Labor protection instructions for a signalman at a railway station of JSC Russian Railways. Professional training program for the profession of “signal operator”

Added to the site:

1. General labor protection requirements

1.1. This Instruction was developed on the basis of the Rules for labor protection in the transportation of federal railway transport, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on September 20, 2001 N POT RO-32-CD-855-01, and establishes the basic labor protection requirements for a signalman railway station(hereinafter referred to as the signalman) when performing shunting work at the railway stations of the open joint-stock company "Russian Railways".

On the basis of these Instructions, labor safety instructions for signalmen are developed and approved at the railway station, taking into account local conditions and the specifics of the activity.

1.2. Persons who have reached the age of eighteen and who have undergone a mandatory pre-employment medical examination (examination) and psychiatric examination, introductory and initial briefings on labor protection, training on labor protection, on-the-job training and an initial check are allowed to work as a signalman at railway stations. knowledge of labor protection requirements.

During the course of his work, the signalman must undergo periodic medical examinations (examinations), instructions on labor protection, and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements in accordance with the established procedure.

1.3. The signalman must comply with the internal labor regulations of the railway station, regulating the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, know the rights, responsibilities and be responsible for their implementation in accordance with the employment contract.

To prevent cooling and frostbite when working outdoors during the cold season at low temperatures, breaks for heating are provided. The duration and procedure for providing such breaks are established by internal labor regulations.

1.4. The signalman must know:

the effect on humans of hazardous and harmful production factors and measures to protect against their effects;

electrical safety requirements, fire safety and industrial sanitation;

rules for the application and use of fire-fighting equipment and inventory;

visible and sound signals ensuring traffic safety, safety signs, the procedure for fencing rolling stock, dangerous places;

rules for providing first aid to victims;

storage place for a first aid kit for providing first aid to victims;

rules for staying on railway tracks;

safe ways to perform shunting work;

requirements of this Instruction.

1.5. The signalman must:

carry out work included in his official duties or assigned to the station duty officer;

apply safe work practices and technological operations that are provided for by the requirements regulatory documents JSC "Russian Railways" and job responsibilities;

comply with the requirements of prohibitory, warning, indicative and prescriptive safety signs, inscriptions, sound and light signals given by locomotive drivers;

comply with fire safety requirements, have practical skills in using fire-fighting equipment and inventory;

walk through the territory of the railway station along established routes, pedestrian paths, tunnels, passages and transitions;

be extremely careful in areas where rolling stock (cars) and vehicles move;

be able to provide first aid to the victim;

comply with the requirements of these Instructions.

1.6. While working, the signalman may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:

moving rolling stock, vehicles, mechanisms;

increased noise level;

increased level of vibration;

increased dust and gas contamination of the air in the working area;

increased or decreased air temperature in the working area;

increased humidity and air mobility;

insufficient illumination of the work area at night;

physical overload;

neuropsychic overload when performing work on railway tracks while trains are moving.

To reduce the impact of negative production factors, signalmen must use special personal protective equipment.

1.7. The signalman is provided with the following special clothing and footwear:

Set "Dvizhenets-L" or 1

Suit "Flaw detector-L" 1

Yufte boots with polyurethane soles 1 pair

Water protection raincoat 1 for 3 years

Combined gloves or 8 pairs

Polymer coated gloves 8 pairs

Safety glasses open until worn out

Signal headdress 1 for 2 years

Signal vest 2 protection class 2

In winter additionally:

Protection kit low temperatures by the waist

"Movement" or suit for protection against being lowered by belts

temperatures "Flaw detector"

Short fur coat or belted

Short coat with fur lining or belts

Jacket with fur lining at the waist

Insulated mittens or belted

Gloves with insulated belts

Ushanka hat with sound-conducting inserts on the belts

Insulated yuft boots with oil- and frost-resistant soles at the waist

in I and II zones

Insulated leather boots "Sever ZhD" in III, IV and special belts

belts or

Felt boots (felt boots) in III, IV and special belts at the waist

Galoshes for felt boots (felt boots) 1 pair for 2 years.

1.8. Personal clothing, workwear and shoes should be stored separately in the dressing room cabinets.

The signalman must monitor the serviceability of his workwear, and also keep the cabinets for storing personal clothing and workwear clean and tidy.

1.9. The signalman must comply with the following fire safety requirements:

Smoking only in specially installed and adapted places, marked “Smoking area”, provided with fire extinguishing means and equipped with trash cans;

know and be able to use primary fire extinguishing means;

do not use damaged sockets, switches and other electrical equipment;

Do not operate electrical appliances with damaged or lost electrical wiring insulation;

do not use electric stoves, electric kettles and other electric heating devices that do not have thermal protection devices, without stands made of non-combustible materials;

do not use non-standard (homemade) electric heating devices;

Do not leave plugged-in electric heating devices or open flames of heating elements unattended.

1.10. The signalman must immediately notify the station duty officer or the station manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in his health.

In cases of injury to people, the signalman is obliged to inform the station duty officer about this and provide first aid to the injured.

1.11. The signalman must observe the rules of personal hygiene. Meals should be taken in canteens, buffets or in specially designated rooms with appropriate equipment.

You should wash your hands thoroughly before eating warm water with soap.

1.12. When on railway tracks, the signalman is obliged to:

while passing through the territory of a railway station, be vigilant, listen to announcements over the public address system and warning signals, distribute your attention between the movement of rolling stock and the performance of official duties;

walk along specially established routes of service and technological passages;

comply with the requirements of safety signs, visible and sound signals and warning painting applied to structures and devices, pay attention to devices and objects located along the route: limit posts, turnouts, drainage trays and wells, signaling devices, centralization and blocking, contact networks, oversized places and other obstacles (the list of oversized and dangerous places at a railway station is indicated in the occupational safety instructions for signalmen developed at the railway station);

when passing along railway tracks, walk in the middle of the intertrack, along the side of the roadbed or to the side of the railway track no closer than 2.5 m from the outer rail, while you must carefully monitor the movements of rolling stock on adjacent tracks, for objects protruding beyond the outline of the dimensions rolling stock ( open doors, sides of cars, wire and other items);

when approaching rolling stock or during shunting movements, it is necessary to move in advance to the side of the track or to another inter-track at a safe distance, so as not to find yourself between mobile units simultaneously moving along adjacent tracks, and not to be in the area of ​​an oversized (dangerous) place, wait for the passage or stop rolling stock and then continue moving;

When detecting (visually or audibly) approaching rolling stock, workers who find themselves on the train's route within the scope of the rolling stock must move away from the railway tracks to the side of the roadbed, including the adjacent railway track, remove tools, devices, materials, products at a distance not less than 2.5 m from the outer rail at established train speeds of up to 120 km/h, at least 4 m from the outer rail at established speeds of 121 - 140 km/h and at least 5 m from the outer rail at established speeds of more than 140 km/h;

when you are on a track adjacent to the passage route of a train with a speed of over 140 km/h, after reporting the passage of a train no later than 10 minutes in advance, work must be stopped and you must step aside at a distance of at least 5 m from the outermost rail the path along which the train must travel;

when workers are on the tracks of railway stations, they are allowed to move to the middle of a wide inter-track (in the case of a train moving along an adjacent railway track);

if you are forced to be in the gap between trains, locomotives and other moving units moving along adjacent tracks, you must immediately squat down (squat) or lie down on the ground in the gap parallel to the railway tracks;

you should cross railway tracks in designated places (on pedestrian bridges, tunnels, decks), and in their absence - at right angles to the axis of the track, after making sure that there is no approaching rolling stock, stepping over the rails, without stepping on the rails and the ends of the sleepers;

one should cross a railway track occupied by stationary rolling stock if there is no approaching rolling stock (shunting) on ​​the adjacent track along serviceable transition platforms of cars, having first made sure that the handrails, steps and floor of the platform are in good condition and that they are not icy or snow-covered;

one should rise and disembark from the transition platform of a stationary carriage, turning to face the carriage, holding the handrails with both hands, while the hands should be free of any objects, having previously inspected the exit area and made sure that there is no approaching rolling stock along the adjacent railway track or obstacles between tracks or on the side of the track (at night, this place should be illuminated with a hand-held flashlight);

before starting to climb onto the carriage's transition platform, you should make sure that there is no permissive indication of the traffic light and sound signals given by the locomotive before departure;

you should walk around groups of cars or locomotives standing on the railway track at a distance of at least 5 m from the automatic coupler of the outermost car or locomotive;

you should pass between uncoupled units of rolling stock with a distance between their automatic couplers of at least 10 m, in the middle of the gap;

monitor the readings of traffic lights, sound signals, signs, the position of arrows and warnings transmitted via park two-way communication about the passage of trains and shunting movements of rolling stock;

be attentive and careful when on the tracks, especially in poor visibility, heavy snowfalls, fog, strong noise created by operating equipment or passing rolling stock, in winter, when hats impair the audibility of signals.

When workers are in the area of ​​high-speed and high-speed trains, it is required to comply with the Labor Safety Rules when servicing high-speed and high-speed railway lines of JSC Russian Railways and additional measures security established by local documents.

(clause 1.12 as amended by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 23, 2014 N 3086r)

1.13. When entering the railway track from premises, due to rolling stock, buildings, structures and structures, and in winter, when hats impair the audibility of sound signals, as well as in heavy fog, rain, snowfall, blizzards, which impede visibility, audibility of warning signals and approaching rolling stock, before crossing the railway track the signalman is required to:

first make sure that there is no rolling stock moving along it (on both sides) to the crossing point;

in the dark, in addition, wait until your eyes get used to the darkness, wait until the visibility of surrounding objects is established and then continue moving; in places with limited illumination, use a hand-held flashlight;

when rolling stock approaches, stop in a safe place, let it pass and then continue moving.

(clause 1.13 as amended by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 23, 2014 N 3086r)

1.14. While on the railway tracks, the signalman is prohibited from:

cross (cross) railway tracks in front of a moving railway rolling stock or immediately behind a passing train, without making sure that no railway rolling stock is moving along the adjacent railway track;

climb on and off the steps of carriages while moving;

climb onto locomotives;

crawl under standing carriages, climb onto or under automatic couplers, cross railway tracks along carriage frames;

stand or sit on rails and ends of sleepers, electric drives, track boxes, car retarders and other floor and ground devices;

to be in between tracks when trains are traveling along adjacent railway tracks;

cross railway tracks within the turnouts, place your foot between the point and the frame rail, the movable core and the owl or in the grooves on the turnout;

when passing rolling stock, be in oversized areas marked with signal paint and/or a sign indicating an oversized area in the clearance area of ​​the rolling stock;

enter the space between cars;

use cellular and radiotelephone communications, audio and video players and other devices not provided for by the technological process of the railway station.

(clause 1.14 as amended by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 23, 2014 N 3086r)

1.15. When on electrified railway tracks, the signalman must comply with the following safety requirements:

do not approach live and unprotected wires or parts of the contact network at a distance of less than 2 m;

do not climb onto the roof of a car located under the overhead wire;

do not touch broken wires of the contact network and foreign objects located on them, regardless of whether they touch the ground and grounded structures or not.

A signalman who discovers a break in wires or other elements of the contact network, as well as foreign objects hanging from them, must immediately notify the station duty officer.

Before the repair team arrives, the dangerous place should be fenced off using any available means and it should be ensured that no one comes within 8 m of the broken wires.

If you get into the “stepping stress” zone, you must leave it, observing the following safety measures: connect your feet together, and slowly move in small steps, not exceeding the length of your foot, and without lifting your feet from the ground.

1.16. A signal operator who does not comply with the requirements of these Instructions is liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.17. When performing work on railway tracks (in the territory of a railway station), the signalman is required to wear a signal vest orange color with strips of reflective material with stencils “DS” on the back, indicating membership in the unit, and “D” on the left side of the chest, indicating membership in the directorate (hereinafter referred to as the signal vest).

(clause 1.17 introduced by order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 23, 2014 N 3086r)

1.18. Before going out into the open air in severe frosts, the signalman should lubricate open areas body with frostbite cream (made on an anhydrous basis). In severe frosts, to avoid frostbite, do not touch metal objects and parts (rails, fasteners, tools, equipment) with bare hands.

To prevent hypothermia and frostbite when working outdoors at low temperatures, the signalman must wear heat-protective clothing and heat-protective shoes, use the provided regulated heating breaks, the duration of which is determined by the Internal Labor Regulations or a local document of the structural unit.

(clause 1.18 introduced by order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 23, 2014 N 3086r)

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, the signalman must put on the special clothing and shoes required, a signal vest with reflective pads and fasten all the buttons. Headgear should not impair the audibility of sound signals.

2.2. Together with the signalman handing over the shift, check:

availability and serviceability of strictly controlled inventory;

availability and serviceability of signal accessories and tools;

reliability of securing the rolling stock;

operation of a radio station, telephone communication;

availability of technical documentation;

check the condition of interpaths within the workplace;

serviceability of pedestrian decking along service passage routes;

lighting condition;

presence of sand;

fire-fighting equipment.

2.3. The routes of the service passage and intertracks must be cleared of debris, foreign objects, car parts and materials of the upper structure of the track, and in winter time- from snow and ice.

2.4. The signalman must receive information from the shift operator about the location and securing of rolling stock on the station tracks, familiarize himself with the plan for the upcoming work and report to the station duty officer about taking over duty.

2.5. Report all detected comments and violations to the station duty officer so that measures can be taken to eliminate them, and if a danger to his life and health arises, do not begin work until such danger is eliminated.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. When performing maneuvers, the signalman is obliged to closely monitor the movements of the shunting personnel. Using the information transmitted to the station duty officer and the train compiler, timely complete tasks for organizing shunting work and move to a safe place in advance. Clearly and timely transmit to the locomotive driver and train compiler the necessary signals and messages during shunting work.

3.2. If it is necessary for a signalman to work on a centralized switch (translation by courbel, inspection if it is impossible to translate it from the remote control panel), it is necessary:

following the switch, comply with safety requirements when on station tracks;

when moving the arrow, face the electric drive;

while switching the switch, monitor the movement of trains and shunting units;

listen to messages via speakerphone;

follow the designated service passage routes to the switch.

3.3. The signalman must clean centralized turnouts, check that the turnout is clear of the rolling stock, and switch by courbel only at the direction of the station duty officer. The signalman reports the completion of work to the station duty officer.

3.4. At night, cleaning turnouts is permitted only in cases of extreme necessity caused by unfavorable meteorological conditions (snowfall, blizzard, hurricane). In this case, as well as during the day when visibility is poor (fog, snowstorm), a lit hand-held lantern with red glass is installed inside the track. During daylight hours, the work area is fenced with a red signal.

3.5. When cleaning turnouts, you must face the direction of the expected direction of train movement and carry out the work with extreme caution.

When cleaning centralized turnouts within the frame rails, a wooden liner is placed between the retracted point and the frame rail against the electric drive rods.

3.6. When performing work to secure cars on railway tracks, the signalman must lay down the brake shoes after the cars have completely stopped, coordinating the actions with the workers involved in the technological operation, using serviceable brake shoes (brake stops).

(as amended by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 23, 2014 N 3086r)

Signalmen must store brake shoes used in their work on special racks, preventing them from being scattered between tracks.

When securing standing cars, grasp the brake shoe only by the handle. Work with gloves.

The signalman is prohibited from:

install the brake shoe by hand under moving cars;

when laying the brake shoe, go into the track;

place foreign objects under the wheel pairs instead of brake shoes to secure the cars.

Removal of the brake shoes must be done with a special hook or with a hand dressed in gloves (mittens), holding the handle of the brake shoe.

(paragraph introduced by order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 23, 2014 N 3086r)

3.7. In winter, when there is ice, the signalman must clear work area from snow and ice, as well as sprinkle with sand or fine slag in breaks between shunting work.

3.8. Before the start of a technological break in work, the signalman must report to his immediate supervisor (shift manager) about his whereabouts and, at the end of it, about his readiness to start work.

(clause 3.8 introduced by order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 23, 2014 N 3086r)

3.9. Before entering the railway tracks, the signalman must:

coordinate actions with the duty officer at the railway station and additionally (if necessary) with an employee determined by the technological process of the railway station;

put on in complete set workwear and safety footwear;

Put on a signal vest over your clothes, fasten it completely, empty your pockets of foreign objects with sharp edges;

check the headgear and make sure that there is no deterioration in the audibility of sound signals, put it tightly on the head;

leave in household premises mobile phone and others electronic devices, reducing attention.

(clause 3.9 introduced by order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 23, 2014 N 3086r)

3.10. When located on the railway tracks of a station, the signalman is obliged to:

follow the established service and technological passage routes;

comply with established safety requirements when on railway tracks;

at the time of shunting work or the movement of trains on the tracks of a railway station - carefully monitor the movements of the train (locomotive), signals given by the locomotive driver, the head of the shunting work (train compiler, freight train conductor), use information transmitted via public address and radio communications, go to a safe place in a timely manner;

observe safety precautions when in the area of ​​oversized (dangerous) places on station tracks (indicated by warning signs “Caution! Oversized Place” and standard coloring in the form of alternating yellow and black stripes of equal width at an angle of 45 degrees);

Use a hand-held flashlight at night or in poor visibility conditions.

(clause 3.10 introduced by order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 23, 2014 N 3086r)

4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Actions in the event of an accident or emergency

During operation, the following emergency situations may arise: spontaneous movement of cars along the tracks, fire, leakage, spillage of dangerous substances, damage to containers or rolling stock with dangerous cargo and other incidents that can lead to an accident, explosion, fire, poisoning, burns, injury people, as well as cases when cars with dangerous cargo were in the area of ​​rolling stock derailment, accident, crash or fire.

If spontaneous movement of cars along the tracks is detected, the signalman must immediately notify the station duty officer, indicating the track number and direction of movement of the cars.

Priority measures and procedure for the signalman in eliminating emergency situations with dangerous goods, including explosive materials, during their transportation railways established by the Safety Rules and the procedure for eliminating emergency situations with dangerous goods when transporting them by rail, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on November 25, 1996 N TsM-407.

When eliminating an emergency situation, it is necessary to act in accordance with the emergency response plan.

If an emergency situation occurs, the signalman must stop work and report the incident to the station duty officer and then follow his instructions to prevent accidents or eliminate the emergency situation that has arisen.

When a fire is detected, the signalman must:

immediately report this in person or through the station duty officer by telephone to the fire department (in this case, you must indicate the location of the fire and also provide your last name);

take measures to call the station manager or other responsible person to the scene of the fire;

take measures to evacuate people from the fire zone, as well as take measures to extinguish the fire (except for cases of fire of dangerous goods) using the available primary fire extinguishing means.

When using air-foam (powder, carbon dioxide) fire extinguishers, direct the stream of foam (powder, carbon dioxide) away from people. If foam (powder, carbon dioxide) gets on unprotected areas of the body, you must wipe it off with a handkerchief or some other cloth and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

In rooms with internal fire hydrants, it is necessary to involve two workers to extinguish a fire: one rolls out the hose from the tap to the place of the fire, the second, at the command of the one who rolls out the hose, opens the tap.

When extinguishing a fire with a fire felt, the flame should be covered so that the fire from under the felt does not fall on the worker extinguishing the fire.

When extinguishing a fire with sand, the shovel should not be raised to eye level to avoid sand getting into them.

Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of more than 7 m from the contact network and overhead power lines that are under voltage is allowed with any fire extinguishers without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the stream of water or foam does not approach the contact network and other live parts at a distance of less than 2 m.

Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of less than 2 m from the contact network is permitted only with carbon dioxide or aerosol fire extinguishers.

When working with carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, in order to avoid frostbite, you should not handle the socket with an unprotected hand.

It is possible to extinguish burning objects with water and air-foam fire extinguishers only after the work manager or other responsible person informs that the voltage has been removed from the contact network and it is grounded.

When unenergized electrical equipment with voltage up to 1000 V catches fire, only carbon dioxide fire extinguishers should be used.

When extinguishing electrical installations that are under voltage, it is not allowed to bring a fire extinguisher or socket closer than 1 meter to the electrical installation and flame.

When a person’s clothing catches fire, it is necessary to extinguish the fire as quickly as possible, but you should not put out the flame with unprotected hands. Clothes that ignite must be quickly discarded, torn off, or extinguished by pouring water. A thick cloth, blanket, or tarpaulin can be thrown over a person wearing burning clothes, which must be removed after the flame has been extinguished.

4.2. Actions to provide first aid to victims of injury, poisoning and other health damage

4.2.1. Mechanical injuries

If the victim receives a mechanical injury accompanied by bleeding, it is urgent to temporarily stop the bleeding.

Signs of bleeding:

with arterial bleeding, scarlet blood flows out of the wound in a pulsating stream;

With venous bleeding, the blood is dark and does not pulsate.

Methods for temporarily stopping bleeding depending on the type of bleeding:

1) applying a pressure bandage;

2) application of a hemostatic tourniquet;

3) maximum flexion of the limb;

4) pressing the artery with fingers or a fist.

First aid procedure:

1) in case of arterial bleeding, apply a hemostatic tourniquet or twist above the wound, wipe the skin around the wound with alcohol (cologne), moving in the direction from the wound, lubricate the edges of the wound with iodine and apply a sterile bandage. Place a tourniquet on the limb above the wound site, circling it around the raised limb, previously wrapped in some soft cloth, and fix it on the outside of the limb. After applying the first turn of the tourniquet, you must ensure that there is no pulse. Apply the next turns of the tourniquet with less force. You should definitely put a note under the tourniquet (twist) indicating the time it was applied. The tourniquet (twist) can be applied for no more than one hour;

2) in case of venous bleeding, apply a sterile napkin and a pressure bandage to the wound.

Give the victim a pain reliever.

For small wounds and abrasions, treat the skin around them with a 2% or 5% alcohol solution of iodine, apply a bactericidal adhesive plaster or bandage.

In case of a spinal fracture, provide the victim with complete rest while lying on his back, on a hard board.

In case of fractures of the limbs, immobilize (immobilize) the broken limb (with splints or any available means - boards, slats) with fixation of two adjacent joints or fixation of the arm to the body, leg to leg.

For open fractures, it is necessary to lubricate the surface of the skin around the wound with a 2% or 5% alcohol solution of iodine and apply a sterile bandage before applying the splint. Place the splint so that it does not lie on top of the wound and does not put pressure on the protruding bone.

In case of a dislocation, it is necessary to fix the limb (with a splint, a sling) in a motionless state, and in case of a sprain, apply a tight bandage to the site of the sprain and apply cold.

4.2.2. Eye injuries

In case of wounds or severe bruises of the eye(s), a sterile bandage should be applied to both eyes. You should not remove objects that have gotten into the victim’s eye, so as not to further damage it.

If dust or powdery substance gets into your eyes, rinse them with a gentle stream. running water.

If in eyes chemical substances or toxic technical liquids, the eyes should be rinsed generously with a weak stream of running water for 3 to 5 minutes and a sterile bandage should be applied.

For eye burns hot water It is not recommended to rinse the eyes with steam; a sterile bandage should be applied to the eyes.

4.2.3. Electrical injuries

In case of defeat electric shock It is necessary to free the victim from the action of electric current as quickly as possible: turn off the electrical installation using a switch, switch by removing the fuses or plug connection. At voltages up to 1000 V, to free the victim from the action of the current, you can cut the wire (cutting the wire of each phase separately) with an ax with a dry wooden handle or throw it away from the victim with a dry stick, board or some other dry object that does not conduct electric current. To separate the victim from live parts or wires, you can pull the victim away from live parts by the clothing if it is dry and comes off the body. In this case, you should operate with one hand, observing safety measures so as not to come into contact with the live part of the electrical equipment and within the range of the step voltage. At the same time, do not touch the victim with bare hands while he is under the influence of current. To do this, the person providing assistance must put on dielectric gloves or wrap a scarf around their hand, pull up the sleeve of a jacket or coat, and throw a rubberized cloth (cloak) or dry cloth over the victim.

At voltages above 1000 V, to separate the victim from live parts, the person providing assistance must wear dielectric gloves and boots and, instead of improvised means (dry stick, board, other non-conducting objects), use an insulating rod or insulating pliers (if available), designed to appropriate voltage.

If the victim is at a height, then until the electric current stops, measures should be taken to prevent the victim from falling and causing additional injury.

First aid procedure:

unbutton the victim’s clothes, ensure a flow of fresh air, restore breathing and blood circulation by performing artificial respiration and chest compressions (until the pulse and natural breathing are restored), apply a bandage with a sterile bandage to the electrical burns and immobilize (immobilize) fractures, dislocations, arising from a fall of the victim (tires, improvised means - boards, slats).

4.2.4. Thermal burns

Signs of a burn and first aid procedures:

In case of a first degree burn (redness of the skin is observed), the burned part of the body should be cooled with a jet cold water(for 10 - 15 minutes) or apply cold for 20 - 30 minutes (ice bag, snow), lubricate with cream, Vaseline, etc.;

in case of a second degree burn (blisters filled with liquid form), it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the burned area;

In case of severe burn (tissue necrosis), a sterile bandage should be applied to the burned area. The victim must be given plenty of hot tea and a pain reliever.

For second and third degree burns, it is forbidden to lubricate the burned area with fat or ointments, open or puncture blisters, or tear off parts of clothing that have burned to the skin.

4.2.5. Burns from acids and alkalis

For acid burns, the burned area of ​​the body should be washed with a 2% solution of baking soda. If baking soda is not available, you should generously water the burned area of ​​the body with clean water.

In case of alkali burns, the burned area of ​​the body should be washed with water acidified with vinegar or citric acids, or water generously with clean water.

Cover the burned area of ​​the body with a sterile bandage and give the victim an anesthetic.

4.2.6. Poisoning

In case of acid poisoning, the stomach should be thoroughly rinsed with water, for which the victim should be given 7-8 glasses to drink. warm water and artificially induce vomiting. This procedure should be repeated 4 - 5 times. Water consumption during gastric lavage is up to 10 liters or until clean rinsing water is released during vomiting. Then give the victim activated charcoal to drink.

In case of gas poisoning, the victim must be taken out of the room into fresh air or a draft must be created in the room by opening windows and doors.

If breathing and cardiac activity stop, perform artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage.

4.2.7. Fainting

If you faint, do the following:

make sure that the victim has a pulse in the radial or carotid artery;

free the victim’s chest from constricting clothing and unfasten the waist belt;

lay the victim down and elevate his legs.

If there is no pulse in the carotid artery, proceed to the resuscitation complex: artificial respiration, chest compressions.

If you experience abdominal pain or repeated fainting, put cold (a bottle or bag of cold water or snow, or a hypothermic pack) on the stomach.

4.2.8. In all cases of electric shock, mechanical injuries, severe thermal and chemical burns, poisoning with toxic liquids, gases and eye injuries, the victim must be urgently taken to the nearest medical facility.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Upon completion of work, the signalman must:

tidy up your workplace;

put signaling accessories and equipment in places specially designated for them;

take off your overalls and put them in the dressing room closet, hand over duty to the signalman taking over the shift;

5.2. Contaminated and faulty special clothing and shoes, if necessary, must be washed, dry-cleaned or repaired.

5.3. The signalman must inform the station duty officer about all violations of labor safety requirements noticed after completion of work and about the measures taken to eliminate them.

Characteristics of the work.

Installing and ensuring the safety of portable signals, firecrackers and signal signs fencing removable mobile units and places of track work. Monitoring passing trains and timely submission of sound and visible signals to the track work manager. Removing fence signals and firecrackers. Securing rolling stock on the tracks common use railway stations from the control panel of mechanized means of securing rolling stock or brake shoes. Removal of mechanized means of fastening and cleaning of brake shoes before departure of the train during shunting work. Control for technical condition mechanized means of securing rolling stock and serviceability of brake shoes. Monitoring the correct stopping of the train in designated places to ensure mechanized securing. Checking the path is clear. Curbel translation of centralized arrows. Checking the correct preparation of the route when receiving, departing and passing trains in conditions of disruption of signaling, centralization and blocking devices. Providing sound and visible signals when receiving, departing, passing trains and performing shunting work.

What you should know:

  • procedure for installing and removing portable, manual and sound signals, signal signs, firecrackers
  • fencing schemes for removable moving units and track work sites with signals and signs
  • procedure for using portable telephone communications or portable radio stations
  • technical administrative act and technological process operation of the railway station in relation to the work of the signalman
  • cargo transportation rules
  • operating principle of mechanized means of securing rolling stock
  • rules of operation and their interaction with alarm, centralization and blocking devices
  • rules for installing and removing brake shoes
  • location of turnouts and insulating sections
  • general information about the design of centralized turnouts and the procedure for translating them by courbel.

§ 83. Signalman 3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Installing and ensuring the safety of portable signals, firecrackers and signal signs fencing removable mobile units and places of track work. Monitoring passing trains and timely submission of sound and visible signals to the track work manager. Removing fence signals and firecrackers. Securing rolling stock on public tracks of railway stations from a control panel using mechanized means of securing rolling stock or brake shoes. Removal of mechanized means of fastening and cleaning of brake shoes before departure of the train during shunting work. Monitoring the technical condition of mechanized means of securing rolling stock and the serviceability of brake shoes. Monitoring the correct stopping of the train in designated places to ensure mechanized securing. Checking the path is clear. Curbel translation of centralized arrows. Checking the correct preparation of the route when receiving, departing and passing trains in conditions of disruption of signaling, centralization and blocking devices. Providing sound and visible signals when receiving, departing, passing trains and performing shunting work.
Must know: the procedure for installing and removing portable, manual and sound signals, signal signs, firecrackers; fencing schemes for removable moving units and track work sites with signals and signs; the procedure for using portable telephone communications or portable radio stations; technical administrative act and technological process of operation of a railway station in terms of the work of a signalman; cargo transportation rules; operating principle of mechanized means of securing rolling stock; rules of operation and interaction with alarm, centralization and blocking devices; rules for installing and removing brake shoes; location of turnouts and insulating sections; general information about the design of centralized turnouts and the procedure for translating them by courbel.

From July 1, 2016, employers are required to apply professional standards, if the requirements for the qualifications that an employee needs to perform a certain job function are established by the Labor Code, federal laws or other regulations (Federal Law of May 2, 2015 No. 122-FZ).
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Signalman of the 3rd category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements: complete or basic general secondary education. Vocational education or obtaining a profession directly on the job. No work experience requirements.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- rules and regulations of labor protection, technical regulatory act and technological process of the station in the part that relates to its operation;
- the principle of operation of braking devices and the rules for their operation, the structure of brake shoes and the rules for using them, the location of turnouts and insulating sections;
- basic knowledge about the structure of centralized arrows and the rules for translating them with courbel;
- train signals and the order in which they indicate the tail of the train;
- portable, manual and sound signals, signal signs;
- schemes for blocking with signals and signal signs the places of track work and removable mobile units;
- the procedure for installing and removing signals, signal signs and firecrackers;
- the procedure for using portable telephone communications or portable radio stations.

1.4. A signalman of the 3rd category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The 3rd category signalman reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The 3rd category signalman supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During his absence, a 3rd category signalman is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of his duties.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Secures cars and trains that are on the tracks with brake shoes (braking devices) in accordance with the procedure and standards established by the technical and administrative act of the station, removes brake shoes - in the case of fencing trains with established signals at industrial and railway transport stations.

2.2. Provides sound and visual signals during the reception, departure, passage of trains and shunting operations.

2.3. Keeps records of the presence of brake shoes at the workplace and monitors their serviceability.

2.4. Checks the occupancy of the track, moves the centralized switches with a curbel, checks the correct preparation of the route in case of reception, departure, or passage of trains in conditions of disruption of the operation of signaling, centralization and blocking devices.

2.5. Mounts and removes signals to indicate the tail of the train.

2.6. Installs and protects portable signals and firecrackers, installs signal signs that fence off the site of track work.

2.7. Monitors trains that are in motion and promptly provides sound and visual signals to the track work manager.

2.8. Removes signals from barriers and firecrackers with the permission of the track work manager.

2.9. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.10. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environment, complies with the standards, methods and techniques of safe work performance.

3. Rights

3.1. The 3rd grade signalman has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. A 3rd category signalman has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. A 3rd class signalman has the right to demand assistance in the execution of his duties. job responsibilities and exercise of rights.

3.4. A 3rd category signalman has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. A 3rd category signalman has the right to familiarize himself with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. A 3rd category signalman has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill his job duties and management orders.

3.7. A 3rd category signalman has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. A 3rd category signaller has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. A signalman of the 3rd category has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The 3rd category signalman is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the requirements of this job description obligations and (or) non-use of granted rights.

4.2. A 3rd category signalman is responsible for failure to comply with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. A 3rd category signalman is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise/institution) related to a trade secret.

4.4. A 3rd category signalman is responsible for failure to comply or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. A 3rd category signalman is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. A 3rd category signalman is responsible for causing material damage to an organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. A 3rd class signalman is responsible for the unlawful use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 18, 2013 N 68n “On approval of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, Issue 52, sections: “Railway Transport”; “Sea and River Transport” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia...

§ 83. Signalman (3rd category)


3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Installing and ensuring the safety of portable signals, firecrackers and signal signs fencing removable mobile units and places of track work. Monitoring passing trains and timely submission of sound and visible signals to the track work manager. Removing fence signals and firecrackers. Securing rolling stock on public tracks of railway stations from a control panel using mechanized means of securing rolling stock or brake shoes. Removal of mechanized means of fastening and cleaning of brake shoes before departure of the train during shunting work. Monitoring the technical condition of mechanized means of securing rolling stock and the serviceability of brake shoes. Monitoring the correct stopping of the train in designated places to ensure mechanized securing. Checking the path is clear. Curbel translation of centralized arrows. Checking the correct preparation of the route when receiving, departing and passing trains in conditions of disruption of signaling, centralization and blocking devices. Providing sound and visible signals when receiving, departing, passing trains and performing shunting work.

Must know: the procedure for installing and removing portable, manual and sound signals, signal signs, firecrackers; fencing schemes for removable moving units and track work sites with signals and signs; the procedure for using portable telephone communications or portable radio stations; technical administrative act and technological process of operation of a railway station in terms of the work of a signalman; cargo transportation rules; operating principle of mechanized means of securing rolling stock; rules of operation and interaction with alarm, centralization and blocking devices; rules for installing and removing brake shoes; location of turnouts and insulating sections; general information about the design of centralized turnouts and the procedure for translating them by courbel.