Greenhouse on the roof of a residential building, Israeli technology. Roof greenhouse: harvest on the roof becomes a reality. Technologies for growing greenhouse plants on the roofs of buildings

As you know, land is now expensive, so for many summer residents every hundred square meters counts. But what to do if the space does not allow, but start your own household and pamper yourself fresh vegetables, do you really want some greens? An innovative solution to this problem for our climatic conditions is a greenhouse on the roof of a garage, house or bathhouse.

By the way, in some Western countries the idea of ​​growing plants on the roof has been successfully tested. They have even created special programs, the participants of which are provided with various tax benefits for greening their roofs. It’s time for our compatriots to try to surprise their loved ones and friends, and more enterprising people can try to make good money from this.

For growing greenhouse plants with their own hands on the roof of a building exist special technologies. Therefore, before erecting a structure, you first need to study its specifics and features. Next we will talk about all these nuances.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to build a greenhouse on a gable roof, since it requires a flat area.

Technologies for growing greenhouse plants on the roofs of buildings

When growing plants in a greenhouse located on the roof, soil should not be used. This is explained by the fact that it has a lot of weight, and therefore the structure may not withstand its load if a greenhouse was not initially provided for in the design of, for example, a private house.

For roof greenhouses, special methods of growing plants have been invented, in which the process occurs differently than in conventional ground-based structures.

These methods are divided into:

  1. Growing by hydroponic method. This is the simplest method in which the entire process occurs without soil on an artificial medium (substrate). At the same time, everything nutrients plants are obtained using a regular aqueous solution, to which all the necessary microelements are added.
    However, along with such advantages as the absence of dirt, pests and ease of maintenance, this method also has disadvantages. Yes, when hydroponic method When growing, the ecological qualities of, for example, vegetables are reduced to zero, since they are used mineral fertilizers. In other words, this method is best used for non-edible plants. These include flowers.

  1. Growing with the application of a fertile layer. This method is suitable for plants whose roots do not tend to go deep into the ground. This is explained by the fact that the thickness of the soil layer in roofing greenhouses should not be more than 20 cm.
    Otherwise, if it is larger, then the building may sag under the weight of the earth. But, even if these instructions are followed, this method still remains labor-intensive, since in any case it requires good waterproofing of the roof (to avoid roots growing into the roof), rather difficult calculations on the load on the task and the presence of a drainage layer .
    The main advantage of this method is its complete environmental friendliness, since the plants will be in conditions that are as close to natural as possible.
  1. Growing using various containers. For this technique, it is necessary to build multi-tiered structures inside the greenhouse, where either pots or containers will be placed. Tiered placement allows you to significantly increase productivity in relatively small areas, thereby saving space.
    The mobility of containers is also an advantage. The downside of this option is the risk of soil pests, since such cultivation does not have good air circulation.

Features of roof greenhouses

Each greenhouse requires ventilation, heating and water equipment. For roofing structures, these systems have special requirements.

Ventilation of roof greenhouses

Depending on the size and shape of the structures, it can be either forced or natural - using vents. The last option is the easiest to implement. However, if the greenhouse is located in an urban environment, then it will be necessary to install special filters that will help trap polluted air.

It is very convenient if the house already has a ventilation system. In this case, it can be combined with a greenhouse and direct a flow of carbon dioxide, which is extremely important for normal plant growth. In addition, this will allow you to significantly save on the purchase of new equipment, because its price is quite high. Yes, and installing such a system is not cheap at all.

In addition, since plants synthesize oxygen, which is known to be very useful for people, it can be sent to the rooms of the house. In other words, what is harmful to humans is beneficial to plants, and vice versa. This factor can be used to advantage.

Watering plants in roof greenhouses

Systems are best suited to roof greenhouses drip irrigation. This irrigation method eliminates erosion of the soil or substrate and prevents water from penetrating through the roofing. In addition, this is a great way to save water, which is also expensive now.

After all, if it is not spent rationally, then a house with a greenhouse on the roof will “hit the pocket” of even a fairly wealthy person, since watering the plants must be done daily. In a word, this aspect must be taken into account when arranging a roofing greenhouse.

The greenhouse must be supplied with electricity.
It will be needed for the operation of the pressure sensor, soil and air humidity, as well as the lighting timer and temperature controller.
All of the listed devices are simply necessary for the convenient and proper operation of greenhouses.

Heating for roof greenhouses

During the cold season, plants can die from low temperatures, so they must be heated.

You can do this in several ways:

  1. By fitting the structure to the elevator shaft, since they are warm at any time of the year.
  2. By natural processes - using warm beds or collectors.
  3. Using recovery (inter-flow heat exchange).
  4. By using electrical or...

In this case, be sure to ensure that the air does not overheat. Otherwise, this can also lead to plant disease or death.


It is believed that roof greenhouses are more accessible to sunlight, but despite this, plants will still need additional lighting in winter and at night. For this purpose it is rational to use LED bulbs, which, in addition to lighting fixtures, includes both sensors and power supplies.

Thus, following all the recommendations listed, you can build on your roof excellent greenhouse, where growing your favorite plants will be a lot of fun. In the video in this article you can clearly verify everything said above.

Construction of greenhouse roof structures It has various options execution. For the construction of such structures, you can use both the roof of a private house and the roof of a bathhouse or garage. However, first things first.

Feature of the construction greenhouses on the roof of a private house is the fact that in such cases the roof structure very rarely has a flat shape. Therefore, here the function of a greenhouse frame is usually performed by a gable roof.

To equip the greenhouse, it will be enough to dismantle roofing material, and install glass or polycarbonate instead.

Reference: the north or end side of the roof can be left opaque.

Construction greenhouses on the roof of the garage differs in that garage buildings are usually equipped flat roof y. This allows you to build a structure of any configuration, be it in the form of a house.

The disadvantage in this case is that garages for the most part are not heated, which means that the greenhouse will be provided only with natural heat, or it will need to be done additionally.

As for the construction of a bathhouse, various design options are possible here, due to the fact that the roofs of bathhouse buildings can be either flat or pitched. Such a greenhouse also has the ability to receive additional heating due to heating the bathhouse itself.

Note: In addition to the considered methods of constructing roof greenhouses, there is also a variant of the planned design. In this case, the construction of a greenhouse building is planned during the construction of any of the listed types of buildings.


See below: greenhouse on the roof of a house, garage photo

Preparatory measures before starting greenhouse construction

To speed up and simplify the construction process, some preparatory procedures should be carried out. In this case, you need to decide on the materials for constructing the structure, and also pay attention to the design and drawing up of a drawing with the dimensions of the future building.

Note: Since the issue of constructing a greenhouse with a pitched roof is more or less clear, further attention will be paid to construction on a flat roof.

The choice of material is made based on the load-bearing capacity of the structure on which it will be installed. Not every roof can support the significant weight of a greenhouse structure.

It is best to use for coating, as it has significant weight. As practice shows, a polycarbonate roof greenhouse is more reliable and durable, and is also affordable.

It should not be used in this case, due to the fact that the influence of wind in an open space increases, as a result of which the film can easily be damaged.

Can be made from wood or plastic pipes. If you want to build a metal structure, you should think through everything carefully and make sure that the roof can withstand such a mass.

When drawing up a project need to be given Special attention seams, since, unlike a ground-based building, such a structure will be blown more strongly by winds. Often, more durable, windproof materials are used to build the north side.

A greenhouse is a must must be equipped with vents for ventilation, since such structures need more frequent ventilation due to increased exposure to sunlight.

Greenhouse dimensions:

  • The width and length of the structure will be determined based on the size of the building on which construction is carried out. In this case, it is desirable that the walls of the greenhouse coincide with the walls of the building - this will eliminate the possibility of increasing pressure on the floors;
  • The optimal height of the greenhouse is from 2 to 3 m.

You can use brick or block masonry. Also, the frame can be attached to the roof itself.

Greenhouse construction

The most commonly used option for the construction of roof greenhouses is. Thanks to this shape, the building’s ability to resist strong winds and heavy snowfalls improves.

Arched frame option:

Reference: The use of cellular polycarbonate as a greenhouse covering provides significant savings in material due to the fact that in this case the structure has a minimum number of joints. Thus, the consumption of tapes, sealants, and fasteners is reduced.

The construction of a greenhouse structure is carried out taking into account the following details and parameters:

  • To give metal structures an arched shape, a special tool is used - pipe bender;
  • it is desirable that the length of the structure be adjusted for a certain number of polycarbonate strips, the sheet width of which is 210 cm. This will reduce the amount of waste;
  • distance between arches must be at least 100 cm;
  • horizontal lintels should be located from each other with an interval of no more than 100 cm. Otherwise, subsidence of the entire structure is possible;
  • metal frame parts are connected by welding;
  • in an area with temperate climate you can get by using thin polycarbonate, 0.6-0.8 cm thick;
  • total area supposed window should not exceed a quarter of the total surface area of ​​the building;
  • metal the frame of the building should be well processed to prevent corrosion. To do this, the structural parts must be coated first with a primer and then with paint.

Frame assembly is best done on the ground, as much as possible. After this, you can lift the structure onto the roof and complete installation. This procedure will ensure a reduction in the risks that arise to varying degrees when performing work at height.

The construction of a roof greenhouse is not the easiest undertaking, but taking into account the many advantages of this building, this option has a right to exist. And a house with a greenhouse on the roof, on top of everything else, also looks very original.

Useful video

Watch the video: greenhouse on the roof

Often, owners of summer cottages are concerned about the issue of saving territory. A successful solution to this dacha problem would be to place a greenhouse on the roof of an outbuilding. And even better - arrange it right in the attic of the house.

Greenhouse on the roof of the bathhouse.

Greenhouse on a brick garage.

Greenhouse-winter garden on the roof.

Economic Benefits of a Rooftop Greenhouse

This solution will help the cottage owner solve many issues:

  1. This is additional protection from rain on the roof of the building.
  2. Organizing a greenhouse in the attic will increase the thermal insulation of the house.
  3. Heat loss, which is almost impossible to completely get rid of, will be used expediently.
  4. Saving land on the site will allow you to grow more crops. And if the seedlings were previously grown in a room on a windowsill, then moving the boxes to the greenhouse will make life more comfortable and the house cleaner.
  5. Carbon dioxide rising from living spaces is necessary for gas exchange and photosynthesis in plants.
  6. There is no need to spend money on lighting, because plants have access to light throughout the day - trees and buildings do not interfere with the development of plants, since the structure rises above everything that provides shade on a sunny day.
  7. By placing the greenhouse on the roof, the owner saves on the foundation, communications for plumbing, heating and ventilation.

An important factor is that the greenhouse, located on the ground, is in direct contact with the soil in early spring when it is still completely frozen. There is no such problem on the roof. Therefore, plant roots receive more heat, and seeds germinate faster.

The carbon dioxide that humans emit is needed by plants for photosynthesis.

Methods for equipping a greenhouse on the roof

There are several options for organizing this know-how.

Type "Second roof"

A greenhouse is installed directly on the building itself, using the roof as its foundation, if it is not sloping. To do this, you will need to build the walls up. It's best to make them transparent material eg glass. You should also take care of the second roof, which, like the walls, allows light to pass through.

You can also use the second option: make the second roof gable or single-pitch. Of course, working in such a greenhouse will not be as comfortable as where the walls have been built up, but in economic terms, this option wins.

Drawing of greenhouse equipment on a flat roof.

Attic type greenhouse

This option is that the owner simply redoes the roof itself, replacing it with a transparent one. Boxes with soil and plants are installed in the attic.

It is important to remember that each building has its own purpose. And if the attic in the house was equipped with the expectation of playing only the role of a mezzanine for storing rarely used items with low weight, then it is quite possible that it will not be able to withstand the load that is intended for the greenhouse.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the load-bearing beams and the floor itself. There is another option: lay a new floor in the attic, bringing it outside a little further than the walls. Its edges need to be installed on new support posts. Then the greenhouse will not create additional load on the walls and ceiling of the building.

Drawing for strengthening the greenhouse structure.

If the house was originally planned as a building with an attic, which it was decided to use as a greenhouse, then there should be practically no problems with the conversion.

Greenhouse on the roof or attic, planned before the building is built

It is optimal to provide for the equipment of the greenhouse before the construction of a house or outbuilding begins. Indeed, in this case, during the preparation of the project, it is possible to calculate the load-bearing capacity of the floor so that subsequently there is no sagging of the beams and the occurrence of other undesirable moments.

Rooftop greenhouse equipment

The owner who decides on this know-how should take care of such factors as:

  • greenhouse water supply;
  • floor waterproofing;
  • ventilation;
  • light flow control.

Water supply

A greenhouse needs water, because plants require constant water. You can, of course, carry it up in buckets, although this is difficult. But in any case, you need to make sure that the stairs to the greenhouse are comfortable and durable.

It is best, of course, to carry the water upward. This is not so difficult to do if the house itself already has running water.

If there is water only in the column, the inclusion of which is impossible to manipulate while in the greenhouse, then you can put some kind of container there that can be filled watering hose, and then water the plants from it.


And here the question arises: what could happen if the hose suddenly breaks or is pushed out of the tank, the container with water itself tips over, or simply begins to slowly leak unnoticeably? The answer is devoid of optimism. Therefore, it is important to take care of waterproofing the greenhouse floor.

You can coat it with hot bitumen mastic. There is another option: lay roll waterproofing on it.


It is worth considering that warm air always rises. Therefore, the temperature in the greenhouse will be much higher than if it were on the ground. Consequently, the problem of its ventilation is far from the last.

It is necessary to make as many windows as possible in the greenhouse. Doors on both ends will also help regulate the temperature in the room. You can even install a thermostat inside, which will either automatically open the windows and doors, or inform the owner that it is time to ventilate the greenhouse.

Light mode control

Plants at different stages of life require different amounts of sunlight.

In order to predictably control fruiting, green mass, and flowering, people artificially lengthen or shorten daylight hours. This can be achieved in a greenhouse if you think through all the options in advance.

The most in simple ways Shortening the day is by installing an umbrella or curtaining the walls and shading the roof. And you can lengthen it, including special ones intended for seedlings.

Video about rooftop greenhouse equipment

Jokes aside, the world's population is growing, which means there is a need for high-quality and fresh food. Where to get it in such large quantities? A greenhouse on the roof of the garage will help solve the problem. You can grow on the site fruit trees, and a building for growing vegetables will feel great on the roof of a garage or house.

Design Features

A greenhouse is usually installed on a house, consisting of:

  • roofs;
  • side walls;
  • base;
  • end wall with door;
  • vents located on the roof.

It is important to take into account many factors that influence the effectiveness of the design. For example, the air circulation and lighting in the room will depend on what roof shape you prefer.

Arrangement options

When placing a greenhouse on the roof of a house or garage, you will have to observe some nuances. So, it will not be possible to build a structure on a gable roof - a flat platform is required. The land cannot be used either. It weighs a lot, which means that the structure may not withstand the load, because the design of a house, bathhouse or garage hardly included an additional structure on the roof.

Growing plants in the building also follows a special principle. The following methods are distinguished:

  • Hydroponic. At the same time, on the roof of the house, plants are grown on a substrate. Nutrients are supplied to them using. The good thing about this method is that there are no pests or dirt. Of the minuses, it is worth noting that the ecological qualities of vegetables are significantly reduced.
  • Applying a thin fertile layer. The method is suitable for those crops whose roots do not go deep into the ground. In roofing structures, the thickness of the soil should not exceed 20 centimeters. However, you will need good roof waterproofing to prevent plant roots from growing into the roof. The main advantage is the environmental friendliness of the plants.
  • Growing in containers. In this case, a greenhouse is placed on the house, and multi-tiered structures are installed in it. They, in turn, house containers or pots. The good thing about a tiered device is that it makes it possible to significantly increase the yield, while at the same time you can significantly save space. The downside is a high risk of pests.

Drawings of roof greenhouses

Installation features

When constructing a structure on the roof of a house, polycarbonate is often used. The material is light and durable. For a greenhouse - what you need. But it should be replaced every 10 years, and after a large hailstorm it may fail. But if you decide to build an entire farm for growing crops, it is better to use glass. However, in this case, it will be necessary to construct an additional metal frame for the structure on which the premises are supposed to be located. This, in turn, will lead to additional costs.

If you choose glass, remember that you need a reinforced supporting structure underneath. If the roof of the house is flat and wide, and the area of ​​the greenhouse is half that size, this is good. Now let’s look at how the construction process occurs.

  • It is recommended to build the frame on the ground.
  • If you chose polycarbonate, screw it to the frame there.
  • Profiles can be used transparent, so the roof will look more aesthetically pleasing.
  • The thickness of polycarbonate sheets should be from 4 to 16 millimeters. In this case, the load on the roof of the building will be small - from 0.9 to 2.7 kilograms per square meter.
  • The rafter beams must be erected so that the joint of the polycarbonate sheets falls exactly in the central part of the rafters. The distance between the middle of the rafters should be 1.01 meters, between the edges of the material should be 1.04 meters. It is important that the sheets can move, otherwise they may fail due to sudden temperature changes. Do not tighten the screws all the way! This will help avoid problems.
  • Polycarbonate honeycombs should be placed vertically.
  • The bitumen floor should be covered with a light waterproofing material so that it doesn't melt.
  • It is not worth using a soft roof or screed for waterproofing.
  • The floor for the roof greenhouse can be made electric. This will keep the plants from freezing at night. IN in this case the best option will become an infrared film floor.

The construction of the building will take no more than 2 weeks. Naturally, the costs will be significant, but much less than with supports and a foundation.

Important nuances

  • Since the additional weight on the roof puts stress on the foundation, it is worth choosing lightweight and durable elements for the greenhouse. It is better to choose a metal frame, and install polycarbonate on the walls and roof.
  • Most rational decision for a greenhouse it is an arched form. It makes it possible to reduce wind and snow load. If you have to use rafter system, the roof slope must be at least 40 degrees. The arched shape can significantly reduce the consumption of materials, since the number of joints in this case is smaller, which reduces the consumption of fasteners, sealants and tape.
  • If you want to mount the entrance to the greenhouse inside the building, it is better to replace the door with a window in order to provide additional ventilation.
  • Landing tall plants is carried out in the central part of the greenhouse. Crops that need more sun should be located in the east. Heat-loving plants are placed in the south.
  • A popular way to feed crops in a roof greenhouse is the use of EM technology. It uses microorganisms that extract nutritional elements from organics.
  • Water is a big problem. Optimal watering provide drip systems. The installation of a special membrane on which crushed stone can be poured helps to avoid the penetration of moisture into the building. And a soil layer is already installed on the crushed stone. A drainage pipe can provide moisture removal.

Greenhouse on the roof (video)

If you want to get a reliable and useful greenhouse, you can make a roofing structure from polycarbonate. If you take into account all the nuances, excellent harvest you can receive all year round for many years.

Undoubtedly, every gardener strives to grow as many different crops as possible on his plot. However, not everyone has enough space. Great solution can become a greenhouse on the roof - this way you can get additional space for growing plants and make the site original.

3 options for rooftop greenhouses:

  1. Greenhouse under a gable roof. Gable roof garage or summer kitchen can play the role of a greenhouse frame. To do this, simply remove the roofing material and replace it with polycarbonate or glass. The greenhouse will be located on the ceiling.
  2. The northern slope or end of the roof can be left opaque.

  3. Flat roof greenhouse. Creating a greenhouse on the flat roof of a private house or any other building is as easy as shelling pears. This can be either an arched structure or a “house” greenhouse.
  4. Planned greenhouse. If you are planning to build a new one on your site functional building, a certain landing area will have to be sacrificed. If you don’t want to lose part of your garden, you can move it to the roof of a new building. By initially planning the roof for the greenhouse, you will have the opportunity to perfectly design the structure. It is not necessary to grow vegetables in such a greenhouse; for example, a flower greenhouse on the roof of a new bathhouse or garage would look good.

Greenhouse materials

When choosing materials for a rooftop greenhouse, you should take into account the load-bearing capacity of the building. Not every roof can withstand the impressive weight of a greenhouse. It is better to use cellular polycarbonate as a coating - glass may be too heavy. It is also not recommended to use polyethylene film, because the impact of wind on the roof is much stronger than below - the film can easily tear.

Wood or wood can be used for the frame plastic pipes. Concerning metal structures, here you need to carefully calculate everything and make sure that the roof can withstand such a greenhouse. When making calculations, take into account the weight of not only the greenhouse itself, but also its contents - soil, plants, equipment, etc.

Greenhouse arrangement

Fertile soil from the garden, and even more so the compost mixture, weighs quite a lot. Filling a greenhouse this way can be dangerous, and it is not easy to lift a large volume of soil onto the roof. Some gardeners use peat, but there is not that much necessary for plants nutrients, peat needs regular renewal. You can use boxes and pots to grow plants. This will reduce the volume of soil and therefore the load on the ceiling of the building.

Like any greenhouse structure, a rooftop greenhouse must be equipped with ventilation, watering and, if necessary, heating systems. Drip irrigation is most often used. This keeps the plants clean and the water volume controlled. For heating, it is rational to use heaters powered by solar panels- there will be plenty of sunlight on the roof.

Connect the greenhouse to ventilation system Houses.

If the greenhouse is located on the roof of a residential building, connect it to the ventilation system. The oxygen produced by the plants will enter the house. If for some reason this is not possible, a few windows will be enough. Ventilation should be carried out 3-5 times a week, avoiding drafts if possible.

Mushrooms will help provide plants with carbon dioxide. Plant mushrooms in a greenhouse, they will absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide essential for your plants.


If you don’t want to bother with soil and boxes, grow plants in a greenhouse using hydroponics. Each of us grew onions on the windowsill in a jar of water. This principle is also used here, only in larger volumes.

Plants receive nutrients not through the soil, but through the water to which they are added. nutrient solutions. There are even special installations for such greenhouses that automatically supply the plants with the right amount of solution at a certain time. However, tuber crops cannot be grown this way.

Pay attention to the proposed photos. A full-fledged greenhouse or conservatory can be built not only on the roof of a private house, but also on the roof of a city building. This is a great way to get into gardening for those who don't have a garden.