The best slime recipe at home. How to make slime from PVA glue and soda. Slime without glue and starch

Slime is a toy that children absolutely cannot imagine their existence without. different ages. With its help, kids develop motor skills and memory; older children like its “creeping” ability and the ability to turn into a funny puddle on the table. There are countless options in stores - they all differ in a riot of colors and consistency; At home, an alternative way would be to make slime from soda.

Depending on the composition, the toy can last from several days to a month. However, a similar thing can be easily prepared at home. She won't give in to anything store version, and it will also be absolutely safe for your child. Another advantage homemade There will be joint creativity that will captivate and unite the whole family.

The elasticity of the slime is explained by the sodium tetraborate and guar gum included in its composition. Since the safety of these components is in question, why not make a toy with your own hands from what is at hand?

The components of the toy can be shampoo, starch, flour, soda, detergent. A bright dye will give it brightness and originality. If you add glycerin, the slime will turn out just like the original: slippery and cold. You can even make eyes and a mouth for your new friend using buttons.

Depending on the composition, it will be more slippery or bouncy, or plastic.

Slime made from pva glue and soda

Necessary materials for creativity:

  • glue, if possible not old;
  • soda;
  • dye of any color;
  • water;
  • container and mixing tool.

Operating procedure

Before starting work, shake the glue and bring it to a homogeneous consistency, then pour the glue into a container. Absolutely safe fruit or vegetable juice can serve as a dye. You can also use food paint, this is often found in every housewife’s kitchen.

After giving the mass a stable color, make a soda solution. For 1 tbsp. water you need to add 1 tbsp. soda The solution will be opaque white. All components are ready, all you have to do is mix. The slime will turn out smooth and plastic with enough baking soda. Otherwise it will stick to your hands.

Get rid of any remaining liquid by placing the toy on a napkin. After 15-20 minutes, the slime should be transferred to plastic bag and mash well. That's all - the toy is ready.

Slime made from shampoo and soda

Slime made in this way will have pleasant aroma and softness compared to the previous version. You will need:

  • shampoo;
  • glue;
  • gloves for cooking.

Wear gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty. Mix glue and shampoo in a bag in a ratio of 3:2, there should be more glue. Stir until the slime thickens. If the child does not have allergies, you can add a few drops of essential incense to give it a unique aroma, and glitter for beauty and brightness. You definitely won’t find such a toy on store shelves!

Slime made from baking soda and detergent

Ingredients needed: baking soda, dish soap, food coloring and hand cream.

Cooking rules

Pour 0.5 tbsp into a separate container. detergent and mix with baking soda in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. until dissolved. The mixture will turn out thick, don’t be upset if you overdo it: you can dilute it with water. Next add 0.5 tbsp. hand cream and dye.

The solution thickens very quickly; to make the slime more plastic, you need to put it in a bag and place it in the refrigerator for several hours. During the hardening process, the original color may change.

The characteristics of a successful slime will be the absence of excessive stickiness. It should not stick to objects when a child throws it.

Option No. 2

You can mix shampoo and detergent with water, baking soda and flour. Leave it to “overnight” in the refrigerator. The disadvantage of this slime is that after warming it in your hands, it melts and will again need to be sent to a cool place.

From starch and soda

Very bouncy option, you will need:

  • 1 tbsp water;
  • 50 g starch;
  • 50 g soda;
  • dye.

Mix all ingredients until semi-liquid. Add dye. To make the slime viscous, there must be more water than starch and soda.

Slime made from soda and water

In the proposed version, the consistency is more likely to be dough. You will need:

  • water (should be warm to better dissolve the flour);
  • flour;
  • dye;
  • soda.

Mix 400 g of flour with water step by step, adding it gradually so that there are no lumps. Add baking soda to make the slime more elastic and airy. When the mass becomes homogeneous, you can add dye and set the mass in a cool place for 3-4 hours.

This toy is absolutely safe for small children. However, do not leave your child alone with it so that he does not put it in his mouth.

Storage Features

To extend the life of your favorite pastime, you need to follow a few simple rules. Regardless of the composition, the rules for using slime are the same:

  1. If the slime dries out after playing, you can add a few drops of warm water.
  2. Store the toy in a closed container in a cool place.
  3. Do not let it get on the carpet or things - it will leave unpleasant marks on them.
  4. During the game, the child should not lick the slime or his fingers. And after it’s finished, wash them warm water with soap.
  5. If the slime is not soft enough, you can replace the soda with starch.
  6. Do not leave the slime in high temperatures, it will spoil.

Slime composition options a large number of, choose the one you like. The proposed recipes are harmless and economical. The process of creating a toy will captivate you and your child and will not take much time. The main thing is that such an activity perfectly develops brain activity child.


Slime is a stretchy, spreading toy that can take any shape, stretch and smoothly flow from one hand to another. This kind of thing is sold in children's toy stores, but you can make it yourself. In this article we will tell you how to make slime using PVA glue in combination with other ingredients. The most popular ingredients for slime in combination with PVA glue are shampoo, soda and toothpaste. Making these fun toys at home is profitable and exciting. You can adjust the color, elasticity, transparency and make it an exclusive item.

History of the origin of lizuns

The initial interest in this toy appeared in the 1990s, when the animated series “Ghostbusters” was released on television boxes. The first hero was the green slime ghost.

In general, this toy was made back in 1976 under the leadership of Mattel. The composition included the components guar copper, minerals, borax, which make the toy slimy and stretchy. But a substitute for all these has appeared chemical elements- PVA glue. This is exactly what we will use.

How to make slime from PVA glue and shampoo

There are a lot of recipes for making this toy. Let's take the most popular one. Based on the recipe, in order to make slime with your own hands, you only need three components:

  • shampoo;
  • PVA glue;
  • food coloring or gouache;

These components need to be mixed in a ratio of 3 to 1. Three parts - glue and one part - shampoo. To make the slime made from PVA glue and shampoo rich, you can add a pinch of bright dye.

What glue should I use for slime? It is advisable to choose a transparent one, and among them Titanium is popular, since it contains all the necessary properties to impart softness and elasticity.

It is worth considering that elasticity depends on the amount of glue, that is, the more glue, the more elastic it is.

How to make slime from PVA glue and toothpaste

There is also a slime recipe made from PVA glue and toothpaste. It requires only two components:

  1. PVA glue;
  2. toothpaste.

Mix half a pack of toothpaste with one tablespoon of glue until homogeneous mass. Glue must be added if the toy has not reached the proper consistency. Place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. The toy is ready for use.

Don't let the smell of toothpaste scare you, it will disappear soon.

The toy actually turns out to be 2 in 1, since when cold it can be used as an anti-stress toy, to lift your spirits, and when room temperature for its intended purpose, like a slime.

There is another recipe using toothpaste, but without using glue. The paste should be placed in the microwave for 2 minutes, then taken out, stirred and returned to the microwave. We repeat this procedure three times. After cooling, apply sunflower or body butter to your hands, knead the mass for 2-3 minutes and you’re done.

How to make slime from PVA glue and soda

There is a wide variety of recipes using two main components, PVA glue and soda, and we will look at the two most popular ones.

First recipe

So, in the first case, you will need:

  1. PVA glue;
  2. baking soda.

Pour the glue into the container, give it color by adding dye. Pour 30 g of soda into another container and fill it with a glass of hot water. When the water and soda have cooled, pour this solution into the glue. Then we collect it from this liquid so that it does not stick to our hands, and additionally dip it into the solution. After this, the slime made from soda and PVA glue is ready for use.

Second recipe

For the second recipe you need:

  1. “miracle clay” (with foam);
  2. PVA glue;
  3. baking soda.

Pour into the “miracle clay” hot water, mix, separate the liquid from the foam balls. After that, add glue there and mix.

The glue needs to be poured along the walls of the container so that there are no bubbles in the slime.

In the second container, combine soda with hot water, cool. Then combine the two containers and mix for about 1-2 minutes.

Divide the mixture into containers, color in different colors. Leave the containers open for 15-20 minutes and then you can enjoy the clear colored slimes.

Do you know who ghost hunters are? If not, we highly recommend watching the cartoon of the same name, which was incredibly popular in the mid-90s. What was especially memorable about this cartoon was the funny logo, the catchy intro melody and two otherworldly characters – the ghosts Boogeyman and Lizun. We won’t touch the boogeyman today, but let’s try to figure out how to make slime at home.

The legendary animated series “Ghostbusters” was released in the mid-90s and immediately gained wild popularity. At the same time, a stream of simple toys poured onto Russian shelves, named after one of the heroes - the scary, but kind and terribly charming ghost Lizun. This green miracle ate everything and everywhere left a liquid, slippery trail, into which everyone around them endlessly fell into.

The slime toy is very similar to its cartoon prototype; in fact, it is a slime, a viscous lump with the properties of a Newtonian fluid, elastic, sticky and stretchy. Mattel began producing this toy back in 1976, but it gained mass popularity precisely after the release of “Hunters.”

The slimes of that time were made from guar gum with the addition of borax powder (in chemical language - sodium tetraborate), mainly had green color and were absolutely safe for children. Unfortunately, we can't say the same about timely toys. The quality of their components raises big questions. Therefore, we suggest you figure out how you can make slime yourself at home.

Basic manufacturing methods

There are a lot of basic and not so simple ways to make slime yourself, at home. The choice of recipe depends on your imagination, the availability of free time and the means at hand.

Plasticine toy

To make handgam from plasticine we will need the following materials:

  • plasticine - about 100 g, any color;
  • gelatin – 1 pack;
  • cold and hot water;
  • plastic and metal cups.

The cooking method is quite simple.

  1. Dissolve the gelatin in cold water; use a metal bowl for this.
  2. After an hour, put the dishes on the stove to heat up to a high temperature, but do not need to bring to a boil.
  3. Meanwhile in a plastic cup pour hot water, put a piece of plasticine there and stir it thoroughly in the water.
  4. Slowly pour gelatin into the resulting mixture, mix until smooth and put in the refrigerator.
  5. We put it in the refrigerator, wait a couple of hours - and you can play!

This toy is safe and environmentally friendly, but it gets your hands dirty and doesn’t last long.

Starch slime

You can make a toy at home without plasticine. In this recipe we will need corn starch - it will make the toy nicer and more elastic. But if you don’t have corn, you can also use potato. The recipe is quite simple.

The following ingredients are required:

  • starch;
  • water;
  • food coloring. You can show your imagination - sparkles and even small rhinestones will make the toy simply cosmic.

Combine starch and water in equal proportions, place in the refrigerator, and in a couple of hours your slime is ready! When preparing, you can add a drop of perfume or essential oil - the toy will smell delicious. And if you add a little phosphor paint, the toy can glow in the dark.

The advantages of this method are simplicity, environmental friendliness and the opportunity to show imagination. Disadvantages - again, a very short shelf life, only about a week.

Handgam made from shampoo and glue

This method is more complicated, but the slime turns out to be more similar to its store-bought relative.

We will need:

  • shampoo without adding conditioner - 3 tablespoons (50 ml);
  • polymer glue – 3 tablespoons (50 ml);
  • food coloring, sparkles, sequins, rhinestones - optional;
  • plastic container.

The cooking method is as follows.

  1. Pour shampoo into a container, add dye and glitter, mix thoroughly.
  2. Slowly pour in the glue, stirring constantly until the consistency is uniform.
  3. Store the received toy in a dark, dry, cool place.

Instead of polymer glue, you can use PVA, but such a toy has worse stretch and sticks strongly to your hands.

Slime made from PVA, water and sodium tetraborate

If the previous toys can be made at home with the child, then in this method it is better to refuse the child’s presence.


  • sodium tetraborate (borax solution) – 1/3 teaspoon. Try to purchase a solution of borax in glycerin;
  • PVA glue, preferably in a bottle, 1 pc. Can be replaced with transparent stationery;
  • cold water – 200 ml;
  • food coloring, glitter, etc.

Manufacturing takes place according to a standard scheme.

  1. Mix glue and water in a plastic bowl and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add dyes.
  3. Slowly and carefully add sodium tetraborate. The more borax, the “thicker” the slime.

When making slime in this way, be sure to use protective equipment: gloves, an apron, unnecessary clothing. The finished toy should be stored in a closed container, away from air and light. Sodium tetraborate has a big advantage - it is an antiseptic by nature.

Soda slime

Another way to make a toy yourself from simple available materials.

In this recipe we will need:

  • soda – 1 tablespoon;
  • PVA glue – 100 or 200 ml;
  • cup cold water;
  • food coloring, rhinestones, glitter, etc.;
  • plastic dishes.

The stages of “production” are as follows.

  1. Dissolve soda in water (1 tablespoon per 1/2 cup).
  2. Mix the glue with the dye until the color is uniform.
  3. Pour soda into the resulting mass.
  4. Mix thoroughly.

We store the toy in the same way as in the previous method - in a dark, dry place.

Toy made from liquid washing powder

This recipe requires liquid laundry detergent—dry detergent or dishwashing detergent will not work.


  • liquid washing powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • PVA glue – 1/3 tube;
  • dye;
  • plastic dishes.

Mix PVA glue with dye to obtain a homogeneous color mass. Slowly pour in the liquid detergent drop by drop until the desired consistency is achieved. Knead for 5-10 minutes (wear gloves!). Store in a sealed container.

Slime made from sodium tetraborate and alcohol

IN this recipe Sodium tetraborate is also used, but without PVA glue.

We will need:

  • sodium tetraborate (dry borax) – 2 tbsp. spoons (sold at the pharmacy);
  • a glass of cold water;
  • polyvinyl alcohol in powder form (ask at the Antimelitel hardware or hardware store);
  • metal (not plastic!) dishes;
  • dye.

The manufacturing stages are as follows.

  1. Dissolve alcohol in a glass of water.
  2. Place the bowl with this solution on the stove and heat slowly, stirring. Heating time is approximately 40 minutes.
  3. Turn off the heat and let the solution cool to room temperature.
  4. Add borax and stir.
  5. Add dye.

Handgam according to this recipe will be elastic, not unpleasantly sticky and very similar to store-bought.

If you make a toy using any of the above methods and add pieces of metal to it, you will get an amazing magnetic slime.

To avoid crushing an iron part with a file, try to find iron oxide in the store or order a special developer powder from office equipment supply stores.

By mixing the powder with metal particles, we get an unusual magnetic slime that changes shape under the influence of a magnet. And if you add phosphor paint to the toy, the slime will glow in the dark.

Other recipes

The technology for making toys in all recipes is approximately the same.

We looked at the most popular and accessible examples of how to make slime at home.

In addition to the above, there are ways to make toys from soda without using glue - from flour and Fairy detergent.

How to make slime from "Fairy"?

  • "Fairy" or other dishwashing detergent;
  • soda;
  • moisturizing hand cream;
  • dyes.

Mix half a tablespoon of detergent with a teaspoon of soda, mix thoroughly until smooth, add hand cream and dye. Place the resulting mass to cool for 3-4 hours.

  1. If the slime making process doesn't work out, don't be discouraged. Experiment with the ingredients. To increase viscosity, add more binder; to thin, add water.
  2. Wear gloves.
  3. If your child is still small, do not leave him with the toy unattended - children put everything in their mouth, and slime is very attractive in this regard.
  4. Try to persuade your child not to throw a toy at walls covered with wallpaper if you do not intend to make repairs in the near future.
  5. If the toy has dried out, it doesn’t matter; it can be briefly revived by moistening it with water.

How to store slime?

A toy made with your own hands at home, unfortunately, is short-lived. Proper storage will extend the life of your favorite entertainment.

Store the slime in a closed container, preferably without access to air. It will be ideal if the place is also dark and cool. The best place for storage - refrigerator (but not freezer).


Nowadays, bright, cheap and not very, often unsafe toys overflow stores. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to make a Barbie doll or a car yourself, and not every adult can sew a teddy bear.

But it’s quite possible to create a simple but fun toy yourself from scrap materials. Therefore, the question of how to make slime yourself is quite relevant.

Show your imagination, experiment, put aside your children's electronic gadget and involve your child in the process - you are guaranteed a lot of positive emotions!

Mother of two children. I have been running a house for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

Slime is one of the favorite children's toys. Its consistency is similar to soft chewing gum, but does not stick to your hands.

Due to the fact that such a mixture can include a variety of ingredients, you will spend only a few minutes to “grow” slime at home yourself. This is done very simply, and even the children themselves will be happy to take part in the work.

Let's find out some of the most simple ways and lifehacks on how to make slime at home.

Glue based slime recipes

The most common option is to use glue. Thanks to this component, the slime does not break and retains its shape. What kind of glue can you use to make slime?
Here are the three most popular options:

  • you can see how to make slime using clear PVA glue or white glue;
  • you can use a glue stick in your work;
  • Super-resistant glue-moment will also work, but you should work with it very carefully.

First easy way, which we will tell you about, is a slime made from sodium tetraborate, PVA glue and water.

You will need one hundred grams of fresh glue, a 4% sodium solution, and a coloring ingredient like gouache or brilliant green.

Pour ¼ cup of plain water into a special cooking bowl. It is better to hold it in room conditions to get a warm temperature.

Next, pour in the glue until a thick consistency is formed. After the glue, tetraborate (the entire vial) and a coloring component are added. All that remains after adding the ingredients is to wrap the mixture in cellophane and knead. Lizun is ready!

Now let's find out how to make Velcro from stationery and silicate glue. This method is not so popular, but it allows you to get an equally high-quality toy.

In addition to glue, use alcohol and a coloring ingredient.

Mix alcohol and glue in equal parts (you can take vodka, but then it should be one and a half times more).

Color the mixture in the desired color, stir, remove from the container - and wash under cold water. After hardening, you can play with the slime.

Do you know how to make a licker from glue and shampoo? If you decide to use this recipe, choose Titan glue, as it will allow the slime to retain its strength for a long time.

Add shampoo to the bag and immediately fill it with glue (there should be one and a half times more). Tie the bag and shake it. This will give you an even mixture that will thicken in just a few minutes.

Detailed video on how to make slime from Titan glue:

Many people are interested in how to make transparent slime without sodium tetraborate. This component can be replaced with soda at home. And if you add dyes, our slime will be colored.

What we need: half a glass of soda, one hundred ml of glue, twice less water, coloring agents, a couple of containers and a wooden stick for kneading.

Let's make it from PVA glue and soda:

  • make the glue more liquid with water (for example, mixing 100 and 15 ml);
  • color the mixture (food coloring will not color your hands);
  • stir your workpiece until the paint dissolves;
  • Mix water and baking soda separately. Pour the finished porridge into the rest of the ingredients;
  • mix the mixture thoroughly, wrap in film or cellophane and shake;
  • If you need the slime to thicken more, continue shaking or stirring. You can try adding more baking soda and glue.

Remember! It is better to store such slime in a closed container, since it has a short service life, and without proper conditions it will deteriorate even faster.

Don't have PVA glue on hand? Not scary! There is another very simple way to make a licker from a glue stick. Watch the video recipe - we can do without PVA glue:

Of course, glue is far from the only component that allows you to obtain the desired consistency for a slime toy. Below you will find many more interesting ways and a video on how to make slime without sodium tetraborate and PVA glue with your own hands.

On shampoo and gel

Let's talk about several popular ideas on how you can make a shampoo licker at home.

The first method is a recipe consisting of shampoo, water and soda. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, add paint or brilliant green, traditionally wrap this mixture and place it in cellophane.

After this, you can try the slime for quality.

A similar method involves using salt rather than soda. Watch the video on how to make a toy from shampoo, water and salt:

As you understand, in such recipes an important role is played by the component that allows the shampoo to thicken a little.

What to use for this effect depends only on your imagination. For example, it’s easy to guess that you can mix shampoo with flour.

What is needed for such a toy: fifteen grams. shampoo, one hundred gr. flour of any kind, as well as one hundred gr. slightly warmed water. We start by mixing the dye and shampoo in a warm liquid.

Later add the sifted flour and knead into a dough-like mass. The desired consistency will be obtained fairly quickly.

Attention! Slime made from shampoo and flour turns out to be greasy and can leave difficult to remove marks on light-colored materials.

You can use starch instead of flour. How to make slime from starch and shampoo - see the following video:

Because shampoo and others household products for personal care have a similar consistency, you can easily replace it with something else or even mix several different drugs at once.

Here is one way to make a real slime from shower gel and shampoo: these ingredients will be mixed in equal proportions.

Advice: Do not use a gel with small granular particles that has a scrub effect.

Mix a future anti-stress toy from these products and put it in the cold for about an hour. After this, you can use the mass for its intended purpose. But keep in mind that as the temperature increases, its viscosity will decrease.

After playing, the slime should be placed in the refrigerator.

How to make slime from laundry gel? To make it last longer, use glue. Mix these ingredients, color the mixture if necessary and mix thoroughly. That's all.

All that's left is to keep it in the refrigerator for a little while.

By the way, it’s easy to make your own slime from foam or shaving gel. Here is one such way:

Method of preparing toothpaste

One of the easiest ways involves using toothpaste.

Take a paste that is not very liquid (it’s better not to use white paste) and pour it into a container. Add glue there in the same amount. Knead this mixture, adding glue if necessary.

Stir as long as possible: this will affect the density and viscosity. After mixing, the slime will be ready.

Below you can watch a video recipe on how to make slime from toothpaste with your own hands:

Recipes with soap and detergent

Let's start by describing an anti-stress toy made from detergent and soda. Most often they take soda for him, as well as water and Fairies. For getting desired color use gouache.

Add dishwashing detergent to a pre-prepared container and begin to thicken it by gradually adding soda.

If you find that the slime is too thick, add water to get the opposite effect. When adding ingredients, do not stop stirring the mixture.

The licker will be ready even at room temperature; there is no need to send it to the cold.

Here's how to make it from liquid soap and salt:

For an even thicker consistency, you can also use toothpaste. See for yourself how you can make a cool licker from soap, paste and water:

On washing powder

Powder is an ingredient that can be found in every apartment. The peculiarity of this recipe is that not any type of powder will suit us.

It is better to use liquid products: the dry powder will have to be pre-mixed with water until the desired consistency is obtained.

It’s not difficult to figure out how to make a licker yourself from Persil, Tide and any other washing powder: in addition, we will use glue and a dye.

Remember! This procedure must be carried out with gloves so that the powder does not damage the delicate skin of the hands.

Where to begin? Select a mixing bowl and add a quarter cup of glue there. Immediately drop a little coloring ingredient and mix it with PVA.

After this, add two large spoons of liquid powder and begin to knead the product until sticky and thickened. To slightly reduce the thickness, add more powder.

Now, wearing gloves, start kneading the finished mass like dough. Remove any resulting liquid. You will get a slime that resembles rubber. It must be stored in a closed container in the cold.

Method with adding flour

When we make a toy at home with our children, it is very important to think about safety. An easy and safe option is a recipe with flour.

Attention! To color this slime, you should choose only high-quality natural ingredients.

Before making a craft from flour and water, prepare everything you need: about 0.4 kg of flour, as well as separately cold and warm water. Pour the flour into a container, after sifting it first. Add 0.25 cups of low temperature water to it.

Immediately add the same amount of warm liquid. Let's start mixing.

Add a little dye: a couple of drops is enough.

Our slime will become sticky, so before playing, put it in the cold for four hours. After this, the mass will be viscous, quite dense and pleasant to the touch.

Plasticine slime

Quite simple instructions on how to make your own slime from plasticine, gelatin and water will help you quickly prepare a new interesting toy for your child.

Take about one hundred and twenty grams of plasticine, one small package of gelatin and half a glass of water. First, prepare the gelatin jelly according to the package directions. When the jelly has not yet hardened, pour the hot liquid into another container.

At the same time, boil water, reduce the gas - and start dipping crushed plasticine into it. Stir the water as you go.

After the plasticine fragments have melted, add gelatin. Stir the prepared anti-stress mass again. After a couple of days you can play with it.

Attention! Plasticine slime stains your hands, so be careful.

If desired, fluorescent paint can be added to the mixture at the mixing stage. Then the slime will be bright even in the dark.

Another way is in the video: from it you will learn how to make slime from plasticine:

Other recipes

There are many more ways to create such bright toys: you can learn how to make liquid slime from water and paint, hand cream, eye drops, glycerin, dough, lipstick.

You can get edible slimes from some ingredients: for example, from watermelon, Nutella, mashmallows, bubble gum. Here are some more ideas on how to make slime at home.

Video on how to make edible slime at home:

How to make a nail polish licker: Mix fresh glue with a few drops of nail polish. After mixing, add a few drops of tetraborate from a pipette.

Stir again. Once the mixture begins to acquire a thick consistency, remove it from the container onto plastic. Wrap and start kneading from side to side by hand.

In the future, if it loses its shape, you can leave the slime in the refrigerator.

Here's how easy it is to make slime from boric acid:

There is a way by which you can easily and simply make glass slime without color. It will be made from one hundred grams of polyvinyl alcohol and twenty-five grams of 4% tetraborate.

Add borax to the alcohol and begin stirring quickly until the mixture thickens completely. There is no need to add additional ingredients: the transparent toy will be ready.

By the way, the slime prepared according to this recipe is non-toxic and is much more suitable for children than similar store-bought toys of unknown composition.

How to care

How to care for slime at home so that it lasts for a long time? You can periodically wipe them with alcohol. Do not dip them in water or wash them under the tap.

To maintain the desired consistency, you can use a syringe to add alcohol, water and other components inside.

Children really like this toy, and this is not surprising: pleasant to the touch, bright slimes crawl along the wall in a fun way, separate and collect.

Such a toy not only charges with positivity, but also develops dexterity, motor skills and other skills. And it even relieves nervous tension, so you can join the kids and play together!

Watch the video on how to make anti-stress slime yourself - three more ways:

Surely you know what slime is?! We were all children and remember well the multi-part animated film “Ghostbusters”. His brave heroes could hardly leave anyone indifferent, and, of course, a cute green ghost called Slime. Some time after the release of the film, the children began to carry the prototype of the cute Lick to school - a plastic mass of bright colors. What can you do with slime? He flew around the classroom at every break, he could easily be glued to walls, desks, and he simply evoked a sea of ​​delight and positive emotions in everyone. It’s just a pity that at that time such a purchase was an unaffordable luxury for many; we knew nothing about making slime.

Our children are luckier! Today, this fascinating trinket (handgam, slime) can be made at home. Do you want to know the composition of the slime? In fact, there is nothing unusual, it can be made liquid, flour consistency, from powder, from washing gel, detergent, without or with borax - there are many recipes for preparing it. Offer your child a fun little activity, tell him how to grow a slime, how to make a slug or how to make space snot - let him personally choose the desired variation and the products he likes.

The participation of children in making slime is a holiday for everyone

Cooking handgam at home will be extremely exciting, and the choice of raw materials is simply huge. But before you begin the process itself, we advise you to carefully read all the recommendations, otherwise the toy may turn out to be of poor quality. In addition, you should know how to properly care for slime.

Basic tips for preparing and caring for slime:

  1. Do-it-yourself slime must be stored in a closed container, for example, in a plastic jar with a lid.
  2. Remember that the toy is afraid high temperatures, so do not leave it in the sun or near heating appliances.
  3. To keep the mixture soft and smooth, try not to place it on carpets and other fleecy materials to avoid sticking.
  4. How to make slime original? Add various sparkles to it at the time of preparation, a few drops of your favorite essential oils, and also, to improve the taste, add a little sugar or condensed milk.
  5. The vinegar in the composition is useful if you want to make a craft that has good plasticity; in addition, it will not stick to various surfaces.
  6. How can you make slime even more natural? It's easy too! Add some glycerin to the composition, which will make it slippery.
  7. If you use a slime recipe with hydrogen peroxide, it will come out fluffy.
  8. It’s easy to get a real “superhero” by attaching eyes and a nose to the jumper, for example, from small buttons or buttons. Imagine and you will succeed!

How to make slime at home: recipes

Well, let's get started with this interesting event! Below you will find the best proven methods on how to make slime slime. But, having made these wonderful things, do not forget how to care for the slimes, and then they will delight you for a long time.

How to make slime from water

Making slime at home in this way is very simple; in addition, the bouncer will be quite elastic and will be able to spring perfectly and bounce off various surfaces. In addition, he will not care about water, so you can wash the toy without fear.

PVA glue is the simplest base for experimenting
  • coloring matter, preferably of natural origin (manganese, brilliant green);
  • fresh PVA – 100 g;
  • water - one glass;
  • sodium tetraborate four percent (borax) - a tablespoon.

If you don’t find borax on your shelves, don’t look for how to make sodium tetraborate, buy the product at one of the pharmacies, it is sold both in solution and in powder form, or use recipes without this component.
How to make slime from water:

Combine slightly lukewarm water with PVA and your dye, then gradually add borax, gently stirring the composition. The liquid must acquire dark color and thicken - now you know how to make slime yourself.

How to make handgam without sodium tetraborate

And now we will give one of the easiest solutions on how to make slime without sodium tetraborate. Slime made from starch, which can replace sodium tetraborate, will turn out no worse than slime made from boric acid. The toy will be of the same quality and reminiscent of the original.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • fresh PVA – 1/4 share;
  • diluted starch - 1/3 share;
  • coloring matter.

Not sure how to make liquid starch? Stir the starch powder in cool water - a slightly thick homogeneous mass should form.

And now, how to make a handgam without tetraborate:

Pour starch into a pre-prepared bag, drop a little coloring matter, add glue. It is important to thoroughly knead the resulting mass, it should achieve homogeneity, and place the bag with the composition in the refrigerator for approximately four or five hours. After this period, you will have acquired a new funny “friend”, and now you can tell your friends about how to grow slime.

How to make slime from shampoo or slime from liquid soap

When using this easy preparation method, remember that the slime from shampoo and shower gel between games is forced to “live” in the cold, and be sure to make sure that it does not get into the child’s mouth.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • shower gel or dishwashing detergent;
  • shampoo.

Necessary steps on how to make slime from shower gel and detergent:

Mix the above products in a bowl using equal proportions. To thicken the mixture, put it in the refrigerator for half a day.

This makes a big difference!!! Do you want to grow a ghost transparent? Use products with a similar consistency and without the presence of granules.

Handgam should be stored in a jar with a screw-on lid. Such a slime made from shower gel can “live” for no more than three weeks, but this is unlikely to become a problem, because you already know how to make slime at home.

Slime from washing powder or how to make slime in 5 minutes

And this recipe will tell you how to make slime in a different way. It prepares quickly, in about five minutes, but remember that you cannot use similar products, such as soap or gel, instead of liquid laundry detergent, otherwise nothing will work.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • PVA – 50 ml;
  • washing powder (liquid) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • coloring matter.

How to make a jumper at home:

Mix PVA with a few drops of paint, add powder and stir again. A sticky solution similar to putty should form. If necessary, you can further dilute it with liquid powder.

Remove the mixture from the bowl and knead like dough until any droplets of liquid that have formed disappear. It is advisable to use rubber gloves!

Well, you know another method of how to make slime with your own hands from simple products. Just remember to keep it in a sealed container. When the craft begins to lose some of its abilities, it should be properly cooled.

How to make slime from flour

Want to find out how to make snot? Even the most spoiled child will be delighted with their appearance! And note, all the ingredients here are natural, leaving your baby alone with such handgam is not at all scary.

Prepare the following foods:

  • flour – 400 ml;
  • hot water – 50 ml;
  • cold water – 50 ml;
  • natural coloring matter.

Place the sifted flour in a saucepan and add cool water, then hotter water, but not boiling water. The mass should be properly kneaded, all lumps crushed, food pigment added, and thoroughly mixed again. And finally, put the resulting composition in a cold place for half a day.

To keep your baby from getting bored, you can make two or three of these slimes at the same time, painting them in different bright colors.

How to make slime from soda or how to make a jumper without alcohol

This “superhero,” just like soap slime, can be offered to children for play only in the presence of their parents due to the presence of dishwashing detergent in it. After indulging in it, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly.

Do you know that this type of keyboard cleaning slime is a real godsend; it will carefully remove hard-to-reach stains, including animal hair.

Making slime at home from products available in every housewife's kitchen is very simple. We will need:

  • liquid dishwashing detergent;
  • water;
  • coloring matter;
  • sodium carbonate (soda).

In these instructions we do not give specific dosages, just gradually mix the ingredients until the composition becomes thick, if necessary, thin it with dish soap or water. You can initially take a couple of tablespoons of sodium carbonate. And don’t forget to mix everything well, this is extremely important!

We hope you also quickly mastered how to make slime from soda. The recipe is quite simple, the slime does not even need to be refrigerated.

How to make handgam without glue

This cooking recipe, of course, is lengthy, but it will definitely please you with an excellent result.

But, if you make up your mind and want to test in practice how to make slime without glue, prepare the following components:

  • borax;
  • polyvinyl alcohol (PVA);
  • warm water);
  • coloring matter.

The toy is made in this way:

The alcohol is diluted with water (see the attached instructions for the PVA), then the solution is boiled over low heat for about half an hour. Borax in the amount of two tablespoons is diluted in water and filtered through a bandage; we will need the grounds that will remain on top. Combine the alcohol solution with borax (3:1) and bring the mixture to a thick consistency. Pour in the coloring matter.

How to make slime at home so that the toy does not dry out? In this case, it is enough just to place it in warm water for four hours.

How to make slime from stationery glue or slime from silicate glue

This method is used infrequently, since the slime is prepared on an alcohol basis.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • stationery or silicate glue;
  • coloring matter;
  • alcohol.

And now, step by step, how to make slime from silicate glue:

Combine alcohol with glue (1:1) and pour pigment into it. Stir thoroughly and keep under running cold water until the mixture hardens. The glue slime is ready!

How to make slime from pencil glue? Use the same recipe, just dissolve the glue in the microwave first.

How to make slime from liquid soap and salt

How to make your slime bigger

It is possible that at some point your “buddy” may begin to dry out and tear, follow these steps to “revive” it:

Place it in a cup of water for three hours, it should fall into pieces. Then pour a little salt there, mix and add any cream, for example for the body. After this, the handgam will become larger and improve its characteristics.

Life is Beautiful! Let this little slime fill her with new bright and positive emotions!