Actinidia: planting is the beginning of all beginnings. Actinidia. Unique and new varieties of Russian selection

Exotic plant Actinidia has become increasingly popular lately. The culture is a woody vine. It grows strongly, wrapping around any obstacles. Summer residents grow shrubs as decorative element. The plant can twine around a gazebo, arch, or wall of a house. Another great advantage of the vine is that it bears fruit. Actinidia berries have a rich sweet-sour taste, reminiscent of a mixture of kiwi, apple, and strawberry. Growing a plant special troubles does not deliver to gardeners.

Actinidia comes from warm places, but now the plant is grown without problems in a wide variety of climatic zones. There are frost-resistant species that are not afraid of cold winters. In our country, the most popular types of culture are: actinidia Arguta, actinidia Kolomikt, actinidia Polygam, etc. For each species a large number of varieties. The most powerful and largest vine of all those listed is the Arguta variety of actinidia.

Features of actinidia Arguta

Another name for Arguta is Acute. This vine has a powerful trunk that grows up to 25-30 meters. The stem is woody. Color grey-brown. The stem wraps around any support encountered along its path. The plant looks unusual and decorative. In the gazebo, which is woven with actinidia, it is cool and fresh even on the hottest day. A summer resident who decides to plant an exotic shrub should immediately think about support. Without objects to cling to, the vine will not be able to develop normally. It will simply lie on the ground and curl, forming a circle.

The shrub is frost-resistant. It can withstand harsh winters, when the air temperature drops to -30...-40 degrees.

The leaves of Arguta, like those of Kolomikta, change color depending on the month. In spring they have a dark emerald color. When the plant blooms, and it blooms with white flowers, the leaves also turn white. In autumn, the foliage becomes yellowish-light green in color, then pale lilac. In October the leaves fall.

The plant begins to bloom in early June. The process lasts about 13-18 days. At this time, the garden plot is filled with a wonderful delicate floral aroma. You can catch notes of tropical fruits and lily of the valley.

Fruit in the country

It is during flowering that the sex of the plant can be determined. Actinidia Arguta, like Kolomikt and other varieties, is a dioecious culture. There are female and male specimens. In order for the bush to bear fruit, different-sex varieties must be planted on the site. You can plant 4-6 female plants per male plant. Only then will cross-pollination occur and fruits will set. In male specimens, the flowers are collected in inflorescences. They have many stamens but no pistil. Female flowers larger ones. They almost always grow alone. They have stamens and a pistil.

Another pleasant feature of Actinidia Acute is that delicious fruits do not crumble. Even fully ripe berries hold tightly to the branches. The fruits, depending on the variety, are quite large, 2-4 cm each. Approximate weight is 5-7 grams. The harvest can be harvested in September. Some varieties in October. The fruits are fragrant. They smell like pineapple, apples, flowers. The taste is reminiscent of a mixture of strawberries, kiwi, and gooseberries. The color of the fruit, depending on the variety, can be green, light pinkish, or purple.

note! Actinidia Arguta is considered a long-liver. With proper care, it can bear fruit and continue to grow for almost a hundred years.

Actinidia Arguta: varieties

This variety of actinidia has several dozen varieties. They all differ from each other in fruits, slightly in appearance, and gender. Each of them is easy to grow. Maintenance is quite simple. However, this does not mean that after planting you can forget about the plant. In order for a crop to develop well, decorate the site and bear fruit, it needs to be given enough time. Each variety has its own characteristics in terms of planting location, bush formation, and propagation, which must be taken into account.

Among the most common varieties of actinidiaAThe rules are as follows:

  • Geneva;
  • Issei;
  • Jumbo;
  • Kens Red;
  • Kokuwa;
  • Purpurna Sadova;
  • Viti kiwi;
  • Weiki;
  • Pineapple.


Many gardeners who grow this varietal actinidia claim that its pinkish-burgundy fruits are the most delicious of all varieties. They are honey. A long fruity aftertaste remains in the mouth after the berry. An ideal variety for making wine.

The location for Geneva needs to be chosen so that the sun shines there during the day. At the same time, the wind should not blow into the garden bed. Like other varieties of crops, Geneva does not like and is afraid of drafts.

Important. The soil must be neutral, drained, fertile.

The planting hole should be 60 by 70 cm. Drainage in the form of pebbles and stones is laid out at the bottom. Next is a layer of fertilized garden soil with peat and humus. You need to add ash, fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The use of preparations containing chlorine and lime is not allowed. Culture doesn't like them. A mound is made from ordinary garden soil on a laid fertile layer. The gardener places the roots of the seedling on it. The root collar should be deepened underground to a distance of 1-2 cm. The hole is filled with earth. Sheds well. The root circle is mulched with straw and grass. You can use peat.

The bush must be tied to a support. The formation of a bush occurs by removing broken, frail, old branches and shoots, which greatly thicken the crown. All varieties of actinidia Arguta bear fruit on short branches. Therefore, it is necessary to trim the branches quite short, and do not forget about pinching. Vines do not need to be replaced during their lifetime. Unlike actinidia Kolomikta, in Arguta they constantly bear fruit.


This self-fertile variety. However, despite the efforts of breeders, the crop gives the best harvest only if there is more growing on the plot. male variety. The first harvest is harvested within one to two years after placement on permanent place.

Planting is similar to the Geneva variety. The place also needs to be sunny, without strong winds. Can be grown on neutral, weak acidic soils. The soil should be loose. Do not plant in places where groundwater accumulates.

Issei is one of the smallest actinidia. It is recommended to plant it in small areas. The culture of this variety requires timely watering.

Interesting. The formation of the bush is exactly the same as with other varieties of Arguta. All frail, broken, old branches are removed. The bush is thinned out thoroughly. The branches are shortened. Pruning is carried out in the fall a few weeks before the onset of cold weather. At this time, the bush should no longer have a single leaf.

Reproduction is standard. You can plant a seed, you can use cuttings, layering. The easiest way to propagate is by cuttings. They are taken from mixed shoots. Cuttings are cut from the apical part. Each stick should have 2-4 live buds. The harvesting of cuttings takes place in June and July. The sticks are planted in a windless place where there is shade. You can identify them in a greenhouse. The cuttings are not allowed to be exposed to the scorching sun. Suitable soil– peat mixed with sand. After a month, the cuttings should sprout roots. In another month branches will appear. Characteristics of the Issei variety reports rapid growth plants.


The plant needs pollinators. The berries ripen in October. They are very large. The weight of one fruit is about 20-30 grams. The first harvest is harvested 3-5 years after planting. The peculiarity of the variety is its short flowering period. Flowers on actinidia Arguta Jumbo can be observed for only a week. The fruits have high keeping quality and transportability.

On a note. Planting and formation of a bush are similar to other types. Planting material in the form of a seedling is transferred to a permanent place only when it is 2-3 years old. Before placing it in an earthen pit, the roots must not be removed from the shelter. The roots are very tender. Any damage to the roots can impair the growth of the crop.

Jumbo also requires drainage. The variety does not tolerate acidic or alkaline soils. Reproduction is allowed by cuttings, layering, and seeds. If the root layering method is chosen, then an adult strong shoot is bent to the surface of the earth. It is fixed to the ground. Next, the soil mixture is placed on the stem. After a year, the new plant separates from the mother plant.

Kens Red

The berries of the variety have a greenish-purple color. They have no aroma, but a wonderful sweet taste. The variety is planted on loose, drainage, non-acidic soils. Peat, humus, and leaf humus are used for fertilizer.

Kens Red ripens in the last ten days of September. Until this time, it needs to be watered, but not over-watered. The fruits are characterized by keeping quality. Well transported. Therefore, the variety can be seen on industrial plantings.


The fruits of Actinidia arguta Kokuwa resemble small kiwis. But they can be eaten straight with the juicy soft skin. They don't spoil for a long time. They have a sweet taste with a spicy sour note. You can feel the lemon aftertaste. Positioned as self-fertile. But to receive good harvest It is necessary to plant a pollinator nearby.

The variety requires good soil drainage. It does not tolerate stagnation or souring.

U of this variety Careful pruning is necessary. The bush is formed in such a way that the crown is not thickened. The variety needs air. Once all the fruit has been harvested and the leaves have fallen, the gardener should begin pruning. In central Russia, the procedure is carried out in October. Old branches and damaged shoots are removed with pruning shears, and healthy branches are significantly shortened.

The Kokuva variety needs additional shelter before winter. Its frost resistance is only -22 degrees.

Additional Information. Kiwis are the fruits of the world-famous actinidia, which grows in hot countries. The name of the species is Actinidia Chinese.

Purple garden

This variety can be distinguished by the color of the fruit. They have a purple color. Used with the peel. The peel is thin, moderately sour. The color of the pulp and peel is the same. The flesh is brighter, violet-scarlet. Has excellent taste characteristics. The berries are large and sweet. They grow up to 4 centimeters in length.

Note. The first harvest ripens 3-4 years after planting.

The planting pit for the crop should be 60 cm deep and 60 cm wide. Stones and expanded clay are placed at the bottom. For drainage - soil mixture. It needs to be prepared from peat, garden soil with sand, humus, and fertilizers. Afterwards, earth is poured onto the soil mixture in the form of a mound. Actinidia roots are placed on it. Everything is sprinkled with earth, watered well and mulched with hay.

The fruits are picked in early October. Before winter, the plant is removed from its support and covered with peat, hay or film.

Reproduction is allowed by layering, cuttings, and seeds. The formation of the bush is normal.

Viti kiwi

The variety is self-fertile, high-yielding. Often grown on an industrial scale. The fruits are juicy and resemble very small elongated green apples in appearance. When cut, they can be mistaken for seedless kiwi.

Important. Do not plant in a place where the wind blows, there is little light and it is cold. Does not tolerate soil acidification. It must have drainage. Planting often takes place on a hill to prevent the accumulation of groundwater.

A distinctive feature of the variety is that Viti kiwi berries do not contain seeds. Therefore, the variety is propagated only by layering and cuttings. Cuttings planted in a greenhouse must be covered for the winter so that they do not freeze.

Particular attention to caring for the crop should be paid to timely watering.


You can plant both the male and female variety Veiki on the site. The berries have a sweet and sour taste. Light green color. In places where sunlight falls, reddish spots form on the fruits. The wire is ideal for decorating a site. In addition, the variety is abundant. Up to 10 kg of selected berries are collected from the bush. Planting takes place using traditional technology. The bush is growing a lot. Every autumn, careful pruning and pinching of branches is necessary.

Reproduction by seeds and vegetatively is allowed. Pretty variety seeds long time can be stored in the refrigerator. Before planting, they are removed to the cellar, where they are stratified. They should be put into the cellar in December. At an air temperature of about +3...+5 degrees Celsius, the seeds will last 80-90 days. In March, they are placed in a container with loose, light soil and kept warm. For example, they leave it in the living room, where it is about +25 degrees Celsius. Do not place the container with soil in direct sunlight. In mid-May, the container is transferred to fresh air. It is better to put them in a shaded place. The seedlings should get stronger by July-August. At this time they can be planted in a greenhouse. For the winter they are covered with leaves and hay.

Important! Propagation by seeds has several significant disadvantages. Firstly, the method is too long, requiring painstaking work with seed material. Secondly, Arguta grown from seed bears fruit only 6-7 years after planting. Third, plants born from seeds may not have the characteristics of the mother plant. They often change gender. You can find out which bush has grown only after the first flowering.


The variety is named so because of its bright pineapple aroma. The description of the berries contains information about the rich taste, reminiscent of sweet gooseberries and kiwi. The fruits are two-colored. On the side where the sun doesn't hit - light green. On the sunny side - red-pinkish.

The soil in the garden bed where actinidia will grow is selected to be neutral, loose, with a sufficient amount of peat and sand. The drainage that is poured into the bottom of the planting hole should not consist of construction rubble. This product contains lime, and it affects the acidity of the soil, significantly reducing it.

It is worth paying attention to the formation of the vine crown. The pineapple bush needs to be pruned more carefully than many others. If you allow the crown to thicken, you may lose your harvest. Pruning is recommended in late autumn. Pineapple vine can stretch out greatly, so it must be planted away from other varieties. It is better if she has neighbors who are 2 meters away.

Pros and cons of the variety

Advantages of this type:

  1. Frost resistance. Almost all of the listed varieties are frost-resistant. Arguta Geneva tolerates winters without additional shelter, when the temperature drops to -30...-35 degrees. Jumbo, Pineapple, and Wakey have similar characteristics;
  2. High yield gives Veiki, Viti kiwi. 10 kg of berries are removed from the bush. Regular varieties yield 5-7 kg;
  3. Excellent taste of fruits. Arguta varieties are distinguished by a rich sweetish taste with a pleasant sourness. The Geneva variety is considered the sweetest. According to reviews, its fruits have a honey taste and melt in the mouth. The berries of the Kokuva and Purple Garden varieties have very pleasant taste characteristics. They can be eaten straight with soft skins;
  4. Very beautiful view bush. The Kolomikty Ostroy varieties are distinguished by a powerful crown and strong stem. The leaves change color, and the berries can be seen most different shades. For example, in the Purple Garden they are burgundy-pink, and in the Pineapple they are light green;
  5. Keeping quality and transportability. Varieties Kens Red and Jumbo can be stored for several months at a temperature of 0...+3 degrees;
  6. The berries don't fall off. Unlike the Kolomikta actinidia varieties, the Arguty varieties can boast of staying on the branches for a long time even after ripening.

Disadvantages of varieties of this type:

  1. Additional required shelter before winter. The Kokuva variety needs it. Its frost resistance is only -22 degrees;
  2. Required timely watering. At the same time, the soil should not be over-moistened. This is especially true for the Issey and Viti kiwi varieties;
  3. All varieties require special arrangement of the planting pit. There should be drainage at the bottom. It is made from stones. Do not use materials containing lime, for example, crushed stone;
  4. Before boarding you need prepare the ground. Arguta varieties will not grow in acidic or alkaline soils. They need fertile neutral lands.

Actinidia Arguta is a decorative and useful inhabitant of the vegetable garden. It is distinguished by a massive crown that can wrap around any obstacle, decorating buildings. If you know the main points in growing and propagating, then you can plant any of the varieties as experienced gardener, and a beginner.

Last year, tempted by the name, we planted several pineapple actinidia seedlings and are now looking forward to the first harvest. The fruits were seen only in the photo that the seller showed us upon purchase, but I would like to know about this species in more detail. Give me please, detailed description varieties of actinidia pineapple. How does it bear fruit and what are its taste characteristics?

Today, actinidia bushes are no longer a curiosity and this garden vine is increasingly grown in plots. Among them, actinidia arguta and kolomikta are especially popular: if the first plant pleases gardeners with an abundant and tasty harvest, then the second will become a real find for gardeners and will decorate the yard with its decorative variegated foliage. One of the most popular varieties is considered to be actinidia pineapple, the description of the variety should begin with the fact that this culture is presented in two varieties of actinidia: both among kolomikta and among arguta. Let's look at each type in more detail.

Both species are dioecious plants, having both male and female varieties. For stable fruiting, simultaneous planting of plants of both sexes is necessary.

Actinidia arguta pineapple

The vine is characterized by a powerful structure - the height of the bush can exceed 10 m. The leaves are colored green and are not particularly decorative, but the flowering is very beautiful, and the white inflorescences are quite large. The species is distinguished by abundant fruiting from the 3rd year of life and a sweet pineapple taste of green-colored fruits. The harvest ripens closer to October.

The advantages of the variety are:

  • high productivity;
  • good transportability of fruits;
  • a fairly strong ovary that almost does not crumble;
  • excellent winter hardiness (withstands 30 degrees below zero).

Actinidia kolomikta pineapple

One of the “old” varieties, also known as actinidia pineapple Michurina in honor of the scientist who created it. The bush grows quite large, on average about 7 m in height, with red-brown shoots. The leaves are ovate-shaped with sharp tips.

It has the ability to change the color of leaves throughout the summer (from green to white and even crimson), due to which it is also valued as ornamental plant.

Flowering occurs in June, and in August, 7 years after planting, the harvest can be harvested. The oblong fruits are not very large (the weight of one is slightly more than 2 g, and the length is no more than 3 cm), but very tasty and sweet, with strong odor and pineapple flavor, green with a slight red blush on the sides.

The advantages of the variety include:

  • fast growth rate;
  • high decorativeness of foliage;
  • good winter hardiness.

Video about growing actinidia

Actinidia arguta on personal plots It is rare among Russian gardeners. Meanwhile, this plant successfully combines the attractiveness appearance with the presence of delicious and useful fruits. Its advantages also include ease of care, good frost resistance and high yield.

What does actinidia arguta look like?

Actinidia arguta (translated from Latin as “sharp”) is a perennial deciduous vine, widely used in landscape design and grown as a fruit-bearing plant. Its homeland is the northern regions of China and Japan. In Russia, the plant is found on Far East, as well as on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. The productive life of the vine is 75–90 years. It bears its first harvest in the fifth year after planting in the ground.


The stem of Actinidia arguta can grow up to 20–30 m in length. At the same time, it is very thin - 15–20 cm in diameter. As it matures, its base becomes lignified, changing its olive color to brownish-gray. The stem curls strongly, so when growing a plant in captivity, it is necessary to provide it with an arch, trellis, or other support along which the vine can climb.

Actinidia arguta on a support looks much more advantageous than a sloppy pile of tangled shoots


Actinidia leaves look very elegant throughout the season. Before flowering, they are painted a rich green color, after which they noticeably lighten to a pale light green hue. In autumn, they successively change tone from bright lemon yellow to crimson and dark burgundy. Leaf plate has the shape of an ellipse with a sharply pointed tip. The leaf length reaches 8–12 cm, width - 3–5 cm, the edges are cut with small teeth. They bloom in early spring and fall in the second ten days of October.

Thanks to the pointed tip of the leaf, actinidia arguta got its name


Like other actinidia, arguta belongs to the category of dioecious plants. This means that regularly obtaining a bountiful harvest is only possible if there are both male and female bushes on the site in a ratio of approximately 1:5. The former play the role of pollinators, the latter are where the berries ripen. Modern breeders have developed several varieties positioned as self-fertile, but practice shows that this is not entirely true. Without a pollinator, the berries become smaller and the yield decreases sharply.

It is possible to distinguish male plants from female ones only during flowering. The former are characterized by the presence of a large number of stamens in the absence of a pistil. Female flowers are solitary (less often collected in inflorescences of three), large. The male ones are much smaller, with inflorescences in the shape of a shield or umbrella.

The flowers of male Actinidia arguta plants are easily identified by the absence of a pistil.

Flowering and fruiting

During flowering, actinidia arguta spreads an amazing sweetish aroma, similar to the smell of lilies of the valley or orange flowers. Its flowers are snow-white or greenish-silver, quite large (2–2.5 cm in diameter). Flowering continues for about two and a half weeks, starting at the very end of May. The pollen is very dark, almost black.

This vine bears fruit annually and has good yields. From an adult plant, approximately 15–20 kg of berries are removed, the shape of which resembles very small kiwis or large gooseberries. Their pulp is very tender, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste and rich aroma

. It is most often compared to the smell of pineapple, although to some it is reminiscent of apples, bananas or apricots. The skin of most varieties is bright green, sometimes with longitudinal dark stripes. But there are also varieties bred by breeders with bright purple edible skin. Average length

fruit - 2–3 cm, width - 1.5–2.8 cm. The berry weighs 4.5–6 g. The harvest ripens at the end of September, fruiting lasts for 2–2.5 weeks. The berries do not fall off the bush for a long time, even if the weather conditions are far from ideal. Fruit different varieties

Arguta actinidia vary greatly in shape and size

Use of fruits Berries are not only tasty, but also very healthy. They contain much more vitamin C than lemons, sea buckthorn and black currants. Also present in high concentrations are vitamins A, P and Q, keratin, organic acids

, flavonoids and saponins. The benefits of heat treatment are not affected in any way, and the characteristic aroma is preserved, so actinidia arguta is excellent for making compotes, preserves, jams, jellies, and other homemade preparations. In this case, you only need to use enamel dishes

without chipping (vitamin C is destroyed upon contact with metal) and store the workpieces in a dark place (sun rays destroy many organic substances).

Heat treatment does not reduce the benefits of actinidia, so it is often used for homemade preparations.

In its homeland, China and Japan, actinidia arguta is widely used in landscape design. It is used to form hedges and “green walls”, which can help disguise some unsightly building on the site. You can also decorate a gazebo, veranda, and so on.

Actinidia arguta is widely used in landscape design

Video: Harvesting actinidia arguta

Modern selection offers a wide variety of Actinidia arguta varieties of domestic and foreign origin. The frost resistance of most of them allows the crop to be grown throughout Russia.


A late variety, the berries ripen in the second ten days of September. The fruits weigh on average 5–6 g, but there are also record holders weighing up to 8 g. The shape is almost a parallelepiped with rounded tops, 2 cm in diameter or a little more.

The fruits of actinidia arguta variety Balsamnaya vary slightly in size

The skin of the berry is smooth, bright Green colour with a brownish undertone. Taste with distinct sourness. The pulp is tender, with a tart aroma, somewhat similar to the smell of pine needles.


One of latest news selection, bred specifically and from nearby regions. The fruits ripen at the very beginning of autumn (mid-late variety).

Actinidia arguta Luna is one of the latest achievements of Russian breeders

The berries are not too large, in the shape of a slightly laterally flattened cylinder. Average weight - 3–4.5 g, length - about 2.5 cm. The skin is smooth, olive in color. The fruit tastes sweet, with a slight refreshing sourness.


One of the most popular varieties among Russian gardeners. The September variety is available in two varieties of actinidia - kolomikta and argut, which differ in characteristics, so when purchasing, you should clarify in advance what exactly you need. The average height of the vine is about 7 m. Flowering is quite long - the buds last 18–25 days. But the productive period is not too long - 30–40 years.

Actinidia arguta September is especially valued for the taste of its fruits

The berries are medium-sized, slightly less than 2 cm long. The skin is a rich emerald color, covered with diagonal stripes of an even darker shade. The pulp is very tender and sweet, the sourness is barely noticeable. The fruit tastes like pineapple, although some find it more like an apple.

Actinidia arguta September is cold-resistant, withstanding frosts down to –40 ºС. The average growth of shoots per season is 1.5–2 m.


Large-fruited female variety late date maturation. The authorship belongs to one of the most famous breeders who worked with actinidia - E.I. Sausage. The liana is distinguished by its growth rate; the bark on the shoots is chocolate brown and matte. The leaves are bright green with a noticeable yellowish tint. Along the central vein they bend slightly inward.

Actinidia arguta Primorskaya is one of the achievements of breeder E.I. Kolbasina

Average weight berries - 7–8 g, length - about 2.5–3 cm. The shape is cylindrical, elongated, with a rounded base and top. The skin is glossy, shiny, quite dense, lime-colored, covered with different-sized tubercles that are clearly noticeable to the touch. The taste of the pulp is balanced, sweet and sour. It has a distinct aroma reminiscent of apples. Professional tasters rate it 4.5 out of five. The fruiting period extends for 3–4 weeks.

Frost resistance of this variety is within –20 ºС. It does not suffer from diseases and is extremely rarely affected by pests. For fruiting to occur, male plants are required. Even better if there are bee hives nearby.


One of the most popular varieties of actinidia arguta in the world comes from the USA. Self-sterile, requiring male plants for pollination. Belongs to the late-ripening category (the harvest ripens in the last ten days of September or early October). The berries are large, barrel-shaped, the average weight of the fruit is 6–8.5 g. Well tolerated winter cold to –30 ºС, but can be severely damaged by returning spring frosts. It differs in size: the average length of the vine is 8–12 m; if regular pruning is not carried out, it reaches 30 m.

The fruits of Actinidia arguta Geneva are almost the standard of taste

As the shoots mature, they change color from pale gray to brownish brown. When the flowers bloom, the snow-white petals contrast effectively with the bright scarlet stamens.

The berries are sweet, with a slightly noticeable sourness. The shape is ovoid, slightly elongated. Honey notes are clearly felt in the taste and aroma. Geneva for actinidia is practically the standard of taste. But the fruits need to be collected on time; they quickly soften and fall off the shoots. The skin is thin, bright green, and where the sun hits it, blurry crimson or crimson spots appear.

Green balm

Large-fruited (8–10 g) self-sterile variety. The berries are ellipsoidal. They have an unusual balsamic taste. The pulp is sweet, tender, with a slight sourness. Olive skin. The yield is relatively low - 1.5–3 kg per adult plant. Winter hardiness within –25 ºС.

The fruits of Actinidia arguta Green Balsam have an unusual specific taste that not everyone likes


Male variety, universal pollinator for all female varieties of Actinidia arguta. However, it is not suitable for pollinating other actinidia (for example, kolomikta, polygamy). Interspecific pollination does not occur in these plants.

The male variety of actinidia arguta Veiki is a universal pollinator for female vines

The liana is very decorative - the leaves are even, shiny, deep dark green, as if artificial. Petioles are dark scarlet. Frost resistance is not bad - down to –30 ºС. Actinidia Veiki blooms in June. The flowers are small, collected in loose corymbose inflorescences. The plant is sensitive to cold drafts.

There is also a female variety of Actinidia arguta with the same name. You need to clarify in advance what exactly you are buying. The fruits are large, weighing 7–8 g and 3–3.5 cm long. The skin is bright green with a blush. brick color. Fruiting begins in the first ten days of October.

The female variety of actinidia arguta Veiki belongs to the category of late varieties

Issei (or Issai)

The variety of actinidia arguta comes from Japan. The creators position it as self-fertile; of all the currently existing varieties, it has the most rights to this name, but practice shows that the presence of male plants nearby greatly increases the yield.

Actinidia arguta Issei is positioned by its creators as a self-fertile variety

Berries with a pleasant-tasting, sweetish pulp ripen in the last ten days of September. Characterized by a pronounced pineapple aroma. The average length of the fruit is 3–4 cm, weight is 10–15 g. The olive-green skin is covered with short copper fibers.

The vine bears fruit for the first time the next season. It is compact (only 3–4 m long), so it is perfect for small garden plots.

The liana tolerates temperatures down to –25 ºС without harm. It is very sensitive to both drought and waterlogging. The productive life period of the plant is about 30 years. The leaves are 18–23 cm long, dense, velvety to the touch, the color of bottle glass. The flowers are large, 2.5–3 cm in diameter, the petals are cream.


The Actinidia arguta variety comes from Italy. Feature- cylindrical fruits 5.5–6 cm long. The average weight of the berry is 25–30 g. The skin is bright green or lime, very thin. Actinidia Jumbo has virtually no aroma, but the fruits are very sweet and can be stored fresh for quite a long time.

The taste of the pulp is almost indistinguishable from kiwi. The harvest ripens in the last ten days of September or early October.

Actinidia arguta Jumbo has good transportability and a long shelf life The average length of the vine is 8–9 m. Flowering is short - lasts only 7–10 days. Frost resistance within –30 ºС. For fruiting, the presence of an actinidia pollinator (Weiki, Bayern Kiwi) is required.

Golden braid

Actinidia arguta variety of Russian selection. It is distinguished by very high winter hardiness, down to –40 ºС. The berries are sweet, of medium weight (9–10 g), the pulp has a pleasant apple aroma. The skin is smooth, matte, greenish-yellow. The shape is elliptical, slightly elongated.

Actinidia arguta Golden braid is distinguished by its very high frost resistance

The liana is powerful, the leaves are large, rich green. From a distance they appear almost black. It can reach a length of 28–30 m, adding 2–3 m annually. It blooms quite late - in the last days of June. The petals are greenish-white, the diameter of the flower is about 2 cm.


Another Japanese variety, positioned as self-pollinating, belongs to the medium-late category. The harvest ripens in mid-September. Cold resistance - within –20–22 ºС. Kokuva has a very negative attitude towards groundwater stagnation and soil acidification.

The actinidia arguta liana Kokuva is compact and suitable for growing in small areas. garden plots

The liana reaches a length of 5–6 m, annual growth is 1.5–2 m. The fruits are sweet, with barely perceptible sourness and a pronounced lemon aroma. The skin is thin. The berries are small, elongated, up to 2–2.5 cm long. They are stored for quite a long time.

Relay race

A very powerful plant with large, rich green leaves. As the plant matures, the shoots change color from light green to brick. Frost resistance down to –30–35 ºС.

Actinidia arguta variety Relay is a plant with very powerful leaves

The fruits weighing 15–18 g have the shape of a laterally flattened ellipse. The skin is matte, greenish-brown. The pulp is sweet, the aroma is a cross between pineapple and strawberry. Even completely ripe berries do not fall off the shoots.

Taiga emerald

A variety of Russian selection, ripening in September. The berries are medium-sized, cylindrical in shape, weighing 3.5–4 g and 2–2.5 cm long. The skin is matte, dark green. The taste and aroma of this actinidia resembles garden strawberries.

The average height of the vine is small - 3–4 m. The leaves are one-dimensional, bright green. Frost resistance within –28–30 ºС. The variety is not self-fertile. Tolerates bright sunlight and partial shade without problems. Not inhibited by larger plants.


A variety of actinidia arguta, sometimes found under the abbreviated name Anna. It is distinguished by high yield, excellent taste of fruits and their good transportability. The variety owes its name to the characteristic, pronounced aroma inherent in the pulp. The taste of the oval berries is pleasant, sweet and sour, very reminiscent of kiwi. The skin is thin, the seeds are small, you can hardly feel them. Where the sun's rays hit the fruit, a pinkish-scarlet blush forms.

Actinidia arguta Pineapple is practically devoid of core and seeds

The length of the vine is up to 10 m. Fruiting occurs in the second ten days of October. The average yield is 5–7 kg per adult plant.

Viti Kiwi

A self-fertile variety cultivated by both amateur gardeners and professional farmers. The skin is light green, shiny, the shape of the fruit is regular, oval. The first harvest is harvested already in the second season of being in the open ground. The presence of male plants nearby helps to enlarge the berries and increase the yield.

The fruits of Actinidia arguta variety Viti Kiwi have no seeds

The liana grows up to 8–10 m in length. The harvest ripens in late September, and the plant blooms at the very end of spring. Frost resistance - up to –24–26 ºС. It has a very negative attitude towards soil acidification and cold drafts.

Purple garden

An achievement of Ukrainian breeders, which has become widely known not only in the countries of the former USSR, but also abroad. The plant can be either female or male. The name of the variety is due to the unusual rich burgundy shade of the skin. The fruits are one-dimensional, cylindrical in shape, up to 4 cm long and weighing 5–6 g. The pulp is the same shade as the thin skin. Even completely ripe berries do not fall off.

Actinidia arguta Purple garden fully lives up to its name

The liana tolerates frosts down to –25 ºС without damage. The average length is 3–5 m. The shoots are thin, dark brown in color. The harvest ripens in September or at the very beginning of October.

Video: types of actinidia and the most popular varieties

How to properly plant a plant in the ground

The correct choice of site for actinidia arguta is the key to abundant fruiting in the future. This plant does not tolerate direct sunlight and is often subject to burns. It is better to place the vine in light partial shade. But a deficiency of light and heat is also undesirable - it negatively affects the quantity and taste qualities berries

Actinidia really does not like cold drafts, so at some distance from the plant there should be a natural or artificial barrier covering it from the north.

Actinidia arguta does not like bright sun, especially for young plants

It prefers loose, fairly nutritious, neutral or slightly acidic soil (pH 5.0–6.5). The best option- loam or sandy loam soil. Heavy silt, clay, or peat substrates are absolutely not suitable, as well as places where groundwater is located closer than a meter from the surface of the earth.

The crop can be planted both in spring and autumn. It depends on the climate in a particular region. The first option is optimal for areas with temperate climate, where the weather is unpredictable and winter rarely arrives according to the calendar. The best time is early May, before active sap flow begins.. Autumn planting is suitable for warm subtropics. In this case, you need to be absolutely sure that there are at least two months left before the first frost.

Two-year-old seedlings take root best. You need to purchase them only in specialized stores or nurseries, and not at agricultural fairs, and especially not from hand. This is a guarantee of the quality of planting material. It is desirable that the nursery be located in the same region. In this case planting material already adapted to local climatic and weather conditions.

When making a purchase, give preference to a seedling with a closed root system. The roots of the plant are very fragile. Five minutes in the open air is enough to seriously damage them.

Actinidia arguta seedlings with a closed root system are guaranteed to survive transportation

The optimal depth of the planting hole for actinidia arguta is 65–70 cm with a diameter of 50–60 cm. When planting several plants at the same time, at least two to three meters are left between them, unless the formation of a hedge is planned. In this case, the interval is reduced to 0.5 m. It is necessary to provide space in advance for a trellis, arch, or other support. If you start building it after planting, there is a risk of injuring the roots of the plant.

The planting pit is prepared 15–20 days before the intended planting. A drainage layer at least 10–12 cm thick is required at the bottom. You can use expanded clay, pebbles, ceramic shards, brick chips, and so on. Fertile turf extracted from the pit is mixed with humus (20 l), simple superphosphate (150–180 g) and potassium sulfate (50–70 g). Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with wood ash (1.5 l). Any products containing chlorine are strictly excluded.

The plant also does not like lime; it is not used to normalize the acid-base balance.

At the bottom of the planting pit for actinidia arguta, a thick layer of drainage is required

There is nothing complicated about the landing itself. The procedure looks like this:

  1. 30–40 minutes before planting, the container with actinidia is soaked in water room temperature so that it completely covers the soil. You can add potassium permanganate to it until it turns pale pink or any biostimulant. The first is needed for disinfection, the second is to strengthen the plant’s immunity.
  2. Actinidia is removed from the pot, trying to destroy the earthen lump as little as possible. Make a small depression in the mound at the bottom of the planting hole and place the plant in it.
  3. The hole is carefully filled with small portions of soil. You need enough substrate so that the edge of the pit is level with the surface of the earth. The hole is not formed. This promotes stagnation of water, which actinidia arguta really does not like. The root collar should be located 1–2 cm above the soil level.
  4. The seedling is watered, using 7–10 liters of water. When it's absorbed, trunk circle, approximately the same in diameter as landing pit, cover with peat, humus, sawdust, and freshly cut grass. Or you can cover it with an air-permeable covering material. It is important that the roots of the plant are constantly in the shade for the first month and a half.

It is advisable to protect newly planted actinidia from the sun, this applies to both roots and leaves.

The worst neighbor for actinidia is an apple tree. In general, she does not really like fruit-bearing trees and can even “strangle” them. It is placed next to currant bushes. Any legumes that loosen the soil and saturate it with nitrogen are also useful. Actinidia arguta looks impressive surrounded by bright annual flowers - marigolds, violas, asters, gerberas, petunias. They are not “competitors” for it, sucking nutrients from the soil.

Actinidia arguta planted in the ground must be surrounded with a net or another obstacle must be created to protect it from cats.

Video: how to plant actinidia correctly

Actinidia arguta is rightfully considered unpretentious plant. Even those who do not have extensive gardening experience can take care of it and regularly get a harvest.


It is important to find a middle ground here. The plant reacts negatively to both drying out and waterlogging of the soil. Either one or the other could destroy him. Therefore, the intervals between waterings are adjusted depending on the weather outside.

In extreme heat mature plant consume 60–80 liters of water every 5–7 days.

Each time after watering, the soil in the tree trunk circle is loosened, but not deeply. Renew the mulch layer as necessary. Root system The plant is superficial, so you need to handle it carefully.

The preferred method is sprinkling or watering from a watering can, simulating natural precipitation. In extreme heat, it is advisable to additionally spray the leaves in the evenings.

Fertilizer application

Actinidia is fed three times a year. Fertilizers are applied for the first time in mid-April. 20–25 g of urea is distributed along the tree trunk circle, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate in dry form. Once every two years, in the process of loosening the soil, humus or rotted manure (15–20 l) is introduced.

Urea has a long-lasting effect, so it releases slowly garden plants mineral components

For fruit ripening, plants need phosphorus and potassium. 45–60 g of simple superphosphate and 25–30 g of potassium sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of water and watered over the vine. The same feeding is repeated in the fall, 12–15 days after the end of fruiting. In the second case, you can use complex preparations (ABA, Autumn) or infusion wood ash(two-liter jar for 5 liters of boiling water).

Wood ash - absolutely natural fertilizer, a natural source of potassium and phosphorus

Preparing for winter

Actinidia arguta aged five years and older does not need special preparation for winter. It is enough to clear the tree trunk circle of plant debris and renew the layer of mulch, bringing its thickness to 12–15 cm.

Most varieties of actinidia arguta have good frost resistance, so only young plants need shelter for the winter

Young plants are removed from the trellises, carefully laying out the shoots on the ground. They are sprinkled with fallen leaves, straw, covered with spruce branches and covered with breathable covering material. As soon as enough snow falls, they throw it over the resulting structure, creating a snowdrift. In winter it will settle, so it will need to be renewed 2-3 times a season, breaking the crust of hard crust that forms on the surface.

Having lost its leaves in the fall, Actinidia arguta looks rather unattractive


Since the vine differs in its growth rate, pruning for it is a strictly mandatory annual procedure. Such plants look much neater and more attractive. Any manipulations during sap flow are strictly prohibited. Pruning is carried out when the leaves fall (about a month before frost) or towards the end of winter, so that the “wounds” have time to heal slightly.

To trim actinidia, use only a sharpened, disinfected tool.

The procedure is carried out for the first time in the third season after planting the seedling in the ground.. Be sure to remove all dried, broken, non-fruiting shoots, as well as poorly located ones (thickening the crown, growing downwards). The rest are cut back by about a third, stimulating further branching. They are fixed on a trellis, directed vertically upward or creating a structure similar to a fan. The next year the shoots are placed perpendicular to this.

Pruning is an important part proper care behind actinidia

Anti-aging pruning is carried out every 8–10 years. All shoots older than this age are removed, leaving 20–30 cm “stumps”.

Video: caring for actinidia

Diseases and pests

Harmful insects, as a rule, do not deign actinidia with their attention. The main danger for it are cats, which can seriously damage the shoots and roots of the plant, trying to get to the juice.

The plant also rarely suffers from diseases. Mostly can develop different kinds rot, mold, caused by frequent waterlogging of the soil. To combat them, Bordeaux mixture is used, copper sulfate and other fungicides.

DESCRIPTION: Decorative foliage and decorative flowering plant. Height up to 20-25 m. The largest woody liana of the Far Eastern forests. Forms a very decorative crown; wraps around the support. The shoots are smooth, light gray.

Leaves are 6-15 cm long and 3-10 cm wide, round-ovate or broadly ovate, dense, dark green above, shiny, light below. The beginning of leaf blooming is the first ten days of May, mass leaf fall is mid-October. The duration of the period is 167 days (from May 2 to October 15).

The flowers are dioecious, fragrant, greenish-white; staminate - 1.2-2 cm, pistillate - 1.2-1.6 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs from the end of June to the first half of July (June 26 - July 12, duration - 17 days).

Fruits are 1.5-3.0 cm long and 1.2-2.7 cm wide, of various shapes - oblong, spherical, round; ripe fruits are dark green, sweet, with a specific taste. Fruit ripening is from late September to mid-October.

Propagated by seeds and vegetatively (by layering and cuttings - lignified and green) (Denisov, 1998). The best time to sow seeds is autumn and early spring. Seeds must be stratified for 45-60 days before spring sowing. The seeding depth is minimal - cover with a very thin layer of soil (“spray”). Autumn sowing with freshly harvested seeds (fruits) is effective. Seedlings need shading. According to L.N. Slizik (1978, 1979), cuttings should be carried out on July 1, followed by treatment with a heteroauxin solution and planting in sand; Rooting period for cuttings is 25 days. Sowing of seeds is carried out after stratification under a variable regime: 1-2 months at a temperature of 18-23°C, 1-2 months at 2-5°C. M.G. Nikolaeva et al. (1985) indicate that during seed stratification, three stages must pass: 1) temperature 18-20°C for 2 months; 2) 3-5°C - 2 months; 3) 13-15°C - 1 month.

Promising for all types vertical gardening: hedges, gazebos, etc., as well as cultivation in garden plots, in parks on a vertical trellis.
Agricultural technology

Actinidia love moist, loose soil. When young they are shade tolerant, but as they grow they require more and more sun. In dense shade, they may not produce the harvest you expect.

Preferably autumn planting. We plant rooted cuttings in open ground, while not digging up the soil.

We make supports for plants from metal pipes. It is known from experience that wooden ones will not last long, and the plants will be left without support. The supports must be at least 2 m high (optimally 2.5).

Pruning actinidia has its own characteristics. Like grapes, they cannot be pruned while the sap is flowing. This is done in early autumn or winter so that the wounds have time to heal slightly. The main directions are rejuvenation - rejuvenation and crown formation.

However, in the garden bushes can grow completely outside the rules.
Lianas (kolomikta and arguta) grow into a huge wall, completely displacing the row of ginseng. And, judging by their growth and fruiting, they are quite happy with this state of affairs. You don’t have to trim or feed. In this case, you will feel the wild nature that this plant creates, especially suitable in hot weather.
Harvesting actinidia

Actinidia kolomikta bears fruit annually. During the period of full fruiting, the average yield from the vine is more than 7 kg.

Berries in the shade ripen much earlier than in the sun. This is due to the accumulation of vitamin C in fruits: it accumulates faster in the shade.

Actinidia berries begin to ripen at the end of August and beginning of September at different times (within 15-20 days), which makes harvesting difficult. Ripe fruits become darker green or slightly yellowish, some become translucent, so that small seeds can be seen through the walls of the fruit.

There are vines from which ripe berries do not fall off. However, often ripened actinidia fruits crumble and break if they fall on a hard surface. During the period of ripening of berries, you can hang a cloth or lay kraft paper under the vine, but this is not always convenient.

You can also do this: wait a week after the first actinidia berries begin to ripen, and then remove all the berries from the vine. They ripen in the shade, in a ventilated area without foreign odors. This will take no more than a week.

However, when ripening, the wonderful aroma and taste of actinidia berries are somewhat lost; still the most delicious berries those that ripened naturally and fell from the vine.

Under no circumstances should you ripen and dry washed actinidia berries in the sun - they will “cook”, become yellow and tasteless.

The fruits of Actinidia kolomikta contain more vitamin C than blackcurrants and lemons combined! “A handful of berries are vitamins for the year,” they say about actinidia.

When the berries begin to ripen en masse, collect them and sort them by ripeness. Actinidia berries can be consumed fresh; you can make jam, jam, juice, wine, compote, and jelly from them. You can wilt the fruits. I recommend using ripe, soft, crumbled actinidia berries for wine fermentation and making wine; do not wash them.
Actinidia pests

The most important pests of actinidia are cats. Therefore, until the age of five to six years, actinidia need to be protected with a net.

Beauty in the garden

Actinidia are very decorative. In the first half of summer, white and light pink spots, and sometimes bright crimson, appear on the leaves of kolomikta. After flowering, the variegated color fades somewhat, but does not disappear. For decorative purposes, the vine is suitable for creating partitions that divide an area into zones. It can be placed along the front lattice fence, or fenced off from the neighboring area. Actinidia is organic in landscaping arbors and trunks of dried trees. With its powerful stems - vines, moving from tree to tree, actinidia gives the garden a tropical flavor.
Winter hardiness is high. In the south of Primorye it grows in harsh climatic conditions. The requirements for soil conditions are optimal. Very demanding on soil moisture. Shade-tolerant. Affected by sunburn. Growth rate is optimal (average). Anthropogenic factors significantly reduce the distribution and abundance of vines in natural habitats. Particularly destructive are fires, “scorches”, development of territory for the construction of facilities, and unregulated harvesting of fruits. In urban conditions it grows normally. Smoke and gas resistance is average.

Homeland - CIS (Primorsky Territory - southern regions, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands - south), China, DPRK, Japan. The northern border of the range runs in the Primorsky Territory through Spassky, Kirovsky, Chuguevsky, Lazovsky districts. Available in the collection of the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Actinidia kolomikta:

Jobs of the month.

Spring- best time for planting actinidia seedlings. Roots begin to develop as the soil thaws.

The plant is very decorative and grows well near buildings on the northwest or northeast side on a trellis or pergola. The liana quickly wraps around them and provides good shade. And in June, shortly before flowering, some leaves turn white and crimson. This phenomenon is called variegation and is a biological feature of the plant. Moreover, male vines are more often colored.

In actinidia growing in partial shade, the berries accumulate vitamins and ripen faster. However, in more northern areas under such conditions with improper feeding The vines do not ripen and may be damaged by frost. To avoid this, stop fertilizing (no more than half the dose) by mid-July.

It is enough to mulch shaded actinidia in the spring with rotted leaf compost or vermicompost. But in sunny areas, young plants need to be shaded with shields or taller annuals and constantly ensure that the mulch is not depleted.

Actinidia prefers moist, fertile, sandy and loamy soils. Prepare planting holes 50-60 cm wide and 60-70 cm deep at a distance of 2 m from each other. To begin, lay the drainage and add 8-10 kg of vermicompost, humus, peat or compost. When planting, actinidia seedlings need to be buried, leaving 2-3 buds on the surface. The planting hole should be filled with fertile soil with a layer of 10 cm, then with a mixture of equal parts of humus, sand and soil with a layer of 20-30 cm. After this, water the seedlings generously and mulch with peat or compost.
Since actinidia is a dioecious plant, it is necessary to plant both female and male specimens.

In early April, during the period of bud break, actinidia needs to be fed (except for recently planted plants). Place a 5 cm layer of rotted manure around the plants. This mulch suppresses the growth of weeds, provides oxygen access to the roots, serves as fertilizer and retains moisture.

Immediately after planting, install supports. The most common system for forming vines is a vertical cordon, when plants are placed on a trellis in the same vertical plane. Pull the bottom wire at a height of 60cm, the top -2.5 m, the rest at your discretion.

Within middle zone Actinidia is not susceptible to disease and does not have any significant pests other than domestic cats. They can completely destroy young vines. A cage made of nylon threads will help save them.

The first years after planting, actinidia grow slowly. They begin to bear fruit at 5-6 years. Last year's lower branches can be used for propagation by layering. To do this, in April, place the upper part of the shoot in a groove 5-7 cm deep and press it with hooks.

Tie emerging young shoots to stakes, sprinkle with soil, and then compact it at the base of each new shoot. Layers take root quite easily. By autumn next year you will have plants ready for planting in a permanent location.

Actinidia kolomikta:

Jobs of the month.

On warm May days, actinidia begins to grow rapidly. The main task is to protect the plant from frost, which is often observed in the 20th. Young vines that have not yet begun to bear fruit suffer especially. Cover the entire trellis before freezing.

In the evening, when the temperature drops below +9 degrees. fumigate the actinidia with a smoke bomb. Since other plants are also blooming at this time, the protection will be comprehensive.

If this is not done, then adult vines will recover after severe frosts, but do not expect a harvest. Young plants that have never bear fruit grow only from buds located underground.

After flowering, feed actinidia with diluted chicken droppings(1:20) or cow (1:10) 2-3 buckets per vine

Actinidia kolomikta:
work in June-July
(for middle zone gardening)

It is possible to distinguish a male plant from a female one only during flowering. This happens quite late, when the danger of frost has passed. Flowers on male vines have only stamens, collected in large inflorescences of 12-17 pieces. Female vines have small inflorescences (1-3 flowers), a small ovary is clearly visible, and there are stamens and a pistil. However, own pollen is rarely capable of pollination. There are self-fertile vines, their stamens are at the level of the pistil. But they are also without male plant produce few berries.
Fragrant flowers tilted downwards like an unfolded umbrella and are not afraid of warm rain. They are perfectly pollinated by wild bees and bumblebees.

If you need to get rooted cuttings, in the first half of June, when the young growing shoots of actinidia reach 15-20 cm, spread them on the soil and sprinkle them. For normal growth, be sure to leave the top of the shoot above the soil surface.
Make sure the soil under the vines is moist and loose. Young seedlings especially need this. If the summer is dry, do not forget about regular watering. With a lack of moisture, vines are stunted in growth and shed their leaves.
Recipes for using actinidia fruits

Actinidia berries, pureed with sugar

“Raw” jam” is the most valuable product of actinidia processing. Do not give your child a lot of this jam (it acts as a mild laxative), it can cause intestinal upset.

Wash hard and slightly soft fruits in two waters and remove the “tails”. Dry them in the shade and let them ripen.

Mash the ripe actinidia fruits with a wooden pestle and add sugar at the rate: for 1 kg of berries - 2 kg of sugar. Package in dark liter sterile jars no more than 3/4 of the volume, and better - no more than 0.5 liters (with such a mass, actinidia almost does not ferment, just like black currant). Place the jars in a dark, cool place (no higher than 15 degrees). In this form, actinidia can be stored for 2-3 years, while vitamin “C” is completely preserved.

Use actinidia “raw jam”:

As a component in compotes (actinidia gives drinks a unique taste);

As a filling for pies, sweets;

As a cure for constipation (best folk remedy you won’t find it) - take a teaspoon of jam every day;

As a heart remedy (used similarly to valerian, but has a weaker and milder effect);

Actinidia dried

Dry ripe fruits, peeled from stalks and perianth remains, in an oven or in the oven at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Dried actinidia berries have a pleasant sour taste, similar to raisins.

Store dried fruits in compressed form, wrapped in cellophane.

Actinidia compote

Wash the fruits, remove the stalks, place them in jars up to the shoulders and pour boiling syrup (250-300 g of sugar per liter of water). At a temperature of 80 degrees, pasteurize: half-liter jars - 10 minutes, liter jars - 15 minutes.

Actinidia fruit wine

Weigh ripe, soft, unwashed berries. In an enamel or porcelain bowl (to avoid oxidation), mash the fruits with a spoon made of of stainless steel or a wooden pestle. It is almost impossible to squeeze juice from fresh actinidia berries. Pour water into the container with the fruits - an amount equal to the weight of the berries, stir.

Measure out the sugar - approximately 1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit. Such a large amount of sugar is necessary due to the significant content of vitamin C in the berries, otherwise the wine will be sour and quickly spoil.

It is better to add sugar in two steps: add the first part immediately, and the second part on the 4-5th day of vigorous fermentation.

Fill the bottle no more than 2/3 full with a mixture of berries, water and sugar. Place a rubber ball (or a medical glove) over the neck of the bottle and pierce a hole with a needle to remove carbon dioxide.

It is best to make a wine starter from fallen ripe berries 7 days before installing the main amount of wort for fermentation. Grind them and mix with water and a little sugar. Pour the fermented starter into a bottle with the main amount of wort.

Place the bottle in semi-darkness.

After vigorous fermentation, when the pulp stops moving in the bottle, pour the wort into another bottle, pouring it to the very edge. Close the neck with a rubber ball. Quiet fermentation of the wine begins; it lasts a long time - 3-4 months.

When the wine is almost clear, drain it from the sediment using a tube, taste it and add sugar if necessary. Young golden yellow wine from actinidia is light, moderately sweet and slightly bitter.

Pour the wine into clean, sterile bottles as completely as possible and close them tightly. Store it at a temperature of +10-15 degrees until completely clarified.

But it is better to drink this wine after 2-3 years of aging - then the sugar is no longer felt in it, it acquires the unique taste and aroma of a good vintage Muscat wine. The older the wine, the darker and tastier it is, the richer the bouquet.

Actinidia wine is medicinal - it contains a huge amount of vitamin C and healing substances.