How to use leftover wallpaper. Wallpaper panels on the wall: secrets of harmonious composition and design tips

Empty walls apartments can bring a sad atmosphere to the home. Wallpaper or painting does not always save you from this. In this case, decorating them can help: hanging various decorations, carpets, watches, toys, and so on.

Many people also like to see paintings as a decorative element. In this case, hanging a panel on the wall is suitable as a decoration. Such a solution can “revive” a home by filling the voids.

A panel is an area on which an image with a frame is applied. In a broad sense, it is any decorated surface. And for the walls of an apartment or house, a panel is a framed picture. The largest option is a whole panel, which is previously decorated with an image or ornament.

A panel on the wall can enliven any interior

The panel does not necessarily consist of one element. There can be many paintings or panels so that they form a coherent composition. For example, an image divided into several parts. Or an ornament that is made up of several paintings placed on one wall.

Modular painting in the interior


Installing a panel on a wall performs a number of functions. The main one is decoration. It will be an excellent element of apartment decoration. However, there are several other purposes for the panel.

Such an element can hide the imperfections of the wall. The panel can be hung in a place where the wallpaper is poorly hung or there are uneven areas. Thanks to this solution, it will be possible to close the defects.

The panel will help hide wall defects

In addition to the shortcomings of the wall, the panel can hide a safe underneath. It will become a masking element.

You can hide a safe under the panel

Types of panels on the wall

The main difference between a panel and a painting is the fact that it is not necessarily a painted work of art. Anything and anything can be applied to it. And the panel itself is made from a variety of materials. According to this criterion, several main types are distinguished:

  • Textile. This type of panel is made of fabric. Either it is hung separately on the wall, or as part of some kind of frame, most often on a wooden base. Reproductions of paintings, various tapestries, appliqués, and ornaments are embroidered on textile panels. The color is set by different threads, the volume is set by them. Such panels are most often made on serial production. However, there are also handmade. The price of such products will be higher.

Textile panel on the wall

  • Wooden. In this type of panel, the image is applied directly to a wooden base. The final product will look premium. However, the price for it will be high.

Original wooden panel

  • Wallpaper panel. An unusual product is a wallpaper panel. Often, after gluing them, separate parts remain. The remains of the wallpaper look decent, but they cannot be used anywhere. Therefore, they will become an excellent decorative element in a wall panel. This craft is quite easy to make yourself.

Decorative wall panel made from wallpaper

  • Frisize. This type of panel is distinguished by its free size. The composition has no clear boundaries. It can be supplemented with individual elements. For example, modular system from a panel with stars. The edges of the composition do not change, but more panels can be added to the center. Then the overall image will increase, but the style will remain the same.

Frisize modular panel

  • Mirrored. The panel can be made from a composition of mirrors. You don't have to take the classic options rectangular shape. Uneven and wavy mirrors are also suitable for the product.

Mirror panel

In addition to these types of panels, there are many others. They can be made from almost any material. Thanks to such a variety of types, there is the most suitable wall panel for every home interior.

Where to place the panel

A typical apartment has one or more rooms, a kitchen, a corridor, and sometimes - utility rooms. And there are even more walls in the home. From this circumstance it follows that there are plenty of places to place panels in the apartment. But there is important point compatibility. A panel that looks good in the living room may look repulsive in the bedroom. This factor should be taken into account when decorating rooms. Below you will find suitable panel variations for different rooms dwellings.


The apartment starts from the hallway. After all, when passing through front door a person falls into it. And he will be pleased to see the panel on the wall.

Decorative panels in the interior of the hallway

When choosing decoration for the hallway, you should first of all take into account its size. More often you can find small dimensions. Because wall panel must be small in size. The most suitable image for it would be something that is not aggressive, but rather calmer. Preferably soft colors. With this approach, the composition will not hurt eyes that are tired while away from home.

The panel should be in harmony with general style hallway

Such characteristics include images of flowers, nature and calm views. Don’t also forget about the combination of the panels with the overall interior of the hallway. The colors should be the same or just match. It is advisable to avoid contrasting compositions.

Panel in monochrome colors

For the hallway, natural-themed wall panels - best option.


The corridor is the transition from the hallway to the main part of the apartment. When entering it, a person’s eyes are already accustomed to the lighting, so the colors of the decoration can be brighter.

Panels of bright colors are suitable for decorating a corridor.

If there are no light sources in the corridor, the panel will be less noticeable. For this reason, you can make it brighter or add a wall lamp. Corridor lighting is a separate decorative element that will go well with the panel in certain situations.

Additional lighting for panels in the corridor

If its size is small, then a composition of several paintings will be enough. An interesting option for a panel on the wall it will have a mirror appearance. Place several reflective surfaces along the perimeter of the corridor, which will create a whimsical ornament. Not necessarily mirrors, but corresponding films of unusual shapes, with irregularities, for example, can also be used.

Mirror panel in the hallway

For a spacious corridor, you can install a whole exhibition panel. A bunch of decorative panels related by the same theme of the image. An unusual solution would be to create a composition of the seasons. This requires four large panels that depict the changing seasons, from winter to autumn.

Several panels related to the same theme

A mirror panel or “seasons” composition will be an excellent decoration for the hallway of an apartment made in a similar style. For darker interiors, homes are suitable dark colors. The panel can be installed from treated wood of the appropriate shade.

Wood panel for decorating a corridor

In addition, there are many other options for decorating the corridor.


The kitchen is traditionally designed in warm colors. And in the wall of the room there are windows that provide even more light during the day. The panel for the kitchen should be suitable. That is, light, bright and conspicuous.

Contrasting wooden panels in the kitchen

An interesting option for decorating a kitchen would be a wallpaper panel. Any light colors will do: pink, yellow, blue and others. Including wallpaper with patterns.

Bright wallpaper panel for the kitchen

You can also install a panel depicting a still life. Combinations of fruits, berries, vegetables and other products will look nice in the kitchen, motivating people to eat.

Tile panel depicting a still life

Living room

The living room is traditionally a place to relax. And the decorative elements in it look best when they are calm. For this reason, the panel on the wall should have a calming appearance. In general, just like in the hallway. Same calm colors and flowing landscapes.

Panels in soothing colors in the living room interior

It is advantageous to spread the composition almost over the entire wall, so that the eye has something to catch on to. For example, a frigate that sails on the waves, embroidered on fabric. So that it occupies several panels at once. Its contemplation will be peaceful for a person.

Full-wall panel for the living room

An alternative option for a living room panel would be a world map, which is carved from wood and consists of many individual blocks. To such a design it is advisable to add wall lighting installed above it.

Wooden panel with a world map

Instead of a world map, you can place a panel on the wall depicting the riot of the elements. For example, a storm in the water or a tornado. Despite the general excitement of the composition, a person will perceive it calmly. Such a panel will promote relaxation, and not distract from it.

Panel marine theme for living room decor


This room is a place for sleeping and waking up. The decorative elements in it should calm you in the evening and also invigorate you in the morning.

A wall panel with a picture of nature opposite the bed is best suited. The entire composition should be of calm colors and small sizes so as not to attract special attention to yourself once again.

Panel on the bedroom wall

You can also place a panel with a view of space in the bedroom. Endless spaces have a calming effect on a person. Thanks to this, they induce sleep faster. And in the morning, when contemplating space, it is easier to collect your thoughts.

A bright space-themed panel will decorate the bedroom interior


In the bathroom, in addition to appearance, emphasis should also be placed on the performance properties of the wall panels. You can’t hang products made from textiles or untreated wood there, because high humidity They won't last very long.

Mosaic panel for the bathroom

A stone panel would be more suitable. Marble inserts are most often found in the bathroom. They are securely attached to the wall with mortar, humidity and heat they are not afraid.

Wall panel made of natural stone

With the image on the panel everything is simpler. For the bath, you can choose any option, from mosaics to reproductions of famous paintings. The main requirement is compliance with the preferences of the home owners.

The panel can be placed in any room of the home, from the hallway to the bedroom. And thanks to the variety of appearances, you can choose the best option for each room.

How to make your own wallpaper panel

Instead of buying a panel, you can make it yourself. The beauty of such a craft is that scrap materials will be enough to make it. Picture frames, photographs, remnants of wallpaper, old cutting boards, extra sheets of chipboard - all this can be put to use.

Panel from leftover wallpaper in the living room

To make panels, no special skills or precise design calculations are required. You also need a minimum of tools. The production itself takes place in three stages: preparation, main part and decoration.

Preparatory stage

Before you start creating a wall panel, you should think about it in advance. appearance and location. The resources needed for its manufacture will depend on this. Here it will be a simple wallpaper panel for a small kitchen.

Modular panel made from pieces of wallpaper

At this stage, all materials and tools are prepared. To create a simple panel you will need some kind of base and decorative elements for it. Let it be a large sheet of chipboard and part of the wallpaper. Then the tools you will need are sandpaper, a regular saw and glue.

The main part of making wallpaper panels

After all the components of the panel are assembled together, you can move on to the main stage. On it, the workpiece should be given the required shape. In our case, the wallpaper panel will consist of four plates, each of which is in the shape of an isosceles triangle.

Accordingly, to begin with, on the sheets of chipboard you need to draw the outlines of the shapes along which the cut will be made. After this you can cut out four triangular plates. Next, combine them with each other, checking the mutual sizes. In case of discrepancy, saw off individual parts so that everything is even.

Now you should mark the necessary contour of the wallpaper for individual parts for subsequent gluing. To do this, you should attach the blank to the roll, and then redraw it in four copies, and then cut out the desired shape. With this approach, the wallpaper will turn out to be slightly larger than the plates themselves. This is not scary, because after sticking they can be cut off. But with a smaller wallpaper size, there will be gaps on the plate that will not be so easy to fill.

The workpiece is completed, you can begin processing. The cut areas should be sanded down with sandpaper so that the side edges of the plates become even. Additionally, you can round the corners of the joints.

After this, you should prepare the surface of all panels for wallpapering. The area must first be degreased and free from unevenness. This can also be done using sandpaper. If the surface of the workpiece is curved, the wallpaper on it will look uneven. And such a situation should be avoided.

An important aspect of the product is the installation method. In the case of the resulting wallpaper panel, it can be attached to the kitchen wall using double-sided tape. It will withstand a lot of crafts and will last quite a long time. If the panel is planned to be made of heavier materials, then a system of brackets or something similar should be attached to it. In this case, you need to build separate elements into the wall in order to hang the craft on them. Here you need to be careful; the unreliable fastening may not withstand the excessively heavy weight. And the massive panel will end up on the floor, possibly breaking something along the way.

Decoration stage

The production of the product will be completed by applying a sticker to the wallpaper panel. Since the piece is already cut, it's a simple matter of attaching it. No special glue is needed for these purposes. You can use just a little Moment or apply a layer of PVA. Any other wallpaper adhesive will also work. The main thing is to use it according to the instructions without applying too much.

You should take into account the fact that when glued to PVA, thin wallpaper can become transparent. For this reason, it is better to take thicker ones or use glue that does not give such an effect. Classic for wallpaper is the best option. However, it will take a long time to dry.

After the decoration is glued onto the plates, the product is ready. Now all that remains is to place the wallpaper panel on the kitchen wall. Individual panels can be glued with double-sided tape with arrows facing outward or inward. A more fanciful composition is also possible.

As a result, the kitchen is decorated with a cozy product that the owner of the house made himself. By analogy with the methods described above, step by step, you can create any decorative crafts type of panel that can decorate the walls of your home. It doesn’t take much time, but it gives positive emotions.

A panel made from wallpaper remnants will decorate the kitchen interior

Creating panels yourself is a great way to save money on decorating your own home. But its main advantage is the fact that the craft will reflect the imagination of the person who created it. Contemplating a composition you have compiled yourself brings more pleasure than installing a ready-made one.

A wall panel is an excellent decorative element that will easily fit into any room. With such decoration, your home will look new.

Photo gallery - wall panels

Not like others, and wallpaper panels are a great choice!

Beautiful and simple wall decor using stencils and wallpaper

Why are panels so good?

The first thing that attracts many is the ease of gluing. Panel on the wall You can create wallpaper from wallpaper in a matter of hours, and the technology is similar. This will turn it into a real castle or Pirates' ship. As for adult rooms, with the help of such a move it is quite possible to create the necessary visual effect.

Part of the wall in the children's room is covered with photo wallpaper

It is quite possible to make a modular panel of wallpaper on the wall with your own hands from ordinary ones. To do this you need:

  1. Select painting suitable size and format.
  2. Level it on the table or floor so that the whole picture is visible.
  3. Cut into the required number of pieces, preferably 3-5.
  4. Carefully stick to the wall.

You can create interesting effect, using a landscape image, for example, a view of the sea, mountains. To do this, from the third step you need to act somewhat differently, namely:

  • You need to cut not one strip at a time, but remove an area of ​​about 15-20 cm.
  • This needs to be done with three canvases. This must be done to create the effect of the view from the window.
  • The canvases are glued to the wall at the same height with equal distances.
  • Such panels need to be decorated in frames that imitate.

Note! Cutting with a distance of 15-20 cm is necessary in order to make the “view” from the window more realistic, as if part of the view is blocked by a wall.

Panels for different rooms

Depending on which room the wallpaper panels are selected for, it is worth considering various factors.


With the help of such a decorative technique, this room can be turned into a real fairy tale. But here you need to act carefully, because it’s too bright decor will have an exciting effect on the child, which means it will be difficult for him to fall asleep and do his homework.

For girls, it is worth choosing images with fairy-tale princesses, castles, and queens. Boys are closer to the theme of cars, knights, and various equipment.

You can choose an interesting wall panel for a boy’s room


It all depends on the embodied style. Universal options are wallpaper panels with flowers; their graphic images in large format look especially attractive. For example, a rose covering the entire wall or huge daisies.

Oriental and Egyptian motifs and any abstraction are allowed here. But, again, do not forget that this is a bedroom, and too bright colors do not have the best effect on falling asleep and sleep quality, because they excite the nervous system.

Living room, hallway

There is complete scope for imagination. The key requirement is that the panels must be selected in accordance with the style of the rooms. If the walls are dim pastel color, That bright accent in the form of a panel would be appropriate. In cases where the design itself is very bright, with a lot of colors, it is important to choose a decor that would harmonize and complement, but does not stand out too much.

Creative solution for decorating light walls

Numerous remnants of multi-colored and even differently textured building materials can easily be used to create a panel from, a photo of which will then be taken by pleasantly surprised relatives and friends. Pieces of any size are suitable for work. The main thing is to combine them correctly. It is not necessary to maintain symmetry. It is enough to correlate them harmoniously.

Wallpaper wall panel: where to start

Before starting work, it is necessary to bring the wall into proper shape. We are talking about leveling the coating and replacing worn areas of wallpaper. You cannot install panels if there are traces of dampness on the wall. A similar prohibition applies if the wall has potholes or chips. Even the smallest unevenness will negatively affect the perception of the composition. Once the technical side of the issue is completed, we move on to choosing a method for decorating the surface.

Depending on these factors, one of the following technologies is used:

  • Patchwork pasting– involves forming a complete image with your own hands using small pieces. It is allowed to use additional decorative elements. Such compositions are often abstract in nature.
  • A picture made from whole wallpaper– bamboo or are suitable for its creation. A piece that is large in size and has a clearly readable pattern is selected. It is desirable that it be bright and include contractual elements. A pre-purchased frame is placed on top of it. Wallpaper is cut strictly according to the shape of the frame. The result is a mini-painting.
  • Combined technology– will appeal to those who are not afraid of experiments. Here, both a complete image and numerous remains are used.

Making a panel of wallpaper on the wall with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

Direct production of the composition occurs using one of two technologies. In the first case, we are talking about pasting the inner surface of the furniture in the room. To do this, you will need fragments of wallpaper with a small pattern or a classic pattern. The main thing is the uniformity of the scraps used. For fans of the country style, wallpaper with a vintage pattern is suitable. In the second case, it means applying a pattern to the external surface of furniture and walls.

To successfully implement your plan, you must consider the following:

  1. It is important to choose a meaningful drawing with a clearly readable perspective. For example, images with soaring birds, sea expanses or alpine meadows.
  2. Ancient frescoes or engravings are selected for.
  3. The wall image is cut out according to the dimensions of the frame where it is installed. For the bedroom, something calming is suitable, for example, a photograph of the sea or a park.

Photo wallpaper panels in the interior

The selected photo is applied to a non-woven base. Regardless of the scale of the composition, photo wallpapers do not lose their original color saturation. This is achieved through a top layer made of vinyl powder. An unusual panel looks good in the bedroom or living room.

Non-woven fabric is a strong and durable material that can withstand long-term use even with significant seasonal changes in altitude.

Before installing a photo wallpaper panel, you need to meet some requirements:

  1. Depending on the size and degree of illumination of the room, a pattern is selected. For example, animal motifs are always popular - a tiger or a lion.
  2. In the living room, it is recommended to choose something floral in pastel colors, for example, orchids or daisies.
  3. If desired, photo wallpapers can be decorated with small compositions made from fabric scraps.

Bright decor: panels made from leftover wallpaper for a children's room

Children always demand increased attention from adults. This is why decorating a nursery takes the most time. Depending on the baby’s preferences, bright or more restrained shapes are chosen. For example, you can make figurines of animals, birds or any animated characters. Using panels in the interior of a baby’s room is beneficial in every sense.

If a child is interested in drawing on walls, then a small-sized composition will help remove his art.

Selection tips:

  • It is better to make a choice in favor, otherwise you will have to spend more time removing traces of children's pranks;
  • Use is not recommended due to the presence of compounds in their composition that provoke an allergic reaction in children;
  • The choice of drawing is made together with the baby;
  • The panel is placed in such a way that a curious child cannot reach it;
  • It is prohibited to use small decorative elements that can be easily torn off.

Decorative wallpaper panels on the wall in the interior

Everything should be harmoniously combined with each other. Adhering to this rule is necessary to achieve a result that is attractive to the eye. Before starting work, you need to pay attention to the degree of illumination of the room, prevailing color scheme, texture and accessories present in the room. Otherwise, the decorative image will “steal” a few centimeters from the room.

For correct implementation creative idea It would be a good idea to listen to the following recommendations:

  • A small room will be visually expanded by a composition with a perspective made from scraps that differ in color scheme and light shades;
  • Interior in classic style involves the use of burgundy shades, combinations of golden and beige;
  • In a large room, it is necessary to choose the right place to install the composition so that it does not get lost;
  • In the nursery, preference is given to calm colors that will not distract or disturb the baby.

Beautiful ideas for the interior from leftover wallpaper (video)

A creative panel made from small-sized remnants of wallpaper is a simple and accessible way for everyone to transform the surrounding space. The main thing is to achieve maximum compatibility of the elements used. In this case, it will be possible to emphasize the strengths of the room. If desired, such a composition will expand the visual boundaries of the room.

A panel is a separate drawing on the wall, which occupies a certain part and is created from different materials. This type decor has become very popular in our time, since it can be matched to any interior and made the center of design. Therefore, the question of how to make a panel of wallpaper on the wall with your own hands is of great interest to novice craftsmen.

Design options

First of all, it must be said that the panel is not a painting and you should not use photo wallpaper to create it. However, some of these elements are perfect for decoration, especially if it matches the style of the interior ().

At the same time, professional craftsmen try to use materials with specific patterns or ornaments in their work.


  • When creating a wall panel from wallpaper, first of all, you need to decide whether it will be framed or left in the form of an arbitrary composition.

  • When answering the question about the need for framing, you should take into account the features of the interior and the desire to achieve a certain effect. At the same time, experts believe that frames look best on colorful or plain surfaces. At the same time, random compositions are perfect for painted walls.
  • Typically, frames for panels are made from wallpaper, cutting out certain elements from it. Therefore, it is worth choosing a material with the appropriate texture and pattern in advance.

  • You can also create a frame from baguettes or plaster decorative overlays. In this case, the price of the final product increases, but a volumetric effect will be achieved.

Advice! Professional craftsmen recommend first deciding on the main wall covering and only selecting panels based on this. It is also desirable that the frames be combined with other interior elements that are used as decoration.

The basis

  • A typical base is made from or completely plain. However, they do not necessarily have to create a background if it is planned that such decoration should stand out on the wall.

  • Many craftsmen, when telling how to make a panel, recommend not using materials with large patterns or drawings. Otherwise, this decoration will look like a painting, which is also not bad, but only with a different type of design.

  • The color combination with the base coat should be selected on the market. However, experts advise using special programs that will solve such a problem quickly and without unnecessary problems.

Advice! The panel should stand out on the wall, and not merge with it. Therefore, you should not use the same wallpaper.

Additional items

Quite often when creating such decorative elements they use small parts, which are cut out from other wallpapers.

They serve as an applique that can be used both on the frame and on the background inside it.

  • It is worth noting that the design instructions usually do not recommend frequently resorting to such a move, since such elements look too bright on the panel and stand out too much.
  • Usually craftsmen glue them onto the frame itself to give it an original appearance or to emphasize the border of the decor. At the same time, you can achieve a volumetric effect, which often looks very original even on the simplest wall covered with ordinary paint.

  • Professional designers love to use absolutely incredible materials as additions. They create their masterpieces from leaves, tree bark, sand and even old newspapers. However, such design requires the performer to have artistic taste and skill.


By watching the video in this article, you can supplement your knowledge in this area and learn some of the features of this design. Also, based on the text proposed above, it should be concluded that the manufacture of such decorative elements may require an artistic education (