Derain planting and care, propagation by cuttings, pruning in spring. Secrets of successful propagation of dogwood. Advice from experienced gardeners

White dogwood from the dogwood family is a beautiful ornamental shrub, numbering more than twenty species. It is found naturally in areas with temperate climates. In Eastern Europe and our country, the most common is white turf, which often decorates gardens and home areas.

The shrubs are large, have a beautiful dense crown and are often planted as hedges. Moreover, they do not lose their decorative effect all year round.

So, in the spring, white dogwood pleases the eye with young, soft green leaves, in the summer it is decorated with pretty flowers, and in winter the bark acquires the most different shades: green, yellowish or coral. But the plant looks especially gorgeous in the fall, when its reddish, white or black fruits are visible through the variegated leaves - orange, greenish-yellow and purple.

At the same time, the plant is quite unpretentious, reproduces well, and is easy to care for.

How to grow it on the plot? Which correct landing turf and its care?
We will also invite you to look at a photo of the turf; we will consider its propagation by cuttings. This is what our conversation will be about today on the Popular About Health website:

This is derain (photo)

Site selection

The shrub grows well in sunlit areas, but also does well in shade.

The soil

Since the plant is unpretentious, it can grow on almost any soil, including loamy and peaty soil. However, it prefers moist soil and light sandy loam (a mixture of clay and sand).


Propagating turf by cuttings is the simplest and most common method. For the purpose of cuttings, in the summer, in June, young green, slightly lignified cuttings are cut from a large, healthy bush. They are planted in boxes and kept in a cool place, or planted under film in a greenhouse.

By September, the cuttings take root well and are planted on Right place garden Only by winter they must be insulated with leaves or spruce branches. Or keep it in the basement until spring and plant it in the spring.

Cuttings can be germinated in water. To do this, they are placed in a filled container. When the roots appear, they are transplanted into the ground. This is done in the summer so that by autumn young plant well rooted. For the winter it is necessary to protect it from frost.

Planting turf cuttings

Holes for planting must be prepared in advance. The depth is about 50 cm. The pits are located a meter apart from each other. Young plants are planted and covered with soil, with the root collar buried within 3 cm.

If the soil composition is peaty, use the same compositions of the soil mixture and fertilizers, only the amount of sand and dolomite flour increase by one and a half times.

After planting, the soil is compacted and watered well.

Propagation of turf by seeds

You can propagate turf from seeds. To do this, they are sown in a mixture of peat, sand, sawdust and moss. Keep for several months at a cool temperature (+5C). Then the seedlings are planted in a specially designated bed. With this method, a real plant will emerge from a seedling only after 3-5 years. When the seedlings reach 50-70 cm in height, they can be planted on permanent place in the garden.

Turf care


White dogwood does not suffer from short-term lack of moisture. However for good growth and development, it needs a sufficient amount of water. This is especially true for young plants. Therefore, regularly water the bushes generously when the soil dries out. It is better to do this in the evening, pouring 1.5-2 buckets of not cold, preferably water that has been settled in a barrel, under each bush.

Top dressing:

The turf needs to be fed regularly; this is important for its good growth, the density of the crown and the decorative appearance of the leaves. Fertilizers are applied to the soil around the trunk when intensive growth shoots - late spring, early summer.

For each bush you will need approximately 20 g of superphosphate, about 10 g of urea and the same amount of potassium nitrate. After fertilizing, the soil is loosened and then sprinkled with mulch.


This procedure is very important and is one of the most important rules of care. To give the crown a decorative appearance, it is pruned in the spring. Branches and shoots are cut off with pruning shears, as low as possible, since the bush grows very quickly.

Keep in mind that derain is a chimera plant. That is, its tissues belong to different genotypes. Therefore, if you notice uncharacteristic monochromatic leaves, cut off these branches. If this is not done, after some time the entire bush will become green, monochromatic, and lose its decorative effect.

In addition, periodically remove dried, diseased, broken branches and shoots. This can be done if necessary, in any season. The plant tolerates pruning well and grows back quickly.

White turf, the planting of which with seeds and cuttings we have considered, is indeed very beautiful ornamental plant. Most often it is used to create hedges.

But, it also looks great in groups of other shrubs. It is better to plant large derain bushes in the background so as not to block smaller specimens. In any case, this wonderful plant will be a worthy decoration and a magnificent design solution for your site.

I bought the dogwoods growing in my garden a long time ago. At that time, these were two tiny twigs. Each seedling had two small flyer branches sticking out in different directions.

On the pot of one of the plants it was written "Gold" and the other was called "Silver". But, as it turned out later, there was a re-grading of plants.

Then I still had no idea about garden forms and varieties of white dogwood. And when my bushes grew and acquired a typical color, it was time to find out their real names.

I spent a long time traveling on the Internet through virtual thickets of derain. I carefully looked at the appearance of all kinds of tree trees, studying the features different types, forms and varieties. I scrupulously looked for their similarities and differences with my pets.

It turned out that turf can be identified not only by its leaves, but also by the color of the plant bark.

And now I know exactly what plants I have. My dogwoods are representatives of a large group of garden forms and varieties of white dogwood. resulting from breeding work.

One of my bushes with yellow-edged leaves is turf ‘Spaethii’.

The form ‘Spaethii’ of the white tree is a plant 2–2.5 m high. Its leaves are unevenly bordered by a rather wide golden stripe. The branches are red.

The second bush is white dogwood “Argenteo-marginata”, or “Elegantissima”. It is a shrub up to 3 m tall, with an unevenly wide white leaf margin. Its shoots are also red.

White dogwood in landscape design

Derens grow in my garden along the northern border of the plot. Even in the cloudiest weather, bright bushes variegated dogwoods, as if by magic, they transform the far corners of the garden into very bright and sunny ones!

Thanks to the elegant coloring of the shoots, turf trees are a wonderful decoration for the garden at any time of the year. The autumn outfit of the dorens is remarkable. and their bright shoots are spectacular in winter against the background of white snow.

The proximity of my dogwoods to the red-leaved nutcarp variety "Diablo" on one side, and the red-leaved nut on the other, further emphasizes their joyful coloring!

Over the past few years, my tree trees have grown huge, so it was time to prune the bushes. And although my husband tried to persuade me “not to spoil the plants,” I still decided on this procedure and cut off the mature trees to the stump. Because gentle pruning of the bushes in spring and autumn did not really affect their growth rate and did not particularly contribute to improving their decorative appearance. The lushness of mature dogwood bushes became worse due to the fact that the branches were stretched upward.

Drastic pruning of the tree trees corrected the situation - it turned out that this procedure was always to their benefit. Forms and varieties of dogwood with decorative bark especially need periodic pruning to stump, since with age it ages and loses its brightness. To prevent this from happening, an adult dogwood bush is pruned very short, and thus the growth of young beautiful shoots is stimulated.

As soon as my dogwood bushes grew up and showed themselves in all their glory, requests and orders for a “small piece” began to come from my friends and acquaintances :)

And I started breeding dogwood.

Propagation of dogwood by cuttings

I tried to propagate turf using green cuttings for several years without success!

I did everything according to the rules: a sharp knife, a smooth cut, and a growth stimulator at hand: I dipped it and planted it. And then all summer she fussed over the cuttings of the dogwood, like an eagle over an eaglet: covering it, ventilating it, watering it, loosening it.

As a result of all my efforts, the cuttings turned out to be such frail bushes (like those that I once bought). But after the first winter they literally disappeared.

And when I radically trimmed my tree trees early in the spring, I put the branches in a pile behind the house on the north side - what if they came in handy? And they soon really came in handy.

Reproduction of variegated dogwood in autumn

From cut tree branches I made a sun screen for a recently planted mountain pine - I wove a small fence for it.

And for young clematis I made supports from dogwood branches. And I also cut small support sticks from the shoots of the tree, tying small castor seedlings to them after planting them in the garden, so that they would not be blown around by the wind.

And - oh, miracle! The cut branches of the tree, stuck into the ground, with the whimsical cuttings of which I could not agree on for so long when cutting green cuttings, suddenly took root and blossomed leaves :) And this happened not only without any efforts of mine,

but even without my knowledge!

I noticed the leaves on the shoots-supports of the turf stuck into the ground while weeding the flower garden, when the castor bean plant they protected had grown quite large.

Please note: the cut tree branches took root even after they had been lying in a pile behind the house for more than 2 weeks!

This is how it sometimes happens - we try to follow a long and complex path to achieve some result, and nature shows us a short and simple solution.

Before wintering, I left all the self-rooted “sticks” of the tree in their places. I did not disturb these young plants in the spring either.

Only in the summer did she begin to form them: she pinched the shoots, encouraging branching. And by autumn they were already full-fledged bushes!

Purchase of seedlings and advantages of white dogwood

White dogwood is a very unpretentious and hardy plant, which is highly valued by Russian gardeners along with the decorative properties of its leaves and bright bark.

White dogwood is absolutely not demanding on growing conditions. These are hassle-free beautiful bushes They grow successfully in almost any soil, in sun and partial shade.

And, most importantly, the white dogwood is absolutely winter-hardy!

Over the years of growing my variegated turf trees, I have become convinced that they deserve to grow in every garden.

However, when buying dogwood seedlings for your garden, be careful: make sure that what you have in front of you is exactly white turf(Cornus alba)!

Indeed, at present, large Russian garden centers sell many other types of dogwood from imported nurseries. These attractive plants have amazingly colored leaves and bark. But in our harsh conditions they do not overwinter, unfortunately.

Thus, all the characteristics of unpretentiousness and stability of the wood,

and also my praises regarding the winter hardiness of this shrub apply only to the numerous garden forms and varieties of white dogwood!

I believe that at one time, when buying dogwood seedlings, I, then an inexperienced gardener, was simply lucky. Because on my way it was white turf that I encountered. Otherwise, after the heat-loving seedlings froze, I would have been disappointed in the turf.

But my plants - turf "Spaethii" and turf "Argenteo-marginata" ("Elegantissima") - turned out to be frost-resistant and settled in the garden for many years, bringing great joy.

May good luck and luck always accompany you!

Rezhnova Lyudmila (Dubna, Moscow region)

Methods of propagation of variegated dogwood

For decoration garden plot An amazing shrub is often used, so you need to know how to propagate variegated turf. Since the plant is not whimsical and has many methods of reproduction, it is easy to breed. Derain grows quickly under any growing conditions. Often, a variegated bush takes root on its own if it is used as a support for other types of plants.

Plant varieties

There are four types of turf:

  • dogwood, which can grow as shrubs or small trees. Dogwood fruits can be eaten;
  • Svidina bears fruits that are poisonous, so they should not be consumed. The shrub blooms with white inflorescences. Svidina is used to create landscape design;
  • Bentamidia fruits, like dogwood, can be used in cooking. Thanks to the attractive appearance shrubs are used to decorate garden plots, as well as city parks;
  • The chamepericlymenum shrub has a creeping form. Lawns are decorated with beautiful thickets of plants.
  • When buying turf, it is important to find out what variety it belongs to in order to properly care for it in the future, as well as choose the right method of propagation.

    Reproduction methods

    Turf propagation occurs different ways. Typically, propagation is used using seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush, as well as rooting layering. Each method has its own characteristics that a gardener should know.

    Propagation by seeds

    After flowering, the turf bushes are covered in clusters with balls filled with seeds inside. Flowering of variegated turf occurs in May - June. In autumn, ripe seeds accumulate in round boxes; they are carefully collected and sown before the onset of the first frost.

    If the seeds are sown in the spring, they should first be stored cool for 6 months at a temperature no higher than five degrees Celsius. Thanks to hardening, the seeds retain their 100% viability.

    Gardeners rarely use seed propagation; it is used mainly by breeders who want to obtain plants from natural material.

    Propagation by cuttings

    Each cut cutting should have three pairs of buds. The lower foliage must be removed, leaving the upper pair. Place the cuttings in water to allow them to take root.

    Plant the cuttings prepared for planting in a cold greenhouse in rows. The branches must be planted at an angle and watered systematically. It is important to ensure that the soil is not flooded with water, but not too dry.

    If the sun shines too much and the air in the room is too dry, it is necessary to spray the planted branches.

    In autumn, the cuttings develop a healthy root system. The greenhouse with cuttings must be insulated for the winter.

    In the spring after wintering, rooted plants are planted in a permanent place of growth. In two years, a full-fledged hedge or single beautiful variegated tree trees will grow.

    Dividing the bush

    Variegated turf also propagates by dividing the bush. For this, a strong and healthy shrub is selected. Dig up a heavily overgrown plant. Carefully divide the rhizome into two or three parts.

    The division of the bush is carried out in the spring. The procedure follows the following scheme:

  • Dig up a large, healthy bush.
  • Shake the roots off the ground.
  • Using a sharp knife, divide the rhizome into pieces.
  • Plant the resulting cuttings in the dug holes.
  • You should definitely add fertilizer to each hole, which will help the bush develop better and faster. If the cuttings are planted correctly in the soil, they will grow healthy and strong.

    Breeding by layering

    Variegated turf can also reproduce by rooting cuttings. Since the plant's branches grow quickly and spread to the ground, they can be rooted.

    In the spring, sprinkle the branch that has fallen to the ground with earth and securely fix it in this position. You can also mulch the layering on top.

    After a year (in autumn or spring), dig up the seedling and transplant it into a hole prepared in advance. Over the next year the shoot will develop a good root system. When propagating the tree by layering, it quickly and successfully takes root in a new location.

    Features of planting and caring for derain

    The soil for deraining must be fertilized with humus and moistened. After planting a plant in the soil, it is important to properly care for it. Care consists of pruning and regular watering. From time to time the bush should be fed. In spring it is applied to the soil mineral supplement, in summer - organic.

    When breeding der e used as a hedge, it is trimmed twice a year - in July and August.

    Features of watering

    Young bushes should be watered systematically, daily and moderately. It is enough to water adult plants on hot days, twice a week. Under each bush you need to add 20 liters of water, since excess moisture may provoke development fungal disease, it is important to ensure that the water does not stagnate.

    If the soil does not have time to dry out, the frequency of watering should be reduced. In autumn, the amount of watering of the tree should be reduced.


    The best temperature for the growth and development of variegated dogwood is 15 - 20 degrees Celsius. The bush tolerates heat well if it is watered in sufficient quantities.

    Since turf can withstand cold, it does not need shelter for the winter. You can only cover plants that will be overwintering for the first time.

    Protecting plants from diseases and pests

    Most often, variegated turf is attacked by aphids, which can cause the plant to lose its decorative effect or disappear altogether. Methods of pest control:

  • You can wash off the aphids with water by directing the stream at the plant from a hose. Mechanical method pest control partially neutralizes it and is considered not very effective;
  • Aphids can also be removed using special preparations. For example, bushes are sprayed with a solution of laundry soap.
  • Of the diseases, variegated turf most often suffers from a fungal disease. This disease usually results improper care. Stop watering the bush for a while so that the soil and rhizomes can dry out. Fungal infection is treated by using foundationazole to treat plants.

    Transfer rules

    Tree transplantation is not tolerated very well, so it is carried out only as a last resort.

    Derain is transplanted in the following situations:

    1. If the plant is planted in an inappropriate place. For example, a turf planted in the wrong place may lose its decorative effect and its foliage will turn greenish. To ensure that the leaves and the bush itself remain attractive, it is recommended to replant it in a sunny place in the garden.
    2. If the soil is not selected correctly, the turf loses its beauty and stops growing. Therefore, in this case, it is recommended to transplant the shrub onto fertile and moist soil.
    3. An unsuccessfully chosen place for the development of the tree also leads to the fact that it should be replanted. For example, when a bush grows rapidly, it will crowd out other plants growing next to it. In this case, you need to transplant the turf to another place, or remove its neighbors.

    Transplantation of adult bushes is usually carried out in the fall, after shedding their leaves. If you plan to replant the turf in the spring, you should have time to do the procedure before the buds begin to swell.

    When transplanting, you should act carefully. The bush is replanted along with a lump of earth. After transplanting the plant to a new location, it should be watered abundantly and the soil should be sprinkled with humus.

    Use of plants in landscape design

    Derain is often combined with other plants. It is usually combined with green spaces. Sometimes plant bushes are planted in front of trees in order to create a composition and additional volume.

    Now you know how propagation of an ornamental plant by cuttings occurs, as well as how you can also propagate variegated turf. In order for cuttings, dividing a bush or propagation by seeds to be successful, it is important to follow some rules for the procedure. To do this, you need to consult with an experienced gardener about upcoming propagation. During the propagation process, it is important to act correctly and also to know how to care for the resulting new plants.

    Derain planting and care, propagation by cuttings, pruning in spring

    Dogwood is from the dogwood family and has more than twenty species. Prefers in nature temperate climate. Derain shrubs are decorative and therefore they are planted in their areas as design and decoration.

    Derain varieties and types

    Men's derain . it is a shrub whose fruits can be eaten. It reaches a height of up to 8 meters. The leaves are green with a yellowish tint; by autumn they become Brown color. Inflorescences yellow color, blooms in June, fruits ripen at the end of August.

    Derain white elegantissima the most popular and widely distributed. The bush can reach up to 2.5 meters in height. The bush is decomposed, the shoots are deep red. The leaves are olive in color, and the edges of the leaves are white, and on some leaves the core is white.

    This species tolerates cold winters quite well and is resistant to weather changes. Flowering of the tree begins after planting approximately in the third year and occurs in mid-May and early June.

    Derain blood red In nature, it lives in the Carpathians, Russia, and the Caucasus. Habitats on river banks and forest edges. In comfortable conditions it can reach up to 4 meters in height.

    The leaves of a reddish hue become more distinct as the tree ages, and on young shrubs they are richly green. Leaves are oval shaped. It blooms in May and a second time in August. The fruits ripen by autumn, and at this time the leaves reach a real bloody hue.

    The shrub is resistant to external conditions, winter-hardy, tolerates dry times well, but prefers moist soil. The shoots of this shrub are used for weaving baskets and hoops, and the wood is used to make carpentry items. Even the oil from its seeds has found application for technical purposes.

    The bush is a good strong base in the soil, due to the large number of additional root shoots. Therefore he is planted as hedge or on the slopes.

    White Siberian dogwood this species reaches a height of up to two meters. The leaves are wide in shape with a white edging along the edges and spots and stripes in the middle. In the second half of August the leaves change color to brown. The bark on this shrub is bright red. Flowering occurs in June and does not bloom profusely. The turf is resistant to frost and drought.

    Swedish Derain his homeland is Great Britain, northern Russia, Japan. This is a subshrub with a horizontally weaving root system. It reaches a height of 6 to 25 cm. The leaves are green, oval or ellipse-shaped. Blooms at the end of May - beginning of June. The fruits ripen in August, are red in color, tasteless, but not poisonous.

    Canadian dogwood his homeland Far East. At home, it prefers coniferous forests with damp soil. It also has a horizontal climbing root system. Its stem is in winter period completely dies down to the very base.

    The leaves are oval or elliptical, yellow-green in color. Flowering occurs in late June early July, the fruits are deep red and ripen by early September.

    Deren Kesselringi (Kesselringii), a shrub with brownish red branches. The leaves are deep red, the fruits white. Quite a frost-resistant variety.

    White-edged dogwood (Svidina), shrub up to 2.5 meters in height. The leaves are green with white edges. It blooms twice in June and August. Inflorescences are white or cream in color.

    Derain planting and care in open ground

    It is better to plant in mid-spring, so that before the onset of cold weather the shrub is well rooted and can survive the winter well. Deren shrub can be propagated using seeds. Before sowing, the seeds are layered with sawdust, peat or sand at a temperature of 0 to + 4 degrees and left for 3 - 4 months.

    The variegated tree has unpretentious planting and care; planting sites can be sunny or shady. But you should avoid the proximity of coniferous trees planted too close and tall. The shrub loves soil fertilized with humus and moist. IN spring period it needs to be fertilized with universal fertilizer.

    Propagation of dogwood by cuttings

    In derain, propagation occurs by cuttings in the spring. They are planted in early June in a cool place or greenhouse. In September there will already be a strong root system. In winter, it is worth insulating with leaves or transplanting into a container and lowering it into the basement, and in the spring planting it in the right place.

    Derain can also be propagated by cuttings in water. To do this, you should cut a cutting from a well-grown bush and put it in water, after a certain period of time it will sprout roots, then you should replant it in the ground so that the plant gets stronger and takes root, and cover it with spruce branches in winter to safely survive the frosts.

    Derain pruning

    An important aspect of care is pruning the tree in the spring to give the plant decent looking. White turf should be trimmed in early spring and as low as possible, since it grows too quickly.

    Also, it is worth considering that the plant belongs to Chimeras - plants with tissues of different genotypes. And therefore, if you notice monochromatic leaves, you should prune so that the bush does not turn completely green.

    Derain in landscape design goes quite well with other plantings. White dogwood in landscape design is often planted in green spaces to add light and personality. Also, bushes are planted in front of trees to create composition and additional volume.

    Types of variegated dogwood, features of its cultivation and use in design

    Variegated dogwood is an ornamental plant, some species of which grow like trees, others like shrubs.

    His unusual leaves and their colorful colors decorate the garden throughout the year.

    In summer, the shrub decorates the garden with its decorative foliage, and in June, small white flowers, collected in small clusters, bloom on it. With all this, the bush looks quite modest.

    But in the fall it will show itself in all its glory, sparkling with wonderful colors from orange to purple.

    Among the variegated leaves hang clusters of round berries, which also have a variety of shades - from white to dark blue.

    In winter, the branches of the bush turn red and orange, which also makes it stand out among the bare, faceless bushes. Against the background of white snow it looks surprisingly impressive.

    The color of its trunks stands out as a bright spot in the general grayness of the area in spring.

    Some types of derain bloom precisely at this time, decorating the garden that is still just waking up.

    The shrub also has evergreen species, and this is just a godsend for gardeners. It tolerates frosts calmly and is unpretentious in the choice of soil.

    Properly planted once, it does not require special care in the future.

    Deren has a large number of species, each of them has its own characteristics. The most common of them is white derain. It is most often used in decorative compositions.

    Derain white

    The height of this species reaches three meters, the bush grows independently up to five meters in width. This must be taken into account and excess shoots must be removed so that it does not clog other plants with its roots.

    It itself can reproduce by layering - the lower branches, in contact with the ground, give roots, and a new shoot is formed.

    The leaves of the white tree have a dark green, even bluish color, autumn time they turn yellow, the bark of the branches turns various shades of red.

    This type of plant blooms twice per season, in early summer and early autumn. It grows quietly, both in shady areas of the garden and in sunny areas, and is not picky about fertilizing.

    The only condition for a shrub to have a beautiful, lush appearance is that it must be periodically cleaned of old and dry branches.

    Chinese derain

    This species can be either a tree or a shrub. It grows up to seven meters high, covering areas up to four meters wide.

    Autumn color stands out brightly against the background of the entire garden, as its leaves turn bright red, with white or pink tips. Its long flowering in summer cannot but please.

    A dwarf type of dera, it grows only 15-20 centimeters in height, grows quite slowly, over time covering the planting area with a kind of “carpet” covering.

    In summer it is dark green, and in autumn its small leaves turn a velvet red color. It does not stand out with its white-green inflorescences, as they are almost invisible.

    Blooms from spring to mid-summer. Despite the invisibility of flowering, the berries ripen in bright scarlet shades, which adds decorative value. general appearance plants.

    Canadian derain loves cool shade and moist places in the garden. Well tolerated winter frosts, loves fertile, acidified soils.

    Grows well under the canopy of trees, does not like open sunny areas.

    Male dogwood or common dogwood

    It can also be a tree or shrub; it grows up to six to seven meters. Growth in the first year of planting is slow, then it accelerates.

    The leaves are light green in color, small in size, ovate in shape. This species blooms in early spring, even before the leaves appear; the flowers are yellow and not large.

    The fruits of the bush are juicy red or burgundy in color, oval in shape, edible, have a sour-sweet taste, jam and compotes are made from them, as they contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements.

    Dogwood is unpretentious in care, grows on various soils, especially those containing lime additives, is frost-resistant, and tolerates shaded and sunny places well.

    For better growth and fruitfulness, variegated male turf must be pruned, removing excess and dried branches. Cleaning is carried out in early spring, but no later than June.

    Blood red dogwood or svidina

    The growth of this species is up to eight meters and covers territories from two to five meters.

    The color of the branches is bright red, the leaves also have a red tint with green streaks and splashes, hence its name.

    The inflorescences are white, flowering occurs in late spring - early summer. The berries are dark brown or dark blue, not poisonous, but also inedible. The plant loves shady, damp places.

    Well tolerated winter cold, but does not withstand very severe frosts. It will decorate remote parts of the garden, as it stands out with a red spot and can be seen from afar.

    These are only a few species from the entire variety of variegated tree, but these are the shrubs that are most often used in design compositions.

    Rules for planting variegated dogwood and caring for it

    Derain - unpretentious plant, which easily tolerates shading, but you still need to take into account the preferences of each species separately.

    The best planting location is partial shade.

    The shrub is undemanding to soils and easily adapts to any of them, but prefers acidified soils with the addition of lime.

    Basically, all varieties of turf are frost-resistant, but some of them need to be covered for the winter - these include controversial turf. It tolerates drought well, but moist soils suit it better.

    To preserve and form a beautiful crown, it is necessary to clean dry branches and adjust the crown.

    Peculiarities of propagation of variegated dogwood

    The shrub is propagated by seeds, cuttings, shoots from the root or layering.

    Cut cuttings, which should have at least 7-9 buds, are planted in greenhouses in the spring; by autumn they have already taken root and can be transplanted into open ground.

    If planting is carried out by shoots from the root, then in the spring it is necessary to separate the young shoot from the mother bush, along with a piece of root, and plant it in a hole prepared in advance.

    As mentioned above, sometimes a bush propagates on its own by layering, so that it will not be difficult for a gardener to do this.

    Having bent the lower branch to the ground, you need to pin it with a metal bracket, sprinkling it on top garden soil, the plant will do the rest itself - it will take root and adapt.

    Planting seeds is carried out mainly for breeding purposes.

    Plant pests and diseases

    This plant is rarely infected with various diseases; pests also avoid it. Only occasionally can its young shoots be damaged by aphids or certain types of fungal infections.

    They fight these scourges by spraying infected branches with an infusion of garlic, shag or a solution of laundry soap.

    It is better to simply remove some infected shoots so that the disease does not spread from them to the main bush.

    The use of variegated dogwood in landscape design

    Since this is an ornamental plant, its use in design compositions is sometimes irreplaceable due to its external characteristics and color-changing properties.

    Low-growing varieties are used to dilute the greenery and revitalize the color of stones in alpine hills.

    IN garden plantings low-growing varieties planted under tree canopies. Derain kills weeds with its growth and lies as a motley carpet under the trees, creating a unique, spectacular appearance of the garden.

    Some species are used in single plantings, subject to annual adjustment of the crown.

    Derain plantings are widely used as hedges.

    Thanks to him rapid growth and reproduction, the hedge will very quickly become impenetrably thick.

    She demands ongoing care, as it can turn into shapeless thickets - it needs to be trimmed and maintained in a neat and beautiful condition.

    Variegated dogwood will not cause you much trouble when growing it, and one of the varieties, dogwood, will also provide you with vitamin-rich and fragrant berries in the fall.

    If there is a place in your garden that needs to be decorated, without a doubt, plant any of these plants, you will be sure that you have not made the wrong choice.

    Derain: planting, care, pruning, wintering

    • Flowering period: February March April
    • Height: 200-800 cm
    • perennial
    • Winters
    • Sun-loving
    • Moisture-loving
    • Color: white pink yellow

    In the world of green plants of the dogwood family (lat. Cornaceae), the genus dogwood (lat. Cornus) is distinguished, including from 30 to 50 species, divided according to botanical characteristics into 4 subgenera: dogwood or dogwood (Cornus), swida, benthamidia ), chamaepericlymenum. The most common and well-known are turf and svidina. The fruits of dogwood and bentamidia are edible, but the fruits of dogwood are moderately poisonous to humans. From Latin cornus is translated as “horn”, for particularly strong wood, equal to density tissues of the horns of ungulates.

    Distribution area


    The dogwood family belongs to the category of deciduous or evergreen shrubs and trees, and according to external data, to the group of decorative deciduous plants. Species diversity covers forms of herbaceous perennials and winter-green tree species, creeping subshrubs and stoloniferous shrubs.

    The genus deren (dogwood) is represented by shrubs and low trees (3-8 m) with a branched crown of numerous flattened-round perennial branches forming dense thickets. It is characterized by slow growth at a young age and vertically located branches. With age, the growth rate increases, and the branches, especially the old lower ones, acquire a horizontal arrangement.

    The root system is usually branched, penetrating deep into the ground, but there are species whose root system is quite superficial. Such forms require watering or grow in areas with heavy rainfall. Young shoots are yellowish in color and gradually turn brown. In winter, after the leaves fall, the turf attracts attention with the color of its shoots. They acquire different shades of gray, yellow, bright green, dark red, burgundy. The bark of perennial stems becomes covered with cracks. The wood becomes very dense. The leaves are simple, entire, petiolate. The location is opposite, less often alternate.

    The leaf blades are dark green in summer, slightly lighter below with arched veins. In winter they turn pink and burgundy. The harvest begins in autumn in the form of large, rounded fruit buds at the base of leaf petioles. Dogwood blooms in the spring in March-April before the leaves bloom.

    Flowers are solitary or collected in umbels. Small, when fully bloomed, the corolla is white or bright yellow with 4 cross-shaped petals, and has a sweetish aroma. Flowering lasts 10-20 days. The fruit is an edible oblong or oval drupe 1.2-3.5 cm, with fleshy pulp of sweet and sour taste, tart. The peel is dark red, bright purple or red-black, shiny, less often white. Drupes lose their astringency after frost.

    4 subgenera

    Of the 4 subgenera, the most widespread and introduced into culture is the subgenus Dogwood(lat. Cornus). In nature and culture it consists of 4 species of shrubby and low trees, the fruits of which are edible. Some types have been cultivated and introduced into horticulture.

    Second subgenus Svidina(lat. Swida) includes up to 30 species of stoloniferous shrubs. The fruits are moderately poisonous to humans, but birds readily feed on them. They are distinguished by white flowers. Ornamental bushes are used in landscape science.

    The next subgenus with edible fruits, is Bentamidia(Benthamidia). The subgenus is represented by 5 species of trees. The species include crops with single fruits and with drupes collected into a complex fruit. For its beauty and elegance it is used in the landscape decoration of parks and recreation areas.

    Subgenus Hamepericlymenum(Chamaepericlymenum) includes 2 types of subshrubs, which are characterized by a creeping form. Can be used to decorate mowed lawns. Forms large thickets with the help of suckers.

    This perennial ornamental shrub of the dogwood family is simply a godsend for gardeners and landscape designers. Resistance to frost and drought, the ability to successfully develop in the shade and even when groundwater is close to the groundwater - with such a set of remarkable properties, the plant is simply irreplaceable. In addition, propagation of derain is not difficult.

    How to propagate variegated turf - white, red and its other forms - you will learn from this article. Cuttings, using seeds or layering - each method has a right to exist. The choice depends on the possibilities and how long you are willing to wait for the final result. Having mastered the rules for propagating turf, you can save a lot of money on purchasing planting material to create a hedge, and, if desired, even make money from this business.

    Best time to breed

    Propagating derain by cuttings in the fall will not bring the desired result; It is better to do this in late spring or early summer. In the spring, after preliminary stratification, seeds are sown, rooted cuttings are planted in a permanent place, and overgrown bushes are divided. In the fall, such types of work are also appropriate.

    Preparing for the propagation of dogwood

    Regardless of how the tree will be propagated, first you need to:

    • preparation of planting or seed material
    • preparing the site or planting containers with soil

    Reproduction methods

    There are quite a few interesting species Derena This is the widely popular white dogwood or white dogwood with red twigs-branches and bluish-gray leaves on the underside, and red dogwood, enchanting with its autumn purple foliage and black clusters of fruits, and male dogwood (dogwood), attractive for its sweet and sour edible fruits. Any of them is easily propagated using cuttings, layering, dividing the bush and seeds.


    This method of propagation is rarely chosen by amateur gardeners. It’s painfully troublesome, and you’ll have to wait for more than one year for the bush to reach its luxurious size. The flowering and ripening of derain fruits is very extended in time, so the seeds are collected in several stages. They can be sown in the fall, when the ground freezes a little, or in the spring. In the second case, the material must undergo stratification.

    Usually, for this purpose, the seeds are placed in sand or sawdust and placed 2-3 months before the intended sowing in a refrigerator with a temperature no higher than 4˚C. Sowing is done to a depth of 3-4 cm.

    Propagation of dogwood by cuttings

    Since, like any other ornamental shrub, the dogwood needs pruning, it is not at all difficult to select suitable cuttings from the many trimmed stems. They should be:

    1. lignified;
    2. contain at least two internodes.

    Leaves from the lower part of the cutting are removed; in the upper part they can be shortened by half. It is acceptable to use green cuttings, but their ability to root is usually no higher than 30%.

    Propagating deren by cuttings in the fall has little chance of success; most likely, the plant will not have enough time to take root well before the onset of cold weather.

    Rules for planting cuttings

    There are two ways to achieve the appearance of roots in cuttings prepared for this purpose:

    1. placed in a jar of water;
    2. planted in the soil.

    In water, the first roots begin to appear after 1-2 weeks. You should not wait for large sizes (more than 1 cm), because due to the fragility of the roots, planting in the ground will be difficult.

    When planting cuttings directly into the soil, do so in rows at a slight angle, after spilling the soil with water. Dusting the lower sections with root or another similar stimulant will help improve the result. The planted material is covered with film or spunbond. Until the cuttings take root, keep the soil moist and spray and fertilize the shoots themselves. For the winter they will need to be covered with dry grass or spruce branches. Or you can transplant them into containers and move them to a cool room until spring.

    By planting cuttings for rooting immediately in pots or containers, you can significantly simplify seasonal care manipulations: transferring them to winter maintenance and returning them to the greenhouse in the spring. By autumn, the strengthened cuttings are ready for planting in a permanent place.

    Reproduction by dividing the bush

    The simplest, most reliable method with quick results is dividing the bush. Of course, the original plant must be voluminous enough to have something to divide into several parts. This method includes the following steps:

    • Removing the mother bush from its place of growth
    • Forming individual “sections” using a knife
    • Planting each in prepared planting holes

    Reproduction using layering

    Despite the fact that adult dera bushes are quite spreading, the plant itself does not root its branches. To do this, the selected shoots are bent to the ground and secured with staples, sprinkled with soil or a layer of mulch on top. The next year, in spring or autumn, the rooted cuttings can be separated by cutting the connection with the mother bush and planted in a separately prepared hole.

    Possible difficulties

    Difficulties with propagating dena may be due to a simple oversight.

    1. drying out of the soil around the cuttings, which can lead to their death;
    2. burns of young foliage, especially when droplets of water after watering turn into peculiar lenses;
    3. freezing of cuttings left for the winter without shelter.

    Caring for young plants

    Despite the fact that derain is enough unpretentious shrub, young, recently planted plants need additional care: Whatever method is chosen for propagating the tree, the result will not be long in coming. The strengthened plants begin to actively vegetate and grow.

    “Motley-leaved forms of turf require a minimum amount of fertilizer; their excess is detrimental to the decorative appearance of the shrub.”

    The result of the work of caring hands can please not only the eye with the decorativeness of variegated greenery, but also the wallet with additional income.

    You can decorate your garden plot like this beautiful plant, like turf, especially since propagating turf by cuttings is quite easy and quick. There are several ways to propagate this plant, and each gardener chooses the appropriate option for himself. Derain grows very quickly in almost any growing conditions. There are cases when this plant takes root without human help.

    Reproduction for practical purposes

    White derain is very popular among our gardeners due to its highly decorative. This plant reproduces very well and grows quickly, and can easily become a source of additional income. If you wish and have free land, you can start propagating white deer for practical purposes, for the sake of earning money. Reproduction of dera does not require any special financial expenses, since after pruning the bushes, cuttings remain, the care of which is very simple. But it is important to carry out cuttings correctly in order to get many strong and healthy shrubs.

    For such purposes, it is necessary to equip a small greenhouse or make a greenhouse. Fertile soil, fertilized with mineral compounds, is poured into the greenhouse, and cuttings with live buds from those bushes that grow on the plot are immersed in it.

    Cuttings in the greenhouse should be carried out no later than June. Cuttings need regular watering and spraying. The soil should not be allowed to dry out. Already in the fall, young plants are transplanted into separate containers and brought into the basement, where the turf will overwinter.

    Already with the onset of the first warm days, the seedlings are again transferred to the greenhouse, where they begin to actively grow. By next autumn, the young bushes will have become stronger and will be ready for sale.

    If you want to decorate your garden plot or cottage ornamental shrubs, be sure to plant turf. This plant will make an excellent backdrop for your flower beds or serve as an impenetrable hedge. Bright summer flowers look great against the backdrop of the original derain foliage.

    Derain can be classified as a plant that can be forgotten immediately after planting. If you are sorely short of time to care for your garden plot, then turf will become an indispensable plant for you.

    We can distinguish the main sods for growing in garden conditions; the most popular are four subspecies of this plant.


    Dogwood is a tree or shrub. The fruits of this plant can be eaten. Many types of dogwood are cultivated and suitable for growing at home.

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    This subgenus has more than 30 species. Distinctive feature The twist is that the fruits of the plant are poisonous and should never be tasted. Although some birds eat the fruits of this tree. Svidina blooms with snow-white inflorescences and looks very decorative. This subgenus of derain is often used in landscape design.


    This subgenus includes 5 species of trees. Bentamidia fruits can be eaten. The plant is very decorative, and can often be found not only on personal plots, but also in parks and squares.


    This subgenus has only 2 species. The plant is a compact bush with creeping branches. You can decorate lawns with shrubs or grow dense thickets from them.

    Propagation by cuttings

    For propagation e On white, gardeners most often use cuttings. For cuttings, cut branches up to 15 cm long, only mature ones. Cuttings are very reliable way propagation of white deer, since the branches are almost 100% rooted.

    How to choose cuttings correctly

    It is advisable to cut the branches in the first ten days of July. Only last year's shoots, which are flexible and have mature bark, are cut into cuttings. If you put such cuttings in water, they will begin to actively develop.

    There must be at least two internodes on each cut branch. The leaves at the bottom of the branch need to be torn off, and the upper leaves should be shortened slightly. This way the plant will save energy on feeding the foliage and will grow roots faster. The fact is that fewer leaves will evaporate less moisture. The cuttings are immersed in jars of water so that the lower buds are below the water level. Within a week the first roots should appear.

    Derain propagates very well from cuttings, but it is important not to miss the moment of planting seedlings in open ground. Young seedlings have a very fragile root system, so they are easily damaged during planting.

    If the root system is damaged, the plants will begin to hurt and will not take root well. The turf is planted in the garden when the roots reach 1 cm in length. In this case, the turf will grow well and quickly take root.

    Planting in a greenhouse

    A good way to propagate turf is to plant cuttings in a greenhouse. The branches should be planted in rows, tilting them slightly. Young plants in a greenhouse need to be watered regularly, but it is worth considering that excessive moisture will be harmful.

    If the summer is hot, then the greenhouse needs to be shaded and the cuttings need to be constantly sprayed. After planting in the summer, by September the cuttings will have roots. But transplanting cuttings e It's worth putting it off for a while.

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    Planting cuttings

    Growing turf is simple reproduction and landing even for a beginner. The plant is so unpretentious that you can even take cuttings from the branches remaining after pruning the bushes. If the rooting of the cuttings was successful, then the gardener will have a lot of planting material. But turf is planted in a permanent place in the garden only with the arrival of next spring. The fact is that due to cold weather, the fragile root system of the tree can easily freeze. The plants are left in a greenhouse, which is well insulated. You can also plant cuttings rooted in water in boxes and lower them into the basement. In this way, the cuttings are preserved until spring, and only with the arrival of warm days are they planted in the ground.

    The next stage is the correct landing. It is best to start by planting the cuttings in a specially designated area, where they will grow and gain strength. In just two years, by growing cuttings in this way, you can get a dense hedge or a beautiful ornamental plant.

    When planting cuttings, they are buried slightly into the soil to allow the plant to form additional roots. When planting, you need to dig a spacious hole into which you add complex fertilizers. After planting, the cuttings are watered and provided with proper care.

    It is important to know: for variegated forms, there is no need to apply fertilizer when planting, as the plants will begin to fatten and produce monochromatic foliage.

    Care after landing

    Young plants have a weak root system during the first time after planting. Therefore, watering is the basis for caring for planted trees. Overdrying the soil, even for a short period of time, can lead to the death of plants, since even drought-resistant turf after transplantation will not be able to survive the drought.

    After planting in a permanent place, the turf needs not only moisture, but also nutrients. If the soil is fertile, the turf will take nutrition from it. In the watering regime, the main thing is regularity. The soil under the transplanted tree e Under no circumstances should it dry out, even for a short time. But when watering, it is important not to overwater young plantings, since excess moisture can lead to rotting of the rhizomes or cause fungi.

    At first, while the seedlings are young and have only a superficial root system, they should be watered moderately. As the shrubs grow, the water flow must be increased so that the roots have enough moisture. The first sign of a lack of water is the bush dropping its leaves, as well as drying out the tips of the leaves.

    Until the turf takes root in its new location, it will have to be shaded from the hot sun. If burns are noticeable on the foliage, you can stretch non-woven material over the planting. You can even stretch regular gauze or any other loose fabric that allows air to pass through well. It is impossible to cover the plantings with film, especially in the hot summer.

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    Young shrubs should be mulched at least at first. This can be done with peat. A layer of peat will prevent rapid evaporation of moisture and reduce the time required to care for the bush. It is optimal if mulching is carried out in early spring, while the soil around the bushes is still full of water.

    Seed method

    This method is used extremely rarely, as it is too labor-intensive. It is necessary to collect ripe fruits and separate the seeds from the pulp. The seeds are stored in a cold place for a year. When the seeds undergo stratification, they can be sown. The seeds sprout quite quickly, and the main thing in caring for seedlings is regular watering. Such plants can only be transplanted into the garden in the second year of life. Derain grown from seeds blooms only after 10 years and does not inherit the varietal qualities of the mother plant.

    Reproduction by division of rhizomes

    White dogwood can be propagated by dividing the mother bush. This method is often used if the tree needs to be transplanted to a new location. Dividing the bush can be done in the fall or early spring, until the buds wake up. The bush is dug up, taken out of the hole and divided into several sections. Then the divisions are planted in prepared pits in another place.

    Reproduction by layering

    Shrubs can also be propagated by layering; in the spring, you should dig up the soil around it and make the required number of grooves. The branches are bent into these grooves and dug in. The top of the buried shoot must be pinched. When young branches begin to grow, the buried shoot needs to be sprinkled. The shoots are dug in in the spring, and in the fall the young bushes can be separated from the mother plant and planted in a new place.


    For rapid development and correct height it is necessary to apply under the turf nutrients. To ensure that the crown of the bush is sufficiently dense, it is fertilized several times a season. Mineral compositions promote rapid growth. They contribute mineral fertilizers during the period of growth of new shoots, that is, in late spring and early summer.

    If the shrub still grows too slowly, then it is necessary to apply fertilizers that contain nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilizing also has a beneficial effect on the branching of shrubs.

    Already in the fall, fertilizing is applied, which contains potassium. Potassium increases the plant's immunity and the turf will not be susceptible to diseases. Potassium also increases the frost resistance of shrubs. Feeding variegated forms with potassium is especially useful.