How to spray the area against ticks. How to treat an area against ticks yourself: effective preparations

With the onset of warm spring days, owners of private houses, country lands, and nature lovers are concerned about one question - how to treat the area against ticks on their own. Experts recommend, but are not always satisfied with their financial policy; many prefer to fight on our own.

Fighting methods

Protection against ticks with folk remedies involves the use of certain plants, products with harsh, persistent odor. The methods are more aimed at preventing infection than at control, and can be combined with other methods of exterminating pests.

Effect of poison

Treating the area against ticks must be carried out according to certain rules. Otherwise, it will cause harm to the environment, animal health, and human health. All chemical preparations for spraying the lawn, garden, yard, meadow are based on insecticides wide range. The active components are classified as medium or low toxic substances and do not cause harm under certain conditions.

Acaricidal treatment against ticks cannot be narrowly targeted. Almost all insects that find themselves within the radius of action of the poison die from the action of the poison. Spraying the area is safe for animals if they do not run on the poisoned grass or climb treated bushes for 3 days. Otherwise, an allergic reaction to the skin, increased salivation, lacrimation, loss of appetite, and vomiting may occur.

The product used to treat an area against ticks penetrates the ticks' body through contact. Causes disruption of the functioning of the nervous system, blocks the transmission of impulses. This leads to muscle paralysis and quick death. Tick ​​poison is effective for a maximum of 3 days, then the toxicity gradually decreases, but remains sufficient to bait bloodsuckers for 1-3 months.

Anti-mite treatment should not be carried out in the garden during the fruit ripening season. If spraying has occurred, the crop should be harvested no earlier than after 21 days.

Correct processing algorithm

Treatment against ticks is called disinfestation, and the preparations are called acaricides. Each product comes with instructions that you should first read. It is imperative to adhere to the recommended dosage and dilute the composition in the specified proportions.

There is a wide choice of how to spray an area against ticks. You can buy the drug in a specialized store, from special services employees, or order it online. Anti-mite treatment is carried out using a household spray bottle or a spray bottle.

Spray land plot It is necessary in calm weather to prevent the spread of poison in a random direction. The spray bottle should be directed in the direction of the wind so that the spray does not fly towards the person. You need to cultivate the soil, garden, and grass early in the morning or in the evening. You also need to monitor the weather. Precipitation during the first three days after disinfestation reduces the effectiveness of the drug; re-treatment will be required after 7-10 days.

The garden still needs to be worked on in early spring before the leaves bloom. At such a time, ticks are not yet active; the poison will not allow them to begin full-scale colonization of the territory. During the flowering period of trees, tick baiting is prohibited. The poison is deadly to bees and other insects that pollinate plants.

Process suburban area permitted at any time, but so that the use of poisons does not cause harm to the environment. In nature, products are used to treat the area 3 days before you plan to go on vacation.

How to get rid of ticks in your summer cottage

You can treat grass against ticks, trees, and shrubs at a level of 50 cm from the soil surface with one of the following preparations.


The professional product is produced in the form of a concentrate. Tick ​​liquid is dissolved in cold water. 5 ml of concentrate is diluted with 1 liter of water. Quantity ready solution calculated based on area. 50 ml of concentrated preparation is enough to kill ticks on 10 acres. It is recommended to treat the garden, lawn, and yard in early spring, late autumn, or 3 days before a family or company visit to nature is planned. The effect lasts for 40 days. A bottle with a capacity of 500 ml costs about 1200 rubles.

We had to treat the area near the house because the ticks did not give life to us or the animals. We bought it. A garden sprayer was used for treatment. An excellent tool. Cope with bloodsuckers in 3 days, lasts for about a month. Another effective one, suitable for processing rural areas. Spraying is carried out with a spray bottle.

Ilya, Tver


Insectoacaricidal drug with a wide spectrum of action. The active ingredient is permethrin. The solution is prepared immediately before treatment. For 1 liter of cool water, 2.5 ml of concentrate is required. 100 liters of the prepared solution is enough to poison ticks on 1 hectare of area. valid after treatment for about 50 days. The price of a 50 ml bottle is 380 rubles.


You can protect yourself from ticks in your dacha using a proven domestic product. The concentrated insecticide contains an active substance and a synergist to enhance the effect. A 50 ml bottle is enough to poison ticks on 100 sq. m. The price of the drug is 390 rubles. For 1 l cold water 10 ml of concentrate is consumed. The maximum effect lasts 15 days.

Quiet evening

Smoke bomb against blood-sucking insects, including ticks. Easy to use, does not require complex preparatory manipulations. The active substance is in a tin jar, there is also peat there. After lighting the fuse, the saber begins to smolder, releasing toxic smoke into the air. The checker should be installed 10 m from the place that needs to be protected, in the direction of the wind.

Another effective method– treat clothes, your body, and not the entire area. They use cologne. You can drive away the bloodsucker by smell. Protect yourself by treating your body.

If you cannot defeat the bloodsuckers on your own, turn to experienced specialists for help. Services treat the area with modern, effective insecticides and use high-quality automatic equipment.

Any summer cottage is a potential habitat for ticks - small blood-sucking insects that carry a whole range of pathogens. Having entered private territory, arachnids can not only ruin the mood of its owners, but also cause serious harm to their health. To protect yourself from such consequences, it is important to get rid of ticks in a timely manner. But how to do it correctly and not cause even more damage? personal plot? The answer is further: we tell you how and with what to process dacha area with your own hands to quickly clean it of insects.

How to spot ticks

Before you begin exterminating ticks, you need to assess the extent of their spread in your area. There are several ways to do this. No special equipment, you don’t need any skills or knowledge here – just a little free time.

Most quick option detecting insects involves using a regular white cloth or waffle towel measuring meter by meter - the material must be fixed on a wooden stick. You should look for arachnids in the early morning, when the dew has just left the grass.

The procedure itself is simple: take a self-designed search tool and slowly walk through summer cottage, systematically moving the white canvas over the foliage and grass.

Advice. When looking for ticks, pay special attention to areas with tall grass and bushes - these are the insects' favorite areas.

White fabric will attract ticks, and some of them will most likely remain on its surface. But do not try to destroy insects physically - trample or burn the bait fabric. You still won’t achieve complete elimination of arthropods, but you will once again put yourself in danger, which is absolutely unjustified.

Having assessed the scale of the tick population in your area, immediately begin active action - treating the area with chemical compounds.

How to treat the area

The most reliable and fastest way to eliminate ticks is to treat your summer cottage chemicals. There are a lot of drugs to combat arachnids, but experts advise giving preference to the following two groups of compounds:

If you notice ticks, do not put off treating the area until later.

  1. Pyrethroids. A category of chemical compounds based on pyrethrin, a natural substance obtained from chamomile. The main positive feature of pyrethroids is their mild effect on living organisms, making them safe for fauna, flora, and humans. In addition, these non-toxic compounds quickly disintegrate and therefore do not harm the soil. But to be fair, pyrethroids will only be effective against small populations of mites in small areas.
  2. Acaricides. Strong chemical compositions, capable of quickly destroying ticks in any volume. Acaricides can be based on either chlorine or phosphorus. The preparations remove not only adult insects, but also their larvae and even laid eggs. Acaricides can be presented in two forms: liquid and granular. As practice shows, the former are much more effective in the fight against ticks than the latter. Such compositions quickly disintegrate in the soil, but they are quite toxic.

Advice. When choosing acaricidal preparations for treating an area, remember that all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the toxicity of the main component, negatively affect living organisms. Your goal is to minimize harm, so use acaricides no more than once every 6 weeks.

How to treat the area

To do it yourself, first prepare:

  • chemical drug with detailed instructions preparing the solution;
  • spray device;
  • protective equipment: rubber gloves, special suit or raincoat, mask or respirator.

Then create the most uncomfortable living conditions for ticks: thoroughly clean the dacha area and, if possible, trim the grass and shrubs - it is important that the area is more or less open.

Take preventative measures to prevent ticks from appearing

Next, having prepared the solution and put on protective equipment, proceed to treatment: spray the entire area of ​​the site with the preparation, paying special attention to the perimeter line and shady areas with high thickets. At the same time, make sure that the solution gets as little as possible onto fruit-bearing crops and beds, as well as into the water.

It will take about two to three days for the sprayed chemicals to settle and penetrate into the soil - it is not recommended to be in the summer cottage during this period.

Important! Use the chemical in strict accordance with its instructions: do not increase the permissible concentration of the solution so as not to provoke poisoning of living organisms.

Chemical treatment should be carried out in calm, dry weather. The most suitable period is the beginning of summer.

What preventative measures to follow

To avoid repeated mass appearance of ticks in your area, after treating the area, it is important to practice the following preventive measures:

  1. Promptly clear the area of ​​fallen leaves, branches, tops, grass and debris.
  2. Regularly mow the grass and maintain and remove weeds.
  3. Control small rodents, especially mice and rats - they carry tick larvae. Effective method protecting the area from rodents - using ultrasonic repellers. Also, remember to clean up and throw away leftover food from outdoor areas.
  4. Fence your garden area to prevent access to stray animals that may carry ticks.
  5. From the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, regularly treat all pets with special protective preparations against insects.
  6. Plant chamomile in the area - the natural pyrethrin in its composition will repel insects.

Remember that you need to get rid of ticks immediately after they are discovered - delay in this matter can cost you your health. Now you know how and with what to treat your summer cottage in order to eliminate dangerous insects– We strongly recommend that you take into account all the advice and do not delay in saving your backyard territory.

How to get rid of mosquitoes and ticks in your summer cottage: video

Ticks on a summer cottage: photo

For many owners of private houses or summer cottages, the problem of the spread of ticks on the property is quite urgent. Since these insects can cause harm not only to plants and animals, but also to people. We'll look at how to get rid of ticks on your property below.

Treatment against ticks: features of implementation

With the onset of summer, the question of treating an area against ticks becomes more pressing. Exists a large number of drugs that can kill ticks, but at the same time negative impact from them it spreads to the soil.

The pesticides used take a very long time to break down, so they gradually accumulate in the soil. Most organophosphate insecticides are hazardous to human health. Most the best option is the use of pyrethroids. They have low toxicity, have a good decay rate and help effectively get rid of ticks. It is these advantages that make pyrethroids popular treatments for the area. Although these drugs are characterized by certain disadvantages:

  • capable of killing not only ticks, but also other insects such as bees;
  • dangerous for animals such as fish or cats.

Therefore, when processing large areas, it suffers quite a lot environment. In areas such as children's institutions, private houses, parks, sanatoriums, boarding houses or garden plots need this treatment.

Treating areas for ticks is a way to combat the spread of infections that these insects can carry. Reducing the number of mites is achieved in the following ways:

  • creating conditions that are unfavorable for their living;
  • when fighting mouse-type rodents;
  • when treated with mite-killing chemicals such as acaricides.

Tip: To determine the presence of ticks in a specific area, follow these steps:

  • take a waffle towel;
  • wipe the area of ​​your body where there is a little sweat;
  • place it on the grass for a few minutes;
  • If there are ticks, you will see them on the towel.

Tip: Instead of a towel, use any light-colored fabric, such as a sheet.

In addition, for effective identification, the fabric must be attached to a stick with a rope and stretched across the grass or other vegetation of the area. If there are ticks, be sure to burn them. And if they are absent, carry out preventive measures, which will help prevent further ticks from appearing in the area.

Preventing and treating the area for ticks yourself

To protect the area from ticks, the following preventive measures should be taken:

  • regularly mow lawns, get rid of remnants of vegetation and old leaves;
  • do not allow cluttered areas to appear;

  • Build a barrier along the perimeter of the site, which looks like a one-meter wide strip sprinkled with sawdust or gravel;
  • do not allow mice or other rodents to appear on the site, as they are the main feeder of tick larvae; in addition, they transmit various infections to ticks, which they can transmit to animals or people;
  • take care to reduce the number of covered elements of the site, do not leave garbage or uneaten food on it;
  • use traps and poisons to get rid of rodents.

Treat with acaricides. Most drugs used to treat plants against pests also have a negative effect on mites. Remember that liquid products are more effective than granular products.

Treatment against ticks is carried out with the beginning of warming, immediately after the snow melts. The use of acaricidal drugs must be carried out in strict compliance with all the rules described in the instructions. To the zone special attention There are areas with dense vegetation along the perimeter of paths and recreation areas.

To make pyrethroids, the natural insecticide pyretin is used, which is present in a certain type of chamomile: pink Caucasian, Persian and Dalmatian. By planting these plants on the site, it will be possible to repel ticks without chemical treatment; in addition, these plants have an attractive appearance and can not only help in getting rid of ticks, but also decorate the area.

Ticks in a summer cottage: how to get rid of and prevent

1. Take care spring cleaning summer cottage plot. Get rid of places where rubbish and all kinds of debris accumulate. Remove all uncleared thickets, piles of tops and dry branches. This must be done with the early onset of spring. It is advisable to burn all the garbage that has accumulated over the winter in order to get rid of the ticks that spent the winter in it.

2. Throughout the warm season, prevent the appearance of tall thickets on the site; mow and trim the lawn at least five times during the summer. Once the grass has dried, begin harvesting it immediately.

3. Use a variety of rodent control products. Just be sure to read the instructions before using them and avoid contact with small children.

4. Buy special means for processing animals. After walking them, inspect them for ticks.

5. Try to fence off the area and prevent foreign animals, such as cats, dogs, foxes, hedgehogs, hares, etc. from entering it.

6. When bringing grass, flowers and other vegetation into the area, carefully check them for ticks.

Destruction of ticks on the site: unconventional methods

Except traditional way treating the area with the help of various kinds of preparations, there are unconventional ways to combat ticks, which are based on the purchase of animals or insects for the area that are enemies and eaters of ticks.

Buying expensive products for treating the body and clothing against ticks does not always bring results, so we suggest trying two proven folk methods that will help prevent ticks from getting on your skin or clothing:

1. This solution should be applied to the surface of clothing before entering an area where ticks may be present.

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • two glasses of white vinegar;
  • one glass of water;
  • a few drops of eucalyptus, mint and citrus oil.

Apply the mixture to your clothes using a spray bottle, and also spray your body and hair with it.

2. The second option involves applying it to areas of a person not covered by clothing.

To prepare it you will need:

  • two glasses of vegetable oil;
  • one glass of aloe vera;
  • twenty drops of lavender oil;
  • twenty drops of rose geranium.

All ingredients are placed in a bottle and mixed vigorously. Ticks are not resistant to the smell and taste of this solution; if they try to penetrate human skin, they will simply fall off.

The modern market for veterinary products offers a huge number of drugs that will help get rid of ticks. But, before you start processing the area, be sure to read the instructions for any of them. Some preparations contain an organophosphorus insecticide, which is dangerous to humans and animals.

It is better to give preference to pyrethroids, which are safer and less toxic. They are highly efficient.

But please note that if there are cats or fish on the site, it is strictly forbidden to use these drugs.

The time of the first treatment of the site coincides with the beginning of warming, immediately after the snow melts. Repeated treatment should be carried out throughout the warm period of the year. It is necessary to treat the area against ticks at least once a month, since the preparations are washed off during rains. The final treatment of the area is carried out before the start of winter to prevent the appearance of ticks in the spring.

When processing, you should choose a suitable day; the weather should be calm, dry and sunny. It is advisable if there is no rain for three days after treatment.

There are two types of tick control products:

  • liquid,
  • granular.

Liquid solutions used to spray the area are more effective. Granules are used if groundwater is at high level in relation to the site or in rainy weather, for example in autumn.

When processing the area, be sure to use gloves, protective clothing, a respirator and a mask. Do not allow strangers to be on the site for several hours after treatment.

Treatment of the area requires special care in methodical and systematic spraying. The spraying solution should be applied to the surface of the ground, trees, grass, tree trunks, bushes, flowers, in an enclosure or a dog walking area.

In addition, you should spray areas of thresholds, doors, garages, utility rooms, all accessories located in open space.

It is up to the owner to decide whether it is worth treating a vegetable garden or garden. Since it depends on the drug that is used during spraying and on his desire. Vegetables and fruits are unfit for consumption for at least forty days after spraying.

If there are reservoirs or wells on the site, you should carefully treat the surface that is located near them, since the ingress of poison into the water will make it unsuitable for drinking.

Remember that local spraying of the area will not provide complete protection against ticks. It is advisable if your neighbors also spend it with you. If this is not possible, thoroughly treat nearby areas, paths and the perimeter around the site.

After carrying out this process, it is preferable not to live in this area for about 36 hours.

How to treat an area against ticks: preparations and their features

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main anti-tick medications on the site:

1. Using “Tsifoks” will help protect the area from ixodid ticks, as well as from mosquitoes and cockroaches. Cypermethrin is used as the active ingredient.

2. Anti-tick treatment “Taran” is based on the action of zetacypermethrin. It helps to destroy ixodid ticks and household insects in the form of cockroaches, bedbugs, flies, ants, cockroaches.

3. The use of “Super Sipaz” is intended if it is necessary to destroy ticks, bed bugs, fleas, flies, cockroaches with larvae on the site.

4. Using "Bytex" based on fenthion, you will forget about ticks, flies, spiders and cockroaches.

5. The product "Sararovka intexicide" has the same effect as the previous drug.

6. “Fort site” based on organophosphorus compounds is used in the process of combating ticks and other insects in the form of mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs, flies.

7. The Indian-made drug “Acaritox” prevents the appearance of ixodid ticks and other insects.

Before carrying out work on spraying an area against ticks, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures that will help determine the type of tick that is common in the area.

Determine the presence of ticks in the area using a fabric flag, catch the ticks and place them in a container.

If possible, they should be submitted for examination to determine the type of tick. This event will help you accurately select correct composition drug for treatment.

When spraying a small area, use a manual device, otherwise, it is recommended to use a motor unit.

To avoid poisoning, in no case should you exceed the recommended doses of the drug.

There is an opinion that you should not treat the area for ticks every month, since harmful substances accumulate in the soil and negatively affect the health of people living in the area. It is advisable to carry out treatment against ticks at least in spring and autumn; the rest of the time, the main rule of protection against ticks is maintaining order and cleanliness of the area, periodically mowing the grass and timely removal of garbage.

A properly organized drainage system will help get rid of ticks, as they like to live in places with high humidity.

To prevent ticks from getting on your clothing while treating an area or walking outdoors, follow these rules:

  • wear light-colored clothing while treating the area; it is much easier to spot a tick on light-colored clothing;
  • try to wear closed clothes, as ticks easily cling to the body;
  • use a variety of products whose smell and taste can frighten ticks;
  • You should not apply products to the skin, as they do not work on it for long.

Among the many types of ticks that can get into a summer cottage, there are several whose bite can cause serious consequences for a person. dangerous disease, including encephalitis, borreliosis, typhoid. First of all, this applies to mites of the genus “dermacentor” and, whose habitat covers almost the entire territory of Russia.

Preventing the appearance of ticks on the site

  • they love tall grass, practically do not crawl onto bare areas of soil, and rocky surfaces are especially unpleasant for them;
  • they prefer shaded places, can hardly tolerate direct sunlight, and long exposure to the sun is completely destructive for them;
  • they move slowly, hunt most often using wait-and-see tactics - they crawl onto blades of grass (less often onto the lower branches of bushes and trees), and wait for the prey to pass by in order to cling to it;
  • they hunt using their sense of smell and capture body heat, so they accumulate where people visit most often - along paths, near a water tank, benches and porches of country houses;
  • are most active and numerous in spring and autumn, the likelihood of being bitten by them in midsummer is lower (but still remains!);
  • can be brought into the area with animals and birds, crawl from adjacent forest and meadow areas, and come from neighboring areas, especially if they are overgrown with grass.

To create an effective barrier on the way of ticks to a summer cottage, you need to regularly mow the grass around its perimeter (at least a meter wide), remove excess vegetation and weeds inside the area, and prevent the accumulation of a layer of foliage and tops. Dense vegetation in the immediate vicinity of benches and gazebos, even if they are berry bushes, should also be removed. Covering cleared areas with crushed stone or wood chips will prevent the grass from growing back.

If there is a country house and outbuildings, it is useful to make blind areas near their walls (preferably made of concrete). It is also undesirable for the branches of any bushes to touch the walls; ticks can use them to get inside the buildings. It is better to cut off such branches or collect them in bunches, tilting them away from the walls.

A fence will partially prevent stray and wild animals from entering the site. But, of course, it does not eliminate the need to regularly carry out deratization (exterminate rats and mice) if rodents have been noticed here. It is also useful to use bird repellents.

We must not forget about farm animals, if there are any at the dacha. There are special anti-tick medications for all types of livestock and poultry. If pets are brought to the dacha, they also need to be treated with anti-tick agents and their coats should be regularly inspected.


The fight against ticks with folk remedies involves, first of all, the use of aromatic plants. Some odors can repel ticks from gardens and vegetable gardens, and if there are not so many insects in the area, drive them away. Ticks do not like plants such as:

  • mint;
  • marigold;
  • pyrethrum (Persian, Dalmatian chamomile);
  • sage;
  • tansy;
  • thyme;
  • carnation;
  • pink geranium;
  • rosemary;
  • lavender;
  • garlic.

By evenly distributing the rows of these crops on the site, it will be possible to build good protection. You can use infusions and essential oils of the listed plants, as well as eucalyptus and palmarosa oils, making aqueous emulsions from them (4-5 drops per glass) and periodically spraying them over the area.

A concentrate based on geranium and palmarosa oils is especially effective. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. base oil (for example, almond), add 10-25 drops of one or another oil to it - the mixture is ready. It can be applied to clothes and shoes, sprayed onto an area, treated animals and the place where they sleep.

By slowly walking the wrapped part of a stick along the rows of plants, you can collect a very large number of mites at one time, and if this procedure is carried out regularly, the pest population in the area will noticeably decrease.

The photo shows an example of collecting insects on a stick with a white cloth

Today there are no absolutely safe anti-tick medications for treating gardens and vegetable gardens. When using any of them, you must strictly follow the instructions on the package and observe personal safety measures. The dosage of the product must not be exceeded, and the subsequently harvested crop must be thoroughly washed.

To destroy ticks, insecticides, acaricides and insectoacaricides are used based on:

  • DDT (common name - dust);
  • organophosphorus compounds;
  • pyrethroids.

DDT is effective, but very toxic and tends to accumulate in the soil. Organophosphorus compounds are toxic and can cause poisoning if they come into contact with the skin, but upon contact with soil and air they quickly decompose into low-hazard elements. Pyrethroids are the least dangerous and decompose quickly after treating the area. It is preferable to use products based on them.

Popular chemicals:

  • Sipaz is super. The active ingredient is cypermethrin (pyrethroid). It has no pronounced odor, the residual effect lasts up to one and a half months. Kills ticks of the genus Ixodidae and Dermacentorum. They can also poison mosquitoes, bedbugs, fleas, flies, and cockroaches.

  • Digital. Another drug based on cypermethrin. It has a specific smell and is used sparingly. Effective against mites of all kinds, including scabies, destroys ants, fleas, flies and other insects. The effect lasts up to 3 months.

  • Titanium. Very effective remedy based on propiconazole (pesticide, fungicide), average price, low consumption - 100 ml per 1 ha. It rids crops of mites and fungal diseases and treats many plant diseases.
  • Force site. Destroys ticks of the genus Ixodes, Dermacentor and Haemophysalis. The composition includes Fenthion (an organothiophosphate insecticide and acaricide), a substance of little danger to humans. The smell is strong, but dissipates quickly.

  • Acarytox. Kills and protects crops from them for up to 1.5 months. Contains a low-hazard substance - alphacypermethrin.

Liquid chemicals are sprayed using a hand sprayer or garden sprayer. When working, you must use safety glasses, a respirator, special clothing and gloves.

Pets, children, and food must be removed from the treatment area. If there are wells with drinking water on the site, under no circumstances should pesticides get into them. Beekeepers and owners of artificial ponds need to remember that many anti-mite drugs are deadly to bees and fish.

Chemical methods of killing ticks can be combined with all the methods described above, and to consolidate the effect, use the listed preventive measures.

The spring-summer season is associated with work in the garden and vegetable garden. This time can be overshadowed by such unpleasant creatures as ticks. Some of them are dangerous to human health and life, others harm trees and other plantings. One way or another, the fight against these pests is relevant in any warm period. You can kill ticks by: chemicals, and folk remedies.

Ways to combat ticks

There are two ways to fight ticks: traditional, or in other words traditional methods, and modern chemicals.

Regardless of whether there are ticks on your property or not, you should always take measures against their appearance.

Determining the approximate number of ticks in the area

To determine the approximate number of ticks in an area, you need to do a little research:

If, after repeatedly passing through an area, few ticks are found (1–3 individuals), preventive measures can be taken to address their appearance. If the number of mites is greater, then it is best to carry out chemical treatment.

When making your decision, be sure to consider the area of ​​the property. For example, 3 mites per 10 acres is an indicator for the use of chemical treatment, but the same number per 20 acres or more means that there are few ticks, you can try to do without insecticides.

Chemical repellents for ticks

Types of chemicals

Land plots, which are divided into two groups:

  1. Permethrin-based products. These drugs are not toxic enough to cause significant harm to humans or animals. However, the effect on ticks is also ineffective, especially if drugs of this group are used several times in a row.
  2. Organophosphorus preparations. The products in this group are intended for use over large areas. They are toxic and can cause poisoning or burns if you do not follow the instructions and safety precautions. But for ticks, drugs from this group are the most destructive.

Review of chemicals

There are many drugs based on permethrin. The most popular of them are:

  • Taran is a liquid concentrate with zeta-cypermethrin, sold in bottles of various sizes.
  • Medelis Cyper is a concentrate with cypermethrin, sold in green bottles.
  • Tsifoks is a drug based on cypermethrin, sold in containers of 50 ml, 0.5 and 1 l.
  • Doctor Klaus - a solution with alphacypermethrin, sold in a plastic bottle with an ejector.
  • Jurax is a liquid concentrate with cypermethrin, sold in bottles of various sizes.
  • Breeze is an emulsion concentrate with cypermethrin, sold in glass bottles of 0.5 and 1 l, as well as in 5 l canisters.

Photo gallery: caricidal drugs based on permethrin

The drug Yurax is a broad-spectrum insecticide. The drug Breeze is used to treat the area against ixodid ticks
The drug Doctor Klaus is produced in a bottle convenient for spraying with an ejector. One bottle of Tsifox with a volume of 0.5 liters is enough to treat 100 acres. The drug Taran is effective for 2 months after treatment. The drug Medelis Ziper is suitable for indoors and open areas.

The most common of organophosphorus preparations are:

  • Karbofos is a drug based on malathion, available in the form of a concentrated emulsion, powder, concentrate in ampoules and a ready-made solution.
  • Sumiton is a drug with the active ingredient fenitrtothione, more often used to treat fruit trees from various pests.
  • Actellik - the main substance - pirimiphos-methyl, is produced in ampoules.
  • Dobrokhim FOS is a fenthion-based concentrate that is harmful to bees.

Photo gallery: preparations based on organophosphorus compounds

The drug Dobrokhim FOS protects the area for up to 1.5 months after treatment. The drug Actellik effectively fights leaf-eating insects, mites and pests. The drug Karbofos is an effective remedy for treating the area against various pests.

Folk remedies for protecting an area from ticks

If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to use chemistry, you can try folk recipes getting rid of ticks. You should know that traditional methods do not give a significant effect, and therefore are considered auxiliary measures along with the main, usually chemical, method. Let's look at a few popular tips and try to assess the degree of their effectiveness.


Plants can help in the fight against ticks. Mint, chamomile, tansy, calamus, wormwood, thyme, garlic, lavender, calendula emit a specific aroma and contain a natural insecticide that repel ticks. The essence of the advice: plant them densely around the perimeter of the entire area to make it difficult for ticks to enter your territory.

There is a rational grain in this method. For example, tansy has strong odor, reminiscent of camphor, which repels ticks and other insects. Calamus contains a large amount of asarone, a natural insecticide that has a detrimental effect on ticks.

It is worth remembering that ticks are capable of developing immunity even from strong insecticides, so they are clearly able to overcome poisons of natural origin.

Decoctions and infusions from various plants

People have advice on using decoctions of various herbs.

Bird cherry decoction

For example, there is an opinion that a decoction of bird cherry will protect not only from mosquitoes, but also from ticks and even their larvae. The recipe for preparing a decoction that kills ticks is as follows:

  1. Prepare freshly cut small bird cherry branches.
  2. Place the branches in the pan.
  3. Fill in cold water and boil.
  4. When it boils, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. After cooking, the broth turns red;
  6. Pour the broth into a sprayer or watering can.
  7. Irrigate the lawn and shrubs in the garden.

Herbal decoction

A decoction of herbs: sage, geranium, garlic and chamomile. Various recipes are recommended. Let's take the simplest one:

  1. Place the indicated herbs in a glass container (for example, a jar) in the amount of 3 tablespoons.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Bring to a boil in a water bath.
  4. Add one large head of grated garlic.
  5. After boiling, remove the broth from the heat, cover with a lid, and wrap in a towel.
  6. Let it brew until it cools completely.
  7. Add water to make 5 liters.
  8. Water or spray the area.

It is not clear how such a remedy will help repel ticks, and the broth cannot clearly destroy imagoes or larvae, because it does not contain any toxic compounds. One gets the impression that they tried to get rid of it in cases where for some reason it was impossible to use more effective methods.

Garlic tincture

Garlic is used in infused form as an independent remedy against ticks. Finely chop a large head of garlic and add a liter of water. Let it sit for 24 hours and spray over the area.

The smell of garlic is really pungent and repels insects. But there is no evidence that garlic has the same effect on ticks. Indoors, garlic is sometimes used to destroy spider mite, but the use of the same remedy against ixodid ticks raises great doubts.

Video: folk remedies for encephalitis ticks and mosquitoes