How many ivy plants can there be in a pot? Propagation of ivy by apical cuttings. Home care for indoor ivy

Indoor ivy (Hedera) can be found in almost every apartment - this evergreen does not require complex care and adapts perfectly to any conditions. Even when placed in a room with insufficient lighting and low temperature he is content with what he has and continues to grow actively.

The main condition for how to care for ivy is to prevent the soil from drying out; this plant may not withstand drought and shed all its leaves.

Family: Araliaceae, deciduous and decorative, light-loving, shade-tolerant.

Evergreen climbing woody vines attached to the support using sucker roots. IN southern regions common ivy (Hedera helix) entangles tree trunks and climbs rocks.

Is it possible to keep indoor ivy at home?

Many doubt whether it is possible to keep ivy at home - these fears are fueled by rumors that the plant supposedly “survives” all the green spaces growing around. Experienced flower growers They advise not to be afraid of this neighborhood. At home, ivy is unpretentious and will not interfere with other plants.

Due to the variety of shapes, high variability and simplicity in home care ivy has long been widely used in indoor floriculture For vertical gardening.

Numerous varieties differ in leaf shape, size and color. The most characteristic leaf shape is five-lobed, but there are varieties with almost oval leaves, and, conversely, with elongated tips of the lobes, almost star-shaped. The edges of the leaf blade, usually smooth, can be corrugated or wavy. The color, usually even green, can consist of bizarre combinations of green, yellow, cream, white and gray.

The largest leaves are ivy canary(Hedera helix ssp. canariensis)- up to 20 cm long.

The Variegata variety of this species is distinguished by beautiful white veins on the leaves.

How to care for indoor ivy

Caring for ivy at home, not spoiled by bounties wildlife, uncomplicated. He is content with “what he has” - dim lighting, dry air, decreased winter temperatures (up to +10 °C). You should try to water it regularly, since once the leaves have experienced a lack of moisture, they dry out and fall off (but this is partially compensated by the rapid growth rate). Variegated varieties need more intense lighting, otherwise the brightness of the leaf color is lost. Feeding is carried out once a month in winter, and every week in spring and summer.

When caring for home ivy, replant the plant once every 2-3 years in a soil mixture of turf soil, compost and sand (1:1:1), preferably several cuttings in one container for more luxuriant growth. Can be grown as hanging plant- the shoots hang freely over the edges of the pots, or like climbing ones - the ivy easily entwines the provided support, securing itself with suction-cup roots. But the more “noble” Canary ivy cannot do this; its shoots will have to be tied up or secured in some other way.

Caring for home ivy hybrids

For owners of spacious areas and lovers of large forms, a hybrid of common ivy (Hedera helix) and Japanese fatsia (Fatsia japonica) - Fatshedera (Fatshedera) has been developed. This is an evergreen liana with long (up to 5 m) woody shoots and large (up to 30 cm in diameter) palmate leathery leaves of dark green color. Yellowish-green flowers are collected in a panicle inflorescence up to 15 cm long.

Caring for hybrids home ivy the same as behind common ivy - these plants combine all the characteristics convenient for indoor floriculture from both “parents”. They grow successfully both in bright light and in shaded places; they tolerate dry air, dust, short daylight hours and high temperature in winter. Ivy hybrids are watered abundantly; spraying will not be unnecessary. Fertilizing is carried out in spring and summer 2 times a month. They are replanted annually in spring into spacious containers using a soil mixture of turf and leaf soil and sand (1:1:1).

Among phytodesigners and gardeners, indoor ivy is very popular due to its special decorative properties and low maintenance requirements. A flower with creeping shoots and showy deltoids sheet plates Looks harmonious in the interior of a room for any purpose.

Types, varieties and description

In the wild, the climbing evergreen shrub from the Araliaceae family is represented by 15 species that have a wide growing area. As a rule, common ivy and its forms, of which there are more than 100, are grown as a potted crop.
An indoor flower with a climbing stem and aerial roots, with the help of which it clings to a support, does not bloom in an apartment. Flower growers are attracted by decorative leathery leaves with a waxy coating, which can be either plain or variegated.
Among the most popular varieties are “Eva” with yellow leaves, dwarf Kholibra and variegated “Jubilee”.
Sometimes another species is used for vertical gardening - Colchis ivy. This is a climbing plant with graceful shoots that are covered with glossy solid, sometimes three-lobed, marsh-colored leaf plates.
Wax ivy in indoor floriculture it is represented by such varieties as Dentata Variegata with variegated oval-shaped foliage, Sulfur Heart with large curled leaf blades and Arborescens.

Plant propagation methods

Indoor types of ivy in apartment conditions reproduce by vegetative methods.


To carry out the procedure, apical cuttings 10 cm long with aerial roots are prepared. After cutting planting material is buried in a soil mixture of sand and leaf soil, where it is contained under a film in warm room. During the rooting process, constant soil moisture is maintained. When the cuttings take root, they are planted in separate flowerpots, several at a time.

By shoots

There is a way to get two or more plants from one shoot at once. For this:
1. A shoot with 8 leaf plates is cut off.
2. An incision is made along the entire length, with which the shoot is laid on the sand, after which it is pressed to a depth of 15 - 20 mm.
3. After rooting, the shoot is divided into parts with roots and one leaf, which are planted in several pieces in small containers with fertile soil mixture.

By layering

The procedure is similar to the previous one described. The main differences are that the cuttings are stapled to the ground and are not separated from the mother plant before rooting.

Growing and caring for ivy at home

Grow indoor flower even an inexperienced gardener can do ivy if he follows simple rules care that does not take much time.

Requirements for soil and pot

For exotic flower select a small pot with large drainage holes. The plant prefers loose and fertile soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The optimal composition of the substrate includes leaf, turf, humus soil, peat and sand in equal parts.

Microclimate, proper lighting

A climbing plant from a subtropical climate loves moderate heat and moisture.
During the active growing season, comfortable temperature conditions considered 22 – 24°C. In winter, temperatures may drop, but not below the maximum permissible value of 13°C.
To create conditions close to natural, the flower should be sprayed with settled water throughout the year and bathed in a warm shower.
Ivy, or hedera, is a shade-tolerant plant and can grow even in the back of a room. However, the more diffused light the plant receives, the more spectacular it will look. Therefore, when choosing a place that should be decided upon even before purchasing a flower that does not like to move, preference should be given to well-lit areas.

Important! Variegated forms will lose their color when placed in the shade.

How to properly water indoor ivy

Climbing flower with decorative foliage – perfect plant for people who are often absent from home. Ivy can withstand soil drought, but you should not use this quality of the plant too often. The optimal irrigation regime involves maintaining constantly moist soil in the summer without stagnating moisture in the root system. In winter, watering is reduced: before the next portion of water, the earthen lump should dry out slightly.

Feeding and fertilizers

In the spring-summer period, which is when the potted crop grows intensively, ivy is fed every two weeks. For fertilizing, special liquid fertilizers for decorative foliage plants are used.

Carefully! An excess of macro- and microelements in an earthen coma can damage the decorative qualities of the crop, making its leaves too large.

Replanting ivy

You can replant the plant according to the same rule as other indoor flowers: young specimens - every spring, adults - with an interval of 2 years. But you should know that an indicator of the need for the procedure is the appearance of ivy roots in the drainage holes. The transplant is carried out as follows:
1. Select a new pot 2 cm wider than the old one.
2. Expanded clay or gravel is placed at the bottom of the container to create a drainage layer.
3. The flower with a lump of earth is transferred to the drainage.
4. A new substrate is poured into the pot so that there is a small gap between the wall and the earthen lump for irrigation water.
5. The flower is watered, sprayed and returned to its permanent place.

Plant diseases and pests

The ivy houseplant has excellent immunity to diseases, the occurrence of which is mostly non-infectious in nature:
Due to prolonged soil drought, leaf fall is observed.
Due to too much low level humidity causes baldness of shoots and shrinkage of foliage.
Lack of lighting leads to variegated forms losing their characteristic color.
Failure to follow simple rules for keeping plants at home can also cause the appearance of pests such as aphids, scale insects, spider mite. To prevent the flower from colonizing, you should maintain high humidity in the room and periodically “bathe” the plant.
If insects have already attacked the crop, then you should immediately treat it with an insecticidal preparation according to the instructions indicated on the package. If there is no result, the treatment is repeated after 3 to 5 days.

Myths associated with ivy

Stories about ivy were told back in the days Ancient world, When:
among the Greeks, ivy was a symbol of fun;
among the ancient Romans, the plant symbolized fidelity, love and marriage;
The peoples of the East believed that the flower nourishes the owner with vital energy.
Nowadays, a superstition with a negative connotation has appeared, claiming that ivy is an energy vampire and a man-hunter that attracts loneliness.
Thus, indoor ivy is a spectacular ornamental plant, which is widely used for vertical gardening of indoor interiors and requires minimal care.

One of the most popular plants among gardeners is indoor ivy. This spectacular flower comes in a variety of shapes and types. It received the popular names “loach” and “serpentine” because of its ability to entwine standing nearby supports. If you pull ropes indoors, the plant can braid not only the wall, but also the ceiling. Breeders have bred more than a hundred species of home ivy

Description of the plant

You can propagate the flower by layering. In this case, cuts are made from the bottom of the long shoots and they are secured to the ground with staples. After rooting, young plants are separated and replanted.

There is a third way - propagation by shoots. Cut shoots with several leaves are laid out on the sand. Then the stem is pressed into it, leaving the foliage outside. After 10 days, underground roots appear on the stem. The shoots are taken out of the sand and divided into several cuttings. Each of them should have roots and 1 leaf.

How to properly care

Caring for indoor ivy at home is not at all difficult. You just need to provide the flower with suitable conditions for it.

Factors affecting plant growth and health:

  • watering;
  • lighting;
  • feeding;
  • humidity;
  • topping;
  • temperature regime.

In summer, ivy is watered generously 2 times a week, bathed in a warm shower and irrigated clean water. You should not overwater the flower, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow due to excess moisture. In winter, once a week is sufficient, especially if the room temperature is cool.

Direct sunlight should never fall on the leaves. so that burns do not form on them. Indoor ivy loves light, but can also grow quietly in light shade. The only thing he endures painfully is change permanent place. It is better to initially determine where the flower will stand.

Feeding is carried out every 2 weeks during the spring-autumn period. Ordinary complex mineral fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants are suitable for this purpose. Sometimes gardeners feed ivy with mullein, but this often causes the leaves to become large and the ivy loses its decorative appeal.

There should always be moist air in the room where ivy grows. You can additionally spray the plant with a spray bottle. This is done more often in summer than in winter time. If the room is hot in winter, then irrigation will not hurt. It is recommended to bathe the flower in the shower from time to time.

Reproduction of the Gymnocalycium cactus and caring for it at home

Periodically you need to pinch the ends of the ivy stems. This procedure promotes the growth of new side shoots. The cut tops serve as cuttings for flower propagation. On variegated plants, green shoots must be cut off.

Comfortable summer temperature for ivy is +22−25 °C. In the warm season, the flower can be placed on an open balcony or terrace. The western wall is more suitable for this, so that the place is slightly shaded. In winter, the best temperature is in the range of 15−18°C. The plant loves fresh air and is not afraid of drafts, so the room can be ventilated often.

Replanting ivy

The initial transplant must be done after purchasing the plant, but not immediately. You need to wait about a week for it to get used to the new conditions. Carefully remove the substrate from the pot so as not to damage the roots, and plant the flower in a wide pot with a drainage cushion. Young plants are replanted every year, and those that are 3 and 4 years old - once every 2 years.

Flowers older than five years old should not be replanted. They simply remove the old top layer of soil and fill it with a new one.

Ivy, being one of the first plants domesticated by humans, is still very popular in the collections of gardeners. And it’s not surprising - lush cascades of green ivy bring the breath of nature into the house and delight the eye with its decorativeness.

It is also important that caring for ivy does not require excessive effort, and the plant itself can feel great even in the shade.

Magnificent ivy and its types

Ivy or hedera in Latin is called Hedera helix, which means “climbing ivy.” The homeland of 15 plant species belonging to the genus Hedera is considered to be the subtropics of Europe, Africa and Asia.

In nature, these evergreen vines are accustomed to growing in the shade of tree crowns, which explains their ability to tolerate a lack of light.

Interesting feature
ivy can be called the fact that the plant is unable to support the weight of its own leaves. Therefore, it sticks with its roots to any nearby surface, for example, a wall. To avoid this, you need to provide the ivy with support in the form of special bamboo or plastic sticks.

Thanks to at good care ivy grows long shoots that can be used for interior decoration. Entwined with flexible branches with leaves beautiful shape columns, arches or partitions create special exquisite comfort in the home.

The following types of hedera are most often grown in indoor floriculture:

  • Common ivy (climbing);
  • Canarian ivy;
  • Fatsheder's ivy to Lise.

Common ivy (climbing) or Hedera helix- This is an unusually plastic plant, capable of attaching itself to even the slightest irregularities and wrapping around any support in its path.

There are such popular varieties this plant as:

  • Annette with dark green leaves;
  • Chicago with small bright green leaves;
  • Chicago Variegata- a yellow-cream border frames bright green leaves;
  • Little Diamond with leaves decorated with cream veins.

Canarian ivy, called in Latin Hedera canariensis, is a species with larger leaves, most often variegated in color, which is not able to cling to support on its own and needs to be tied up.

Its variety is very popular Gloire de Marengo with a combination of cream and green shades on the leaves

Fatsheder's ivy Lise, whose Latin name sounds like Fatshedera lizei, - This new hybrid, very popular among gardeners, requires staking and grows up to 5 meters in height. A very beautiful variety called Variegata with white spots or a beige border.

Precautions when caring for ivy

It's important to remember that ivy leaves are poisonous, may cause skin problems in people with sensitive skin or allergies. Besides, extremely dangerous eat any part of the plant.

Ivy should be placed in places inaccessible to children and animals, and the plant should be cared for using rubber gloves. At the age of 10 years, ivy can bloom. Flower growers recommend carefully removing ivy flowers and berries.

Ivy flowers have bad smell, A the berries are very poisonous.

Location and lighting

IN summer time year, ivy prefers air temperatures from 18 to 20 °C. The plant will be grateful if you expose it to fresh air. In winter, you should ensure that the temperature did not fall below 6 °C, but did not rise above 12 °C.

Florists ivy is especially appreciated for its shade tolerance. The plant can grow in shade, partial shade or in bright light. It is advisable to avoid direct sunlight.

It should be taken into account that varieties with variegated leaves need a little more light than their plain counterparts.

Humidity and watering

In summer ivy will not refuse from moderate watering so that the soil is moist all the time. It needs to be watered on average twice a week. In winter, watering should be minimal - once a week during a warm winter and even less often if the room temperature is the minimum permissible.

Ivy is very resistant to drafts and temperature changes, but may die due to stagnation of water in the soil or drought.

Ivy will not refuse spraying, because it needs high humidity air. Moisturize it need soft water room temperature. It won’t hurt to give the ivy a warm shower occasionally.

To improve appearance dusty ivy, you can wipe its leaves with a damp cloth, and also no more than once a month apply polish for plants.

Transplantation and feeding

For ivy, it is best to use loose and light soil. Experienced flower growers can make the following mixture:

  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 2 parts of turf land;
  • 1 part sand.

The container for ivy should be wide, not deep. The plant must be replanted every spring, and young fast-growing ivy - twice a year.

For old plants, replacing the top layer of soil will be sufficient. And also, if the roots have grown through the drainage hole, it's time to replant the ivy.

A special role in the prosperity of ivy good drainage plays a role - at the bottom of the pot there should be a layer of expanded clay 2 - 3 cm high. It is important not to forget to make large drainage holes in the pot.

However, ivy can feel great when grown using hydroponics.

Ivy should be fertilized in spring and summer with a comprehensive mineral fertilizer once a month.


Ivy reproduces:

  • Stem cuttings, which must be rooted in the ground, strengthening them in the grooves. For successful rooting, a temperature of about 24 °C and high humidity will be required.
  • By shoots, which also take root in the soil.
  • By layering, for which the ivy shoot is only slightly cut and rooted in the ground.

Problems and pests

Ivy, like everyone else houseplants, suffers from improper care. It can also be attacked by insect pests.

Common ivy problems:

  • The leaves are turning yellow- cold and excessive watering, excess fertilizer.
  • Leaves variegated ivy faded- too little light.
  • Brown leaf tips- dry air, heat or poor watering.

    As you can see, it is not so difficult to care for indoor ivy - a symbol of fidelity, immortality and eternal life. You just need to choose a good place for the plant, spray it occasionally and don’t forget to water it - and it will give you lush cascades of bright greenery that can enliven and decorate any room.

Decorative, hardy and fast-growing evergreen steeplechain has won the hearts of flower growers. Ivy fits perfectly into the design of any room. It is used to create vertical gardening, flower arrangements, as an ampelous plant. From fast-growing varieties, standard trees and green statues of the most bizarre shapes are created. But is it possible to keep a flower at home? Let's find out.

Indoor ivy is a vine with leathery three- and five-lobed leaves. Some of its species reach 20 m in length. Many have aerial roots, with the help of which they climb and are held on vertical supports.

Flowers, as a rule, are inconspicuous, with a specific smell. Ivy berries are inedible and poisonous to humans, although some birds and animals eat them.

The leaves, depending on the type and variety, can have a wide variety of colors: shiny dark or light green, solid and pinnate, green with a white or yellow border and white with a green border. Breeders have even bred varieties with purple foliage.

Caring for indoor common ivy

In order for the acquired plant to acclimatize more easily to new conditions and delight with its vigorous growth, it is necessary to observe all the subtleties of care.

Lighting and temperature

House ivy is a shade-tolerant plant that can add greenery to dark corners of rooms where other plants will not survive. T However, for plant growth it is necessary good lighting , and the feathery forms of ivy in the shade lose the contrasting color of the leaves. Direct sunlight is also dangerous, as it can leave burns on the leaves.

In summer, plants feel comfortable at temperatures from 22 to 25°C; in winter, it is preferable to keep them in a cooler room - from 15 to 18°C.

Watering a flower

Ivy, a child of the tropics and subtropics, needs good watering. In summer, the soil in the pot should be slightly moist. Periodically, the vine is washed under a warm shower, covering the soil in the pot with waterproof material, or sprayed. It is advisable to place the ivy pot in a tray filled with pebbles. You should add water to it so that the pebbles are wet, but the pot does not stand in the water. This will increase air humidity, and at the same time the roots will not get wet.

Ivy does not like either waterlogging or drying out. With a lack of moisture, ivy leaves droop and become soft. To correct the situation, you need to water it well and give it a warm shower. After this procedure, the leaves will restore their previous appearance.

Living ivy wall

It’s also not worth flooding the plant. Stagnation of water and acidification of the soil due to excessive watering have more tragic consequences: the death of the plant due to rotting of the roots. In this case, ivy can only be propagated by cuttings.

The rest period of vines is weak, so watering is significantly reduced, but the earthen clod is not allowed to dry out completely. Water after the top layer of soil in the pot dries. Instead of showering and spraying, wipe the ivy leaves with a damp cloth.

Soil and replanting

Good growth and decorativeness of the plant depend on the fertility of the soil. The soil for ivy needs to be loose and permeable. Be sure to lay drainage made of fine expanded clay at the bottom of the pot in a layer of at least 3 cm.

To prepare the soil, mix in equal quantities:

  • humus,
  • leaf soil,
  • peat,
  • sand.

Fill the pot with soil mixture 2 cm below the rim. Small pebbles are placed on top of the ground, which will protect against excessive evaporation of moisture and serve a decorative function.

An entire house covered in ivy


Lianas are responsive to feeding. Feed in spring nitrogen fertilizers, V summer months- complex, and closer to winter - potassium every 2 weeks.

In winter, during the dormant period, the plants are not fertilized.


Propagation of vines is not difficult.

Cuttings and apical shoots

This is the most effective way to propagate ivy. You can cut a vine branch into cuttings 10 cm long or use apical cuttings 10-20 cm long, cut during pruning, for propagation. They take root well in a vase of water. For better root formation, a growth stimulator is added.

After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in pots.

By layering

A longitudinal cut is made on the branch of the vine, without separating it from the mother plant, pinned to the ground and covered with earth. Water regularly. After the roots appear, the branch is cut off and transplanted into a separate pot.

By dropping stem cuttings

Indoor ivy at home

A cutting with 8-10 leaves is cut from a young branch and buried horizontally in a container with sand. The stem should be buried, and the leaves should remain above the surface. Water regularly. In two weeks, roots should appear.

The stem is carefully dug up, cut into cuttings with leaves and roots and planted in pots.


The seeds are soaked for two days in a damp cloth moistened with water with the addition of a growth stimulant. After germination, they are planted in small pots with soil. Keep at a temperature of 23-28°C.

Popular types of home ivy

  • Colchis is a liana with fairly large whole or three-lobed leaves, 15-18 cm wide, up to a quarter of a meter long. The leaves are oval or three-lobed with a characteristic musky aroma. The aerial roots of the vine give it the ability to stay on a support and climb to a height of up to 25-30 m. Blooms small flowers with a specific smell, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences.
  • Canary - it is also called Algerian. Fast growing vine with large leaves a variety of colors: from solid green to feathery yellow or white-green. It does not have aerial roots, so it needs support. The plant requires intense light and high humidity, but will tolerate light shading. Ivy needs pruning, otherwise it takes on a sloppy appearance.
  • Ordinary - the colors of the 3-5-lobed leaves are varied: from solid dark and light green to pinnate with a white or yellow pattern, they may have an edge. It blooms with small greenish-yellow flowers collected in an umbrella. Berries up to 1 cm in size, poisonous.
  • Pastukhova - the vine has aerial roots, with the help of which it entwines vertical supports. The leaves are leathery, bright green, 6 cm wide, 10 cm long, of various shapes: lanceolate, rhombic, ovate, mixed. It blooms with inflorescences in the form of sparse spherical umbrellas. The inflorescence contains from 5 to 20 flowers. In place of the inflorescences, fruits are formed - berries up to 1 cm in diameter, black with purple tint, very poisonous.

Among the huge variety of species and varieties of ivy, it is not difficult to choose a plant to suit your taste, which will decorate your home and will delight you for many years.