How to quickly clean the oven from grease. Steam cleaning method. Lemon juice and citric acid

Hardware stores offer a wide range of household chemicals for cleaning ovens. The composition and active ingredients can be both relatively safe and very harmful to health. Liquid or gel is applied to baking sheets, racks and oven walls and left for 5-30 minutes. then wash off with plenty of water. We have prepared for you a short overview of industrial products, and we will also tell you how to clean the oven using water and vinegar.

Every housewife from time to time is faced with the need to clean the oven from burnt fat, soot and food debris - this can hardly be called a pleasant task. The process is greatly simplified if you wash the oven after each cooking with regular dish soap, because after reheating the fat thickens and becomes more like drying oil, then it is much more difficult to wash it.

Tip #1: Household chemicals often contain caustic substances, so use rubber gloves when working and do not forget to open the windows.

Tip #2: When choosing a cleaner, pay attention to aerosols; they are economical and effective; cream-like products and foam are no less good; due to their consistency, they adhere to the walls of the oven and corrode fat.

Tip #3: Give preference to products that do not contain acids, chlorine or abrasives - they can destroy the enamel. You should also not use metal brushes, scrapers or hard sponges to avoid scratching the surface. Soft sponges and a brush will be useful for this work, with which you can clean hard-to-reach places.

Tip #4: A good result can be achieved if, before applying the product, preheat the oven at 500°C for 20 minutes. Heated fat changes its structure and is much easier to wash off.

Tip #5: Detergents and cleaning agents are not applied to the fan and a heating element, as this may damage the device.

Tip #6: After using household chemicals, do not close the door immediately; it will take several hours for the smell of the cleaner to completely disappear.

Review of popular tools

Faberlic (Russia)– a biodegradable caustic soda-based gel designed specifically for the care of metal and ceramic surfaces, ovens, gas burners, grill, racks and baking sheets, suitable for microwave. Effectively removes fat deposits, burnt food, soot and rust. Apply with a sponge to a dirty surface, foam well, exposure time depends on the degree of contamination and varies from 5 to 30 minutes. washed off with water. Faberlic gel is not intended for washing nickel, chrome and aluminum. 97% of housewives who have tried this gel recommend it to others. The company's products are not tested on animals.

Frosch (Germany)- grease solvent for the kitchen, environmentally friendly. Does not contain toxic chemicals, the active ingredients are soda, herbal ingredients, grapefruit extract, it can be recommended if there are small children in the house. The product is applied from a spray bottle, it copes with old fat, but you need to work hard. The main advantage of Frosch is its safety and versatility. Cleans off fresh stains well. 50% recommend this product.

"BUGS" Schumanit(Israel) – removal spray old fat and soot, in a matter of minutes it copes with the most persistent stains and dissolves fat. The product is sprayed onto the walls of the oven and after a few seconds, the flowing dirt is washed off with a damp sponge, and the procedure is repeated if necessary. The result is very good, but there is one drawback: the composition contains activated and acetic substances - these are quite dangerous chemistry. Schumannite suitable for ovens, hobs, steel and enamel cookware, with its help you can extract, soot from cast iron frying pans, and even a car engine.

Attention: The liquid has a pungent odor; when working, be sure to use safety glasses, rubber gloves and work in a ventilated area. Keep away from children!

Mister Muscle "Expert" for the kitchen (Russia) - an inexpensive liquid product for the entire kitchen. Suitable for washing ovens, stoves, microwaves, sinks, furniture fronts and even floors. It has proven itself well in practice, it easily cleans the oven from soot and burnt fat, it can be used to wash baking sheets, grill grates and glass door. The product is sprayed onto the inner surface of the oven and left for 30-40 minutes. When the time is up, the softened fat is washed off with a soft cloth. Ingredients: surfactants, organic solvents, sodium hydroxide, potassium salt, terpene oil. The product has gained great popularity thanks to high quality and an adequate price.

Eco-max(Canada) - a gel popular among housewives because of its versatility; it can be used to clean the entire house, from the oven to washing dishes, floors, mirrors and cleaning carpets. Eco-max does not contain synthetic components; the active ingredients are lemon acid and soda. The cost is quite high.

Krizalit Eco(Belgium) – inexpensive, environmentally friendly, based on natural ingredients. Does not irritate the skin and respiratory tract, does not cause allergies, is safe for people and animals. Interesting feature lies in the fact that the product does not dissolve dirt, but separates it from the surface with a film. Composition: aqueous solution of organic salts (they are the ones that peel off dirt), surfactants (no more than 1.8%) - all components are biodegradable and do not cause harm environment.

Cream "Cif"(Hungary) – a cleaner for stoves, ovens and microwave ovens, due to its consistency it does not flow from a vertical surface. Removes grease and grime and easily removes stubborn dirt. You can use the cream to clean the sink, tiles, hood and kitchen furniture. The product is applied for 15 minutes and washed off with clean water, it does not have a strong odor, and is quite pleasant to use. "Cif" deserved a lot good reviews housewives due to its versatility, efficiency and affordable price.

Sanita "Antifat"(Russia) – alkaline gel easily removes grease and burnt food, and is cheap. You can clean the oven, stove, dishes, barbecue, and hood. Exposure time 7 min. It is highly corrosive to the skin of your hands, use gloves when working and store the gel high up, where children cannot reach it.

1. Dilute a little in hot water laundry soap or detergent for dishes, pour it into a baking tray and put it in the oven. Wipe the walls of the oven with the same solution. Next, close the door tightly and set the temperature to 100-120 degrees. The door must be closed during this process. Opening too early can ruin everything. Within half an hour, water vapor will dissolve all food debris, grease and burnt bits. After 25-30 minutes, turn off the oven and, opening the door, let it cool slightly. Then take a damp cloth and wipe all surfaces of the oven with vigorous movements. Dirt and grease should come off easily.

2. Soda soaked in baking soda will help remove brown deposits from the inner surface of the oven window. warm water. Apply it to the stained area and leave for 15 minutes. The result will not take long to arrive. You can also clean the oven rack in the same way.

3. You can defeat oven stains with regular vinegar. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of liquid to the cooled surface of the oven, spread it with a damp cloth over the entire area to be cleaned and leave for a short amount of time. If the degree of contamination was small, then this will be enough, and then wipe the dirt with a damp sponge. And if the vinegar helped only partially, then you will have to work with a brush.

4. Dilute the solution in a cup acetic acid in a 1:1 ratio with water. Dip an ordinary rag into the solution and wet the oven walls with it well. Take baking soda, sprinkle it on the dirty areas, leave for a short time to act.

The hydrogen released as a result of the reaction of vinegar with soda is absolutely harmless, but it helps remove even the most corrosive dirt from the walls of the oven. Finally, rinse your oven with warm, soapy water to make it sparkle like new again.

5. Take glassware from the microwave, pour 1 liter of water and add a tablespoon of 96% vinegar. Place in the oven and turn on at 150 degrees for half an hour. Next, turn off the oven, remove the plug from the socket, to ensure safety electric shock. While the surface is warm and at the same time wet, it is necessary to wipe the walls. If it doesn't work out well, the process needs to be repeated.

6. Particularly brave people can clean the oven with ammonia. To do this, take a rag, generously soak it in ammonia and carefully wipe all surfaces in the oven with it. Then close the door tightly and leave the oven to cool overnight. In the morning in a bowl with hot water dilute any dishwashing detergent and, soaking a clean rag in it, thoroughly wipe the oven walls. All carbon and dirt should be removed without a trace. Finally, wipe the oven again with clean water without soap and wipe it dry.

7. Another remedy is salt, you need to pour it on the inner surface and preheat the oven. When the salt turns brown, sweep away the remaining salt or remove it with a vacuum cleaner and wash the oven.

8. You can also remove fat from the oven with regular baking powder. After sprinkling the contaminated surface and sprinkling it with water from a spray bottle, you need to wait a while. After a few minutes, the fat will gather into lumps that can be easily removed with a regular wet cloth. You can use citric acid or baking soda instead of baking powder.

9. Using a grater, grind a small piece of laundry soap into a deep bowl and fill these shavings with a fizzy mixture of vinegar and baking soda diluted in warm water. Mix everything thoroughly until the soap is completely dissolved, and then thickly coat the oven walls and the glass on the door with this mixture. After a couple of hours, pour warm water into the basin, take a clean rag and remove the detergent along with the dirt from the oven and from the door. By the way, the same solution can be used to scrub baking sheets, handles, and grates. It copes well even with old stains and does not damage the enamel at all.

10. To make your own oven cleaner, simply combine water (1/4 cup), salt (1/4 cup), and baking soda (3/4 cup) in a bowl. This should all mix into a thick paste. Wipe the inside of the oven with a damp cloth and spread the paste over the entire inside surface. Leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning. It may not look very clean when you wipe the paste off, but it's better than some other cleaners. This product works best when your oven is not overly dirty.

By the way, you can also add liquid detergent to your homemade cleaning mixture for a fresh smell and lather.

11. But with this product you can clean not only the oven, but also old rust and lime deposits on taps and showers. You will need powdered citric acid, about a teaspoon of dry cleaning product such as Pemolux, and a tablespoon of any dishwashing detergent. Mix a packet of citric acid with Pemolux and detergent and mix. The result should be a paste-like mass, the consistency of liquid sour cream or kefir. Lubricate the entire contaminated surface with this mixture. Leave for 10-15 minutes. If the dirt is very strong, 15 minutes after application, slightly moisten the oven so that the applied mixture does not dry out. Then carefully wipe everything with a wet sponge. Everything can be removed without difficulty. Wipe the oven with a sponge several times until it is clean.

Attention: when mixing the components, some kind of reaction apparently occurs and a rather sharp, bad smell, so try to distance yourself from the stirring mass if possible.

You only need to work with rubber gloves - the product turns out to be thermonuclear, but it cleans everything perfectly!

All manufacturers recommend cleaning interior and exterior surfaces oven immediately after each meal preparation. The goal is to prevent the resulting contaminants from burning. To do this, use liquid cleaning products and a soft sponge. Abrasive powders, hard sponges and metal brushes should not be used, as they can damage the enamel coating. How to properly clean an oven and what products are the most effective?

Cleaning with chemicals

Retail outlets have a wide selection of all kinds of gels for cleaning electric ovens, ovens and other heating devices used in home and professional kitchens. In built-in ovens, skilled housewives bake delicious dishes using hot air. An electric oven has a lot of advantages, but there are also significant disadvantages. First of all, this is the release of fat vapors, the food’s own juices and other formations that lead to the appearance of contaminants. Commercials tirelessly talk about the advantages of Frosch, Mister Muscle, Shumanita, Silit Benga, Sanitar Antizhira and other liquid cleaners.

The variety of cleaning products is impressive

But, chemistry is chemistry. Its harmful traces can get into food. Some chemical substances have a strong odor that spreads throughout the kitchen. Others are not as effective in combating pollution. Most gels require the use of protective equipment - gloves, respirators, masks - and good ventilation. Gels, when adding a small amount of water, form abundant foam, which can easily cope with greasy spots and ingrained soot. Therefore, it is enough to spray household chemical gel on the contaminated areas and wait for a while (the method of application is written on the packaging). All mud stains will disappear. Then they are washed off with warm water.

Important: do not use chemical washing gels that contain acids. These potent substances can damage the enamel coating of the oven: on the walls, ceiling and bottom.

Traditional methods

Steam (hydrolysis cleaning)

Using steam is a budget and safe option

This is an affordable, effective, proven way to cleanse internal enamel coatings ovens from long-standing dirt deposits. Pour water into a baking tray and add a little liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. The container is placed in the oven chamber and the heat mode is turned on (about 120 degrees Celsius). As soon as the water boils, reduce the temperature to 110 degrees and boil for at least 30 minutes. If this time is not enough to steam out the contaminants, increase the steaming time to one hour. Then turn off the oven and cool to room temperature. Wash off dirt deposits with a sponge soaked in warm soapy water. Be sure to wipe all surfaces with a dry cloth.

Important: to avoid burns to your face and hands, do not open the oven door when steam is intensely forming.

Baking soda is a universal remedy that should be in any kitchen.

Many housewives use regular baking soda not only as a food additive, but also as a universal cleaner for kitchen utensils. It will also cope well with dirt inside the oven’s thermal chamber, including the door glass. Dilute a third of a glass of baking soda with a small amount of water until a thick mass is formed. In the evening, apply this paste to dirty areas and leave until the morning. Then wipe off the mixture of soda and dirt with a damp sponge and rinse with warm, clean water. The effectiveness of the cleaning properties of soda can be enhanced by adding ordinary table salt in proportion: add one part salt to four parts baking soda.

Good results are achieved by using a baking powder (a mixture of baking soda and citric acid in a 1:1 ratio).

If baking powder is applied to the wetted surfaces of the oven, then after some time the fat will come off the enamel surface. A sponge moistened with soapy water will easily wash away dirty solution from the internal surfaces of the oven.

Vinegar contains acids, so for some surfaces it is better to choose a different cleaning option Light stains are washed off with a mixture of water and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. To do this, apply a mixture of vinegar and water to the inner walls of the oven with a spray bottle, turn the oven on temperature regime

+50 degrees. After waiting for a quarter of an hour, dirt can be easily removed with a sponge and warm clean water. Vinegar perfectly removes soot and fat impurities, so the oven’s heat chamber will look like new.

Baking soda + vinegar Acetic essence and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) enter into a chemical reaction with each other and release. It can easily cope even with old fat deposits. To begin cleaning the oven's thermal chamber and door using a mixture of acid and alkali, proceed as follows:

  • Spray vinegar on all surfaces inside the heat chamber.
  • Pour baking soda onto a moistened sponge and scrub the stains with it. Open the door completely and also sprinkle with baking soda.
  • Let the treated surfaces stand for several hours so that the vinegar and soda destroy old grease as effectively as possible.
  • Apply a little baking soda to a semi-rigid sponge and, without pressing, wipe the walls, baking trays, bottom and door.
  • Wash all cleaned surfaces with warm water.

Traditional method - laundry soap

The higher the percentage of fatty acids (72% in the picture), the more effectively the soap will deal with stains.

Laundry soap does not contain chemical impurities, so it is safe for health and does not harm the environment. Efficient removal contamination occurs due to the alkaline environment that is formed when soap is diluted with water. The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  1. Grate 50 grams of laundry soap on a fine grater.
  2. Dissolve the resulting shavings in a container with boiling water.
  3. Place the container in the oven and turn the temperature to 150 degrees.
  4. Let the “soapy water” simmer for about one hour.
  5. Grease stains, burnt marks, stuck-on dirt are carefully removed with a semi-rigid sponge.
  6. All surfaces are washed with clean water.
  7. The oven door remains open during the day so that the specific smell of laundry soap disappears.

Due to the presence of sodium and chlorine in its composition, ordinary salt will help get rid of soot and dirt

This is one of the most affordable, effective and fast-acting cleaning products at home. When heated, sodium and chlorine destroy old fat deposits, making them loose and soft. The algorithm of actions is the simplest:

  • Sprinkle salt on horizontal surfaces: baking sheets, trays, shelves and the bottom of the oven's heat chamber.
  • Turn on the heat and bring the temperature to a value at which the salt takes on a golden hue.
  • Turn off the oven and let it cool.
  • Wash the door, walls, baking sheets, trays and bottoms with warm water with a small addition of liquid dishwashing detergent.
  • Rinse all surfaces with clean water and wipe dry with a paper towel.

Ammonia can be bought at any pharmacy

This method can combat the most stubborn stains. Ammonia can restore pristine purity even to the most old oven. Cleaning can be done in two ways - cold and hot. In the first case, ammonia is applied to all internal surfaces in the oven using a generously moistened sponge and left for 8–12 hours. Then all dirt is removed with warm water with the addition of a small amount of detergent. In the second case, two small containers are placed in the oven: with ammonia- on top shelf, with water - on the bottom. The oven heats up to 100 degrees (the water must boil). Then it is unplugged, the door is closed and it cools down overnight. In the morning, the liquids from both containers are mixed with a small amount of dishwashing detergent. This solution is applied to the inner surfaces of the oven and then washed off with warm, clean water. The effect will be excellent.

Lemon juice

Lemon will not only clean the oven, but will also remove unpleasant odors.

Citric acid easily copes with fatty stains. Here too there are two options. In the first case, juice is squeezed out of a lemon and mixed with an equal amount of water. This liquid is used to treat internal surfaces. In the second case, place lemon slices in a container of water and add a small amount of dishwashing detergent. Place the container in an oven preheated to 100 degrees and leave for 30–40 minutes. Allow to cool, then use a sponge and this mixture to remove all grease from the walls, baking sheets, bottom and oven door.

Self-cleaning systems for electric ovens

The self-cleaning function was invented for professional kitchen equipment. But technologies are improving, becoming cheaper and becoming more accessible for a conventional electric built-in oven. Many housewives are happy to save themselves from the tedious and dirty work of cleaning the oven from accumulated fat deposits.

Easy self-cleaning system EasyClean

The most common self-cleaning technology (used on models from all manufacturers) is lining the inner walls of the oven with special coatings made of easy-to-clean smooth enamels. Such coatings do not absorb dirt at all. This cleaning system is called EasyClean. It's easy to use:

  • Pour a little water (a little less than half a glass) into the special recess in the bottom of the oven.
  • Add a few drops of a special detergent composition.
  • Turn on the oven heat mode at 100 degrees for 25–30 minutes.
  • Using a sponge, remove all dirt from the bottom of the oven that will settle there along with the hot condensate of the cleaner steam.
  • Wipe all surfaces with a paper towel.

Catalytic cleaning

Catalytic cleaning of a built-in oven is the chemical decomposition of fats into simple components: water, soot (carbon) and organic matter without the formation of soot.

At the same time, these constituent substances are absorbed by a sorbent formed from nanoparticles. These actions are caused by oxidizing agents that are part of the special coating. This porous enamel can be used to cover only the side walls or all the internal surfaces of the built-in oven. The catalytic cleaning system starts automatically when the oven temperature reaches 140 degrees. It is most effective at a temperature of 200 degrees. Some manufacturers enhance the cleaning effect of the coating using a special built-in catalyst. In Miele models this device is called AirClean, in Siemens ovens it is called AktiKat. All manufacturers use catalytic cleaning. This cleaning method is recommended for those housewives who often use electric oven

  • for cooking, but at the same time want to save on the cost of the oven and energy consumption. The disadvantages of this method include:
  • hand washing of baking sheets, grates, grill;
  • periodic manual washing of surfaces to remove incompletely absorbed soot;
  • The efficiency of fat decomposition sharply decreases when dairy and sweet products come into contact with the catalytic surface;
  • Frequent use of the oven is required to cope with large grease stains;

limited service life of the coating of 4–5 years.

EcoClean cleaning system

This system is still a world novelty. It is widely used mainly by two manufacturers: Bosch and Siemens, but other companies are also interested in it.

EcoClean self-cleaning kit from Bosch The innovation lies in the use of a new high-quality EcoClean ceramic coating for self-cleaning the oven. This type of cleaning begins automatically when the oven is turned on and preheated to 270 degrees. In this case, all emerging contaminants turn into easily removable plaque. Up to 80% of all odors are absorbed at the same time. The know-how of the invention lies in the use of tiny ceramic balls that destroy carbon deposits when heated strongly. They have the amazing ability to independently restore when unique properties, which makes this coating durable. This coating is applied only to the back wall. Other internal surfaces with EcoClean ceramics are purchased separately.

Pyrolytic cleaning

Pyrolysis is an effective technological technique in which all contaminants inside the oven are burned. The hard pyrolysis mode is activated using a special button. Thermal conditions reach temperatures of 500 degrees. The door is automatically locked against accidental opening. Pyrolysis requires additional electricity consumption, so models of such ovens are equipped with powerful heating elements.

When they are turned on, all fat deposits turn into ash, which can be easily removed with a damp sponge or cloth. All control over the pyrolysis process is vested in electronics. Several pieces of glass are installed in the door (if this function is available) to prevent the outer glass from becoming too hot.

Results of pyrolytic cleaning This cleaning method is not without its drawbacks. When burning fatty contaminants, it forms persistent odor

. To remove it, powerful ventilation will be required. The main weak point of ovens with this self-cleaning method is the high price. Cleaning using pyrolysis is widely used in their models by manufacturers such as Bosch, Ariston, Siemens, Miele. Moreover, Siemens uses special glass for the oven door, which is also cleared of grease when the pyrolysis mode is turned on.

Video: electric ovens - self-cleaning methods

If the oven is used much more often, use powerful pyrolysis cleaning. When choosing an oven, many practical housewives pay attention not only to access and ease of manual cleaning to the internal surfaces (no seams, protrusions, recesses, folding grill, etc.), the presence of a self-cleaning system, but also to the possibility of cleaning the space between the glass doors. U different manufacturers different ways

door disassembly. You need to carefully study the operating instructions: someone needs to first remove the door, and then disassemble it using a Phillips screwdriver; in others, the glass can be removed without removing the door, without using a tool.

How to rid the oven of odors?

  1. Lemon peels
  2. Add lemon or orange peels.
  3. Place in the oven.
  4. Turn on the temperature to 100 degrees.
  5. Boil water in it for 10–15 minutes.

Apple vinegar

Regular apple cider vinegar quickly eliminates unpleasant odor. Moisten a napkin with it and wipe the internal surfaces of the oven's heat chamber.


Table salt is an effective absorbent and easily absorbs all odors. Pour half a glass of salt onto a baking sheet and heat the built-in household oven up to 150 degrees. Hold at this temperature for about a quarter of an hour.

Cleanliness is the key to health. This axiom must be fulfilled even in small things. In the oven, when baking food, fat is released, which will accumulate on the internal surfaces with each preparation of a new dish. Then it will start smoking, filling the kitchen unpleasant smell. Contaminants worsen the taste of the finished dish and negatively affect its appearance. Therefore, there is no need to accumulate fat deposits in the oven, which prematurely make it old, unattractive, and unkempt. There are many ways to clean the oven from any contaminants. The main thing is not to be lazy and regularly take care of your kitchen equipment.

Home Economics 0

Good day, dear guests of my blog! No self-respecting person can fail to boast a modern oven. Dishes for every taste are prepared here.

However, women do not always cope with the pollution in it. Despite the fact that you need to wipe after each use, many simply do not have the strength or patience for this. Dirt accumulated on the internal surfaces will begin to smell and smoke.

Each lady has her own personal effective techniques on cleansing kitchen appliances. Today I will share with you the secrets of how to clean an electric oven at home without wasting a lot of time.

Modern models equipped special function self-cleaning, which is a special coating of internal surfaces that accelerates the process of fat breakdown. You simply preheat the oven to five hundred degrees and remove the ash with a damp cloth.

However, not all housewives have already acquired such a miracle of technology. The surfaces inside cabinets are usually coated with enamel, which repels grease. Such equipment must be cleaned on our own and there are very different methods for this.

Use of chemicals

If you prefer to clean the oven using modern means, pay attention to cleansing products such as those offered by the Amway brand. You can find many positive reviews about this product. It is not important to use this particular brand. Good facilities offer both German and Russian manufacturers.

However, keep in mind that any chemical solution is a very harmful accumulation of elements, which requires caution.

Avoid contact of aggressive substances with your skin and wear gloves when working. When using, ventilate the apartment or house well and ensure that children do not come into contact with this product.

After treating the oven with chemicals, you should wash it very thoroughly with clean water to prevent them from getting into your food.

Honestly, chemical method Cleaning an electric oven doesn't really appeal to me, so let's see what else we can do!

We use regular steam

The easiest, but quite effective method is to steam the dirt on the internal surfaces. Take a special large container, pour water and soap into it and place it in the closet.

Set the mode to approximately 150 degrees. Wait for the water to boil and continue boiling. It should take at least half an hour. For problematic cases, you need a whole hour of time.

Turn off the oven and wait until it cools completely. Clean the surface with a sponge and wipe it thoroughly with a dry cloth. Do not open the cabinet door immediately after the cleaning process.

Here's another one interesting way getting rid of fat and soot.

Cleaning equipment with soda

Every housewife has baking soda in her arsenal of home remedies. This substance is used as a component in the cooking stage, and as an excellent cleaning ingredient for various kitchen utensils.

The following cleaning options are available:

  1. Pour into a spray bottle hot water, pour in a little soap and soda. Mix it all thoroughly. Spray onto dirty walls and let sit for 30 minutes. Rinse the cabinet with warm water.
  2. Another effective method. Take baking soda, mix it with a little water and turn it into a thick consistency. Apply to dirt and leave for some time to act. Run a sponge and warm water over the oven. Best results You will achieve this if you apply the mixture in the evening and wash it in the morning.

We use vinegar

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