Menu for every day for a protein diet. Menu for every day for a protein diet Protein diet calories menu for 14 days

Diets are very popular today. And this is not surprising, because fashion is for a slender and toned figure, and not curvy soft forms. Therefore, young ladies of all ages are actively struggling with fat deposits and folds. And the first assistant in this difficult matter is diet. There are many most different types and types of foods for weight loss, but protein foods are especially popular. In this article we will talk in detail about the features of this diet and its capabilities in the fight against excess weight.

One of the common problems faced by people who have followed a weight loss diet is that within a short time of returning to their normal diet, the pounds lost as a result of the diet return. In some cases, the weight even becomes greater than it was before the diet. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that many diets are based on protein deficiency. That is, the diet consists of products with minimal content. This diet promotes weight loss not only due to fat deposits, but also due to muscles. After normal nutrition is restored, protein absorption slows down due to the long absence of this substance in the diet.

optimal choice for those who want to lose weight by getting rid of fat, not muscle. Most often, this nutritional system is chosen by people who are actively involved in sports. The basis of the diet consists of foods rich in protein and containing a minimum of carbohydrates and fats.

Product choice is an important component of proper adherence to any diet. As we said above, in a protein diet it is important to choose foods that contain a maximum of proteins and a minimum of carbohydrates and fats. The list of foods that can be consumed during the diet is quite diverse, which allows you to create a delicious menu for every day. Products that best meet the requirements of this food system are:

  • Chicken meat is white. One hundred grams of this product contains 40 grams. protein and 2 gr. fat This is the ideal ratio for a protein diet. Chicken breast is the base proper nutrition any person who cares about the beauty of their muscles. It is important to cook the breast properly. You can boil or bake it. Can be eaten without a side dish or combined with boiled vegetables or rice.
  • Eggs. By eating one egg, you provide your body with 5 grams. protein and 5 gr. fat Eggs need to be boiled. In terms of protein content, whites are more valuable than yolks. But the yolks ensure good absorption of eggs by the human body. For those who adhere to a protein diet, experts advise eating 4 whole eggs and 3 whites.
  • Beef. This product, consumed in a 100 g portion, will provide your body with 40 g. protein and 15 gr. fat Beef can be stewed or boiled or grilled.
  • Fish, preferably salmon. Salmon is very good for human body. In addition to being rich in protein, this fish is also a source of essential unsaturated fatty acids. All this makes eating salmon mandatory for everyone who follows a protein diet with the aim of losing weight or giving pronounced muscle definition.
  • Protein mixtures. This is an artificial product that contains nothing but protein. Some consider such powders and mixtures to be harmful, but this is a mistaken opinion. We can say that these are crushed and dried eggs. The absorption of protein mixtures occurs quickly and efficiently.

It is recommended to adhere to a protein diet for no more than two weeks. This is the optimal period during which food, rich in proteins, will provide the required result. We invite you to consider a sample menu for the first and second week of the diet.

First day

  • You can have breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese (150 g).
  • The first snack can be taken three hours after breakfast, before lunch. It may consist of salad.
  • You can have lunch with soup cooked without potatoes.
  • A second snack can be taken between lunch and dinner. A glass of 0% fat yogurt will do.
  • For dinner, bake the turkey in foil.

Second day

  • Eat a couple of boiled eggs in the morning.
  • For your second breakfast, which can be made two hours after the first, drink low-fat yogurt.
  • For lunch, bake fish (150 g) with broccoli.
  • You can have dinner with chicken breast (100 g), boiled in slightly salted water.

The third day

  • In the morning, make do with a cup of unsweetened tea.
  • For second breakfast, drink a glass of 0% fat yogurt.
  • For lunch, eat boiled beef with cabbage.
  • As an afternoon snack, eat cucumber and cabbage salad.
  • In the evening, stew fish with rice.

Fourth day

  • For breakfast, prepare yourself a delicious omelette with cheese.
  • Three hours later, eat a light salad for second breakfast.
  • For lunch, cook fish soup without potatoes.
  • For an afternoon snack – a glass of 0% fat yogurt.
  • For an evening meal, stew beef with carrots.

Fifth day

  • In the morning – duck breast.
  • Second breakfast will be a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • You can have lunch with vegetable soup, but without potatoes.
  • For your second snack, prepare a fresh carrot salad.
  • For an evening meal, steam the fish and eat it with a vegetable salad.

Sixth day

  • Your morning food for this day is low-fat cottage cheese with berries.
  • You can eat low-fat yogurt as your first snack.
  • For lunch, bake a turkey fillet.
  • An evening snack will be a cucumber-cabbage salad.
  • Stewed fish is suitable for dinner.

Seventh day

  • In the morning, prepare cottage cheese casserole.
  • For your first snack, a glass of kefir will be enough.
  • You can have lunch with boiled turkey and cabbage salad.
  • For an afternoon snack, eat fresh carrots.
  • For dinner you can cook beef with broccoli.

Approximately this menu should be followed during the first week. It will provide active weight loss without loss muscle mass. Now let's look at an approximate diet for the second week of the protein diet.

Eighth day

  • In the morning, drink a glass of 0% fat yogurt.
  • Make your first snack a couple of hours after breakfast. It will be a couple of boiled eggs.
  • For lunch, cook fish soup without using potatoes.
  • For a second snack, drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • Boiled chicken breast is suitable for an evening meal.

Ninth day

  • In the morning, cook a healthy and tasty breakfast - oatmeal with water.
  • Second breakfast can be an omelet.
  • Have boiled beef for lunch.
  • For an afternoon snack, choose grapefruit.
  • In the evening you can eat a seafood dish.

Tenth day

  • Have breakfast with 0% fat cottage cheese.
  • For lunch, prepare a vegetable salad with cheese.
  • The afternoon snack will be a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • For your evening meal, cook some beef.

Eleventh day

  • Breakfast on this day is a couple of boiled eggs.
  • For second breakfast - a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Bake fish for your lunch meal.
  • The second snack is cucumber salad.
  • In the evening - boiled turkey meat.

Twelfth day

  • Morning food - unsalted and unsweetened buckwheat porridge, cooked in 0% fat milk.
  • For your first snack, eat low-fat yogurt.
  • You can have lunch with boiled chicken and salad.
  • The second snack will be grapefruit.
  • In the evening, eat a seafood salad.

Thirteenth day

  • Have breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese and fruit.
  • Have a snack with salad and cheese.
  • For lunch, eat boiled fish.
  • Between lunch and dinner, drink a glass of 0% fat yogurt.
  • In the evening, eat boiled turkey with carrots.

Fourteenth day

  • Breakfast – fresh carrots.
  • After breakfast, you can have a snack with a small piece of boiled chicken.
  • The best way to have lunch on this day is an omelet.
  • Between lunch and dinner you can eat an apple.
  • In the evening – seafood and vegetable salad.

Thanks to this diet, the Japanese protein diet for 14 days becomes as effective as possible. You can eat strictly according to the given menu or create your own options based on the list of permitted products. This, one might say, is a strict version of a protein diet. But there are other, less harsh options that I would like to stick to. Let's look at some of them.

This is one of the variations of a strict protein diet. Her diet is thoughtful and balanced. It contains the amount of both proteins and carbohydrates required by the body. But at the same time, the diet allows you to actively and correctly lose weight. The authors of this diet claim that it allows you to acquire the desired shape without much effort and in a short time. Numerous positive reviews about this power system confirm this statement. We present to your attention a sample menu for a two-week protein-vegetable diet.

  • First day - three boiled eggs, vegetables and fruits without restrictions;
  • Second day - cottage cheese (up to 0.5 kg), egg, kefir in any quantity;
  • Third day - kefir, unlimited fruits and vegetables, a liter of fresh fruit. This day is a day of cleansing the body. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct it at home.
  • Fourth day – boiled fish or chicken (up to 0.5 kg), liter of kefir;
  • Fifth day – fruits and vegetables without restrictions, water;
  • Sixth day – cottage cheese (0.5 kg), egg, liter of kefir;
  • The seventh day is a fruit and vegetable day;
  • Eighth day – boiled chicken, egg, vegetables;
  • Ninth day – boiled veal or beef (100 g), vegetables, fruits without restrictions;
  • Tenth day - boiled sea fish, a couple of pieces of black bread;
  • Eleventh day – a couple of boiled eggs, beef (150 g), bread (4 pieces), kefir (half a liter), raw vegetables;
  • Twelfth day – kefir 1 l;
  • Thirteenth day – boiled chicken fillet (300 g), a couple of boiled eggs, vegetables;
  • Fourteenth day - a couple of boiled potatoes, kefir (one liter), fruit in unlimited quantities.

One of the simplest and most affordable diet options for losing weight and giving muscle definition. This diet lasts two weeks and does not require a wide list of products. The whole point of this food system is to eat less. For example, a daily breakfast would consist of a couple of boiled eggs and a couple of oranges. See the lunch and dinner menu for each day below.

  • For lunch on the first day there are only fruits. You can have boiled chicken for dinner, but not more than 200 grams.
  • Lunch on the second day is the same as dinner on the first – 200 grams. boiled chicken fillet. For dinner there is a carrot salad with the addition of bell pepper and cucumber. It can be eaten with bread. You can also drink a glass of orange juice.
  • The third lunch will consist of low-fat cottage cheese and a slice of bread. You can eat cottage cheese as much as you want. Dinner on this day is exactly the same as on the previous one.
  • The fourth lunch is fruity. Choose one fruit and eat it as much as you want. In the evening, prepare meat and salad.
  • On the fifth day, have lunch with a couple of boiled chicken eggs and a salad of carrots, beans, and zucchini. For dinner - boiled fish and salad. For dessert, eat a grapefruit, orange, or other citrus fruit.
  • Lunch on the sixth day is again fruity. Dinner consists of boiled meat, light salad and orange;
  • On the seventh day you can have boiled chicken with vegetables for lunch. Dine with boiled vegetables and citrus fruit;
  • For lunch on the eighth day, prepare a vegetable salad and cook a piece of meat. In the evening, eat a couple of boiled eggs and carrot and cabbage salad. Add to this grapefruit, tangerine, orange;
  • The ninth lunch will consist of lean boiled meat and vegetable salad. Dinner – a couple of boiled eggs, salad, citrus;
  • On the tenth day of the diet, have a lean lunch of boiled meat and cucumbers, have dinner in the same way as on the previous day;
  • Eleventh lunch – low-fat cheese plus salad. Dinner – 2 boiled eggs;
  • The twelfth day involves lunch of boiled fish and dinner of a couple of boiled eggs.
  • Thirteenth day: for lunch and dinner - boiled meat, cucumber salad and orange;
  • Fourteenth day: for lunch and dinner - boiled chicken breast, boiled vegetables, fresh tomato, tangerine.

This diet is quite strict; not everyone can survive two weeks on such a limited diet. But if you succeed, the result will be worth all your efforts. Fast and effective weight loss guaranteed!

We told you about the main type of protein diet, as well as its variations. Sample menus will give you an idea of ​​what the ideal diet for such a food system should be. You will be able to independently calculate your diet based on the range of permitted products of your personal preferences.

The good thing about a protein diet is that the dishes in it are interchangeable. After all, some products are not cheap, and not everyone can afford them. Therefore, seafood can be easily replaced with chicken breast, veal with beef, etc. In addition, you can do the same with those foods whose taste you don’t like. A protein diet allows you to choose menu options that suit your budget and taste.

It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the given schemes. You can easily develop your own program based on the principles of the protein diet. Take everything you liked about the proposed options and combine them into a common program. The main thing is to maintain the principle of the predominance of proteins in the diet.

When it comes to fruits and vegetables, it is best to use seasonal varieties. Firstly, it will be much cheaper, and secondly, seasonal fruits and vegetables are usually richer in nutrients and have a richer and more pronounced taste. You should not, at all costs, buy strawberries in winter. You can buy apples instead. But you still can’t deviate too seriously from the proposed diet. Substitutions must be of equal nutritional value.

Any weight loss should be safe first and foremost. Restricted nutrition is not for everyone. This also applies to a protein diet. This system is contraindicated for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys. Everyone knows that any strict diet for weight loss is unacceptable for pregnant women, as well as women who are breastfeeding. Even if you consider yourself completely healthy, you should discuss this issue with your doctor before going on a diet.

As for the advantages it has this system nutrition, then we can note the fact that extra pounds are lost quite actively and do not return if you exit the diet correctly. With this diet you can easily lose weight and even reduce cellulite. Another big advantage of this program is that it allows you to maintain high performance, feel great and actively train.

In order for the diet to be effective, it is not enough to simply eat the foods offered. To achieve maximum results, certain nuances that must be observed will allow you to:

  • During the diet you need to drink more. It is recommended to drink clean water;
  • It is advisable to eat at the same time. This will make it much easier for the body to adapt to changes in diet, because they themselves represent a lot of stress.
  • Additional changes and violations of diet rules are additional stress for the body. Therefore, the established procedure must be strictly observed. You can only change the portion size.
  • If you feel that you are not at all full of the proposed portions, then it is better to increase their size a little so as not to suffer from hunger.

Now you know everything about how to lose weight with a protein diet. We hope our tips will help you get slim and maintain the results!


One of the most popular, effective, and most importantly easy diets is a protein diet for quick weight loss at home. It is designed for that part of people who want to lose extra pounds without sacrificing tasty and varied food; when using a protein diet, a person losing weight practically does not feel hungry. The protein diet menu for 14 days is based on protein foods, while foods containing fats and carbohydrates are kept to a minimum. This is precisely the main nuance of this diet. The protein diet menu is designed for 14 days, during which on average you can lose 4-8 kg, depending on your initial weight. Now let's talk about the features and quite a few others important nuances that a protein diet contains.

Protein diet for weight loss - nutritional features

  • a protein diet for weight loss involves increasing the number of meals to 5-6 times a day, between which approximately 3-3.5 hours should pass;
  • when following a protein diet, the last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime (this is not a misconception and increases the health risk);
  • the amount of liquid drunk per day should not be less than 2 liters;
  • all menu products must be based on protein content;
  • foods containing fats and carbohydrates should be kept to a minimum and low level glycemic index;
  • A protein diet for weight loss involves eliminating sugar (sugar can be replaced with honey) and limiting the use of salt.

The main products of a protein diet for weight loss:

  • chicken (breast), veal, rabbit meat;
  • milk with a low fat content, it can be replaced with low-fat yogurt or kefir;
  • eggs, however, the protein diet involves eating only egg whites;
  • sea ​​fish, you should choose non-fatty fish with white meat (cod, pike perch);
  • hard cheese with a low fat content.

Protein diet for weight loss: prohibited foods

  • any kind of sweets, including sugar itself, as well as sweet drinks;
  • any baked goods and confectionery products (except whole grain bread);
  • sweet fruits (bananas, peaches, grapes, etc.)
  • carbonated drinks;
  • canned food and semi-finished products;
  • vegetables containing starch and sugar in large quantities (potatoes, corn, carrots and beets;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
  • fatty meats and fish.

Pros of a protein diet for weight loss

  • a protein diet for weight loss is one of the most effective diets, with the help of which you can lose up to 10 kg, and even more if you are overweight;
  • will not last a large number of time, designed for only 2 weeks;
  • a protein diet is characterized by the absence of an irresistible feeling of hunger, which accompanies the use of other diets;
  • consolidation of the results obtained on long time, subject to proper exit from the diet;
  • the diet not only allows you to engage in physical activity (workouts in the gym, fitness or exercises performed at home), but also insists on it;
  • variety of diet during the diet;
  • opportunity to choose recipes for protein diet on one's own;

Protein diet menu for 14 days (one example)

The first day.

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • Second breakfast: boiled chicken breast 100g, hard-boiled egg (white);
  • Lunch: boiled veal 150 g. Black bread 1 piece;
  • Afternoon snack: salad of cabbage (or Chinese cabbage), bell pepper and herbs, dressed with 1 tbsp. low-fat natural yogurt 150 g;
  • Dinner: 100 ml of low-fat drinking yoghurt (preferably without additives), hard cheese 50-70 g.

Second day.

  • Breakfast: 100g omelette made from proteins and milk with low fat content;
  • Second breakfast: salad of fresh (preferably leafy) vegetables with 1 tsp. olive oil 150 g;
  • Lunch: any non-oily fish, steamed 150 g;
  • Afternoon snack: fresh vegetable salad seasoned with low-fat sour cream or yogurt 100 g;

Day three.

  • Breakfast: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese with sour berries;
  • Second breakfast: 1 boiled egg (white), fresh vegetable salad dressed with 1 tbsp. olive oil 100 g;
  • Lunch: stuffed peppers (chicken breast as meat, and any vegetables, such as broccoli, instead of rice) 150-200 g, whole grain bread 1 piece;
  • Afternoon snack: cucumber and cabbage salad with olive oil 100g;
  • Dinner: beef or rabbit baked with garlic 150 -200 g.

Day four.

  • Breakfast: boiled chicken breast 100 g;
  • Second breakfast: low-fat fish, baked in the oven with lemon 150 g;
  • Dinner: vegetable soup(without potatoes) 150 ml;
  • Afternoon snack: fresh tomato salad, season with 1 tbsp. olive oil 100-150 g;
  • Dinner: boiled fish 150 g. fresh vegetables;

Day five.

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese 100 g;
  • Second breakfast: boiled lean fish 150 g;
  • Lunch: fish soup (from low-fat fish) 150-200 g, vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice 100 g;
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt 100 g;
  • Dinner: stewed turkey breast with vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower) 150g, tomato and herb salad 100g;

Day six.

  • Breakfast: cereals in water (you can add honey) 150 g.
  • Second breakfast: boiled chicken breast 100 g, boiled egg (white);
  • Lunch: steamed fish 150 g, stewed eggplant 100 g.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt without additives 150 g;
  • Dinner: steamed chicken cutlets 150 g, salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs, dressed with 1 tbsp. olive oil 100g.

Day seven.

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese 150g;
  • Second breakfast: 1 boiled egg (white), salad Chinese cabbage and grated hard cheese seasoned with low-fat yogurt 150 g;
  • Lunch: fish stewed in tomato juice 150g, fresh vegetable salad 100g;
  • Afternoon snack: kefir 100 ml, boiled chicken breast 100 g;
  • Dinner: salad of Chinese cabbage and boiled breast, seasoned with low-fat sour cream 150 g, low-fat yogurt 100 g.

Day eight.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in water with the addition of fruit 150 g;
  • Second breakfast: fresh vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil 150 g;
  • Lunch: steamed fish cutlets 150 g, fresh vegetables 100 g;
  • Afternoon snack: casserole of cabbage, eggs (2 whites) and sour cream 100 g, yogurt without additives 100 g;
  • Dinner: boiled salad chicken breast, Chinese cabbage and hard cheese, seasoned with 150 g low-fat yogurt, 1 cup skim milk.

Day nine.

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with finely chopped herbs (dill and parsley) 150 g;
  • Second breakfast: boiled egg (white), salad of tomatoes and hard cheese, seasoned with lemon juice and low-fat yogurt 100 g;
  • Lunch: boiled veal 150g, tomato juice 1 glass.
  • Afternoon snack: steamed chicken breast 100 g, fresh vegetables 100 g;
  • Dinner: boiled fish 150 g, salad of Chinese cabbage and tomatoes, seasoned with low fat sour cream 100 g.

Day ten.

  • Breakfast: two eggs scrambled with spinach;
  • Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese 150 g;
  • Lunch: not rich soup with vegetables (except potatoes) and chicken breast 150-200 g, fresh vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: fresh vegetable salad seasoned with low-fat sour cream 100 g;
  • Dinner: boiled turkey 150 g, fresh vegetable salad 100 g.

Day eleven.

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with added fruit 150 g;
  • Second breakfast: 1 boiled egg (white), hard cheese with low fat content 50 g;
  • Lunch: steamed beef cutlets 150 g, lettuce 100 g;
  • Afternoon snack: boiled fish 150 g, vegetables 100 g;
  • Dinner: kefir 100 ml, boiled chicken breast 100 g.

Day twelve.

  • Breakfast: low-fat yogurt 100 ml, boiled egg (white) 1 pc.;
  • Second breakfast: vegetable salad with hard cheese 150 g;
  • Lunch: fish soup (without potatoes) 150-200 g;
  • Afternoon snack: fish baked in the oven with onions and hard cheese 150 g;
  • Dinner: boiled breast 100 g, tomato juice 100 ml.

Day thirteen.

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge 100 gr.;
  • Second breakfast: boiled egg (white) 1 pc., fresh vegetable salad 150 g;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup 150 g, boiled fish 100 g;
  • Afternoon snack: veal stew 150 g, lettuce 100 g;
  • Dinner: kefir 100 ml, boiled chicken breast 100 g.

Day fourteen.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal on water with the addition of honey and fruit 150 g;
  • Second breakfast: baked rabbit or veal with vegetables (except potatoes) 200 g.
  • Lunch: fish soup without adding potatoes 100 g, fresh vegetables 100 g;
  • Afternoon snack: salad of Chinese cabbage, tomato and cucumber, seasoned with 150 g low-fat yoghurt;
  • Dinner: any boiled seafood 150 g, leaf salad 100 g.

You can create a protein diet menu containing protein to suit your taste. Don’t forget that you should break breakfast, lunch and dinner into two, so that there are 5-6 meals per day, each serving will contain from 100 to 200 g. You can also introduce a variety of foods into your diet, and they can also replace the second dinner.

The example menu shows one dinner, but you can safely break it into two; the second dinner should not be later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Don't forget to drink plenty of water, and during meals you can drink green or black tea (with lemon, too), without adding sugar.

Cons of a protein diet for weight loss

  • high load on internal organs, especially the kidneys, this occurs due to the consumption of large amounts of protein foods;
  • A diet based on consuming more protein leads to an imbalance of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Therefore, a protein diet involves taking multivitamins;
  • a protein diet can cause upset and various disorders of the digestive system due to the consumption of foods containing fiber;
  • increasing food intake up to 6 times, this is not always convenient, but is a prerequisite;
  • possible water imbalance in the body, to eliminate this deficiency, a protein diet provides required condition– drinking water in the amount of 1.5-2 liters;
  • a protein diet may increase blood pressure and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Contraindications to a protein diet

  • kidney dysfunction;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular, digestive and musculoskeletal systems;
  • liver diseases;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • It is also not recommended to use a protein diet in old age.

A protein diet for weight loss at home, like any other, has a number of contraindications; the ideal solution would be to seek advice from a specialist who, after a full examination of your body, will be able to assess the risks of using the diet and give recommendations on its use.

The presence of excess weight indicates that the human body is experiencing a malfunction of the digestive system. This adversely affects the heart, kidneys, blood vessels and brain.

You can cope with this problem if you adhere to a proper diet and exercise moderately. One of the effective methods is a protein diet for 2 weeks.

The basic principle of balanced nutrition is to eat foods that are rich in proteins. They eliminate the feeling of hunger, thereby helping the body consume less food.

Doctors say it is a gentle and effective form of nutrition. It can be used by overweight people. Proper nutrition is based on some recommendations:

  1. Completely avoid eating foods that are rich in carbohydrates. This list includes sugar, confectionery and flour products, potatoes, pasta. Remove unhealthy dishes from the menu in the form of fast foods, semi-finished products, canned food, and smoked meats.
  2. Each serving should contain not only protein, but also other useful components.
  3. Meals are provided in fractions. Portions should be small. It is forbidden to overeat.
  4. The first meal is taken an hour after getting up in the morning. The last meal is allowed 3 hours before bedtime.
  5. You can include foods that contain animal fats in your diet. But their quantity should not exceed 30-40 grams per day.
  6. Maintain drinking regime. Drink at least one and a half liters of water per day.

This type of nutrition is primarily suitable for those people who love meat but are indifferent to sweets. The essence of the diet is to eat foods that are rich in protein.

After a person began to eat according to this principle, his body began to consume glycogen from previously formed reserves. A large amount of fluid leaves the body, which leads to rapid weight loss

After some time, stored fat and muscle mass are consumed to produce glucose. The weight begins to fall off slowly, in some cases it remains at the same level. But this does not mean that the protein diet has ceased to work. It’s just that a person began to lose weight against the backdrop of a decrease in the volume of his hips and waist.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 2 weeks. If you continue to adhere to this principle, it will lead to a deterioration in kidney function. When a person does not want to think about it at all and continue to lose weight, then it is necessary to drink a lot of water and include fiber in the menu.

Before deciding to follow a diet, a person should know that:

  • Protein compounds saturate the body. This means they provide the body with energy and strength;
  • Those who regularly engage in physical activity should adhere to proper nutrition, because protein restores energy well;
  • the course lasts from 7 to 14 days. This is enough to remove extra pounds and centimeters from problem areas;
  • A protein diet eliminates the constant feeling of hunger. But this does not mean that you don’t need to eat anything at all. It’s just that the products must contain a lot of protein;
  • There is one main disadvantage - this is a complete refusal of sweets, fatty foods and starchy foods. Therefore, persistent willpower is needed.

Doctors and patients have proven that such a nutritional system is the most humane for the body, in contrast to mono-diets.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the nutrition system is considered to be a long absence of hunger. The body can work for a long time, waste energy and accumulated fat. This process is based on the fact that protein processing takes longer than fats and carbohydrates.

After completing the diet, the disappeared kilograms will not return again. Only for this you will have to adhere to a balanced diet.

The pronounced effect of proper nutrition is noticeable in those people who have a thick layer of fat in the hips and waist. Thanks to such a diet, a person becomes slim and also begins to eat less, seeing a positive result.

But there are also some disadvantages. Losing weight is the process that leads to the restructuring of the entire body. Before you go on a diet, you must take into account your wishes and follow all the rules.

If protein foods are consumed in large quantities, then water along with calcium will begin to rapidly disappear from the body. This process will increase the load on the kidneys. As a result, the patient will complain of excessive brittleness of nails, dull hair, fatigue and poor sleep.

Protein diet menu for 14 days

You should eat food. A balanced diet does not imply the consumption of a specific product. The menu is quite extensive and consists of simple dishes that are easy to prepare.

If a protein diet is prescribed, the menu for 14 days is shown in the following table.

The diet can be changed based on your preferences.

What you can and cannot eat on a diet

It's better to prepare in advance. The menu can be diluted with some products in the form of quality sausages, dark chocolate, fruits and dried fruits in moderate quantities.

If a protein diet is prescribed for weight loss, the table of allowed foods is as follows.

The product's name Amount of proteins per 100 g
Chicken breast 22
Beef 18,8
Veal 19,7
Eggs 5,7
Pink salmon 21,1
Pollock 15,8
Rice 7,1
Oatmeal 11,8
Peas 23,1
Low-fat kefir 3,1
Low-fat cottage cheese 18,1
Hard cheese 26,8

The list of prohibited products includes:

  • potato;
  • flour and bakery products;
  • porridge with milk;
  • pasta of any kind;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sugar;
  • alcohol.

While cooking, you can add spices and seasonings. But salt consumption should be limited.

Types of protein diet

Proper nutrition is the key to health and a beautiful figure. In practice, there are several types of protein diets.

Kremlin diet

This method is considered the most common of all. It is based on the inclusion of a large amount of protein, as well as vegetable fiber. Simple carbohydrates are prohibited. But complex ones are limited. You also need to drink plenty of fluids. Duration - from 1 to 2 months.

Hollywood Diet

It is not the most useful, but quite effective. The main feature is a sharp decrease in carbohydrates and an increase in protein. High-calorie and fatty foods may be present. The main task is to change chemical reactions in the body. You need to be on a diet for at least 2 months.

Ducan's diet

It is based on daily consumption of bran, reducing the amount of fluid per day, and doing exercises. In the first 3-10 days, a person will face a serious test, since dishes are prepared only from fish, poultry and meat. Next comes a change in diet. You can add vegetables to your diet. The third stage involves controlling weight and consolidating the results obtained.

If a beginner resorts to a protein diet, then it is better to choose a more gentle diet. This will not only help you lose excess weight, but also to put your general well-being in order.

Contraindications and side effects

Although protein nutrition is considered one of the gentle types of diets, it has a number of limitations such as:

  • various kidney diseases;
  • liver problems;
  • presence of gallstone disease;
  • severe diseases of the digestive tract;
  • the appearance of malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy period.

A serious desire to lose weight often results in adverse consequences. Don't completely eliminate carbohydrates or fats. Their number just needs to be limited. Dilute your diet with vegetables and fruits.

With rapid loss of body weight, side symptoms may occur in the form of:

  • increased pressure;
  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • lack of important vitamins and minerals;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • kidney dysfunction.

In any case, it is better to first consult a nutritionist and make sure there are no contraindications.

Quitting the diet

You should exit the diet gradually. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It is enough to follow some rules in the following days:

  1. Eat portions and small portions.
  2. Don't forget about drinking regime.

One of the most popular and “non-hunger” diets is the protein diet: the menu for 14 days includes a large amount of meat and dairy products, cheeses, etc. This diet is designed for weight loss of 10 kg.

The essence and features of protein diets

Protein is one of the building blocks nutrients which are responsible for muscle mass. It takes longer to be absorbed by the body, due to which a person practically does not experience the feeling of hunger. An effective diet for 2 weeks will provide the person losing weight with plant and animal protein. During weight loss, a large amount of muscle mass is lost; with such a diet, these losses will be quickly replenished.

The essence of this method of losing weight for 14 days is to consume large quantities of protein foods and reduce carbohydrate intake. The peculiarity of the diet is that the body has to expend half the calorie content of the product, the majority of which is protein. Due to this, you can achieve quick results that will last for a long time. Due to the intake of plant fiber, a person losing weight will not have problems with stool.

Due to the reduced intake of carbohydrate foods, the body has to use up fat reserves and carbohydrate reserves. You get rid of excess fluid that was retained by fatty, salty and sweet foods. Because protein is construction material, the muscles will remain in good shape, the figure will tighten, the sides will “go away”. Thanks to this diet, there are no mood swings, feelings of fatigue and weakness that occur with other diets.

Protein 10-day diet

The buckwheat diet menu “14 days - minus 10 kg” includes a large consumption of buckwheat, eggs and kefir. Such nutrition belongs to the category of mono-diets.

Cereals cannot be salted. The recommended cooking method is steaming. You need to pour 130-150 g of buckwheat into a deep bowl and pour 250-300 g of boiling water over it. The bowl must be covered with a lid, wrapped in a towel and left overnight. The resulting porridge should be divided into 5 doses. You can dilute it with kefir with a fat content of 2.5% (it is not recommended to take less, since low-fat products have an increased amount of sugar) and add eggs (no more than 3 pieces per day). A green apple or fresh cucumber is suitable as a snack.

The Prana Diet is a nutritional system developed by a group of nutritionists. It belongs to the protein weight loss programs and is considered the most gentle for the body. The 10-day diet consists of the following meals:

It is necessary to count the amount of microelements consumed. The number of proteins should not exceed 110 g per day, the amount of carbohydrates - 90 g and fats - 65 g. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before going to bed.

Diet for two weeks

While following a protein diet for 14 days, you must consume large amounts of clean water. Daily norm calculated by the formula:

  • for women - body weight * 31;
  • for men - weight * 35.

For example, a woman’s weight is 80 kg, which means she needs 80*31 = 2480 ml (about 2.5 l).

The 14-day diet involves split meals. You should have breakfast between 08:30 and 09:30; snack - at 11:00, lunch - from 13:00 to 14:00; second snack - at 17:00; dinner - from 19:00 to 20:00.

On the first day for breakfast you can eat 3 pieces of low-fat cheese and 2 boiled eggs. For your first snack, a glass of warm milk with 10 g added lemon juice. Lunch should consist of boiled chicken breast and steamed zucchini. For an afternoon snack you can eat grapefruit. It is recommended to have dinner with a salad of fresh vegetables.

The second day includes 1 boiled egg, a small piece of black whole grain bread with lightly salted salmon, 150-200 g of boiled fish, fresh cabbage and cucumber salad, stewed vegetables.

Diet for the third day: 100 g of cottage cheese 5% fat, boiled egg, 2 kiwis, green apple, boiled chicken (150-200 g), fresh vegetables, salad of boiled carrots and curd cheese, cucumber and steamed fish.

On the fourth day, you can drink a mug of black coffee without sugar, prepare a salad of fresh carrots and cabbage with the addition of eggs, eat 80 g brown rice and chicken, 100 g of cottage cheese, boiled fish and a salad of cucumber and green pepper.

The fifth day consists of cottage cheese diluted with milk, a slice of black bread with cheese, 100 g of boiled buckwheat and chicken breast, a vegetable stew of eggplant, tomato and carrots and two eggs.

The sixth day's diet includes rice porridge cooked in milk, a salad of fresh cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers, 1 slice of bran bread, boiled turkey meat, tuna in a can, an egg and an apple.

On the seventh day, you are allowed to eat 100 g of cottage cheese with yogurt, a vegetable salad with boiled cheese, flaxseed porridge, 1 carrot, 3 eggs and a glass of kefir.

Days 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 are repeated, and the last day must consist of rice porridge with nuts and raisins (10 g each), bread with hard cheese, boiled egg, stewed fish with vegetables, boiled turkey and a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

28 day protein diet

Diet for 2 weeks - effective weight loss. You can choose a balanced diet and increase the duration of use of such a diet by 2 times to achieve greater results.

An approximate menu for 14 days, which needs to be duplicated for another 2 weeks:

Days Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 100 g cottage cheese 5% fat, 2 hard-boiled eggs Cream soup of broccoli and champignons; zucchini baked in the oven with cream cheese 100-150 g turkey fillet, cooked in the oven
2 Omelette, vegetable salad A glass of kefir and boiled fish 150 g of beef, grilled without adding oil; cucumber
3 Cottage cheese and egg Peppers stuffed with minced chicken Beef baked with garlic and ginger
4 Boiled chicken breast Vegetable soup with meat broth Yogurt and steamed turkey
5 Cottage cheese and orange Fish soup and salad of tomato, red pepper and lettuce Turkey stewed with broccoli
6 Hercules porridge Grilled fish with zucchini Drinking yogurt and vegetable salad
7 Cottage cheese and egg Grilled chicken with two tomatoes Boiled shrimp and green beans
8 Millet porridge Tuna with tomatoes Grilled fish with vegetables
9 Cottage cheese with added greens Boiled beef and a glass of tomato juice Steamed fish and 30 g pine nuts
10 Omelet with spinach Boiled turkey, tomato and grapefruit Steamed ground beef cutlets
11 Cottage cheese Vegetable lard and turkey fillet A small piece of cheese and chicken fillet
12 Yogurt and egg Ukha and white cabbage A glass of tomato juice and a piece of boiled beef
13 100 g boiled buckwheat Lettuce and grilled fish Carrot and cabbage salad, steamed veal
14 Oatmeal Cauliflower soup, boiled egg and a glass of tomato juice Steamed chicken and a glass of kefir

Losing weight up to 10 kg in 14 days.
Average daily calorie content 700 Kcal.

The protein diet is rightfully considered one of the most effective and efficient nutrition systems - diets for weight loss. This popular diet is designed for an active lifestyle. A protein diet shows its effectiveness best with additional training in the gym such as fitness, aerobics, shaping, etc. at least 3 times a week. In addition, a protein diet for 14 days involves at least 6 meals a day.

The protein diet menu completely excludes all foods high in carbohydrates and strictly limits the amount of fat. These high-protein foods dominate the menu, along with vegetables and fruits, which are sources of fiber, mineral complexes and essential vitamins.

The protein diet is presented on the website in two menu options: and for 14 days. The effectiveness and average calorie content of these menus are completely identical, the only difference is the duration of the diet.

Protein Diet Requirements

On a protein diet, simple recommendations are required to follow:

Eat at least 6 times a day;
. alcohol is not allowed on a protein diet;
. do not eat later than 2-3 hours before bedtime;
. all foods for the diet must be dietary - with a minimum fat content;
. you should drink 2 liters of regular non-mineralized water per day;

The protein diet menu can be adjusted according to your wishes and preferences on other days, so that the daily calorie content does not exceed 700 Kcal.

Protein diet menu for 14 days

1 day (Monday)
. Breakfast: coffee or tea.
. Second breakfast: egg and cabbage salad.
. Lunch: 100 g chicken breast, 100 g rice.
. Afternoon snack: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese.
. Dinner: steamed fish 100 g (pollock, flounder, cod, tuna) or boiled fish with vegetable salad (100 g).
. 2 hours before bedtime: a glass of tomato juice.

Day 2 of the diet (Tuesday)
. Breakfast: coffee or tea.
. Second breakfast: cabbage salad with green peas 150 g, cracker.
. Lunch: steamed or boiled fish 150 g, 100 g rice.
. Afternoon snack: vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper) in olive oil.
. Dinner: 200 g boiled or steamed lean beef.
. Before bed: a glass of kefir.

Day 3 (Wednesday)
. Breakfast: coffee or tea.
. Second breakfast: an egg, an apple or an orange, or two kiwis.
. Lunch: egg, 200 g carrot salad with olive oil.
. Afternoon snack: vegetable salad 200 g (cabbage, carrots, bell pepper).
. Dinner: 200 g of boiled or steamed lean beef or steamed chicken.

Day 4 (Thursday)
. Breakfast: tea or coffee.
. Second breakfast: egg, 50 g cheese.
. Lunch: 300 g of zucchini fried in olive oil.
. Afternoon snack: small grapefruit.
. Dinner: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Before bed: apple juice 200 g.

Day 5 (Friday)
. Breakfast: tea or coffee.
. Second breakfast: vegetable salad 150 g.
. Lunch: 150 g steamed fish, 50 g boiled rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g carrot salad.
. Dinner: one apple.

Day 6 (Saturday)
. Breakfast: tea or coffee.
. Second breakfast: egg and vegetable salad 150 g.
. Lunch: 150 g chicken breast, 50 g boiled rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g vegetable salad.
. Dinner: egg and 150 g carrot salad in olive oil.
. Before bed: tea or a glass of kefir.

Day 7 (Sunday)
. Breakfast: tea or coffee.
. Second breakfast: apple or orange.
. Lunch: 200 g of boiled beef.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g of cottage cheese.
. Dinner: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Before bed: tea or a glass of kefir.

Day 8 (Monday)
. Breakfast: tea.
. Second breakfast: apple.
. Lunch: 150 g chicken, 100 g buckwheat porridge.
. Afternoon snack: 50 g cheese.
. Dinner: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Before bed: tea or a glass of kefir.

Day 9 (Tuesday)
. Breakfast: coffee.
. Second breakfast: cabbage salad 200 g.
. Lunch: 150 g chicken, 50 g boiled rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g carrot salad.

. Before bed: tea or a glass of kefir.

Day 10 (Wednesday)
. Breakfast: tea.

. Lunch: 150 g of fish, 50 g of rice as a side dish.
. Afternoon snack: tomato juice 200 g.
. Dinner: small grapefruit.
. Before bed: tea, black or green.

Day 11 (Thursday)
. Breakfast: coffee.
. Second breakfast: one egg.
. Lunch: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Afternoon snack: 50 g of cheese.
. Dinner: apple or orange or 2 kiwis.

Day 12 (Friday)
. Breakfast: tea.
. Second breakfast: apple.
. Lunch: 150 g of boiled beef, 50 g of rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g cabbage salad with olive oil.
. Dinner: 2 eggs.
. Before bed: a glass of kefir or tea.

Day 13 (Saturday)
. Breakfast: coffee.
. Second breakfast: vegetable salad 200 g.
. Lunch: 150 g of boiled beef, 50 g of oatmeal or buckwheat porridge.
. Afternoon snack: a glass of orange juice.
. Dinner: 100 g boiled fish, 50 g rice.
. Before bed: a glass of kefir or tea.

Day 14 (Sunday)
. Breakfast: tea.
. Second breakfast: cottage cheese 150 g.
. Lunch: 150 g fish, 50 g boiled rice.
. Afternoon snack: 150 g vegetable salad.
. Dinner: 2 eggs and a slice of bread.
. Before bed: a glass of tomato juice.

Contraindications for a protein diet

Before this diet, undergo a mandatory medical examination, because a protein diet is not allowed for everyone and is completely prohibited:
1. in case of abnormalities in the functioning of the heart (arrhythmia) and any of its diseases;
2. hepatitis and any liver diseases;
3. during breastfeeding and during pregnancy;
4. for kidney dysfunction;
5. for joint pain or related diseases;
6. for colitis, dysbacteriosis, chronic pancreatitis and a number of other diseases of the digestive system;
7. the diet increases the risk of thrombosis and is therefore not recommended in old age;
8. for a duration of more than 4 weeks.

Advantages of a protein diet for 14 days

1. During the diet, you will be able to carry out fitness or shaping training along with weight loss.
2. On a protein diet there is no feeling of hunger, because... Protein foods take up to 4 hours to digest, and menu snacks take less than 3 hours (with 6 meals a day).
3. Any manifestations of weakness, general fatigue, lethargy, dizziness will be minimal - compared to other diets.
4. The protein diet for 14 days is one of the simplest and easiest to restrict.
5. The healing of the body occurs in a comprehensive manner - the hips become more elastic, the skin is tightened and stimulated, sleep is normalized, cellulite is reduced, mood and performance improve - due to additional stress while limiting fat.
6. The menu includes a large amount of plant fiber, so interruptions in intestinal function are unlikely.
7. The rate of weight loss on a protein diet is not the highest, but its results are different - if you follow the correct diet after the diet, weight gain will not occur for a long time.
8. Exercising in the gym while dieting will only enhance the weight loss effect, giving you slimness and grace.

Disadvantages of a protein diet for 14 days

1. The protein diet for 14 days is not optimally balanced, although it is used simultaneously with fitness or shaping.
2. Sudden surges in blood pressure are possible.
3. A six-meal diet is not suitable for everyone.
4. Classes are expected in gyms - which is not always possible.
5. Repeating this version of the protein diet for 14 days is possible no earlier than in a month.
6. Any chronic diseases may worsen during a diet.
7. During a diet, the body does not have enough vitamins, microelements and minerals and the negative effect only intensifies with additional loads. It is necessary to take multivitamin preparations or their complexes.