Garden small roses. Rose variety - New Don. Photos and brief descriptions of rose varieties are offered

The variety of roses is so huge that it is difficult to decide at first glance which crop is right for you. Types of roses with photos, names and descriptions - a great opportunity pick up suitable plants for home and garden, because each variety of this flower has its own characteristics of cultivation and care.

From this article you will learn what types of garden and indoor flowers there are, what characteristics of cultivation they are characterized by, and photos and videos will help you distinguish different hybrids by appearance.

What types of roses are there?

Rose is one of the most ancient flowers. According to archaeological research, the first flowers appeared on Earth about 25 million years ago, and have existed in culture for 5 thousand years. Even before our era, they were cultivated in India and China, and their image was used to decorate the walls of the tombs of the pharaohs.

Scientists believe that the birthplace of modern culture is Persia, but this flower was loved and revered in many countries around the world. For example, in Ancient Greece they even worshiped it, considering it not only a beautiful, but also a useful flower.

The first detailed description of the culture and the features of caring for it was made by the Greek scientist Theophrastus. But they became especially popular in Ancient Rome, where they were considered a symbol of courage and were used to decorate banquet halls. It was the Romans who began to use both aromatic water and oil to prepare cosmetics and medicines. In addition, the petals began to be used in cooking and winemaking.

Note: Since the Romans used the plant and its petals everywhere, they were the first to cultivate this flower, growing it not only in open ground, but also in greenhouses.

But the plant's popularity was not stable. After enormous popularity during the times of Ancient Rome, the flower fell out of favor in the new era, as it served as a living reminder of the debauchery and vices of the Romans. A particularly strong negative attitude appeared during the formation of Christianity, since love for this flower was considered a sign of paganism. Later it was dedicated to the Mother of God, and the white ones to Mary Magdalene.

New varieties (for example, musk, damask) appeared in southwestern Europe during the Arab conquests in the 8th-12th centuries. During this period, flowers exchanged dust among themselves and were cultivated by humans, but still they were distinguished by single flowering, and only in the 18th century were they brought to Europe perennial species, blooming repeatedly. They became the main modern hybrids(picture 1).

Figure 1. Species diversity of roses

France had a special love for culture. Rose gardens were created here and new varieties were bred. In Russia, these flowers began to be actively cultivated in the 19th century, and the Nikitsky Botanical Garden became the first center for breeding new types (about 100 domestic hybrids were bred there). At the moment, breeding work continues, and the number of subspecies already exceeds 2.5 thousand.


At the moment there are about 30 thousand types of culture. All of them are divided into wild (botanical) and garden varieties.

Flowers are classified according to their origin. external signs(flower shape, bush height, leaf structure) and biological features(resistance to diseases and cold, duration of flowering).

Note: Since the plant has been cultivated for a long time, its classification is considered conditional, since it is difficult to clearly determine whether individual varieties belong to certain species. This is explained by the fact that the most ancient of them went through a long period of formation and mixed with others for many centuries.

Figure 2. Popular varieties: 1 - park, 2 - Chinese, 3 - repair, 4 - hybrid tea

The most valuable and popular are the park, hybrid tea, miniature, climbing and ground cover groups:

  • Park(Figure 3) were cultivated in ancient times (French, Provencal and moss). They bloom once and have strong aroma. The hybrid, the wrinkled rose, belongs to the same group, on the basis of which many other species were created, distinguished by a wide variety of colors.
  • Chinese, multifloral and multiflora were brought to Europe from China. Chinese is also called Bengal (Figure 3). Their flowers have almost no scent, but appear almost all year round. It was the Bengal variety that became the basis for the creation of the tea type. It has elegant flowers and a rich aroma. But they are not resistant to disease and cold, and when grown in open ground they require careful care.
  • Repair were created on the basis of the Portland variety (a hybrid of Damask and Chinese). They are distinguished by repeating flowering, but, unlike tea plants, they tolerate cold well.
  • Hybrid tea group appeared due to the crossing of tea and repair species. It is the species of this group that are widely used in modern world, since the crops are not only distinguished by long-lasting flowering, but also by their undemanding maintenance.
  • Polyanthaceae(Figure 3) were obtained by crossing multifloral and Chinese varieties. The result is a hybrid that grows into a low, compact bush with branching branches and small flowers that retain their freshness and aroma for a long time. They tolerate cold well and are easily propagated by cuttings or roots (for example, “Dick Koster”, “Muttertag”).
  • Floribunda- a special group that was bred on the basis of dwarf and hybrid tea varieties (Figure 3). Their main feature is intense and long-lasting flowering, and the flowers are collected in fairly large inflorescences. It is floribundas that are used for landscaping, as they reproduce easily, are highly resistant to cold and are undemanding in terms of maintenance conditions.
  • Miniature- plants obtained by crossing low polyanthus with other varieties. Such plants are distinguished by small flowers with a rich aroma, which appear on the bushes almost continuously throughout the year if the crop is grown in an apartment.
  • In the middle of the last century, a separate group of grandiflora (floribunda hybrids with hybrid teas) was bred. Representatives of this group bloom for a long time and profusely, vary in color and size, and the bushes grow quite large (up to one and a half meters).
  • Group of climbing crops(Figure 4) was obtained by crossing bred varieties with wild ones. The main feature is small flowers, collected in small inflorescences and long weaving stems that need support (Dorothy Perkins, Excelsa). As a rule, climbing hybrids bloom once, but there are species with repeated flowering (“New Down”).
  • Groundcover group - varieties bred on the basis of Chinese and Vihura roses (Figure 4). These are creeping shrubs with dark green leaves with small flowers. They cover the ground with a dense carpet, and due to their resistance to disease and cold, they are easily cultivated (“Swanee” and “Snow Ballet”).

Figure 3. Types of roses: 1 - polyanthus, 2 - floribunda, 3 - miniature

Additionally, there is a group of semi-climbing crops, but they are distinguished conditionally, since this group includes flowers that are not included in other categories. Flowers of this group are distinguished by abundant but uneven flowering and resistance to disease and cold. They are easy to propagate by grafting or cuttings.

Recently, French breeders have developed completely new hybrids, which they have combined into a group of landscape flowers. They have a high decorative value, and due to their abundant and long-lasting flowering, they are actively used for landscaping. From the video you will learn what hybrids of these colors exist.


According to the botanical classification, the flower belongs to the Rosaceae family. There are about 400 varieties found in the wild (they are called rose hips). Mostly wild flowers are found in temperate climates, but there are species growing in the subtropics and the Arctic.

Figure 4. Ornamental species: 1 - grandiflora, 2 - climbing, 3 - ground cover

Breeders regularly develop new flower hybrids, making them more adapted to different conditions growth. The variety of types is amazing:

  • Most species are multi-stemmed shrubs, deciduous and evergreen;
  • There are liana-shaped varieties that form garlands of flowers;
  • The crops also differ in height: from dwarf bushes, up to 15 cm high, to huge shrubs that can grow up to 10 m.

As a rule, the stems are covered with thorns, but there are crops without them. The flowers are bisexual, arranged singly or in small inflorescences.

Roses also differ in the number of petals in the inflorescence.(Figure 5):

  • Simple (from 4 to 7 petals);
  • Semi-double (8-20 petals);
  • Moderately double (21-29 petals);
  • Medium double (30-39);
  • Densely double (the number of petals exceeds 40).

The shapes of the petals are also varied. They can be flat, pointed or curved, forming inflorescences in the shape of a bowl or ball. Flowers may be goblet-shaped, square-centered, or camellia- or carnation-shaped.

Thanks to breeding work, it was possible to develop hybrids of the most diverse different shades, although the most common are pink, white and yellow tones. There are crops that change the color of the petals as the flower ages, as well as flowers with striped or streaked colors.

Note: It is believed that all roses smell the same. But it is not so. The typical scent is pink and dark red, while other varieties have a fruity aroma or no scent at all.

Depending on the variety, crops are grown in bush and standard form, using them to decorate borders and flower beds. Weaving ones are used to decorate walls and other vertical surfaces. Ground covers are used for landscaping slopes. Tea hybrids are grown for decorative purposes and for cutting in open ground and greenhouses.

Figure 5. Plant types by inflorescence type

The rose is valued not only for its decorative value, but also for its healing properties. Roots and fruits are used in folk medicine. In Japan, the fruits are used for cooking, as they contain a lot of carotene and vitamins.

Indoor rose: types, photos and names

Kinds indoor rose with photos and names are so diverse that even novice flower growers will be able to choose a beautiful and unpretentious type for themselves.

If you are interested in what types of this culture there are, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them detailed description with photos and names and (Figure 6):

  1. Bengal- a low-growing crop that forms lush bush with flowers of a wide variety of shades, from white to bright red. This is one of the most unpretentious species, which does not require shaping trimming. It is enough just to periodically remove dry and damaged branches. The plant requires moderate watering, and the humidity level of an ordinary city apartment is perfect for this species.
  2. Polyanthaceae were obtained by crossing different garden species. As a result, the height of an adult shrub rarely exceeds 50 cm, but the bush is quite lush, and the flowers can be double or collected in racemes.
  3. Teahouses also suitable for growing at home. However, preference should be given to bush varieties, since if the species was based on a whip variety, the plant can grow up to two meters in height.

Figure 6. Varieties of indoor crops: 1 - Bengal, 2 - polyanthus, 3 - tea

Growing indoor culture, make sure the plant gets enough light. You can place a flower pot on any windowsill, except the northern one. In winter, daylight hours are artificially extended using fluorescent lamps. The plant should not be allowed to overheat, as in such conditions root system may begin to rot, and the crop itself will be more susceptible to disease. Feeding should be carried out periodically, and watering should be moderate: it is made more intense only during the flowering period.

Types of musk roses

Musk roses are also called landscape roses, as they are great for garden decoration, but at the same time they are easy to care for and hardy.

Note: This group received its name due to the pronounced and rich aroma, which smells a bit like musk.

There are several popular types of musk roses, photos and names of which are e (Figure 7):

  1. Cornelia- a hybrid with a wide variety of colors of inflorescences, from white to bright pink;
  2. Buff Beauty distinguished by the unusual apricot color of the inflorescences;
  3. Felice- an unusual breeding hybrid, the petals of which are pink on the inside and apricot on the outside.
  4. Pax also refers to the two-color type, since the buds are mainly white, but with a yellow center.

Figure 7. Popular varieties of musk roses: 1 - Cornelia, 2 - Buff Beauty, 3 - Pax

Despite the fact that musk species are considered hardy and unpretentious, they still require some care. For example, to make flowering more intense, you need to spring pruning, and during the flowering period add special fertilizers to the soil. In addition, some musk hybrids do not tolerate partial shade, so it is better to plant them in well-lit areas protected from drafts.

Types of Chinese roses with photos and names

The second name of the Chinese rose is hibiscus, and in appearance this flower does not look like ordinary inflorescences. This is a very popular plant among gardeners, not only because of its unpretentiousness to growing conditions, but also because of the wide variety of species.

Note: There are about 300 varieties in total of this plant. They all differ in the color of the buds, height and shape of the bush.

Types and varieties of Chinese roses suitable for Russian gardeners are:(Figure 8):

  • Trees, for example, the Syrian rose, grow in the form of a small tree, and with regular formative pruning - in the form of a compact shrub.
  • Herbaceous species include swamp and hybrid hibiscus. Unlike other types of Chinese rose, which are perennial, herbaceous varieties are annuals that die back completely in the fall.

Figure 8. Varieties of Chinese rose: 1 - Syrian, 2 - swamp hibiscus, 3 - trifoliate hibiscus

It is noteworthy that there are special frost-resistant varieties hibiscus, specially adapted for growing in our climate. For example, the trifoliate (northern) hibiscus seems inconspicuous in appearance, but during flowering it can become a real decoration of the garden. In addition, it tolerates low temperatures well and does not have any special care requirements. The only condition is that you need to plant such a Chinese rose in an area with good lighting and loose fertile soil.

Types of roses with photos and names: floribunda

Floribunda roses, in comparison with hybrid tea varieties, have virtually no scent, and their flowers are not so large. But at the same time, they are considered quite popular due to several important advantages.

Firstly, their flowering period lasts all summer, and the number of inflorescences on one bush can be very large. Secondly, these varieties are resistant to most diseases and do not require as much care as other types. In addition, there are many varieties of this type, so you can choose several types for your garden, which will differ in the shape, size and color of the buds.

Among the most popular varieties of roses, floribunda is t (Figure 9):

  1. Raffles- a variety with unusually shaped flowers that resemble lace. Blooms from early summer until late autumn. It is unpretentious, but requires shelter for the winter.
  2. Floribunda kimon o - a hybrid with delicate peach blossoms. Looks great both when planted alone and in combination with other flower crops.
  3. Floribunda Nina Weibul- a variety with bright red flowers that bloom until late autumn. It is resistant to diseases and low temperatures.

Figure 9. Varieties of floribunda roses: 1 - Raffles, 2 - Kimono, 3 - Nina Weibul

Most floribunda varieties are used to decorate borders and create flower arrangements, but they will also look great when planted alone.

Types of climbing roses with photos and names

The main advantage of climbing types over other varieties is their flexible stem, which is tied to supports for decorating gazebos, fences and building walls.

The types of climbing roses are very diverse, so we will present only the main ones, with photos and names(Figure 10):

  1. Golden Gate- a semi-climbing crop that produces many shoots, the length of which can reach 4 meters. Yellow velvety flowers are collected in large inflorescences.
  2. Snow Goose- a climbing variety with small flowers that abundantly cover the entire bush. If the growing conditions have been met, one brush can contain up to 25 inflorescences. Feature variety - complete absence of thorns, but it can only be grown in a vertical plane, tying the stems to supports.
  3. Santana- a climbing variety with large bright red inflorescences. The height of the bush rarely exceeds 3 meters, but the seedlings take root well on any soil and are resistant to disease and cold.

Figure 10. Popular climbing varieties: 1 - Golden Gate, 2 - Snow Goose, 3 - Santana

It is important to consider that most climbing varieties do not tolerate shade well, so sunny areas are used for growing them. In addition, a mandatory condition for care is the installation of supports to which the flexible stems of the plant will be attached.

Types of garden roses: photos and names

It is difficult to briefly describe all types of garden crop types, since they are presented in a very wide variety.

We will try to describe the most popular varieties garden roses by type(Figure 11):

  • Miniature (Patio)- these are small bushes with a large number of small inflorescences. One of the most popular varieties is Laurensa - a dwarf copy of the Bengal rose, which will look great in a small outdoor pot or on the border.
  • Ground cover- plants with long creeping shoots and small inflorescences. They are characterized by frost resistance and long flowering. Popular varieties include Nozomi, Snow Carpet and Candy Rose.
  • Park will be an excellent decoration for the garden, because they bloom profusely and do not require special care. The most valuable variety is considered to be rugosa, which is distinguished by large flowers with a strong aroma.

Figure 11. Popular species and varieties of garden types (from left to right): miniature, Nozomi variety, Snow Carpet variety, rugosa rose

In addition, there are climbing, border and standard hybrids, which are also represented by a wide variety of varieties. Thanks to this, this beautiful flower can be grown in any climate and on almost any soil.

The rose is traditionally considered the queen of flowers. Amazing color variety, unique aroma, stunning beauty of buds - all this allows it to fully correspond to such a high title. Without it, city parks and flower beds, wedding bouquets and decor, and the subtle rose aroma has long inspired perfumers.

From the history of the rose

It is difficult to say when it was first possible to produce a real rose from a modest wild rose, but already in Babylon and Persia this flower was highly revered.

From the East rose bushes got to Greece and Rome. Greek myths preserved references to the white and red rose as the flower of Aphrodite. It was highly revered in Greece both as a garden plant and as a plant used for garlands at celebrations and religious ceremonies. Descriptions of flowers with 20 and even hundreds of petals have been preserved.

It is not known whether the rose came to Rome from Greece or directly from the East. The frescoes in Pompeii depict its damask variety, which speaks in favor of the second version. On the other hand, as in Greece, the rose was part of the cult of Venus (Aphrodite).

With the fall of the Roman Empire, many of its achievements and knowledge were lost. Partially, they were preserved only in monasteries, where, along with Latin and book science, gardening, including the cultivation of roses, was preserved. In the early Middle Ages, preference was given to growing fruit, medicinal plants and spices, and wildflowers were used for wreaths. The Queen of Flowers was practically the only exception to the rule.

This was facilitated by special status of a flower, which the Catholic Church endowed him with. It symbolized purity and holiness and was closely associated with the cult of the Virgin Mary and the suffering of Jesus Christ. Fragrant flowers were also common in remembrance ceremonies - rosalia, borrowed from the ancient Romans and celebrated during their mass flowering period in May.

After the capture of Constantinople and the Crusades, previously unknown varieties appeared in Europe. Roses are grown in episcopal and royal gardens. It is widely used in architecture and in medieval heraldry as a symbol of impeccability and perfection.

At the turn of the 18th–19th centuries. New heat-loving Asian varieties were brought to Great Britain and France. They were distinguished by dense shiny leaves, amazing sophistication of the bud and the ability to bloom repeatedly over a long period of time. True, such roses were completely not adapted to harsh European winters. For many years, European breeders tried to resolve this contradiction. The task seemed impossible for a long time, and only in the 19th century. managed to cross two types of roses, which led to a real breakthrough in rose growing and the emergence of modern hybrid tea species.

There are tens of thousands in the world pink varieties and hybrids. To understand all this diversity and organize it, many classifications were created. For example, in some catalogs roses are distinguished by the number of petals. Highlight:

  • simple(there are a maximum of 7 petals in a bud);
  • semi-double(flowers have from 8 to 20 petals);
  • terry(more than 20).

There are also roses park And garden . Are considered park decorative varieties and hybrids of rose hips, suitable for breeding in harsh climates without or with light winter shelter. Gardens include various varieties continuously or repeatedly flowering subtropical roses and their hybrids obtained as a result of long-term selection. They require special care and good shelter for the winter.

However, most often they use another classification, adopted by the World Federation of Rose Societies. This is what is found in catalogs of descriptions of rose varieties with photos and names. This classification is based not on origin, but on their stable decorative and biological characteristics. Accordingly, they allocate old And modern garden roses .

Old garden roses

Old varieties are those bred before their appearance in the 19th century. hybrid tea roses and have not undergone any changes since then. Usually these are shrubs that have lost their resemblance to rose hips. They are resistant to disease and were initially not capable of repeated flowering. But after the appearance of tea roses in Europe from Southeast Asia, hybrids appeared that bloom from spring to autumn.

Old varieties represented by many different groups. Here are some of them:

In total there are 15 groups of ancient varieties.

Modern garden roses

In a simplified form, the list of modern rose varieties looks like this:

Floribunda externally resemble hybrid tea, but are distinguished by longer, and sometimes continuous, flowering and better winter hardiness. Often have no aroma. Simple, semi- or densely double flowers are collected in bouquet-type inflorescences. Buds can be the most different shapes- in the form of a bowl or glass. Both the size of the bush (from dwarf to tall) and the color range are very diverse. Varieties: Blue for you, Lions-rose, Pomponella (photo).

Climbing grow from two to four m in length. Their flowers are collected in inflorescences. Ramblers have flexible climbing stems that need support, and flowers are smaller in size compared to climbers. They bloom once, but very profusely. Climbing Climbers are distinguished by thick stems, large flowers and continuous flowering. Varieties: Elfe, Jasmina, Michka.

Ground cover varieties descended from a climbing variety of old garden roses. They either creep along the ground, or have long drooping shoots, or the width of this bush plant simply exceeds its height. The flowers are small and come in a wide variety of colors. This type of rose easily fits into any landscape design and goes well with other plants. Varieties and photos: Euphoria, Purple Rain, Satina.

The most popular and most decorative group are hybrid tea. Large double and densely double buds They have a classic shape, are distinguished by continuous flowering and amazing color variety. The gamma ranges from white to almost black (in fact, we are talking about rich red). Their aroma is varied. It can be light, elusive or thick and rich. The varieties of this group have very eloquent names and are widely represented in all flower catalogs: Advance, Black Baccara, Topaz, Hommage a Barbara, Wow, Papillon.

Roses in general have more in common than they do not, but at the same time, each variety has unique features, both in appearance and in care and maintenance. If you are interested in floriculture and seriously intend to decorate your garden with fragrant roses, then before purchasing material for planting, familiarize yourself with the results you get from each type of rose.

Rose varieties have names derived from the parent varieties, the place of breeding, or the name of the creator. Descriptions of types of roses with photos will help you to easily distinguish between them in the future. We will introduce you to the most popular types of garden roses: hybrid tea, scrub, climbing and floribunda.

Hybrid tea roses

This type roses first saw the light back in 1867 and is a descendant of the tea and remontant roses. Hybrid tea roses became widespread only in the twentieth century, but soon became a kind of example of what a real rose should look like. Classified as modern garden roses since 1976 ( Modern Roses).

A gracefully stretching flower with delicate petals, slightly bent at the edges and large sparse thorns on the stem cannot but arouse admiration. The aroma of hybrid tea roses has a rich range of scents - from thick to subtle and light. The flower, for all its beauty, is not the only object that breeders work diligently on. Great importance is also attached to the shape and proportional structure of the bush.

There will always be a place for such a rose in your flower garden, since this variety is distinguished by a huge variety of colors and shades (from rich yellow to scarlet with all kinds of transitions), flowering duration (from June to autumn cold) and resistance to frost.

"Srub" ( English Shrub) translated from in English means "bush". Now imagine a bush completely strewn with the most delicate pink flowers in a retro style and you will get an idea of ​​what scrubs look like. Shrub bushes are lush, but the branches can be thin, requiring outside support. In general, scrub roses are resistant to disease and cold. And this is another undoubted advantage of them.

The shoots of climbing roses are flexible and long, capable of reaching three meters. That is why these flowers can become a natural decoration for a fence or gazebo. Climbing roses are collected in lush inflorescences, which only enhances the aesthetic effect of their flowering. These are truly gorgeous flowers, but for gardeners with little experience, growing climbing roses can be fraught with problems, the main of which is winter protection of long, “inconvenient” shoots from frost.

You will definitely pay attention to this variety of roses when you find out what its name means. "Floribunda". This is the Latin name for rose, which translates to “blooming abundantly.” This variety joined the rose family in 1924 thanks to the breeding efforts of a Dane who took a chance and created a hybrid of polyantha and tea roses.

Floribunda roses are distinguished by their fragrance during flowering; the flowers themselves, although similar in shape to tea roses, are inferior to them in size, which can range from four to ten centimeters. Terry or smooth to the touch buds are mainly collected in inflorescences and bloom almost continuously throughout the summer. This variety roses are great for decorating not only a garden plot, but also flower beds due to the fact that the bush of such a rose is relatively low. And resistance to the vagaries of the weather makes the floribunda rose a true gardener's dream!

Floribunda in the Garden Collection catalog!

Good day everyone!

Today the garden theme will be dedicated to such a wonderful and very beautiful plant as a rose. Surely, everyone has at least one bush of this lovely flower in their garden plot.

In general, the name itself is common to a large number of very diverse varieties and species of this plant. By the way, the well-known rose hips belong to the same family.

To grow these beautiful shrubs strewn with bright colors and with still unopened buds you will have to try. But before we talk about this, let's take a closer look at the most popular varieties and types.

This plant gained popularity solely due to its beauty and delicate aroma. And therefore it is actively grown on their garden plots and in greenhouses. And they not only grow already known varieties, but also constantly develop new, even more interesting and surprising ones.

At the same time, breeding work is carried out not only by trained professionals, but also by ordinary amateur gardeners. If you are the owner of several different types of this plant, then you just need to have basic skills in this direction, and you can try to breed any variety yourself.

But before delving into selection, let's first look at how species differ from each other, by what parameters are they classified as one or another species, or subspecies?

If we consider these plants according to the shape of the bush, we can distinguish them as spreading, creeping, narrow pyramidal and drooping.

They also differ in height:

  • up to 25-35 cm - miniature
  • 30-45 cm - polyanthus
  • 30-90 cm - hybrid tea and floribunda
  • from 2.5 to 6 m - climbing

When we talk about roses, everyone imagines thorny plant. However, their trunk can be densely strewn with thorns, or simply covered with small bristles, and there are varieties that do not have thorns at all.

There are also differences in the number of petals in a flower:

  • up to 7 petals - simple
  • from 8 to 20 petals - semi-double
  • from 20 to 60 petals - terry
  • more than 60 petals - densely double

Even the shape of the flower can be different.

Well, there’s no need to even talk about colors and patterns. The most traditional of them are, of course, red and pink, white and yellow. But there are also rarer ones - black and green, and even brown. In addition, in addition to solid colors, there are also combinations of a wide variety of shades.

This picture shows just a few of the different colors of this plant. See, maybe you can create this color yourself, or maybe even get something of your own.

It goes without saying that external beauty is combined with the beauty of smell. Not only varieties are developed that have beautiful colors and shades, but also those that have a unique aroma. These are various fruity shades, the smells of apples and lemons, honey, almonds, bananas and grapes. In general, it’s impossible to list everything.

And to make it easier to navigate all these “beautiful plantings,” a special classification was developed that takes into account all the biological and decorative characteristics of this popular flower. And the development of such useful tool The world organization of the Federation of Rose Societies, which has the abbreviation WFRS, was engaged in 1976.

How does this system classify all varieties and species? Take a look at the list below.

Wild roses

The most famous representative in this category is the wrinkled or ribbed (or simply rosehip), which grows in large quantities in many parks and squares and does not require special care. It grows in the form of spreading powerful bushes from 1.5 to 2 meters in height. It has only one row of petals, usually there are 5 of them, and all of them are fully formed.

Petal colors can be purple, pink and white. After flowering it produces abundant fruit.

Also distinguish

  • rose needle (spinous), or prickly
  • May or cinnamon
  • common rose hip (dog rose)
  • femoral foliage

The flowers of wild-growing representatives delight with their appearance only for one day. At sunset they close, and even after blooming in the morning, they already lose their freshness and appearance.

Old garden roses

These varieties are called “old” because they were bred even before the appearance of hybrid tea varieties in the 19th century. Since then they have not changed, which is why this name was assigned to them.

This species is quite unpretentious in care, and is resistant to various diseases and therefore is very popular among gardeners. As a rule, these are hybrids and various garden forms decorative wild-growing representatives.

All varieties in this category have exquisite beauty and incredible aroma. Although at first they were not able to bloom repeatedly. Only thanks to the appearance of tea roses, and then hybrids, did it become possible for them to bloom for quite a long time. They usually grow in the form of bushes that can grow well.

Their peculiarity is early abundant flowering, which can continue until autumn, and after that they also delight us with beautiful fruits.

The following varieties are distinguished:

  • Alba
  • Aishire
  • Bourbon
  • Bourso
  • Centifolic (centifolate)
  • Damascus
  • Chinese
  • Portland
  • Noisette
  • Repair
  • Moss
  • Gali

Rose hybrids

Hybrids were created to make caring for these capricious creatures easier. Thanks to the new varieties, many gardeners have the opportunity to delight their eyes all season long. beautiful flowers in a variety of colors. Hybrids get sick less, adapt better to weather conditions and are not afraid of cold winters.

They were obtained by crossing remontant and tea varieties and species. And since then they have taken their rightful place in many areas.

The following varieties are distinguished:

  • Bractiata
  • Chinese
  • Eglantheria
  • Thetis, or lutea
  • Gallica
  • Multiflora
  • Remontantnaya
  • Sempervirens
  • Setigera
  • Spinozissima
  • Moss
  • Noisette
  • Portland
  • Teapots and their climbers

Modern garden roses

And they are also divided into garden groups:

  • Floribunda
  • Grandiflora
  • Cordesa
  • Moyesi
  • musky
  • Rugosa
  • Vishurana
  • Hybrid tea
  • Climbing grandiflora
  • Miniature
  • Miniflora, or Patio Roses
  • Polyanthaceae
  • Shrubs

Of course, it is simply impossible to describe all varieties within the framework of one article; there are catalogs for this. But we tried to show the general idea here.

Groups of rose varieties for Russian gardens

In this section, we tried to classify into groups all the categories of known varieties of roses, which differ from each other in type and nature of the planting.


These are decorative, winter-hardy varieties. They can be left unsheltered for the winter. They are unpretentious and there is no need for annual pruning.

They bloom from late May to early June. The height of the bushes can reach from 1 to 3 m. The most popular: Martin Frobisher, Ferdinand Pichard, Chinatown.

Hybrid tea

Unlike the previous ones, this species is not frost-resistant, and therefore they need to be covered.

As a rule, these are shrubs that can reach a height of up to 80 cm. Flowering can last from June until autumn, but the buds appear only once.

Particularly popular are varieties such as Black Baccara (black rose), Barkarole, Black Magic (dark red, almost burgundy), as well as Vivaldi, Lady Like and Vien Rose - which have a soft pink color.


This is a hybrid that was created by crossing a Chinese tea plant and a Japanese dwarf plant.

They bloom from June until almost the first frost. The advantage is that many inflorescences are formed on the branches. The most popular varieties are: Holstein, Border King, Orange Triumph, Angel Wings.

Floribunda roses

This is a variety of polyanthus and hybrid tea roses.

They bloom quite profusely and for a long time. Can tolerate cold. Varieties such as Lace Rose des Cisterciens, Cherry girl, Amber queen, floribunda kimono, etc. are often planted.


This type is also branched or liana-like. There are both small-flowered and large-flowered ones.

The size of the buds, respectively, is up to 4–5 cm for the former, and from 5 to 10 cm for the latter. Based on the name, it can be used in arches or gazebos. The most popular varieties are: Rosarium Utersen, New Down, Harlequin.


The name speaks for itself - these are small and compact bushes. They also bloom for quite a long time, until the first frost.

It can be grown both in flowerbeds and in flowerpots or flowerpots. What's popular here? Los Angeles, Clementine, Jewel, curlers, Cinderella.

Modern park

This is a fairly large group of plants, which contains a wide variety of hybrids. Those varieties that did not have enough space in other groups end up here.

They have non-standard shape and buds of the same color. The bushes reach a height of up to 2 m. They can bloom repeatedly during the season. They are unpretentious and frost-resistant. Varieties such as English Park, Cardinal Richelieu, Golden Celebration, and Remy Martin are often grown.


The name speaks for itself. These are plants that are shrubs. They reach a height of up to 2.5–2.8 m, even if you do not care for them. Most often planted as hedge. The most popular varieties are: Modern Shrub, Grandiflora.

I would like to note that not all existing varieties can be grown in any climate zone. Of course, if you try really hard and build a greenhouse, you can even grow bananas in the Arctic.

But, one way or another, for each of the climatic zones there are varieties that are easily grown there.

Types and varieties of roses for the Moscow region

The Moscow region is the middle part of Russia. Here the climate is good enough to support this type of plant, and therefore there are quite a lot of varieties that are easy to plant and care for. But Canadian and English representatives are best suited. This is due to the fact that they are winter-hardy.


This is a climbing “beauty”. Well suited for arches, fences or other garden elements.

The flowers are semi-double, bright red, abundantly on the shoots. The lashes can reach up to 3.5 m. They begin to bloom in early spring.

Charles Austin

The shrub grows up to 1.5 m. The flowers are pale orange. The flowers have a delicate fruity aroma.

In order for it to bloom a second time, its shoots must be cut off by 1/3, and after the first flowering it is necessary to apply fertilizer.


The flowers of this variety are red, the buds can reach up to 10 cm in diameter. good care there are many flowers on the bush.

This variety tolerates well winter conditions and it is not necessary to cover it for the winter. It is quite unpretentious.

Leonardo da Vinci

The height of the bush can reach 2 m. It blooms beautifully and quite profusely, starting in June and ending with the first frosts.

As a rule, the flowers are red or pink in color, and they themselves are densely double and very beautiful.

Among the hybrid tea varieties of plants for the Moscow region, it is recommended to plant such as Gloria Dei, Ingrid Bergman, Aphrodite, Omazh and Barbara.

But park roses are best suited. They are cultivated rose hips. They are very dense, can reach a height of up to 1.5 m and begin to bloom much earlier than their other friends. The most popular are Golden Wings, Queen of the North, Agnes and Hansa.

Rose variety Hansa is also well suited as a decorative fence.

What varieties of roses to choose for planting in the Urals

The Urals, compared to the Moscow region, have a rather harsh climate. Of course, I would like to grow and southern varieties, but it’s still better to purchase them at local nurseries. These varieties are already acclimatized and growing them will not present any difficulties.

One of the popular varieties is New Dawn.

In addition to the fact that this variety is very winter-hardy and unpretentious, it is also prickly. However, very fragrant. This variety has varieties, some of which bloom throughout the season, while others bloom once.

Rosarium Western

This is a winter-hardy variety with good immunity to disease.

The flowers are dark pink, up to 12 cm in diameter. Shoots can grow up to 3 m. Often used for sale in the form of bouquets.

Golden Celebration

A very beautiful plant with large yellow flowers. The bushes grow up to 1.5 m. They amaze with their unusual aroma. Caramel smell, like a candy factory. Surely many will like it.

In addition to these climbing roses, there are several more varieties recommended specifically for the Urals.


It blooms once with deep red double buds for 30-35 days.

The bush is spreading, reaches up to 2.5 m. It is winter-hardy and disease-resistant.

Super Excelsa

Blooms repeatedly with bright crimson flowers.

The bush is spreading and can be used for growing on arches. Winter-hardy, also tolerates heat well.

Roses for growing in harsh climates

If you live in a very harsh climate, then you need frost-resistant varieties. Canadian roses are best.

The most popular variety in harsh climates Westerland German

This variety attracts with large apricot or orange flowers.

In addition, this variety blooms quite early. It is also popular because it does not require any additional or special care.


Chippendale - bush roses. They have large double and very fragrant flowers. The color can be very varied: orange, peach or dark orange.

Well suited for growing in flower beds.

And another unusually colored variety - Double Delight.

The name of the variety is given for the resulting color. The bud is painted in two colors.

The bud itself has a bright cream color, and the edges of the petals are red. The aroma of rose is also unusual. It tastes like either raspberry or strawberry.

Video about what types of roses exist for growing on a windowsill

There are more than 20,000 thousand varieties for growing plants at home. And how to choose those that would grow well in your area.

This video will tell us about it. It has everything you need to avoid mistakes and choose the right green pets for your windowsill.

In general, there are a lot of varieties. The main thing is to decide where and how you want to grow them, to choose those that grow well in your region.

Then all that remains is to plant them correctly and care for them properly. But we will write about this in one of the following articles.

All the best! And have a great mood everyone!

Roses are rightly called the queens of flowers - they can decorate any area, willingly coexist with many plants, and caring for them is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. A description of the types of roses can take more than one page, because there are several dozen of them. Well, there are countless beautiful varieties of roses - below you will learn about the most popular of them, the most common in middle lane.

Popular varieties of semi-climbing roses

The main difference between semi-climbing flowers and climbing ones is their strong growth. At the same time, there are varieties of roses that bloom once or several times. Flowering is abundant and long-lasting, beginning in early spring and ending in late autumn. The name of this type of rose speaks for itself - it is an intermediate link between shrub and climbing species.

The bushes have tall shoots, reaching 1.5-2 m, on which large inflorescences are located. Unlike ordinary long-climbing roses, semi-climbing roses can bloom repeatedly.

The flowers of roses of this species are small or medium-sized, have a fragrant or slightly fragrant aroma, and the color of the petals is very diverse.

The main advantage of the semi-climbing type of roses over other types of flowers is their very high resistance to frost, so they can be hidden under light cover for the winter.

This type of rose is relatively young - it appeared in the first half of the 20th century. as a result of crossing climbing roses with hybrid teas, polyanthus and some other species.

These roses look great both in group and in single landings, they are usually planted along hedges.

Below are photos of this type of rose and the names of the varieties:

Rose variety "Hamburg"(Hamburg) has pointed buds, large flowers reaching a diameter of 9 cm. The petals are semi-double open, crimson in color. The aroma is faintly fragrant. The leathery leaves are large and shiny. The bush reaches 2 m in height, blooms profusely, intermittently.

Mermaid (Mermaid). This variety of roses has large flowers, up to 9 cm in diameter. The petals are single, open, pale yellow color, the color of the stamens is bronze. The aroma is fragrant. The smooth, shiny leaves are dark green.

Pax (Pax)- one of the most beautiful varieties of semi-climbing roses with semi-double pure petals white. Prominent stamens of a golden hue. The flowers are collected in large inflorescences of 25,200 pieces and located on straight long shoots. Large leathery leaves. Abundant flowering continues throughout the summer.

Robin Hood (RobinHood) has flowers reaching 4 cm in diameter and collected in large racemes. Look at the photo above: roses of this variety have bright wine-red petals. The bush blooms profusely and blooms repeatedly.

Ave Maria (Ave Maria) It is distinguished by creamy-white flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm. The bushes bloom profusely several times during the season.

Aelita(Aelita)- a variety of roses with large flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm, and double greenish petals. The branches of climbing bushes grow up to 3 m.

Berlin (Berlin)- distinguished by orange-red flowers up to 8 cm in diameter with a golden center. Bushes with straight branches up to 1.5 m high. Rose Berlin received the name of this variety from the place where it was bred.

The best varieties of climbing rose

This type combines everything climbing varieties roses and was bred from two wild groups of roses: R. multiflora Thunb and R. wichuraiana Crep. The climbing bush is distinguished by abundant flowering in the second half of summer.

As you can see in the photo, this type of rose has flexible long shoots that creep or rise in an arched manner. The small leaves are hard, and the flowers reach 2.2-5 cm in diameter, their petals are simple or double. The flowers are collected in large inflorescences. The aroma is weakly fragrant or absent altogether. The color of the petals can be white, pink or red. It blooms once, but for a long time (about 30-35 days). The flowers are located along the entire length of the shoots. Varieties of this species are characterized by winter hardiness, and therefore a hard, dry shelter is suitable for them.

Recently, many concrete and glass buildings have appeared that get very hot in summer, so vertical gardening has become widespread. Climbing rose flowers are recommended to be planted on the south side of buildings, then they will not only serve as decoration, but will also protect it from overheating.

Most of these roses bloom once, and occur in early summer, with only last year's branches blooming. Therefore, it is so important for climbing roses to survive the winter well.

Look at the photos of rose varieties of this species - their beauty will not leave anyone indifferent:

Alberic Barbier (Alberic Barbier) has small yellow buds. The flowers are large, collected in small inflorescences, double petals, creamy yellow in color, yellow at the edges and in the center. The aroma is fragrant. Shiny, beautifully shaped, dark-colored leaves. The climbing bush blooms profusely starting in June.

American Pillar (American Pillar)- one of the best varieties of climbing roses, which is distinguished by large open flowers, reaching a diameter of 7 cm, collected in large inflorescences and located on strong shoots. The petals of this variety of climbing roses are non-double, carmine- Pink colour, white eye, golden stamens. Large leathery leaves, shiny. A strong climbing bush reaches a height of 6 m, blooms profusely from May to June.

Blaze (Blaze) It has large cup-shaped flowers collected in large inflorescences. Petals are semi-double, bright red. The aroma is faintly fragrant. Leaves are leathery. A strong bush with a spreading crown blooms profusely and repeatedly. The variety is propagated by cuttings, grafting and layering.

Feilchenblau (Veilchenblau) It has small cup-shaped flowers. Petals are semi-double, bright crimson in color. The aroma is fragrant.

Gella (Hella)- a variety of rose, distinguished by semi-double white flowers, collected in large inflorescences-tassels. Bushes with branches 2.5-3 m long.

Excelsa (Excelsa) - popular variety roses with red-crimson double flowers and light green, shiny leaves. The bushes are distinguished by long branches - up to 4 m and abundant flowering throughout the month.

Super Excelsa (Super Excelsa)- one of the best varieties of climbing roses with bright crimson petals, collected in large clusters. Bushes with branches reaching a length of 4 m.

Dorothy Perkins(Dorothy Perkins)- small flowers with pink petals. Thin branches of bushes grow up to 3-5 m in length.

Beautiful varieties of tea roses (with photos)

This species, obtained from crossing Noisette and Chinese rose, was first introduced to Europe in 1789. It is distinguished by its fragrant aroma and large flowers with double petals, the head of which often droops. The color of the petals can be light red, soft pink or different shades of yellow. Varieties of this species have abundant repeat flowering.

Bushes can be either straight or whip-shaped. Erect bushes reach a height of 50 cm to 2 m. The leaves are large, leathery, and the shoots are dense.

Tea roses need warmth, even a slight frost is dangerous for them, so it is not recommended to grow them in open ground in central Russia.

Water young tea roses only once a week. In the presence of frequent or heavy rains, there is no need to water them, since this flower does not tolerate stagnant moisture and in such conditions is susceptible to powdery mildew.

Currently, tea roses are practically not bred in gardens due to their poor frost resistance, but they have many positive characteristics, for example, an elegant flower structure, repeat flowering, a specific “tea” aroma and a variety of colors. Breeders transferred all these qualities to a younger species - hybrid tea roses, bred as a result of crossing tea roses with remontant roses. Unlike other roses, varieties of this species have few thorns and rebloom well.

Alan Titchmarsh(Alan Titchmarsh) It is distinguished by double flowers with pink and lavender petals. The aroma of flowers has citrus notes. These roses bloom continuously throughout the summer and again in the fall.

Abraham Derby (Abraham Darby) has large pink or dark apricot flowers that bloom throughout the season and until frost. The aroma of these flowers is reminiscent of strawberries.

Christopher Marlowe (Christopher Marlowe) differs in orange-pink color of flowers. As you can see in the photo above, the tea rose of this variety has numerous inflorescences. Their petals are dense, do not change color in the sun and do not deteriorate from rain. The aroma contains notes of lemon. The bushes of these roses are compact.

Gentle Hermione (Gentle Germione)– a variety of tea roses with double flowers of pure pink color. They have soft petals that hold up well in the rain and are scented with myrrh. The bushes are wide and low.

Jeff Hamilton (Geoff Hamilton) is different beautiful shape flower with a soft pink color. In hot weather the petals turn white. The aroma is reminiscent of green apple. The bushes grow up to 1.5 m in height and are densely covered with flowers.

Varieties of hybrid tea roses and their photos

This species combines different varieties of roses, characterized by abundant flowering with short breaks throughout the summer. As a rule, there is one oblong bud on each shoot; sometimes there are several flowers. All varieties of hybrid tea roses have a strong aroma, which is especially noticeable in the morning.

Hybrid tea roses are bred for landscaping, squares, and parks as ornamental plant and also for cutting flowers. The color of this group can be very different, the aroma can be both subtle and strong, and the height of the bushes depends on the specific variety. Some varieties of hybrid tea roses have light green leaves, others have dark green leaves with a blue tint, and others have purple leaves. Moreover, they can be either matte or glossy.

Roses belonging to this species do not require serious shelter for the winter, and they tolerate overwintering satisfactorily. Hybrid tea roses can withstand frosts down to -6-8°C, and some varieties even down to -10°C.

Varieties of roses of this type are most often used for growing a permanent rose garden.

Barcelona(Barcelona) has large flowers located on strong long shoots. The petals are double, beet-red in color, and do not fade in the sun. The aroma is strong. Large leaves are dark in color. The bush is strong.

Bylina(Bylina) It has large lilac-red flowers. The petals are densely double. The aroma is subtle. The leaves are dark green. A straight, wide bush reaches a height of 1.5 m and blooms profusely.

Viola (Viola) It is distinguished by flowers that have a beautiful structure and are located on strong peduncles. The petals are double, light pink with a carmine-lilac tint. The aroma is fragrant. The leaves are dark green. The bush reaches medium height.

Virgo (Virgo) has graceful buds, large flowers reach a diameter of 12 cm. As can be seen in the photo, this variety of hybrid tea rose has double petals of pure white color. The aroma is faintly fragrant. Leathery leaves of dark color. The strong bush is characterized by abundant flowering.

Madrigal(Madrigal) has elongated buds of a pointed shape. The flowers are large, with double petals, salmon pink with a copper-red tint. The aroma is fragrant. The bush is tall.

Remontant roses were bred in the middle of the 19th century. from crossing Belgian, French, Tea and Damask roses, the first variety of this species was the La Reine variety.

The species was called remontant due to its ability to re-bloom during the summer, due to this it is considered especially valuable for landscaping. The maintainability of this species was inherited from tea roses, but unlike them, it is more frost-resistant, although it also requires artificial shelter for the winter.

Bushes of this type of rose can reach a height of 1.5-2 m. Shoots rise from the root collar, and begin to bloom only in the second year. Large flowers are most often red or pink, but yellow or beige colors are also found.

Although re-blooming occurs, it is relatively sparse. In addition, remontant roses are highly susceptible. Because of these shortcomings, breeders treat them with caution.

Flowering branches are formed in remontant roses mainly on the middle and upper parts of two-year-old shoots, and on the lower part - the following year

Varieties of remontant roses

Speaking about what types of roses there are, one cannot fail to mention remontant roses, which appeared as a result of the hybridization of Bourbon, Damask and French roses with tea and Bengal roses. Below are photos and names of varieties of remontant roses.

Prince Max zu Schaumburg (Prinz Max zu Schaumburg) has large flowers. The petals are double, salmon-pink in color. The tall bush blooms profusely in late spring, with repeated flowering occurring in the second half of summer.

Ulrich Brunner fiss (Ulrich Brunner fils) It is distinguished by large cup-shaped flowers. The petals are terry, red with a carmine tint. The aroma is very fragrant. The tall bush blooms profusely at the beginning of the season; weak re-blooming occurs in the second half of summer.

Frau Karl Druschki (Frau Karl Druschki) has a pointed bud of an oblong shape. The flower is large, cup-shaped. The petals are double, pure white, the peripheral petals are slightly pinkish on top. The tall bush blooms profusely at the beginning of the season, re-blooming occurs in early autumn and lasts almost until frost.

Hugh Dixon (Hugh Dickson) has very large flowers. The petals are densely double, intense crimson with a scarlet tint. The strong bush blooms profusely at the beginning of the season, followed by weak re-blooming in the second half of summer.

Eugene Furst(Eugen Furst) distinguished by red semi-double velvet flowers.

Georg Arends(Georg Arends)- pink flowers with shiny petals. The bushes are spreading and bloom repeatedly throughout the season.

Mrs John Laing (Mrs. John Laing)- double flowers with silver-pink petals. The bushes are tall and are winter hardy.

Marie Baumann (Marie Baumann)- has large carmine-red double flowers, spherical or hemispherical. Blooms all season. This species includes decorative frost-resistant rose hips and roses that can withstand wintering under light shelter or without it at all. Most varieties bloom once at the beginning of summer, and a mass of fragrant flowers appear on the bushes. In autumn, the leaves of park roses turn beautiful colors, and the bushes are decorated with bright fruits.

Park roses have become widespread because they are very unpretentious and tolerate winter well. They look great in any area landscape type, as well as against the background of lawns, shrubs and trees.

The most valuable park rose is considered to be the wrinkled rose, or rugosa. Both she herself and her hybrids have large flowers endowed with a strong aroma. The color of the petals can be white, pink, yellow or wine red. These roses bloom throughout the summer, but most abundantly at the beginning of the season.

Qualities such as repeat flowering and frost resistance of rugosa rosea are used to develop new winter-hardy varieties with repeated flowering.

The most beautiful varieties of garden roses

Conrad Ferdinand Meyer (Conrad Ferdinand Meyer) It has large flowers, arranged in several pieces on a long shoot. The petals are terry, silver-pink in color. The aroma is very fragrant. The shoots have a large number of thorns The leaves are large and leathery. Flowering occurs in early June and may repeat throughout the summer.

Parnassina (Parnassina) It is distinguished by large cup-shaped flowers reaching 7 cm in diameter. The petals of this variety of garden roses are double and pure pink. Dark leathery leaves. A strong bush can reach a height of 1 m. Flowering occurs in June and may repeat throughout the summer. The variety has high frost resistance.

Pink Grootendorst (Pink Grootendorst) It has small flowers, shaped like a carnation and collected in inflorescences. Terry petals, carved along the edges, hot pink color. The leathery leaves are shiny and wrinkled. The strong bush can grow up to 1 m in height. The crown is branched and compact. Flowering occurs in June and repeats throughout the summer.

Pompon de Bourgogne (Pompon de Bourgogne) has small flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. The petals are densely double, pale pink with a pink center. The aroma is fragrant. A low, spherical bush reaches a height of 75 cm.