Which bathhouse is better made of pine or spruce? Which is best for you - a bathhouse made of aspen, linden or pine

When deciding which wood to build a bathhouse from, the owner is guided by two determining choices - ease of processing and cost. Not all materials have similar qualities, so below are some types of wood that are popular in bath construction, their advantages and disadvantages. Some tips on choosing quality raw materials are also given.

Choice of species - deciduous or coniferous

Typically an ignorant owner land plot definitely wants a pine bath, remembering that the properties of such wood are healing. This is true, but only partly. When heating the premises - steam room, washing room - resin is released - the protective substance of each trunk.

This is not very aesthetically pleasing, since the sticky surface attracts dirty streaks, dust or small sawdust. In addition, the resin begins to have healing functions in the human body according to its mechanism - it clogs wounds, and at the same time blood vessels and respiratory tracts. It’s not difficult to guess why people with cardiovascular diseases experience increased blood pressure during a visit to the steam room and an increased heart rate.

Deciduous trees in this regard do not have such a disadvantage, but they have other, no less serious ones - difficulty in processing if it is decided to build a bathhouse from a log, a high ability to shrink, curvature of trunks and, as a result, longitudinal cracks. The absence of phytoncides opens up access to trunk rot, mold, and bark beetle. What type of wood should I choose? More details about each:


The most common material in solving the problem is what you can use to build a bathhouse. It has a beautiful structure, variety in color - from bright yellow to brick brown, reasonable price, and ease of processing.

However, subsequently the owners are disappointed precisely because of the resinousness of the tree. Conclusion - pine is excellent for cladding a bathhouse or dressing room, without using it in “hot” rooms.


Cheap raw materials, but having many more disadvantages than advantages:

  • High percentage of knots.
  • Resinous, even more than pine.
  • High shrinkage and curvature of the rods during drying.

Suitable as lumber rather than as a single unit.

Oak, larch, cedar

Future bathhouse owners who are not strapped for money can afford to build a wooden bathhouse from the listed types of wood. It will be possible to say that the object will serve the owners of the centuries.

However, the species are extremely difficult to process, if we talk about solid cords of oak and larch, and are rare, and therefore expensive, for cedar. The medicinal qualities of all varieties have not gone unnoticed by scientists - it is noted that these breeds have a large amount of essential oils, which is extremely useful for visitors to the bathhouse.

By the way, the use of larch will solve the problem of how to build a wooden bathhouse with a swimming pool. This rock was used in Venice in the form of piles on which the city stands. It is clear that humidity cannot even threaten this variety.

Linden, aspen

The most acceptable option for building a bathhouse from the series is price-quality. Easy processing, thanks to which it will not be difficult to independently solve the question of how to build a wooden bathhouse. Excellent microclimate in all rooms from the dressing room to the steam room.

If the owners are planning a large building with relaxation rooms or saunas, then linden or aspen is what they need. The disadvantage of the species is that it is a rare opportunity to find calibrated solid material, so in construction more lumber is used, sewn onto the walls. In addition, the rocks have a loose structure, which is an excellent conductor for moisture, and therefore promotes rot and mold.

How to purchase high-quality wooden raw materials

To solve the question of how to properly build a wooden bathhouse, first of all you need to consider purchasing quality material. Uninformed owners often trust unscrupulous suppliers who push them substandard raw materials. So, what should an owner be wary of when purchasing wood for a bathhouse:

  1. Too much low price. There are no cedars or Karelian birch worth a car's worth of birch firewood. Or the wood has such defects that the buyer is offered practically rubbish.
  2. Appearance. The absence of mold rot and bark beetle passages is, of course, a given - no self-respecting company would offer this. Knotiness is present in many species; spruce or pine is endowed with them in large quantities. The owner should know that the floors and rafter system It is better not to make from such units; for everything else it does not pose a problem, unless there is a halo of rot around the knot.
  3. Drying degree. Fresh or summer cut canes are too wet. You can check this with a drop of iodine - with a small percentage the wood will turn brown, high humidity will reveal itself as blue.

By choosing high-quality raw materials, the owner can be sure that half the work to achieve the dream is done. All that remains is to apply the hands and knowledge of experienced builders, and then everyone at home will appreciate their own bathhouse.

The good thing about the bathhouse is that the whole body floats in it, but not the brain. In it you can get a boost of energy for the whole day, rejuvenate your body, improve your health, and relax your muscles after exhausting work or training. The construction of a wooden bathhouse must follow all the rules and the most important thing in this process is wood selection. Many may disagree, citing design features, firebox, decoration and other details of this room (and they are also important, that’s right!), but it is the wood that provides the most important thing - useful phytoncides, a pleasant aroma and ease of soaring in this room.

Wooden baths are built from 45 types of wood (judging by the analysis modern market), but not all of them are suitable for solving this problem. Inexperienced developers offer “budget” options made from unsuitable but cheap wood or “elite” varieties of trees that are generally cannot be used in this area. Now we will figure out what the best wood for a bathhouse is and how it should be chosen in order to get the best effect and not overpay.

It is immediately necessary to clarify that both coniferous and deciduous tree species are suitable for construction; the only significant difference between them is the presence of phytoncides (substances that are released by plants and kill many pathogenic organisms). There are much more of them in coniferous species. But wood for a bathhouse should not only be useful. There are also criteria for density, durability, appearance, normal cost, resin capacity and much more.

Now let’s look at the main contenders for the title of “best wood for a bathhouse”, analyze their pros, cons and how suitable they are for your construction. Let's start with coniferous trees, since they are more common and generally accepted.

Pine. Cheap and cheerful. A good tree for a steam room, which has beneficial properties: easy to process, practically does not deform when dried, minimal cracking. Pines from northern regions are considered the best raw materials, since they release more useful substances when heated and create best scent. If you make the floor in a wooden bathhouse from pine, it will not be too slippery and will quickly gain heat, which is very useful for winter heating. A significant drawback is the abundant release of resins from wood.

Norway spruce. In terms of its density and mechanical properties, it does not differ from pine. The big difference is the color. A spruce wooden bathhouse retains its golden color for a long time; it does not darken after several years. The cost of spruce is identical to pine lumber, so you can choose what texture you want for the bathhouse. The main disadvantage is the strong release of resin (more than that of pine), so you can’t do without interior finishing of the bathhouse.

Larch. If you don’t mind disturbing your savings in the bank or won the lottery, then you can carry out the elite construction of a bathhouse from timber or logs using larch. It will cost a lot of money, but the benefits are obvious: high strength, flexibility, heat capacity, wood releases a lot of antiseptic when heated, kills all pathogens. The fire resistance of the bathhouse is 2 times higher, and everyone will like the texture of the walls. Larch costs 2.5 times more than pine, which is its main disadvantage. Wooden sauna made of larch can cost a fortune, if you also consider interior decoration.

Cedar. Expensive, beautiful, reliable. The cost of such wood can scare even the biggest fans great sauna, but cedar is worth it. If you need the best coniferous wood for a bathhouse, buy cedar logs. It does not sag over time, is extremely resistant to rotting, you can heat the sauna every day, but it will last for decades. Maximum of essential oils and phytoncides, beneficial effect on the body. If you are planning the interior decoration of a bathhouse, then cedar will also be useful - the material has an excellent texture and a noble shade.

Choosing the best tree for a deciduous bath

The needles are good, but the leaves are not far behind their opponent. If you are unable to purchase larch or spruce, do not be discouraged, because good finish can be done without them. Now we will look at what type of wood is used to build a bathhouse from deciduous trees and what is its peculiarity.

Oak. Let's start with the “bourgeois” baths. Oak baths are rare because their price does not bring a smile to everyone’s face. But such baths still exist; they are very durable, wear-resistant, and have the best appearance. Decorating the inside of a bathhouse with oak boards is something special. Original texture and unusual shades. Resistance to moisture is maximum - the wooden floor in the bathhouse becomes stone, it does not rot. There are only 2 disadvantages: cost and weight (you definitely need a foundation, since the material is very heavy).

Linden. Very interesting material for a bath that creates an excellent microclimate. The wood is light, moisture-resistant, with a low shrinkage rate. It can be easily processed with any tool; even large logs can be trimmed in a couple of minutes. Pleasant aroma and the healing properties of linden will be perfectly combined with the rapid heating of wood and the high heat capacity of the material (much less firewood is needed to heat a bathhouse). This is an inexpensive tree for a bathhouse, the cost of which is slightly higher than solid pine. The only drawback is that it is afraid of moisture. The bath will have to be dried thoroughly after each use.

Aspen. Not only an aspen stake helps Russian people fight all sorts of illnesses. Finishing and building a bathhouse from aspen logs is very popular. It is much cheaper than linden, but the mechanical characteristics are the same. Does not shrink, does not form cracks, does not change the geometry with frequent use of the bath. Aspen fights moisture much better, but it does not have that aroma and beautiful linden color. Resins do not emit like other conifers, so you can do without interior decoration, which will save money and time. We can say that aspen - the best thing you can think of for baths and saunas.

You can build a room from birch, fir, alder, walnut and even poplar, but such cases are quite rare, because wood fights moisture very poorly and emits bad smell when heated. Before building a sauna, pay attention to the resin content in the wood. They may interfere with subsequent operation and cause unpleasant odor in the steam room.

If you choose coniferous species, then the aroma and usefulness of your bath will be at their best, but you will have to fork out more for interior trim with clapboard. Hardwood will be less useful, but much lighter and more economical, since the bathhouse can be left in its original form and not sheathed.

What kind of wood to cover the steam room and bathhouse with?

The bathhouse is built, now it's time to move on to finishing it inside. Most builders prefer to cover it with clapboard, but few people know which wood is best for a bathhouse as a finishing material. Let's figure it out now.

Pine . It is a mistake to decorate the steam room with pine clapboard. Why? Would you like to breathe resins while vaping? But it’s perfect for a dressing room or a font, since it won’t get too hot, the smell coniferous tree will be moderate and very pleasant.

Alder. An excellent option for finishing both the dressing room and the steam room itself. If you are thinking of making furniture for baths from wood, feel free to choose alder. The only difficulty is the quality of the lining. It can be very difficult to find a beautiful one finishing material with good geometry. It's a little easier with solid alder, but premium also rare.

Linden. A very good option for a steam room, since it cannot be heated to such a temperature as to get burned. The lining is more expensive, but very beautiful and smooth. And again there is a fly in the ointment - linden is suitable for gentle bathing; it is better not to wet the walls with water to avoid drips.

Aspen. Aspen lining can be found anywhere, and it is quite beautiful to look at. If the budget is not too large and you need to find durable wood for all occasions, then we build a bathhouse with aspen trim.

Birch. It is extremely undesirable wood for a steam room because it is afraid of moisture. It would be better to give preference to other varieties or use them very carefully. Loses his appearance and smells after a few months, but is inexpensive.

It is oak and oak in Africa... Or baobab... Very high-quality and expensive lining, which has a unique texture, excellent aroma and strength properties. The cost of such finishing is rather high, but it is worth it if you are making a bathhouse for yourself. Oak is versatile, but is rarely used due to its high cost.

We looked at what kind of wood for a bath should be used during construction and what is the best way to decorate the steam room, and now we’ll look at interesting video about this theme:

Wooden sauna- a phenomenon for our country, to put it mildly, not rare. And this is not surprising. After all, firstly, in Russia, about half of its territory is occupied by forest, which makes this material accessible to wide sections of the population. Secondly, wood has a special smell that makes a person’s stay in the bathhouse pleasant. Well, and thirdly, this is a tradition, since our ancestors, many centuries ago, erected these structures from chopped wood.

Therefore the choice building material for the construction of a bathhouse, it almost never causes problems for a Russian person. Another thing - wood type, from which the walls, floors and shelving of the bathhouse are made. Since the cost of the bathhouse and the level of comfort of staying in it depend on it. For this reason, the question arises, what type of wood is involved in the construction of a log bathhouse? combines better contains price and quality.

To answer the question, let's look at the most common types of wood. In other words, we will understand their features, advantages and disadvantages, and also find out average cost these materials.


1. Pine.

Pine is the most popular type of wood in construction. It is especially often used when constructing a bathhouse. This is due primarily to the fact that the cost of this wood material slightly lower than many others. Another advantage of pine is its ease and ease of processing. In addition, this type of wood is slightly deformed and cracks when dried.

Like any other material, if there are advantages, then there are also disadvantages. The most important of the latter is the ability of pine to secrete resin. It is released especially intensely when heated, which can lead to some difficulties in operating the bath. For example, hot resin can cause burns or stains. But this drawback is temporary - after 2-3 years, the discharge usually ends or is significantly reduced. True, they are replaced by fungus and mold, under the influence of which the pine will darken and collapse. Therefore, if there is a desire to preserve the original whiteness of the wood, it is necessary to use protective compounds.

Cost of 1 cubic meter rounded pine logs natural humidity: 6,000 - 9,000 rubles.

2. Spruce.

This coniferous tree is practically no different from the previous one. Just like pine, spruce is affordable and easy to process. But it has one advantage that makes the choice between these two species in favor of spruce - the whiteness of the log remains much longer. In this regard, spruce is excellent option for those who have a limited budget and do not want to treat the inside of the bathhouse with chemical compounds.

As for the disadvantages, they are almost similar to pine - the release of resin and the appearance of fungus on the surface of the wood. Moreover, it should be noted here that the resin is released much more than that of pine. Therefore, in the case of making a log house from spruce, experts advise lining the inside of it with lumber from hardwood.

Cost of 1 cubic meter rounded spruce logs of natural moisture: 6,000 - 9,000 rubles.

3. Larch.

Larch is a coniferous tree that is characterized by increased strength and long service life. This explains the fact that over time, larch hardens like oak. Its other advantages are the ability to resist fungus and mold for a long time, thanks to the natural antiseptics contained in its composition. It also has a healing effect (positively affects the cardiovascular system) and releases less resin compared to pine and spruce.

A significant disadvantage of larch is the price - this type of wood costs at least 1.5 times more than the previous two.

Cost of 1 cubic meter rounded larch logs with natural humidity: 10,000 - 14,000 rubles.

4. Cedar.

A bathhouse built from cedar is enough a rare event in our country. After all, its harvesting is currently significantly limited, and most of the timber is exported. In addition, cedar is very expensive. And this is probably the only drawback inherent in this type of wood.

But cedar has more than enough advantages. Firstly, this material practically does not shrink, does not warp or crack. Secondly, it is more resistant to mold, high temperatures and moisture than other conifers. Thirdly, the cedar contains essential oils, which are released when heated. And fourthly, the log house made from this material is very beautiful.

Therefore, if you want to build a beautiful and durable bathhouse or simply stand out from the crowd, then cedar is the best option. True, this is only if there are enough funds for this.

Cost of 1 cubic meter rounded cedar logs of natural humidity: 9,000 - 15,000 rubles.


1. Alder.

Alder is a soft deciduous tree. In our country it is presented in the following varieties: white, black and Siberian. Its characteristics are similar to those of pine. Like the latter, alder is well processed, practically does not shrink and warps slightly. But unlike pine, this type of wood is more resistant to rotting.

The main disadvantage of alder is its ability to quickly darken in the fresh air. Therefore, after construction, this rock is immediately painted red or ebony(depending on the type). Other serious disadvantages of alder are its short service life (with intensive use no more than 15 years) and the presence of wormholes. The number of the latter depends on the location of the tree. So, if the place was dry, then there would be many more wormholes than in the opposite case.

Alder is usually used for the interior lining of a bathhouse, the frame of which is made of coniferous trees.

Cost of 1 cubic meter rounded alder logs of natural humidity: 6,000 - 10,000 rubles.

2. Linden.

Another representative of soft deciduous wood is linden. This material, unlike the previous one, is much more often used in the construction of baths. This is facilitated by a number of advantages that linden has. So, it is very easy to process, does not warp and does not shrink. In addition, this type of wood has a low thermal conductivity. Thanks to this, the air in the bathhouse quickly warms up and remains in this state for a long time. Linden also has excellent aesthetic qualities - white wood with a creamy tint, practically without knots and wormholes. Well, don't forget about healing properties linden trees A linden bath can treat colds, liver and even cellulite.

Now a little about the disadvantages. These primarily include a short service life. After all, linden is a very loose material that is easily affected by fungus and mold. Therefore, after each wash, the linden bathhouse must be ventilated. Other major disadvantages of this type of wood are its high price and difficulty in acquiring.

Cost of 1 cubic meter rounded linden logs of natural moisture: 8,000 - 12,000 rubles.

3. Aspen.

Aspen is a cheaper analogue of linden, since they have many of the same characteristics, and it is more affordable than the latter. Aspen is also a soft species, which means it can be easily processed. In addition, the appearance of this wood is very similar to linden and has a thermal conductivity indicator similar to it. But unlike a linden bathhouse, an aspen bathhouse can last much longer without repair. This is facilitated by the increased resistance of the material to rotting. Well, don’t forget that aspen, like other deciduous trees, does not emit resinous fumes, unlike conifers.

This type of wood also has disadvantages. The main one is the fact that truly high-quality aspen that meets all the necessary characteristics is quite difficult to find.

Cost of 1 cubic meter rounded aspen logs of natural humidity: 6,000 - 10,000 rubles.

4. Oak.

If you need to build a strong and a reliable bathhouse, capable of withstanding a hit from a small tactical projectile and standing for many years, then the oak will great solution. After all, oak is the most durable and hardest type of wood, which over time becomes similar in its characteristics to stone, especially in an environment with high humidity.

The disadvantages of oak are its high price, labor-intensive processing and heavy weight, which requires the construction of reinforced foundations. Therefore, bathhouses are not often built from this type of wood in Russia. In rare cases, the lower crowns are made of oak, which get wet the most during the operation of the bathhouse.

Cost of 1 cubic meter rounded oak logs of natural moisture: 10,000 - 15,000 rubles.

Having analyzed the above, we can conclude that there is no clear answer to the question, what type of wood is best for a sauna?, cannot be given. So, if you are limited in funds, then the best option there will be pine, spruce or aspen, if a healing effect is required - larch or linden, if beauty is needed - cedar or alder, if strength and durability are needed - oak.

Aspen log house compared to a log house made from softwood logs

Cutting a bathhouse from aspen logs

Aspen is a traditional material for the construction of baths. In most cases, aspen (aspen lining) is used at the stage of finishing the steam room of a bathhouse cut from pine or spruce. However, if you want to steam in an unfinished log house, but so that the logs do not become tarred, there is an option to build a bathhouse entirely from aspen logs.

If we compare aspen and pine (spruce), then aspen has many features that limit the possibilities of construction from this tree. The first feature is that an outwardly healthy aspen can be rotten from the inside. Therefore, the process of selecting aspen logs for cutting a bathhouse takes more time and effort than selecting pine or spruce logs. For clarity, let’s say that if one truckload of timber is needed for a felling, then from a truckload of pine we will sort no more than 10 percent of the logs as unusable, that is, approximately every 10th log, or even less. In order to collect the same amount of high-quality aspen logs, you will have to sort through at least two timber trucks. That is, we will reject almost every second log. Accordingly, production costs increase. As a result, to buy an aspen log house, you will have to pay 20% more than the cost of a pine (spruce) bathhouse.

The second feature of aspen is the poor separation of bark (compared to coniferous wood) in all periods except during the period of active movement of sap. Therefore, we are engaged in cutting bathhouses from aspen logs for at most two months a year: from the end of March to mid-end of May. In the spring, the bark falls off the aspen tree by itself, leaving the log white and smooth. So if you want to buy a log bathhouse made of aspen, make a decision in advance and place an order so that we have time to select logs without rot and cut down the bathhouse in April-May.

The third feature of aspen is its increased (again compared to coniferous species) tendency to crack when logs dry out. In particular, we do not recommend cutting a bathhouse from aspen into a bowl, since the uncovered ends of the logs, especially on the sunny side of the log house, can be “torn.” In our construction practice, there was a case when an aspen log from a bathhouse cut into a bowl cracked in half, right through. It should be understood that cracking of logs is not a violation of the integrity of the bathhouse due to the fault of the developer. This is simply a property of a natural material, and no one will take responsibility for how the log will behave during the drying and shrinkage of the log house. Our task is to cut down and assemble the bathhouse with high quality, and then comes the period of operation. When cutting a bathhouse from aspen “in the paw”, the risk of cracking of the logs at the ends is significantly lower, so we recommend cutting it “in the paw”.

There is one more point that applies only to aspen log houses: since aspen baths are ordered much less frequently than those made from pine (spruce), we do not cut them “for storage.” Only for a specific customer. Since no one may need an aspen bath of the size you need for a long time, we obligatory take an advance payment (in the amount of 20-30% of the cost of the log house).

When buying a bathhouse made of aspen, you should also take into account that all the components that we can provide as standard will be made of coniferous wood. That is, the floor board, and the lining on the ceilings, and the boards of the rafter system, and window frames and the doors are all made of pine or spruce.

However, an aspen bathhouse has undeniable advantages compared to coniferous ones. For example, an aspen bath does not require finishing inside the steam room, since, unlike pine or spruce, aspen does not release resin when heated. In addition, aspen logs are more resistant to impact environment, including moisture. Over time, an aspen log house, as they say, “gets ossified” - after drying, the logs cannot be cut or sawed. An aspen bathhouse has lighter air than a pine or spruce bathhouse. However, if a coniferous bathhouse is decorated with aspen or linden, the effect is similar. So the choice of the type of wood from which the bathhouse will be made is always yours. And choosing aspen or pine needles is more a matter of personal preference than a logically justified action.

What kind of building material is better to use for the construction of a bathhouse - spruce or pine? When deciding in favor of one option or another, you should initially familiarize yourself in detail with these types of wood, as well as evaluate the advantages of each of them.

Advantages of a wooden bathhouse

Today, it can be made from the following building materials: brick, aerated concrete blocks, wood concrete blocks or wood. The majority of developers prefer the use of brick, arguing for the high durability of the material, however wooden baths are characterized by a large number of advantages, not to mention the fact that its construction will cost much less.

The wooden bathhouse cannot be compared with any other building, since it embodies the spirit of the Russian bathhouse. Let's look at a few arguments that will help convince you that it is more prudent to build a bathhouse from wood:

  • the need for a minimum amount of firewood to heat the room;
  • the feeling of dampness is completely absent;
  • wood is considered a natural and environmentally friendly material, therefore beneficial for human health;
  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • significant budget savings;
  • wooden walls retain heat better than brick walls.

If you decide to build a bathhouse made of wood, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information that will help you choose exclusively best option building materials, based on their specific advantages and disadvantages of each material. Next, we will talk about wood species such as pine and spruce.


Today, pine is the most common solution among all developers, primarily due to the following reasons:

  1. The relatively low cost of the material is one of the main factors influencing the choice. Pine is much cheaper than most types of wood, which is why almost everyone can afford to use it;
  2. This type of wood does not deform, the logs are quite stable, and are also not prone to various types of chips and cracks;
  3. In addition, pine is a lightweight material that can be easily processed, which is important in the process self-construction bath room;

It should be noted that pine is also characterized by the presence of shortcomings that must be addressed:

  1. Constant exposure to moisture deteriorates the wood, after which it begins to rot, so replacement may be required within a few years without proper treatment;
  2. This type of wood, such as pine, is susceptible to various pests, including fungal damage;
  3. Please note, like all conifers, pine secretes resin. This process can take place especially intensively when high temperatures high modes, and hot resin can burn and stain. The arrangement of a wooden bathhouse made of pine is usually as follows: the inside of the room is lined with hardwood clapboard. This method allows you to neutralize the negative properties and characteristics of pine.

Important! If you prefer to build, then do not forget about the need to periodically check the structure, as well as cover it with protective substances. This can significantly extend the life of the tree.


This wood has many similarities with pine: ease of processing, as well as affordable prices, influence the fairly high popularity of spruce among buyers.

It is necessary to note one more advantage that is inherent to spruce: unlike pine, spruce does not darken over time, but for many years, on the contrary, retains its light golden color in an exclusively original form.

Also, you should pay attention to the negative aspects: the release of resin from spruce occurs even more intensely than from pine. That is why it is very important to apply additional

What is better to use for building a bathhouse - spruce or pine?

It should be noted that in terms of thermal characteristics, both options are approximately the same, however, spruce wins a little in this matter, since the structure of its wood is loose. Its fibers contain significantly more air, which in turn determines its rather low thermal conductivity. However, a bathhouse made of pine may be characterized by thicker walls, due to the fact that the diameter of this tree is much larger than that of spruce. As for durability, it should be noted that spruce is inferior to pine, as it absorbs more moisture and is thus more susceptible to decay processes, as well as the formation of mold and mildew.

In addition to all this, as we already know, pine is less resinous than spruce, which is also an important factor for Russian baths, as well as its high temperature conditions. Please note that more resinous spruce will produce a pleasant and rich aroma coniferous forest. However, processing pine is the simplest, as it is characterized by an even and straight long trunk. Spruce wood is much more difficult to process due to the presence large quantity knots. However, at the same time, such knottyness gives the log house a unique decorative effect.

It should be remembered that both types of wood darken, however, the intensity of darkening of pine is much greater. If pine wood is not treated in the required way, then over time the material will become lumpy-red in color. In order to decide this problem, it is necessary to carry out the covering of the bath room. In addition, it is recommended to cover the material with refreshing substances, for example, wax or varnish. However, remember that neither wax nor varnish should have a strong odor, especially in the case of high temperature regime. Special substances for coating wood should also not melt when exposed to high temperatures. As a rule, manufacturers are aware of these features paint and varnish products, must be warned on product labels.

The pricing policies for spruce and pine are not particularly different. In principle, you can build a bathhouse from both types of wood. The most important thing is that the wood is properly prepared and not damaged. various types fungi or mold. In addition, a combination of two types of wood is also possible. The lower crowns must be made of a more resistant material to a humid environment - pine, but the upper ones can be made of spruce in order to better retain heat.