Gas gun for suspended ceilings: features and varieties. Gas guns for suspended ceilings

Installation of PVC sheets takes no more than 2 hours; a special gun is used for installation. suspended ceilings. Equipment of Russian, European, and Asian production is widely represented on the domestic market. To choose the best and at an affordable price - that’s the task.

It is important to know! Among the many options for finishing the ceiling: plaster, plasterboard, plastic panels, PVC film - the latter method is now the most popular. Stretch ceilings are strong, durable, have aesthetic appeal and unique performance characteristics.

Heating the canvas with a gas gun

Features of guns for installing suspended ceilings

According to its structural design, sources of energy consumed, types heating elements, the presented equipment is classified into:

  • Electric.
  • Gas.
  • Diesel.
  • Gasoline.
  • Vodyanoe.

Gas gun device

Best of all with the task of heating the PVC sheet to desired temperature(about 70°C) a gas gun for suspended ceilings copes. Its design consists of the following elements: a gas cylinder, a connecting hose, a device for creating and supplying heat (gun), and an electrical wire for connecting to the network. The main cylinder is made of heat-resistant metal with the addition of powder enamel. Inside it there is a burner, an igniter, a fan that pumps in heat during operation, a supply/control valve, and the sides of the device are closed with protective grilles.

How an electric gun works

In its design and operating principle, an electric heat gun for suspended ceilings resembles a large hair dryer. Inside the housing there are filaments that heat up under the influence of electrical energy. The heated air is expelled outside by a powerful fan and supplied in the desired direction. The main advantages of such equipment are high performance, noiselessness, safety for human health and environment(environmentally friendly).

Diagram of operation of a direct and indirect heating gun

Powerful thermal gasoline/diesel guns are available in two types: direct and indirect heating. Their operation requires strict adherence to safety precautions and prescribed technical regulations. Violations lead to serious accidents at sites and injuries. The design includes a system for supplying liquid fuel, an igniter, a glow plug, and a metal spiral. They must be equipped with a system for exhaust gas removal.

Water cannons are used as auxiliary and very rarely

According to its structural design water equipment is in many ways similar to electric, its main distinctive feature is that it connects to central system heating, and water is used as a coolant. It is beneficial to use such units in the cold season, when it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of creating and maintaining a thermal curtain. Such units are mainly used in conjunction with other models; performing a full installation with their help is a rather labor-intensive task.

Which gun is needed for frequent or commercial use?

Before proceeding with the installation of PVC film, it is determined what power the equipment will be used. For high requirements, you need to choose a gasoline unit (but also ensure proper operating conditions), for medium requirements - gas, low - electric.

In addition to the power parameter, you also need to consider:

  • Frequency of use of the device.
  • The scale of the facility where the work will be carried out.
  • PVC film heating rate.
  • What energy sources are there at the site?
  • Fuel consumption level.
  • The unit is intended for private or commercial use.
  • Device autonomy.

The use of gasoline/diesel units seems appropriate and safe only in large, well-ventilated areas. With their help, suspended ceilings are installed at commercial, construction, and industrial sites.

Compared to other units, a gas gun for suspended ceilings uses a minimal amount of electricity. It is used for installation of PVC sheets in dachas and country houses. They run on natural or bottled gas - a fuel that is cheap and available in most regions. For gas guns it is also required to provide good conditions ventilation of the room, since when the surface of the film is heated, they burn oxygen.

Formula for calculating thermal power

Important! In order to avoid an emergency, before installation, the gas unit is checked for compliance with the following parameters:

  • The gas content in the cylinder must be at least 90%. It is best to refuel them at specialized stations.
  • The strength of the connection between the hose and the main cylinder (to prevent the possibility of leakage of an explosive mixture).
  • Checking the functionality of shut-off valves.
  • Additionally: all debris is removed from the floor (paper, rags - anything that can get inside the cylinder or catch fire from hot air).

The main advantage of electrical equipment is its compactness. The gun is easy to transport from place to place; it fits in the trunk of a car and is quickly assembled on site. Great for private or commercial use. Disadvantages - compared to gas, diesel, gasoline models, it has lower power and service life. May overload Electricity of the net, so it must be used under the control of the counters.

Important! For complete heating of air in a room with an area of ​​more than 45 square meters It is advisable to use not one, but two heat guns with a power of 5 kW each.

If we consider which heat gun is better for the price, then a lot depends on the manufacturer and model of equipment. On average, the cheapest ones are gas units, then come electric ones, and the most expensive ones are those running on liquid fuel (diesel and gasoline models). There is no need to save money; it is better to choose high-quality equipment that will last for 10-20 years than to buy a cheap Chinese equivalent, and it will fail within a year.

The best manufacturing companies and models of thermal equipment

According to their own operational characteristics, a good gun meets the following conditions:

  • Heats the entire room evenly.
  • Promotes high-quality heating of the canvas to the desired temperature.
  • The achieved temperature is maintained throughout the installation.
  • Prevents the formation of condensation at fastening points.
  • Can be used both during installation and dismantling of canvases.

The leading Russian company in the production of electrical and thermal equipment is "INTERSKOL". If you look through the catalog and decide which heat gun to choose for private use (apartments, country house, garage, greenhouse), then you should pay attention to the TPE-3 model. This electric unit has compact dimensions and light weight, has an adjustable power mode of 1.5 and 3 kW, overheating protection, and tilt angle adjustment.

The best foreign company for the production of heat guns for suspended ceilings is the American “MASTER”. Gas BLP 17M is a universal equipment for large and small objects; it is used not only for quick installation of PVC sheets, but also for heating walls after finishing works. It is used in apartments, garages, warehouses, and commercial premises. Power is adjustable from 10 to 16 kW. Ignition is of a mechanical type; the gun itself is connected to an electrical network with a voltage of 220 W.

Among the diesel models, we can highlight the Russian PROFTEPLO DK-36PL and the American MASTER BV 77E. Both units have durable, reliable design and high thermal power. In the BV 77E, combustion products are vented outside, so the canvas and the room where installation is taking place are not only heated evenly, but the air here remains clean. There is a safety thermostat that prevents overheating.

Cheap Chinese and Korean heat guns for suspended ceilings are also widely available on the market. As a rule, these are simply copies of popular European or American models, only they are made from cheaper materials. Typically, the period of intensive use of such equipment does not exceed one or two years, so you can only buy it for private use for two or three times. Savings in in this case– a losing, not a profitable solution.

The installation of suspended ceilings has become so popular that many people are thinking about how to independently install such structures at home. But with all the skill of home craftsmen, there is one obstacle that often makes it impossible self-installation PVC ceilings. We are talking about such an element as a heat gun for suspended ceilings.

This unit, in principle, is not inaccessible, since, if necessary, it can be purchased at a construction supermarket. If you are going to purchase such an installation for single installation, then this is impractical. But if you decide to professionally install suspended ceilings, then a heat gun will pay for itself quickly enough.

Let's take a little closer look at the design and use features of such a tool.

Types of heat guns

Heat guns provide quick heating of the room. They can run on gas, diesel or electricity. The effectiveness of such a heat gun is determined by its power. So, to warm up 1 sq. m of canvas, it is necessary to generate 100 W of energy. Thus, with a room area of ​​50 sq.m., it is necessary to use a heat gun with a power of 5 kW.

In the case of using a diesel heat gun, constant air ventilation in the room should be ensured, so in most cases electric and gas burners are used.

A gas heat gun for suspended ceilings is low cost, while its efficiency almost reaches 100%. This is achieved due to the fact that heating occurs through direct air circulation in a closed space. That is, combustion energy is practically not lost.

At the back of the unit there is an electric fan that draws in cool air. It, firstly, cools the internal elements of the unit, protecting them from overheating, and secondly, ensures proper combustion of the gas. Fuel enters the burner through a reducer. Ignition of the gas is ensured through the use of an automatic piezoelectric element.

When working with a gas burner, oxygen is burned. Since the room is essentially heated by an open flame, it is important to ventilate the room in a timely manner.

When buying such a heat gun, you should pay attention to the manufacturer, as well as the main indicator of the unit - fuel consumption. Despite the fact that the fire itself heats equally, the combustion process is highly dependent on the amount of gas and oxygen. So, with incomplete combustion of fuel, it is released into the room carbon monoxide. In addition, in this case a much larger amount of fuel will be used. When a flammable substance is completely burned, only carbon dioxide. Thus, with the same burner power, the cost of heating the room can vary significantly.

Drawings can be found freely available on the Internet gas burner. The principle of operation of such a home-made unit is often observed, but is it worth spending your energy and money on creating such a device? Moreover, the equipment must work with gas, and any gas supply worker can give you many examples of what happens when an unauthorized connection occurs. gas equipment or failure to comply with safety regulations. And here the question arises: is it worth looking for savings while risking your health or even your life?

An electric heat gun for suspended ceilings is similar in principle to a gas one, but only inside it is located electric heater. As a rule, such devices can have several operating modes, and some models have an automatic thermostat inside. Since there is no open flame in such units, they can easily be used for heating premises (warehouses, hangars, garages).

Electric Thermal Ceiling Curtain

Such a device acts as an invisible curtain that prevents cold air from entering the room. The ceiling curtain is effective in rooms where Entrance door which open frequently (bars, cafes, shops). Such a device simply cuts off cold air from the street with a hot stream. The principle of operation of the device is similar to a heat gun - a fan drives air through the filaments, and the hot air is directed in the required direction.

But in the end, what do we have? Is it possible to install a suspended ceiling without using such a bulky and sometimes dangerous device? It turns out that yes. And we’re not even talking about fabric ceilings, which we talked about in previous materials, but about a new development in the field of PVC canvases, which is called Cool Stretch. Due to its enormous elasticity, such fabrics can be easily stretched without the need to heat it. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost installation work, in addition, simplifying the installation itself.

There are many various options implementation of ceilings. Ceilings can be made with putty, assembled from plasterboard and even special PVC film.

The last method is the most interesting and unusual. Such ceilings are called stretch ceilings. They consist of PVC film attached to a small frame.

Stretch ceilings allow you to organize an excellent design layout in a room, but they cannot be installed manually without additional equipment. A special gun for suspended ceilings is vital for the job.

What is it, and how and why is it used? Now we'll figure it all out.

Electric gun It works on the same principle, but it uses one or more powerful heating elements as a heater. In fact, this is such an enlarged home heater fan type.

Diesel guns are similar in design to gas guns, only they run on gasoline. Therefore, they have a small engine. They are autonomous and mobile, but can only work in rooms with excellent ventilation. Otherwise, the air will quickly become soggy, which is dangerous for people working nearby.

The last sample is somewhat out of the ordinary, since it is not a cannon in its full form, but rather a water curtain that prevents cold air from entering the room and warm air from leaving. It is used extremely rarely when installing suspended ceilings, but it would be a mistake not to mention it at all.

2.1 Tool selection

So which gun should you choose? And indeed, with all the variety of products, it is quite difficult for beginners to fully decide and understand what kind of heat gun they need.

We will try to answer this question and give some useful tips.

When choosing a gun, you should not concentrate on its characteristics, although they are certainly important, but on your working conditions. So, whatever the mechanism, if its power is not enough to fully warm the ceilings in the room, then it will not cope with the task.

Therefore, first of all, we evaluate all our conditions. What kind of ceilings will we do, what is the area, in what time frame, etc. Then we go to the store and choose.

Ballu gas guns- a universal option. They work anywhere and everywhere, easily unfold into the working position, have high efficiency. At the same time, working with gas is always more dangerous, and they also weigh quite a lot.

Electric ones, in turn, only require an open outlet, weigh less and are much more convenient when you need to move from place to place. But they are not so reliable because electronics tend to break down over time (this, however, depends on the instrument).

A diesel gun is only suitable for large construction sites where performance is needed without regard to comfort. Plus, if you have a lot of fuel and have nowhere to put it, but no electricity, then a diesel unit can really be useful.

2.2 Workflow

Let's tell you a few words about how heat guns are used in general, and how it is usually done.

You can work with them with your own hands, because the mechanism is extremely simple and undemanding. It is enough to simply place the equipment in in the right place, direct to the operating point and connect to power.

All that remains is to press the button. If the gun is advanced, then it may have a control panel for the operation of the device. It allows you to adjust the power and speed of the fan, the level of air heating, etc.

Stages of work:

  1. We are preparing the ceilings for installation.
  2. We install the blank frame for the film.
  3. We unfold the film.
  4. We fire the cannon and warm up the room.
  5. We begin to stretch the film from one point on the ceiling.
  6. We attach the film to the frame.
  7. Straighten the surface of the film.
  8. We warm up the room until the work is completely finished.
  9. Let's check the result.

That's all. The main task of the gun is to heat the room and itself PVC material, giving you the opportunity to do your work in comfortable conditions. Moreover, if the device is installed correctly, it will not unnecessarily increase the air in the room. That is, you will be comfortable working.

Although PVC film is very plastic, constant temperature changes do not have the best effect on it. Over time, from such use it will stretch and become unusable. Which, in turn, will lead to sagging of suspended ceilings.

A very popular type of finishing is a suspended ceiling. Everywhere they just say that they have a huge list of advantages, one of which is ease of installation. So why not do this business yourself, saving, for example, finances, especially if you have even a little experience in finishing? You will need ordinary household tools that almost every owner has: a hammer, drill, screwdriver, screws, level, etc. An exception to the banal list would be a gun, but it’s worth considering that if you choose a gas gun, then you will also need to purchase gas cylinder. To understand which gun for suspended ceilings is better to choose, you just need to read this article. In general, guns are not a complex mechanism; they differ only in the source of energy from which they operate; anyone can understand them; the main thing is to always adhere to safety measures.

A type of gun. Types and their characteristics

At the moment, there are 3 types of guns. This is enough to choose the one that is suitable specifically for you and your premises, namely:

  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • diesel

If you take diesel guns, they usually have large dimensions. Directly heated diesel heat guns are dangerous for humans, as they release technical components into the air during operation. Another disadvantage of these devices is that they cannot work without a source of electricity.

Electric guns are much safer, but not as powerful, and more powerful types of guns require a 380-volt network and a lot of free space. Consequently, electrical units also fade into the background.

To begin installing the stretch film covering, it must be heated as quickly as possible to a temperature above 65 degrees. Only a gas heat gun will complete the task quite easily, because this unit not only has many advantages, but also small dimensions. The energy source of the gas gun itself is liquefied gas. It became very clear which gun to choose for suspended ceilings. If you are a beginner specialist and do not want to carry huge and inconvenient units with you, then a gas gun will be exactly what you need!

The importance of a gas gun in installing suspended ceilings

The gas gun has a very simple operating principle: it is connected to, after which gas begins to flow into the device. For example, in a situation where country house There is no electricity yet, this can be very useful, because you can buy a gas cylinder and bring it wherever you need it. Which gun to choose for suspended ceilings is up to you to decide, but you should take into account all safety measures, because you should not cover the space around the gun, that is, it cannot be placed against the wall. The reducer is the first to be activated; it converts the gas from liquid to gaseous, thus reducing leakage to zero, which guarantees 100% safety. No matter how strange it may sound, to operate a gas gun requires electricity, which will power a large fan. It creates a stream of air that passes through the burner, thereby heating up. This concludes the principle of operation, but it is worth saying that the larger the fan, the greater the air flow it can create and, accordingly, the room will warm up faster.

If you are still thinking about which gun to choose for suspended ceilings, then you should definitely pay attention to the following aspects.

  1. Power.
  2. Air duct.
  3. Dimensions.
  4. Safety system.

Since the gun will presumably be used to install suspended ceilings, having a power of 20 kW, you can heat a maximum room of up to 40 m2, but if your room is much larger, you will have to use several units. When operating a gun of this type, do not forget that the space behind and in front of it must under no circumstances be closed and placed directly next to the wall. All modern models equipped with a security system, e.g. gas devices this is most often implemented in this way: the flame goes out - the gas supply is stopped. This way you will protect yourself from gas leaks and further consequences.

Gas guns appeared relatively recently, but have already managed to win their place of honor among other units used in the installation of suspended ceilings. Exactly this type The gun will quickly heat the room to the desired temperature even when it’s minus outside. Many experts recommend using gas guns when installing suspended ceilings, but in order to do right choice and do not buy low-quality goods, we will give you a couple of tips.

  1. First of all, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer’s company and the characteristics of the gas gun itself. It is worth considering the purpose of this unit, because the instructions should indicate that it can be used for installing suspended ceilings.
  2. Read the technical description, gun parameters and be sure to check the availability of protection levels.
  3. Next, you should determine what power the gun needs, even if you are planning to stretch the ceiling in a small apartment.
  4. Choose a gas gun that is made of anti-corrosion materials, because steel sooner or later begins to rust anyway.

If you decide to choose a fairly high-quality product, then our company recommends you one of the most reliable and powerful (33 kW). This gun has the highest protection system, which gives a good plus to safety. This equipment is fire hazardous, so following basic safety rules, you do not risk anything.