Home healer Golden mustache: caring for the plant. Growing a golden mustache at home, care rules

Tinctures, ointments and other drugs are prepared from the golden mustache. Considering that caring for this crop is not at all difficult, it is highly recommended to have it in every home.

What does a golden mustache houseplant look like: photo and description

The houseplant golden mustache belongs to the Commelinaceae family, genus Callisia. There are 12 species in the genus, growing in the tropics of Central and South America and Mexico. In culture, only one species is best known, which is called the golden mustache.

According to the description, the indoor golden mustache is not much different from the wild one. This crop got its name due to the presence of long shoots that extend from the axils of the leaves, like the “whiskers” of strawberries and take root in the same way. The length of these “whiskers” is up to 1 meter, they are bare, reddish-brown with long internodes and small rosettes of leaves at the ends (it is usually believed that only shoots no shorter than 9 internodes are suitable for treatment). Large, up to 30 cm, almost linear alternate leaves enveloping the stem develop only after rooting. When a sheet is torn, thin threads of rubber stretch between its parts. The stem of this plant, although long, is not capable of standing vertically, so it needs support in the apartment.

At good care at home, golden mustache sometimes blooms. Small flowers- less than 1 centimeter in diameter - collected in paniculate inflorescences. The flowers appear from the axils of the leaves and are collected in paired, hanging racemes on small peduncles.

As you can see in the photo, in a houseplant with a golden mustache, each flower has three white, pink or blue petals:

Despite the fact that the inflorescences themselves are inconspicuous, they attract attention with a strong pleasant smell, similar to the smell of hyacinth.

How to grow a golden mustache and how to care for it

Growing a golden mustache at home will not cause any trouble. Everything needs to be created optimal conditions, at which the plant will be comfortable. A ceramic pot with a diameter of at least thirty centimeters or a wide ceramic vase is suitable for planting.

They are grown not only in pots, but also in a greenhouse, in the country, and even under film. To do this, you need to use horizontal lateral shoots that are rooted on the stem in the soil. The main stem must be tied to a support, and the shoots from it are bent to the soil and earth is poured on them. As soon as the shoots take root, they are cut off for transplantation to another location.

In heated greenhouses, climate control or simple air conditioning systems are installed in combination with special fountains to humidify the air in the summer heat. In addition, it is recommended to spray the entire plant with clean water - melted water from the refrigerator or freezer, but not tap water, which contains chlorine, phenol and other harmful chemicals.

Proper care for golden mustache at home provides for daily watering in the spring and summer, but without waterlogging the soil, and less often in autumn and winter - two or three times a week. The soil in the pot should be moistened to the base. To prevent the stream from eroding the soil, it is better to use a watering can with a fine strainer or a kettle. An hour after watering, the water should be drained from the pan, and the tray and bottom of the pot should be wiped dry to prevent mold from appearing.

Growing and caring for golden mustache at home

The need for watering is determined simply: if the knock on the edge of the pot is loud, then the ground is dry, if it is dull, then the ground is wet, and the top layer of soil, when it dries out, will turn gray. Loves frequent bathing and spraying with a spray bottle. You can spray the plant in the morning and evening, provided that the apartment is dry warm air. Between waterings, the soil under the flower must be carefully loosened. The ideal temperature for flower growth is 25 - 27 °C, with a recommended humidity of 50 - 60%. In winter, the temperature can be lowered slightly.

Fertilizer or fertilizing is required. You can feed the plant with liquid fertilizers after its root system has developed. IN warm season Fertilizers are applied once a week, in the cold season - once a month. To feed this house plant It is best to buy ready-made mixtures.

In the process of caring for golden mustache at home, do not forget that the plant loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, especially hot evening ones. In this case, the plant becomes discolored and curls, and mustaches stop forming. After being transferred to the shade, it recovers quickly. Winter temperatures should be between 16-18 degrees, otherwise the plants become very stretched, reducing the amount of active substances. In summer you can take it outside to a shady place.

How to plant, transplant and propagate golden mustache at home

How does golden mustache propagate at home and how to transplant it correctly? The plant propagates by layering, pieces of “whiskers” and ordinary cuttings. Most favorable time for propagation - March, April, but if necessary, you can propagate all year round.

From the mother plant you need to cut off the top of the shoot with 2 - 4 joint nodes, remove lower leaves, shorten the top ones by a third. Dry the cuttings for 2–3 hours and then plant them in pots with abundantly moistened soil mixture. Moisten the cuttings and cover plastic bag for rooting.

A rosette of leaves with a small piece of stem is cut from a horizontal side shoot and placed in a vessel with water. Powerful root system develops within 10–15 days. Then young plant planted in a pot with an earthen mixture and watered abundantly.

Before planting golden mustache at home, you need to make drainage from egg shells or sphagnum moss, adding river sand. Earth mixture prepared from 2 parts turf soil, 2 parts greenhouse soil, 3 parts leaf soil and 3 parts sand.

Young plants are replanted annually, and adults once every two to three years. It is better to replant in spring or autumn.

Before transplanting the golden mustache at home, first water the plant nutrient solution based on microfertilizers containing potassium, as well as nitrogen, phosphorus and microelements. In a new pot, the soil is prepared in the previously described way: fine dolomite crushed stone, expanded clay, or pumice are placed on the bottom in combination with mountain sand and wood ash.

For soil for replanting plants, take turf soil, without weeds, from under trees - linden, aspen, willow. Specialized stores “Gardener”, “Dachnik”, “Garden World”, “Florist” currently sell ready-made soil mixtures for growing indoor plants of any kind.

- And . At the first signs of damage, the plant must be sprayed with a systemic insecticide and covered with a plastic bag for 1 to 2 days. The best preventive measures are daily spraying and support. required humidity air.

Medicinal properties of the houseplant golden mustache

Back in the 19th century, American scientists began detailed studies of the plant. Many Spanish Catholic missionaries who visited the Mayan and Aztec Indians wrote about the medicinal properties of the houseplant golden mustache.

American scientists have found that the juice of this plant contains a large number of biologically active substances. Russian scientists from the Irkutsk Medical Institute, Novosibirsk and St. Petersburg have established that the plant is not inferior to the famous ginseng in terms of its healing effects on the human body, and in some respects even surpasses it.

Applicable in folk medicine at the most various diseases: oncology, allergies, sore throat, stomatitis, varicose veins, radiculitis, pancreatitis, bronchial asthma, diabetes and many others. It is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the eyes and joints; it has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and antitumor properties.

The use of golden mustache at home is effective in the fight against skin diseases, and is also actively used in cosmetology. It is used in the treatment of heel spurs, nail fungus, heart and lung diseases. In addition, the plant strengthens the immune system, blood vessels and perfectly treats the runny nose and many internal diseases.

How to prepare medicines from golden mustache at home: tinctures and ointments

It is not difficult to prepare medicines from golden mustache at home: stems, leaves, and side shoots of the mustache are suitable for this.

The simplest medicine is tincture. It is taken orally and used externally. Tinctures with water are prepared from leaves, while tinctures with alcohol or vodka can be made from all parts of the plant.

With vodka or alcohol. Pour a shoot of twelve knees with half a liter of vodka or diluted alcohol. If the tincture of golden mustache at home is intended only for rubbing, then the alcohol does not need to be diluted, and in addition to the tendrils, you can add crushed leaves and a trunk. Infuse in a dark place protected from light for two weeks, shake every day.

On the water. One large leaf - at least twenty centimeters, or several smaller leaves, brew in a thermos with a liter of water and leave for a day. For the decoction, do not brew, but boil for five minutes. Indications: for stomach ulcers, diabetes mellitus, intestinal inflammation, pancreatitis. Take one hundred milligrams half an hour before meals three times a day.

Oil tincture. Grind the leaves, stem and shoots in a blender, pour in hot vegetable oil in a ratio of one (gruel) to two (oil). Infuse in a dark place protected from light for ten days.

Ointment. Grind the leaves, stem and shoots in a blender. Mix with cream, Vaseline or animal fat. It is better, of course, to use fat, since it does not contain foreign impurities.

Using golden mustache for treatment at home

For bruises. Rub the damaged areas with alcohol tincture, oil or ointment. If you use the tincture immediately after an injury, you can prevent the formation of bruises. Compresses relieve pain and swelling. In cases of serious injuries - fractures and severe bruises - it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with alcohol tincture.

For osteochondrosis, radiculitis, diseases of the joints and blood vessels. At the time of exacerbation of pain in the spine (osteochondrosis), rub the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae and inflamed joints with the tincture. You can use compresses - generously moisten a bandage folded in several layers and apply to the sore spot for 2 hours. Cover the top with compress paper and wrap warmly. Repeat 2 times a day. As a preventive measure, compresses are applied for another 2-3 days after acute pain has been relieved. During compresses, the tincture is taken orally, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day an hour before meals. The course is no more than 7-10 days.

With thrombophlebitis. Fresh alcohol tincture is taken orally 2 times a day, 30 - 40 drops per 50 ml of water.

For skin diseases. Oil and ointment based on baby cream are used for cosmetic purposes for dry, sensitive skin. Alcohol tincture helps with acne, but for use on facial skin it is advisable to dilute the original tincture 2-4 times.

For a stroke. Use alcohol tincture for massage or rub the paralyzed part of the body.

For diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Chop one sheet of at least 20 cm in size and pour into glass jar liter of boiling water, wrap, leave for 24 hours, take 3-4 times a day 40 minutes before meals, 50 g warm.

This infusion cures many internal diseases, removes toxins from the body, small stones and sand from the kidneys and bladder. As a result of comprehensive cleansing of the body, the general health of patients dramatically improves. They become more active, and many have improved vision. This is the most harmless recipe that can be used as a prophylactic.

Like any medicinal plant, may cause allergies. Therefore, treatment with golden mustache at home if you are prone to allergic reactions or have allergic diseases must be carried out very carefully. For high blood pressure, tinctures are diluted in alcohol or vodka boiled water or replaced with decoctions.

Golden mustache is an amazing Mexican plant known for its unique healing effects. It first appeared in Russia in 1890, and this is only thanks to the botanist and geographer, the founder of the Batumi Nature Reserve - Andrei Krasnov.

This plant has many names, the most famous of which are living hair, corn and homemade ginseng. Recently, golden mustache has become very popular due to the fact that many have learned about its medicinal properties and the fact that the plant can be grown on a windowsill without the need for special care.

The height of the stem reaches from 1 to 1.8 m, large bright emerald leaves are located on the fleshy main shoot in a spiral. When exposed to bright light, the leaves become pinkish in color. Flowering at home is extremely rare, but if this happens, it becomes possible to enjoy a pleasant fragrant aroma small flowers collected in a hanging panicle.

Golden mustache or callisia can be taken outside in the spring, you can even plant it in open ground, however, in this case there should be no other plants around within a radius of 70 cm. This is due to the fact that callisia spreads its side shoots in all directions and puts out roots when it comes into contact with the soil.

It is worth noting here that the golden mustache will grow quite quickly, and young sprouts contribute to the rejuvenation of old plants. The geniculate shoots of the plant contain the greatest medicinal value, despite the fact that each part, with the exception of the roots, has medicinal properties.

Beneficial properties of golden mustache and its use in folk medicine

The medicinal effects of the plant are due to the content of biologically active substances in it (quercetin, phytosterol and kemeferol). In addition, the composition contains chromium, iron and copper.

  1. The plant effectively copes with various infections, removes toxins, inhibits the natural aging process, normalizes metabolism, and also strengthens the immune system and circulatory system.
  2. The plant is recommended for problems with the gallbladder and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Golden mustache is the best remedy for people who suffer from allergies and asthma, since the plant is able to fight allergic reactions, preventing the appearance of rashes and itching.
  4. Yes, what can I say if this amazing plant Even . from Mexico has been used.
  5. It quickly renews the skin after wounds and burns. The unique composition of the plant is used to treat varicose veins, periodontal disease, periodontitis, mastopathy, lactostasis, liver problems, ischemia and even Parkinson's disease.
  6. A therapeutic and prophylactic course of living hair helps to cope with ailments such as hemorrhoids, anemia, rheumatism, anemia, osteochondrosis and vascular spasms.
  7. In the event of infections transmitted through sexual contact, for example, ureaplasmosis, dysbacteriosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomonas, treatment with a golden mustache will not interfere.

Depending on medical prescriptions, various parts of the plant can be selected for treatment and used to create the most unexpected medicinal mixtures. They can be used to prepare tinctures, ointments, decoctions, etc., but recommendations for their use should be agreed with the attending physician.

Alcohol tincture

When preparing medicines from plant trunks, you need to keep in mind that it is the trunk that contains a huge amount of active biological substances. Therefore, preparations prepared from the trunk of the golden mustache are used only for external use. So, for example, an alcohol tincture of 5 joints and 500 ml of 70% medical alcohol is used for joint pain.

For alcohol tincture you need to take those plants on the tendrils of which at least 10 nodes have formed. It is then that the concentration of medicinal substances is maximum. To prepare the tincture you will need 30-40 internodes and a liter of vodka. Cut the side shoots, add vodka, and leave for 10-15 days in a dark room; shake the tincture periodically. You need to strain the tincture when it turns dark lilac. This tincture is stored in a dark and cool room.

If a mustache tincture is chosen for treatment, then it should be taken intermittently. For example, after taking the tincture for three weeks, you need to take a week break. Experts recommend cleansing the body with enterosorbents during a break.

Oil tincture

To prepare the oil tincture, you will need the following ingredients: leaves, shoots and stem of the golden mustache, as well as vegetable oil. Grind the leaves, shoots and stem using a blender into a paste, and pour in hot oil (at a ratio of 1:2). Infuse the oil tincture in a dark place for at least 10 days.

Expert opinion

Golden mustache belongs to medicinal plants that have a complex effect on the human body. Its positive effect on the immune system and its general strengthening effect have been confirmed; there is evidence of antitumor activity of this plant. However medicines based on the golden mustache must be used with some restrictions.

Alcohol tincture is used only as a rub or compress for the treatment of arthritis or arthrosis. This medicine should not be taken internally, since such a solution has a powerful nephrotoxic effect.

Infusion on water

Decoctions are prepared from all green parts of the plant.

  • Chop the leaves, place in a saucepan, add water. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, remove from heat and leave for 6 hours. Strain the finished broth and store in a dark container, preferably glass, and always keep it cool.
  • To prepare this infusion, the joints of the plant are used; you will need from 20 to 30 of them. The joints are filled hot water and bring to a boil, after which the broth should brew for 10 hours. The finished broth should be filtered and stored in a cool place in a glass container.

Such infusions are suitable for both internal and external use.

100 g of decoction orally 3 times a day can cope with stomach ulcers, diabetes mellitus, inflammation of the intestines, pancreatitis.

For acne and various skin diseases, the decoction is used externally: compresses and washes.

Do not forget that medicinal properties plants have not been fully studied at the moment and it is reckless to consider the golden mustache a cure for all diseases, completely refusing drug treatment. Always use caution when using it at home, especially if this treatment method is chosen for children.

Growing Golden Mustache at home to obtain decoctions, tinctures, and ointments is not at all difficult if you know a few secrets. The almost magical plant that has settled in our homes is popularly called the Golden Mustache. Other names: Far Eastern mustache, Living hair, Venus hair, Corn, Homemade ginseng. Its medicinal properties were even recognized official medicine. The pharmacy sells tincture, extract and ointments based on the Golden Mustache. What could become best recommendation? The compositions are in demand and are quickly sold out.

When to trim your golden mustache

The indoor flower quickly grows long mustaches. Several of them are formed on the stem at once. Sometimes up to ten or more. They grow quickly. Coloring purple and the number of knees over nine indicates the possibility of using them for medicinal purposes.

The trimmed tendrils and leaves are plucked off or cut off and placed in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 3 days.

To make medicinal preparations, the raw materials are kept in a cool place for some time - this is how they are activated necessary substances. After this, they begin to prepare medicinal tinctures and decoctions. The remaining shoots and leaves are stored in film at the same temperature for no more than 2 weeks. The raw materials prepared in this way are used to prepare tinctures, ointments and rubs.

Topic: Golden mustache - growing at home has become very popular in recent years. Who would have thought that one indoor plant used to prepare so many decoctions, ointments, infusions, tinctures and treat many diseases. The human body responds positively to compositions with Golden Usable juice. Easy to plant and grow, recipes medicinal compositions easy to prepare. All this makes Callisia fragrant one of the most useful indoor green friends on our windowsills.

With this, I say goodbye to you and look forward to new meetings on the pages of Marivlad’s blog. If you have any questions, ask. I'll tell you what I know. Health and good mood to everyone!

  • Bloom: V indoor culture blooms very rarely.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light for 12 hours.
  • Temperature: during the growing season – 25-27 ºC, in autumn and winter – 12-15 ºC.
  • Watering: regular but moderate.
  • Air humidity: During dry periods, it is necessary to regularly wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.
  • Feeding: are not required, but if necessary, you can add a solution of complex mineral fertilizer at half dosage.
  • Rest period: in winter.
  • Transfer: at home, young plants are transplanted at the beginning active growth annually, adults - once every 2-3 years.
  • Reproduction: in March or April by layering, fragments of tendrils or stems.
  • Diseases: a painful condition can only arise as a result poor care or violation of containment conditions.
  • Pests: thrips and spider mites.
  • Properties: The plant has valuable healing properties.

Read more about growing a golden mustache below.

Golden mustache plant - description

Golden mustache flower - liana-like herbaceous plant with two types of shoots: some are erect and fleshy, from 80 cm to 2 m long, covered with normally developed, almost linear alternate leaves up to 25 cm long; the latter are horizontal, with poorly developed leaves. When breaking sheet plate golden whisker, which is very similar to a leaf of corn, you can see how thin threads of rubber stretch between the scraps. From the stems extend angled horizontal tendrils with young rosettes at the ends, with which the golden mustache reproduces. The flowers of fragrant callisia are fragrant, small, collected in hanging inflorescences, but at home flowering occurs infrequently.

How to care for a golden mustache at home

Fragrant callisia is not just an ornamental houseplant. Beneficial features golden mustache have been known for a long time, and many would like to have this medicinal plant in their home. How to grow a golden mustache on a windowsill? Quite simple, since the plant is unpretentious to the conditions of its maintenance and undemanding to care. However, there are some subtleties of growing a golden mustache that you need to know.

On the picture: Useful plant Golden mustache

If you need golden mustache as a medicinal plant, you need to place it indoors in such a way that direct sunlight falls on it in the morning, before 12 noon. From the midday and evening sun, callisia leaves curl, become discolored, the plant stops forming mustaches and loses its medicinal properties. Over time you will need install a support and tie callisia stems to it.

The optimal temperature for golden whiskers is 25-27 ˚C. growing season and 12-15 ˚C in winter time. Golden mustache needs constant influx fresh air, but the plant does not like drafts. In summer, it is better to keep a pot of callisia on the balcony or terrace.

Watering and feeding the golden mustache

Water the plant moderately but regularly with settled water at room temperature, and sometimes it is better to skip watering than to let the roots of the plant get wet in liquid mud. Winter mode watering depends on the room in which the golden mustache spends its dormant period: if the plant is in the recommended conditions (12-15 ˚C), then watering should be reduced, but if callisia is kept in a room with working heating devices and dry air, moistening the substrate in a pot with a plant is carried out, as in summer time, besides, you will have to wash the callisia leaves several times a week or spray them with warm water.

It is not necessary to feed the golden mustache, but if for some reason it develops too slowly, add it to the substrate complex fertilizer in low concentration. Top dressing should contain all the basic elements: potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Golden mustache transplant

Young fragrant callisia plants are replanted annually, and adults - once every 2-3 years. Doing so better in spring, at the beginning of the growing season. The substrate for the plant is prepared with approximately the following composition: coarse sand, compost and leaf soil in equal parts. The optimal soil pH for golden mustache is pH 5.0-5.5.

In the photo: How the golden mustache blooms

First, a layer of drainage material is placed in the pot, which should occupy at least a quarter of the volume. Then the plant is transferred into the container and immersed to such a depth that the surface of the substrate is 2 cm below the first leaf. The remaining space is filled with a substrate, which after planting is slightly compacted and watered, and when the soil settles, you can add more soil mixture to the pot.

Reproduction of golden mustache

Golden mustache can be propagated by seeds or vegetatively: cuttings, layering or pieces of mustache. It's best to practice vegetative propagation in March or April, but if necessary, you can do this at other times.

Cut off the top of the shoot with several internodes from an adult plant, remove the lower leaves, and shorten the plates of the upper leaves by a third of the length. Let the cuttings dry for several hours, and then plant the tops in pots with a moist substrate, spray them with a spray bottle and cover with a transparent cap to create conditions for the cuttings high humidity.

You can separate a rosette of leaves with a small piece of stem from a horizontal lateral shoot and plant it in a container of water. Within two weeks, the rosette will develop a powerful root system, and it can be planted in a pot with moist soil.

Growing golden mustache in open ground

You can also grow golden mustache in the garden. You need to cut off the fragrant tendrils of homemade callisia, put them in water, and after about a month, when they grow roots, they are planted in a garden bed in soil fertilized with superphosphate and wood ash. If you take good care of your golden mustache open ground, then in one season you can get up to three harvests of this medicinal plant.

Pests and diseases of the golden mustache

Golden mustache diseases and their treatment

Usually, problems with fragrant callisia at home arise not from infection with harmful microorganisms, but from improper maintenance or poor care.

  • Yellow spots on the leaves may indicate improper feeding golden mustache, and in the future the shoots may become crushed and the leaves may become dull.
  • If the tips of the leaves begin to dry out and brown spots, this may be due to lack of moisture, sunburn or deficiency nutrients in the substrate.
  • Rotting lower leaves of a plant are a sign of chronic waterlogging of the soil and low air temperature in the room.
  • And insufficient lighting delays the production of the enzyme for which the golden mustache is so valuable: leaves with medicinal properties, must have purple shade, and for this the plant needs a lot of light.

Try to find the ideal balance of lighting and moisture for fragrant callisia, and then the symptoms of ill health will disappear on their own.

In the photo: Medicinal plant golden mustache

Golden mustache pests and their control

The golden mustache flower needs high humidity, and if you provide the plant with this condition, no pests will settle on it. But in a room with dry air, fragrant callisia can become a victim of thrips and spider mites, which feed on its cell sap.

Prevention of sucking pests consists of regularly spraying and washing the leaves of the plant with a damp sponge or under a warm shower, but if pests do appear, try to deal with them folk remedy: tobacco infusion with the addition of laundry soap.

In cases where gentle measures do not help, you will have to spray the golden mustache with Actellik or Fitoverm and, to enhance the effect of the insecticide, cover the pot with the plant for several days with a transparent plastic bag.

Properties of the golden mustache - harm and benefit

The healing properties of the golden mustache

In folk medicine, the medicinal plant golden mustache is considered one of the most effective means in the fight against infectious diseases. The composition of callisia fragrant includes steroids, flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol, ascorbic acid, the entire group of B vitamins, phytosterols, pectins, nicotinic acid, tannins, macro- and microelements calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, cobalt, potassium, nickel, rubidium, copper, vanadium, strontium, bromine and other biologically active substances.

Medicinal preparations of fragrant callisia normalize metabolism, strengthen the immune system and blood vessels, remove waste and toxins from the body, relieve pain and heal wounds. Golden mustache has antitumor, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, tonic, diuretic, anti-allergenic, antioxidant and decongestant effects. It slows down the aging process in the body.

The golden mustache is used in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, dysfunction of the pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, genitourinary and endocrine systems, inflammation of the prostate gland, swelling of the mucous membrane, mastopathy, periodontitis, periodontal disease, coronary disease, varicose veins veins, vascular spasms, impotence, hemorrhoids, glaucoma, anemia, dysbacteriosis, tonsillitis, anemia, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, dystrophy, urticaria, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, cystitis, liver failure and other diseases and painful conditions. Externally, the golden mustache is used to treat skin diseases, frostbite, lichen, ulcers, skin cancer, healing deep wounds and burns.

Medicines for golden mustache are plant juice, tablets, oil emulsion, decoctions, syrup, ointment, balm and alcohol or vodka tincture of golden mustache.

In the photo: Golden mustache ointment

Tincture for the treatment of bronchial asthma, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and digestive organs: chop 10-15 internodes of golden mustache, put in a half-liter bottle, fill with alcohol or vodka and keep for 2 weeks in a dark place, then take one dessert spoon three times a day 45 minutes before meals, without drinking anything or eating anything.

Golden mustache - contraindications

Preparations of fragrant callisia are contraindicated for pregnant women, lactating women and children under six years of age, as well as for allergy sufferers, patients with prostate adenoma, bronchial asthma and individual intolerance to the substances contained in the plant. Even if you have no contraindications, when taking medications you must strictly adhere to the dosage and prescribed treatment method, otherwise headaches, an enlarged thyroid gland, swelling of the throat, damage to the vocal cords and other symptoms of poisoning may occur.

Growing golden mustache at home is rapidly gaining popularity. First of all, this is due to the unique chemical composition leaves and shoots of a flower. The biologically active substances contained in them, flavonoids and phytosterols, are actively used for the preparation of ointments, tinctures and decoctions. Dosage forms based on golden mustache extract help get rid of skin rashes, high blood pressure, osteochondrosis and rheumatism.

Guest from the tropics: modest and graceful

Judging by the abundance of pots with golden tendrils on the windowsills, the plant originally existed on the territory of our country. But this is not at all true - the flower’s homeland is the tropical forests of South America. In its native expanses, the golden mustache can grow up to 3 meters high, its shoots wrap around tree trunks and fill the voids of rocky crevices. At home, with proper care, the shoots hanging from the pots grow up to 1.5-2 m long.

Important: if planting a flower is done to obtain medicinal infusions, you should conduct a test for allergic predisposition to avoid disappointment after using the drug.

If not practiced ampel growing, then the stems need strong support. Here distinctive features exotic plant:

  • leaves are alternate, narrow, up to 30 cm long;
  • the outer side of the leaf is light green, the inner side is dark green with a burgundy tint;
  • thin brownish shoots (mustaches) with internodes sprout from the axils of the leaves;
  • at the ends of the internodes there are rosettes of tiny leaves;
  • the small flowers consist of three petals of a delicate lilac or pink color.

The Callisia genus from the Commelinaceae family has more than 10 species; in our country, only one of them is cultivated. Golden mustache blooms extremely rarely, only from diligent breeders; for this process it needs optimal care conditions. But, if it blooms... Even a small group of blooming flowers can fill the room with a magical aroma with sweetish notes.

What do you need to know about the propagation of fragrant callisia?

After the golden mustache has finished flowering, the tiny seeds can be collected and sown. But at home, the formation of buds occurs extremely rarely, so this method is not common among breeders. The plant is easily propagated in the following ways:

  1. Layering using an adult specimen.
  2. Cuttings with rooting under film.
  3. Rosettes with rooting in distilled water.

When growing golden mustache in a greenhouse, the method of rooting long shoots is used. The “whiskers” of an adult plant are sprinkled with soil and watered abundantly. After two weeks, roots will appear on the shoot. Now you should carefully separate the rooted part of the flower and plant it in a permanent place.

Cuttings are obtained from a shoot, which is cut into pieces so that each piece contains 3-4 internodes. They are planted in a prepared soil mixture of peat and sand; Using film, cover the growing containers and leave them at room temperature in a bright place. Rooting will occur in a couple of weeks.

Important: the cuttings must be watered as the soil dries, and the greenhouse must be ventilated daily and any accumulated condensation removed.

The golden mustache forms many rosettes at the ends of the shoots, which can be used for propagation at home. Healthy large rosettes with a short piece of stem take root well in a glass glass of water. The water must be changed periodically to avoid stem rotting. After the flower grows a powerful root system, the seedlings are transplanted for further cultivation.

Secrets of proper care

A guest from the tropics is sensitive to a lack of sunlight. If the pot with golden mustache is in the shade, you should be prepared to pull out the shoots. The stems and leaves will fade, and flowering is out of the question. The plant feels great on windowsills located on the east side. The south side is also suitable for a golden mustache, but during care you will need to shade the flower.

The humid climate of its historical homeland made the plant demanding of high air humidity. In the morning and evening, you need to spray the golden mustache with soft, settled water using a spray bottle. The pot can be placed on a tray with small pebbles and water can be poured in - this way you can do without constantly moistening the stem and leaves.

Important: when carrying out weekly cleaning, you should not forget about the leaves of the golden mustache. They should be wiped with a damp cloth to remove accumulated dust.

Immediately after purchasing a seedling, you need to adjust the watering. Complete drying out of the earthen clod is unacceptable: the golden mustache may not recover from the stress it has suffered. You can water the flower according to the following scheme:

  • from mid-spring to early autumn - 3-4 times a week;
  • with the onset of cold weather - once a week.

The golden mustache likes it when the owner acidifies the water when watering. You can do this at home with a few grains citric acid or a couple of drops of fresh lemon juice. Proper care consists of weekly loosening the soil under the plant. This must be done carefully, trying not to damage the delicate roots.

Soil and nutritional supplements

Suitable for planting golden mustache loamy soil with slightly acidic pH values. The soil can be picked up in a specialized store. A universal one will work well. It’s best to prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing the following ingredients:

  1. High peat.
  2. Leaf humus.
  3. River sand.

The soil should be light and nutritious. To prevent moisture from stagnating in the area where the roots lie, 3-4 cm of any drainage material should be placed at the bottom of a wide pot. Ordinary expanded clay, eggshells or pieces of sphagnum will do. Before adding sand, it should be calcined or generously spilled with a pink solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

Important: we should not forget that the soil collected independently under trees can be inhabited by the larvae of harmful insects, which are deadly to the roots of the golden mustache. An hour's baking in the oven will help solve this problem.

Over time, the soil flower pot depleted, the plant slows down its growth. Golden mustache requires regular nutritional feeding. It responds well to application organic fertilizers, but this is not always appropriate in an apartment. Therefore, owners pamper their pets with complex supplements. The main thing is that they contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In winter, it is not necessary to apply fertilizer more than once a month, and when the golden one begins to grow in the spring, the amount of fertilizing needs to be increased to once a week.

Diseases and dangerous pests

The flower can signal flaws when caring for it at home. If brown spots have formed on the leaves, their tips have turned yellow and dried out, then the owner is doing something wrong. It could be:

  • excessive watering, which caused rotting of the roots;
  • insufficient watering;
  • dry indoor air;
  • poor application of fertilizers.

Having reviewed the rules for caring for a golden mustache, it is necessary to detect and correct the error.

Important: if the plant is grown as a medicinal plant, then high-quality care is necessary - only under such conditions the maximum amount of biologically active substances accumulates in the leaves.

Are partial to medicinal plant pests that willingly settle on its tender parts. Has the flower begun to lose turgor, the leaves wrinkle and fall off, and the shoots have lost their elasticity? It's time to look for unexpected guests on the golden mustache. The rule is:

  • Thrips. They form colonies on the inside of leaves.
  • Spider mite.

Its red variety is especially rampant.

It's time to take drastic measures and go get insecticide. Actellik and Aktara, used for pest control, have proven themselves to be excellent. These drugs are for systemic use; the plant should be sprayed once a week for one month. A good preventative measure in pest control is regular inspections to detect them. Golden mustache - modest and very graceful plant

. It is difficult to appreciate its beauty at first sight. Moreover, he is not used to attracting attention. It grows in a corner and responds gratefully to simple care, while the owner spends a lot of time on capricious flowers from his collection. But the golden mustache brings enormous benefits. Perhaps the grower did not initially plan to use healing properties