What can be made from old curtains. How to use old curtains

Many prudent owners of private houses and apartments prefer to do basic housework themselves. Taking on board step by step instructions How to make curtains with your own hands, any housewife can create a unique masterpiece. It will be possible to decorate the house and family budget save.

What you need to know, be able to do and have

Sewing curtains for windows is not difficult. You must have basic cutting and sewing skills and a great desire to personally implement ideal project and a fully equipped workplace.

You will need the following tools and materials:

  • pieces of fabric, threads, decorative elements;
  • sewing machine, hand needle;
  • scissors, pins;
  • tailor's measuring tape, ruler;
  • chalk, pencil;
  • nail polish - for very loose fabric, it is better to immediately treat the cut line.

The best fabrics for sewing are linen, silk, velvet, taffeta, viscose, etc. Natural fabrics with synthetic additives are a budget and practical choice. You have to choose beautiful material, not prone to color loss and easy to wash.

New fabric should be washed in warm water without powder, let dry and iron. Only then start cutting out the details. This will later avoid deformation of the finished product when washing.

For window small size it is optimal to combine two types of fabric, it is advisable not to use dark colors. The possibility of adjusting the internal space should be taken into account. The room is visually perceived higher when drawing with vertical stripes, horizontal “expand” the room.

To sew curtains of simple models, you can immediately start cutting the fabric. Cut 1 or 2 pieces the right size rectangular shape. For complex samples, it is advisable to prepare patterns (especially if you do not have much work experience). It is convenient to draw them on the remains of wallpaper - after renovation, apartments usually have unused material. You need to work at a large table, or, in its absence, on the floor.

It is permissible to hem curtains manually (with a hidden stitch), on a machine, or use a special adhesive tape. To ensure that the stitching lies evenly and the fabric does not warp, you must first iron the fold line.

When using a sewing machine, do not start working on the main pattern. First, make sure that the stitching on this fabric is even and neat. If necessary, adjust the stroke of the machine and replace the thread.

Curtains are visible in the photo different models made with your own hands. The easiest for self-made Products with ties and English curtains are considered.

How to beautifully decorate a window

To sew curtains of complex patterns, introductory lessons and a master class are required. Carefully following the instructions will help greatly simplify a difficult task.

To sew lambrequins, it is important to have a high-quality pattern, precise cutting and careful adherence to all the subtleties of technological operations. You can successfully combine parts from different fabrics or unequal shapes. The main thing is that it matches the overall design.

Roman blinds are very fashionable. They close the window tightly, so it is important to accurately measure the size of the opening and make the desired pattern. The fabric is used very sparingly, the pattern is clearly visible. You will also need Velcro tape, wooden blocks, rings for lifting the curtains, a weight strip and Consumables for fastening.

A popular choice is eyelet curtains. You can attach the fitting rings to the canvas at home. Fabric is purchased with a 3-fold margin in width. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve graceful curves and waves on the finished product. In length, take into account an additional allowance of about 6 cm - for high-quality fastening of the eyelet.

The rings are installed last, when the canvas is processed on other sides. The distance between them is 15-20 cm, the distance from the edges is 5 cm. When folding, be sure to glue non-woven or other strong tape so that the curtain does not sag or tear on the cornice.

Preliminary markings are made for the hole, then cut out with scissors. The halves of the ring are applied on different sides and snapped into place.

How to update old

At limited budget it is justified to use fabric that has already been used, but has retained its beautiful appearance. You can successfully remake old curtains in such a way that they change the familiar interior beyond recognition.

There is an option to radically alter them, change the style and shape. Or decorate additional elements– sew strips of another fabric, add ruffles, fringe, edging, beaded decorations, elegant bows, etc. You just have to follow moderation and not sculpt everything at once.

An interesting solution is to sew a whole fabric from individual scraps. You can cut the same shape using a stencil or vary the sizes. First, the pieces of fabric are carefully ironed. Such curtains are hung in the kitchen and children's room.

There are situations when you need to lengthen ready-made curtains. For example, transfer from an apartment to a dacha, where the ceilings are higher.


  • Sew loops on top. Use satin ribbon or strips of suitable material. It is not recommended to extend it by more than 10 cm.
  • Sew on the bottom frill 10-15 cm.
  • Add a straight cross insert at an arbitrary height. This way you can adjust any length. It is important to choose perfect combination fabrics, contrast is favored.

The updated curtains will look like the original design idea, and not a forced saving measure.

Fantasize and implement new ideas!

DIY curtain photo

No one is surprised that just yesterday fashionable and modern curtains today they are becoming a relic. But don’t throw away strong fabric just because it’s out of fashion or faded a little in the sun. By showing imagination and resourcefulness, you can remake old curtains in such a way that you get new decor for the interior of your home or cottage.

How to give new life to old fabrics

First, you need to understand the type of fabric from which the curtains that have gone out of use were sewn.


This is a dense silk fabric with an ornament made with silver or gold threads. Fibers made from alloys of these metals are sometimes used. During the production process, thread with gold is wound onto linen, cotton or silk weft. Natural brocade is an expensive fabric, so in residential premises they often use imitation, which visually differs little from the original.

It’s a pity to throw away such products, so every housewife can renew old curtains by giving them new life. The easiest of the old ones is the new ones.

Synthetics are wear-resistant, so they are ideal for upholstering the backs and seats of old chairs. To alter curtains, first take measurements taking into account the overlap, then cut out the parts and, after preliminary fitting, sew them from the inside out if they are made in the form of covers. But it’s easier and more convenient to work if pieces cut from old synthetic curtains are glued to the base with interior glue or nailed with a stapler.


Tulle is considered a type of synthetic fabric. After prolonged use, it turns yellow or gray, as a result of which it is replaced with a new one. But there is always the opportunity to use an old one to make the interior more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. First, the fabrics are returned to their original color using bleach. To do this, use a strong saline solution, blue or white.

Made from ready-to-use material flower pots, decorations for frames on old photos. If they decorate Vacation home or a dacha - baskets or pillows are decorated with tulle. For a pillow you will need a base stuffed with batting or holofiber and openwork material folded several times. The tulle pillowcase is sewn inside out, placed over the pillow, and then carefully sewn by hand.

Old tulle used to decorate tablecloths: it looks especially beautiful outdoors in the garden.

Ideas for old curtains

By turning on imagination and creative thinking, they can “reanimate” even the oldest curtains lying in the chest. To realize the idea, you need simple sewing skills and a little patience.


It happens that many small ones have accumulated, and they are all different in style, texture and color. In this case, they do it. Assembled from pieces, they become the most striking and exclusive design element that attracts attention. The end result is cute: the pride of the hostess and the surprise of the guests.

Tip: if you wash all the pieces before work and iron them well with a steamer, the fabric will not shrink or fade during use.

Practical options for sewing curtains or bedspreads in patchwork style the following is considered:

  1. Cotton fabric.

They are easy to care for and can easily withstand frequent washing, which is so important in the case of a kitchen.


Curtains are one of the simple ways refresh the interior of the room. But searching for and selecting new curtains can take a lot of time and money. There is a more profitable and creative solution - to redesign the curtains. We offer you several ideas, some of which may seem quite unexpected. But bold experiments always inspire, don’t they?

1. Lay the foundations

Thanks to non-standard form and the bright shade of the cornice will make the old curtains sparkle in a new way. The easiest way is to paint it in a contrasting color that matches the shade of an object in the interior (for example, bright sofa cushions).

For wall cornices, choose curved, decorative pipes (even a tree branch or a golf club will do), change the ends, or use several bases at once. Ceilings can be wrapped in fabric, upholstered with rough boards or decorated with patterned ribbons and designs. And special point fastening hooks allow you to do without a cornice altogether.

2. Show the wrong side

Make old curtains reversible. If you sew fabric with a pattern or bright shade, the curtains will become not only thicker and more original, but also more practical. If necessary, you can switch sides and create a new mood in the room. One of the layers of curtains with a black out effect will increase protection from the sun's rays while sleeping.

3. Dilute the palette

Hanging additional curtains in contrasting colors or materials to old curtains is a fresh and non-standard solution. Tulle can be replaced with hand-made options - for example, curtains made of beads or buttons. Several multi-colored curtains on a curtain rod will fill the room with a rainbow atmosphere and are perfect for decorating a nursery. It will take a little more time for curtains with horizontal stripe inserts, which look stylish and modern.

4. Go into detail

Volumetric decor on smooth curtains will add texture to the interior. There are many options for decorations: butterflies, ribbons, figurines, bows, brooches... You can purchase them in specialized stores or make them yourself. When selecting details, it is important to correlate them with general style design of the room and do not overdo it with their number. For a child's room, decor with a plot is suitable, starting, for example, on one curtain and continuing on the other.

5. Keep in line

Spectacular and convenient element curtain tieback will highlight the style of the interior and give the curtains an elegant look. In the classic version, both curtains need to be tied strictly symmetrically, but don’t be afraid to break this rule: perhaps your interior will only benefit from this. Please note that high-mounted curtains visually narrow the window. Experiment with tiebacks from improvised means, which can be cups, belts, ties, scarves.

6. Hide the cornice

Hide cornice defects and refresh old curtains without special costs A lambrequin in the form of a decorative frill in the same style as the curtains will help. Rigid lambrequins made of non-fabric fabric or wood upholstered in fabric open a wide field for imagination. Scarves and shawls can hide a cornice unexpectedly simply and stylishly. They will also bring notes of Provence to the interior.

7. Close the circle

Frame the curtains with a bright satin ribbon, fringe or lace - and you will breathe new life into them. This solution will look especially impressive on light curtains. Stripes can be sewn both along the edges of the curtains and on the canvas itself, thereby forming laconic, stylish patterns. And don’t forget that it is better to combine the color of the stripes with the shade of any object in the interior.

8. Leave a mark

Plain curtains with an exclusive print will make the interior spectacular. When choosing a color, focus on contrast. A win-win option is a black design on a white background. If there is no suitable stencil in stores, draw it yourself. Apply it carefully and only to carefully ironed curtains so that folds do not spoil the shape of the print.

9. Hook

It’s easy to beat the cornice not covered with lambrequins using original decor or modernization of curtain fastenings. Instead of rings, use convenient magnets or sew wide ribbons, which can be complemented with buttons, fabric bows or flowers.

10. Change form

If you don’t want to waste time decorating curtains, try changing their shape or place on the curtain rod. Experiment with asymmetry: pick up one canvas in the usual way, lift the second one up and attach it to the cornice. The second curtain can be removed altogether by placing the remaining one in the middle or on the side.

Beautiful curtains can emphasize the style of a room, and sometimes even set the color mood, but the same curtains sometimes get boring, and you want something new,

If at the same time you love creativity with your own hands, it will be very simple to refresh the curtains; it will not require any special expenditure of money or time, but the result will please you, and the room will get a new look.

First you need to determine what exactly you are going to change. For example, add interesting details around the cornice. Or diversify the curtain fabric? Or maybe he can come up with new way fixing them in a certain position?

Experienced decorators are sure: curtains look beautiful if they are not overloaded with details. Therefore, to update, you should choose one “area of ​​attention” (the top of the window, the canvas or the tiebacks) and try to decorate it.

#1: How to update the top of your curtains

We will not suggest you sew lambrequins or any other complex additions. We will talk about how to hang curtains from the cornice and add a little decor in the area closest to it. Changing the type of curtains is really very simple - in a time of 1 to 2 hours, depending on your dexterity and sewing skills.

This part of the curtains is very easy to decorate. New original shuttlecock or fastening method. Additional decorations in the form of ribbons, large buttons and buckles, small pieces of contrasting fabric or style details.

Look in your closet for interesting items left over from other creative endeavors: any of them can make an unexpected and fresh decoration!

For example, you have light, plain curtains. You can match them silk ribbons tone on tone or, conversely, bright striped ones. Notice how the mood changes: from restrained elegiac to youthful adrenaline:

If you have a suitable texture braid + remnants of fabric from the same curtains + large buttons, - you can give the curtains a country charm:

Do you like strict classics, but do your curtains have a more laconic look? Please note this solution - thick neutral curtains + braid + decorative cord:

And sometimes it’s enough just to come up with something a new way of draping around the curtain rod. Let's say something more traditional:

or completely creative:

No. 2: how to update curtain fabric

You will need leftover fabric that is gathering dust unattended somewhere in the back corner of the closet. The simplest option is like simple geometric applique: “patches” or pockets made of fabric, best in contrasting colors, but no more than 3-4 shades in total. They are sewn evenly onto the front part of the fabric.

Requires a little more time and attention finishing the curtain fabric using ribbons or fabric borders.

Usually sewn along the edge, it can be combined with other types of trim of the same color, such as buttons. And the aerobatics, of course, is quilting, which is sewn on the bottom of the curtains:

#3: Creative ideas for curtain tiebacks

In stores, as a rule, only classic versions are sold: with tassels or a wide stripe. But you can come up with something on your own. From the funniest options to quite discreet or glamorous:

For other examples of the implementation of the ideas described above, see our full gallery.

Surely, everyone has a special “chest” with different fabrics that seem to be outdated, but they don’t dare throw them away. And most often these fabrics are curtains, which once shone on the windows as a new trend. Of course, they have already faded a little, but they still retain the spirit of their time. What can be made from such fabric? Where to use it? Let's reason, fantasize and bring to life the most interesting ideas.


Of course, it all depends on what kind of fabric is on the former curtains. The once flirtatious Scarlet sewed a magnificent “new” dress from heavy curtains. By the way, there is nothing wrong with this, especially if the fabrics are natural.


This is generally a fabric outside of time and space. Flax has always been and has always been a model of nature, and most importantly, of good taste. Therefore, linen curtains made of decorative linen are not a reason to put the fabric deep in a drawer. You can make wonderful sailing Roman blinds from them. To do this, in addition, you will only need a few strips, braid or lace, a sewing machine and scissors. To put it simply, the most primitive set for cutting and sewing. The main thing is to make the correct calculation in the instructions for Roman blinds so that all sections look the same, organically, and when assembled, there is a single beautiful composition. Since the Roman version often requires a smaller amount of material, you can choose the best preserved paintings.

In addition, you can make wonderful napkins for the kitchen and decorative items for the living room. You can try to apply embroidery yourself or purchase it at a sewing accessories store. This will decorate and refresh the fabric a little. And if you stretch linen onto the dial of an inexpensive watch, you can get a stylish piece of furniture. To do this you will need a watch, a small screwdriver, as well as a needle and thread or a stapler - depending on how the fabric will be attached with reverse side. The watch is pre-disassembled down to the dial. Numbers or other elements that indicate time can be peeled off using a thin small screwdriver or a thin metal spatula. Then the fabric is stretched over the dial and well secured in a taut state on the reverse side. Then the clock is reassembled, and the number designation is glued back, and the hands are screwed on.


Here we rather mean either classic fabric with gold and silver embroidery, or imitation. So, such curtains can get a new life in the form of interior pillows. It’s not at all difficult to sew small pillowcases, which are then stuffed with leftover fabric or foam rubber. To do this, you need to cut out square or rectangular parts with double the length or width - depending on the design of the pillow. After this, grind off the part from the back side, leaving space for the filler. When the pillow is filled, you can sew it up; it is very important to distribute the filler correctly. It is best to knock it down in the opposite direction at the time of sewing, then simply align it by shaking it slightly. Such pillows can be placed on armchairs, sofas, floors, window sills - depending on the direction of the interior and its condition.


With the help of old synthetic curtains, you can, for example, repair chairs well, namely, soft back and sitting. To do this, you need to measure the chair and transfer the dimensions to the pattern with additional allowance. Afterwards you can cut it out. You can fasten it with a regular industrial or construction stapler if you are dealing with wood. In other cases, you can use interior adhesive.

In conclusion, about the main thing. Leftover fabrics are always material for new ideas. For example, from the best pieces you can make a wonderful blanket and much more.