New preparations for the control of vegetable and garden pests. Products for controlling pests and diseases of the garden

Insecticides and acaricides are drugs that can quickly and effectively cope with many diseases and pests of the garden or vegetable garden. However, to achieve this goal, the farmer needs to know how and for which plant a specific type of these drugs can be used. Acaricide. It is used for spraying pear, apple, and quince trees against red and brown fruit mites, pear gall mites in a concentration of 4 ml per 10 liters of water during the period from the separation of buds to their pinking. The number of treatments is two. The grapes are sprayed with a preparation of the same concentration against spider mites, felt mites and gall mites during the period of swelling and bud opening and again (if necessary) during the separation of buds.
The waiting period is 60 days.


Arrivo; 25% K.E. (cypermethrin). Enteric contact insecticide wide range actions with a long term protective effect. Packaged in ampoules of 2 ml. The working solution is prepared by adding the drug to water with continuous stirring. Drug concentration: 2 ml (one ampoule) per 10 l. water. It is used for spraying potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle: during the period when beetles emerge from wintering areas; when larvae appear in the spring; against beetles and second generation larvae in summer. No more than two potato treatments are allowed per season. The waiting period is 20 days.


Bazudin, or diazonin, 10% K.E. Granulated organophosphate preparation of contact and systemic action. It is used in the fight against cabbage fly by adding granules to the soil surface near the plant at a rate of 10 g per 10 before setting the head of cabbage, but no later than 30 days before harvesting. Against wireworms, false wireworms, and cutworms on potatoes, bazodin is applied to the soil when planting tubers at the rate of 25 g per 10 m 2. Processing is carried out once. The protective effect of the drug lasts no more than 15 days.


Bankol, 50% SP. It is used against the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes by spraying the plants with a solution: 4-6 g per 10 liters of water. Spraying time: immediately after overwintered beetles appear on potatoes, when larvae appear in spring, in summer against beetles and larvae of a new generation. Treatment with the drug can be carried out no more than two times. The last treatment is no later than 20 days before harvesting. Peppers, tomatoes, eggplants are sprayed with a solution of the same strength as for potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle, gnawing caterpillars and cotton bollworm. The maximum number of sprayers is two, the last one is 40 days before the start of the first harvest.


Baksin, S.P. Short-acting drug. It is used to control pests of fruit plants: pome trees - against leaf rollers, moths, scale insects, aphids, apple sawfly, goose at the end of flowering - at the beginning of fruit growth; stone fruits - against cherry weevils, cherry aphids, scale insects - in the period from the separation of buds to their pinking. Concentration of the drug: 20-30 g per 10 liters of water.


Thunder, G, 3%, granules. The active principle is diazonin. Manufactured by the company "Green Pharmacy Gardener" / Moscow / using Swiss technology. Recommended by the company for combating mole crickets in vegetable and flower crops, on strawberries and potatoes, as well as to combat ants.

To combat the mole cricket, 2-3 g of granules (1 teaspoon) are placed in the mole cricket's burrows and passages to a depth of 3-5 cm and with a distance between the granules of 0.5-0.7 m. After laying the granules, the soil is slightly compacted, the dry soil is moistened . Granules are applied 5-10 days before sowing seeds or planting, and again, if necessary, in places where mole crickets accumulate. The period of protective action is 10-14 days.

In the fight against ants, first remove the top layer of soil (2-3 cm) from the anthill, then scatter 1-3 g (0.5-1 teaspoon) of granules evenly over the surface. The place where the granules are applied is sprinkled with earth or covered with roofing felt, plywood, etc. The ants disappear on the 2-4th day after applying the drug. The duration of action of the drug is 2-3 months.

Danitol, 10% K.E. Used for spraying pome trees in a concentration of 10 ml per 10 l of water at the end of flowering (when 75% of the petals fall) against a complex of pests (leaf rollers, moths, aphids, scale insects and false scale insects, apple sawfly , fruit weevils); 18-20 days after the end of flowering of the apple tree winter varieties- against the codling moth, against scale insects - 30 days before harvest.


Intavir, 3.75%, tablets. The drug is produced by JSC Virtan-promex (Moscow region). Used to control pests in a concentration of 1 tablet per 10 liters of water. Apple, pear, and quince trees are sprayed against; flower beetle weevil during the period of bud development; aphids during the development of apple and pear buds at the end of flowering; codling moth 15-18 days after flowering and again after two weeks; leaf rollers when caterpillars appear en masse.

Currants and gooseberries are sprayed before or after flowering against leaf rollers, sawflies, and moths. Cherries are sprayed against cherry flies at the beginning of fruit coloring. It is recommended to spray potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle when second instar larvae appear and again if necessary; cabbage - when there is a massive appearance of white moth caterpillars and cabbage moths, but before the head starts to set. The number of treatments is no more than two. Last processing time: cherries 15 days, potatoes and currants 20 days, apples, pears 25 days before harvest.


Karate, 5% K.E. Preparation for one-time spraying of potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle. Concentration: 2 ml per 10 liters of water. The waiting period is 30 days.


Karbofos, 10% K.E. An unpleasant-smelling, thick liquid of a dark brown color. Belongs to the group of organophosphorus drugs. It has a contact effect that lasts 20 days. It is used against aphids, mites, caterpillars of leaf rollers, codling moths, lacewings, hawthorns, silkworms, false caterpillars of sawflies, weevils, cherry flies, beet flies, raspberry beetles, stem raspberry gall midges, whiteflies and other pests. The drug does not kill insect and tick eggs.

Consumption rate of the drug per 10 liters of water when spraying: pome fruits - 75-90 g, stone fruits - 75 g, raspberries (before flowering and after harvest) - 75 g, beets, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants - 60 g, cucumbers, pumpkins, squash - 60-75 g.

Number of sprays: no more than two times per season. Waiting period: for stone fruits, beets, cucumbers and melons - 30 days; for pome and nightshade plants (tomatoes, etc.) - 20 days.

In order to combat gall mites and aphids, sea buckthorn cuttings and seedlings are sprayed with a solution of karbofos (200 g per 10 liters of water) and kept under film for one day.

Kinmiks, 5% K.E. Broad-spectrum drug. Packaged in ampoules of 2.5 ml. It is used for spraying many crops at a concentration of 2.5 ml per 10 liters of water. On fruit crops ah is used against caterpillars of lacewings, hawthorns, ringed silkworms, moths, gypsy moths, aphids, weevils (geese, cherry), scale insects, leaf rollers, moths, apple and plum moths, cherry flies, cherry slimy sawflies, etc.

Grapes are sprayed against grape budworm, phylloxera, currants and gooseberries - against gooseberry moth, aphids, sawflies, and gall midges. On potatoes it is used against the Colorado potato beetle, on cabbage - against cruciferous flea beetles, cabbage cutworms, moths, white beetles, cabbage aphids, etc.

Waiting period: for grapes - 30 days, for other crops - 20 days.


Mitak, 20% K.E. Recommended for spraying fruit crops during the budding period: pomaceous plants - against lacewing, hawthorn, silkworms, moths, aphids, apple blossom beetle, goose, beetle in a concentration of 20-40 ml per 10 liters of water; stone fruit - against aphids, cherry weevil, goose, scale insects, false scale insects, leafminer and fruit moths in a concentration of 20-30 ml per 10 liters of water. Stone fruits are sprayed in the same concentration during fruit growth against plum moth, cherry fly, cherry slimy sawfly, and mites.

The waiting period is 30 days. The frequency of spraying per season is twice.

Neoron, 50% K.E. Acaricide. At a concentration of 4 ml per 10 liters of water, it is used to spray grapes during the period of bud swelling against spider mites, felt mites and gall mites. The frequency of spraying is two times. The waiting period is 60 days.

Sumi alpha

Sumi-alpha, 5% E. Pyrethroid drug. Toxic to many sucking and chewing pests. Recommended for spraying pome fruits (apple, pear, quince), grapes and cruciferous crops (cabbage, radish, radish) at a concentration of 5 g per 10 liters of water. The drug is sprayed once. Waiting period - 30 days (grapes - 45 days). Pome crops are sprayed against the apple flower beetle (during the green cone phase), leaf rollers, moths, aphids, scale insects, apple sawfly, goose, codling moth, California scale insect (after flowering).

On grapes, the drug is used during the separation of buds in inflorescences against grape budworm and grape moth. On cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables, the drug is used before the head is planted to destroy cruciferous flea beetles, cabbage moths, armyworms, aphids, flies, whiteflies, sawflies, and bedbugs. Potatoes are sprayed against the Colorado potato beetle in the same concentration no more than twice. The waiting period is 20 days. The drug is toxic to both beetles and larvae.


Fiori, 10% VE (zetacypermethrin). A broad-spectrum drug from the pyrethroid group. Recommended for protecting apple and pear trees from leaf rollers, moths, aphids, scale insects, false scale insects, apple sawfly when 75% of the petals fall off, codling moth, Californian scale insect in a concentration of 1.5 ml per 10 liters of water. Used to combat bedbugs, cruciferous flea beetles, cabbage whites, moths, aphids, flies, sawflies in a concentration of 1 ml per 10 liters of water, on potatoes - against the Colorado potato beetle - 0.7 ml per 10 liters of water.

The number of treatments per season is no more than two, the waiting period is 25 days.


Sherpa, 25% E. Highly effective drug, toxic to many pests. In garden plots, it is recommended to combat the Colorado potato beetle by spraying plants at a concentration of 1.5 ml per 10 liters of water with up to two applications per season. It is possible to spray apple and pear trees against moths, leaf rollers and other pests. The concentration of the working solution is 2 ml per 10 water. The waiting period is 20 days.

Accepted abbreviations: K.E. - emulsion concentrate; SP - wettable powder; V.E. - water emulsion; S.K. - suspension concentrate. Waiting period - the period of time between the last spraying and the beginning of harvesting or using the crop.

Aphids are one of the main pests like most garden plants, and some garden crops and indoor flowers. Our plants are being harmed different types aphids, for example, green, black, white, but all of them can be easily exterminated with the help of special preparations.

Tanrek against aphids

An aphid repellent with a long period of protective action, designed to destroy aphids on vegetable, fruit, berry and flower and ornamental crops.

Active substance: imidacloprid, 200 g/l, water-soluble concentrate.

Dilute the ampoule in 1 liter of water, mix and fill to the required volume with water. Use the working solution freshly prepared.

Using Tanrek

On the apple tree. Consumption rate of the drug: 3 ml. for 10 l. water. Method and time of treatment: spray during the growing season from 2 to 5 liters per tree, depending on its age. 1 treatment.

On currants. Dilute 3 ml. Tanrek 10 l. water. Spray before flowering, consumption from 0.5 to 1.5 l. per bush depending on the age and type of formation of the bush. 1 treatment is allowed.

On flowers. Effective against aphids, leafhoppers, whiteflies, thrips. To prepare a working solution, dilute 5 ml. drug for 10 l. water. Spray during the growing season. Product consumption 10 l. per 100 sq.m.

On cucumbers and tomatoes. From aphids, leafhoppers, whiteflies. Consumption rate: 5 ml. for 10 l. water.
Method and time of treatment: spraying during the growing season. Consumption 3-10 l. per 1 hundred square meters of landings.

It takes a lot of effort from gardeners, sometimes without bringing the desired result. Today we’ll talk about time-tested folk remedies against pests that will really give results and benefits to garden crops.

All gardeners first of all try to get an environmentally friendly product from their plots, therefore folk remedies protection will help in pest control and suit the plants as best as possible and will not cause harm to the human body.

The main thing is to be on time and treat the plants during the initial stage of pest development. Then folk remedies will help. But when there are too many pests, only the use of chemicals plant protection. Therefore, keep an eye on your plants and start processing in a timely manner.

Table - folk remedies against plant pests


Preparation and use


Marigolds (whole plant)

Brew 30 g of dry or 500 g of fresh plants as tea in 10 liters of water. Cool until room temperature, spray and water the plants.

In spring, the solution does not require dilution.

In summer it is necessary to dilute 1x3 with water.

In autumn dilute 1x2

In spring against ants, blackberry mites, caterpillars, nematodes, currant rust.

In summer against the codling moth.

Use against blackberry mites in autumn


Boil 100 g of leaves in 1 liter of water. Leave to infuse for 5 days in a dark place.

Before use, dilute the infusion with water 1x1

Pests that suck sap from plant leaves: aphids, mites and others

Geranium (indoor)

Set up slides with plants for currants, raspberries, honeysuckle

Aphid protection

Mustard (powder)

Dilute 100 g of powder in 10 liters hot water and let it brew for 2 days

Pests that suck sap and chew leaves, aphids, codling moths

Potato tops

Chop 1 kg of green tops or 500 g of dry mass and add 10 liters of hot water.

Leave for 4 hours

Aphids, fruit mites

Nettle (whole plant before seed formation)

Chop a bucket of fresh nettles and fill it to the brim with rainwater. Leave for 12-24 hours, do not allow it to ferment.

Against aphids and as a general tonic

Bulb onions

1 infusion:Pour boiling water from 10 liters of water over 500 g of husk. Leave for 2-3 days, dilute 1x1/2 before spraying and spray the plants 3 times after 5 days.

2nd infusion:Infuse 100 g of chopped onion in 10 liters of water for 24 hours, add 30 g laundry soap. Strain and spray the apple trees during flowering, repeating the procedure every 5 days while the butterflies are flying.

Against aphids, spider mites, gooseberry moth, sawflies, gall midges, leaf rollers.

Suitable against codling moth and honeydew infusion No. 2.

Dandelion (whole plant)

1 infusion:400 g of greens diluted with warm water and leave for 2 hours.

Immediately apply the treatment to the budding buds, again after 7 days.

2nd infusion:Infuse 3 kg of leaves in 3 liters of water for 3 days. Then add 30 g of laundry soap dissolved in water.

If pests remain, re-treat after 10 days

Fruit mites, aphids, copperheads.

In June, spray currant leaves against leaf gall midge

Nightshade (aerial part)

Leave 7 kg in a bucket of water for 6 hours. Then boil over low heat for 3 hours. Store the solution in a dark and cool place for 2-3 months

Young caterpillars and larvae of pests that gnaw leaves

Wormwood (whole plant during flowering)

Boil 1 kg of dried grass in 1 liter of water for 15-20 minutes. Cool and dilute with water, adding 9 liters to our composition. Spray 2 times a week

Leaf-chewing pests, codling moths, moths, sawflies, caterpillars, moths

Tomatoes (tops, stepsons)

Pour 4 kg of fresh leaves and shoots, or 2 kg of dry tops with 10 liters of hot water. Leave for 10 hours, strain. Store the infusion in a sealed container.

Before spraying, dilute with water 1x2

Moths, mites, flea beetles, aphids, codling moths, sawflies, moths, caterpillars, all chewing leaves

Chamomile (leaves and flowers)

Pour 1 kg of crushed flowers and leaves into 10 liters of hot water and leave for 12 hours.

When processing, dilute with water 1x3

Small caterpillars, mites, aphids

Yarrow (early flowering herb)

Pour 800 g of chopped herbs into 10 liters of hot water and leave for 2 days.

Boil the infusion for 40 minutes over low heat.

Cool and strain, spray immediately, cannot be stored for long

Caterpillars, mites, copperheads, thrips, aphids, scale insects


Grind 200 g of garlic through a meat grinder, pour into 10 liters warm water and leave for 24 hours.

Strain and spray the plants

Gooseberry sawfly, aphids, mites, scale insects, thrips.

Helps against late blight and leaf rust damage

Burdock (leaves)

Pour crushed burdock leaves into a bucket 1/3 full, fill with warm water and leave for 3 days.

Treat plants 3 times with an interval of 7 days.

Field sow thistle

Pour 3.5 kg of fresh, finely chopped plants with 10 liters of water, leave for 8 hours.

Spray in three approaches every 5 days.

Powdery mildew

Hot pepper

1 kg of fresh or 500 g of dry crushed peppers is poured with 10 liters of water. Leave for 2 days, boil for 1 hour and leave for another 2 hours.

Strain and put in a dark place.

When processing, dilute 500 ml of infusion in 10 liters of water - spray the plants before flowering.

For treatment after flowering, add a little laundry soap to 100 ml of infusion (at the rate of 40 g per 10 liters of water)

For spraying vegetable and fruit crops against aphids, copperheads, small caterpillars, cabbage cutworms, slugs, moths.

Spray before and after flowering.

Walnuts (dry leaves)

Prepare dry leaves in the fall.

Pour 2-3 kg of dry leaves with 10 liters of water, 3-4 weeks before the appearance of beetles, and leave.

Strain and spray

Against the Colorado potato beetle

Pine extract

1 tbsp. l. dilute in a bucket of water and immediately spray the plants. Repeat in a week. A very effective remedy!

Pests sucking juice from leaves, aphids, mites

Rotten hay

Chop 1/3 of the hay into a bucket and add 10 liters of water, leave for 3 days.

When spraying, dilute with water 1x3

Leaf-chewing pests, moths, beetles, sawflies, caterpillars, moths, moths

Wood ash

Sift 3 kg wood ash, pour a bucket of water, let it brew for 2 days

Plum sawfly, powdery mildew, aphids, mites, pests sucking juice from leaves

Infusions whose recipes do not indicate a shelf life are used on the day of preparation.

To prepare infusions, use a 10-liter bucket. Strain the resulting infusion. Plants are treated in the spring at the buds, then at the beginning of flowering.

As soon as the young leaves at the ends of the branches begin to curl - the main sign of the appearance of aphids, do not miss this moment.

The sooner you notice pests, the better for the plants and for us.

Useful video - How to defeat pests without chemicals?

I wish that there are as few pests as possible in your gardens and vegetable gardens!

Is it time to fight for your crops?

Then make sure that the drugs used to control garden pests are as safe as possible for humans and their pets.

To protect yourself and your family, as well as your pets from harmful influence(the impact of) the drugs you use against harmful insects that spoil the branches of trees in the garden, you will need to evaluate the following areas. Here they are:

  • You need to choose the least dangerous insecticide for humans.
  • Be sure to choose the chemical content of the drugs that will not be harmful to environment and will not harm nature.
  • Try not to use the chosen product frequently in order to avoid the extermination of certain types of insects, which ultimately can have a bad effect on the further development of flora and fauna.
  • If possible, use repellent plants that do the same thing as special ones. chemical substances, but without harm, in a natural way. This occurs due to the release and release of special substances - fintoncides (garlic, white mustard, sage, wormwood, celery, tomatoes, mint, onions, tansy, it all depends on neighboring plants).

Having assessed all the risk factors and chosen the option of using special drugs, you need to familiarize yourself with the direction of their action in order to choose the most suitable one.

What are garden pests?

Among all the pests in the garden, there are five most common in terms of their numbers:

  • Feeding on tree bark. This includes bark beetles and mites, which use plant parts for shelter and pupation.
  • Eaters of young green shoots and foliage (caterpillars, beetles, moths).
  • Fruit pests (insects that like to eat fruit from trees enter by laying larvae).
  • Aphid. It is a consumer of tree sap. It is dangerous because its numbers are always large; in addition, insects choose a place for their next feeding together. If such a horde settles in the bark of trees, it will quickly deplete the entire garden.
  • Caterpillar (silkworm, leaf roller and others). Eats everything, even leaves.
  • Cherry fly. Loves trees such as cherry or sweet cherry.
  • Horticultural nematode. Laying eggs in parts of plants, it multiplies quickly and primarily destroys green shoots. Red spots indicate the presence of a nematode.
  • Weevil beetle. After his visit, the trees in the garden stop developing their shoots and fruits.

There are dozens of species of known garden pests, so when choosing a remedy for them, it is better to opt for universal options that get rid of several species at once.


  • Complex action tablet Spark, which easily dissolves in water (immediately kills sixty species of insects, including aphids and weevils). It enjoys the glory of versatility and “quick action,” that is, a remedy that can resist pests with a lightning-fast effect, although it is usually called “double effect.” Produced with potassium supplement to help the regenerating parts of the plant.
  • Bio-preparation Iskra against ticks and aphids of targeted action. Typically sold with measuring utensils or in a measuring package that allows concentrated contents to be poured out a little at a time. Suitable for both fruit crops and vegetables, it can be used right up to the moment of harvest, even on ovaries or flowers. Capable of paralyzing insect pests harmlessly to humans. The biggest advantage of this drug is that in hot weather it does not emit toxic gases, but on the contrary becomes even more effective.
  • A drug based on imidacloprid. Liquid remedy against vegetable, flower garden pests. It is important that due to absorption after spraying into the upper parts of the leaves and the impossibility of washing off this solution with rain, it spreads evenly throughout the entire area where plants, vegetables, etc. are planted.
  • Aktara. A product that penetrates deeply into the plant, making its juice completely unsuitable for insect pests for twenty days.
  • Fitoverm is another drug based on the same active ingredient (as in the previous case) - aversectin. It is a biological derivative of the result of the vital activity of microorganisms that usually inhabit the soil; can kill aphids.

Biologically active preparations kill insect pests using waste products of microscopic bacterial organisms, and therefore are considered relatively harmless.

Second group of biological drugs

  • Powder for the Colorado potato beetle Golden Spark. It is very convenient to use, since the dosage is written based on a certain number of acres of planted potatoes. Safe to use.
  • Anti-mite, akarin, dedrobacillin, zhukoff are drugs, each of which is designed to destroy a specific type of insect pest. They are used depending on the degree of infection of crops.
  • Freshly slaked lime. The composition is always prepared immediately before starting work with plants, which is why the substance is called freshly slaked. By following the proportions and instructions printed on the packaging, you can easily prepare fresh slaked lime for processing plants. Usually take from one to two kilograms of lime powder (this should only be done with glasses and gloves) per ten liters of water.
  • Karbofos. It has been killing pests for many decades. Time-tested remedy.
  • Commander is a concentrate for the destruction of all garden pests. It is used at the rate of one milliliter per hundred square meters of plantings.
  • Medvetox. It is used against mole crickets by distributing bait that is poisonous to this insect, which it eats, resulting in its rapid death.
  • Lightning. From pests of roses and potatoes. It is not washed off by rain, so it is highly effective in any weather, killing the insect after thirty minutes of action.
  • Ant. A completely ready-to-use remedy for garden ants. Effective when the colony of these insects is large.
  • Regent is a capsule that is actively effective against Colorado potato beetles in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and similar climatic regions.
  • Colloidal sulfur or yellow ground sulfur. Quite natural remedy for processing vegetables, which should be finished no earlier than three to five days before harvest.

By selecting a product from the second group of biological preparations to combat insects that destroy crops, you can collect wonderful harvest without any danger of harming the health of people or pets.

Traditional chemicals

Preparations for controlling pests in the garden and vegetable garden, which any gardener or summer resident can buy, are fungicides.

These include, for example, the well-known copper sulfate, which when dry looks like blue washing powder.

This product will destroy all pathogenic bacteria and small pests for plants and trees.

In addition, copper sulfate will remove mold and fungi, phytoporosis, fruit rot - all factors and diseases that interfere with the development of garden crops. Application: bushes and trees are sprayed with vitriol solution.

Bordeaux mixture is the second most popular preparation for controlling garden pests. It is some kind of derivative of the previous remedy, since it contains copper sulfate. But there is an ingredient that has not yet been considered - lime milk.

A mixture of it and Bordeaux mixture in the right proportions allows you to get rid of rust, which often covers the surface of the leaves with a thin layer fruit trees, and berry bushes, grapes and rose bushes.

Except copper sulfate, iron sulfate, urea, oleocuprite, mustard, colloidal sulfur, and ammonia are also used to kill insects.

Common folk remedies for pest control

Those remedies and advice that offer folk beliefs and the experience of the older generation, may also be as effective as stronger chemical agents.

First of all, it is necessary to proceed from the rule: “insects harmful to gardens and vegetable gardens are attracted to unhealthy plants.”

This means that in order to avoid this unpleasant factor, it is worth strengthening and supporting plants, shrubs, and trees.

Here are some tips:

  • Hilling up bushes up to ten centimeters in height helps wintering perennial shrubs avoid butterflies (caterpillars).
  • Putting leaves and other parts from fresh food into boxes white cabbage will attract moths and butterflies (cabbage whites).
  • Folk remedies are mainly systematic, so they are used several times a season.
  • When making solutions from herbs and rhizomes, you need to allocate separate dishes for this purpose, and unused remains should be buried deeper in the ground.
  • Unlike other drugs, folk remedies are used to spray plants in the afternoon, when there is no longer bright sun.
  • Garlic is used against ticks, gleys and small caterpillars, which is taken in an amount of two hundred grams, crushed using a meat grinder or blender, filled with water (10 liters) and left for 1 day. Afterwards, problem areas in the garden are sprayed.

Folk remedies are varied and are not limited to a few rules. With a detailed study of this subject, you can achieve big harvests in the garden and vegetable garden without the use of chemicals unnatural for plants.

Fighting aphids with folk remedies

Recipes for preparing preparations for treating surfaces against aphids:

  • To safely get rid of insects, an infusion of tomato or potato tops is suitable. After passing half a kilogram of selected leaves through a meat grinder and pouring warm water over them to infuse, all you have to do is wait about three hours - and you can add a little ammonium nitrate(about one teaspoon), the same amount of pepper and crushed or diluted bar soap. After mixing, the solution will be ready for use. It is recommended to do the treatment every five days.
  • You need to take a few regular onions onions, which are most conveniently chopped in a meat grinder and diluted in water at the rate of 10 liters of water per glass of chopped peeled onion. After adding soda ash, apply by sprinkling on plants and trees.
  • Yarrow and wormwood are poured with boiling water or a thick decoction is prepared from them (it needs to be kept on the fire for five to seven minutes, infused for three hours).
  • Tobacco can also help in the fight against aphids and more. It will save you from caterpillars gnawing on leaves and from ticks. Tobacco leaves or dry tobacco trimmings should be taken in the amount of two hundred grams and thrown into boiling water (in a large ten-liter pan) along with the same amount of onion peels. Keep on low heat for two and a half to three hours.

Before spraying, you need to dilute the resulting brew with ten liters of water and mix in a small piece of soap (about 30 g). Most means of combating aphids involve brewing decoctions and spraying these substances, which are unpleasant for the insect, into its habitat.

Folk remedies – 2

What to do if you don't have enough ingredients or need new recipes? Here are some more tips that will come to the aid of a conscientious gardener:

  • If there are no onions, but there are aphids, tobacco (can be replaced with shag or tobacco dust) is poured with water and infused; if necessary, dilute. If there is soap, add it there too.
  • A real complex remedy for aphids is a set of identical parts of herbs and auxiliary components such as horse sorrel, dandelion, marigolds, tobacco, yarrow, potato and tomato tops. An important point is a uniform spraying of a diluted decoction where the insect or its offspring usually accumulates. This is the underside of the leaves, the upper leaves on the branches.
  • If fruits that have begun to ripen are attacked by a codling moth, this problem can be helped by collecting 150-200 grams of tobacco residues (tobacco dust) and pouring that’s all hot water. Spray with a diluted solution.
  • Celandine is useful against aphid attacks. Three bushes cut into small pieces are filled with a whole bucket of ordinary water (cold). After standing for three hours, the product will be ready.
  • To cause disorientation in Colorado beetles, you need to spray a decoction of wormwood infused for one day with the addition of walnut leaves, elecampane rhizomes, poplar leaves, tansy, and horsetail.
  • Saving onion green shoots consists of watering young sprouts that have not yet reached five centimeters with salt.

Preparations for controlling garden and vegetable pests (photo), including folk remedies, are a whole complex of various measures of a chemical or biological nature that are designed to protect crops and trees from insects that harm crops.

Apple scab
Apple scab

If you have treated apple trees for scab, and gooseberries for powdery mildew on young leaves, then spraying must be repeated on young ovaries. It is best to use a drug against diseases and pests for this. "Vectra". It’s better not to use pesticides in your garden, but use biological products, and instead of chemicals, treat plants against diseases with a biological product "Zircon"(4 drops per 1 liter of water).

In the photo there are black currant bushes with small orange spots

Small orange spots may appear on blackcurrant bushes - columnar rust, or larger orange swellings - goblet rust. How to spray plants with diseases in this case? Treat the bushes with a preparation containing copper, for example, HOM. Biological products are also suitable "Fitoverm" or "Fitosporin".

cherry leaves
Gooseberry leaves

If last year the leaves of cherries and gooseberries turned yellow and fell early, then spray them with any of these preparations for the treatment of plant diseases.

Gray rot on strawberries
Gray rot on raspberries

In wet weather, there is a risk of gray rot appearing on strawberries and raspberries. Sprinkle the soil around the bushes with ash. Good drugs for this plant disease are "Fitosporin" And "Zircon".

Pictured is a red gall aphid

On red currants in dry weather, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying with a solution of drinking or soda ash (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) against red gall aphids.

Late blight of tomatoes
Bacteriosis of cucumbers

In the greenhouse at the end of the month, tomatoes should be treated against late blight and cucumbers against bacteriosis. For this purpose, use a drug to protect plants from diseases. "Zircon". If it appears on cucumbers spider mite(massive yellowing of entire leaves), then apply "Fitoferm".

Plants do not set fruit well

If plants in greenhouses do not set fruit well, then once every 10 days spray them with preparations for treating plants against diseases "Ovary" or "Bud".

Peony sprouts
Peony sprouts

As soon as pink sprouts appear on the peonies, immediately spray them protectively against rot with a solution of any preparation for combating plant diseases containing copper (solution Bordeaux mixture, "Fitosporina").

Cover with white spunbond

Also open roses and clematis and do the same spraying. Then cover them again, but without spruce branches, only with boxes. Place white spunbond on top. This shelter can only be removed when the threat of frost has completely passed. Plantings of phlox, perennial asters, delphiniums and bearded irises right on the ground. Later, when the lilies sprout, repeat this procedure. This is especially important for oriental hybrids. In general, they should be sprayed systematically all summer (at least once a month). Zircon to avoid damage by botrytis.

Asters in the photo

Water annual asters with a drug against plant diseases "Fitosporina"– it helps to get rid of the black leg.

Spray the entire garden with one of the biological products to normalize the composition of plant cell sap. The best one is "Silk" ("Novosil"). Also suitable "Epin-extra" or "Healthy Garden". "Healthy garden"(or even better, a preventive protective cocktail: 2 grains each "Healthy garden" And "Ecoberina", 4 drops each "Zircon" And "Uniflora-bud", 8 drops "Fitoverma" per 1 liter of water) in general, all plantings should be treated once a month.

Aphids on bushes
Aphids on trees

In dry weather, green (melon) aphids may appear on bushes and trees. How are plants treated against pests in this case? Systematically spray the plantings, especially the ends of the branches, with an infusion of pine needles or onion peels. Also use an infusion of citrus peels or dissolve 3 tbsp. l. urea in 10 liters of water. There is also a chemical against aphids to protect plants from pests - "Perimore". However, it is better for spraying homeopathic, environmentally friendly "Healthy Garden"(6 grains per 1 liter of water).

But it is impossible to get rid of aphids once and for all. A flying female, flying from afar, immediately lays hundreds of eggs. Within a week, the insect will multiply.

Ladybug larvae

Our most reliable helpers in the fight against this pest are ladybugs and their large black larvae with dots of red or orange color On the sides. They destroy hundreds of aphids and their eggs every day. Many, unfortunately, do not know what larvae look like ladybug and destroy them.

Gall midge in the photo

Another assistant is the predatory gall midge. She likes to live on legumes and spice cultures, therefore, these plants should always be planted on your site; in addition, they cannot be sprayed with pesticides.

Weevil on strawberries
Weevil on raspberries

At the beginning of June, the weevil moves from strawberries to raspberries. How to water the plants against pests in this case? Take advantage chemical preparation "Zipershans" or biological product "Fitoverm"(which is preferable).

At this time, it is no longer possible to spray the garden with concentrated mineral fertilizer or iron sulfate against lichens.

Leave this work until late autumn, but do protective spraying against the first pests that lay eggs in the opening buds, and then in the detached buds.

Spray the garden

Before flowering, you can use karbofos, since it decomposes within a week and will have time to be neutralized by the time it comes out beneficial insects at the moment of flowering of the garden. It’s even better to spray the garden with an infusion of citrus peels or onion peels. It is especially important to process viburnum in a timely manner.

Gooseberry bushes
Black currant bushes

Gooseberry bushes, black currants, affected powdery mildew, and apple trees suffering from scab, spray with a preparation to protect plants from pests "Zircon"(4-6 drops per 1 liter of water).

Make the first spray on young leaves, the second - about 2 weeks after flowering ends on young ovaries. In the fall, you should carry out another spraying with the same preparations after harvesting.

Preparations for treating plants against pests

Make sure that at the time of flowering the ants do not eat the blackcurrant ovaries. If the bushes bloom but don’t produce berries, that’s their job. To protect against ants, place a rag soaked in kerosene under the bushes (but please do not water the soil with kerosene).

Ant larvae

Ants and many other insects do not like this smell. You can drop a drop of any anti-ant gel onto each trunk growing from the ground. A good product for controlling plant pests is a gel "A great warrior". Insects will come running to the bait. Since the ants not only eat themselves, but also carry prey to the anthill, each of them, except themselves, will destroy a lot of their relatives, and most importantly, the queen will die. ( By the way, this drug acts on wasps in exactly the same way.) If there is a scurrying on the ground under the bushes a large number of ants, remove about 2 cm of the top layer of soil, most likely you will find oviposition there. Pollinate it with a preparation against plant pests "Phenaxin" or "Ant"(the preparations are low-toxic for other insects and warm-blooded inhabitants of the garden). Ants and eggs will die under the influence of the drug.

Bud mite on black currants

Check for bud mites on black currants - the pests are found in large, round, swollen buds that are very different from other buds and are clearly visible. Diseased kidneys should be picked and burned, and not thrown away anywhere or composted. When the black currant blooms, look to see if any bush has irregular flowers with narrow fused petals of a dirty pink color. This indicates a very dangerous and contagious disease - terry. Immediately uproot and burn such a bush, even if you find flowers on just one branch.

Red Ribes
Red gall aphid

Red currants are often attacked by red gall aphids, which penetrate inside the leaf, eating away the pulp. Its feces cause poisoning, which manifests itself in red swellings on the leaves (galls). How to spray plants against pests in this case? Early spraying on young leaves will help. "Fitoverm" or "Akarin", which is absorbed by the leaves and functions in the cell sap for 3 weeks, protecting the plant from any sucking or gnawing pests.

Important! After treating plants with pest control drugs, there should be no rain for 3-4 hours so that it does not wash away the drug. In addition, spraying should not be done in sunny weather, because the drug will evaporate faster than it will be absorbed by the leaves.

In the photo there is an aphid inside a leaf

Any external treatment is practically useless, since the aphids are located inside the leaf. To prevent it from getting into the leaves, spray soda in dry weather, but always on the underside of the leaf, as well as on the buds that are swollen at the very beginning of spring (3 tablespoons of drinking or soda ash per 10 liters of water). The fact is that the aphid penetrates the leaf from the underside, and the soda will burn its delicate cover and it will die. This pest lays its eggs at the very tip of the branches at the end of the season.

To destroy them, in late autumn, after the leaves have fallen, treat the ends of the branches with boiling water or spray them with concentrated mineral fertilizer/saline solution. Be sure to mow the grass around the area, preventing it from sprouting, especially sedge, which is a breeding ground for rust.

Pictured is the Colorado potato beetle
The photo shows the larvae of Colorado beetles

If you find bright salmon-colored larvae or yellow-black striped Colorado potato beetles on potatoes, then treat the potato bushes with the preparation "Sonnet"(over large areas - "Aktara"). Spraying is carried out once a season before flowering.

Phlox in the photo
Irises in the photo

Feed peonies, phlox, irises, and asters with ash, sprinkling it on the moist soil around the plant and lightly loosening it.

In the photo there are strawberries

If the strawberry bushes have become “boring” or aphids have appeared in the middle of the bushes, then pour a hot solution (60-65 °C) of potassium permanganate over the strawberries hot pink color.

Red beetle on a lily bud
Red beetle on a lily flower

The drug "Sonnet" or "Aktara" You can spray lilies if you find a red beetle on them that eats leaves (semicircular cutouts appear on them along the edges), buds and flowers.