The mole is digging the ground, what to do. The most inhumane way is to destroy moles. How to kill a mole using the two-shovel method and other inhumane methods

The underground animal not only spoils our lawns, but also causes significant damage to crops. Who would like such a neighborhood?

How to deal with moles in the garden

I read many articles on the issue of fighting moles in my summer cottage, and last year I decided to use other methods.

They are quite unconventional, but effective. For example, I learned that in Poland they have been used for a long time and everywhere.

Getting rid of a mole: an effective method

Neither our cat Vaska nor weak chemicals could cope with moles. They simply moved to another place, apparently having taken a fancy to my garden. I decided to try these methods. She began to push garlic cloves and strands of hair into deeper holes. To my surprise, after a while the attacks stopped. I wouldn’t have believed it myself, but it was so.

I shared my joy with my neighbors, they also conducted an experiment and understood how to drive the mole away from the site. The method, as you can see, is quite simple and humane. Not everyone dares to catch him in traps and see how the unfortunate creature dies. May he leave in good health. There is one more method to note.

The power of vibration: fighting moles in the garden with folk remedies

A mole has appeared in the garden, what to do? I answer:

  • drive metal pins into the ground;
  • put plastic bottles on them.

The wind will “twist” them, creating vibrations due to friction. It will be transferred to the ground. Moles, although blind, do not like such discomfort and are scared away. Of course, the site doesn’t look very nice. But after the attacks on it stop, all paraphernalia can be removed. But the vegetable garden or garden will be saved.

Moles - how to get rid of them using a radical shovel

To get rid of moles, you can set a trap or trap that resembles the one that catches mice. But why take a sin on your soul by killing an animal? Poles simply sit down on a comfortable chair, with a thermos of tea and a magazine. When going to the garden, they combine business with pleasure, periodically inspecting their land plot. As soon as you notice the movement of the soil, it means uninvited guest came. They immediately take a shovel and dig in this place. The frightened animal retreats and no longer appears on your territory.

These are the methods you can use. Now you know how to deal with moles in the garden. First, I personally tested it and was pleased with the results. By the way, I also pushed garlic into small holes in the ground - the annoying green lizards and... disappeared.

Good luck! With best wishes from Ksenia Vladimirovna Kolesnikova.

Conspiracy from moles

Moles will leave the area if you speak water:

“Dig holes, moles, dig holes, moles, but don’t steal from our garden.”

Make a hole in the garden, pour water into it, bury it and cross it.

The mole is an underground creature that prefers fertile soil for digging its passages and caves and feeds on worms and larvae. But for gardeners, the appearance of such animals always becomes a real problem, since due to the vital activity of moles they can lose most of the future harvest. Today we will tell you where pests live, how to make the fight against them effective, how to remove moles with proven folk and homemade repellents.

IN natural conditions moles are very useful because they loosen the soil, saturating it with oxygen, and destroy harmful insects. But in a cultivated area, they are able to dig up the soil to such an extent that, along with weed crops, those needed by summer residents will be destroyed. Moist soil suitable for digging is best suited for animals. Moles are blind and come to the surface only occasionally and often at night.

The mole hole has a clear division into zones. The bedroom is located in the center of the nest; it is usually located under the roots of trees or bushes.

The depth is no more than 1 meter. There are 2 entrances in a circle. Here the pests are engaged in raising young animals and resting. There are also main passages dug at a depth of 10–30 cm, from which the animals push the earth to the surface as they work. In addition, feeding passages are created. They are the ones that look like earthen roller and spoil the external beauty of any garden or lawn. The animals are active all year round, they don't even hibernate. Therefore, if with the arrival of spring you notice traces of pests on the site, you need to urgently begin to fight them.

Video “A simple and effective way to drive a mole out of your area”

From the video you will learn how easy it is to drive this animal out of your garden or garden.

How to start protection on time and make it effective

If you ignore the appearance of molehills, you can lose valuable time. And then the entire garden will be entangled in an underground network of passages and holes. Protective measures must be taken at all times. Even if you don’t discover new animal movements for some time. Most likely, they are simply hunting nearby. Moles tend to return to their habitual place. And then the owner will have to start the fight against moles in his summer cottage from scratch.

Why do animals quickly spread throughout your territory? Because they live in families, each of which includes a female, a male and offspring. Due to the depth and width of underground communications, eliminating pests will become problematic. Over the years of difficult struggle against them, humanity has invented a large number of ways both humane and quite cruel. You will have to choose which one to use yourself.

Folk remedies

IN modern world dogs and cats, which many years ago helped people catch moles, have lost their natural skills as hunters and more often have a decorative function. Therefore, you have to deal with shrews on your own. Many novice gardeners are interested in how to remove a mole from a plot using folk remedies quickly and effectively?

You can take reed stems, clean them and place them in the molehills you find. There are also homemade turntables and ratchets. Their role can be played by tin cans attached to iron rods. The operating principle of such simple devices is simple. When the wind hits them, it creates vibration and noise that is intolerable to the keen hearing of moles. Frightened by such sounds, pests tend to leave the area.

It has long been known that animals dislike the smells of certain plants and flowers. Such natural repellents are garlic, onion, hot peppers. There is one drawback to using this method, but it is a very significant one. The pest may temporarily leave the area, but over time it will dig bypass tunnels. For the best effect, plants should be planted in advance between the rows, and not laid out ready-made.

Rags soaked in kerosene or gasoline are often used. But such strong-smelling substances can cause discomfort to the gardener himself when he gets ready to work on the plot. The same applies to rotting fish that are dug into the site. In some cases, moles escape, but be careful that people living in the neighborhood and you yourself do not escape with them.

An interesting method is the use of validol. Not to relieve the gardener’s stress due to the appearance of pests on the site, but to scare away the pests themselves.

Moles do not eat the tablets, but their smell repels the animals well. Therefore, it is advised to place the medicine in working tunnels that go to the surface.

A trap made from an old pan or jar also has a certain effect. You need to find an active molehill, and then dig a pan or jar below the level of its location. It is recommended to place thick material or paper over the passage. This is necessary to prevent light from entering the hole. Then the animal will want to get out of the home and fall into a trap. If you additionally fill the container with water, your captive will simply drown.

Many more use a product based on castor oil. The mixture is made from 3 tablespoons of liquid soap or shampoo with the addition of 200 ml of oil. The composition is placed in 4 liters of water and mixed thoroughly. It needs to be evenly distributed over the surface of the land. It is best to do this after watering or rain.

There is another method that will require significant cash outlay.

In order to protect your site, if moles have settled on your neighbor’s, or for prevention purposes, you need to dig hard materials around the perimeter of the territory. Tin, slate, and linoleum have proven themselves well in this matter.

They will provide a reliable barrier to shrews who will not be able to reach your plants. The barrier should be dug in at a depth of at least 70–90 cm.

To protect the territory from uninvited guests, a reinforced mesh is used, which will require a lot. It lasts a long time and quite effectively prevents the appearance of shrews. The mesh needs to be dug around the perimeter to a depth of 50 cm so that it is visible above the surface by 10 - 15 cm. Unlike the use of slate, linoleum, tin, the mesh will not block the access of beneficial microorganisms to the site at the same time as moles, without which full development is impossible and crop growth.

Of course, not all of the above methods give 100% results, so you need to try different ones. And this is true until there are hordes of shrews in your garden. When it is already full of holes and passages, it is worth using modern pesticides.

DIY repellent devices

Manufacturers offer many electronic repellers on the market. Such innovative means of combating moles are not only effective, but also safe. Because during the work they do not harm the soil structure, plants, or earthworms. And most importantly, for people, small children and pets. Electric repellers generate sound vibrations at low frequencies. This is approximately 300 - 400 Hz. The radius of their influence is up to 25 meters - it all depends on the density of the soil. Obstacles to the spread of vibration can be excavations, wells, and foundations. This should be taken into account when placing devices on the site. The larger the area, the more repellers will be needed. They make the life of pests uncomfortable, and over time they leave their habitable place.

Is it really possible not to spend money on buying a repeller, but to make it yourself? Yes, as evidenced by the practical experience of many folk craftsmen. A simple design is obtained by using a plastic bottle, part of a water pipe and a metal rod. The order of work is as follows. The pipe is placed in the ground on the site so that the edge is located below the level at which there are molehills.

A metal rod is installed on top of the part of the pipe that is driven into the ground. It can be securely fixed using a stopper. You need to make a hole in the bottom of the bottle. To do this, take a hot nail in advance. The diameter of the hole must exceed the size of the metal rod. On the plastic bottle itself, 4 U-shaped cuts are made with a knife not far from each other. Then the edges of the plastic are bent. The structure should be put on the pin. It works on the same principle as reed stems, pinwheels, and rattles.

The mole appears in the garden only when there are favorable conditions for his habitation. In just one day, this animal is capable of creating an underground system of passages of 15-30 meters. To save the harvest, urgent measures need to be taken.

Fighting moles involves the use of many different techniques that each gardener can choose independently. This animal can be removed using chemicals and folk remedies, as well as using various traps and repellers. In addition, it is important to periodically carry out preventive maintenance.

Peculiarities of mole behavior

Before determining how to get rid of moles on your property, you need to know what conditions will be comfortable for the animal and what it does not like. To make life comfortable for moles, they need to live close to a large amount of food. Therefore, they often appear near the garden or summer cottage. In addition to worms, beetles and larvae, animals can settle in an area with loose soil, which is periodically dug up and fertilized.

Before you start fighting moles, you need to learn about the peculiarities of their behavior. Usually the animal settles on the site with its family, which is quite numerous. For the winter, they make a warm burrow for themselves, often located at higher elevations. With their moves, the animals harm the root system of plants, but they do this completely unintentionally.

The fight against moles in the garden is quite difficult, since catching them is not so easy, and very painstaking work is required to remove them from your plot. The animal moves very quickly in its movements, its average speed is approximately 5 km per hour. In case of danger, the animal will defend itself, scratch with strong paws and may even bite. Moles simply cannot tolerate free space, which is why they rarely rise to the surface of the earth. Poor eyesight is fully compensated by a good sense of smell and hearing. This makes it possible to easily bypass placed traps. These animals are very voracious, so in just a couple of days they can cause irreparable damage to the area.

Benefits of a mole

Before you start fighting moles, you need to know exactly what benefits these animals can have. Among the main advantages of this animal, it is necessary to highlight the fact that it:

  • loosens the soil, which helps saturate plants with oxygen;
  • saves from pests, eats invertebrates and insect larvae;
  • increases the nitrogen content in the soil.

Moles eat garden pests, so they are of great benefit, although they themselves are a source of food for predatory animals. They are most active in early spring, and then damage to the soil gradually decreases as it dries out.

Harm from a mole

Many gardeners complain that animals simply destroy their crops, but it is worth noting that this damage is indirect. Harm from moles garden plot lies in the fact that they dig tunnels for themselves, as a result of which earthworms leave these places and plant roots dry out. Small earthen mounds immediately become noticeable. You need to take action immediately. In this case, the soil is trampled down and then watered with water to retain moisture so that the plants can strengthen again.

The harm moles cause to a site is that:

Moles change their feeding place all the time. As soon as there is less food on the site, they move to the neighboring garden. This animal will fiercely defend its territory and will not tolerate proximity to other families.

How to effectively fight moles

There are many in various ways, helping to get rid of these rodents, the most common of which are:

  • repellers;
  • traps;
  • granular preparations;
  • grids;
  • folk remedies.

Means of controlling moles can be simply mechanical, in particular, such as nets and traps. They work on the principle of mousetraps and allow you to catch animals in burrows. However, there is absolutely no guarantee that new moles will not settle in the garden. That is why the effectiveness of this method is not very high.

In addition, among the measures to combat moles, one can highlight the use of granular preparations containing essential oils and lavender extract. The disadvantage of this method is the high cost of the drug, the effect of which will end in just a few months.

Among effective means In the fight against moles, we can highlight the use of special repellers. These devices produce various sounds that travel within the soil. They scare away animals that leave the areas in entire families.

This method is quite safe and simple, and also very reliable. However, it is worth considering the range of the device on the site.

Using traps

Many people are interested in how to drive moles out of the area quickly and efficiently so that they do not cause trouble. Manufacturers offer to simultaneously use different models of traps that belong to the same type. They are pipes small size having covers on both sides. These devices are quite inexpensive and do not give practically any results, since often the animals simply do not go into an unfamiliar object that has appeared on the site.

You can purchase slightly larger traps so that their design is the same in diameter as the animal’s burrow, and the walls are rough. Thanks to special valves, it is possible to easily keep the animal inside. There are many varieties of such traps, in particular:

  • tunnel traps;
  • mole trap pipes;
  • live traps;
  • plunger devices.

When used correctly, you can quickly and effectively get rid of these animals in the garden. Traps are also good because they give a clear, visible result that immediately becomes obvious. Their main disadvantage is the complexity of installation, since you need to dig out the mole's passages. It is also important that it will be necessary to regularly catch animals that periodically appear on the site.

Live traps work very well simple principle, since the animal easily gets into them and can no longer get out. There are ready-made products, but you can easily make a trap yourself. For this you can use plastic water pipes or bottles. In addition, a pit trap can be used, which is a wide bottle or glass jar, located under the mole's passage. The animal simply falls into it and cannot get back out.

In addition, you can use traps that simply kill the mole, but this is not very good, since the animals do not cause much harm.

Animal repellers

Experts are sure that these animals simply cannot tolerate loud sounds. This is why many gardeners recommend using various kinds mole repellers. They give a fairly good result, but it is worth remembering that the animal may return over time.

Can create discomfort for shrews special devices, for example, such ultrasonic repellers as “Bioguard” and “Chiston”. They are buried in the ground. It is worth remembering that they have a fairly low power, so they may not give any result.

Such a device makes a sound that is unpleasant for animals and scares away all rodents located within a radius of 20-30 meters. Among the disadvantages of mole repellers, it should be noted that such devices need to be located throughout the area. In addition, they have a fairly high cost.

Among the sound repellers, firecrackers should also be highlighted, since they are quite effective way fight against moles, in addition, it has a low cost. Many gardeners claim that after using this method, animals do not appear on the site for several seasons. To do this, you need to dig up a mole hole, throw a lit firecracker into it and cover the exit with your foot. As a result, a dull underground explosion occurs. A similar procedure must be repeated with each hole.

You can make a repeller yourself. To do this, take an empty plastic bottle without a cap. You need to stick an iron rod deep into the ground and put a bottle on it. When the wind blows, the plastic will begin to make unpleasant sounds, which the mole’s auditory organs cannot withstand, and the animals leave this place.

You can dig glass into the ground empty bottles neck up at a slight angle, so that about 10 cm remains above the ground. The wind will blow into the neck, and the bottle will make an unpleasant whistle.

Among the main advantages of using repellent devices, one should highlight the maximum ease of use combined with the absence of the need for contact with the rodent itself. However, there are also certain disadvantages of repellers, since it is not possible to predict in advance how effective this remedy will be.

Repelling moles does not always happen very quickly and effectively, since even the most the best devices help get rid of animals in at least 1-2 weeks. In addition, it is not always possible to accurately determine whether the animal has left the area or not. Thus, it is advisable to use deterrents even before catching moles, as an experiment.

Traps and special molebreakers

Some gardeners are interested in how to get rid of moles on their property using traps. Even with a lot of strength, the animal simply cannot get out of the modern device. The difficulty is that you need to install it correctly in the tunnel. Many fear that after violating the integrity of the passages, the mole will suspect something is wrong. A mole catcher is much more effective in helping to fight the animal. It is a trap made of wire. When the animal's head makes contact with the spring, it becomes trapped.

To install a mole trap, you need to remove the top layer of soil near the hole and install the device. The device is mounted in two directions at once, which will not allow the pest to bypass the trap. When installing the mole trap, your hands should be wearing gloves, as animals can smell well. The main types of traps include:

  • plunger traps;
  • wire mole traps;
  • harpoon traps;
  • simple crushers.

Many other designs can also be used, which are presented in a wide range. Every year more and more advanced devices appear. Electric mole traps are practically not used, as there may be certain problems with electricity in the country.

Many of these devices are almost instantaneous and are also easier to use. However, before using them, you need to consider whether killing animals is really worth it.

Other methods of fighting animals

Fighting moles in the garden involves the use of a variety of means and techniques. If more humane ways do not give the desired result, then poison can be used. These animals feed mainly on earthworms, and they can become bait. To do this, you need to carefully cut the worm and place a little poison in it, which can be purchased at a specialized store for farmers. Such baits should be placed near the entrance to mole holes and covered with soil.

In addition, many people use smoke bombs. This product is simply lit, placed in the mole tunnels, and the hole in the soil is tightly closed. The smoke will spread through the passages, scaring away the animal or poisoning it. Some people prefer to use exhaust gases. To do this, they are driven into the passages through a hose connected to the exhaust pipe of the car.

In some cases, a fairly effective method will be to flood the holes with water, which often leads to subsidence of the soil and the creation of slight waterlogging. Dogs or cats can also successfully catch moles in the area. Dachshunds and fox terriers do this most effectively.

Folk remedies against moles

Many gardeners and gardeners want to know how to remove moles from their plots. They are always in search of the most effective method. Good result can be obtained by using folk remedies to combat moles in the country. You can drive away the animal using ordinary reeds. You need to take its stems and clean them thoroughly. Then place the resulting tube into the mole tunnels. When exposed to wind, such a repeller will irritate the animals with its sounds.

You can repel pests by planting garlic, legumes, onions, and hot peppers on your plot. Moles simply cannot stand these odors and will prefer to leave an already inhabited place.

There is another effective, but quite expensive way to combat moles on the site. To do this, you need to dig sheets of slate, tin or linoleum around the perimeter to a depth of approximately 70 cm. Such protection will become a very reliable barrier to the penetration of moles into the area.

The most common method of getting rid of this animal is to scare off the mole with odors. In this case, you can use a variety of oils and solutions. Summer residents bury rags soaked in kerosene, turpentine or mothballs in mole holes. In addition, you can add carbide, tar, and other strong-smelling substances by pouring water on top of them. Then it is good to dig in all the holes made earlier. All these methods require methodicality, precision and precision in execution.

In addition, you can purchase special anti-mole balls with an unpleasant odor, such as Detia. This is an effective German remedy with the aroma of lavender. In addition, there are Alfos tablets, which, when in contact with water, emit phosphine gas with a very unpleasant odor.

Carrying out prevention

The best way getting rid of moles on your site - carrying out prevention. This work needs to be done every year to ensure your safety. future harvest from this pest. The following mole control methods are often used:

  • placing propellers around the entire perimeter of the garden;
  • use of electronic repellers;
  • creation of small earthen ramparts using sand at the border of the site.

In addition, special barriers can be used to prevent pests from entering the area. Faced with such an obstacle, the animal simply will not be able to dig further.

In early spring, you can try to destroy all the food of moles, namely bugs, larvae, worms. However, it is worth noting that when using a large number of aggressive chemicals the soil can be very damaged. In addition, many pests and larvae are deep underground, and chemicals simply cannot reach them. Therefore, the use of such funds is not only inappropriate, but can also be harmful.

It won’t be difficult at all to drive moles out of the area, but the main thing is to approach the task competently and with full responsibility. Then it will be possible to achieve a very good result.

It is known that a mole appears in the garden when there is high-quality and favorable soil. But this fact cannot please gardeners who find personal plot numerous pits, tunnels and passages. In just one day, this small black animal is able to increase its underground system by 15 - 30 meters. The time has come to act to save the future harvest. Today you will learn about the behavior of moles, how to remove a mole from the garden using chemical and folk remedies, traps, traps and mole killers, various repellers, as well as how to carry out prevention.

For animals to live comfortably, they need to be close to a large amount of food. Therefore, pests can appear near the garden or summer cottage area. In addition to food (beetles, worms, larvae), the reasons why shrews are able to appear on the site are loose soil, which is periodically moistened and dug up, and the absence of predatory animals, that is, enemies.

Before you fight moles in the garden, you need to learn about the peculiarities of their behavior. Usually the emerging animal lives on the site with its family, which is quite numerous.

Pests also make a warm den for themselves for the winter, most often on humps and hills. With their moves, the depth of which is no more than 5–25 cm, the animals cause harm not to the plants themselves, but to their roots, and they do this unintentionally.

Land owners, trying to stop the damage caused by diggers, sometimes press down discovered molehills with shoes. But animals always check the passages from time to time and restore the destroyed ones. Fighting moles in the garden is not so simple. Even if, fearing the harm they cause, you try to catch the animal with your hands, you are unlikely to succeed. Because in its moves it moves very quickly - the average speed is 5 km per hour. In addition, in case of danger, the animal will defend itself and scratch you with its strong paws, and may even bite you. Moles do not like free space, which is why they rarely rise to the surface. Their poor eyesight is compensated by the presence of excellent hearing and sense of smell. This allows prudent animals to sometimes bypass placed traps. Pests are real gluttons and can cause irreparable damage to any area in a couple of days.

Video “Ultrasonic repellers”

From the video you will learn how to use this type of repeller.

Using traps

What to do if there is a mole on your territory? Manufacturers offer the use of several models of traps belonging to the same type. Visually, these are small pipes with covers on both sides. They are inexpensive and ineffective. Because pests often do not go to an unfamiliar object that has already appeared on the site.
There is an assumption that they do not do this, since their underground passages have rough walls, while those of the pipe are smooth. You can try purchasing larger traps. Their design has the same diameter as an animal’s mink, the walls are rough, and special valves can easily keep the captive inside. There are quite a few types of traps on the market today. These are scissor traps, tunnel traps, plunger traps, tube mole traps (also known as humane traps) or live traps.

Traps and molebreakers

How to get rid of moles using traps? Even with physical strength, animals cannot get out of such modern devices. The difficulty is how to properly place the trap in the tunnel. People are afraid that after installing and damaging the integrity of the molehill, the pest will suspect that something is wrong. A mole trap allows you to fight moles more effectively.
This is a wire trap. When the animal's head comes into contact with the spring, it becomes trapped. To install, remove the top layer of soil near the hole and place a mole trap. Installing the device simultaneously in two directions will not allow the pest to bypass the trap. During the installation process, hands must be gloved so that animals do not smell the human scent and make a new tunnel.


Experts are sure that pests cannot tolerate loud sounds. That's why traditional methods fights have long included the use of homemade plastic bottles, noisemakers, rattles. But in some cases they do not give good results. Even if you place homemade repellers throughout the area, the animal is able to hide in a neighboring area or somewhere nearby, and over time it will return.

It has been proven that purchased devices can create discomfort for shrews. For example, ultrasonic repellers “Chiston” and “Bioguard”, which are used for rodents, will help. You can often see advertisements telling how to get rid of moles, which cause enormous harm, using column-shaped repellers. They are buried in the ground. Such devices are endowed with low power. Some are effective against pests, while others may not work. Cheap Chinese models are not capable of driving animals out of the area because they are low-powered. Some devices simply beep in the frequency range below 20,000 Hz. Some don't work after the first rain.
Some devices on solar powered capable of working no more than 1 - 1.5 hours. Among the sound and vibrating devices that make it easier to remove uninvited guests, one can name the “Ecosniper LS-997M” (“Molechaser LS 997 Moto”), “Molechaser LS 997 Motor Random”, “Weitech 0675”, “Grom-Profi LED”, “Scat” 49".

Folk methods of struggle

For many decades, people, wondering how to get rid of a mole in the garden, tried to find effective method. The result was the testing of many means that came to us.

For example, how to drive away a mole using ordinary reeds? Gently pick up and peel its stems. Next you need to place the tube there. When exposed to wind, such a repeller, stuck in the garden, will irritate the animals with its sounds. Craftsmen also know how to drive a mole out of the garden using homemade pinwheels. All you need to make them is a tin can and a stick.

You can scare away pests by planting onions, garlic, hot peppers, legumes, and bulbous flowers in advance. Underground inhabitants do not like their smell and will want to leave their habitable place. Sometimes flooding of mole passages is also used. This option is suitable for summer residents who have a large supply of water. There is another expensive way to remove moles from the garden. It is necessary to dig tin, slate or linoleum sheets to a depth of about 70 cm around the perimeter of the site. Such protection will become a reliable barrier to the penetration of animals into your territory.

Sometimes a gardener simply digs a pot or jar into the ground. Thick cloth or paper is placed on top to prevent light from entering. But using such a trap will take a lot of time. Moreover, it will not be possible to catch a large number of pests this way. Some set up an ambush with three shovels. One blocks the animal’s passage, the other blocks the animal’s escape route. The third will allow you to dig up the animal. As in the previous case, you will need to make an effort and spend some time.

Poison, planting and catching by cats

There is also such an old remedy as catching moles with cats. Of course, nowadays finding a real molecatcher or ratcatcher is considered a great success. In recent years, these pets have practically lost their hunting skills and play more of a decorative role in the home. The same goes for dogs. You can try to interest your pet by pointing out the place where there is a slight movement of the earth. Perhaps, after the first catch, your cat or dog will become interested in the process of catching and become your faithful assistant. Plant plants that are harmful to mole rats. These are black beans, hemp, beans. Then in view of them unpleasant odor pests will avoid this place.

The drastic method is the use of pesticides. When using them, you should carefully read the instructions and adhere to their points. When carrying out work, use protective clothing, hand gloves, a mask or a respiratory respirator. Poisons with a high degree of attractiveness have been developed for moles. They contain special enzymes that imitate the smell of meat. These are the drugs “Ratox”, “Moleboy”, “Molemet”.