The tips of the leaves of spathiphyllum turn black, how to help the plant and what needs to be done. Why do the leaves turn black?

Tell me, what kind of plant is this? Why do the leaves turn black and yellow?

Large bright leaves pure green in color with clearly drawn veins, rising above the pot on strong legs - this is a beautiful spathiphyllum. Very beautiful ornamental plant during flowering it becomes even more beautiful, releasing a long peduncle with a snow-white cover. In general, this flower is not particularly capricious, but some difficulties may still arise.

Yellowing and blackening of spathiphyllum leaves is one of the most common problems. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, both individually and collectively, namely:

  • violation of the watering regime;
  • unsuitable conditions of detention;
  • lack of nutrition;
  • presence of diseases.

Flower moisture requirements

It loves water very much, so it needs to be watered regularly, not allowing the soil to dry out completely. Then the leaves of the plant become sluggish and droop, and if such situations are repeated often, they begin to turn yellow and become covered with spots.

To help the flower, you need to arrange watering and continue to moisten the soil as soon as its top layer dries out. As an emergency measure, you can spray the bush generously.

However, you can’t flood the plant either. In constantly moist soil, putrefactive processes begin, which negatively affects the leaves and the general condition of the spathiphyllum. To avoid overfilling, the pot must have drainage and drain holes.

The flooded flower must be left alone for a while so that the soil dries out, pouring out all the water from the pan.

Changing the conditions of detention

Spathiphyllum loves warmth and constant temperature. The tips of the leaves of the plant may turn black and dry out as a result of:

  1. Too dry indoor air. This happens especially often in winter time when the radiators dry the air.
  2. Exposure to a flow of cold air (draft during ventilation or running air conditioning).

To prevent the plant from being damaged, it is better not to place it on windows that open for ventilation and keep it away from the radiator.

Lack of nutrition

If all maintenance conditions are met, but the leaves still dry out, this may mean that the spathiphyllum lacks nutrients. It is necessary to feed the plant with complex mineral fertilizers. It is better to use drugs in liquid form.

In addition, flowers purchased in a store but not transplanted into a garden can also signal “starvation.” new soil. Most often they are sold in a transport substrate, which is constantly fertilized. Some time after purchase, spathiphyllum “eats” all the nutrients in such soil and begins to disappear.

Possible diseases

A change in leaf color may also indicate a more serious problem. Thus, constantly moist soil creates ideal conditions for the reproduction of various harmful bacteria. In most cases, the roots of spathiphyllum begin to rot and it disappears.

Spathiphyllums, natives of the humid South American tropics, where plants can be found in dense undergrowth, in swamps and the banks of reservoirs, have taken root well in room conditions. Plants from the Araceae family in nature are entirely dependent on the presence of heat, moisture and diffused light.

For rapid active growth and flowering, they need fairly loose nutrient soil, and if these conditions are met, spathiphyllum feels great on the windowsill, without requiring any special, labor-intensive care.

Features of cultivation and possible problems

The fact that the plant is comfortable in the created environment is indicated by:

  • dark green color of pointed lanceolate leaves;
  • regular flowering of spathiphyllum, accompanied by the appearance of an elongated inflorescence-cob, as if wrapped in an elegant white bract;
  • the appearance of new leaves;
  • rapid growth of the bush.

And yet, a flower can sometimes seriously disturb the owner. Mistakes made when caring for spathiphyllum, diseases and pest invasions cannot but affect the well-being and appearance of the plant.

The first signs of a problem are the leaves, which begin to turn yellow, turn black and dry out. If timely measures are not taken, the inflorescences will wither, and if the roots are damaged, there is a risk of completely losing the recently green, healthy bush.

Quite often, flower growers are faced with the problem when the tips of the leaves of spathiphyllum turn black; how to help the plant and what should be done in this situation? There may be several reasons for this behavior of a plant. The most common is excessive soil moisture, which causes poor development. root system, and the existing roots at the growing points turn black and rot. This cannot but affect the health of the above-ground part of the bush. The greenery withers, and the tips of the spathiphyllum leaves dry out, becoming black and lifeless.

Care errors

If trouble happened after the temperature in the room dropped, it is reasonable to assume that the pot was simply flooded, and now you need to reduce the frequency and try to remove excess moisture from the soil. To do this, you can use sphagnum moss, which absorbs moisture from the soil surface. When the damage is not limited to the dried tips of the leaves of the spathiphyllum, but also affects the roots, then, in addition to changing the watering schedule and pruning blackened foliage, you will have to inspect the underground part of the bush, as well as the bases of the petioles.

The roots are carefully washed, the blackened ones are cut off and healthy areas are treated with charcoal powder. Then the plant can be planted in the soil, remembering that it must be loose, because blackening of the leaves is more often observed in spathiphyllums growing in heavy soil that becomes very dense after watering. Don’t forget about the thick layer of drainage that ensures outflow excess moisture from the roots.

When understanding the reasons why the tips of spathiphyllum leaves turn black and what to do with a plant that has lost its attractiveness, you need to remember the temperature of the bush. For feeling better spathiphyllum should be located in a draft-free room, where the temperature in winter will not fall below 7.5–10 °C, depending on the plant variety. And the optimal daytime temperature in summer is 20–29 °C. At night, a decrease of 2–4 degrees is acceptable.

If spathiphyllum finds itself in uncomfortable conditions, for example, on a brightly lit window, burns of the leaf plates cannot be avoided.

Such spots also have a brown or almost black tint, especially when the bush has been seriously damaged by sunlight. The easiest way to solve this problem is. The pot with the plant is moved to where the sun is more gentle, or a translucent screen is placed between the glass and the pot to shade the spathiphyllum.

What to do if the tips of spathiphyllum leaves turn black due to large doses of fertilizer?

Indoor plants require almost four times less fertilizer than those grown in greenhouses, especially using hydroponic systems.

Before sale greenhouse plants planted in transport pots, adding a special complex of long-acting fertilizers under the roots. Such substances, with regular watering, can ensure the preservation of the bush for up to 4–6 weeks.

And then the owner of the flower needs to fertilize it himself. And here you cannot overdo it, otherwise an excessive amount will become the reason why the leaves of the spathiphyllum turn black, which just yesterday delighted with a healthy gloss and rich color. In addition, spathiphyllum reacts with growth retardation and necrosis not only sheet plates, but also on parts of the root system. Moreover, mature leaves respond more sharply to excess nutrition.

Since the problem concerns both the green part of the plant and its underground organs, all affected areas need to be inspected and removed, and, if possible, the concentration of fertilizers in the soil should be reduced. After transplantation, the spathiphyllum is treated with an epin solution, and then the usual feeding schedule for the plant is established.

From early spring to early autumn, spathiphyllum is fertilized twice a month, alternating, and microelements are applied foliar. In winter, when the plant is in relative rest, the bush should not be fertilized, and watering should be reduced so as not to cause rotting of the roots and blackening of the tips of spathiphyllum leaves.

Only with proper care and attentive attention, even such an unassuming flower as spathiphyllum will regularly delight with flowering and not cause trouble to the owner.

Video about spathiphyllum

What to do if spathiphyllum leaves turn black

Spathiphyllum - indoor plant which is often called " women's happiness". The flower has an attractive appearance and does not require complex care.

Why does the spathiphyllum leaf turn black?

There are no difficulties during breeding, except for one: the leaves may turn black. What to do if spathiphyllum leaves turn black?

Source: Depositphotos

To prevent spathiphyllum leaves from turning black, you need proper care

A houseplant can turn black due to many factors:

  • Dry indoor air. With this problem, the tips of the leaves dry out and then turn black.
  • Nutrient deficiency. This depends on the amount of fertilizer applied and its type.
  • Fertilizer surplus. Too frequent feeding also harms the plant.
  • Stagnation of moisture in the soil. This is facilitated by frequent or excessive watering.
  • Water quality. Tough and cold water has a bad effect on the condition of the flower.
  • Lack or excess of sunlight. This is due to improper placement of the plant.

To fix the problem, analyze the above points and determine what caused the blackening of the leaves.

The tips of the spathiphyllum leaves turn black: what to do

To prevent the flower from wilting and stop the blackening in time before it spreads only to the tips, eliminate the cause of the phenomenon:

  • Provide the flower with moderate humidity in the room. Spray it constantly with a spray bottle. But do it in moderation, especially if the room is cold.
  • In the warm season, feed the plant once every 10 days. When it's cool, once a month is enough.
  • If you feed the flower more than it needs, trim off the affected leaves and stop fertilizing for a while until the plant recovers.
  • Water the flower as the top soil layer dries. 2 hours after each watering, pour out any excess liquid that has accumulated in the tray. Water only with soft water at room temperature.
  • Select a place for the flower on the south, west or east side. If the plant is located in the middle of the room, provide it with additional lighting.

So, spathiphyllum is an undemanding plant, the problem of which can only be one - blackening of the leaves. To eliminate it, you need to remove the cause of this phenomenon.

Monstera's leaves often turn yellow if it is not satisfied with the amount of light or moisture. The plant is usually placed on or near a windowsill on the southwest or southeast side so that all leaves receive enough light. The northern window has much less natural light. If you don’t organize additional lighting electric lamp, then the plant will lose its saturated green color, will slow down growth. But direct sunlight is also dangerous - it can burn.

Leaves turn yellow if the air in the room is dry. On a hot day, the monstera does not need to be watered more often: the roots consume less moisture, you need to spray it clean warm water, wipe with a damp soft cloth. An air humidifier can save the situation; a pot with a plant can be placed on a tray with wet expanded clay or simply placed around a container of water. Some gardeners wrap aerial roots with wet cloths high temperature air.

If you water the monstera too often in winter when the air temperature is low, its leaves will turn yellow. Yellowing and loss of turgor will result from placing the pot in a draft. If the soil in the pot is too heavy or it has become muddled because it has not been changed for a long time, the result will be the same - yellowing, slow growth, discolored spots may appear on the leaves.

Why do the leaves turn black?

Leaves may turn black from the cold when the air temperature drops below the permissible level. But usually this is how the consequences of violating the hydration regime manifest themselves. If you water the plant too often and do not drain excess water from the pan, the leaves will become covered with black spots. Most likely it will be dry or wet rot. Excessive humidity, like excessively heavy soil, do not allow air to pass through, the roots are left without oxygen, they can begin to rot. It is clear that rotting of the roots will immediately negatively affect the condition of the above-ground part and will appear as black spots.

At insufficient watering When the ground dries out completely, the leaves, starting from the bottom ones, will first turn yellow and then turn black. If the situation is not corrected, the entire plant will dry out.

If the tip of the leaf turns black and spots appear on the plate, this may indicate pest damage. Why is this happening? Dry air around flowers creates conditions for reproduction spider mite, thrips. Aphids or scale insects can move from other plants, feed on the sap of the plant, and secrete substances that attract the fungus.

Inattentive flower growers may only notice black spots that gradually increase in size - this is the growth of sooty fungus. The fight must be carried out not only with it, but after carefully examining the entire plant, you need to find aphids or scale insects. The fungus is removed with a cotton swab dipped in soapy water, and then the plant is treated with special preparations to get rid of the root cause.

Why do the leaves dry out?

Why do monstera leaves dry out if there are no drafts, pests, and a comfortable air temperature is maintained? Most likely this occurs due to lack of moisture. The earthen lump should not dry out either in winter or in summer. The soil should always be kept slightly moist, avoiding stagnation of water in the pot. The frequency of watering depends on the season, temperature and humidity level in the room, and the age of the plant. Therefore, it is difficult to accurately indicate the watering schedule, but an attentive gardener will set it himself, you just have to watch the monstera, and before watering, check the soil moisture with a dry wooden stick or just your finger.

When do they dry? lower leaves, the emergence of new ones slows down, they grow small, not sharp, the number of aerial roots increases, which indicates that for normal development the plant lacks nutrients. Can save the situation wood ash, which is applied simultaneously with watering, or special fertilizers for monstera. You can replant the flower, completely change the soil, take a slightly larger pot. This must be done carefully, trying not to injure the roots.

What to do

To prevent such troubles from happening, you need to create indoor flower comfortable conditions and provide him with attentive care. Monstera loves sunlight, but not direct sunlight. Daylight hours should last at least 10–12 hours. If there is not enough sun, you should get a phytolamp.

The air temperature in winter should not be lower than +16 °C, and watering is carried out every 10–15 days. If the difficulties are the result of improper watering, then it urgently needs to be restored. When the soil gets too dry, it may be enough just to start watering correctly, but if it is overwatered, replanting may be necessary. Replanting will save the plant if the soil in the pot is too heavy, rotten or infertile. The rotten parts of the roots will have to be cut off and the sections treated with charcoal.

Why do the leaves of indoor and outdoor plants turn black? garden plants? This question requires a detailed answer, which readers can find below.

What is the cause of blackening of leaves?

The first, most common reason for this phenomenon is dry air. Caring owners can regularly water their pets, but their leaves may also turn black.

Another reason, mainly related to dust. Many indoor flowers are very sensitive to both humidity and dust - plants can get sick from large quantity dust in the room. This is typical for tropical plants: owners of dracaena, for example, may encounter such a problem.

Plant health is also affected by nutrition. Both a lack and an excess of nutrients can lead to blackening of the leaves.

Other factors affecting health are accommodation plants in relation to the light source, mechanical impact on the plant (various damage), insufficient or too abundant watering.

What to do to prevent plants from turning black?

First of all, they should be sprayed regularly. Using a watering can is absolutely not enough, since not only the roots, but also the leaves need moisture.

First of all, you need to remove the damaged leaves. If the plant has large leaves, all the leaves need to be wiped - a soft foam sponge is suitable for this. After this, spray the plant and then do it regularly, along with watering.

Further. You should pay attention to the watering process itself. The idea that the more often you water a plant, the better, is wrong. This is not always the case and does not apply to all plants. Measures are also needed here: if watered too infrequently, the leaves of the plants gradually turn yellow and fall off, but when overwatered, the leaves begin to turn black. This property is especially characteristic of those flowers that require high-quality drainage and that are sensitive to excess water lagging in the soil. Even those plants that were born in the humid tropics and subtropics do not like overflow.

If establishing a watering regime does not lead to the desired result, the plant needs to be replanted. To do this, the plant is dug up, damaged roots are removed, and the wounded areas are sprinkled with charcoal. Flower pot, intended for transplantation, should be slightly smaller in size. The new pot must be thoroughly washed with soda solution and doused with boiling water. The plant must be provided with good drainage. By the way, it is precisely because of insufficient drainage that the leaves of begonias, camellias and geraniums often turn black.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that not all plants are beneficial regular feeding, and each group of plants needs its own fertilizers. Both the abundance of fertilizing and its lack are equally harmful.