Sweet varieties of radish for open ground. Review of the best radish varieties of different ripening periods

To grow early radishes and prolong the harvest of fresh root vegetables long time you need to use varieties of different ripening periods. It is especially important to know varietal characteristics when sowing a vegetable in the last rotation to get a harvest before the onset of cold weather. When grown in protected soil, a non-shooting variety with high marketable fruit quality should be used.

Features of growing radishes

Everyone's favorite vegetable, the radish, belongs to the cruciferous family. It represents three groups of plants. What we call radish belongs to the Japanese group of radishes. There are also Chinese and European radishes. The small-fruited group up to 60 grams is European. The early root crop serves dietary product with a large set needed by a person elements.

The culture was brought from Europe by Peter I, but radishes were appreciated much later. At the end of the 18th century, the vegetable was recognized in Russia, although black radish was cultivated much earlier.

A cold-resistant plant is very demanding in terms of compliance with all aspects of development and will only be early ripening if the following conditions are met:

  • soil fertility;
  • temperature regime at development stages;
  • illumination and length of daylight hours;
  • proper watering and loosening of the soil.

Only compliance with all requirements will allow you to receive good harvest root vegetables The most important condition is to use the best varieties of radishes.

Favorite varieties of radishes

Plants can be grouped according to ripening time:

  • early ripening - 18-20 days;
  • early ripening – up to 30 days;
  • mid-season - up to 40 days;
  • late ripening - more than 40 days.

In addition, they differ in the color and shape of the root crops. The taste of the early vegetable depends on the mustard oil content. A juicy root vegetable can have a spicy taste or not, and sometimes the bitterness is completely unnoticeable. Based on these signs, producers select the right seeds. Summer residents often sow several varieties interspersed in order to stretch out the first vegetable before a massive supply of vitamin products to the table.

The root crop belongs to the early varieties of Dutch selection. Its main advantage is the absence of bolting during long days. Therefore, the variety is used for sowing from March to September and does not need cover in midsummer. At good fruit it is smooth, juicy, round and reaches 25 grams. The rosette of leaves is small, the fruits are dark red.

Daikon radish

The vegetable belongs to the Japanese radish group. This is a radish, we call it sweet radish. The value of the vegetable is that daikon can be consumed by those who are harmed by the irritating effect of the pulp of an ordinary spicy radish. And there are a lot of useful substances in root vegetables. It contains potassium and calcium salts. In addition, the bactericidal substances of the vegetable are beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

Fresh daikon, without cooking or preservation, neutralizes the effects of radioactive contamination, some researchers say.

Culture is less whimsical nutrients in the soil. When bolted, the root crop retains its juiciness. Daikon radishes can be of various shapes and reach 3 kg by weight of the root crop. Its size is impressive. Depending on the characteristics of selection, the length of the stem daikon can be up to 60 cm.

A mid-season root vegetable that quickly gains weight. For summer residents, it is attractive because it hardly shoots and is suitable for growing without shelter in the middle of summer. Root crops develop quickly. Since radishes with normal care reach 50 mm in diameter, they need to be sown sparsely, at a distance of 10 cm between plants.

With normal watering, radishes are very juicy with a slight bitterness. The skin is bright red and thin. The Duro radish pulp does not become flabby and remains juicy. This radish is suitable for year-round cultivation. In the off-season it grows well in greenhouses. After harvesting, the root crop is stored for 30 days without loss of quality. The variety is resistant to bacterial diseases.

Radishes French Breakfast

The long, beautifully colored fruits are loved by everyone. The harvest of a bright small cylinder growing upward makes you impatiently wait for the first finger to fill up and, after rinsing it slightly, eat it immediately with a crunch. Everything about this radish is edible. The tender, not roughened leaf just begs to be added to a salad. Housewives love the variety for its convenient shape and delicate taste. Gardeners for unpretentiousness and fast filling. The variety is recommended for open ground However, summer residents often compact greenhouse tomato plantings with this root crop. The ripening period of the French Breakfast radish is no more than 25 days, the rosette of leaves is compact. Best result obtained during early spring cultivation.

Radish Giant

The root crop, also known as the Red Giant, is an old variety of the Far Eastern experimental station. The variety received a passport in 1958. Late ripening variety. It takes more than 45 days for the root to develop. However, these radishes are worth the wait and be amazed at the variety flora. At first, an inexperienced gardener may pull it out of the greenhouse after a month, since he will not find anything other than tall, fragile leaves. But after a month, the root will begin to swell and turn into a cylindrical root 15 cm long.

But if the Giant radish is not picked out of the ground, it will continue to grow, reaching the size of a carrot. At the same time, it does not flabby, does not throw out the peduncle. When compacting in the greenhouse, the first cucumbers and root vegetables are removed at the same time. The best part is that while the radish is growing, you can pick its leaves for salad. They are very delicate and break off easily. The root vegetable can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months.

A variety that is especially popular among summer residents. It is valued for its delicate soft taste and the large size of the root vegetable. This root crop is grown for 35-40 days. A spindle-shaped vegetable grows, 15 cm or more in length. The variety is good because the stem does not stretch during the summer. Icicle radishes are grown from April throughout the warm period, sowing after two weeks. The plant tolerates heat well, does not wilt and remains juicy. The weight of the root crop is on average 20 grams.

The many varieties of radishes do not allow us to describe each in detail. But every summer resident has a favorite variety that he looks for on store shelves. And may luck smile on everyone.

The best varieties of radishes - video

Radish is a vegetable crop that has many beneficial properties. Caring for the plant is not difficult, and the resulting harvest allows you to prepare not just a tasty, but very healthy salad for the body. Radish varieties are presented in huge quantities. They may differ in their taste, method of cultivation and care. In addition, each climatic zone of Russia has its own suitable good varieties for growing in open ground. Let us now dwell in more detail on the most popular and sought-after types of radishes.

How to grow Parade onions on a feather is shown in the video of this article:

For the Moscow region

In fact, growing radishes in the Moscow region will not be special labor. You need to choose those seeds that can withstand spring frosts and the influence of various kinds pests.


The size of the root crop is small, but the taste remains unchanged. top level. The variety resists cracking. In addition, the package contains a fairly decent amount of seeds - 100 pieces. The radish pulp is juicy, white and has a slight pungency.

Torero F1

The hybrid is striving to become a leader among radish varieties for cultivation in the Moscow region. The reason for this demand is that all fruits grow same sizes and shapes. The fruits also have a juicy, sweet taste, which, undoubtedly, has resulted in wide demand among gardeners.


Seedlings of this variety do not need to be irrigated so often. According to tests carried out, radishes of this variety was subjected to cracking, its root crops turned out to be irregular and crooked in shape.

In addition, they all have inedible qualities. If you decide to buy the Zarya variety, then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly water and fertilize the soil.

White Nights

This radish variety is able to resist flowering. Certain root vegetables may crack due to lack of moisture. In principle, the fruits are very juicy, large and not rough.


The radish variety is characterized by its strength. It does not crack and has the correct even shape. At proper cultivation and after care, the radishes turn out juicy and tasty. The only disadvantage of this crop is the formation of root crops of various sizes.

French breakfast

The variety has become widespread among gardeners in the Moscow region. The reason for this demand is obvious.

This crop is growing rapidly, but the yield is at an average level. The fruits are smooth and elongated. Care involves regular and thorough watering, loosening and fertilizing.


If you want to get the harvest as early as possible, then you should use early varieties planting material. This collection includes quite a lot various types seeds


This variety is characterized by early ripening. Harvesting occurs 28-35 days from the date of harvest. The pulp of the root vegetable is pink in color, the skin is red.

The taste characteristics are at the highest level. The variety in question is not subject to cracking and stemming.

Early red

For the crop to be weeded, 25-30 days must pass from the moment the seedlings emerge. The root vegetable weighs 15 g. The surface of the fruit is red, smooth, and the flesh can be white or white-pink.

Speaking about the taste of this variety, it should be noted that radishes have a delicate and slightly spicy taste. The vegetable retains its presentation for a long time. Resists coloring.

This variety can be grown in a greenhouse or in open areas. The pulp of the vegetable is white in color, very juicy and delicate in taste. The Early Red variety is one of the most delicious types of radish.

Variety 18 days

This type Radish is very popular all over the world. Root vegetables ripen very quickly. As can be seen from the name of the variety, harvesting can occur as early as 18 days from the moment of germination.

Radishes have juicy and not spicy pulp. The shape is elongated, but has a very beautiful appearance.


The fruits can boast of their beautiful color scheme, since the color of the products is deep red. The vegetable has a round shape.

Radishes ripen evenly. The growing process can take place in a greenhouse and on open ground.


The variety can grow in greenhouse conditions and in open areas. The radish color is red and the shape is round. This type of radish is slightly porous.


Early ripening variety. Harvesting can occur on days 21-23 from the moment of seedling formation. The color of the vegetables is bright red, with a white blotch at the tip.

One fruit can weigh 20 g. The pulp is characterized by its juiciness and white color.


In addition to the fact that the variety is considered early ripening, it is also characterized high speed growth. Color solution This root vegetable is red. The shape looks like a circle.

The variety grows in open, protected soil. The pulp has a surprisingly pleasant taste and its color is white. This variety can easily be classified as the most juicy and tender.

The best

The most best seeds radish. They received this name for the reason that the variety is not picky in terms of care, it gives excellent harvest and has a delicate taste.


This variety is late ripening. Harvesting can occur on 21 days. The vegetable has a round shape and a white tip. The fruit is medium in size and has a thin skin.

The variety is characterized by its amazing taste. Able to resist various diseases that affect leaves.


This variety is also late to bear fruit. You must wait 2 months for harvesting. The variety is considered high-yielding. Responsive to mineral fertilizers. The fruit is red in color, and the weight of one is 200 g. The variety is characterized by its plasticity when grown in open ground.

For 4 months the product perfectly retains its presentation. Able to resist coloration. For this reason, sowing of planting material should occur in spring and late July. From 1 m2 it is possible to collect 5 kg.


For the fruits to ripen, 28 days must pass from the moment the seeds are sown. Grows well in greenhouses or open areas.

The color of the fruit is bright red and has a round shape. The taste of this variety is at the highest level. There is no flabbiness during transportation.


This variety is late ripening. From germination to harvest, 30-45 days should pass. This variety is characterized by its large size.

By appearance white radishes look like white turnips. One root vegetable can weigh 400 g. The pulp is also very juicy and tasty. Not only adults, but also children will like this product very much.

Radishes are a common product that is widely used for various types of snacks. For human body it is of particular value because it contains many beneficial microorganisms. Based on the conditions in which radishes will be grown, each gardener will be able to choose the optimal variety for himself.

Radish is rightfully considered one of the earliest and healthiest vegetables. Consumers love it for its subtlety of taste and pleasant aroma exactly as much as gardeners love it for its ease of care and availability throughout the year. Today there are countless varieties of this root vegetable, but what are the best varieties of radish?

Types of radishes differ in resistance to diseases and growing methods, but the most important difference is observed in the timing of ascension. Thus, when using some varieties, it is possible to obtain a radish harvest already on the sixteenth day of planting. These are “Ultra Early”, “18 Days”, “Randar F1”, “Firstborn F1” and other new types.

All these varieties are classified as super early. It is important to note that it takes sixteen to twenty-five days for plants of these varieties to reach full maturity. But it is important to take into account one nuance - these varieties are incredibly sun-loving, and they require at least ten hours of light for the growing season.

No less popular radish varieties in domestic gardens are early ripening. Early ripening varieties ripen a little longer: they are typically grown within twenty to twenty-seven days from the first shoots. The best among the early species are considered to be the varieties “Ilka”, “Duro”, “Rubin”, “Zarya”, “Heat”, “Early Red”, “French Breakfast”, “Deca”.

In addition to popular, well-known varieties modern market Local varieties of radishes and their hybrids are conquering. Often their cultivation is confined to a specific area.

Radish Valerie is a famous Dutch view, which is a hybrid. It ripens within twenty-seven to twenty-five days and has very bright, red and large root crops. The hybrid is resistant to bolting, is not afraid of thickening, and also shows resistance to white rot and real powdery mildew. Valerie radishes are best suited for greenhouses.

All-season radish – comparatively the new kind, bred for cultivation in open ground. Other characteristics of this species are early maturity and a large amount of harvest. Radish fruits are round in shape, deep red in color, with delicate pulp. This variety does not require any special care.

Radish Premier is a representative of early ripening varieties. It ripens completely within twenty-five days, the harvest is large, juicy, and has a slightly pungent taste. The pulp of the root vegetable is white-pink. One of the features of this variety is resistance to storage diseases, as well as an increase in weight with a slight extension of harvesting time.

Radish Vienna F1 is an innovative development made by Dutch breeders. This all-season hybrid matures early, produces many large, void-free roots, and is resistant to both bolting and cracking. The root crops of this radish are very recognizable - they lack a white stripe and are bright red in color.

Radish Snegirek is good early ripening variety, derived by Russian scientists. He gives good harvest in just 18 days. A small rosette of leaves, large, juicy root vegetables with dense and juicy pulp. The advantages of this variety are good transportability and long-term preservation of its presentation.

Radish Superstar German variety with early dates, suitable for both growing in greenhouses and on the ground. Interest in this species is associated with the variety’s good tolerance to stress associated with changes in temperature and soil moisture levels.

Goddess radish is an early-ripening variety with pronounced resistance to cold. In addition, root crops do not lose marketability for a long time, and the plant itself is resistant to bolting and cracking.

Radish Irene is another Dutch find. Seeds of this species germinate in insufficient light. Ripening in just twenty-five days, it is a cold-resistant and highly productive hybrid. Resistance to root voids, lack of bitterness, and low leaves make radishes of this variety attractive for cultivation.

Espresso radishes ripen in just 18 days, while having a reduced light requirement. In addition, it lasts for a long time and has a slightly pungent aftertaste.

Radish Poker F1 is made in the Netherlands. Fully ripening in sixteen to eighteen days, it is resistant to bolting, is well stored, and also has short and compact tops, which plays a role in the thickening of plants.

A separate group of species can be identified as new varieties of radishes, which are most often proprietary. Among them, early ripening ones include “Mayak”, “Malaga”, “King Kong”, “Blue Frost”

Mayak radish is a mid-season proprietary hybrid with a spreading rosette and pink-red root crop. The latter are almost completely immersed in the soil. The advantage of this variety is its high resistance to temperatures, allowing it to be grown in open ground.

Malaga radish is a new type of early ripening. Among the people, the root crops of this variety have an unusual, purple, for which the variety was nicknamed - purple radish. Root vegetables are large and smooth, contain a lot essential oils. The variety is not susceptible to bolting and can be stored for a long time.

Radish King Kong – author's large-fruited variety, created by Siberian breeders. This variety is almost not prone to bolting, is extremely high-yielding and very tasty. Also, King Kong radish is medium-early in ripening.

Blue Frost radishes are an unusual and very recognizable root vegetable. This rich purple variety is somewhat similar to the Malaga variety. Ripening in twenty-five days, it retains its lively appearance for a long time, is not subject to bolting and therefore can be grown throughout the summer.

From seed to harvest, the Sakata hybrid is formed within twenty-three to thirty days. A large number of harvest, small tops, long-term preservation of marketable appearance by the fruits are not all the advantages that are exhaustive in its description. Sakata is resistant to one of the most harmful radish diseases - fusarium.

Radish Parat is formed within 18 days. These are very large root vegetables, weighing up to thirty grams. "Parat" was bred in Germany and does well when grown seasonally. Prefers loose, well-lit, open ground.


Radishes of the Deka variety are grown in greenhouses. This ultra-early variety bred by Russian breeders is formed within two to three weeks. The pulp of the smooth, bright red fruits is homogeneous and practically not bitter.


Diego is a species developed and bred in Holland. It is suitable for both open and closed ground. The cycle from seed to harvest takes twenty to thirty days. The root crops of this radish are very large, juicy, and not bitter. This variety is extremely unpretentious and stable, despite its high fertility.

Celeste F1

Celeste is a special variety, one of the best among the mid-early ripening varieties. The characteristic unpretentiousness against the backdrop of rapid ripening - within twenty to twenty-five days from planting - makes this species attractive. It does not require much moisture, does not require much light, and is resistant to bolting and diseases typical of radishes. High yield, long-term shelf life, pleasant taste and convenient transportation are all advantages of Celeste over other types of radishes.


Dabel ripens within 18–23 days. This is one of the main types aimed at commercial use; it grows on any soil, is frost-resistant and easy to care for. The fruits do not crack, the flesh is dense and crispy.


A good choice for those who use unprotected ground. Champion is an early-ripening variety with medium-sized fruits. This species has absolute germination, slightly elongated fruit shape. Also, due to its resistance to diseases, it does not require intensive fungicidal treatment.

16 days

This variety created a sensation in its time - its root vegetables are truly completely ready for consumption in just sixteen days. Its sowing is possible every two weeks and the germination rate is almost one hundred percent. In addition, this variety has a pleasant taste with bitterness and is resistant to bolting.


Harvesting of radishes of this variety begins within twenty-eight days. It grows well in all types of soil and produces large, watery root crops. With 100% germination and a high yield of two and a half kilograms per square meter, it is still prone to sagging and flowering.

Medium and late ripening

Unlike the very early and early varieties mid- and late-ripening species have whole line benefits. Full ripening of root crops varies from the thirty-fifth to the fiftieth day, but the yield is much higher than the early varieties. In addition, varieties and hybrids of this period do not flower. Late-ripening radish is an excellent program for all-season cultivation of this root crop in open ground, due to its timing at later planting dates: the second half of summer or early autumn.

Among the representatives of late-ripening radishes there are both well-known and popular species, as well as little-known and innovative ones, which does not diminish their qualities.

Rondeel radishes are not very leafy and are also frost-resistant. He gives rich and very large harvest, germinating in open ground. It does not lose elasticity, retains its presentation for a long time, and tolerates insufficient lighting well. Resistant to some harmful diseases.

Radish Vulcan is the author's late-ripening root crop with high yield. The fruit is characterized by an elongated, “spindle-shaped” shape, up to twenty centimeters in length. Forms large, up to three hundred grams of root crops. It can be stored for up to four months, retaining its juicy pulp with a slightly spicy taste.

The unusual yellow color of the Zlata radish is due to the high content of vitamin C, as well as other vital compounds. It has a very unusual taste; the roots are round, with a thin yellow skin. The variety does not form voids, does not crack or shoot.


This is one of the oldest varieties growing on any soil. Quite large and very productive, it has a very characteristic taste of milky-pink pulp - pungent, due to the high content of vitamin C.


Sora is Dutch variety convenient for its tolerance to light. Due to the fact that it does not lose its presentation even after prolonged use daylight hours, and is considered the best for summer growing. This plant is heat-loving, with small and juicy roots of a dark red color.

Red giant

One of the largest and productive varieties. Its root crops, cylindrical in shape, grow up to ninety grams, and have a characteristic rich red color. With a yield of three and a half kilograms per square meter, it remains marketable for a long time. It is also worth noting the almost absolute germination, resistance to drought and resistance to flaccidity and flowering, despite the large size of the root crop.


This unusual variety was bred in Siberia. He's really completely white, round, with a spicy taste. This hybrid is extremely resistant to cold and produces a rich and large harvest.

Video “Benefits and harms of radishes”

From this video you will learn about the benefits and harms of radishes.

Spring is the time to start working in the garden and sowing vegetable crops. Very often, gardeners grow radishes, as they are a healthy and tasty vegetable. Our article will tell you what the best varieties of radish for open ground are worth choosing to collect from the beds bountiful harvest.

Radishes are a very popular annual crop among gardeners, which today are actively grown in many countries in Europe and the rest of the world. It is one of the subspecies of seed radish. The value of the plant lies in the formation of a juicy cylindrical or round root crop. It was this peculiar root vegetable that gave the name to the culture, because radix is ​​translated as “root”.

Today, radishes are represented by a wide variety of species, which differ in the following parameters:

  • ripening time;
  • agricultural technology;
  • description of root vegetables (shape, color, taste);
  • region of growth.

This crop is found not only in garden beds, but also in the wild. However, in nature wild plants almost does not form a root crop, and if it does, it has a whitish color. At the same time, varieties intended for dacha gardens compete with each other in the size of root crops and their color. The color of their vegetables can be either red or pink or purple.

In our country, gardeners value radishes for the following properties:

  • frost resistance;
  • precocity;
  • excellent pungent taste, which is obtained due to the presence of mustard oil in the pulp of the vegetable;
  • the ability to obtain a harvest for a long time (when sowing seeds of different varieties every week).

To obtain excellent harvest, you need to select healthy radish seeds and the best varieties for growing in open ground.


The most profitable species in terms of yield and cultivation will be discussed below. Early ripening variety. The achievement of technical maturity by root crops is observed in Zhara already 18-20 days after planting seed

into the ground.

  • The variety produces vegetables with the following characteristics:
  • shape – round;
  • the surface of the skin is smooth;
  • The color of the outer peel is red. A slight crimson tint is possible;
  • the pulp is juicy and dense. It is white in color. The formation of voids is not typical;

The weight of one radish is about 30 g. Zhara root vegetables have a pleasant taste. They are not characterized by bitterness, but there is a slight pungency. Thanks to this, the variety is highly rated taste qualities

. Therefore, this radish is suitable for cutting into salads, as well as eating fresh.

The yield of the variety is not bad. From 1 square meter of planting you can get up to 2.8 kg of vegetables. This variety can be planted in film shelters, as well as in ordinary beds. Heat was specially bred for hot and warm regions. In this regard, she tolerates well, but less resistant to frost. Therefore, it is often grown under film covers. Plants have strong immunity to flowering and the most common diseases of this crop.

Dabel f1

It is also an early ripening variety. Here, technical ripeness of vegetables occurs approximately 23 days after planting. The hybrid can be planted both in spring and before winter.

Dabel f1 produces a fairly large root crop compared to all other varieties. On average, the diameter of one radish is about 4.5 cm. The weight of the vegetable reaches 35 g. Aboveground part plants are insignificant.

The following characteristics are characteristic of root crops of this variety:

  • red peel color;
  • the flesh is white. It is characterized by uniform density. No voids are formed in it if the radishes are overgrown;
  • the taste of the radish is medium spicy;
  • vegetables have excellent commercial qualities;
  • long storage period.

Harvesting is a one-time process. With minor processing, up to 400 plants can be accommodated per 1 sq.m. The yield obtained per unit area depends on the density of planting. Radishes are suitable for both sale and personal use. The variety can be grown in greenhouses or in ordinary beds.

When growing this hybrid, you need to know that it has excellent resistance to cold and bolting.

The advantages of Dabela f1 include:

  • compact socket;
  • frost resistance. The development of the underground part of plants continues even at low temperatures;
  • fast ripening;
  • excellent appearance of the fruit;
  • large fruit;
  • high productivity.

To achieve a good harvest, caring for a hybrid must include all agrotechnical techniques (loosening, watering, fertilizing). But the seeds should also be sown on sandy, fertile soils. If the substrate is poor, then the hybrid will not be able to form large and tasty root crops.

Red Giant

It was developed in the countries of the Far East. A medium ripening variety. From the moment of sowing the seeds until the formation of technically mature root crops, it takes from 34 to 50 days. This variation in the maturity of vegetables is due to different climatic conditions in the region where the crop grows. This point should definitely be taken into account when planting this variety in your garden beds.

Today, the Red Giant is actively grown not only in Japan, but also in the European part of Russia or the North Caucasus.

As the plants grow, they form a large and spreading rosette. The formed root vegetables have the following description:

  • rich red color of the peel. Pinkish furrows are noticeable on it;
  • cylindrical, elongated shape of root crops;
  • the pulp is white. It does not lose its juiciness and density over a long period;
  • the taste of vegetables is sharp;
  • the radish is 13 cm long;
  • The weight of one root crop varies from 45 to 80 g.

Red Giant is known for its excellent yield. From 1 sq.m. you can collect up to 4.2 kg of tasty and high-quality radishes. While creating necessary conditions storage (the storage must be refrigerated), the crop is able to retain its qualities for 4 months.

The variety can grow in open ground. It has good resistance to shooting.

Cherryet f1

Another early ripening hybrid, which was bred by Dutch breeders. The Cheriet F1 crop can be harvested 18 days after the first shoots appear in the beds. However, for this it is necessary to plant only in the presence of favorable weather conditions, and also to apply all the necessary agrotechnical techniques at the time of its implementation.

The hybrid can be grown in warm regions in open ground. When planted in a greenhouse, the harvest can be obtained throughout the year.

The following properties are characteristic of root crops of this variety:

  • large sizes. The average diameter of vegetables is 6 cm;
  • radish shape is round;
  • peel color – dark red;
  • the pulp is dense and free of voids;
  • great taste.

This hybrid is characterized by the formation of a low aerial part. Plants are not prone to forming flower shoots.

Celeste f1

This variety is a hybrid, the root crops of which reach their technical ripeness 23–25 days after sowing the seeds. Celeste f1 differs from other varieties in the excellent characteristics of its root crops:

  • radishes have a slightly elliptical shape;
  • the surface of the vegetables is smooth;
  • the skin is bright red;
  • the flesh is dense and white. It is not characterized by lethargy and cracking;
  • the taste of radish is pleasant with a slight spiciness;
  • large vegetables. The average diameter of one radish is 5 cm.

The hybrid is grown both in film structures and in open beds.

Autumn giant

Another early-ripening variety of radish is the Autumn Giant variety. Here, the ripened harvest can be harvested in approximately 25-29 days, which will pass from the moment the seed is planted.

The name of the variety fully reflects its main difference and advantage - very large white root vegetables. The usual shape of radish of this variety is ovoid. Due to its gigantic size, one vegetable weighs about 150 g. At the same time, its length is about 8 - 10 cm. Externally, the roots of the Autumn Giant resemble daikon (a type of seed radish).

The flesh of the vegetables, like the outer skin, is white. It is characterized by a bright taste, as well as a delicate consistency. It is not recommended to leave ripe vegetables in the soil. In this case, they will begin to become coarse and also lose their taste characteristics.

Under properly created storage conditions, the crop, without losing its marketability and taste, can last up to 5 months. In this case, the pulp will only lose a little of its density.


In addition to white and red radishes, you can plant other subspecies in your garden beds, which are famous for their unusual colors of root crops. For example, the Zlata variety produces round vegetables with yellow skin. At the same time, the flesh is crunchy and has a standard white color. It is characterized by a juicy consistency.

This early ripening variety, technical ripeness of which occurs on days 20-22. Zlata is characterized by high yield. With abundant watering, root vegetables weigh about 20-24 g. The maximum weight of radishes of this variety is 60 g.

The advantages of the variety include:

  • plantings tolerate lack of moisture well;
  • excellent commercial quality;
  • excellent taste of root vegetables;
  • long-term storage of the crop, during which there is no decrease in the basic characteristics of the pulp.

Zlata is suitable for planting in open ground.


Malaga is an early maturing variety of radish. It differs from other species in that the skin of the root crops is purple. Harmonious crop formation is characteristic.

Radish has the following characteristics:

  • vegetables have a smooth surface;
  • shape – round;
  • the average weight ranges from 16-20 g;
  • the pulp is juicy and white. It crunches and has a dense consistency. Its taste is pungent.

Harvest, when created optimal conditions, can be stored for a long time (about 1-1.5 months) without loss of quality and taste.

If the weather was dry during the growing period, then Malaga will form arrows. It can be planted from early spring until the first frost.

Late ripening varieties

In addition to the early-ripening varieties of radishes, which were described above, gardeners also grow late-ripening varieties of this crop in garden beds and greenhouses. In such species, technical ripeness of root crops occurs approximately 36–45 days after planting the seed. As a result, the harvest from such beds can be harvested either in the second half of summer or in early autumn.

Due to late When the harvest ripens, such varieties are planted in open ground at the end of May. It is allowed to sow seeds in early June. To get a good harvest, planting dates should be determined depending on the region where the crop grows.

Often gardeners try to plant late-ripening varieties along with early-ripening varieties. Then the radish harvest can be harvested throughout the season.

The following varieties are considered the best late-ripening varieties of radishes.


It is sometimes classified as a species with average yield ripening speed. Radish ripening occurs within 25-35 days from the moment the seeds are sown. The vegetables here are round and have red skin. Their diameter is from 3.6 to 4.2 cm. If the radish is overgrown, then its skin does not crack.

The pulp may have a pinkish tint or white color. It has an excellent taste and is almost devoid of bitterness. The flesh is crispy and juicy.

Such a radish weighs about 14-18 g. The yield of the variety depends on the region in which the crop is grown. In case of long-term storage, vegetables remain fresh and beautiful.

Plants have good immunity and effectively resist a wide variety of diseases.


Quite popular late-ripening variety Radish, which is often grown by gardeners in our country, is Rampoush. The technical maturity of vegetables here occurs 35-45 days after planting.

Root crops have a spindle-shaped and elongated shape. The skin and pulp are white. The taste of vegetables is pleasant, not very spicy. There is no bitterness.

This type of radish is resistant to bolting. This variety is used exclusively for planting outside greenhouses.

Red giant

The most popular variety Radishes, which are characterized by late ripening of the underground part of the plant, are considered the Red Giant. It is actively grown in fields and gardens. The formation of the harvest here occurs in the period from 35 to 50 days.

Vegetables are large. They have red skin and juicy flesh. The pulp of root vegetables contains a lot of vitamin C. Their weight is 80-300 g. From 1 square meter you can harvest up to 4 kg of vegetables.

Root vegetables, when the right conditions are created, can be stored well for several months. The harvest can be stored in the refrigerator or cellar. However, during storage, vegetables gradually lose their commercial quality. They become hollow and flabby.

As you can see, there are many wonderful varieties of radishes that will feel great on open garden bed and produce a bountiful, tasty harvest. The difficulty of growing here lies only in the fact that you need to choose several species from such a chic assortment.

Video “The best varieties of radishes”

In this video, a specialist will talk about the best varieties of crops, as well as how to plant correctly.

Radishes, which appeared in Europe thanks to Marco Polo, who studied the life and customs of the peoples of China, are one of the many varieties of seed radish and are an annual vegetable crop recognized in many countries of the world.

The main value of radishes is a juicy root vegetable of a round or elongated shape, thanks to which the vegetable received its name, which comes from radix, which means “root”.

Since the 13th century, when the inhabitants of the Old World met the new garden plant, a lot of interesting varieties radish. If the wild radish that is still found practically does not form a root crop, the color of the rhizome is not pink or red, but whitish, then cultivars compete in a variety of shapes and colors.

In the beds you can see radish roots covered with thin skin, painted in all shades of pink and red, as well as white, yellow and even purple radishes.

In Russian gardens, radishes are one of the earliest vegetables and are valued for their early ripening, frost resistance and fresh, slightly pungent taste, which the crop owes to the presence of mustard oil in the root crops.

This early ripening variety is one of the oldest. The Zhara radish was obtained at the Vitensk OSS in the Baltic states back in the middle of the last century and by 1965 it was zoned in many regions of the country.

From the appearance of the first shoots to the collection of juicy root crops, it takes from 20 to 30 days, with square meter By planting this variety of radish, you can harvest a harvest weighing up to 2.8 kg. Under the dark red surface of the root vegetable lies white or pinkish juicy, void-free, pulp with a sweet, moderately pungent taste. The weight of the round or elliptical root vegetable of the Zhara radish is 15–27 grams. The rosette is powerful, spreading, the radish is almost completely hidden in the soil. This radish variety is good when grown under film.

Hybrid radish Dabel F1 produces a harvest within 18–20 days from the moment of germination. The peculiarity of the plant is an extremely compact rosette and well-developed large root vegetables with uniform, dense white pulp and a medium-sharp taste. The culture is frost-resistant and not sensitive to frost.

The development of root crops continues even with low temperatures. If there are delays in harvesting radishes, voids do not form inside the root crops, and the consistency does not remain dense and crispy. There were no cases of bolting or cracking of the Dabel F1 radish. The yield of the variety depends on the density of plantings. If an interval of at least 5 cm is maintained between plants and soil moisture is maintained, the foliage does not stretch, and the root crops are formed large, even, with excellent marketability and taste.

Radish Dabel F1 is suitable for both personal use and sale. Early maturing, high-yielding radishes are suitable for growing in all types of greenhouses, under film and in open ground.

Red Giant Radish

A radish variety with an average harvest time was developed for Far East and in the middle of the last century it was zoned not only in this region, but also in the European part of Russia, as well as in the North Caucasus.

The period from sowing to obtaining root crops of the Red Giant radish variety, depending on the region and weather conditions, ranges from 34 to 50 days.

Up to 4.2 quality radishes are harvested per square meter of bed. The Red Giant radish has a fairly spreading large rosette. The root vegetables have a rich red color, with pinkish transverse beards visible on them. Radishes have an elongated cylindrical shape and, with a length of up to 13 cm, can weigh from 45 to 80 grams. The white pulp has a weak pungent taste and does not lose its juiciness and pleasant density and excellent taste for a long time.

The variety is frost-resistant and suitable for open ground. The appearance of arrows is not observed on plants of this radish variety. In refrigerated storage conditions, it retains its properties and commercial qualities for up to 3–4 months.

The radish hybrid Cheriet F1, which produces large early root crops, was obtained by Dutch breeders. Subject to agricultural technology and favorable weather conditions, if the plant is cultivated in open ground, radishes produce a harvest 18 days after the emergence of seedlings above the ground. Plants grow well both in garden beds in warm weather and throughout the year in greenhouses. The root vegetables are large, smooth, with a dense, void-free consistency and excellent taste. The diameter of the dark red round root crop reaches 6 cm.

The radish hybrid Cheriet F1 is distinguished by its resistance to the formation of flower shoots and low greenery. The recommended distance between plants is 5–6 cm.

The early ripening hybrid radish Celeste F1 produces the first harvest of root crops after 23–25 days. The harvest has high commercial characteristics. The roots are smooth, round or slightly elliptical in shape. The radish variety attracts attention with the bright red color of the surface of the root crops and their snow-white dense pulp with a pleasant pungency and good taste. The average diameter of the root crop is 5 cm.

All-season radish Celeste F1 grows both in open plantations and under film covers. No cracking or flaccidity of the pulp is observed.

The early-ripening variety of white radish Mokhovsky is worthy of attention not only because of its snow-white pulp and the same skin color. The first rounded root crops of this variety can be obtained in 19-31 days. From 0.7 to 1 kg of root crops are collected per meter of plantation.

White radishes have excellent flavor and extremely juicy, crisp flesh.

The rosette is erect, raised above the ground. A root crop with a diameter of up to 4 cm and a weight of up to 23 grams is 70% immersed in the soil and is easily pulled out.

Radish variety Autumn giant

Mid-season Autumn Giant radish is ready for harvest in 25-29 days. The peculiarity of this unusual variety is its very large white round or ovoid root vegetables weighing up to 150 grams. Average length root crop is 8 - 10 cm, the pulp of the Autumn Giant radish is white, juicy, delicate consistency and bright taste.

The root crops of this radish variety are stored for up to five months, practically without losing density and taste, so even in winter time can be used fresh. It is better not to leave root crops that have reached maturity in the soil, as they become coarser and lose the flavor inherent to the variety.

In appearance and qualities, this white radish is very similar to another variety of seed radish - daikon. If in Europe the most popular of all varieties of radish is the radish, then the daikon, called Japanese or Chinese radish, is a culture beloved in the East.

You can distinguish daikon root vegetables from white radishes by the absence of the famous pungent taste. Daikon pulp does not contain mustard oil, but it does have a special aroma. The shape of the foliage of two closely related crops also differs. Unlike white radish, daikon leaves have an excised shape and are larger.

The name of daikon is translated from Japanese as “ big root" Indeed, the root crops of this crop, which is gaining popularity in the Old World, grow up to 60–70 cm in length and reach a weight of 500 grams to 3–4 kg.

In addition to white radishes, the modern set of varieties of this crop also includes varieties of other interesting colors. The radish variety Zlata, which produces early harvests in 20–22 days, amazes with its round yellow root crops. The flesh is white and has a crispy, juicy consistency. The variety is high-yielding, tolerates lack of moisture well, and when good watering and care, at the time of harvest, the root crops of this radish variety weigh 10–12 grams, and after a week the weight increases to 20–24 grams. The maximum weight of radishes is 60 grams.

Root crops of the Zlata variety have high commercial qualities that last a long time after harvesting.

The Malaga radish variety is distinguished not only by the early stages of technical ripeness of root crops, but also by their purple color. The harvest is formed uniformly, the root crops are smooth, round, weighing from 16 to 20 grams and are stored for a long time after digging, without losing their dense crispy texture, juiciness and sharp, fresh taste.

In dry weather, Malaga radishes do not shoot and can be grown from early spring until frost.

Autumn sowing can be used to harvest for subsequent storage and consumption of products for 1–1.5 months.

Video about the best varieties of radishes