Hellebore - planting and care. Hellebore: planting and care in open ground, growing in the garden

Hellebore is an amazingly beautiful plant that was popular back in the Middle Ages: it was believed that hellebore protected against witchcraft, the evil eye and evil spirits, which is why it was planted near the entrance to a house or yard. Today, of course, he is valued for completely different qualities. We will talk about them, as well as the secrets of growing hellebores and caring for hellebores, in this article.

Hellebore description

Hellebore grass reaches a height of 20 to 50 cm. It has a short and thick rhizome and a simple, weakly branched stem. The leaves are basal, leathery, long-petiolate, palmate or stop-shaped. Cup-shaped flowers on a long stalk appear at the top of the stem from late winter to late June. What we take to be flower petals are actually sepals, and the petals have transformed into nectaries.

The color range of hellebore includes several shades of white, pink, soft yellow, violet, purple, ink, and there are bicolor varieties. The shape of the flowers can be simple or double. The early flowering of hellebore makes it a long-awaited and favorite plant for all gardeners, who, after a long, colorless winter, enjoy watching hyacinths, muscari, crocuses, spring flowers, scillas and, of course, hellebores appear on the site. Except early flowering Hellebore has such advantages as high winter hardiness and drought resistance. But for those who want to grow hellebore in the garden, there is one warning: like all buttercups, it is extremely poisonous!

Types of description of hellebore

The most beautiful natural species have long been firmly established in culture; numerous hybrids have been created on their basis.

  • Black hellebore (Helleborus niger) is named for the color of its rhizome. And its flower is bright white, speckled, which can turn pink with age. There are varieties with originally pink flowers. This particular species is called the “Christmas star,” which, according to legend, was given as a gift to the baby Jesus. Grown in the southern temperate zone.
  • Hellebore (Helleborus orientalis) is the most widely planted plant. The original plant is cream-colored with streaks on the petals; there are varieties of all colors. Tolerates harsh winters and dry summer conditions. It is grown where there is no permafrost.
  • Caucasian hellebore (Helleborus caucasicus) is the most inconspicuous of the hellebores, but also the most poisonous. Its large shiny leaves are attractive, not susceptible to damage due to their rigidity and internal composition. Most widely used in medical purposes. Raw materials are prepared: rhizomes are dug up, cleaned, dried without access to direct sunlight. As needed, decoctions, infusions, and hellebore tinctures are prepared on its basis for the external treatment of joints and skin problems.
  • Stinking hellebore (Helleborus foetidus) has bright green mottled flowers, paler than the rich foliage. Strong smell not everyone will like it.

Place for planting hellebore

Choosing a place for Helleborus in open ground, one should take into account, first of all, the period of its flowering. Hellebore is a shade-loving plant that avoids direct sunlight. Therefore, the perennial, like any other primrose, will have enough lighting, for example, under deciduous trees. In addition, fallen leaves will serve the hellebore as natural mulch and fertilizer. Such, favorable conditions, the helleborus bush grows quickly, forming large clumps with a large number of stems and peduncles.

As for the soil, fertile soil rich in humus and rotted leaves is preferable. It is desirable that the soil is light, loose and not compacted. If the soil is acidic, it needs to be limed; hellebore prefers soil with a neutral environment. Wet soils are also not suitable for planting.

Considering the long period of life of a plant in one place and the undesirability of frequent transplants, the choice of location must be approached responsibly and rationally.

Hellebore propagation

Hellebores are propagated both by sowing seeds and by dividing old bushes. General recommendations are as follows: the seeds need to be sown for seedlings immediately after they are collected (they do not retain germination well), in loose, moist humus soil, planting them to a depth of about 1.5 cm. Helleborus shoots will appear in March next year, and the seedlings will bloom only 3 years later.

Slightly grown seedlings, which have already acquired a couple of true leaves, we dive into a semi-shaded place (for example, I dive into a flowerbed under a large spreading apple tree, the crown of which is not very thick). On permanent place grown hellebore can be planted only after 2-3 years; it is advisable to transplant in September.

If you want to propagate hellebore by dividing the bushes (and this is how it propagates very easily), in the spring, as soon as it has finished blooming, simply divide its root into several parts and plant it in pre-prepared holes.

How to care for hellebore

Hellebore is unpretentious flower, caring for which does not cause trouble. The plant is quite frost-resistant, so it does not require shelter. The only thing that hellebore does not like is stagnation of water in the soil.

Fertilizing has a good effect on the plant, flowering becomes more luxuriant and longer. As for fertilizers, it is better to give preference to organic matter, which is applied in the spring. It is useful to mulch the soil around the flower with litter.

In autumn, hellebores should be carefully inspected for damage. All old and diseased leaves should be removed, which will prevent the spread of diseases.

Hellebore pests and diseases

Sometimes it happens that hellebores are attacked by pests:

  • slugs
  • snails

Aphids can be treated with any insecticidal preparation, and slugs and snails can be collected and removed from plants. If the summer is damp and warm, then brown spots appear on the leaves, increasing in size daily. This means that the plant is infected with a fungus. To stop the disease, the above-ground affected parts are cut out at the root. Then the plantings are treated with a solution of any systemic fungicide.

If spots appear on hellebore leaves, spray with special preparations. Use fungicidal agents "Oxychom" or "Topaz". If the soil is too acidic, black spots appear on the winter leaves. To treat a flower, add lime to the soil and remove damaged leaves. If a plant is affected by non-infectious diseases, this indicates either an increased level of soil acidity, or an excessive amount of moisture, or poor nutrition Hellebore

How to collect hellebore seeds

After the plant has flowered, you need to collect the seeds to avoid self-sowing. The seeds begin to ripen from the end of June, the process continues throughout the summer. Hellebore pods burst easily and the seeds spill out onto the ground. To prevent this from happening, you need to tie a thin cloth around the still unripe boxes. When the seeds fall onto the cloth, they need to be dried at room temperature. It is better to store seeds in a paper bag.

Hellebore seeds quickly lose their viability, so it is better to sow them in the ground immediately. Long-term storage leads to loss of quality.

Since ancient times, our ancestors believed that hellebore growing near the house would protect against magic and attacks from dark forces. Later, it began to be equated to a miracle plant that helps overcome many ailments, can cleanse the body, and even helps fight excess weight problems.

Hellebore, which even an amateur gardener can care for, blooms early and very beautifully. For this reason it is also called “Christmas rose” or “Rose of Christ”. From the article you will learn what kind of plant hellebore is, its description and everything about it.

Did you know? With the help of hellebore, skinny people can normalize their body weight by gaining the required weight.

Hellebore: plant description

The flower grows up to 50 cm in height. Its rhizome is thick and short, and its stem is weakly branched. The basal foliage can be leathery, long-petiolate, palmately dissected or stop-shaped. The cup-shaped flowers of hellebore are produced on a long stem from January to the end of June. What are mistakenly taken for flower petals are sepals, and the former have evolved into nectaries."Rose of Christ" is replete color scheme– shades of white, yellow, pink, purple, violet and even ink, so hellebore looks very impressive among a snow-covered garden. There are also two-color varieties. Flowers are found with both a smooth and terry surface.
Thanks to its early flowering, hellebore is very loved by many gardeners, because after a long cold and colorless winter period it’s so nice to contemplate your site, decorated bright colors. Hellebore, in addition to its special property of blooming earlier than most other flowers, has some other advantages, so one cannot fail to mention its high winter hardiness and drought resistance.

Important! Those who want to grow hellebore in their garden should be extremely careful, as it is very poisonous, like all plants from the buttercup family!

Where is the best place to plant hellebore?

Since hellebore grows best in shady areas, its planting should be carried out under bushes, trees, rocky gardens and rock gardens. The flower also grows in sunny areas, for example along paths, but you just need to be careful about watering so that it does not suffer from severe drought. Under the canopies garden trees hellebore grows into a dense bush, forming large clumps of 70 stems. And after flowering such a plant remains original decoration garden from spring to late autumn. If your plans include decorating garden paths and curbs, remember that hellebore grows slowly and takes even longer to growI. To achieve the expected effect, you will have to purchase more than ten plants. When planting hellebores, consider the distance between the holes - 40 centimeters.

Did you know? Hellebore is called the “rose of Christ” because, according to one legend, it was discovered by the Magi next to the stable where Jesus Christ was born. It is precisely from that time that hellebores bloom in the south in the middle of winter.

Growing hellebore

In fact, growing hellebore is not at all difficult, but there are some subtleties, as with other buttercups.

How and when to plant hellebore?

In one place, hellebore bushes grow quietly for up to ten years, but he is very critical of replanting. Therefore, the place should be chosen with great responsibility. Most suitable soil for him it is moist, loose, drained clayey with a neutral reaction. Hellebores look most impressive when planted in small groups. When flowering, it forms a small island in the middle of a snow-covered or dull sleeping garden. Hellebore, planted in April and September, does not oblige you to provide it with meticulous care, like other decorative or delicate flowers, planted in open ground.

Did you know? In the Middle Ages, hellebore was thought to protect against witches and witchcraft.

The holes for planting hellebore are prepared with a size of 30 cm³ and are located at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. This is necessary to take into account the distance during further growth of the bushes. Half of the hole needs to be filled with compost. Lower the rhizome into the hole, holding the bush with one hand, and sprinkle it with earth on top, compact it and water it. Water the hellebore frequently and generously for three weeks.

Hellebore propagation

Hellebore propagates vegetatively and generatively, but the most commonly used method is by seed. The seeds are sown as soon as they are collected after ripening. As a rule, this happens at the end of June. Sow hellebore to a depth of 15 mm in loose, moist and humus soil. The first shoots appear in March next year. After the seedlings grow, one or two pairs of leaves appear. After this, they need to be planted in a flowerbed, which is located in partial shade. The hellebore will grow there for another two to three years. Flowers begin to appear when the hellebore has reached three years of age, and it is planted and cared for in a permanent place. Replant the plant in April or September.

Important! Reproduction of stinking hellebore occurs by self-sowing.

Like other garden flowers, hellebore can be propagated and bush division. After the flower has bloomed, in the spring the five-year-old bushes should be dug up and the rhizome divided into several parts. Treat the sections with crushed coal and plant them in holes, which should be prepared in advance. In the spring, black hellebore is also propagated in this way, and in the fall it is better to do this with oriental hellebore.

Did you know? There is confirmed evidence that hellebore was harvested for export in Russia back in the 17th century.

How to care for hellebore?

In order for the hellebore to grow beautiful, thick and bushy, caring for it should not be overly complicated; it is enough to remove all old and dead leaves. This way you will prevent infection of young leaves and buds with fungal spotting. New leaves appear on hellebore only after flowering. After the flowers have withered, you need to mulch the soil around the hellebore with peat and compost. In hot weather, the plant must be watered regularly, often loosened and weeded the soil around it. Hellebores should be fed with bone meal and mineral fertilizers twice per season.

Did you know? The Corsican variety is considered the most beautiful hellebore. It reaches a height of one meter.

Hellebore pests and diseases

Dangerous pests for hellebore are gastropods of various kinds - these are slugs and snails that gnaw on its leaves, as well as aphids, hop moth caterpillars and mice. Against the latter, poisoned baits are used, which are placed in places where they are expected to appear. Slugs and snails are collected by hand, and insects are destroyed with insecticides. Treatment with Antitlin and Biotlin works well against aphids, and with Actellik against caterpillars.

Did you know? The first mention of hellebore in books dates back to the 16th century in connection with its use as a “chemical weapon”. Today, hellebore is not used in traditional medicine.

Dangerous diseases hellebore is false powdery mildew, ringspot and anthracnose. Spotting is spread by aphids, this is the main reason why its presence should not be allowed in your garden. Parts of plants that are damaged by spotting must be cut off and burned, and then the hellebore bushes and the entire area should be treated with fungicides.

Among perennial herbaceous plants, the hellebore flower Helleborus (or helleborus, helleborus, winter grass) occupies a special place because it belongs to the category of winter flowers. It’s not for nothing that the second name of the flower is Christmas rose. The Mediterranean is considered its homeland, and helleborus gained popularity thanks to its medicinal properties. With its help they fought gout, various kinds paralysis, epilepsy, skin, gynecological diseases; currently, hellebore herb is widely used for weight loss.

Despite all its attractiveness, the flower is poisonous. When taking it as a drug, you should strictly calculate the dosage and be sure to obtain individual recommendations from your doctor.

Decorative hellebore, being evergreen, is able to decorate a shady area of ​​the garden or flower bed without losing its eternal beauty even under the snow.

There are several known natural and selection (hybrid) ones. The flower has no stem; large, hard, palmate-shaped leaves emerge directly from the rosette on long, rigid cuttings.

The flowers of hellebore are large and can reach a diameter of 5 cm. The varied colors of its petals, from white-cream to pale red, look simply fabulous against the background of the melted snow cover.

Where is the best place to plant hellebore? Choosing a planting site

  • Just the ideal place for hellebore to grow in a summer cottage will be one that provides light shade. Thanks to partial shade, the plant will delight with its flowering for a long time, a larger and more saturated leaf blade will be formed.
  • Direct exposure to sunlight, especially at midday, will speed up the growing season, which will lead to rapid wilting of the flower and the formation of small, faded leaves.
  • From a decorative point of view, helleborus looks great in a place where evergreen coniferous trees act as a background.

Soil for hellebore

  • Hellebore prefers alkaline soils(at least neutral).
  • Grows vigorously under trees on turf.
  • Add to acidic soil slaked lime, ash.
  • It is also useful to throw away the husks from the brewed tea where the helleborus grows.

If you are not sure that Helleborus will like garden soil, take some turf from the nearest forest. This will be ideal soil for a winter hut both in structure and composition. You can fill the planting hole with it and mulch the area around it.

Watering the plant

  • In regions characterized by snowy winters, artificial watering of plants is not practiced. This is possible due to the natural moistening of the earth with melt water.
  • Despite the fact that excessively hard leaves practically do not evaporate water, in arid regions it is necessary to water the hellebore in hot weather.

Fertilizer application

Helleborus belongs to the type of open ground plants that additional contribution do not need fertilizers. Soil, air and water provide them with everything they need during the growing season. For example, the necessary minerals come from the soil, and mineral nitrogen from the air. To prevent the root of the plant from being exposed, it is necessary to apply mulch under it. Since mulch is an organic material, it begins to decompose over time, turning into organic fertilizer.

How to plant hellebore correctly or transplant it to a new place

The beginning of autumn is the time when you need to start planting. A couple of months before winter, it will take root well and safely survive the cold season. Hellebore is able to grow over time in one place due to its ability to. It creates entire colonies, drowning out weeds.

Annual self-seeding has a negative impact on the beauty of the flower bed. Therefore, it is so important to start thinning the helleborus in a timely manner. Very often, to rejuvenate a flower bed with a plant, young shoots are dug up and replanted, while at the same time getting rid of the old ones.

When planting, it is important to take into account the features of agricultural technology:

  • The hole needs to be shallow, up to 30 cm, given that the hellebore root small sizes. The diameter of the hole is approximately the same.
  • If you have a reserve of patience, you can put a small stone on the bottom, sprinkled with sand. Such a simple improvement will allow for good drainage, which will protect the plant from damping off in winter and putrefactive diseases when the area is flooded with melt water in the spring. However, drainage is not necessary if water does not stagnate on the site.
  • The soil, as already mentioned, needs to be slightly alkaline or neutral, but not acidic. It is good when the soil is rich in humus and seasoned with turf for looseness.
  • The growth buds do not need to be buried; seedlings are planted while maintaining the natural level of the root collar.
  • Water moderately to thoroughly moisten the soil, but not to overcompact it until the surface becomes thick with the formation of a crust when it dries.

You need to monitor the humidity of new plantings for the first week, watering 1 liter per bush every day in the evening. If the weather is wet, nature will do everything for you.

Planting hellebore in spring

  • The plant can be planted in the spring, having prepared a hole in advance, somewhat deeper than the existing root system.
  • It is advisable to put rotted compost or humus at the bottom.
  • Place the bush vertically and carefully straighten it so that it evenly fills the space of the hole and does not bend.
  • Holding the plant, sprinkle the root with soil and press lightly with your palm.
  • The planting level should be the same as in the seedling pot or a couple of cm less. Water generously.

How to propagate hellebore by dividing the bush and seeds

  • It is best to divide bushes and plant hellebores between seasons, in spring or autumn.
  • To properly divide the bush, dig it out carefully, rinse the roots with water so that the growing points can be easily seen.
  • We take a sharp knife and carefully cut it into pieces between the growth points, leaving at least 2-3 sprouts for each section.

Hellebore propagation is carried out by two main methods: the first is vegetative, which consists in dividing the bush of the plant, and the second is seed. The vegetative propagation method is considered the most effective; the seed propagation method is not very justified due to a sharp decrease in seed germination over time. And it seems extremely difficult to find hellebore seeds on the open market.

Growing hellebore seedlings from seeds

Helleborus seedlings can be obtained by showing extraordinary patience. Freshly harvested seeds should be sown as quickly as possible, before they even dry out.

  • It is better to use homemade wooden boxes with a height of at least 10 cm so that you can pour enough nutrient soil. There should be holes in the bottom of the box for good drainage. For the same purpose, you can sprinkle a little expanded clay on the bottom before filling the box with the mixture.
  • We sow shallowly, 0.5-1 cm.
  • We leave at least 8 cm between the grooves, since young plants are difficult to tolerate transplantation and it is advisable to avoid diving. The distance between seedlings is 4-5 cm minimum.
  • The sown seeds are taken to the garden and kept there until spring, not forgetting to moisten when the soil dries out, until the onset of the rainy season. This measure is necessary to undergo natural stratification.
  • In spring, sprouted seedlings can be taken into the house and cared for in the usual way, simply by watering them in a timely manner.
  • Please note that in the first year only two true leaves will appear, do not be nervous: hellebore develops for a very long time.
  • Only after 2-3 years will you get a full-fledged one, which is planted in the ground in spring or autumn.
  • Only in the fourth or fifth year will it be possible to see hellebores planted from seeds bloom.

Some gardeners do not want to devote a lot of space to growing Helleborus seedlings, and all because it grows really very slowly. A good option there will be a dense sowing in the box, and when the seedlings rise to a height of a couple of centimeters, they are carefully dived into individual pots. In this case, you can use tweezers, a table fork or a regular toothpick to carefully “dig up” the root and transfer small plant to a new place.

This way the transplant will take place with minimal damage, and the space on the windowsill will be saved for other purposes while the helleborus gains strength.

How to collect seeds for sowing?

The fruit capsule of the flower is cut off slightly unripe and sent for ripening in a warm, dry and well-lit place. How do you know when hellebore seeds are ripe? The fact that the seeds are ripe will be demonstrated by the box itself, which will become covered with cracks. 2-3 weeks after removing them from the cracked box they will still be suitable for sowing.

When the box is opened, then experienced gardeners sowing begins immediately, for which a specially prepared permanent place is allocated. Seedlings germinate in the spring, and their flowering can only be observed after 4-5 years.

Sowing hellebore seeds in open ground

It is better to choose a place for the garden bed in the shade of trees, with light loam. They dig up the top layer, loosen it, and level it.

  • Fill shallow furrows at a distance of 15-20 cm.
  • We try to maintain less spacing in the row so as not to break through the plants. 8-10 cm is enough.
  • You can cover the bed for the winter autumn leaves so that early-hatched seeds do not die from frost in the spring.
  • Only after 2-3 years will the plants be able to be planted in the designated areas.

When does hellebore bloom?

Decorative hellebore how to grow Helleborus ‘Peppermint Ruffles’ Winter photo

As soon as the snow melts a little, flowers immediately hatch through the ground, in March or even February, depending on the region. For this reason, the plant is popularly called winterer. Flowers have a wide variety of colors, literally enlivening a boring landscape. Large green foliage appears much later, around April. Until the onset of stable heat, the flower continues to adhere to the rigid stem.

During this period, the hellebore is pollinated by insects and the fruit - a capsule - is set. If for some reason the fruit is not destined to set, it simply dries up along with the peduncle. Helleborus blooms in the second year after dividing the bush and in the 3rd - 4th year after seed propagation. It is also necessary to take into account that seeds that are not removed from the box scatter on their own and germinate in the spring.

How to deal with hellebore pests and diseases

The plant is very hardy. Temperatures of minus 30°C in the snowless steppes are not a death sentence for him. Hellebores are no longer afraid of northern regions, where a blanket of snow reliably protects it from stronger frosts. In warmer regions with little snow, hellebore begins to bloom in December. Natural types of flowers do not need shelter, while theirs hybrid varieties may suffer from winters with little snow and low temperatures. Therefore, they are covered with spruce branches.

Thanks to your poisonous properties, the tough foliage of Helleborus is not attacked by harmful insects. In the most extreme cases, from excessive humidity, hellebore can “catch” fungal disease in the form of gray and brown spots on the leaf blade. The area affected by the fungus is cut out, and the entire plant is treated with antifungal drugs.

“Adult” helleborus does not tolerate transplantation. When transplanted, it does not die, but simply stops flowering for several years. Therefore, it is necessary to select in advance a place for the permanent growth of helleborus on a summer cottage.

The only thing I would like to warn you about is to prevent small children from coming into contact with this flower, especially with its juice. Poisonous plant the hellebore can only be an object of admiration for them, as a natural phenomenon, nothing more. Animals intuitively sense the nature of a flower and do not touch it.

Hellebore (helleborus) is easy to care for and very beautiful. To have it on your site, you don’t need to dig up a flower in the forest. You need to use the services of nurseries, where you can purchase your favorite plant or try to grow it from seeds.

Types and varieties of hellebore with descriptions and photos

On summer cottages You can see both types of hellebore created by nature and their hybrid forms.

Hellebore Helleborus orientalis

Very common, it is not afraid of either harsh winters or dry summers. It does not grow only in regions with permafrost. The natural hellebore flower has small touches. Its hybrid species have flowers of a wide variety of shades.

Hellebore Helleborus foetidus

Bright, richly colored green foliage contrasts with pale green speckled flowers. This species of Helleborus gives off a strong, unpleasant odor.

Reddish hellebore Helleborus purpurascens

The leaves are narrow, elongated, grows in height up to 20-25 cm, has a flower color with a reddish tint of varying intensity depending on the variety. It has become widespread due to its decorative effect and unusual appearance.

Caucasian hellebore Helleborus caucasicus

The most poisonous of all Helleborus species. It has wide range applications in medicine. Its large, hard, shiny leaves are not prone to damage. The poisonous root is dug up and dried in a dark place. Tinctures from hellebore root are used as an external remedy in the treatment of diseases of the skin and joints. When taken orally, complications incompatible with life occur.

Black hellebore Helleborus niger

It got its name because of the color of the rhizome. U young plant the flower is bright, White color into the smallest speck, while the flower of an adult plant acquires a pinkish tint. The second name for black hellebore is Christmas star. It is associated with the legend of Jesus Christ, to whom this flower was given in the southern temperate latitudes on his birthday.

The stunning properties of the perennial, its incredible ability to survive in any climatic conditions, and its unique beauty have become the reason for gardeners’ special love for hellebore. Try planting it and you won’t notice how it will become one of the most desired flowers in the spring.

Hellebore varieties in the photo:

Hellebore cultivation and care Application in landscape design photo helleborus apricot

The hellebore flower is a perennial herbaceous plant. It comes from the Mediterranean region. There, hellebore was initially used only as a medicinal raw material. IN folk medicine All over the world it is used to treat skin diseases, epilepsy and even paralysis. This plant can be seen in many gardens today. It is very beautiful during the flowering period, but even after it retains its decorative effect due to the rich and unusual color of the leaves.

Description of hellebore

The flower is valued by gardeners for its ease of care and good resistance to frost. Perhaps this is where the name of the plant comes from. It is also called rose of Christ and helleborus (killing food). It is worth noting that hellebore is poisonous. Therefore, for treatment it is used only as an external agent.

This plant is evergreen, so it can decorate any corner. The plant is surprising in that it has no stems. Tough, large leaves grow from long petioles. The flowers are also quite large, reaching fifteen centimeters in diameter. They appear directly on the snow as soon as the plant gains strength to overcome the ice layer. Flowers can be of various colors - from pure white to dark purple. There are plenty to choose from for your site. This is the description of the hellebore flower. The photo below shows what the plant looks like.

The flower is very decorative, so breeders have bred several dozen species and hybrids. It is worth considering only the most interesting of them.

Some types of hellebore

IN natural conditions this species grows in southern and central Europe. Flowering occurs from December to February. In Russian conditions, this process begins around April, when the snow melts. The flowers are snow-white, reaching eight centimeters. There are also larger specimens with soft pink buds that bloom in November.

Caucasian hellebore. Found only in the Caucasus mountains. This species has unusual foliage and beautiful flowers. It retains its decorative effect not only in summer, but also in winter. Provided there was little snow.

Stinky hellebore. The name itself says that this species smells unpleasant. But it boasts very beautiful, almost exotic leathery leaves. This hellebore also produces many flowers of an unusual pale green hue. The bush is compact, reaching a height of no more than half a meter. Pay attention to the photo: the stinking hellebore flower is presented in all its glory.

Eastern hellebore. Its flowering begins in mid-March-April. It looks very spectacular plant. The buds can be from soft pink to bright purple. There are varieties with burls on the flowers.

Selecting a location

Hellebore is completely undemanding when it comes to soil composition. But it is still recommended to plant this plant in nutritious, fairly loose, neutral or slightly alkaline soil. If the soil on the site is highly acidic, then liming is necessary. Hellebore is a flower that grows well on leaf humus. Therefore, it is better to plant it near shrubs or large trees.

Stagnation of water in the ground is detrimental to this plant. Therefore, hellebore cannot be planted in flooded areas or near groundwater. When planting in the soil, be sure to make a drainage layer of expanded clay, pebbles or pieces of red brick.

It is also worth noting that the plant loves partial shade. But it will grow well in a sunny place. In general, even a beginner can master the care and planting of hellebore flowers.

Planting a plant

If you plan to plant hellebores in open ground, then it is best to do this in April or closer to autumn, in September.

Select a site and location based on the recommendations above. Dig the soil deeply and level it. Do planting pits. Their depth and diameter should be about 30 centimeters. The same distance should be between the dug holes.

Place compost at the bottom of the holes so that the seedling takes root faster and begins to grow actively. After this, lower the hellebore into the hole, holding it with one hand and filling it with soil with the other. Compact the soil around it and water it thoroughly. Please note that within three weeks the plant will often need large quantities water. As you can see, it is not at all difficult to plant and care. The photo of hellebore flowers above shows what seedlings can look like.

The plant reproduces well by seeds and division. It is worth taking a closer look at both methods.

Propagation by seeds

Hellebore seeds do not retain their germination capacity well. Therefore, they should be used immediately after collection and not stored. Sow in nutritious, very loose soil to a depth of about one to two centimeters. The sprouts will be visible in about a month. But the hellebore will bloom only after three years.

When several true leaves appear on the seedlings, they need to be picked out. An excellent place would be partial shade (for example, under a spreading tree). Hellebore can be transplanted to a permanent flowerbed after two to three years. It is best to do this in September.

Reproduction by division

Hellebore is a plant that is easiest to propagate by dividing the bush. When it fades in the spring, it needs to be dug up. After using a sharp tool, the rhizome is divided so that there are shoots on each part. They can now be transplanted to a permanent place. In the first month, care should be thorough with frequent watering and mulching the soil around the roots.

It is worth noting that for certain types of hellebore, one propagation method is suitable. So, the Christmas rose is propagated in the spring by dividing the bush. The same method is suitable for oriental hellebore. But its propagation is recommended in the fall. But stinking hellebore does not tolerate division at all. It reproduces well by self-sowing. To do this, it is enough to leave withered buds on the bushes after flowering.

Features of hellebore care

Mature plant doesn't like transfers. It can develop perfectly in one place for up to ten years. During this time, all care comes down to watering, weeding, and occasional fertilizing. If necessary, carry out pest control.

The hellebore flower only needs watering during severe drought. To minimize this procedure, it is advisable to mulch. It will not only retain moisture in the soil, but also stop the growth of weeds. Leaf humus and compost are usually used as mulch in equal proportions.

It is recommended to fertilize hellebore in spring and early summer. There is no need to do this more often. Ash and bone meal in a one to one ratio will be a good feeding. If you add mulch, over time it will rot and also become excellent fertilizer.

Care after flowering

When hellebore blooms, it can provide flowers for several months. After the buds fall, the seed pods begin to ripen. Usually the process lasts the whole summer. After this, the boxes simply burst. To avoid having to collect scattered seeds on the ground, gardeners use a little trick. They simply put gauze bags over the unripe fruits. The crumbled seeds will be in them. They are then dried in a room with low humidity and good ventilation. You can store the seeds for a short time in a paper bag.

As already mentioned, the plant is a cold-resistant perennial. But in snowless, frosty winters it can suffer. Therefore, to be on the safe side, a flowerbed with hellebore can be covered with spruce branches or dry leaves.

Hellebore diseases

In general, hellebore is disease-resistant and is almost never affected by pests.

  • Most often after winter frosts leaves are damaged. They must be cut off with the onset of spring.
  • If yellowish spots appear on the foliage, this is a signal of the appearance of pests. In this case, a course of the drug “Oxychom” or “Skor” will help.

  • If there are black spots on the leaves, the soil is overly acidic. Then you need to carry out liming.

Plant in landscape design

No plant can replace hellebore flowers, either in summer or winter. They look great in all compositions. Hellebores can be used to make wonderful borders with primroses - delicate crocuses, early tulips, daffodils or snowdrops. Hosta and bergenia bushes will be excellent partners for the flower. They also welcome partial shade. A very decorative composition with astilbe and geranium. Hellebore also looks amazing on an emerald green lawn, surrounded by cereals and ferns.

A flowering plant can decorate your terrace for Christmas. To do this, you need to dig up the bush before frost and transplant it into a spacious pot. Then enter it into closed veranda or a greenhouse. They need to maintain a temperature of + 5 degrees. Under such conditions, beautiful buds will appear and bloom by the holidays.

The article examined a photo and description of the hellebore flower. When this plant blooms, how to plant it and how to care for it - now you know all this. Put these recommendations into practice, and then you will be able to all year round show off your picturesque garden. Even a beginner can handle care and cultivation!

This plant is popularly called bear's paw, winter plant. The hellebore flower belongs to the ranunculaceae family and has been grown quite successfully in summer cottages in our latitudes for quite a long time. The plant is quite compact and rarely grows above half a meter. Depending on the variety, its flowering time ranges over a very wide range from early December to late February.

How to grow hellebore from seeds?

It is the seed method that today is considered to be the most acceptable for growing and propagating plants. You can purchase seeds ready for planting at a specialty store or prepare them yourself. It should be remembered that when growing hellebore from your own seeds, you must follow two stages: first, two months at a temperature not exceeding 22°C, then another two months at a temperature not exceeding 3°C. After about a year, the seeds will lose their viability.

When planting and caring for flowers such as hellebore, you should carefully follow all the recommendations:

  • if you decide to plant seeds directly in the ground, it is correct to do this immediately after collecting the seeds;
  • the depth of planting seeds in open ground is approximately 1 cm, while the distance between plantings should be approximately a meter;
  • if you decide to use only your own seeds, then start collecting around June; there is no need to wait for the seed box to fully ripen, you can simply miss the moment and it will burst.

The soil should be sufficiently loose and well fertilized. In about a year you will see the first shoots. When planting by seed and caring for hellebore flowers, you need to wait until the first two true leaves appear and only then plant your seedlings in a place where there is no constant sunlight and there is light partial shade. After about three years, you can safely replant the finished plants in their permanent place.

Planting hellebore and caring for it - the main secrets of growing

If you follow the basic recommendations when growing hellebore flowers, you can avoid a number of difficulties associated with the appearance of various pests and diseases. Before the onset of the cold season, it is always necessary to prepare a bedding for the hellebore from fallen leaves; only leaves of oak, linden or apple tree are suitable.

If you decide to resort to division to propagate a plant, be sure to choose only young plants, then the divisions will take root well and will not start to hurt. This also applies to replanting: it is better not to touch adult plants again, and when working with young plants it is important not to dry out the root system.

When caring for a hellebore flower, you will most likely encounter a number of difficulties. Although this plant is not difficult to grow or often sick, some difficulties will still be present. They are mainly related to the influence of weather conditions.