What care do roses need after winter? All the secrets of proper care of rose bushes after winter frosts. Caring for roses in the spring at the dacha - the best tips

A blooming rose bush on the plot is the dream of any summer resident. Despite the capricious nature and sharp thorns, the rose was and remains the queen among all flowers. But in order for the plant to please the eye with lush flowers, it needs proper care. Along with the right location and timely watering, feeding roses in the spring, during the period of bud formation, is of great importance. Fertilizers can be organic or inorganic. Before you begin the procedure, you need to figure out when and how to properly feed these delicate flowers.

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    Inorganic (mineral) fertilizers

    Inorganic fertilizers mainly include salts of various metals. They enrich the soil with microelements, which has a beneficial effect on flowering and the overall development of the plant. The lack of certain substances leads to slower growth and a small number of buds. The following substances play the most important role for roses:

    1. 1. Phosphorus. The most important trace element. The number and size of buds and the development of the root system directly depend on its amount in the soil. Bring in phosphate fertilizers Can all year round, but in the spring, during the formation of buds, this must be done.
    2. 2. Potassium. Like phosphorus, this metal affects the number of buds.
    3. 3. Magnesium. It is applied in the spring at the time of bud setting. Directly affects the brightness of future petals.
    4. 4. Nitrogen. Promotes the formation and development of green mass. If there is a lack of nitrogen, the rose will have strong shoots, but few flowers and leaves. You need to be careful with this substance. Fertilize roses with it better in spring, because plants saturated with nitrogen become too sensitive to cold. Excess nitrogen is harmful: the crop’s resistance to pests and diseases decreases, and flowering time is delayed. Therefore, nitrogen-containing fertilizing is done only twice: in spring and summer, but in no case later than the first half of August.
    5. 5. Iron. Serves to prevent chlorosis in flowers. Iron-containing fertilizer can be applied throughout the year.

    It is advisable to feed young plants more with organic matter, while mature bushes need mineral supplements.

    Names of the most commonly used fertilizers in country houses or gardens:

    1. 1. Urea (urea). Source of nitrogen. Use in diluted form, watering rose bushes with the solution.
    2. 2. Potassium nitrate (potassium nitrate). Source of potassium and nitrogen. To prepare the solution you will need 10 g of fertilizer per bucket of water.
    3. 3. Ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate). The most popular nitrogen-containing fertilizer. It is highly soluble in water, so it is advisable to prepare a nutrient solution and water the flowers with it.
    4. 4. Nitrophoska. Source of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. Used in dissolved form: 10 g of fertilizer per bucket of water.
    5. 5. Azofoska. Like the previous option, a source of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, but in slightly different concentrations of active ingredients. To feed roses, you will need to prepare a solution.
    6. 6. Nitroammophoska. A source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, an improved formula of nitrophoska or azofoska. In this fertilizer, nutrients are presented in the most digestible forms. Fertilizer should be applied dry to the soil before the snow melts.
    7. 7. Superphosphate. Source of phosphorus. Used diluted (10 g per 10 liters of water).
    8. 8. Potassium sulfate. Source of potassium.

    It was previously recommended to use iron sulfate as an additional source of iron. But in it the metal very quickly transforms into a form that is not absorbed by roses. Therefore, it is best to use a complex fertilizer containing iron. The same applies to magnesium. The lack of these microelements can be noticed by the condition of the leaves: they become thin and turn yellow.

    Organic fertilizers

    Often gardeners get too carried away with complex feedings, forgetting about folk remedies. However, it is organic fertilizers They enrich the soil most fully, acting much more gently. Organic matter reduces the number of weeds and attracts earthworms, which loosen the soil and enrich it with oxygen.

    The best effect can be achieved by simultaneous use of organic and inorganic fertilizers. Mineral supplements- this is the main nutrition, organic matter helps them assimilate. Experienced gardeners first apply mineral fertilizers and then water with organic ones.


    1. 1. Chicken droppings. It is recommended to carry out this feeding twice a year: in early spring, during the period of active development, and during flowering. Chicken manure can burn the roots, so do not exceed the dosage or apply pure manure to the soil. For cooking nutrient solution you need to dilute fresh droppings with water in a ratio of 1:20, and rotted droppings - 1:10 and leave to infuse for five days. Mix the resulting infusion with water again in a ratio of 1:3.
    2. 2. Cow dung. To prepare the solution, fill it with water in a ratio of 1:10. Leave for a week to infuse, and then dilute again with water in a ratio of 1:2. It is better to start feeding roses when it gets warm. In cold weather, nutrients are poorly absorbed.
    3. 3. Weed infusion. Such fertilizers can be used as an additional source of organic matter. Fill a bucket or any other container 75% with finely chopped tops, cut weeds or any other greens. Add two to three tablespoons of soda ash and pour water into a container: 2/3 of the total volume. Leave for at least a week until the infusion is thoroughly fermented. Strain and dilute with water in a ratio of 3:10. Spray the rose bushes with the resulting liquid. The infusion cannot be prepared during insemination of weeds.
    4. 4. Peat and humus. Fertilizing with peat or compost is done in the fall, before covering the plants for the winter. Spread organic matter around the bushes, this will speed up the development of the root system next year.

    Cow and chicken droppings will be especially useful for young plants: the root system will develop faster.

    Rose feeding schedule

    For lush flowering fertilizing should be carried out at least twice a year: in the spring, during active growth, and in the fall to restore strength and enrich the soil for next year. You can feed roses more often, especially with solutions containing phosphorus.

    An approximate fertilizer application schedule is shown in the table:

    Feeding time Fertilizer
    Early spring, immediately after the snow meltsFor the first spring feeding young plant you need to take organic matter, for example, chicken manure or cow dung. Adult bushes will benefit from ammonium nitrate (20-30 g per 1 square meter soil)
    MayFertilizers with phosphorus and potassium, for example, superphosphate and potassium sulfate (10 g of each substance per 10 liters of water). You need to apply it at the root, you can do it together, you can do it separately. Needed to provide abundant flowering
    JuneRepeat feeding with potassium and phosphorus
    JulyRepeat the potassium and phosphorus fertilizing, plus you can add organic matter to it: 500 g of chicken manure. Fertilizer with nitrophoska (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus) will be useful in July - 10 g per 10 liters of water
    JulyTo normalize soil acidity, it will be useful to add wood ash(source of potassium): 100 g per 10 l of water for root feeding and 200 g per 10 l for spraying. Feeding with ash can only be done in the second year from the moment of transplantation.

    Mineral fertilizers can not be dissolved in water, but scattered around the bush on the soil in dry form. After this, you need to lightly loosen the ground with a hoe.

    Pruning and feeding clematis in spring - how to care for the plant after winter?

    Methods of application

    There are two main ways to apply fertilizers:

    • foliar;
    • root.

    Foliar feeding is carried out by spraying the leaves of the plant. The effect is achieved almost immediately, since the fertilizer is absorbed very quickly. Both organic and inorganic fertilizers can be applied in this way. The rose should be sprayed with a nutrient solution in the morning or early evening, when the sun has not yet set. During the day, at night or at dusk, moisture on the leaves is undesirable. Droplets of water left overnight will not have time to evaporate and will provoke a fungal infection. In the scorching sun, the plant will get burned when the rays pass through the water.

    But the most effective are root feedings, that is, applying fertilizers directly to the soil. There are several ways:

    1. 1. Water the bush with a fertilizer solution.
    2. 2. Applying dry fertilizer under the bush.
    3. 3. Applying fertilizer to the soil around the plant. To do this, dig a shallow groove around the stem in the form of a circle with a radius of 15 cm. Fertilizers mixed with black soil should be placed in it and sprinkled with earth. During rain or watering, fertilizers will dissolve, gradually enriching the soil with nutrients.

    Fertilizers should not be applied to dry soil, as there is a high risk of burning the root system.

    Feeding roses in autumn

    Abundant flowering takes a lot of energy from a rose bush and nutrients. To restore them, autumn feeding is necessary after flowering. Then the next year the plant will delight you with beautiful, lush flowers.


    1. 1. Phosphorus fertilizer. Prepare a mixture of 16 g of monophosphate and 15 g of superphosphate and dissolve in 10 liters of water.
    2. 2. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizer. Dissolve one tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water.
    3. 3. Yeast feeding. For 10 l warm water take two tablespoons of sugar and 10 g of dry yeast. After two hours, add another 50 liters of water and water the roses.

    Starting from August-September, you should not apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers. They will increase the amount of greenery, and the rose will not have time to prepare for winter. But phosphorus and potassium can be added even twice, in October and November.

    Yeast washes potassium out of the soil, so after fertilizing with yeast you need to sprinkle the ground around the bush with ash or water the plant with an ash solution.

    Complex drugs

    The undoubted advantage of complex fertilizers is their ease of use and the fact that everything is collected in one bottle necessary for the plant substances.

    The most popular ready-made fertilizers for roses and the features of their use are presented in the table:

    Regardless of what fertilizer is used, moderation must be observed. Too much abundant feeding can deteriorate the soil composition and cause plant burns. Restoring the properties of soil damaged by fertilizers will take a lot of time and effort.

Caring for rose bushes spring period consists of competent and timely implementation of such activities as pruning, fertilizing, mulching, spraying against diseases and pests. Also for some varieties decorative culture It may be necessary to install support structures in the spring and tie up the above-ground part of the rose.

How and when to open bushes after winter

In most cases, rose bushes are very heat-loving, but there are some species that grow well in harsh climates. Proper care of rose bushes after the winter period begins with the timely removal of protective cover. The timing of this event should be determined as correctly as possible, which will prevent damage to the shoots by late spring frosts or damping off.

As a rule, experienced gardeners remove the shelter after stable positive temperatures have been established and all the snow mass has completely melted away. It is recommended to gradually remove the cover, starting with daily airing of the rose bushes for several hours.

At the next stage, after the soil has sufficiently dried, the rose bushes are carefully unhilled, after which a thorough but shallow loosening of the soil around the bushes is carried out, designed to improve the flow of air to the root system of the overwintered plant. During the same period, it may be necessary to install supports and also secure the shoots climbing roses on trellis structures.

Caring for old bushes

Overwintered adults ornamental plants should be examined very carefully. Old bushes need to be freed as thoroughly as possible from all dried, diseased or pest-affected, weakened and frostbitten shoots that need to be pruned below the affected area. It is very important to remove all growth below the graft without fail. Such an event becomes mandatory on old rose bushes and helps prevent the wildness of the ornamental crop.

For old plants, regardless of the type, as well as for plants grown on problem soils, including sandstones, the use of fertilizer solutions for root feeding is ineffective, so it is recommended to give preference foliar feeding, which deliver nutrients to the aboveground part and root system of the ornamental crop as quickly as possible.

Soil mulching is very effective after root feeding of rose bushes. Such an event helps maintain soil moisture, significantly improves air exchange, and also perfectly slows down the growth of weeds. The mulching procedure reduces the need for loosening, which is very important in autumn period. Compost or shredded tree bark should be used as mulch.

Caring for seedlings after planting

Immediately after planting, rose seedlings should be provided with high-quality irrigation measures with water heated in the sun. Watering is carried out in the evening or morning hours. When watering, it is necessary to direct the stream of water directly under the root of the plant. Avoid blurring the root system and allowing drops to fall on aboveground part plants. Daily irrigation measures are necessary for rose seedlings until they are fully rooted, after which the frequency of watering should be based on the condition of the soil, but most often they are carried out weekly.

After watering, it is recommended to carry out shallow and very careful loosening of the soil until the onset of significant cold weather, after which it is advisable to compact the soil above the root system of the rose. If the seedlings are planted in the spring, then pruning is done in advance. When planting in autumn, pruning after planting is not recommended. It is best to postpone the formation of the bush until next spring. The buds formed in the first summer after planting must be removed, which will allow the plant to grow stronger and develop properly.

Roses: care after winter (video)

Spring spraying rules

In the spring, after removing the winter shelter, it is necessary to carry out an audit decorative plantings and carefully examine the rose bushes for damage by pathogenic microflora or damage by pests. In this period maximum efficiency shows the use of special chemicals. Has proven itself very well for spring treatment solution based on “Copper sulfate” in a concentration of 1% or 3%. You should spray not only the above-ground part of the plant, but also the soil around the rose bushes.

To prevent damage to ornamental crops by insect pests, it is recommended to use preparations such as Fitoverm, Insecticide or Karbofos to treat the aerial parts. In the future, you can spray the plants with a soap solution, as well as a solution based on iron or copper sulfate and nettle infusion with the addition of a small amount of hot pepper.

Features of spring pruning

Proper spring care for rose bushes necessarily includes high-quality pruning:

  • around mid-April, it is necessary to remove frostbitten and broken shoots from plants;
  • by pruning the shoots to living buds, you should form an extremely symmetrical and beautiful rose bush;
  • Almost all varieties of hybrid tea roses bloom on growths current year, therefore, severe pruning is performed with the removal of old shoots;
  • in order to get the most abundant flowering of floribunda, it is necessary to carry out combined pruning in the first year by 3-5 buds, and in subsequent years - by a third;
  • shoots of floribunda varieties that are more than three years old must be cut off completely;
  • when pruning large-flowered climbing roses that bloom on last year's growth, only shoots older than five years are removed;
  • Rambler pruning is done after flowering, using the “ring” method, removing all old or weak shoots;
  • when forming a scrub, young branches are cut to one third of the length with the obligatory removal of shoots that thicken the bush;
  • for standard varieties of roses, it is preferable to use light pruning and remove all frozen winter period shoots to a healthy, viable bud.

A significant portion of early flowering rose varieties, including English and park varieties, must be pruned in April, even before the buds open. Varieties related to hybrid tea, climbing and ground cover roses need to be pruned in May, immediately after blooming.

Pruning must be carried out exclusively with sharp and clean garden tools that have been previously disinfected. The cut is made above the bud facing outwards, at a distance of a centimeter. A standard tilt angle may be approximately 45°. After pruning, all cut areas must be lubricated with garden varnish, which will prevent infection.

Spring feeding and watering

After finishing spring pruning It is necessary to feed rose bushes with fertilizers with a sufficiently high nitrogen content. Most often during this period, feeding is carried out with Aquarin, Kemira-universal or Aquamix. Liquid fertilizers are best absorbed at the rate of three to four liters of solution per plant. When applying dry fertilizers, you should focus on a consumption of 35-40 g per square meter.

Very good result provides joint spring application of organic matter and granular mineral fertilizers. As organic feeding It is recommended to use rotted manure, humus, or bird droppings with the addition of a small amount of wood ash.

How to plant roses (video)

At the stage of formation of young shoots, it is advisable to feed rose bushes with solutions based on fermented herbal infusions or rotted manure. Each application of fertilizers must be accompanied by high-quality and as abundant watering as possible, which will improve the penetration of nutrients into the soil. root system decorative culture.

Timely and competent care of roses in the spring at the dacha ensures health wonderful plants, which means the opportunity to enjoy their charm all summer long. How to care for roses in early spring? The work is carried out in the following sequence: removing covers, pruning, spraying, fertilizing, mulching.

Wintering ends with the onset of sunny March days, when the snow begins to melt. At this time, the roots of the rose are in frozen soil, and it cannot receive the necessary nutrition for development, although the buds are already beginning to swell, and this process begins earlier in grafted roses than in the rootstock.

It is very important to open roses on time. You can focus on the beginning of soil thawing. If you do this too early, the bushes may suffer from spring frosts. At the same time, heating in sunny weather in combination with high humidity inside the shelter can lead to damping off of roses. When the snow begins to melt, it is necessary to divert water from the bushes, since excess moisture is very harmful to them. The winter barrier is removed gradually, over the course of 4-5 days, accustoming them to new conditions: first, the sides are freed for 2 days for ventilation, then holes are made in the upper part of the shelters, the film is lifted from the longitudinal side and, finally, the shelter is removed completely, but in order to avoid Plant burns are shaded with paper or spruce branches.

The first stage of re-preserving roses begins when the temperature does not drop below -6 °C during the day. Ventilation is done at midday, and the shelter is completely removed in cloudy weather or in the late afternoon. The bushes need to be lifted and straightened, sometimes for this they use supports and self-fixing green garden wire. Standard roses raised after 1-2 weeks, when the earth has completely warmed up. Spring care for roses at this stage consists of the following activities:

  1. 1 Soil and all plant debris, which may contain all kinds of pests and pathogens, are raked away from the bushes.
  2. 2 Free the grafting site from the soil and treat it with a 1% solution of copper sulfate to destroy pathogenic fungi and bacteria. A stronger concentration of this fungicide can lead to damage to the buds if they have already begun to grow.

If during winter frosts alternate with thaws, bulging of the bushes may occur, that is, the plant will be slightly elongated from the soil. After treatment with copper sulfate, such a rose must be hilled. In anticipation of cold weather or rain, plants should be covered with light material.

Sanitary pruning

Spring pruning is considered the most important for roses and is carried out annually. Caring for roses after winter begins with inspecting the bushes and sanitary (primary) pruning. Remove broken, frozen and diseased branches. The following diseases can be found on rose shoots after wintering:

Snow mold is not dangerous to roses; it will die from sunlight.

If the bush has survived the winter poorly, all damaged shoots are cut out as short as possible, sometimes everything is cut off right down to the grafting site. To stimulate bud growth, the grafting site is cleared of soil and old bark, after which the plant is covered with a jar, creating conditions high humidity. Sometimes even a seemingly hopeless bush with such care can produce new buds by mid-summer.

Thanks to a large number dormant buds, even heavily frozen hybrid tea roses quickly form new shoots.

Formative pruning

The bushes need to be lifted and straightened, sometimes you have to install a support for this. The standard rose is raised 1-2 weeks after removing the cover. Many rose growers recommend opening roses in the spring as early as possible, sanitary pruning, and then cover them again before the onset of warmer days and only then do formative pruning, rejuvenating and promoting abundant flowering. It should be done this way:

  • the thinnest shoots are completely removed;
  • cut out all branches directed to the inside of the bush; the center of the bush should not be thickened;
  • hybrid tea roses are pruned by 2-5 buds;
  • grandiflora bushes - 3-4 buds;
  • Combined pruning is used for the floribunda group of varieties;
  • a compact bush is cut to the outer bud, a spreading one - to the inner one;
  • shoots are cut 2 mm above the buds.

Usually in spring the bushes are shortened by 10-30 cm; exactly how much depends on the location of the plant in the flower garden. Standard roses are pruned according to general principle: remove all excess and form a beautiful, well-ventilated crown with an unthickened center.

Essential tool for caring garden roses- pruning shears with one or two cutting blades. In addition to this, you must have a hacksaw with fine teeth and a lopper for cutting branches with a diameter of 3-5 cm. The tools must be clean and sharply sharpened, since an uneven, loose cut obtained with a blunt tool takes a long time to heal and can cause plant disease.

Plant nutrition

Treatment of roses in the spring for disease prevention is carried out after pruning. The bushes and the soil around them are sprayed with a 3% solution Bordeaux mixture. If the buds have just begun to swell, you can also use Topsin, Azofos, Fundazol and other fungicides. Treatment along the unfolded leaf is effective with Ridomil Gold MC.

Very important proper feeding bushes after winter. It will help to recover from illnesses, promotes the growth of green mass and luxurious flowering. In the rose garden, 30-40 g are poured per 1 m² ammonium nitrate or 60 g of nitrophoska, embedding fertilizers in moist soil. Manure, humus or chicken droppings are laid out around the bushes.

Special complex fertilizers should include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. They must be used following the instructions, since both deficiency and excess of nutrients have a negative effect on roses.

In the spring, the soil in the rose garden is dug up; it is better to do this with a pitchfork to reduce the likelihood of injury to the roots. Do not allow the soil to compact around the bushes after rains or watering. To reduce the amount of work required to loosen the soil, mulching is used. It is suitable for all groups of roses. The mulch is laid out in a layer of 4-6 cm, after rotting it is mixed with the top layer of soil and mulched again. Thanks to this technique, roses retain moisture at the roots, the soil does not overheat, and weeds appear less often.

In May, roses are already covered with green foliage. The only thing not pleasing to the eye is the poorly overwintered bush, which had to be pruned to the grafting site. If cleaning the bark, fertilizing and watering did not help such a rose wake up, you can try this method of reviving it:

  • dig up the rose, wash the roots;
  • cut off all non-living black roots, remove old bark from living ones;
  • keep the bush for 4-7 days in water with the addition of a growth stimulator.

Many people hesitate to grow roses, fearing that they will not succeed. If you take care of them step by step, it turns out that these flowers are not as whimsical as is commonly believed.

Roses are flowers that evoke universal admiration. Indeed, it is impossible not to feel delighted when contemplating these perfect natural creatures! All types of roses: standard, climbing, border, hybrid tea are a wonderful decoration of the landscape. But caring for royal flowers is quite complicated, and you need to be systematic when cultivating roses in your area. Spring work is especially labor-intensive.

Treatment of roses after winter

Caring for roses after winter involves a number of tasks:

  • removing cover;
  • pruning;
  • protection from diseases and pests;
  • watering and fertilizing.

Opening roses after winter

Removal of cover from flower plantings must be carried out in a timely manner, since if the roses are opened too early, they may suffer from frosts (primarily at night), and if the covering material is removed late, the rose bushes will be protected from humidity and high temperature. Agricultural experts recommend opening roses when the average daily temperature reaches +10...+12 degrees.

Advice: before removing the winter shelter, it is recommended to trample the snow around the roses to prevent mice from entering the flower plantings. In addition, it is advisable to install mousetraps in places inaccessible to birds in order to destroy rodents encroaching on pink shoots.

Pruning roses

Caring for roses includes such a mandatory operation as pruning the bushes. In fact, this type work is sanitary treatment, during which blackened, broken and dried shoots are eliminated. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to carry out pruning two weeks after removing the cover, so that it is clearly visible which shoots did not survive the long winter. The branches are cut back to the first living bud. Also, during the pruning process, the formation of growing bushes occurs. After the plants are pruned, the sections are treated with garden varnish or ordinary brilliant green, then the debris collected over the winter is raked away from the root zone, the soil is loosened and circular furrows are made.

Protection from pests and diseases

The question of how to treat roses after winter is very relevant for those who have recently been breeding roses. After all, I want to choose effective remedy, while not causing harm to delicate beauties. Immediately after being released from the shelter, the bushes are treated against fungal diseases with 3%. To prepare the solution, dilute 200 g of copper sulfate and 200 g of quicklime in 10 liters of water. Fungicides are the best way to combat fungus, and they can also be used for preventive purposes.

During the period of bud formation, caterpillars often appear, destroying the leaves, and aphids, which suck out the juice. To prevent an attack, roses should be sprayed with insecticide: Decis, Intavir, Aktara, and the soil around the root areas should be treated with Prestige or Diazianon.

Feeding roses in early spring

No less important is the question of feeding roses after winter, because timely and complete feeding is the key to lush and abundant flowering of the plant. At the end of April - beginning of May it is introduced nitrogen fertilizer. You can replace it with a solution of mullein, ammonium nitrate, or use humus. It is recommended to do the next feeding after 2 - 3 weeks, and when buds form, feed the flowers with calcium nitrate, diluted at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water, or any complex fertilizer. In this case, all fertilizers should be applied in liquid form, using approximately 3 liters of nutrient solution per bush. It is necessary to water roses quite often, at the first signs of drying out of the soil. To retain moisture, the soil around the bushes is usually

Question: Last year, I “conquered” a piece of land from the garden and, in spite of all the circumstances of today’s life, planted roses and made a relaxation corner: my soul is tired of worries, it cries for beauty. They don’t seem to have disappeared in winter, now the concern is how to prepare for summer?

YES. Drogotneva, Vinnitsa

Answer:: Winter has gone and is about to close the door tightly behind itself, at least there will be no more severe frosts. This will be a signal to start work in the rose garden: the bushes of the Queen of Flowers really need to be prepared for the warmth.

You should start with something simple: remove last year’s leaves and soil from their bases, which were used to protect them from frost since the fall. Then you need to carefully examine the habit of the bushes.

Pruning roses in spring

The main concern is to first remove all shoots that thicken the middle, as well as broken and frozen ones.

If in the fall you managed to shorten the shoots a little, which managed to outstrip the bulk of the branches in growth, then now we cut off not only the tops, but also the extra buds, leaving no more than 3-4 below on each bush, which will turn into shoots and new flowers over the summer.

Also try to cut out all thin and immature branches to the ground. When doing this work, try to ensure that the cut is inclined inward of the bush, and the top bud at the top of the cut is outward.
If you want the bushes to grow and form powerful and the flowers to be large, do not leave tall shoots.

Unfortunately, when we take up pruning shears in the spring, we often forget about these basic truths: it becomes a pity to remove an extra bud, shoots that are immature or that interfere with the “breathing” of their fellow neighbors. As a result, we get an inexpressive bush with small flowers.

In this regard, I think it is worth recalling that there are three types of pruning. First of all, strong. With it, the main shoots are cut off almost at ground level. It is done after 3-4 kidneys. After it, the bushes become no more than 12-15 cm high. This is how you should trim the bushes that you decide to plant this season, as well as old hybrid teas that require rejuvenation.

Moderate pruning is practiced when the shoots need to be cut to the middle, each at a different level. It is this kind of pruning that gives a spherical, strong bush in summer, completely covered with abundant flowers.

Pruning roses in spring video


How to feed roses in spring

The second thing you can do now is to intelligently fertilize your rose bushes. Experienced flower growers It is advised to carry out this work with the utmost caution, because... they are afraid of damaging the roots.
The fact is that, when starting work, they make a small depression in the center of the bush (it is important not to expose the roots!), after which they fill the hole with a mixture of fertile soil with sifted old humus or granulated chicken droppings, with the addition of mineral fertilizers. Then water well warm water and cover everything on top with dry soil.

By feeding your rose garden, you can be sure that your roses have received food for at least 1.5-2 months.

You cannot overfeed them. Otherwise, powerful blind shoots will appear, which will not produce flowers, and the bush will be weakened.

How to deal with rose pests

It is also very important to take into account that with the arrival of heat (already at the first sunny days) dozens of different types of pests wake up under the bark of roses. Some of them are so voracious that they can not only destroy the first buds and flowers, but also delay the flowering of bushes by two weeks, or even more. Roses suffer from all kinds of beetles, bark beetles, hawk moths, miners and other pests that like it if we forget about them, thereby creating sanitary conditions for them in the rose garden.

Meanwhile, life shows that already in April it is necessary to spray rose bushes 2-3 times with solutions of various insecticides, which any specialized store can offer. Some beetles will have to be collected by hand to prevent them from “conquering” your rose garden. Roses will respond to such care with beauty.

Rose pest control video