The facade of the house is made of bricks of different colors. Photos of brick houses and cottages - choosing a facade

Brick, along with stone and wood, has been used for construction since ancient times. After all, it is a durable and aesthetically attractive material that is convenient to work with. Among the historical buildings of the old cities, many beautiful red brick houses have been preserved.

And even now, with the advent of new construction technologies, many continue to prefer this material. This is due to its many advantages - first of all, beauty. However, this is not his only positive quality.

Advantages of using bricks

Buildings whose structural foundation is brick differ from their reinforced concrete counterparts. They have a special microclimate inside - such structures are usually said to “breathe”. Thanks to the comfortable level of humidity, these buildings are pleasant to be in.

Another significant advantage is the good soundproofing properties of this material. About modern panel houses They often say that they can clearly hear what is happening behind the wall. This is not typical for brick structures.

In addition to the above aspects, their feature is strength and durability. Well-made masonry can stand for more than a hundred years without losing either its solidity or beauty. It is resistant to both precipitation and temperature changes.

To build a house out of brick means to create a reliable and durable home that will serve not only you, but also your children.

Disadvantages of this material

But, of course, brick also has its drawbacks, especially when compared with modern materials. The latter allow buildings to be erected very quickly, almost before our eyes. This incredible speed is the result of the rapid progress that is moving the field forward.

So even a one-story brick house will require considerable time to build. And it will be more expensive than, for example, the construction of a similar frame cottage. Not to mention that working with brick is considered relatively difficult and requires special conditions. IN winter period work will have to be suspended.

Another significant circumstance is that according to construction standards in Russia external walls brick buildings must be very thick to ensure the necessary temperature inside in winter. Thermal insulation properties bricks are far from perfect.

To ensure an acceptable level of heat loss, it is necessary to erect a wall at least 640 mm thick, not counting the insulation and facing layer! Or, alternatively, you can use brick walls without additional layers - but then their thickness will have to exceed a meter.

Such massive walls take up a lot of space and require a significant amount of raw materials for their construction. Do not forget about their considerable weight, which implies the need for a powerful foundation.

Thus, choosing from all the variety of possibilities for designing a brick house turns out to be a costly decision, which not everyone is ready to make.

An alternative option is houses with brick finishing

Basically, if you are primarily attracted to appearance brick houses, then you can very well use this solution. Take, for example, aerated concrete as a structural basis - and only then, at the stage of finishing the facades, give it a look so dear to your heart.

Sometimes, looking at a photo of a brick house, we have no idea that its foundation is based on a completely different, more modern and economical design solution.

Planning features of cottages made of this material

The masonry has a row distinctive features, which also influence the layout. First of all, as mentioned above, it takes up quite a lot of space. External walls are made wide for reasons of thermal insulation requirements. And part of the internal walls takes the load from the floors - the so-called “load-bearing” walls. And their thickness is 380 mm.

There are, of course, partitions inside the house on which no additional load is placed - these are usually made only one brick thick, 120 mm. However, in total, brick walls “eat up” quite a large part of the usable area of ​​the building.

Secondly, buildings made from this raw material belong to the type of buildings whose layout is determined by design considerations. The load-bearing wall must be located in the place where the structure requires it. Its position can be slightly adjusted - but it cannot be removed at all, even if you really want to make a large living room combined with a dining room and kitchen.

In this sense they differ frame houses- columns are a constant in them, but any partitions can be installed between them. Or not install it, leaving one large space.

However, this second quality of brick houses does not interfere too much with designing and building excellent housing with comfortable and varied layouts.

The artistic possibilities of brick

This material goes well with a wide variety of architectural styles. You can find photos of brick houses that are visually completely different from each other - so much so that it’s even surprising to realize their commonality.

Formal houses of classical styles often use brick in combination with plaster and stone, as well as decorative details - pilasters, platbands, cornices. In this option, the beauty of the brickwork is often not shown off.

Some styles, on the contrary, readily demonstrate brick surfaces - these are Gothic, Art Nouveau, Russian style. In such cases, the brick itself can become the starting material for creating architectural details.

Modern trends also pay tribute to the beauty of masonry - within the framework of minimalism or high-tech, it can be actively used to create an expressive contrast with smooth plastered surfaces or rough concrete.

In some combinations this can look impressive - the work of professional architects sometimes looks truly impressive.

However, at the moment, as mentioned above, to create appropriate artistic effects, houses are often faced with brick, using some other material as a structural basis.

Photos of brick houses

Building a house – important point in the life of every person if he plans to build a cozy home with his own hands. At the initial stage, the appearance of a one-story or two-story building, corresponding to the aesthetic preferences of the future owner. You can see the photo beautiful houses and cottages made of red or yellow color, borrowing some ideas or projects entirely for personal needs. Original and standard, with different layouts and types of windows - everything for the comfort of residents.

Attractive appearance and practicality

Build country houses made of brick can be according to a pre-designed scheme, in which main role play convenient layout and facade. In the process, do not forget about rationality.

Traveling outside the city, you can see many one-story or two-story houses built from brick - an accessible, inexpensive and practical material.

Roof coverings are predominantly of a complex type, there are arched and panoramic windows, the roof has intricate turrets and sharp spiers. Beautiful one-story brick houses look impressive as a project on paper or a three-dimensional model on a computer monitor, but energy bills and building maintenance sometimes stun even wealthy owners. If the owner is not embarrassed by this fact at the design stage, then construction can begin.

Beautiful houses made of brick should:

  • distinguished by stylish facades;
  • match the surrounding landscape (red or yellow decorative bricks are used, as well as other exclusive options);
  • be comfortable for living.

It is advisable to avoid pretentiousness and too catchy details. Shown in the photo beautiful house made of red brick, which looks very harmonious with the surrounding space against the backdrop of a green lawn.

Projects with horizontal windows

Impressive window openings become not only spectacular decoration facades of one-story or two-story houses, but also fill the interior of the room with the necessary amount of light. Horizontal windows in tandem with a similar orientation of the building will give an excellent result - beautiful brick houses in the photo of this type are presented below.

Country two-storey house can be designed not only using panoramic window openings, solid walls made of glass will be very beautiful. One of the exclusive façade options can be seen in the photo.

Windows can be located in two rows, one strictly below the other with complete matching sizes.

Projects of one-story houses with a garage

Country cottages are planned taking into account various configurations. Often the plan includes a garage connected to the main part of the house by an additional corridor. Special requirements for construction relate primarily to the roof slope. The angle of inclination should be average. Other options will not bring a positive result:

  • a small angle of inclination will turn a brick house into a squat and bulky one;
  • a large angle will disrupt the proportions, the building will seem unfinished.

Beautiful facades of brick houses will be obtained if the angle of the roof slopes is 40 degrees.

Roof shape of a beautiful brick house

The roof is an architectural continuation of the building, displaying it general style. If it is beautiful, even the most ordinary facade will be transformed and become spectacular. The following types of roofs are distinguished:

  • pitched;
  • flat;
  • non-standard shape.

The latter type may be the creation of the imagination of a specialist drawing up a project for a beautiful brick house. It can be built according to any scheme, but careful calculations must be present. The roof holds up the walls of the house, and if it is installed incorrectly, such a house cannot be durable.

Projects often use hip, hip, or multi-gable roofing. Each option makes it possible to build a beautiful brick house without compromising its practicality. The first and second options have four slopes, only the hip roof is made in the form of isosceles triangles, and the hip roof has two in the shape of a trapezoid. The multi-gable (valley) roof is one of the most complex structures, but the results are really very beautiful two-story houses made of brick, as can be seen in the photo. A large number of valleys (internal corners located at the junction of slopes) and external ribs in such projects complicate the work of specialists; such construction requires large financial investments.

What brick colors are welcome?

Buildings can be of various shapes and configurations. Do not forget about the shades of the main building material - brick. Beautiful designs of brick houses, which you can build yourself or with the help of specialists, allow the imagination of the future owner to completely guide the process.

The color of the brick can be red or yellow, and have a decorative texture (meaning the facing option). When choosing a material manufacturer from whom you will purchase, you should pay attention to the quality of the product. Yellow or red brick can fade in the sun, and traces of efflorescence remain on it after heavy rains. Beautiful houses are made from dark shades of brick, white and multi-colored, alternating layers or in a checkerboard pattern.

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The first impression of the house and its owners is formed even with a fleeting glance at the home. By the facade of the house one can judge not only the taste of the owners, but also their lifestyle and preferences. Perhaps this is why brick does not lose popularity in suburban housing construction, allowing the creation of original and reliable buildings.

In modern construction, brick cladding of the facade with various types of material is a popular way to solve three problems at once - strengthen, insulate and give an attractive appearance to suburban housing. Beautiful brick houses serve as a source of admiration for friends, mild annoyance for neighbors, and an excellent backdrop for selfies.

Light clinker brick in the decoration of a country cottage

Types of facing bricks

Material used for finishing façade walls, has different names: front, facade, facing. It takes on the influence of the environment, so it must have special technical characteristics. Several types of products are used in construction, differing in composition, production method and performance characteristics: ceramic, silicate, clinker and hyperpressed. If the shape of the product differs from the traditional rectangular one, then such a brick is called shaped.


Clinker is one of the the best materials for finishing the facade. For its production, a unique technology and a special type of clay are used, which is fired in a kiln at temperatures above 1000°C. The advantages of clinker products are:

    Strength. The abrasion resistance of the material exceeds the characteristics of high-quality concrete.

    Durability. The cladding will retain its qualities for at least a hundred years.

Far from a complete collection of clinker varieties

    Moisture absorption. Thanks to the firing conditions, it is only 8% (ordinary brick absorbs up to 15-25% of water).

    Frost resistance. The material has a frost resistance coefficient of F300 and is designed for 250-300 freeze-thaw cycles. Products with a glazed surface (completely moisture resistant) are the most frost-resistant.

    Decorative qualities. Additives introduced into clay during the production process provide about a hundred shades, from beige-yellow to dark brown. The front side of the clinker can have a matte, glossy, glazed or corrugated surface.

    Thermal conductivity. Significant, like any stone; is 0.7 W/(m✖ °C).

    Features of masonry. Working with clinker requires skill - the material absorbs moisture gradually, and adhesion to the solution occurs slowly.

A layer of insulation is hidden under the clinker finish

    Color Difference. Even in one batch there are products with different shades, which delays the masonry process - builders have to spend time to beautifully (evenly) distribute dark and light stones along the wall.

    Solution. To lay clinker, a special (and more expensive) solution is required; the usual composition does not provide high-quality masonry, and the cladding may “float”.


The advantages of ceramic facing bricks are:

    Frost resistance. Quality invaluable in northern climates. Along with strength, frost resistance is the main indicator of the durability of a material. The combination of characteristics and price/quality ratio makes ceramic brick an ideal material for Russian weather conditions.

    Strength. Thanks to the small volume of porosity, the masonry is durable and resistant to natural vagaries.

    Diversity. The industry produces products of all kinds, color range and textures. This diversity makes it possible to build beautiful brick houses that imitate ancient buildings and to successfully restore old mansions.

High quality ceramic cladding Russian frosts are not scary

The disadvantages include:

    High price. Bricks undergo multi-stage processing, which affects the final cost (when compared with silicate products).

    Requirement for solution. The masonry mortar must be of high quality, otherwise you should wait for the appearance of efflorescence - a deposit of evaporated mineral salts.

    Color differences. Brick from different batches can vary greatly in tone, which can ruin the appearance of the facade.


This material applies to artificial stones; it is made from cement, limestone and waste from other industries (marble, limestone, dolomite, shell rock), which reduces the cost of products. Hyperpressed brick is highly durable; it is used in finishing the facades of houses, gazebos, fences and garden paths.

Hyper-pressed brick for the most sophisticated taste

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

The facades of brick houses of this type have the following advantages:

    Material strength and correct geometry. Strength parameters exceed those of silicate and ceramic products. The size deviation is no more than 0.5 mm, which saves mortar and reduces laying time.

    Ease of use. Cladding can be done not only simultaneously with the construction of the wall, but also on the finished facade.

    Suitability for cladding. The material has a variety of colors and a wide selection of shaped products. It is frost-resistant, easy to saw and has low water absorption (5-6%). The chipping of the front edges perfectly imitates the texture of natural stone, which benefits a brick façade of any style.

    Strength of masonry. One and a half times higher than ceramic, due to the improved quality of setting with masonry mortar.

    Durability. The masonry will survive most walls - its properties are preserved for 150-200 years.

Fragment of a facade made of hyper-pressed “torn” brick

The main disadvantages of hyperpressed brick are its weight and high heat capacity. These features require strengthening the foundation and insulating the walls, which inevitably leads to an increase in the cost of construction work.


Sand-lime brick finishing is widespread in private housing construction; its popularity is due to several factors:

    Environmental friendliness. The manufacturing materials are sand and lime, safe (from the point of view of health effects) natural raw materials.

    Strength and frost resistance. Important qualities for facade finishing, the service guarantee of which is 50 years.

    Range. Colored and textured are available for cladding sand-lime brick. The color is obtained by adding artificial dyes, in contrast to ceramic products, which obtain the color by mixing several types of clay in different proportions. There are no shaped products.

Sand-lime bricks have a serious drawback - a low threshold of water and heat resistance, which prohibits their use for cladding foundations and chimneys.

White brick façade with contrasting trim

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Brick facade: advantages and disadvantages

Brick has a thousand-year history of use, it was known to the builders of Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire; today both construction and decorative material successfully used in suburban housing construction. Decorative brick is used in internal cladding (for cladding fireplaces and walls) and is a popular material for adjusting the facade.

Benefits brick cladding are:

    Reliability. This is achieved due to the high strength of the material and its resistance to atmospheric conditions (humidity, temperature changes, precipitation, direct sunlight).

    Durability. Brick is not susceptible to biological agents, is not subject to oxidation or corrosion and has a decent service life (50-150 years).

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About the production of clinker products in the following video:

    Practicality. The material has excellent sound insulation qualities, and the insulated facade serves as an excellent heat insulator. Many façade products are made hollow, which also helps retain heat.

    Environmental friendliness. Facing brick - natural material, in the manufacture of which clay and other natural substances are used.

    Range. Present on the market Various types facing products in a wide range color palette, various shapes and textures. Thanks to such diversity and the work of the designer, the facades of brick houses acquire an individual appearance.

The material is not without certain disadvantages:

    Weight. The weight of the brick cladding must be taken into account when calculating the foundation, as it is a significant additional load.

    Solution quality. May affect the strength and appearance of the cladding (formation of efflorescence).

Cottage from yellow brick creates an atmosphere of comfort

Facade cladding options

Cladding brick is a great way to give your country cottage a personal touch. Architects and designers know many options for decorative masonry, based on one technique - highlighting with color. All combinations of color and texture are conventionally divided into two ways:

    Colored layout. A facing brick of one (or more) color is used, and a colored masonry mixture is selected for it, matching the tone or contrasting.

    Used brick of several colors and textures; this allows you to highlight the elements of the facade and emphasize the main lines of the building.

Colored clinker cladding

To get a beautiful house facade, options are chosen based on certain rules:

    The guideline is architectural style country house.

    In order not to lose half of the attractiveness, you should remember that the entrance to the house, the path and the fence with a gate should be single architectural ensemble.

    Most often, an effective and sufficient technique will be highlighting the main elements of the facade with color- corners and windows. Using a material with a different texture or using different types brick dressings.

Painted brick facade

Cladding of wooden houses

Owners of frame and wooden houses made of timber or logs, they often resort to brick cladding as a way not only to decorate a home, but also to increase its service life. The house becomes more solid, acquires a solid appearance and a higher value on the market. The cladding of wooden cottages consists of three stages:

    Home preparation. You need to make sure that the structure can support the additional weight. The structure is inspected and the quality of the floors is checked. Beams with cracks, traces of mold and other damage are replaced with new parts. The facade is treated with antiseptic impregnation and fire retardant (a fire retardant).

    Insulation. It is carried out at will, for which it is used as a thermal insulation material. mineral wool. The material does not interfere with air circulation, allowing wooden facade breathe and extending its service life.

    Cladding works. The facing layer is made with clay or silicate bricks at a distance of about 5 cm from the wall. The masonry is fixed with galvanized pins.

Wooden façade cladding

Cladding of stone and brick buildings

The cladding device for these types of buildings has its own characteristics:

    Insulation. Buildings made of stone and brick can be insulated with materials that do not allow air to pass through well, such as polystyrene foam. If the insulation is done with glass wool, a membrane film is additionally stretched. The thermal insulation material is attached to the wall with disc-shaped dowels.

    Facing. The brickwork is connected to the insulation by securing self-tapping screws to disc dowels.

Video description

About choosing facing bricks in the following video:

Methods for finishing a brick facade

If it is not possible to finish the facade with brick due to limited resources and time (installation of brick cladding is a long and painstaking task), materials that can imitate brickwork will come to the rescue:

    Facade panels or tiles with brick imitation.

    Clinker tiles for brick.

    Brick siding finish.

All these materials are practical and easy to use and maintain. They are used for cladding facade walls and plinths, and decorate openings and facade details. Available on the market big choice shades, shapes and sizes, allowing you to create a brick appearance of a country house that is almost indistinguishable from a real one.

Modern Vacation home in English style

Styles of facades of brick houses

Centuries of the use of brick as a building and facing material led to the emergence of many methods and styles of building design, resulting in beautiful brick facades of private houses, photo different styles We suggest you look below. There are several popular trends in decorating modern brick houses:

    English style. The most popular cottages are those whose facades are made of red brick, although the house is made of brown brick will not be a violation of the canons. The direction is characterized by clear geometric shapes, restraint in palette and decor, precise proportions and a small, neat porch. Modern english houses they still do without a basement, but the attic is an indispensable component of the image.

    Gothic style. A country cottage in the Gothic style is a personal fortress with all (unlike its medieval predecessors) amenities and external attributes: strict lines of the facade, forged elements and a facade lined with brick. The rougher the material, the more brutal the building looks. The brick can be any color; To enhance the effect, the color of the roof and trim is selected in contrast.

Brick cottage in Provence style

    Country or Provence. Both styles bear the features of freestyle country life and look cozy and elegant; In design, brick is often combined with plaster and wood. It is traditional to distinguish brick facades by shades. For houses in the Provence style, cold tones (gray, bluish, white) are often chosen; for a facade in the country style - warm, from delicate beige and Ivory, to a rich curry.

    European style. It combines traditions from several European countries, including Germany, Denmark, Austria and the Netherlands. Most often, the facades of European-style cottages combine elements of half-timbering (medieval technology) with stone, plaster and brick. The facades of houses with gray and light bricks look practical and respectable.

European style - fabulously cozy and practical

    Historical direction. Brick facades of houses made in Romanesque or classic style, Rococo, Baroque or Art Nouveau style, look luxurious and majestic, but require the involvement of an experienced architect who can maintain the correct proportions and overall design.

    Modern styles . These include constructivism, minimalism, hi-tech and eclecticism, which is fashionable today. The facades of such houses have their own characteristics and can be decorated with thousands of different ways, and brick will look appropriate everywhere. In exterior design, brick facades are often painted. This can be done on brick, immediately after the masonry has dried, or after plastering the surface.

Modern project - brick cladding and panoramic glazing


Despite the variety of modern techniques suburban construction, brick facades continue to attract with their timeless elegance and reliability in operation. Using brick in exterior decor is a practical way to give your home a beautiful appearance and positive emotions for yourself.

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Brick is used not only as a building material. It perfectly performs the functions of facade finishing. It would seem that no one would be surprised by a brick facade, but modern manufacturers of this material have learned to create not only durable specimens, but also interesting shape, textures, and colors.

From the name it follows that the material is used for cladding a house. They are also called front or façade, but this does not mean that manufacturers put strength characteristics into the background.

The brick used to decorate the walls outside must also have good strength indicators. This is due to the fact that the facade is constantly exposed to serious loads, such as:

  • Mechanical damage (shocks, gusts of wind).
  • Changes in ambient temperature.
  • Atmospheric precipitation, which means regular high humidity.
  • Ultraviolet radiation.
  • Biological effects (mold, fungus, insects, rodents).

Thanks to special manufacturing technologies, a brick facade is able to withstand all the above loads. At the same time, the material retains its attractive appearance for a long time without unnecessary maintenance costs.

Advantages and disadvantages of this finish

When choosing materials for decorating a facade, you should definitely study all the pros and cons of one or another option. Consult with professionals, contact home owners who have chosen the same finish and know how the material behaves. Internet forums are also suitable. It is advisable to visit third-party sites, and not the online store of any manufacturer.

As for brick cladding, the following advantages are highlighted:

  1. High moisture repellency.
  2. Durability and reliability.
  3. Frost resistance of the structure.
  4. Vapor permeability.
  5. Fire and environmental safety.
  6. Long service life of 50 years.
  7. Self-cleaning - dust and dirt are washed away by rainwater.
  8. Easy care.
  9. Versatility of use - suitable for both outdoor and indoor decoration.
  10. Large selection of shades and factor.

Of course, there are several disadvantages, like any other finishing material.
Let's get acquainted with them:

  • High price.
  • Low-quality products are covered with a white coating (efflorescence).
  • It is important to buy the right amount of bricks from one batch, otherwise the elements will differ in color. Although some people specifically buy 2-3 shades and mix the elements during the styling process. Thus, a unique pattern is created on the facade.

After evaluating the information received, everyone decides for themselves whether this option is suitable or not.

When is it possible and when not to cladding walls with brick?

But there are several points that do not allow the use of brick

  1. Low foundation strength. Brick is still a heavy material and requires a reliable foundation. Therefore, if at first it was planned to build frame house with light cladding, but during operation it was decided to make the cladding out of brick, then you will have to build an additional foundation exclusively for the finishing wall.
  2. Affects the choice of cladding and strength load-bearing wall. The vertical brick is connected to the supporting structure so that it does not fall to one side or the other. This means that the main wall must withstand additional load. A gas silicate base is suitable.
  3. The need to remodel the roof also weighs heavily when choosing brick facade. Finished roof will not be able to protect the new design.

All these nuances significantly increase the price of an already expensive cladding. If the house is old and cannot withstand such loads, then it is better to use easier options for repairs, for example, basement siding with imitation brick or ceramic tile for the facade. A curtain façade is used.

It is better if the brick facade is included in the design of the new house. Then when constructing facing wall there will be no unexpected costs or situations arising from the drawing. Plus, when everything is planned and executed correctly, the structure will be much stronger.

Types of bricks for wall cladding

Modern market building materials offers types of facing bricks, which differ in the composition of the initial components and production method. But this does not mean that they are different specifications. All values ​​are located approximately at the same level. Only the appearance and colors differ. Therefore, we will consider several popular options.


The main raw material for making such bricks is clay. different varieties. Several additional substances are added to the main component, which slightly improve its quality. The material is created solid or with cavities. Strength does not depend on the presence of cavities; rather, the thermal insulation function improves.

They mainly offer a range of shades from brown to orange and yellow, which is related to the raw materials. Dye is not added to this brick. The surface of the elements can be glossy or matte. Production features are as follows:

  1. Thorough mixing of all components, especially if several types of clay were used.
  2. Molding of blanks.
  3. Firing at a temperature of 800–1000 degrees.

But even if the same type of clay is used, the shade of individual elements differs, and this is due to the following factors:

  • Insufficient quality batch.
  • Raw materials from the same quarry often differ in composition and color.
  • Temperature fluctuations. The higher the workpieces were heated, the darker the brick would turn out.
  • Duration heat treatment– the same dependence as in the previous version. The longer it burns, the darker it gets.

The disadvantage of ceramic bricks is the frequent occurrence of efflorescence. The presence of such white spots is associated with low-quality raw materials or short firing time. The composition of the adhesive is also an influential factor. For the solution, select only high-quality components.


This is another version of ceramic brick, but differs from its predecessor in the following manufacturing aspects:

  1. Only refractory types of clay are selected.
  2. Pigments are added to the mixture, which allows you to make bricks different color.
  3. After formation, firing is performed at more high temperatures about 1300 degrees. The material becomes durable and can withstand significant loads.

Clinker is different decorative properties, but at the same time it is expensive. Everything is connected with a complex production process. In addition, the domestic market mainly presents goods from foreign manufacturers. Russian manufacturers still do not meet quality standards.


This brick consists mainly of waste from various industries:

  • limestone;
  • shell rock;
  • waste from processing natural stones;
  • slags

In order to bind all the components, add a little cement. To obtain colored ones, mineral and natural pigments are used. Hyper-pressed brick is distinguished by the process of creating products:

  1. Thoroughly knead the dry ingredients.
  2. Moisten the mixture with a small amount of water.
  3. Packaging in forms.
  4. Exposure to high pressure.

The workpieces are dried until the moisture completely disappears. As you can see, the firing process is completely absent, but this does not make the brick brittle. On the contrary, thanks to the binder, the material acquires the same strength as a natural stone. Hyperpressed cladding costs a little less than clinker or ceramics, because technological process easier.

The dimensions of the parts are almost identical, which is difficult to achieve when creating previous versions. This means that it is easier to cover the façade with such material. The front side of the brick resembles torn stone, as it is chipped and broken. This texture only attracts buyers, because it is an imitation of natural


To make this option, clay is not used at all. Manufacturers choose the main components:

  • Quartz sand.
  • Lime.
  • Pigments.
  • Mineral supplements.

Before sending the blanks for firing at a temperature of 120–200 0 C, they are pressed. Such actions allow you to give details correct form with small errors in size (up to 0.5 mm). It is worth saying that sand-lime brick is also fired at high blood pressure up to 12 atmospheres.

This material is much cheaper than the above types. But they are rarely used as facade cladding. This is related to:

  1. High moisture absorption.
  2. Low resistance to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Poor reaction to negative ambient temperatures.

If this option is chosen for finishing, care is taken to protect it from destructive factors. The facade is treated with moisture-repellent compounds and the roof overhang is increased.

What is Bavarian masonry?

As mentioned above, bricks from different batches differ significantly in color. In the 17th century, the Bavarians also faced the same problem. They tried to select raw materials more carefully and constantly improved the manufacturing process, but nothing worked.

Then it occurred to me to sort the finished products by color. Unfortunately, the desired result also did not happen. There was nothing left to do but mix all the elements of 2-4 shades and distribute them evenly over the facade so that light or dark areas do not form on the surface.

Builders noticed that houses with such a pattern looked no worse than plain buildings. In addition, the masonry gave the building brightness and attractiveness, making it stand out from the crowd. Now this style of bricklaying is considered a sign of good taste, and tourists go to Bavaria to admire the ancient buildings.

Photos of beautiful brick house designs

Examples using bricks

Some people like brickwork, and the owner strives to recreate such a facade in any way - using facing bricks or materials that can imitate this cladding. Others try to escape from the standards and disguise brick walls in any known way.

There is no arguing about tastes, since everyone has their own vision of beauty. Therefore, we will consider several options for facades decorated with brick, but in different interpretations and styles.

Universal brick facade

Brick is such a versatile material that it is even used to decorate houses with columns, arches, stucco molding and other facade decor. At the same time, the building will not lose its attractiveness, but on the contrary, it will sparkle with new colors, and at the same time it will not look vulgar or tasteless.

A correctly selected shade of cladding elements, as well as texture, will only emphasize the taste and status of the owner of the house. Therefore, turning to brickwork As a façade renovation, you don’t have to worry about whether the building will be as beautiful. No, it won’t, but it will become completely new!

Painted brick, external walls of different colors

By using paint and varnish materials They are transforming the brick facade, which has already become boring. But be careful when choosing this method of decorating a private building. The paint penetrates deeply and unevenly into the structure of the brick, and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it.

As you know, paint is not a material with a long service life, therefore, once a brick facade has been painted, it must be maintained attractive form every 3–5 years depending on the type of paint chosen. In addition, some types cover the facade with a durable film that does not allow moisture to pass through from the interior. This will negatively affect the base material.

If this option is suitable and does not frighten the owner, then there are no limits to imagination. On the construction market a large number of facade paints already tinted or white, which can be pigmented. The pigment is chosen from the same manufacturer as the paint.

No more than three shades are combined on the façade. Window and door openings, porches, and decorative elements. To choose a color scheme, use advice from fashionable construction publications, their online counterparts, or professional designers.

All options have photo galleries where they select ready-made option or create a completely new one at the request of the client. It is quite possible to do the painting yourself, but if the building is large, two-story, then it is better to resort to the services of a professional team with the appropriate tools and equipment.

Whitewashed brick

One of the options for painting the facade is to apply whitewash to the brick. This way of decorating external houses will achieve an aging effect. Whitewashing of bricks was often used in English villages, so those who are interested in this style cannot do without whitewash.

For whitewashing, a mixture of lime and table salt is used. If you add a small amount of white cement, the layer will be more durable and will last longer.

Energy efficient brick

The energy efficiency of this material lies in the ability to heat up for a long time, and then transfer heat to the environment. Thus, we have the following:

  • IN summer time The facade warms up in the sun, but the heat does not penetrate into the rooms, so it remains cool there.
  • IN winter time heated interior walls I don’t let heat outside, but at the same time they retain heat inside the rooms for a long time.

Buildings with a long service life require wall insulation. Therefore, when performing installation decorative brick leave a small gap between the main and outer ( decorative wall). Insulating material is placed in this gap, taking into account the ventilated gap.

If this is not done, moisture will accumulate in the thermal insulation material, which will lead to destruction. In addition, the walls inside the rooms will also be damp. And if you leave a gap, then there is no need to additionally ventilate the room.

Natural beauty

Synthetic materials are rarely used to make facing bricks. Therefore, such cladding remains natural and absolutely safe for human health, as well as for the environment. If to create a finish bright colors and add dyes, then they are most likely natural mineral origin.

Naturalness is always in fashion, and now, when the world stuffed with synthetic substances, you want to lock yourself in country cottage or city one-story house from natural ingredients.

Playing with texture

Brick goes well with different materials, which have an original texture. It makes no difference whether there are wooden tiles or decorative elements on the metal façade, a stone path or a plinth and corners trimmed with stone. The brick facade will emphasize the originality of the finish.

You can finish several elements with plaster and leave a clean facade, which looks good. In addition, brick goes well different types and shades on one house. You just need to skillfully select a separate area.

Mix tiles and bricks

If there is a large amount of green space around a house with an attic, then untreated brick is suitable as a finishing for the facade. The roof is covered with unpainted tiles. This method of decorating the facade will create coziness throughout the entire area and convey the spirit of the forest thicket.

Handmade brick

Now all bricks are made in factories and in large batches. Previously, everything was done manually without the use of sophisticated equipment. If you want to make your house stand out from the general mass of buildings, you can do everything the old fashioned way.

Mix the solution, pour into wooden molds and fire over a fire. By washing away the unevenness on the bricks with sand, they create an original velvety texture. Such blocks will aesthetically embellish the facade and convey the spirit of an ancient mansion.

Modern brick

The versatility of the brick facade allows it to be used for modern buildings in the minimalist style. Various colors and textures are suitable for creating an accent both on the facade and indoors. In addition, there is nothing wrong with completely covering the facade.

Is it worth doing the cladding yourself?

The process of laying bricks is quite complex. Without experience in this field, do flat wall horizontally and vertically is almost impossible to do. Moreover, there are also features of the formation of an external decorative wall. It is necessary to make flexible connections and leave ventilation gaps between the elements. It is very difficult to control everything. In addition, the work will not go quickly.

Therefore, you should not tempt fate and transfer expensive bricks and mortar, but immediately hire a professional team of masons. Finding good workers will also be difficult. Check with your friends or neighbors, maybe there are people like them in their circle. And be prepared for the fact that the cost of performing the work is also not cheap.

The advantages of brick houses are countless. It’s not for nothing that such buildings are considered the most reliable. Among the advantages are reliability, fire resistance, the ability to create a unique design due to the variety of colors, high level thermal insulation, durability, sound insulation. Such a house does not require additional finishing.

Brick allows the home to “breathe”, and its strength allows you to easily build two-, three- and multi-story houses. Brick consists almost entirely of clay, and therefore is an environmentally friendly material.

In order for your brick home to be truly warm, cozy and reliable, you need to know some rules. If the brick is made of low-quality clay, its moisture resistance will be less, and over time it will begin to destroy it.

You should pay attention to this important fact when purchasing and be sure to ask for documents that indicate what the brick is made of and how it is made. When transporting bricks, it is necessary that they be laid in a certain way - one row across the other.

In order for the house to be warm, bricks must be laid in several rows (for temperate climate The thickness of the walls should be about forty centimeters). You can also insulate the facade of the building to preserve heat. decorative species bricks or insulate the walls of the house from the inside.

To build a beautiful brick house, the first thing you need to do is find a site that meets your requirements and the size of the building. Think over the design, determine the number of floors, rooms, utility rooms, the presence of a porch or veranda, and most importantly, calculate the budget for the future home.

Creating a brick house project

Then it’s time to start the project. Project brick house You can order it from a licensed organization or draw it up yourself, agree on the documents, and only then can you begin construction.

If a small family lives in the house, then usually the conversation is about a one-story house. The standard solution is a six by nine house plan square meters. There are many different layouts for such footage and everyone can find the best option for themselves.

The main rooms are usually a living room or veranda, a bathroom, several bedrooms and a kitchen. Sometimes people prefer a house with one room, but large terrace, or equip a dressing room or pantry.

When a house is built for middle or big family, then they focus on a size of nine by nine square meters or build a two-story brick house, measuring ten by ten. Such a house can already accommodate a place for boiler rooms, a basement, several living rooms, four to five bedrooms, and several bathrooms.

How bigger house, the more space for your ideas and fantasies. Winter gardens or swimming pools on the ground floor, gyms and game rooms, billiard rooms, balconies and open terraces - you can put all this on paper yourself or with the help of qualified employees.

For practicality and convenience, you need to think about placement in advance household appliances and furniture in order to correctly indicate the location of sockets in the project.

Decide on the type of heating so that you can hide pipes, place radiators, etc. If there is a boiler room in the house, it is better to place it near the kitchen. Another room that is most appropriate next to the kitchen is the living room. When your project is ready, you can begin construction.

Construction of a brick house

To build a house, you can hire builders, but this will lead to its cost at least doubling. Therefore, if you have time, desire and opportunity, as well as a couple of people who can come to your aid, you can safely build a house with your own hands.

The construction of any building begins with the foundation. Typically used for residential buildings strip foundation. Experts recommend it as the most durable.

The construction of the foundation includes: digging a pit, backfilling with sand and crushed stone to create a cushion, installing formwork and boards, pouring the foundation itself and waterproofing.

Without waterproofing, building a house is impossible; groundwater will quickly destroy the foundation, and then the walls themselves. Brick laying, after pouring the foundation, is carried out no earlier than a month later.

After calculating and purchasing the required amount of brick, they begin laying it. To do this, use one of three methods: well, four bricks or lightweight.

Well masonry involves a void inside, which is then filled with expanded clay or blown with foam - such walls will provide the highest thermal insulation of the house.

Laying in four bricks is carried out using metal mesh. It is placed every 6-7 rows and increases the rigidity and strength of the wall.

With lightweight masonry, the first bricks are placed in the corners of the house (five to ten per corner). With such masonry, a plumb line is required. The bricks must be level and vertical.

Having chosen the type of masonry, you can mix the solution. You need to apply it with a trowel, leveling it well. When laying a brick, you need to knock on it with the handle of a trowel.

As a rule, when laying the last brick in a row, there is excess space left; it can be filled with cement or a broken piece of brick. The main thing when laying is not to forget to leave, or better yet immediately designate, a place for doors and windows.

Once the walls are built, you need to think about the roof. The roof frame for a brick house is constructed from wooden beam. It is treated with anti-fungal agents. The roof is constantly exposed to mechanical and climatic influences and a Mauerlat is used to strengthen it.

In fact, this is the base or foundation of the roof, what it rests on. It is mounted on the walls, and the frame itself is attached to it. Lathing is carried out using OSB or plywood boards.

Metal tile lathing is done in increments of thirty-five centimeters, for slate - about eighty centimeters. The roof must be protected from moisture (waterproofed).

The main part of your house is ready. Now we should begin the final work - laying pipes, installing windows and doors, conducting communications, doing finishing.

Well thought out, practical, built from quality materials in compliance with all technologies, brick house will serve for a long time and bring joy to many generations. A photo of a brick house can be seen below.

Photos of brick houses