Varieties of white cabbage varieties. Varieties of different types of cabbage and cultivation characteristics

Cabbage has been known to the population for a long time. Over the entire period of its existence, breeders have not developed many varieties. Despite their small number, every summer resident tries to choose the variety that suits him best, but do not forget about the reviews of other summer residents. What is the reason for this, what are the prevailing differences between the types, we will consider in this article.

Gribovsky 147 — early variety cabbage with small heads

Varieties of varieties

Almost no specialist can distinguish cabbage, especially after cutting. Special taste differences vegetable crop does not have. Externally, almost all vegetables have the same shape. Varietal variety white cabbage mainly due to the different climatic weather conditions prevailing in a particular region. According to climatic conditions, all varieties are divided into:

  • cold-resistant;
  • heat resistant;
  • drought-resistant.

The climate is quite difficult to predict, especially in the northern regions. Therefore, experts recommend choosing varieties that have been tested under these conditions.

Each variety of white cabbage matures differently, so based on the time it takes to fully grow the crop, it is classified into:

  • early ripening;
  • mid-season;
  • mid-late;
  • late.

Variety Polar k-206 is suitable for growing in Siberia

Early ripening varieties

U early cabbage heads of cabbage small size, the type is low-yielding, the fruits often crack, so it is not recommended to store them. It takes 90-120 days from the moment of sowing for the crop to ripen. Early varieties are used fresh. There are the following varieties of early ripening cabbage:

  • No. 1 Gribovsky 147 – round, smallish fruits medium density. If the spring has been long, then most of the crop forms flower stalks. It is not resistant to clubroot and is strongly affected by it.
  • No. 1 Polar k-206 – dense, rounded forks, need good soil, moisture-loving, frost-resistant. If the type is grown in the North, then the cabbage can be stored and fermented; in other regions it is used fresh.
  • June - early ripening, medium fruits have excellent taste. Suitable for the climate of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Urals. Cold snaps and frosts down to -5 degrees are not scary for her.
  • Early ripening - round-shaped forks growing together in ripening and taste are reminiscent of June.
  • Transfer F1 is high-yielding, does not crack during ripening, medium-dense heads of cabbage reach a weight of 1.5 kg. Early cabbage needs fertile soils and is moisture-loving.
  • Malachite is a small, dense fruit, a high-yielding, early variety, the fruits practically do not crack.
  • Parel F1 is a stable, high-yielding variety of vegetable, the heads of cabbage are resistant to cracking, the crop is not stored for long, so it is used fresh. Fruits are not afraid of Fusarium wilt.
  • Atleta F1 - small round fruits that do not crack, are used for making soups and salads.

Variety Transfer F1 gives high yields subject to regular watering

Mid-season varieties of crops

The varieties are the most productive. The period of full ripening is 120-150 days. Some types are perfectly stored, used not only fresh, but also suitable for any type of processing. Let's list the best of them:

  • Slava 1305 - medium-dense round forks of the crop reach a weight of 3-5 kg. The culture has good taste. Average shelf life, used for fermentation.
  • Belorusskaya 455 – fruits of round or flat shape, medium yield. Excellent storage when fresh or fermented. Susceptible to bacterial rot.
  • Siberian 60 is a high-yielding universal crop. Dense round fruits have excellent taste.
  • Nadezhda - non-cracking appearance has flat-rounded heads of cabbage. It is stored on average up to 4 months. Recommended for pickling and salads.

Belorusskaya cabbage 455 is excellent for pickling

Middle late species

The ripening period of the mid-late variety is 130-160 days. The fruits store well, and the sauerkraut turns out to have excellent taste. There are such average late varieties:

  • Gift 2500 – a productive variety of white cabbage resistant to various diseases and pest attacks, has good taste. The buds are dense, flat-round, and reach 3-3.5 kg in weight.
  • Far Eastern - a universal type, stores well and has a good taste. Dense heads of cabbage of round-flat shape. Able to withstand any type of transportation.
  • Vyuga is a medium-yielding crop with dense round fruits. It is slightly susceptible to cracking, stores well, and is suitable for pickling.

Cabbage Podarok 2500 produces large heads of cabbage that are practically disease-resistant

Late varieties

The growing season of this variety of cabbage exceeds 150 days. This best views white cabbage vegetables, which are perfectly stored during the long Russian winters. Among the late varieties are:

  • Moscow late 15 is the best high-yielding type of cabbage for pickling, but this variety is not suitable for storage. Forks reach a weight of up to 6 kg. The crop needs fertile soil and does not like waterlogging.
  • Amager 611 – for long-term winter storage there is no better variety. The fruits have a bitter taste, are rough, and are not suitable for pickling. The taste of the fruit changes for the better during storage.
  • Wintering 1474 - flat-round, dense fruits weigh 4 kg, are perfectly stored in winter time. Taste qualities become significantly better after several months of storage.
  • Krumont F1 - the qualities of the hybrid are very close to the Dutch ones. The fruits are dense, can be stored for up to six months, are not susceptible to Fusarium wilt, and have a good taste.

Cabbage Zimovka 1474 improves in taste during long-term storage

Dutch hybrid varieties

White cabbage hybrids from Holland are known to everyone. In Russia, Dutch selection is highly valued, where they managed to develop hybrids that can be stored for up to 9 months, are less susceptible to various diseases, and practically do not crack.

Russian scientists quite often test imported types of cabbage. The following hybrids turned out to be the best and most resistant to cold climatic conditions:

  • Krautkaiser F1 is an excellent salad variety with dense round shaped forks. Good for pickling.
  • Bartolo F1 is the most famous hybrid in Russia. The head of cabbage is slightly elongated, elliptical in shape, weighs up to 3 kg, and the fruits are dense. Store all winter.
  • Rinda F1 – fruits are round in shape, dense, reach 6 kg, do not crack. It belongs to the mid-season variety, has an excellent taste, is suitable for consumption in any form, and is perfectly stored.
  • Portula F1 - dense forks, grows up to 6 kg, the hybrid is well stored, suitable for winter processing and for salads.
  • Donar F1 is a type of hybrid for long-term storage; it can be stored for over 8 months without losing its taste properties. The mid-late variety of white cabbage has dense, medium-sized forks. Suitable for use in any form.

Today, the plant seed market is quite extensive. Various domestic and foreign types of white cabbage are presented on the shelves. It’s no wonder to get lost in all this diversity.

I want to try everything. But still, when choosing, you should listen to the advice of experienced gardeners, so that later it does not turn out that the variety is not at all suitable for the climatic conditions of your region.

Among foreign varieties, there are also good ones that are suitable for our latitudes, but it is better to choose domestic species that are zoned in the conditions of our zone.

Everyone knows that cabbage is a very healthy and tasty vegetable. It contains many vitamins and microelements necessary to the human body. You can't cook borscht without cabbage. It is fermented, stewed, pickled, etc. When fresh, this vegetable is used in various salads. Therefore, owners of their own gardens often grow this plant.

There are many variations of it. There are species such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, and there are even decorative representatives of the species. Each of them has its own characteristics. To grow good harvest, the summer resident must know the seed variety and its characteristics. For different types The dish has its own type of cabbage.

general characteristics

When studying the question of what kind of cabbage there is, you should pay attention to its characteristics. All varieties except the Beijing, leaf, Chinese and colored varieties are biennial plants. When breeding vegetables, this must be taken into account. In the first year, biennial varieties develop a rosette of leaves, as well as storage organs (head of cabbage). To collect seeds for propagation, you will need to wait until next year.

All varieties of cabbage can be divided into 3 groups. The early variety is ready for harvest 2-3 months after germination. Medium varieties produce a harvest after 3-5 months, and late varieties - after 5-7 months.

Depending on the breeding purposes, it is necessary to calculate the collection period. If you need cabbage for fresh salads in the spring, you definitely choose an early type of crop. Late varieties are suitable for harvesting vegetables for the winter.


If you want to plant this wonderful vegetable in your garden, you need to find out where cabbage grows and how to plant its seeds. The ideal time for propagating seedlings is February - May. At the same time, be sure to take into account when to expect the harvest.

It is better to plant seeds in pots with peat. The seedlings do not tolerate transplantation well. That's why they are left in these containers. When the seedlings are 40-60 days old, they are planted in the ground in the container where they grew. You can do this a little earlier, but you need to provide them with the most comfortable conditions possible.

If this planting is done in a greenhouse. Here frosts will not damage the seedlings. They will grow in such conditions strong and healthy, ready to grow in open ground.

Cultivation history

Cabbage seedlings, the varieties of which are known to us today, grew in the beds of ancient people 4 thousand years ago. This vegetable originated in the Central and Western Mediterranean and was used as food by the ancient Romans, Egyptians and Greeks. A relative of cabbage, from which modern cabbage varieties originate, is the leaf variety.

In the process of the development of civilization and trade, the plant used as food began to be grown in the eastern territories. In accordance with climate conditions, new varieties of cabbage began to appear in the soil.

This plant came to our country in the 13-15th century from Western Europe. White cabbage has become an integral part of the everyday life of the inhabitants of Rus'. Many varieties of it were grown here. They are still exported to neighboring countries. In the 19th century, there were 22 varieties of cabbage. Some of them were unique.

In the pre-revolutionary period, imported seeds of this plant began to be grown in our fields. By crossing with local species, they produced many new varieties. Since the mid-20th century, breeders have developed varieties that differ increased productivity, resistance to climatic conditions.


Today, both local and imported species of the presented crop are grown in our country. Their total number now amounts to 133 varieties. There are also certain varieties of cabbage hybrids. They are assigned the marker F1.

They included 24 domestic and 58 imported artificially crossed crops. The work of breeders in this direction has made it possible to create varieties that are resistant to adverse weather conditions.

Harvesting in different seasons makes it possible to eat this vegetable. all year round. The earliest species ripen in April. Late cabbage produces a harvest until October. It is possible to store vegetables for a long time.

White cabbage

One of the most common in our country is white cabbage. Varieties whose description fits this group are also divided into early, middle and late. It should not be grown in the same place.

Seedlings grow well next to onions, potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers. The soil is prepared in the fall. It is dug up and fertilizers (manure, humus) are applied in an amount of 4 kg/m². In spring the soil is loosened. It is also necessary to apply fertilizer. Seedlings are planted in the holes. Humus and fertilizers are poured into the holes. Next, water is poured into them. When it is absorbed, they begin to plant seedlings inside each hole. Their root system should have a lump of earth.

The planting distance should be 75x35, 60x40 or 50x50 cm. In the first days, watering is carried out around each plant daily. After 1.5-2 weeks, you can water the entire area of ​​the beds.

The most popular varieties in our country are early varieties: Number One Gribovsky 147 (head of cabbage 1-1.5 kg), Iyunskaya (1-12 kg); mid-season: Golden Hectare 1432 (1.2-2 kg), Stakhanovka 1513 (1.5-2.5 kg); late: Amater 611 (2.5-3 kg), Zimovka 1474 (3.5-4 kg).

Red cabbage

When studying what kind of cabbage there is, it is necessary to consider such a variety as red cabbage variety. This subspecies belongs to the previous group of crops. It is distinguished by the purple-red color of the leaves and head of cabbage. This is a more cold-resistant plant. It is used for preparing salads, including dietary ones. This vegetable is pickled. Medicinal properties The plant is widely used in traditional medicine.

This crop is planted in open ground. Its growth period is 160 days. Care and planting of seedlings is carried out similarly to white cabbage. Popular varieties are Primero F1 (4 kg), Firebird (3 kg), Juno (1.2 kg).

Savoy cabbage

It is eaten fresh or after heat treatment. This vegetable does not last as long as its white relative. But the taste and dietary characteristics are significantly superior to the latter.

Savoy culture has a high content of vitamin C, mineral and protein components. This variety is grown in the same way as previous varieties. It is necessary to take into account the timing of planting its seedlings.

Popular varieties - Mila 1 (3 kg), Yubileinaya 2170 (0.8 kg), Sfera (2.5 kg).


Savoy cabbage, the photo of which was presented above, is distinguished by its dietary qualities, but it is poorly stored. Therefore, housewives began to use a variety such as kohlrabi when preparing various dishes.

This cabbage has a spherical stem. It is used in the preparation of soups and salads. This vegetable produces high yields and a high content of vitamin C. It is grown both in greenhouses and open method. Plants are planted at a distance of 25x15 cm.

Harvesting occurs when the stems become 8-10 cm in diameter. In our country, the most commonly grown plants are Picant (0.5-0.9 kg), Vienna white 1350 (up to 2.5 kg).

Brussels sprouts

It can become a source of protein for the body. According to this parameter, the presented variety is 1.5 times ahead of the white cabbage group. This plant has a tall stem on which small heads of cabbage develop in the axils of small leaves.

During the development of the leaf system, it is necessary to increase the nitrogen supply of the plant. When the growth of heads of cabbage begins, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Growing Brussels sprouts in open ground it is characterized as a rather lengthy process. Seedlings are placed in holes with a frequency of 60x60 or 70x70 cm. This plant does not need abundant watering. Only during particularly dry periods should you ensure a sufficient level of soil moisture.

Domestic farmers grow varieties such as Hercules 1342 (20-30 heads of cabbage), Cassio (60-70 heads of cabbage).


Considering what kind of cabbage there is, one cannot ignore one more popular variety. Its head, when eaten, looks like a greatly expanded inflorescence. This is where the name of the variety comes from. This cauliflower.

She will sing very quickly. Literally 15-20 days after planting the plant in the ground, its head is already edible. This vegetable is soft and meaty. They prepare it in every possible way.

The culture grows best at a temperature of 14-17 degrees. At the same time, air and soil humidity may be low. The plant does not tolerate strong dry winds. Before planting, the soil is fertilized with manure and humus. The first batch of seedlings is introduced into the holes at the end of April. Later you can make another 2-3 visits with an interval of 10 days. Harvesting is carried out after 2-2.5 months.

The following varieties are in demand today: Snowball(650-850 g), Express (350-500 g).


Broccoli and cauliflower are close relatives. But the first of them is tastier and healthier. Broccoli's head is loosely folded. The lower part of the shoots is also suitable for food. Therefore, this variety is also called asparagus cabbage.

This species is unpretentious to growing conditions. It can be sown directly into the ground at the end of April. If the crop needs to be harvested in the fall, it is planted in June. You can also propagate seedlings. It becomes strongest 35-45 days after shoots emerge. The hole interval is 20x50 cm. It is necessary to loosen the soil, weed the beds and water them. The most commonly grown varieties are Linda (0.5 kg) and Monterey (1.9 kg).


If climate zone characterized by a short summer, it is worth considering as an option for breeding. This is a biennial plant. The presented variety includes fodder and decorative varieties.

All types of kale can be used to prepare different dishes. Especially after frost. But more often this variety is bred as ornamental plant on a personal plot. The culture has pinnate lyre-shaped leaves. Their color varies from green to purple.

This variety can be planted in open ground seedling method. He doesn't require large quantity moisture.

Salads are made from kale; it is used as an additive for pickling. It is worth noting that some varieties of Chinese cabbage also belong to the leaf group. However, this crop can grow in head and semi-head forms. Unlike the leaf variety, Chinese cabbage very demanding when it comes to watering. But its yield is high due to the short ripening period.

Nutritional and medicinal properties

Regardless of whether it has a high nutritional value. Many varieties are used as dietary food. It is fried, stewed, pickled and eaten raw.

Depending on the growing conditions, the vegetable receives a certain set of properties. If watering was poor, the cabbage will have less sugars. With optimal lighting and temperature, it manages to accumulate more vitamin C. The vegetable contains a small amount of protein. But it is well absorbed by the human body.

This vegetable is also a rich source of vitamins. Among microelements, it contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine. This product is useful not only fresh, but also fermented. It is used as an additional remedy for removing stones from the liver, gall bladder, and also to improve digestion.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to Slavyanka, Yuzhanka 31, Biryuchekutskaya 138, Volzhanka 9. These are high-yielding crops. They form a large head of cabbage. They contain a high sugar content, which accompanies a high-quality fermentation process. All vitamins and microelements of existing varieties of cabbage are actively involved in the metabolic processes of the body.

People who regularly eat this product have increased immunity and improved digestion. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating this vegetable for a variety of diseases and for prevention purposes. The variety of varieties existing today will allow everyone to choose a version of this food product to suit their taste.

Having considered what kind of cabbage there is, you can choose the best variety for your garden. Proper care will allow you to reap rich harvests. By regularly eating this vegetable, you can improve your health, improve your immunity and even get rid of some diseases.

There are many varieties of cabbage, I’ll try to describe them the best varieties cabbage with photos and descriptions to help you with your difficult choice. Today in the article you will see:

Early varieties of cabbage; Cabbage for pickling and pickling

Cabbage for storage - the best stored varieties of cabbage; Late cabbage - the best varieties

Varieties of white cabbage with photos and descriptions - the most productive varieties

Early varieties of cabbage

I really love cabbage salads; early varieties are best for this. They quickly form a head, tender and juicy. Early varieties of cabbage are always present in my garden, a little - 10-15 roots. In summer borscht, salad with apples leaves before ripeness mid-season varieties.

Although early cabbage usually has small heads of cabbage, it pays off rapid growth. Also, early varieties tolerate cramped and poor soils, unlike their later counterparts.

Rinda F1

Heads of cabbage are formed 76 days after complete germination. This variety is suitable not only for fresh consumption, but can also be stored for up to four months in a cool place. An excellent head of cabbage, not loose, but not too tight - good pleasant taste, without bitterness.

Grows well in different conditions– The harvest depends on the location. The main thing is not to compact the crops too much. Can be grown again by summer sowing.

Cabbage Rinda

Cossack F1

A very early hybrid - the heads of cabbage, ambassadors of planting seedlings, ripen in 40 days. And if you sow the seeds, the harvest is ready after 60-70 days. The cabbage is beautiful - light green in color, the inside of the head is yellow-cream. The heads of cabbage are small in size, of medium density - weighing about 1.5 kg, without bitterness. Grows well under temporary shelter and in beds. Not damaged by fleas and rot.

This hybrid ripens 90-115 days after germination. Heads of cabbage are of medium density, small – up to 1300g in weight. Stable, productive variety– ripening is smooth, the heads of cabbage do not crack, they have an excellent presentation. Calmly tolerates cold, does not get sick. On fertile soils it produces high yields.

Variety Cossack


A popular, widespread early variety of cabbage. The harvest can be harvested 2 months after planting the seedlings. The heads of cabbage are light green, dense, and can be planted frequently. In spring it can easily withstand short-term frosts.

If you do not leave it on the horse for a long time, the heads of cabbage will not crack or bloom. Head weight up to 2.5 kg. Good, delicate taste.

Cabbage variety June

Dumas F1

Ripe heads of cabbage can be harvested 90 days after the first shoots appear. The heads of cabbage are dense, round, green on the outside - straw-colored on the inside with delicate, tasty leaves. Weight is usually up to 1.4 kg. It does not burst and is well preserved when overgrown. Pleases with stable, high yields, feels normal in dense plantings.

Variety Dumas

Tobia F1

Large hybrid with heads up to 6 kg. Rich green upper leaves and light yellow inside, small stalk. When overgrown, it does not crack and does not lose its taste. Very high taste qualities of the head of cabbage. Can be stored for a short time and is disease resistant.

Variety Tobia

Cabbage varieties for pickling and pickling - how to choose the best variety

Usually, mid-season and mid-late varieties are used for pickling. Mid-season varieties are also suitable for summer cooking.

Favorite and time-tested - Slava cabbage.

My grandmother also raised it. Now there are a lot of new varieties and hybrids, but Slava holds its own and is still often found in the country house and garden.

Mid-season and mid-late cabbage varieties

Slava 1305

A well-known popular variety ripens 115-120 days after germination. Good fresh and for pickling. The sauerkraut tastes excellent. The head is rounded and flattened, weighing up to 5 kg. With light green upper leaves and white inside.

Grows well in cool, humid summers. It is well stored in winter and transported. Average disease resistance.

Variety Slava

Atria F1

Late-ripening variety, ripening on 137-147 days after full germination. The leaves are dark green with a strong waxy coating. The stalk inside is small, the heads of cabbage are dense, weighing up to 3.5 kg. The variety is high-yielding, has excellent taste, and is resistant to cracking and diseases.

Variety Atria


The mid-late variety is ideal for pickling. Medium-dense round heads weighing up to nine kilograms. The leaves are juicy, sweet, white-cream in color. The variety is resistant to many cabbage diseases and flea beetles. Can be stored for up to five months after harvest.

Dobrovodskaya cabbage


Medium late variety, ripening 120-135 days after sowing. Perfect for pickling - the cabbage turns out juicy, tasty, spicy. The heads of cabbage are flattened, weighing about 4 kg, the upper leaves are green with a waxy coating. Inner ones are white or light green.

Heads of cabbage do not crack when overgrown and are resistant to rot and disease. Lays well in winter and withstands transportation.

Cabbage variety Gift

Midor F1

Hybrid medium late date ripening, period before harvesting 140-160 days. The leaves are bright green with slight wrinkles and a noticeable waxy coating. The head of cabbage is medium round, dense with white leaves inside. The stalk inside is small. Good taste. Good in vegetable salads and winter preparations.

Variety Midor

Krautman F1

A mid-season hybrid with very dense crispy leaves, a very small stalk. Weight up to 4.5 kg. When left standing for a long time, even in rainy summers, the heads of cabbage do not crack or rot. After collection, it can be stored for up to 4 months while maintaining its excellent taste. Excellent for fermentation - the taste is pleasant. Not affected by diseases. The variety is resistant to clubroot.

Variety Krautman

Megaton F1

The most productive hybrid of Dutch selection. From the appearance of the first shoots to harvesting, 105 days pass. The heads of cabbage are round, weighing up to 15 kg, and have good taste. The cabbage is uniform in size and does not crack when exposed to excess moisture. Suitable for fresh consumption and processing. Excellent for pickling.

The heads of cabbage are dense, convenient for transportation and sale, and resistant to root rot and diseases. The variety is resistant to clubroot.

Variety Megaton

Merchant's wife

Mid-late variety. Green on the outside on the cut white. Weight of heads of cabbage up to 2.8 kg. Good, excellent taste. Good for pickling and pickling. Resistant to diseases, can be stored for several months.

Cabbage for storage - the best keeping varieties

Late ripening varieties are selected for storage. They take a long time to develop, have dense heads of cabbage, and are often stored until the next harvest. Late varieties are not afraid of spring and autumn frosts. Suitable for storage and pickling, but the cabbage turns out coarser, not as juicy and tasty as from earlier ripening varieties.

The best varieties of late cabbage

Aggressor F1

This is one of best hybrids from late varieties. In all regions it shows high yield and can be stored for up to six months. The head of cabbage is round-flat, very dense, weighing up to 4.5 cm. Does not require careful care - it grows well on its own. Gives the harvest to unfavorable conditions, resistant to cracking.

The Aggressor variety is tasty fresh and suitable for pickling and fermentation. Resistant to cruciferous flea flea damage and fusarium disease.


Late Belarusian variety. The period from germination to harvest is 155-167 days. Round heads of cabbage are dark green in color with a strong waxy coating. Weighing up to 4 kg. Resistant to cracking. Very dense heads of cabbage, well stored. The taste is good when fresh, but excellent when fermented. Stored in the cellar until April. The variety is resistant to root rot.

Amager 611

A well-known late variety, 150-160 days pass before harvesting. The leaves are bluish-green in color with a bright waxy coating. Flat, dense heads of cabbage are greenish-white inside, weighing up to five kg. A productive variety that ripens together. The heads of cabbage do not crack and are resistant to rotting.

It tolerates transportation well and can be stored for a long time, up to six months. Tolerates spring cold well, but does not like drought.

Snow White

Late variety (145-160 days). The head of cabbage is dense, flat-round, weighing up to 4 kg at good care. Inside, the leaves are juicy white with a good taste without bitterness. This variety can be used to prepare baby food. Harvest It can be stored for up to 7 months without rotting. Tasty when fermented. Resistant to diseases and pests, tolerates transportation well.

Valentina F1

Late-ripening, suitable for long-term storage and fresh cooking. The head of cabbage is medium-sized, up to 3.8 kg, very dense, the outside leaves are green with a coating, and white when cut. The stalk is small. Excellent taste, productive hybrid.

Kolobok F1

Late hybrid ripening 150 days after sowing. It has high taste qualities, the leaves are juicy, white without bitterness. Heads of cabbage weighing up to 5 kg. round, dense, suitable for pickling, pickling, and fresh consumption. The stalk is short. Kolobok cabbage stores well almost until April. The hybrid is resistant to many diseases, so you can get big harvests without the use of chemicals.

Many varieties of cabbage have been ignored, but the most popular and productive varieties of cabbage are shown in this article with photos and descriptions.

Sincerely, Sofya Guseva.

How to choose the best cabbage varieties for pickling and storage? This question is asked by both owners of personal plots and housewives who choose cabbage for harvesting at the market. But in order to answer it, you need to understand the requirements that a vegetable crop must meet in a given case.

Cabbage: varieties or hybrids

Some people believe that varieties and hybrids are about the same thing. And for those housewives who buy vegetables at the market or in a store, this really does not matter. But for those gardeners who select the best varieties of cabbage for storage or pickling, this is a fundamental question. After all, first they need to choose seeds for seedlings.

Note that a variety is understood as a group of plants with characteristic common characteristics that were selected by selection. From a genetic point of view, such plants retain all the characteristics of their “parental” crops. That is varietal plants It is quite possible to propagate using their own seeds.

Another thing is hybrids. They are the result of crossing several parent varieties. And this crossing is carried out in order to obtain improved characteristics in one direction or another. For example, you need a longer shelf life of a product or its resistance to disease. Since hybrid varieties have very similar genotypes, their offspring no longer possess the original advantages of the variety. That is, there is no point in selecting seeds for seedlings; you just need to buy new ones every year. In a store or garden center, they can be distinguished by the fact that F1 is written next to the name on the hybrids - this indicates their origin.

Cabbage hybrids are not particularly popular among gardeners. The fact is that the largest heads of cabbage are most often selected for storage and salting. And here hybrids are inferior to varieties. The fact is that for a long time the selection of cabbage varieties was carried out according to such indicators as size, yield and the content of substances that ensure suitability for pickling.

Thus, if we consider the characteristics of hybrids, the most large-headed crops are considered to be “Menza” F1 (the weight of a head of cabbage varies in the range of 5–9 kg) and the hybrid “Russian size” F1 (on average the size of a head of cabbage is approximately the same). But if we look at cabbage varieties, there will be completely different indicators. For example, the variety “Moskovskaya late 15” has heads of cabbage weighing 10–18 kg. There are, of course, varieties of the same size as hybrids - for example, “Kharkovskaya Zimnyaya” weighs the same 5–9 kg.

But how to do right choice? It should be noted that the varieties have improved taste characteristics, increased content of vitamins and minerals. In addition, they are easier to grow because they are less demanding of growing conditions.

Thus, if the owner of a plot is interested in cabbage for pickling, and he does not want to buy new seeds for seedlings every year, then he needs to choose a variety, not a hybrid. For example, the Dobrovodskaya cabbage variety has proven itself well. This is a mid-season variety with fairly large heads of cabbage that do not crack, even if the gardener does not use any special means for crop processing. However, this variety is not suitable for storage.

How to choose a hybrid for storage

So, if the owner of the plot is interested in cabbage for storage for the winter, then it is better to take a hybrid. There are many decent options here. However, you should pay attention to the fact that some of them have somewhat unusual characteristics. For example, there is whole line hybrids with very dense heads of relatively light weight - “Kolobok”, “Crumont” and some others, which cannot be eaten immediately after they are picked, since the leaves will be very bitter. But after 2-3 months the bitterness disappears and they become very tasty. When purchasing a head of cabbage, the dense and compact “Kolobok” can be distinguished even by appearance- when cut it will be white-yellow, its characteristic tint is “ business card" At the same time, “Kolobok” will be guaranteed to be stored until the end of winter. But “Crumont” can be stored longer - up to six months.

The variety “Zimovka 1474” belongs to the same group. These are also dense compact heads of cabbage with leaves of a characteristic blue-green color and a waxy coating. The taste of this hybrid improves after 3–4 months of storage. Of the domestic hybrids, the most keeping variety, as they say, is “Zimovka 1474”. It has a very long growing season: if you count from germination - then 165–175 days, and if from planting - 130–140 days. Because of this, there are certain restrictions for its cultivation in some regions. But such cabbage can be stored for 6–8 months, and it produces little waste, since the hybrid is resistant to cracking and diseases, in particular, to damage by point necrosis. The hybrid "Zimovka 1474" was bred specifically for northern regions, it is frost-resistant and is not afraid of fungal infections or rot.

Hybrids such as:

  • "Marathon";
  • "Bartolo";
  • Lennox.

The problem is that these are all hybrids of Dutch selection. And, despite their excellent characteristics, they are not particularly frost-resistant, so they are not suitable for every region. But such hybrids as “Aros”, “Geneva” and “Turkis”, according to their requirements and characteristics, are designed for regions with the climate of the Urals or Siberia. There is also a very shelf-stable variety called Amager, but some experts say that even after several months of storage it continues to be slightly bitter.

Speaking about cabbage varieties and hybrids, it should be noted that they are divided into several groups. This is a very early ripening cabbage, the growing season of which is only 125 days, mid-early and early ripening - up to 135 days, then mid-ripening and mid-late - 155 and 160 days, respectively. And finally, there is late-ripening - up to 220 days. Early varieties and hybrids are used mainly fresh, as they have a pleasant taste and tender leaves. At the same time, they are not resistant to rot and disease, and due to their high moisture content they are not suitable for storage or pickling. Mid-ripening and late varieties are better resistant to diseases, but in terms of taste they are significantly inferior to early varieties.

Large-headed varieties for storage: pros and cons

Why large varieties Are cabbages not suitable for long-term storage? The reasons are that in order to get large heads of cabbage, many gardeners do not spare saltpeter. IN farms, where the goal is big harvest, other fertilizers can also be used. With such agricultural technology, cabbage leaves grow larger and the weight of the head of cabbage increases. But at the same time, taking into account the abundant watering, the heads of cabbage turn out to be loose and very juicy. After they are cut, the liquid practically drains from them. They are not suitable for long-term storage.

In addition, if during cultivation a technique with abundant watering is used, then the plants are constantly exposed to attacks by pests - slugs, white butterfly caterpillars, aphids. They are often affected by diseases. Theoretically, the problem could be solved if nitrophoska or azofoska was used instead of saltpeter. Then, of course, there will be less tops, and the heads of cabbage themselves will not be so large, but they will become dense, and this will ensure their long-term storage. And in order to protect plants from pests and diseases, you need to regularly hill up cabbage and remove lower leaves to remove excess greenery and allow the plant to grow additional roots. In this case, it will be possible to use even large cabbage varieties for winter storage.

What to look for when choosing storage

Short-term storage is 2–3 weeks. Anything longer than this is considered long-term. Choosing the right variety is only half the battle. You also need to pay attention to the quality of the plants themselves. Only cabbage with the stalk preserved is well stored.

The cover leaves must be intact and without damage.

When purchasing or sorting, you need to check each head of cabbage. It should be hard, not loose, without signs of lethargy, without rot. We need to check for pests. If they have already laid eggs, then these heads of cabbage are not suitable for long-term storage.

It is very important to treat the heads of cabbage with care throughout the entire period of their ripening. They must be transported carefully to avoid shocks, mechanical damage, or falls from a height. Harvesting should be done on a sunny day.

No need to remove before storage root system or trunk. They are very important in order to ensure normal flow of air and moisture to the leaves, which ensures long storage.

Rough cover leaves can only be torn off if they have begun to rot or have dried out, because this is the plant’s protection.

What varieties are suitable for pickling?

Theoretically, both red and white cabbage can be used for pickling, although the second option is considered more common. At the same time, the best pickling option is late varieties of cabbage.

The fact is that early varieties, firstly, are distinguished by relatively small heads of cabbage, up to 3 kg, and, secondly, they are quite watery. In addition, for pickling, the leaves must be dense, but summer heads of cabbage have rather loose upper leaves. However, there is no consensus among experts regarding the choice of ripening time. Some believe that varieties, or rather hybrids, of medium ripening with a growing season of 120–160 days from germination are also suitable.

So, one of the main requirements for such heads of cabbage is large size and density. Anyone can confirm this experienced housewife. While agronomists have an answer to this: the larger and denser the leaves, the more enzymes they produce. It is under the influence of these natural substances that the fermentation process occurs (this is how it differs from pickling, since in the latter case acid is added from the outside - this is vinegar or lemon juice).

When choosing cabbage, sugar levels also play an important role. The best varieties for pickling are:

  • "Glory";
  • "Belorusskaya";
  • "Present";
  • "Krautman" F1;
  • "Menza" F1;
  • "Ramada" F1.

Of all the options listed, “Solava” is the most popular. This variety does not last very long, which is why it needs to be processed. In terms of its taste, it is much superior to other varieties and hybrids.

Separately worth mentioning Dutch varieties. They are popular among gardeners because these varieties are practically not subject to cracking and are resistant to diseases and rot.

Their only drawback is the rather high cost of seeds, which is why most gardeners prefer to grow old domestic varieties.

The best varieties and hybrids for pickling: how to make a choice

Of the hybrids that can still be used for pickling, it is worth highlighting “Albatross”, “Amtrak” and “Aros” - they are late-ripening varieties, produce fairly large heads of cabbage, and are suitable even for mechanized processing and have excellent taste. These are also suitable for pickling late-ripening varieties, How:

  • "Bingo";
  • "Latima";
  • "Kalorama".

Of the listed varieties, “Latima” has the smallest heads of cabbage. But it has very tasty leaves, and it can boast of good transportability.

Of the mid-season varieties, “Vyuga” and “Rusinovka” are considered the best for pickling. Both varieties are distinguished by good yield, excellent taste characteristics, resistance to blackleg and bacteriosis (these are the main diseases of this plant). The heads of cabbage of these varieties are quite large and dense. The “Gift” variety is very good. It may have bright green leaves but be white inside. It has a pleasant taste and fairly dense leaves. Resistant to diseases and pests. It can also be used for storage. On average, such cabbage is stored for up to 5 months, that is, all winter. This variety is also good fresh.

If you plan to ferment cabbage, then there’s no need to waste time. After all, with each day of storage, the amount of vitamins and minerals in vegetables decreases. So when the harvest is high better than cabbage ferment - this will preserve its beneficial properties throughout the winter. Of course, each housewife has her own recipe, and she may prefer some specific varieties of cabbage, but it is also very important to carefully select each head of cabbage - only then will the snack turn out crispy and tasty.

Before buying, you need to slightly squeeze the head of cabbage with your hands; if it changes shape (even slightly), this means that no matter what variety it belongs to - mid-season or late, it was picked too early, and it cannot be used for pickling, because:

  1. It won't crunch;
  2. There is too much water in it;
  3. Even if fermented, it will not be stored for long.

Of two heads of cabbage of equal size, you need to choose the one that is heavier. This means that it has denser leaves and contains more fermentation enzyme. You should not take heads of cabbage from which the top leaves have been removed. They, of course, look beautiful, but are practically devoid of protection. Nothing will stop you from cutting these leaves at home.

Red cabbage can be salted, but it does not produce natural juices or enzymes. She needs outside help, that is, vinegar, wine or lemon acid. Therefore, it will not be as healthy as white cabbage, which is prepared without any additives.

Besides, red cabbage it won't crunch.

Why is it important that salting occurs under such conditions, that is, with natural enzymes? Because they are the ones who suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that destroy leaves over time. Acetic acid or lemon have a much weaker effect. In such cases, you have to add salt. This is done not only for taste, but also to obtain additional antiseptic. As a result, part useful properties cabbage is lost, since salt often harms the body.

Using my experience in 2018 and reviews from gardeners on the forum, I will describe here the best varieties of cabbage. Moreover, these varieties are suitable for the Urals, and for Siberia, as well as for middle zone Russia.

Cabbage varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

June cabbage, characteristics

An early ripening variety of cabbage, intended for fresh consumption, that is, straight to the table. The heads of cabbage of this variety are round, weighing up to 2.5 kg. The color of the head of cabbage is pale green with a slight waxy coating. Density is average.

The variety is resistant to cracking. “June” cabbage is harvested 60-70 days after planting the seedlings. An important quality of this variety for the regions of the Urals and Siberia is that it tolerates frosts down to -5 degrees.

Yield of June cabbage: 6 kg/m. sq.m (subject to the agricultural practices of the given crop).

White cabbage Zarya, description

The best early variety of cabbage, resistant to cracking. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 118 days. This is a very good indicator.

The heads of cabbage are round, small, of medium density, weighing up to 2 kg. Variety for fresh use.

The Zarya variety produces high yields even with little use of nitrogen fertilizers.

High yield, rapid ripening and high commercial quality of fruits are the undeniable advantages of this wonderful variety.

Zarya cabbage yield: 3.4 - 10 kg per 1 sq.m.

Cabbage Express F1, description, photo

Early maturing hybrid of white cabbage domestic selection. The period from full germination to the beginning of technical ripeness is 60-95 days.
The rosette of leaves is raised. The leaf is small, light green with a slight waxy coating, flat.

The head is round, of medium density, uncovered, of medium density, whitish when cut. The outer and inner stumps are short. The average head weight is 0.9-1.3 kg. The taste qualities are high.

Cabbage Yield Express: up to 3.8 kg per 1 sq. m.

Advantages of the hybrid: high yield of marketable products, excellent taste, friendly formation of early products.

The cabbage hybrid Express F1 is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Central and Central Black Earth regions.

Cabbage Gift, characteristics with photo

One of the best mid-late varieties white cabbage for pickling and pickling. From the moment of planting seedlings to harvesting, 110-120 days pass.

Light green, dense heads of cabbage of round or flat-round shape seem to be covered with a waxy coating. Typically their weight is from 2.5 to 4.5 kg.

The variety has excellent taste and is recommended for fresh consumption and for pickling.

It is advisable to plant seedlings according to the following scheme: 60 cm x 50 cm. This variety is recommended for cultivation in the Urals and Siberia, as well as in other regions of Russia.

Cabbage yield Gift: up to 10 kg per 1 square meter of planting (subject to the agricultural practices of this crop).

Cabbage Aggressor F1, description

A popular mid-late ripening (from germination to fruiting 115-120 days) hybrid of Dutch selection, with high growth rates, stable yields under any conditions and the ability for short-term storage (up to 5 months).

The head of cabbage is flat-round in shape, medium in size, leveled, dense, weighing 3-5 kg. Resistant to cracking. Does not require special care. Excellent for risky farming areas (Siberia and the Urals). Tolerates lack of nitrogen nutrition and adverse weather conditions well.

The high yield of marketable products and excellent taste make Aggressor cabbage ideal for fresh consumption, pickling and pickling. The hybrid is particularly resistant to damage by thrips and Fusarium wilt.

Aggressor cabbage yield: 4.3-6.5 kg per 1 sq.m (subject to agricultural practices).

Cabbage Slava-1305, description

A classic cabbage variety, most adapted to a wide variety of climatic conditions. Ripening time is 85-100 days.

The heads of cabbage are round, weighing from 2.5 to 4.5 kg, dense.

This variety is considered one of the most productive middle varieties of white cabbage. In addition, it is lightweight, cold-resistant, and transportable. In addition, it has good taste. The dense, round heads of cabbage are light green on top and white on the inside.

Slava is the best variety of cabbage for pickling and pickling.

Slava cabbage yield:up to 12 kg per 1 sq.m.

Cabbage Amager 611

A late-ripening variety of cabbage, ripening occurs 115-120 days after full germination. The heads of cabbage are round-flat, dense, weighing 3-3.5 kg.

Amager is the best variety late cabbage, it is perfect for pickling. The taste only improves during storage.

Yield of cabbage Amager 611: 5 - 6 kg per 1 sq.m.

Late Moscow cabbage

One of the most productive large-fruited varieties cabbage

The weight of one head of cabbage is usually 7-8 kg, the limit is 15 kg. The heads of cabbage are round and green.

This is one of the best varieties of cabbage for pickling.

Productivity of late Moscow cabbage: 10 - 12 kg per 1 sq.m.

Cabbage Megaton F1, description

High-yielding, medium-late (102 days from germination to fruiting) hybrid of Dutch selection.

The head of cabbage is flat-round in shape, dense, weighing up to 15 kg. Megaton cabbage is the No. 1 hybrid for pickling, with high taste. Also suitable for processing and fresh consumption.

This is the most productive hybrid of medium-sized white cabbage. It is highly resistant to fusarium. It is demanding on soil moisture and needs high doses of fertilizers.

Cabbage yield Megaton: 5.86 - 9.34 kg per 1 sq. m.

Cabbage Rinda F1

An excellent mid-early (95-105 days from germination to fruiting) hybrid of Dutch selection.

The heads of cabbage are large, round, with a dense and thin internal structure, weighing 5-8 kg, white when cut. The stalk is small. Intended for fresh consumption, fermentation and short-term storage (from 2 to 4 months).

White cabbage Rinda f1 is distinguished by its even heads, high yield in various climatic conditions, and the ability to be stored on the vine for a long time.

Yield of Rinda cabbage high.

Cabbage Nadezhda

Mid-season (from germination to ripening 115-135 days), productive variety of cabbage.

The head is flat-round, pale green, weighing up to 5 kg. Resistant to cracking. The taste is high. Recommended for fresh consumption, pickling and short-term storage (up to 3 months).

The transportability of the variety is good.

Nadezhda cabbage yield- up to 13 kg/m².

Cabbage Kolobok

High-yielding late-ripening hybrid variety cabbage, ripening only 150 days after emergence.

The heads of cabbage are dense, round, weighing up to 5 kg, resistant to cracking. The inner stalk is short. The heads of cabbage are green on top and white in cross section.

The variety is resistant to cabbage bacteriosis, as well as fusarium leaf wilt, white and gray rot. Kolobok cabbage is ideal for storing it for the winter, as well as for pickling. IN good conditions heads of cabbage of this variety can be stored until May next year.

Kolobok cabbage yield: 7 - 12 kg/sq. m.

These are cabbage varieties and hybrids for open ground.