How to get rid of excess humidity in the house. How to remove humidity in an apartment

Surrounding us air is a mixture of various gases, which includes water molecules. The amount of water vapor in grams per cubic meter of mixture is called absolute air humidity. This value fickle.

As the temperature rises, the concentration of moisture in the air increases, and vice versa. That's why relative air humidity is determined as interest the ratio of the absolute value to the saturated vapor density at the same temperature.

For creating comfortable microclimate in the apartment, it is necessary to maintain relative humidity at the level regulatory values: not lower 30% in winter and no higher 65% in summer. Most favorable for human life is the range 45-60% .

Increasing or decreasing indoor humidity levels negative affects not only the safety and appearance items from natural materials, but also negatively affects health inhabitants of the house.

Excessive air humidity in a living space most often occurs due to poor ventilation. The appearance of condensation on glass window openings(in other words,) on the walls in the bathroom and kitchen - the first signs high humidity in the apartment.

High humidity

Excess humidity level above permissible norm threatens serious consequences for human health. Water molecules in the air replace oxygen, so when you stay in a damp room for a long time, oxygen starvation.

Drowsiness, dizziness, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat - unpleasant symptoms lack of oxygen.

If during failure to take measures to regulate the humidity in the apartment, this can lead to complications and chronic diseases of the human cardiac system and blood vessels.

TO signs of dampness in room relate:

  • Education condensate on cold surfaces such as window glass, bathroom mirror, polished or metal furniture, pipes, taps and valves for cold water supply, the inner surface of external walls;
  • Bad condition of indoor plants: rotten roots, drooping stems and white coating on leaves;
  • Wet towels, clothing and bed linen;
  • swollen wooden doors and furniture;
  • Wallpaper lagging from the surface of external walls;
  • Corrosion metal pipes and details in bathrooms and bathrooms;
  • Heavy, saturated unpleasant odors, air in room;
  • The appearance of dark spots on window slopes, ceiling and in unventilated corners of the room.

Important: If the condensation on the walls of a glass of chilled water did not dry within 5 minutes, but began to collect in large drops and flow down in streams onto the table, it means there is a high level of humidity in the room.

Each of these signs speaks volumes exceeding permissible level of humidity in the room. The first items on the list can be classified as temporary and easily removable phenomena.

And the musty air and dark spots, indicate development fungal microorganisms in a favorable humid environment on the surfaces of walls and furniture. With time Mold spores enter the surrounding air and the upper respiratory tract of humans.

Increased concentrations of toxic fungal spores in the air can cause allergic reactions, asthma attacks and asthmatic cough. Dark mold, often forming on walls in damp rooms, affects the skin and mucous membranes of children and adults.

When spores of toxic fungal species enter the human lungs or esophagus with air, they can germinate and provoke the development of dampness in the apartment

Causes of dampness in the apartment

Air humidity in the apartment influence: climatic region residence, period of year, outside temperature and precipitation, heating turned on at the wrong time. All these factors can change humidity in the room, but these fluctuations will be temporary.

Will help eliminate discomfort devices heating (optionally) and regular ventilation.

Reasons constant dampness in the apartment I can be:

  • Absence exhaust ventilation from rooms with high humidity - kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms;
  • Wrong mode ventilation;
  • Design features Houses- insufficient thickness of external walls, poorly insulated panels;
  • Integrity violation external walls and ceilings;
  • Insufficient quantity heating devices;
  • Inappropriate use residential premises - frequent drying of clothes, prolonged boiling of large volumes of liquid, open aquariums, home greenhouses.

Advice: You can determine the cause of high humidity in the room using a piece of glass. If under glass attached to external wall, condensation will appear, which means that moisture is coming into the apartment from outside.

How to solve the problem of excessive humidity

To get rid of from excessive humidity in the apartment, it is necessary eliminate the reason for its occurrence. If moisture enters through the enclosing structures, measures can be taken outside and inside the premises.

In this case, you should choose materials that have good vapor permeability.

Precipitation leaks through loose panel joints or leaky roofing are prevented using sealing seams and repair of floors.

Increasing the number of sections heating devices will help raise the temperature in the apartment, which will prevent the formation of condensation on cold surfaces. Dampness in the kitchen, bathroom and bathroom can be eliminated if you organize mechanical ventilation in these premises. Axial fan low power units are installed in exhaust ducts, which are first inspected and cleaned.

Improve the microclimate in the apartment will help household air conditioner and dehumidifiers. These devices successfully cope with the problems of excess humidity in the apartment and can operate periodically so as not to dry out the air.

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Increased humidity in the house can be caused by various reasons. Almost every second owner of an apartment and private house faces this phenomenon. Humidity causes mold.

Therefore, it is imperative to combat excess humidity in the house. The source that causes this phenomenon should be found and appropriate measures taken. It is worth saying that fungus and mold appear in the house precisely because of high humidity. In addition, dampness worsens the health of all residents living in the house. Therefore, today the portal will talk about how to get rid of dampness in the house using folk remedies?

High humidity in the house: how to deal with it

Why does dampness appear in the house?

The cause of dampness is directly sought in the territory of the house itself. To quickly get rid of dampness in the house, you need to find the place where mold accumulates, and only then think about what can be done in such a situation. If the wall facing the street is subject to increased dampness, then it must be lined with reliable insulating material. Mold does not only appear in private homes. Quite often mold occurs in modern apartments. This problem worries the owners of apartments on the first floor very seriously. Typically, in such rooms, mold forms in the lower part of the walls. Contributes to this whole line unpleasant reasons. It could be:

  • Poor insulation between foundation and wall.
  • Damp basement with pipes constantly leaking.
  • Poor ventilation.

It is worth saying that eliminating dampness in a private home is much easier. After all, you just need to organize proper ventilation or install thermal insulation materials. IN apartment buildings It is very difficult to combat this phenomenon. Here, the main reasons for the appearance of this factor are hidden in the first stages of construction. And if the developer misses important points, then the apartment will always cause unpleasant problems for its owners. Moreover, being in this room will adversely affect the health of all household members. People who are constantly in an apartment with high humidity can get sick: asthma, tuberculosis and other more serious diseases.

What methods will help get rid of dampness in a private home?

Now it’s time to understand what to do about dampness at home and how to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon in your home. It is imperative to combat dampness in the house.

In this case, you need to use all modern methods.

  • So, a special product that can be purchased at any supermarket will help get rid of mold and dampness in the house. However, this remedy may not seem effective if the cause of the mold lies in other factors. For example, the use of special means will be a useless measure if there are problems with ventilation or airing in the house. If the building was constructed incorrectly, the remedy may also not be effective. After all, you need to fight the main causes of mold.
  • Mold on the walls in the house can form due to poor heating. Indeed, block walls can let the cold through. In addition, they are filled with bulky furniture that does not allow heat to pass through. All these reasons contribute to the formation of mold, which releases dampness and unpleasant substances into the indoor air for years. Some people believe that such problems are very easy to solve with the help of special means from the supermarket. However, it is not. This will require drastic methods. Even an air conditioner that simply circulates damp air around the apartment will not bring the desired effect. But there is no need to despair! After all, if the house is constantly damp, you should simply install plastic windows that will not have partitions. The window will allow natural light to constantly enter the house. In addition, with such an item you can provide high-quality and constant ventilation of the room.
  • Mold is very difficult to combat. And every homeowner with such an unpleasant problem should remember this. In this case, you will need not only patience, but also a lot of effort. To make your family nest comfortable and cozy, you need to remove fungus and mold from the walls of the house. For such work you will need to purchase high-quality antiseptic, which will clear the walls of fungus and make them aesthetically pleasing again.
  • If the walls of the house are covered with wallpaper, then they are removed. In addition, plaster affected by fungus is removed. In order not to harm your health, all work must be done wearing a mask. Before treating with an antiseptic, the walls must be cleaned of fungus and mold. Only after this can they be treated with antiseptic and creosote. Other compounds can also be used to treat walls. For example, you can dilute office glue with water in a ratio of 1:4. Walls can be treated with urea. All of the above products should be applied only to the affected areas of the walls. Before application, the affected areas on the walls must be heated to 50 degrees. After finishing the work, the walls must be completely dry.

How to get rid of dampness in an apartment and in a house? This question will be relevant at any time. It was said above that this process is difficult and painstaking. In addition, after removing mold in the room, it is necessary to create special conditions that will prevent the formation of mold and increased dampness.

Increased humidity in the house: methods of control, causes

So, sunlight and fresh air will help prevent the appearance of mold and dampness in the apartment. In addition, you should not cover all the walls in the room with furniture. Some plants can increase humidity in rooms. Therefore, it is necessary to remove from the room where there is high humidity: geraniums and violets. If there is observed in the home normal level humidity, then you can forget about mold and mildew for a long time. Experts do not recommend drying wet laundry in an apartment or house. In addition, for repairs you need to purchase dry construction mixtures.

A good effect can be achieved by insulating facades using insulation or polystyrene foam. Dampness in an apartment is quite common. Therefore, everyone should know how to get rid of this phenomenon. In a room with high humidity, there should be normal air circulation.

That's why interior doors It's better to keep them open. But the doors to the kitchen should be closed while cooking. In this case, it is recommended to use a hood and vents to ventilate the kitchen.

For high-quality ventilation of the bathroom and toilet, you need to equip it with good ventilation. There is no need to invent something new or look for expensive solutions.


To maintain good health and excellent well-being, it is imperative to remove mold, mildew and high humidity from rooms. In addition, you need to monitor the condition of your home and prevent this problem from occurring. For example, if an apartment or house is equipped with poor-quality heating, then you need to purchase a heating convector that will dry the walls warm air. During wet cleaning, you should wipe the floor well and monitor the condition of the walls, on which the appearance of fungus has already been recorded.

If all methods to combat the fungus have already been tried, if no good result, or there is no time at all to deal with such problems, you need to contact a special company that will send competent employees to deal with this problem.

Excessive dampness often becomes a diagnosis of private houses, city high-rises and dachas. In the cold season, it manifests itself as mold on the walls and windows. Many owners begin and end the fight only with the fungus, because it has a sharply negative effect on the health of the residents. In this case, the root cause - increased humidity - is ignored, so the mold soon returns. Only an analysis of the situation and an integrated approach will help you get rid of dampness.

Causes of high humidity

There are several hundred types of household mold in nature. The main factor in their appearance in residential premises is excessive dampness. The fungus forms in places with poor ventilation on surfaces prone to sudden temperature changes. In other words, if in your home cold wall, a dark coating will appear in poorly ventilated corners as soon as you turn on the heating system.

In high-rise buildings, mold can occur due to global disturbances in the air circulation system. Check your cravings ventilation ducts using a regular match. Its weakening or cessation occurs for the following reasons:

  • mistakes made by builders even at the stage of building a house;
  • illegal interference in the integrity of the channels of your vertical neighbors;
  • failure of parts of the system due to the old age of the house.

Fungal plaque appears due to dampness

It is difficult to eliminate ventilation in a high-rise building. Building management companies, as a rule, do this only if a global restructuring or reconstruction of the building is planned. You'll have to hope for folk remedies eliminating dampness in the room. In the private sector, such problems are relatively easier to solve, because everything depends only on the owner.

Attention! On the first floors of apartment buildings or in private houses, dampness may appear due to flooding of the basement due to a burst of water supply, groundwater, or poor thermal insulation between the wall and the foundation. Mold forms at the bottom of the wall.

Step 1. Fight against fungal plaque

To get rid of dampness, first of all you need to identify and eliminate all fungal plaque on the walls. Delay can cause the development of diseases. Fungal spores enter the lungs with air and disrupt the functioning of the respiratory system. Dampness and mold can cause acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis. In addition, it suppresses the immune system. For residents of the house, especially children and the elderly, this manifests itself in a deterioration in health, allergic reactions and exacerbation of all kinds of ailments.

Attention! The dark coating that appears due to dampness may not be immediately visible. But a strong musty smell will immediately give away the problem.

During the cleaning process, it is important not only to clean, but also to disinfect all surfaces where there is fungus. Use any suitable means:

  • chlorine bleach and other chemicals;
  • vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda;
  • ammonia;
  • tea tree oil, etc.

Attention! Wear gloves and a mask when working with any type of cleaning agent against dampness and fungus.

It is important that close contact does not introduce large quantities of spores into your respiratory tract. When using special store supplies Do not under any circumstances mix one with the other. This may cause a chemical reaction with harmful consequences for you. The video will help you understand in more detail how to combat mold and dampness.

If mold has extensively covered the surface of the wallpaper, get ready to rip it off the wall. The mycelium of the fungus is located under the paper layer. There are no means to kill it without damaging the wallpaper itself. In this case, the plaster will probably also have to be removed. First, thoroughly clean the surface of fungus, and then treat it with an antiseptic. For example, an aqueous solution of office glue (1:4) or urea. Before any further work to get rid of dampness, the wall section must be completely dry.

Advice. For effective action disinfectant, heat the cleaned walls to +50 °C.

Step 2. Finding and eliminating the root cause of dampness

Diagnosing the problem is the key to getting rid of dampness. Take the glass, press it against the wall and fix it in this position. After 2-3 hours, remove and check the surface:

  • dry - source of indoor humidity;
  • damp - dampness penetrates from outside.

In the second case it is easier to understand. Your task is to reduce the temperature difference from which the walls suffer due to dampness. There are two ways to do this. It's better to use them in combination.

  1. Thermal insulation of the wall. Cover it with breathable insulating material. Today, many people choose external insulation, but experts advise first of all to carry out work inside.
  2. Check and, if necessary, upgrade the heating system. Perhaps it is cluttered or not powerful enough to warm up and protect certain corners of the house from dampness.

Advice. Often, large-sized furniture becomes the cause of the formation of harmful plaque if it interferes with the normal ventilation of the wall adjacent to the street. Do some rearranging.

Traditional methods to get rid of dampness due to poor ventilation:

  1. Place bags of sugar or salt.
  2. Place small containers of potassium chloride in the corners.
  3. Heat the bricks and lean them against the wall. Repeat until the surface is free of dampness. Use 1 brick no more than 3-4 times, then it should dry.
  4. Treat the wall with 2-3 layers of decoction laundry soap(100 g/l bring to a boil and cool). After drying, apply the following solution with a brush: 100 g of alum per 6 liters of water.

Attention! Do not use sprays or other antifungal agents, and use air conditioning to dry the house.

You can get rid of dampness only by accurately determining its cause. When you eliminate the fungus and moisture, do not forget about further prevention.

How to deal with dampness in a room: video

Everyone dreams of a cozy and comfortable home. But even the most modern apartments are not immune to the appearance of mold due to too high levels of humidity in the premises. You can cope with the problem with the help of effective traditional methods and industrial products.

Causes of dampness

The normal level of humidity in an apartment is no more than 60%. During the hot summer, this figure can be reduced to 45%. It is under such conditions that a person will feel as comfortable as possible. But if it is high, optimal conditions for the development of dampness, and therefore fungus.

High levels of indoor humidity can cause fungus

The reason for the increased level of air humidity in residential premises may be:

  • poor ventilation;
  • damage water pipes and improperly installed home plumbing;
  • regular drying of laundry in residential areas;
  • frequent bathing;
  • the presence of aquariums and a large number of indoor plants in the apartment;
  • not insulated inter-wall seams and cracks.

High humidity is also generated during the cooking process. To eliminate this problem, it is often enough to ventilate the room well. But if the ceiling is leaking, getting rid of the dampness will not be so easy.

The appearance of condensation indoors in summer and winter is also facilitated by the installation of plastic windows.

The formation of condensation disrupts the normal microclimate in the apartment

Where does mold appear?

Most often, mold can be found on walls and windows, on the ceiling and floor. Sometimes the fungus is hidden under carpeting, in the pile, behind wallpaper, furniture and decorative objects on the walls, as well as in cabinets and bookshelves. If mold is discovered, immediate action must be taken to prevent the fungus from reproducing and to completely remove it.

Why dampness may appear in the house - video

Instructions for reducing humidity in an apartment or private house

  1. One of the most simple ways One of the ways to effectively combat dampness in rooms is regular ventilation.

    Good room ventilation helps remove excess moisture

  2. It is also necessary to take care to isolate sources of dampness. If a wall in a room becomes damp due to a problem with the plumbing or sewer pipes, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate damage, which will allow the wall to dry out over time. But if dampness in a private house occurs due to the proximity of groundwater, the only way to solve the problem is to insulate the walls and foundation with waterproof materials, which can be purchased at specialized construction stores. In some cases, it is advisable to organize additional heating of the room, which will dry out damp corners and prevent further development of the fungus.

    Additional heating of the room will reduce humidity and dry damp areas of walls and floors

  3. To find out the reason why the walls of your home are covered with moisture, you can use this method: attach it to the inner surface of the wall with tape. plastic sheet 50 cm long, remove it after a few days and check the condition of the surface underneath it. If it is dry, the cause of mold is the high level of humidity in the room. If it is wet, then the reason lies in water seeping through the wall. You can get rid of this problem using special water-repellent paints or plaster, which contains silicone or synthetic latex. To prevent dampness inside, these products are also applied to external walls

    . In some cases, it is advisable to carry out complex repair work.

  4. Water-repellent paints and plasters will protect walls from fungus Owners of private houses should remember that earthen floors are excellent conductors of moisture. For this reason, it is advisable to cover them polymer materials

    or concrete.

  5. Concrete floor does not allow excess moisture to pass through

    Cracks must be removed using solutions that harden upon contact with a moist environment. A plaster solution is used for the walls. When sealing defects located at the junctions of walls and floors, epoxy materials are usually used.

  6. High-quality sealing of cracks will prevent the appearance of fungus in an apartment and private house Causes of excessive humidity inside wooden buildings

    - poorly caulked seams between logs and insufficient ventilation.

  7. You can cope with the problem by using special antiseptic preparations and bleaches that effectively remove fungus, for example, Bioshield, Neomid, Remmers or Prosept.

    Sealing the seams between the logs and treating the wood with special compounds will prevent the appearance of dampness inside the house

In apartments located in houses made of bricks, foam blocks and aerated concrete, with high levels of humidity, it is advisable to use dehumidifiers. Such devices are ideal for eliminating excess moisture in bathrooms, toilets and kitchens.

Air dehumidifiers will cope with excess moisture in any living space

  • How to get rid of fungus in an apartment - video
  • Often unwanted moisture accumulates under linoleum. It is there that all the conditions are created for the development of mold, which is almost impossible to get rid of completely and the coating has to be changed. In this case, it is advisable to follow important recommendations:
  • Under no circumstances should old materials be laid on floors affected by mold;

To remove fungus under linoleum, you need to change the floor covering

If mold has formed under the wallpaper, you need to clean the surface of black spots using one of the solutions:

  • from washing powder and chlorine (1–2 tablespoons of chlorine and 30–50 g of powder) - dilute the dry mixture with 3 liters of cool water, not forgetting to use protective equipment in the form of gloves and a respirator.
  • from ½ bar of laundry soap, 100 g of soda and 5 liters of water.

Armed with a few clean rags and a sponge, clean the walls and dry them using a household heater or infrared device Then you need to apply an antifungal drug, for example, Furacilin or Nystatin.

  1. Dissolve 4-6 tablets well in 0.5 liters of hot water.
  2. Add another 3–5 liters of water.
  3. Treat the walls of the room with the solution. Instead of these drugs, you can also use copper sulfate.
  4. Dry the surfaces thoroughly.
  5. Apply primer for wallpapering. When choosing a suitable composition, you should pay attention to products containing antifungal substances.

The formation of fungus under wallpaper is a common problem in rooms with high level humidity

Mold on plastic windows

If mold has formed on plastic windows and slopes, action should be taken immediately.

  1. Remove visible fungal stains using an aqueous bleach solution in a 5:1 ratio.
  2. Treat windows with ready-made antifungal compounds (Vincents, TEKS, Polyline, Dufa) or those made independently.

You can make remedies at home using the following recipes:

  • 0.2 liters of boron and 70 percent acetic acid for 1 liter of water;
  • 100 g of sodium fluoride and copper sulfate for 1 liter of water;
  • 100 ml of copper sulfate and household bleach per 1 liter of water.

The selected composition must be applied to the surface plastic frames and slopes with a brush. To avoid reappearance mold, it is recommended to use rubber-based waterproofing mastics.

Using such means, you can provide surfaces with a waterproof coating.

Don't forget about protective equipment - gloves and a mask. After completing the treatment, ventilate the room for 40 minutes.

Plastic windows without ventilation systems often cause the appearance of fungus and mold

How to get rid of condensation on PVC windows - video

If mold appears in the bathroom, you also cannot do without treating surfaces with antifungal compounds. If fungus has formed on the ceiling, it should be removed along with the plaster, removing sealant and paint from the affected areas.

After completing the work, it is necessary to make sure that the pipes and faucets are not leaking, and to eliminate any damage. The joints of plastic parts can be treated with sealant.

Home remedies to combat fungus and dampness indoors In addition to industrial compounds, effective and inexpensive means

  1. home production.
  2. Take 0.5 kg of laundry soap, grate and dissolve in 5 liters of water.
  3. Boil the resulting mixture and cool it.
  4. In warm summer weather, brush several coats of soapy water onto moldy walls without wallpaper.

Then cover them with a composition prepared from 100 g of alum and 6 liters of water. You can deal with dampness using calcium chloride, placing it in the corners. To reuse it, it must be dried under the influence of high temperatures , and then ceiling. Charcoal and quicklime

. However, when using this method, care should be taken to ensure that these substances are not accessible to children or pets.

  1. Mold prevention
  2. To prevent mold growth, monitor indoor humidity levels using a hydrometer.
  3. Ensure good ventilation and sufficient sunlight.
  4. Use fans in the bathroom and kitchen, regularly check the draft in ventilation shafts, and monitor the condition of plumbing fixtures, especially at their connections.
  5. Seal cracks in walls and floors. When conducting overhaul
  6. use mineral-based materials that allow you to more effectively regulate the level of humidity in the premises.
  7. Take care of high-quality waterproofing. Regularly inspect the plastic seals on PVC windows
  8. , check their suitability and replace them in a timely manner.

At the first appearance of condensation, promptly eliminate the cause of its formation. Simple and available methods will help eliminate excess moisture levels in the premises, thereby preventing the development of harmful fungus. When using a variety of products and formulations, do not forget about safety measures that can protect your health. Regular preventive measures

Since we are the full owners of our homes, we must create the most comfortable and favorable conditions for life. We never forget about temperature balance, since its violation causes maximum discomfort, because it is simply unbearable to be in a cold or excessively warm room, and such an environment is dangerous to health.

But the humidity in your home must also be controlled and maintained within the required limits, and today we will tell you how to get rid of dampness in an apartment, how to identify and remove its causes, thereby eliminating dampness once and for all.

Is it worth waiting for such a result, or is it better to solve the problem in advance?

High humidity

The climatic conditions inside the apartment greatly affect the lives of its inhabitants. If there is high humidity in the house, it will certainly negatively affect interior finishing materials, furniture made of leather and wood, harm our health, mercilessly treating the lungs, and contribute to the growth of mold on the walls and insects in the corners of the room.

The damp climate in the apartment favors a decrease in immunity, you become vulnerable to all diseases, and at the same time it is catastrophically difficult to undergo treatment. Is it worth it to abuse your body like this, forcing it to exist in dampness and excessive humidity? Isn’t it easier to take decisive action to eliminate this problem?

Note that chronic diseases can easily develop due to dampness in the apartment, and if the body of an adult, healthy person can still endure this, then children and the elderly are not so lucky, they will become the main target of bacteria and microorganisms actively reproducing in a warm and damp environment. It is from them that the following diseases appear on the skin: eczema, rashes, allergies.

High humidity is most characteristic of the microclimate brick houses, the panels have diametrically opposed problems with dryness. If you notice that your microclimate at home is not the best, solve this problem immediately, and do not wait for health problems, damage to things, an abundance of pathogenic bacteria and fungus on the walls in the apartment, or an unpleasant odor.

The festive mood is clearly spoiled by the condition of the walls

You shouldn’t wait until the nasty smell of mold fills your apartment, saturates your household items, furniture and clothes, you should start fighting high humidity in advance. Mold smells very unpleasant; it has its own characteristic odor that cannot be confused with anything else. At the same time, it is dangerous because its particles get into the air, which we successfully swallow. In a wet room you can easily find it on walls, windows, ceilings, and other places where it has nothing to do.

Dampness is also dangerous for food products, the shelf life of which in such a climate will be significantly reduced, and if we need a refrigerator to store our daily ration, then cereals long time you won't be able to stock up. In cereals at such humidity that it smells like food.

The dampest and most humid room in our house is the bathroom, and it can serve as a guide for you. As soon as you notice that the seams tiles Mold has started to multiply, it’s time to take action. But to understand how to get rid of dampness in an apartment, you will have to analyze the reasons for its appearance.

Mold often appears first in the corners of rooms.

Finding reasons

Before you start dealing with humidity, it is useful to find out where it comes from in the apartment, whether it comes from outside or is generated inside. Dampness in an apartment can be a complex consequence of the following factors:

  • The apartment has no ventilation at all, or a weak air circulation system that catastrophically fails to cope with its task. Often the reason for the difficulty in getting fresh air into rooms is the wallpaper that covers all the ventilation grilles on the walls of the rooms. This should not be allowed, cut off the wallpaper in that place and install a brand new, white lattice.
  • If your neighbors on the top floor don't know how to handle water, use bad plumbing, and constantly flood you, you can't expect a dry climate. You can always find traces of their work by looking closely at the ceiling in the kitchen, bathroom, or toilet. At the same time, you are not afraid of your neighbors if you yourself live on the top floor, but this condition may not save you.
  • In old Khrushchev-era buildings, due to the poor design of the roof, apartments on the fifth floors can flood when it rains. At the same time, in such houses there are always problems with ventilation. Modern double-glazed windows do not allow air to circulate through the frames, so it also does not get into special shafts, which means that all the dampness remains unventilated and settles on the walls of the apartment. To solve such problems in old houses, experts came up with an alpine window, a system of valves cut into the walls of rooms, which, together with an exhaust hood, dries the air in the house. This is the only way to eliminate the problem of poor air circulation on the top floor of an old house.
  • If the renovation in the apartment is not completed, the walls have not been plastered and finished, then this can be an excellent reason for the humid climate.

Problems with materials inside the wall near the battery

  • In old houses, the basement is often completely flooded, leaving the lower floors in an exceptionally damp climate from fumes. The worst situation for such houses is in spring and autumn, when an influx of fresh water into the basement is felt on the ground floor. In addition, there is a terrible smell in the entrance of the house, which can be felt not only on the first, but also on the top floor of the house. To remedy the situation, you will have to think about waterproofing your apartment, which is not easy to do in an old house. In addition, the ground floor of the house requires more heating than the upper levels.
  • An accident on a pipe built into a wall will be terrible on the first, second and any other floor. At the same time, you have no way to get to it, and in many cases you have no idea that it happened. If you do nothing, dampness will penetrate not only yours, but also the surrounding apartments.
  • Impaired functionality of plumbing fixtures, household appliances working with water: washing machine, dishwasher, or not at all correct installation, all these factors revere the dampness.
  • Let us also pay attention to houseplants, which can also cause high humidity. The fact is that plants from the tropics like to absorb a lot of water, and during watering directly from flower pot A sufficient amount of moisture for dampness evaporates.

All these problems are local in nature and can be easily eliminated. You can ask for help at management company, or do the work yourself and remove the dampness from the house.

It is better not to bring the internal condition of the walls of the house to this form

Experienced housewives told us an interesting way to find out where moisture comes from. To identify the causes of dampness, just take a piece of glass and apply it to the surface of the wall. After waiting a couple of minutes, remove the glass and examine the surface of the wall underneath it. If the wall becomes wet in this place, it means moisture is entering your house from the outside, but if the surface is dry, then you need to look for the reasons inside the apartment.

Fighting methods

First of all, it is necessary to examine all the pipes in the apartment, plumbing fixtures and equipment that work with water. If irregularities in the operation of such systems and devices are detected, it is necessary to eliminate them: replace the pipes, properly connect the plumbing, adjust the water circulation in household appliances, its supply and drainage. If you are unable to carry out such work, call a specialist. Ask him why this happened and how to prevent similar situations in the future.

It is worth taking care of the quality of heating appliances in the apartment. Install modern batteries with power regulation. In this case, you can not only save on heat, but also use it correctly. If the heating system of the apartment is functioning correctly, mold bacteria die in a dry climate. At the same time, it is important not to allow strong fluctuations temperature regime in the house.

Note that sunlight also has a beneficial effect on the room, warming it and drying it. It’s great if it works in tandem with an air conditioner, helping to achieve required humidity in the house.

Foggy windows have always been a bad sign

It is necessary to pay attention to the windows, they must function well, the glass should not fog up. If you are, then here lies the first serious problem. In the process of fighting mold, you must definitely disassemble the entire structure and work over it necessary work. , you will not give the chance to cold and dampness to penetrate inside the house.

One of the effective household appliances that the household market offers us is a dehumidifier. This small, compact device is produced by various manufacturers; it differs in power and functionality. In the latest models, the device is equipped with humidity measurement sensors, and based on this data it operates more or less intensively, thereby maintaining a stable microclimate in the room and saving electricity. The cost of a dehumidifier varies greatly depending on its power and functionality.

A small device for drying air in an apartment

Dampness in the apartment can be minimized by simply ventilating the rooms. Fresh air not only refreshes, but also dries out the room, even in winter. It’s good to know that rooms need to be ventilated regularly, so the windows shouldn’t be blocked. Double-glazed windows equipped with a micro-ventilation function perfectly help to dose fresh air.

A couple of tips for dealing with humidity:

  • If you need to quickly dry a place, you can sprinkle it with salt or sugar. These substances quickly absorb moisture, after which they can be easily removed.
  • If you dry at once a large number of putting laundry in an apartment or bathroom without being able to place it on the balcony is not very good. With this approach, too much moisture is concentrated in the house. Distribute the laundry by day of the week, then the humidity will not have such a strong influence on the microclimate of the apartment.
  • If a classic heated towel rail in the bathroom does not cope with its task, install an additional electric one, which will provide additional functionality.
  • When undertaking renovations and insulating walls, it is better to choose mineral finishing materials that can control moisture and absorb it well. This will help avoid the greenhouse effect indoors. It will be just great if in the majority finishing materials Antifungal additives will be present.
  • When cooking food in the kitchen, a hood will do a great job of removing fumes. By the way, this is exactly what it is intended for.
  • When washing floors, it is advisable to wipe them dry, and do not forget to ventilate the premises during such work.

As you can see, the fight against humidity and dampness in the house is a complex job. Therefore, before thinking about how to get rid of high humidity in an apartment, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for its occurrence, find the main source of moisture spread and eliminate it. In this case, you will eliminate both the main problem and its consequences, including dampness and unpleasant odor.