotta pink shades of the petals, changing color as they bloom from light salmon-orange to rich brownish cherry. Outlandish chocolate rose.

The flowers are large, up to 9 cm in diameter, with a delicate delicate aroma, resistant to rain and especially good in cold autumn weather. The height of the bush is up to 1 meter.

Variety - Berleburg

The flowers are large, up to 8 cm in diameter, double, the petals are pink-crimson with peach and fuchsia shades. The aroma is subtle and refined. Bush height up to 80 cm.

Variety - Clair renaissance

The flowers are gorgeous, large, up to 12 cm in diameter, and as they bloom, they form a huge bowl with many wavy silk milky pink petals. The aroma is fresh and subtle. Bush height up to 150 cm.

The use of roses from this group creates the opportunity to give landscape design suburban area many colors. They can be grown as a bush or as a standard. Among them there are varieties for planting in hedges, as well as dwarf varieties. Almost all dwarf varieties, about 50 cm tall, have recently been allocated to a special group of popular patio roses.

Rose varieties - patio

The group of patio roses was formed quite recently. There is no exact definition of a patio group. Now this group includes varieties of Floribunda roses, which do not exceed 45 - 55 cm in height and form dense bushes. These varieties have smaller flowers and leaves, but bloom profusely throughout the season. The popularity of the patio group is growing.

Variety – Anna Ford

It is a lush small bush, dressed with small leaves and strewn with inflorescences of many small flowers. Requires shade during part of the day. The leaves are dark and highly shiny.

Variety – Gentle touch

The flowers have features of hybrid tea roses, which become flat over time. The inflorescences are robust and consist of many pink flowers that appear throughout the season. It ranks high among other patio varieties.

Variety – Sweet magic

Golden-yellow flowers are collected in large flaming racemes. Over time, the petals acquire a pink blush. The zone is good for growing in a tub, along the edge of a flower bed or border. The aroma is quite intense.

Climbing roses

The climbing variety of roses has been indispensable from the last century to the present day. Hybrids appeared as a result of crossing multi-flowered roses with North American climbing and hybrid teas. This is how a new group of tall shrubs appeared with abundant flowering on last year’s shoots. Flowers in large inflorescences, simple or double, varied in color.

Their main purpose is to cover part of the house, trellises, fences, architectural structures,

garden arch,

old trees.

Group climbing roses divided into five types:

  1. Climbing multifloral
  2. Climbing large-flowered - with single or few flowers in an inflorescence
  3. Climbing racemes - with inflorescences like Floribunda roses
  4. Climbing species - wild roses and their close relatives
  5. Climbing miniature

Unfortunately, the climbing forms of these roses usually do not retain the ability of the bush forms to rebloom and produce only one or two waves of flowering.

Variety – High hopes

The flowers are double, pale pink, fragrant. The plant is unpretentious, with shiny, beautiful and healthy foliage with unusually abundant flowering at the end of the season. Suitable for decorating arches and pergolas. Repeat flowering.

Variety – Golden fragrant (Golden parfum)

Flowers with a honey aroma. Amber-yellow goblet-shaped buds open into bright, saffron-like, densely double flowers with a diameter of 8 - 10 cm. It blooms profusely with a short break. The bush is very powerful, vigorous, up to 3 meters high.

Variety - Sympathie

The flowers are exquisitely elegant in shape, double, with a spectacular, rich red-crimson color of velvet petals. The aroma is pleasant, quite strong. It blooms continuously all summer and autumn, maintaining the excellent shape and beauty of the petals in any weather. Height 250 cm.

Ground cover roses

Before buying such a rose, it is better to find out what size it reaches when it grows. The bush can reach a height of 20 cm to 2 meters and is divided into four subgroups:

  • Small creeping roses 30 - 45 cm high and no more than 1.5 meters wide
  • Large creeping roses more than 45 cm high and more than 1.5 meters wide
  • Small drooping roses reaching 95 cm in height and about 1.5 meters in width
  • Large drooping roses with a height of at least 1 meter, a bush width of 1.5 meters or more

In varieties of the first two subgroups, the stems grow horizontally and can sometimes take root at the nodes. Varieties belonging to the last two subgroups form spreading bushes with arched drooping branches.

Rose varieties are unpretentious, bloom profusely, many all summer long, are resistant to disease, and winter-hardy. Flexible shoots allow them to be bent to the ground, which ensures good wintering. Plants of the ground cover group can be planted in flower beds and retaining walls, decorate slopes and mask unsightly places. They are also interesting in group plantings.

Thanks to its high growth energy and strong branching density, the rose grows quickly, forming a dense, well-leafed bush with a wide habit, where the diameter significantly exceeds the height. A delightful, elegant living carpet blooms profusely until the autumn frosts.

Variety – Suma

This Japanese variety. It blooms not only in summer, but also in autumn.

Variety – Magic carpet

The rose is original - it has small, spicy-fragrant lavender flowers located along the entire length of the arched branches. It is also grown in a tub or basket.

Shrubs - shrub roses

Shrubs translated from English as “shrub” is a bush. Scrub bushes have tough branches. The flowers are very diverse in shape and color, with and without scent. Many varieties are distinguished by their power, reaching a height of 2 meters. There are also low-growing scrubs. The bushes are winter-hardy and require light shelter for the winter; they are very resistant to disease.

Modern scrub varieties have all the positive qualities. Scrubs can be used in single, group and mixed plantings.

Variety - Sahara

The flowers are golden-sunny, numerous, up to 7 cm in diameter, double, collected in racemes. Blooms profusely in summer and again in autumn. The bush is tall up to 175 cm, spreading.

Variety - Chantal Merieux

Standard roses

A standard rose is a rose tree, a creation created by man from plants. Such a plant has a trunk - a rose hip, onto which some kind of varietal rose. The stems vary in grafting height. Standard trees require shelter.

If desired, you can decorate the tree with two flowers.

Famous varieties: Pimprenelle, Burgundy Ice, Rosarium Uetersen, Super Dorothy.

Photos of rose varieties - video

The growth and development of roses, their attractiveness and ability to bloom depend on many factors. The next article will be written about all this.

There are many types of roses, and the number of varieties is innumerable, and as breeders say, it is very difficult for non-professionals to understand this. Although many gardeners have become quite good at understanding the classification of roses and accurately call their varieties by name.
So what types and varietal hybrids are common among flower growers:

Hybrid tea

These varieties are mostly short, the bush grows no more than 80 cm. The roses have an elongated bud with a fragrant flower, their diameter reaches 10 cm. They bloom for about a month, after a short respite they bloom again and bloom until late autumn. Perfect for cutting flowers and bouquets.
Recommended fragrant varietal forms of this group: - Cream petals of Ambiente (Ambiente) do not fall off for a very long time, the variety is different lush flowering. — Elbflorenz roses have a lemon aroma, fuchsia-colored inflorescences are scattered on branched bushes, and there are up to 4 flowers on the stem. — The vigorous hybrid Sunny Sky is good for bouquets; it blooms in clusters with elegant, densely double yellow flowers.

Climbing roses are perfect for vertical gardening. They were obtained by crossing several species. They are used to decorate and decorate hedges, pergolas, gazebos, terraces and fences.
Popular varieties for growing: - Hella is distinguished by abundant flowering, strong bushes up to 3 meters and flexible shoots, perfectly entwining all kinds of arches. Snow-white semi-double roses are collected in thick brushes. — Camelot is a very disease-resistant variety, frost-resistant and strong. The branched bushes bloom with large pale pink semi-double inflorescences with a citrus aroma. The first wave will be the most abundant, followed by slightly weaker flowering. — Falling shoots of Bobbie James with creamy white clusters of roses reach 5-10 meters, have a rosehip aroma.
Ground cover type of roses

Ground cover roses Sea Foam, Gartnerfreude, Palmengarten Frankfurt. The white one is Sea Foam, the red one is Gartnerfreude, both from Kordes. Sea Foam grows very quickly, abundantly, beautiful flowers, simply gorgeous ground cover! By crossing miniature varieties with Vihura roses, the first roses of this type were obtained. They were subsequently assigned to a separate group. They are marked by arched shoots with miniature leaves.
— (Flower Carpet, Gwent, Nozomi, Suffolk), (Max Graf) creeping, flexible shoots grow in a horizontal position, the bushes reach 1.5 m in width. For example, miniature Avon (Avon) with pink semi-double inflorescences can even be grown in pots , the variety barely exceeds 30 cm in height.
- (Ferdy, Kent Red Bells), (Fiona) drooping, up to a meter in height and 1.5 in width. The variety of this group, Magic Carpet, is also recommended as a potted crop. Its small lavender inflorescences will surprise you with their spicy aroma. Ground cover roses cover the ground with a dense carpet, help decorate small hills, hard-to-reach areas of the garden, and are also the perfect plant for growing in rock gardens and rockeries.

Initially obtained by crossing polyanthus and hybrid tea species, they are classified as multi-flowered roses. Today there are many more of them. Varieties can be vigorous and very compact, but they all differ in long-lasting and continuous flowering. The flowers are medium-sized, simple, double, semi-double, with a wide variety of shades and colors. Disease resistant and winter hardy. Planted as a border plant to create a hedge, they are excellent for cutting.
Popular varieties: - Galaxy changes shades during flowering. Yellow buds, opening, turn into exquisite pink. - Lilli Marleen - not a capricious rose with scarlet petals, flowers about 7 cm in diameter. The height of compact bushes is a maximum of 75 cm. - Georgette - almost a meter high with crimson inflorescences (yellow in the middle), gradually the flowers can turn in purple.
Scrub roses (park or shrub)

Shrub varieties of this group are sometimes called modern park varieties, including roses that cannot be classified into other categories. They bloom for a long time, until autumn, in several stages. Some varieties are tall, two meters in height. They grow very quickly, and often the branches require support. For the winter they only need a light rose, and roses of Canadian selection (“John Cabot” and “Champlain”, etc.) are not afraid of even the most severe frosts. The main thing is that scrub roses are completely undemanding, so even amateurs can grow them.

Appeared in France. They differ from floribundas by smaller bushes, up to 60 cm. They bloom in early summer; one cluster can contain up to hundreds of small flowers, usually red, pink, orange or snow-white. They cannot boast of resistance to frost, so with the onset of cold weather you should take care of shelter.
Miniature roses

They resemble polyanthus, but are dwarf in size. Spherical bushes with small leaves do not exceed 20 cm in height. Beautiful fragrant flowers are brightly colored and collected in inflorescences. Some varieties trail. If you grow miniature roses at home, they can bloom all year long, with short breaks. Small plants of this group are especially hardy and will suit almost any conditions. The plant will shed fading flowers on its own and will always look neat; no pruning is needed. However, regular watering is especially important for them; the roots are not very strong. Varieties of miniature roses are famous for their unusual shades. For example, Lavander Jewel will surprise you with its bluish color, and Green Ice will surprise you with its green color, which is fashionable today.

A group that became a transition from ancient species to modern varieties. It dominated for about 70 years, but was gradually replaced by hybrid teas and floribundas. In total there are about 4 thousand varieties. Strong bushes above 1.5 meters with densely double flowers in snow-white and scarlet shades bloom most densely in spring. Popular varieties: Georg Arends with a satin pink hue, Paul Neyron with cupped inflorescences, George Dickson with crimson flowers.

Brought out in the 50s. Representatives of this group are suitable both for decorating a site and for cutting or forcing. The flowers are similar to hybrid tea, but these varieties are more winter-hardy and taller - up to 2 meters. Varietal forms: - “Komsomolsky Ogonyok” is recognizable by its red velvety flowers with a golden center; spreading bushes, a meter high. — “Lion” with an unusual color, the petals are scarlet on the inside, white-silver on the outside, the inflorescences are goblet-shaped.
Tea roses

This group has a lot of admirers, thanks to the unusual shape of the flowers and the magnificent floral palette. After crossing with Bourbon roses, varietal forms with stronger branches and glossy leaves appeared. The most popular pastel shades buds, golden, dark red with graceful tints.

Popular varieties: - Grace with double apricot-colored flowers that smell like peaches and look like lush dahlias. — Heritage (Heritage) almost without thorns, delicate petals Pink colour, do not fall almost to frost, double flowers smell simply amazing.

Groups of roses, their classification and representatives were the subject of study at school. The rose is probably the most divine flower (at least in our country, and throughout the post-Soviet space). It is not without reason that almost all women love this plant. Unprecedented beauty and unique aroma made it unique, one might say, the queen among other roses, classification of culture and characteristics of groups, photos and other helpful information- this and much more is discussed in this article.

History of origin

Rose is truly one of the most elegant flowers. Possessing smooth lines, rich, deep shades and a pleasant aroma, it has won a main place in the hearts of all gardeners.

The history of the appearance of roses on Earth is very interesting. It is believed that in ancient times there lived the goddess Flora, who was very fond of the god Cupid. It was thanks to her love that a flower, magical in its beauty and enveloping aroma, appeared. For Flora, the rose symbolized joy and sadness from love at the same time.

Even in Ancient Greece, the rose was considered to be a plant that could not only calm the excitement of the heart, help the soul renew itself, but also give happiness and long life. In ancient Rome, roses were used to decorate the streets of the city during various celebrations. Roses were first brought to Russia by Peter I, and later Catherine II fell in love with them.

Description of the rose

The rose grows on all continents, it is rich different varieties and forms. It belongs to the Rosaceae family, a collective concept of flowers that originate from the rosehip genus. Even in the Arctic Circle this is found beautiful flower, here it is represented by a type of needle rose, and in the tropics a very delicate yellow rose blooms.

The height of the rose can vary from twenty centimeters for the miniature variety and up to six meters for roses, which have a long weave and are most often grown in hot areas. The stems of roses can be covered with small but prickly thorns or remain completely bare. This flower has dense, bright foliage, its colors vary depending on the variety: from light green to dark burgundy.

They can have a diameter from one and a half to twenty centimeters, and the number of petals in them also varies - from seven in small flowers to seventy in dense varieties. The color of the buds is so varied that it is difficult to even simply list all the shades that roses can have: they can be red, apricot, and even blue colors, as well as their shades.

Not all roses have a strong scent; some may have no scent at all. Others spread a smell around them that can only be compared with oriental incense.

"Rose" in biology currently has more than fifteen thousand different species of roses. Some of their most common groups should be considered.

Description of the Rugosa group

This group of roses is a direct descendant of ordinary roses. This group has buds of different types - from simple to double. Some varieties have more than a hundred petals in one bud. The main advantage of the Rugosa group is frost resistance. Most often, these roses are planted in parks; they do not require any shelter for the winter, which makes them universal for decorating large areas of land. Most often, roses of this group bloom once per season, but for quite a long time (about one month). This group has the following classification: garden rose.

The most popular varieties of the Rugosa group are:

  • Queen of the North - is represented by a bush of medium height (a little more than a meter), its leaves are pointed upward and have a light green color. The buds themselves are painted bright pink, with an admixture of purple, with a diameter of about seven centimeters.
  • Perfume de Lay - has a very dense bush, one and a half meters high. The stems of such roses have sharp thorns, and the buds are most often colored deep scarlet and have a diameter of about ten centimeters.

Description of the hybrid tea group of roses

The classification of roses into groups also includes such a group, as the name implies, a hybrid of tea roses. Such roses are quite resistant to disease infection and pest attacks, but do not tolerate winter well, so they need reliable shelter. They bloom from about mid-June until the first frost (two or three times per season).

The size of hybrid tea roses varies depending on the specific species: from half a meter to a meter. The leaves of this group are very large, dense and dark. The flowers themselves range in color from soft pink to deep burgundy. The diameter of the bud can be up to 14 centimeters, and it can be either single or collected in inflorescences.

The classification of rose varieties in the named and considered group is as follows:

  • Julias Rose - The stems of this variety stand straight up and are about 80 centimeters high, which is why they are most often cut for bouquets. These are very beautiful flowers, with buds from five to seven centimeters, they have a slightly elongated shape. The color of the buds has a coffee tint.
  • Gloria Dei - this variety of roses is represented by shrubs, it is excellent for planting in large areas. The bush tends to spread over a space of about two meters; it is quite unpretentious and grows well. Gloria's buds have a diameter of up to fifteen centimeters and are gold in color.

Description of the group Floribunda

This group of roses was created after crossing tea roses and polyanthus. As a rule, they are planted on borders and in flower beds. Plant height varies from forty centimeters to one meter. This group of roses is distinguished by semi-double buds that are collected in lush clusters. The buds have orange or bright red shades, most often two or three colors. The scientific classification of roses of the named group also exists in the same name.

The Floribunda group is very picky about the soil on which it is planted. In this regard, the soil must be periodically fed with useful substances. These roses tolerate winter well, provided that they are reliably sheltered from bad weather.

The following varieties of Floribunda are very popular:

  • Margaret Merrill - the main feature of this variety is a very pleasant, spicy smell. The bush grows up to half a meter high. The buds are bowl-shaped and semi-double.
  • Angela - this shrub grows very quickly to a decent height (about four meters), it blooms continuously throughout the season. Angela has pink buds that spread a delicate floral aroma around them.

Description of the Grandiflora group

Grandiflora is very reminiscent of vat roses, but at the same time it also took a lot from the Floribunda group. The stems of flowers in this group stand vertically upward and reach a height of about two meters.

This group of roses resists frost well and blooms for quite a long time. The color of the buds is very diverse, but this group of roses has almost no scent. This group is great for creating beautiful garden arrangements; it is also grown for cutting into bouquets. The leaves of roses of this variety are very beautiful, shiny and large.

Grandiflora grows well not only on its own, but also on other people's roots. This group tolerates winter well and is resistant to disease.

The following varieties of roses from this group are known:

  • Tchaikovsky - this variety grows well (it can range from half a meter to two meters) and blooms all summer long. The buds have a diameter of about ten centimeters and a delicate pink color.
  • Love - this variety grows in height no more than eighty centimeters. The beauty of its petals is striking - they have a rich red color inside, with a silvery outside.

Description of the Shrubs group

Scrubs are a group of roses that are represented by shrubs, they are semi-climbing, and are perfectly used in any type of landscaping (both horizontal and vertical).

The classification of the rose plant in this group is divided into three classes:

  1. Nostalgic: this includes roses from brands from England, partly France and Germany. The rose variety William Shakespeare 2000 is especially popular; it is considered one of the best red roses in Great Britain. The bush of this rose is a little more than a meter high, it is all dotted with small double inflorescences of red color with a slight shade of purple.
  2. Canadian selection: roses of this variety are quite resistant to frost (even to forty degrees). The most popular is the rose variety Cuthbert Grant - it is a small bush (a little more than a meter in height and about eighty centimeters in width). The flowers of this variety have a purple hue; they do not grow singly, but are collected in a single brush, about 7-9 pieces each.
  3. Ground cover: this classification of rose varieties, in turn, is divided into tall and low varieties, which spread well, as well as very small and larger ones that droop. The Sommermorgen rose variety is very interesting - with its help you can decorate borders very beautifully. Its bush reaches a height of just over half a meter, it is all dotted with small (up to five centimeters in diameter) terry buds, which have a pale pink tint.

Description of the polyanthus group of roses

The polyantha group was isolated due to the crossing of two species: the Chinese rose and the multifloral one. This group is characterized by small buds, which are combined into shield-shaped inflorescences. The buds can be either regular or double. Their shades are varied: from boiling white to bright rich red. Roses of the polyantha group can be with or without a pleasant aroma.

Roses of this group bloom for a long time, until late autumn. The height of an average bush is small - about half a meter. Very low bushes of this group (about thirty centimeters) are grown only at home. This group of roses is easily affected by fungal bacteria. They can be propagated either by grafting or by cuttings. The classification of roses with photos of this group is presented in this article. Moreover, below are examples of specific names of these colors for the group under consideration.

The classification of the common rose includes the polyanthus group, which overwinters well even with minimal shelter. These roses decorate borders, pastures and ridges well.

The following varieties of polyanthus roses are widely known:

  • Orange Triumph is a very lush and beautiful bush, on which double red buds bloom, about five centimeters in diameter. The disadvantage of this variety is its weakness to fungal diseases.
  • Fairy - has pale pink buds, the bush reaches a height of just over half a meter. Each brush is capable of producing forty buds, which makes this rose look very chic.

Description of a miniature group of roses

As the name implies, the bushes of this group are quite compact; they are a low plant (about ten centimeters to half a meter). The buds are located on the stems singly or collected in inflorescences. The classification of roses (photos can be found below) of this group includes flowers that are very popular in Russia. These roses are popular, first of all, for their pleasant aroma, and the richness of the flower’s shades amazes the imagination.

They bloom for a very long time and profusely, almost until the onset of winter. They grow well both in open ground and on a home windowsill.

These varieties look very attractive:

  • Little Sunset is a very small rose (no more than forty centimeters), having small double inflorescences of golden color, with red edges.
  • Lavender Maylandina - this variety of miniature rose reaches a height of half a meter, it is distinguished by its buds of delicate lilac color and small (about five centimeters) in size.

Description of a climbing group of roses

Climbing roses were developed by breeders by crossing Chinese, Bengal and Indian roses. This type of rose is characterized by rather long and flexible stems, which sometimes reach six meters. They are perfect for placing on a support. Climbing roses are extremely diverse; they come in both double-flowered and regular varieties. The shades and shapes of the buds are also very diverse. The classification of roses (biology, 7th grade) was studied during school years, but the group mentioned above was not in the school curriculum.

Many gardeners recognize this group as the queen of the garden, because these flowers fit most wonderfully into any landscape, they can be placed both horizontally and vertically. Climbing roses will perfectly weave around borders and fences; they will also crawl well along walls and roofs of low buildings.

This type of rose does not require any special care, the main thing is to trim them and water them on time. They bloom almost continuously, from the end of May until the first frost outside. And indoors, in the warmth, they delight the eye with beautiful buds all year round.

The following varieties of climbing roses are popular:

  • Sympathy - the stems of this variety stretch up to five meters in length and have fairly large purple buds (about ten centimeters) with double flowering. They tolerate frost quite well.
  • Hamburger Phoenix - this variety of climbing roses has a bright crimson shade of buds, with small white splashes. The stems stretch up to three and a half meters in height. This plant tolerates even very harsh winters well, and also resists various diseases well.

Description of the Patio rose group (Miniflora)

They appeared about thirty years ago; previously they were part of the low-growing varieties of the Floribunda group. This group of roses is also distinguished by its relatively low growth (up to half a meter), they bloom profusely and are often planted as own gardens, and on city lawns. Patio bushes have very dense foliage, moreover, they are represented not by single buds, but by lush inflorescences.

The roses of the Patio group have different shades: from soft white to bright scarlet. A particularly popular variety of this group is Heidi Klum - a relatively small bush on which there are small (about eight centimeters in diameter) buds with bright purple petals. It blooms quite long and profusely.

These roses look great both on a small border and in flower pots. The Baby Bakkara variety with a pleasant fragrant aroma is perfect for decorating flower beds; the Baby Bakkara variety is perfect for a room. Roses of the Korsnoda variety are well accepted outdoors; moreover, they do not require additional insulation for the winter and are well resistant to diseases.

Remontant group of roses

This group (rose classification, biology, grade 7) was developed back in 1634. This variety of roses was bred by breeders in France by crossing several species: Bengal, Asian, tea and local French. From their predecessors, this group of roses received frost resistance, repeated flowering, and a fairly powerful stem and buds.

Remontant roses have bushes up to one and a half meters high, and sometimes even higher. The buds of this rose are quite large (about ten centimeters), they have a wonderful thick aroma. Shades of roses are represented by pink and red flowers.

Remontant roses bloom from mid-summer; as a rule, they bloom again, somewhat weaker, in the fall.

The following varieties are especially popular:

  • Paul Neuron - represented by very large cup-shaped buds. The stems of such roses are very strong and tall (about one and a half meters). The rose has a pleasant aroma and blooms quite profusely twice a season.
  • Frau Karl Druschki - this rose is distinguished by an interesting pointed bud shape, its petals are double, most often snow-white, slightly pinkish towards the top. The bush of this variety is very tall; it blooms in early summer and late autumn.
  • Georg Dixon is a variety of roses with a thick aroma, very fragrant and attractive. The bush is straight, tall, and the buds are bright scarlet in color.

Roses are rightly called the queens of flowers - they can decorate any area, willingly coexist with many plants, and caring for them is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. A description of the types of roses can take more than one page, because there are several dozen of them. Well, there are countless beautiful varieties of roses - below you will learn about the most popular of them, the most common in middle lane.

Popular varieties of semi-climbing roses

The main difference between semi-climbing flowers and climbing ones is their strong growth. At the same time, there are varieties of roses that bloom once or several times. Flowering is abundant and long, begins in early spring, and ends in late autumn. The name of this type of rose speaks for itself - it is an intermediate link between shrub and climbing species.

The bushes have tall shoots, reaching 1.5-2 m, on which large inflorescences are located. Unlike ordinary long-climbing roses, semi-climbing roses can bloom repeatedly.

The flowers of roses of this species are small or medium-sized, have a fragrant or slightly fragrant aroma, and the color of the petals is very diverse.

The main advantage of the semi-climbing type of roses over other types of flowers is their very high resistance to frost, so they can be hidden under light cover for the winter.

This type roses are relatively young - it appeared in the first half of the 20th century. as a result of crossing climbing roses with hybrid teas, polyanthus and some other species.

These roses look great both in group and in single landings, they are usually planted along hedges.

Below are photos of this type of rose and the names of the varieties:

Rose variety "Hamburg"(Hamburg) has pointed buds, large flowers reaching a diameter of 9 cm. The petals are semi-double open, crimson in color. The aroma is faintly fragrant. The leathery leaves are large and shiny. The bush reaches 2 m in height, blooms profusely, intermittently.

Mermaid (Mermaid). This variety of roses has large flowers, up to 9 cm in diameter. The petals are single, open, pale yellow, the stamens are bronze in color. The aroma is fragrant. The smooth, shiny leaves are dark green.

Pax (Pax)- one of the most beautiful varieties of semi-climbing roses with semi-double pure petals white. Prominent stamens of a golden hue. The flowers are collected in large inflorescences of 25,200 pieces and located on straight long shoots. Large leathery leaves. Abundant flowering continues throughout the summer.

Robin Hood (RobinHood) has flowers reaching 4 cm in diameter and collected in large racemes. Look at the photo above: roses of this variety have bright wine-red petals. The bush blooms profusely and blooms repeatedly.

Ave Maria (Ave Maria) It is distinguished by creamy-white flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm. The bushes bloom profusely several times during the season.

Aelita(Aelita)- a variety of roses with large flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm, and double greenish petals. The branches of climbing bushes grow up to 3 m.

Berlin (Berlin)- distinguished by orange-red flowers up to 8 cm in diameter with a golden center. Bushes with straight branches up to 1.5 m high. Rose Berlin received the name of this variety from the place where it was bred.

The best varieties of climbing rose

This species unites all climbing varieties of roses and was bred from two wild groups of roses: R. multiflora Thunb and R. wichuraiana Crep. The climbing bush is distinguished by abundant flowering in the second half of summer.

As you can see in the photo, this type of rose has flexible long shoots that creep or rise in an arched manner. The small leaves are hard, and the flowers reach 2.2-5 cm in diameter, their petals are simple or double. The flowers are collected in large inflorescences. The aroma is weakly fragrant or absent altogether. The color of the petals can be white, pink or red. It blooms once, but for a long time (about 30-35 days). The flowers are located along the entire length of the shoots. Varieties of this species are characterized by winter hardiness, and therefore a hard, dry shelter is suitable for them.

Recently, many concrete and glass buildings have appeared that get very hot in summer, so vertical gardening has become widespread. Climbing rose flowers are recommended to be planted on the south side of buildings, then they will not only serve as decoration, but will also protect it from overheating.

Most of these roses bloom once, and occur in early summer, with only last year's branches blooming. Therefore, it is so important for climbing roses to survive the winter well.

Look at the photos of rose varieties of this species - their beauty will not leave anyone indifferent:

Alberic Barbier (Alberic Barbier) has small yellow buds. The flowers are large, collected in small inflorescences, double petals, creamy yellow in color, yellow at the edges and in the center. The aroma is fragrant. Shiny, beautifully shaped, dark-colored leaves. The climbing bush blooms profusely starting in June.

American Pillar (American Pillar)- one of the best varieties of climbing roses, which is distinguished by large open flowers, reaching a diameter of 7 cm, collected in large inflorescences and located on strong shoots. The petals of this variety of climbing roses are single, carmine pink in color, the eye is white, and the stamens are golden. Large leathery leaves, shiny. A strong climbing bush reaches a height of 6 m, blooms profusely from May to June.

Blaze (Blaze) It has large cup-shaped flowers collected in large inflorescences. Petals are semi-double, bright red. The aroma is faintly fragrant. Leaves are leathery. A strong bush with a spreading crown blooms profusely and repeatedly. The variety is propagated by cuttings, grafting and layering.

Feilchenblau (Veilchenblau) It has small cup-shaped flowers. Petals are semi-double, bright crimson in color. The aroma is fragrant.

Gella (Hella)- a variety of rose, distinguished by semi-double white flowers, collected in large inflorescences-tassels. Bushes with branches 2.5-3 m long.

Excelsa (Excelsa) - popular variety roses with red-crimson double flowers and light green, shiny leaves. The bushes are distinguished by long branches - up to 4 m and abundant flowering throughout the month.

Super Excelsa (Super Excelsa)- one of the best varieties of climbing roses with bright crimson petals, collected in large clusters. Bushes with branches reaching a length of 4 m.

Dorothy Perkins(Dorothy Perkins)- small flowers with pink petals. Thin branches of bushes grow up to 3-5 m in length.

Beautiful varieties of tea roses (with photos)

This species, obtained from crossing Noisette and Chinese rose, was first introduced to Europe in 1789. It is distinguished by fragrant aroma and large flowers with double petals, the head of which often droops. The color of the petals can be light red, soft pink or different shades of yellow. Varieties of this species have abundant repeat flowering.

Bushes can be either straight or whip-shaped. Erect bushes reach a height of 50 cm to 2 m. The leaves are large, leathery, and the shoots are dense.

Tea roses need warmth, even a slight frost is dangerous for them, so it is not recommended to grow them in open ground in central Russia.

Water young tea roses only once a week. In the presence of frequent or heavy rains, there is no need to water them, since this flower does not tolerate stagnant moisture and in such conditions is susceptible to powdery mildew.

Currently, tea roses are practically not bred in gardens due to their poor frost resistance, but they have many positive characteristics, for example, an elegant flower structure, repeat flowering, a specific “tea” aroma and a variety of colors. Breeders transferred all these qualities to a younger species - hybrid tea roses, bred as a result of crossing tea roses with remontant roses. Unlike other roses, varieties of this species have few thorns and rebloom well.

Alan Titchmarsh(Alan Titchmarsh) It is distinguished by double flowers with pink and lavender petals. The aroma of flowers has citrus notes. These roses bloom continuously throughout the summer and again in the fall.

Abraham Derby (Abraham Darby) has large pink or dark apricot flowers that bloom throughout the season and until frost. The aroma of these flowers is reminiscent of strawberries.

Christopher Marlowe (Christopher Marlowe) differs in orange-pink color of flowers. As you can see in the photo above, the tea rose of this variety has numerous inflorescences. Their petals are dense, do not change color in the sun and do not deteriorate from rain. The aroma contains notes of lemon. The bushes of these roses are compact.

Gentle Hermione (Gentle Germione)– a variety of tea roses with double flowers of pure pink color. They have soft petals that hold up well in the rain and are scented with myrrh. The bushes are wide and low.

Jeff Hamilton (Geoff Hamilton) It has a beautiful flower shape with a soft pink color. In hot weather the petals turn white. The aroma is reminiscent of green apple. The bushes grow up to 1.5 m in height and are densely covered with flowers.

Varieties of hybrid tea roses and their photos

This type combines various varieties roses characterized by abundant flowering with short breaks throughout the summer. As a rule, there is one oblong bud on each shoot; sometimes there are several flowers. All varieties of hybrid tea roses have a strong aroma, which is especially noticeable in the morning.

Hybrid tea roses are bred for landscaping, squares, and parks as ornamental plant and also for cutting flowers. The color of this group can be very different, the aroma can be both subtle and strong, and the height of the bushes depends on the specific variety. Some varieties of hybrid tea roses have light green leaves, others have dark green leaves with a blue tint, and others have purple leaves. Moreover, they can be either matte or glossy.

Roses belonging to this species do not require serious shelter for the winter, and they tolerate overwintering satisfactorily. Hybrid tea roses can withstand frosts down to -6-8°C, and some varieties even down to -10°C.

Varieties of roses of this type are most often used for growing a permanent rose garden.

Barcelona(Barcelona) has large flowers located on strong long shoots. The petals are double, beet-red in color, and do not fade in the sun. The aroma is strong. Large leaves are dark in color. The bush is strong.

Bylina(Bylina) It has large lilac-red flowers. The petals are densely double. The aroma is subtle. The leaves are dark green. A straight, wide bush reaches a height of 1.5 m and blooms profusely.

Viola (Viola) It is distinguished by flowers that have a beautiful structure and are located on strong peduncles. The petals are double, light pink with a carmine-lilac tint. The aroma is fragrant. The leaves are dark green. The bush reaches medium height.

Virgo (Virgo) has graceful buds, large flowers reach a diameter of 12 cm. As can be seen in the photo, this variety of hybrid tea rose has double petals of pure white color. The aroma is faintly fragrant. Leathery leaves of dark color. The strong bush is characterized by abundant flowering.

Madrigal(Madrigal) has elongated buds of a pointed shape. The flowers are large, with double petals, salmon pink with a copper-red tint. The aroma is fragrant. The bush is tall.

Remontant roses were bred in the middle of the 19th century. from crossing Belgian, French, Tea and Damask roses, the first variety of this species was the La Reine variety.

The species was called remontant due to its ability to re-bloom during the summer, due to this it is considered especially valuable for landscaping. The maintainability of this species was inherited from tea roses, but unlike them, it is more frost-resistant, although it also requires artificial shelter for the winter.

Bushes of this type of rose can reach a height of 1.5-2 m. Shoots rise from the root collar, and begin to bloom only in the second year. Large flowers are most often red or pink, but yellow or beige colors are also found.

Although re-blooming occurs, it is relatively sparse. In addition, remontant roses are highly susceptible. Because of these shortcomings, breeders treat them with caution.

Flowering branches are formed in remontant roses mainly on the middle and upper parts of two-year-old shoots, and on the lower part - the following year

Varieties of remontant roses

Speaking about what types of roses there are, one cannot fail to mention remontant roses, which appeared as a result of the hybridization of Bourbon, Damask and French roses with tea and Bengal roses. Below are photos and names of varieties of remontant roses.

Prince Max zu Schaumburg (Prinz Max zu Schaumburg) has large flowers. The petals are double, salmon-pink in color. The tall bush blooms profusely in late spring, with repeated flowering occurring in the second half of summer.

Ulrich Brunner fiss (Ulrich Brunner fils) It is distinguished by large cup-shaped flowers. The petals are terry, red with a carmine tint. The aroma is very fragrant. The tall bush blooms profusely at the beginning of the season; weak re-blooming occurs in the second half of summer.

Frau Karl Druschki (Frau Karl Druschki) has a pointed bud of an oblong shape. The flower is large, cup-shaped. The petals are double, pure white, the peripheral petals are slightly pinkish on top. The tall bush blooms profusely at the beginning of the season, re-blooming occurs in early autumn and lasts almost until frost.

Hugh Dixon (Hugh Dickson) has very large flowers. The petals are densely double, intense crimson with a scarlet tint. The strong bush blooms profusely at the beginning of the season, followed by weak re-blooming in the second half of summer.

Eugene Furst(Eugen Furst) distinguished by red semi-double velvet flowers.

Georg Arends(Georg Arends)- pink flowers with shiny petals. The bushes are spreading and bloom repeatedly throughout the season.

Mrs John Laing (Mrs. John Laing)- double flowers with silver-pink petals. The bushes are tall and are winter hardy.

Marie Baumann (Marie Baumann)- has large carmine-red double flowers, spherical or hemispherical. Blooms all season. This species includes decorative frost-resistant rose hips and roses that can withstand wintering under light shelter or without it at all. Most varieties bloom once at the beginning of summer, and a mass of fragrant flowers appear on the bushes. In autumn, the leaves of park roses turn beautiful colour, and the bushes are decorated with bright fruits.

Park roses have become widespread because they are very unpretentious and tolerate winter well. They look great on any landscaped area, as well as against the backdrop of lawns, shrubs and trees.

Most valuable park rose considered to be a wrinkled rose, or rugosa. Both she herself and her hybrids have large flowers endowed with a strong aroma. The color of the petals can be white, pink, yellow or wine red. These roses bloom throughout the summer, but most abundantly at the beginning of the season.

Qualities such as repeat flowering and frost resistance of rugosa rosea are used to develop new winter-hardy varieties with repeated flowering.

The most beautiful varieties of garden roses

Conrad Ferdinand Meyer (Conrad Ferdinand Meyer) It has large flowers, arranged in several pieces on a long shoot. The petals are terry, silver-pink in color. The aroma is very fragrant. The shoots have a large number of thorns The leaves are large and leathery. Flowering occurs in early June and may repeat throughout the summer.

Parnassina (Parnassina) It is distinguished by large cup-shaped flowers reaching 7 cm in diameter. Petals of this variety garden roses terry, pure pink color. Dark leathery leaves. A strong bush can reach a height of 1 m. Flowering occurs in June and may repeat throughout the summer. The variety has high frost resistance.

Pink Grootendorst (Pink Grootendorst) has small flowers, shaped like carnations and collected in inflorescences. Terry petals, carved along the edges, hot pink color. The leathery leaves are shiny and wrinkled. The strong bush can grow up to 1 m in height. The crown is branched and compact. Flowering occurs in June and repeats throughout the summer.

Pompon de Bourgogne (Pompon de Bourgogne) has small flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. The petals are densely double, pale pink with a pink center. The aroma is fragrant. A low, spherical bush reaches a height of 75 cm.

The most beautiful varieties of the most magnificent of flowers are roses. They were brought to our region from southern countries, so they love warmth and sun. Since our climate zone does not provide for summer all year round, it is necessary to choose the right varieties of roses, the most resistant to cold, capable of being reborn every spring.

Varieties of roses with photos and names

Our climate zone is not very conducive to growing roses. Fierce winter frosts Only rosehip or tea rose can withstand. The remaining shrubs freeze from shoots to roots and often they can no longer be saved.

There are methods for correct cutting of stems that florists recommend, however, few people use these tips.

For special lovers of growing the most beautiful of flowers, professionals recommend special varieties of roses that are resistant to the frosts of our latitudes, with which you can plant garden plots and not have to worry about the health of the bushes.

Today's fashion for planting roses around your home is by no means an innovation. Roses appeared in Russia quite a long time ago. It is recorded that in 1912, a huge alley of 8 thousand roses of different varieties was planted in the Moscow region.

Unfortunately, it is not known exactly which species were planted, however, the Portland ones were probably one of them due to their durability, compact size and strong aroma. (See also ).

The homeland of this variety of roses is France. In the 19th century, they were ordered by the Countess de Portland. She was a huge fan of roses, and the group of flowers was named after the countess.

One of the subspecies of Portland roses is Jacques Cartier. These plants are perfect for small gardens in our latitudes due to their winter hardiness.

Despite its noticeable compactness, it blooms with pink, very lush and fragrant flowers. Multiple small petals give it a special charm.

The Jacques Cartier bud has a specific shape; its petals protect the center from rainwater. In addition, 4-5 buds usually bloom on one branch, which is good for cutting.

Jacques Cartier blooms several times a year with an interval of 1.5 months before the onset of cold weather. Cutting off faded heads helps speed up the appearance of new buds.

The shape of the plant is compact, narrow and tall. The leaves are dense, dark green.

No one can resist the pink panther buds. The variety belongs to tea hybrids, and the flowers are arranged in clusters.

The color of the buds is interesting. At the beginning of flowering they are a unique pink color, with shades of salmon color. As it blooms gently Orange color gives way to rich pink.

During any flowering period, it shines with unique colors. The bush is quite hardy in relation to cold, rain, and bright sunlight; the leaves never lose their rich tone. The foliage of the shrub has a gray-green tint.

Cold conditions in the northern parts of Europe contribute to the formation of black spots on flowers. IN southern regions this contrast is not as noticeable as in the North. From the rains, the petals form dark spots, so it is better to grow this species in warm conditions.

The bud usually consists of 40 petals, which are arranged in the shape of a glass. The aroma of the pink panther is reminiscent of fruit.

It blooms throughout the summer, and in late autumn, the buds do not wither, but open like peonies before falling off. The branches of the bush are quite high (1-1.5 m), the leaves have a shiny bronze hue.

Madame Mayland

Madame Mayland, aka Gloria Deyi, aka Goya and aka Peace for the English, is one of the most famous varieties of this flower throughout the world. It received its first name from Madame Mayland, who was the mother of the man who developed this variety.

It is famous for its huge flowers, which look charming both in the early stages of bud formation and during vigorous flowering.

The original is yellow for this variety, with pinkish edges of the petals. But in reality, the color of a rose and its aroma are determined by the time and place where it is grown.

The bush is quite strong, healthy and frost-resistant. Madame Mayland's foliage is wide, abundant, dark green, thanks to which it looks luxurious at any time of the year, even if there is not a single bud on it.

This group of pinks is considered the queen among flowers. Florists and rosary lovers adore these flowers, as they are varied in shape, color scheme, which undoubtedly decorates flower beds and flower beds.

In this form, everything is beautiful: color and smell, shape and incredible vitality. Cordesa blooms very luxuriantly. Today, this variety is actively hybridized, resulting in the most unexpected colors and shapes.

Nevertheless, natural representatives of Cordes are most suitable for our climate; they are strong enough and frost-resistant for local latitudes.

Besides high level Withstanding cold weather, Cordes roses are also famous for the fact that they are very easy to care for. They do not require any special procedures. It is enough just to water them in time, feed them, weed them and prune them in the spring.


It is not difficult to guess that the variety got its name thanks to its snow-white flowers, double to the touch. Their diameter is 7-8 cm. Usually in an inflorescence there are from three to eight buds, each of which has about 30 petals.

Iceberg has a very light scent. The foliage is shiny, dense, light green. The shrub is usually very dense and reaches a height of up to a meter. The flowering period of this species is from July until the first frost.

The name also justifies its frost resistance. However, they require special care during the cold season. To prevent the tops of the shoots from freezing, by winter the bushes must be covered with soil to a quarter of a meter, and in the spring the shoots must be cut at a height of 4-5 eyes from the ground. After pruning, the plant will quickly recover and bloom profusely this year.

If the shrub is already 3 or more years old, you should trim them at the base in the spring, this will force it to regenerate more actively, and, therefore, will bring a larger harvest of flowers. This variety of roses is resistant to diseases and various types of fungi.

It blooms very profusely, so Iceberg shrubs are best suited for group plantings and trunks.

Today, a derivative of this variety, mutated from the buds, climbing Iceberg, is very popular. It blooms in the same way as its “parent”, from June until frost. Grows up to 2.5 meters. The leaves are bright green.

This species is even more frost-resistant, and the highest shoots can freeze only in severe frost conditions. To protect the plant from the cold, it is necessary to hill it with soil or cover the shoots with leaves and insulate it. Thanks to this, the buds will be preserved and in the spring they will bloom with renewed vigor, magnificently and beautifully.


Revel is a hybrid tea variety of roses. Often only one bud blooms on a shoot, and very rarely 2-3. But this does not detract from her beauty, since she has beautiful shape glasses, and its diameter reaches 12 cm.

And the terry petals have a soft pink color. The shrub usually has a lot of shoots with bright green foliage. The flowering period is limited to summer.

Revel is resistant to diseases and tolerates winter well if cared for properly. The bush must be covered with soil up to forty centimeters in height. In spring, it is necessary to trim the shoots at a height of 4-5 eyes.

After this procedure, the shrub quickly revives and blooms with renewed vigor. A shrub older than 3 years must be pruned at the root every spring so that the plant recovers better and bears rich fruit.

A cut rose of the Revel variety can be admired for three weeks.

Rose variety - New Don

The flowers are quite small: only 6-7 cm in diameter. The petals are a beautiful pink color; usually there are about 30 velvety petals in a bud.

Rose varieties New Don They have an amazing apple aroma. The shrub looks very lush, as there are usually 5-7 buds blooming in an inflorescence. The foliage is medium-sized, leathery, with 5-6 dark green leaves per branch.

The bush is very tall, and the shoots reach 2.5 meters in length. This group blooms for a very long time: from the beginning of summer until the first frost.

This variety of roses is rightfully considered the best in terms of frost resistance and is recognized as the best among autumn roses. climbing plants. Only the very top parts of the shoots freeze and only in severe frosts.

To prevent it from disappearing, it is necessary to cover the shrub with a quarter meter of soil during the winter, and cut off the affected areas in the spring.

Three-year-old shrubs and older need to be pruned at the base every spring, this will allow them to rejuvenate faster. This group is characterized by very good health.

Paul's Scarlet Climber

This variety of roses is distinguished by the beauty and grace of small round buds, consisting of 35-40 bright red, velvety petals. The smell of Paul's Scarlet is very subtle. Flowers with a diameter of 7 cm are densely collected in inflorescences of up to ten flowers.

The leaf branches are quite large and contain 3-7 leaves, dark green in color. The height of the bush shoots is 1.5 meters. The main flowering time is from mid-June to the end of July.

It is at this time that they are most abundant. Flowers tolerate heat well and do not lose their shine due to the scorching sun. The roses do not bloom so luxuriantly again.

Pols Scarlet Clymer is quite frost-resistant; by spring, only the very top of the shoots can freeze, which will need to be trimmed.

You can protect shrubs from the cold with the help of wooden or deciduous shields, bending the shoots to the ground and burying them by a third of a meter. Proper care it guarantees abundant flowering in the coming year.

This variety of roses blooms with very large, rich red, velvety buds with a diameter of up to 12 cm. They are located on the shoot in varying quantities: from 1 to eight pieces, each of which has about 30 petals.

The aroma of the variety is very subtle. The leaves are large, grouped into 5-6 dark green leaves. A strong, straight shrub that is relatively low, reaching one meter in height.

The variety is well resistant to sunlight, begins to bloom in mid-July and retains its bright colors until late autumn.

Uncle Walter is a representative of the hybrid tea variety and is recommended for planting as massive plantings and for cutting.

Dame de Coeur

The buds of Dame de Coeur are very dense and can consist of 60 petals of cherry-red shades, which fold into a bowl shape with a pronounced center and create a diameter of up to 12 cm.

The shrubs are quite compact, reaching no more than a meter in height, the leaves on the shoots are dark green and thick.

The bush blooms in mid-June and several more times until late autumn. The sun's rays do not damage the petals, so the buds always look fresh.

The variety is resistant to cold and fungal diseases. IN winter time it must be covered with earth half a meter and the shoots must be cut off at a distance of 4-5 eyes from the base.

If the plant is more than 3 years old, it is necessary to trim the shoots at the root every spring. Proper care will ensure abundant flowering, maintain the health of the bush and fill it with vitality.

Dame de Ker is a representative of the hybrid tea variety and is recommended for planting both in massive plantings and for cutting.

The Queen Elizabeth variety is massive, velvety, beautiful pink roses. It reaches 12 cm in diameter and consists of 30 petals. The flowers are very fragrant and grow in inflorescences.

The branches of the bush are very strong and quite high - up to 1.5 meters. Queen Elizabeth flowering period: from the 2nd decade of June to November.

The variety is resistant to diseases and tolerates winter well if cared for properly. The bush must be covered with soil up to forty centimeters in height.

In spring, it is necessary to trim the shoots at a height of 4-5 eyes. After this procedure, the shrub quickly revives and blooms with renewed vigor. Queen Elizabeth blooms very profusely, so it is well suited for group plantings and for cutting.

The history of roses

The elegance and aroma of roses have been admired since ancient times. Numerous cultural monuments have reached us, testifying to this. The Babylonians and Assyrians carved them out of stone, and the oldest drawing was discovered on the island of Crete, in the Palace of Knossos; the fresco dates back to the 16th century. BC e.

However, in Ancient Greece, rose bushes did not bloom from the beginning of time, but only after Alexander the Great conquered Persia. And of course, the great Greek singers could not resist her magnificence.

Mention of the rose can be found in the poems of Homer and Sappho. The first encyclopedic description came from the hand of Herodotus, who described a rose with 60 petals that grew in the garden of King Medas.

However, the ancient Romans did not receive this flower as an inheritance from their older brothers the Greeks; the Egyptians delivered roses to them. These flowers were used to show the highest honors: they paved the way for great commanders, decorated arches and festive tables.

The rich spared no expense in purchasing them, and King Nero did not spare tons of gold for the Alexandrian rose bushes. The aroma of these flowers was especially valuable, so rose water was even added to fountains and pools.

Varieties and selection of roses video