Products for controlling pests and diseases of the garden. New drugs for controlling garden and garden pests

It takes a lot of effort from gardeners, sometimes without bringing the desired result. Today we’ll talk about time-tested folk remedies against pests that will really give results and benefits to garden crops.

All gardeners first of all try to get an environmentally friendly product from their plots, therefore folk remedies protection will help in pest control and suit the plants as best as possible and will not cause harm to the human body.

The main thing is to be on time and treat the plants during the initial stage of pest development. Then folk remedies will help. But when there are too many pests, only the use of chemical plant protection products can help. Therefore, keep an eye on your plants and start processing in a timely manner.

Table - folk remedies against plant pests


Preparation and use


Marigolds (whole plant)

Brew 30 g of dry or 500 g of fresh plants as tea in 10 liters of water. Cool until room temperature, spray and water the plants.

In spring, the solution does not require dilution.

In summer it is necessary to dilute 1x3 with water.

In autumn dilute 1x2

In spring against ants, blackberry mites, caterpillars, nematodes, currant rust.

In summer against the codling moth.

Use against blackberry mite in autumn


Boil 100 g of leaves in 1 liter of water. Leave to infuse for 5 days in a dark place.

Before use, dilute the infusion with water 1x1

Pests that suck sap from plant leaves: aphids, mites and others

Geranium (indoor)

Set up slides with plants for currants, raspberries, honeysuckle

Aphid protection

Mustard (powder)

Dilute 100 g of powder in 10 liters hot water and let it brew for 2 days

Pests that suck sap and chew leaves, aphids, codling moths

Potato tops

Chop 1 kg of green tops or 500 g of dry mass and add 10 liters of hot water.

Leave for 4 hours

Aphids, fruit mites

Nettle (whole plant before seed formation)

Chop a bucket of fresh nettles and fill it to the brim with rainwater. Leave for 12-24 hours, do not allow it to ferment.

Against aphids and as a general tonic

Bulb onions

1 infusion:Pour boiling water from 10 liters of water over 500 g of husk. Leave for 2-3 days, dilute 1x1/2 before spraying and spray the plants 3 times after 5 days.

2nd infusion:Infuse 100 g of chopped onion in 10 liters of water for 24 hours, add 30 g laundry soap. Strain and spray the apple trees during flowering, repeating the procedure every 5 days while the butterflies are flying.

Against aphids spider mite, gooseberry moth, sawfly, gall midge, leaf roller.

Suitable against codling moth and honeydew infusion No. 2.

Dandelion (whole plant)

1 infusion:400 g of greens diluted with warm water and leave for 2 hours.

Immediately apply the treatment to the budding buds, again after 7 days.

2nd infusion:Infuse 3 kg of leaves in 3 liters of water for 3 days. Then add 30 g of laundry soap dissolved in water.

If pests remain, re-treat after 10 days

Fruit mites, aphids, copperheads.

In June, spray currant leaves against leaf gall midge

Nightshade (aerial part)

Leave 7 kg in a bucket of water for 6 hours. Then boil over low heat for 3 hours. Store the solution in a dark and cool place for 2-3 months

Young caterpillars and larvae of pests that gnaw leaves

Wormwood (whole plant during flowering)

Boil 1 kg of dried grass in 1 liter of water for 15-20 minutes. Cool and dilute with water, adding 9 liters to our composition. Spray 2 times a week

Leaf-chewing pests, codling moths, moths, sawflies, caterpillars, moths

Tomatoes (tops, stepsons)

Pour 4 kg of fresh leaves and shoots, or 2 kg of dry tops with 10 liters of hot water. Leave for 10 hours, strain. Store the infusion in a sealed container.

Before spraying, dilute with water 1x2

Moths, mites, flea beetles, aphids, codling moths, sawflies, moths, caterpillars, all chewing leaves

Chamomile (leaves and flowers)

Pour 1 kg of crushed flowers and leaves into 10 liters of hot water and leave for 12 hours.

When processing, dilute with water 1x3

Small caterpillars, mites, aphids

Yarrow (early flowering herb)

Pour 800 g of chopped herbs into 10 liters of hot water and leave for 2 days.

Boil the infusion for 40 minutes over low heat.

Cool and strain, spray immediately, cannot be stored for long

Caterpillars, mites, copperheads, thrips, aphids, scale insects


Grind 200 g of garlic through a meat grinder, pour into 10 liters warm water and leave for 24 hours.

Strain and spray the plants

Gooseberry sawfly, aphids, mites, scale insects, thrips.

Helps against late blight and leaf rust damage

Burdock (leaves)

Pour crushed burdock leaves into a bucket 1/3 full, fill with warm water and leave for 3 days.

Treat plants 3 times with an interval of 7 days.

Field sow thistle

Pour 3.5 kg of fresh, finely chopped plants with 10 liters of water and leave for 8 hours.

Spray in three approaches every 5 days.

Powdery mildew

Hot pepper

1 kg of fresh or 500 g of dry crushed peppers is poured with 10 liters of water. Leave for 2 days, boil for 1 hour and leave for another 2 hours.

Strain and put in a dark place.

When processing, dilute 500 ml of infusion in 10 liters of water - spray the plants before flowering.

For treatment after flowering, add a little laundry soap to 100 ml of infusion (at the rate of 40 g per 10 liters of water)

For spraying vegetable and fruit crops against aphids, copperheads, small caterpillars, cabbage cutworms, slugs, moths.

Spray before and after flowering.

Walnuts (dry leaves)

Prepare dry leaves in the fall.

Pour 2-3 kg of dry leaves with 10 liters of water, 3-4 weeks before the appearance of beetles, and leave.

Strain and spray

Against the Colorado potato beetle

Pine extract

1 tbsp. l. dilute in a bucket of water and immediately spray the plants. Repeat after a week. A very effective remedy!

Pests sucking juice from leaves, aphids, mites

Rotten hay

Chop 1/3 of the hay into a bucket and add 10 liters of water, leave for 3 days.

When spraying, dilute with water 1x3

Leaf-chewing pests, moths, beetles, sawflies, caterpillars, moths, moths

Wood ash

Sift 3 kg wood ash, pour a bucket of water, let it brew for 2 days

Plum sawfly, powdery mildew, aphids, mites, pests sucking juice from leaves

Infusions whose recipes do not indicate a shelf life are used on the day of preparation.

To prepare infusions, use a 10-liter bucket. Strain the resulting infusion. Plants are treated in the spring at the buds, then at the beginning of flowering.

As soon as the young leaves at the ends of the branches begin to curl - the main sign of the appearance of aphids, do not miss this moment.

The sooner you notice pests, the better for the plants and for us.

Useful video - How to defeat pests without chemicals?

I wish that there are as few pests as possible in your gardens and vegetable gardens!

Is it time to fight for your crops?

Then make sure that the drugs used to control garden pests are as safe as possible for humans and their pets.

To protect yourself and your family, as well as your pets from harmful influence(the impact of) the drugs you use against harmful insects that spoil the branches of trees in the garden, you will need to evaluate the following areas. Here they are:

  • You need to choose the least dangerous insecticide for humans.
  • Be sure to choose the chemical content of the drugs that will not be harmful to the environment and will not harm nature.
  • Try not to use the chosen product frequently in order to avoid the extermination of certain types of insects, which ultimately can have a bad effect on the further development of flora and fauna.
  • If possible, use repellent plants that do the same thing as special ones. chemical substances, but without harm, in a natural way. This occurs due to the release and release of special substances - fintoncides (garlic, white mustard, sage, wormwood, celery, tomatoes, mint, onions, tansy, it all depends on neighboring plants).

Having assessed all the risk factors and chosen the option of using special drugs, you need to familiarize yourself with the direction of their action in order to choose the most suitable one.

What are garden pests?

Among all the pests in the garden, there are five most common in terms of their numbers:

  • Feeding on tree bark. This includes bark beetles and mites, which use plant parts for shelter and pupation.
  • Eaters of young green shoots and foliage (caterpillars, beetles, moths).
  • Fruit pests (insects that like to eat fruit from trees enter by laying larvae).
  • Aphid. Is a consumer of tree sap. It is dangerous because its numbers are always large; in addition, insects choose a place for their next feeding together. If such a horde settles in the bark of trees, it will quickly deplete the entire garden.
  • Caterpillar (silkworm, leaf roller and others). Eats everything, even leaves.
  • Cherry fly. Loves trees such as cherry or sweet cherry.
  • Horticultural nematode. Laying eggs in parts of plants, it multiplies quickly and primarily destroys green shoots. Red spots indicate the presence of a nematode.
  • Weevil beetle. After his visit, the trees in the garden stop developing their shoots and fruits.

There are dozens of species of known garden pests, so when choosing a remedy for them, it is better to opt for universal options that get rid of several species at once.


  • Complex action tablet Spark, which easily dissolves in water (immediately kills sixty species of insects, including aphids and weevils). It enjoys the glory of versatility and “quick action,” that is, a remedy that can resist pests with a lightning-fast effect, although it is usually called “double effect.” Produced with potassium supplement to help the regenerating parts of the plant.
  • Bio-preparation Iskra against ticks and aphids of targeted action. Typically sold with measuring utensils or in a measuring package that allows concentrated contents to be poured out a little at a time. Suitable for both fruit crops and vegetables, it can be used right up to the moment of harvest, even on ovaries or flowers. Capable of paralyzing insect pests harmlessly to humans. The biggest advantage of this drug is that in hot weather it does not emit toxic gases, but on the contrary becomes even more effective.
  • A drug based on imidacloprid. Liquid remedy against vegetable, flower garden pests. It is important that due to absorption after spraying into the upper parts of the leaves and the impossibility of washing off this solution with rain, it spreads evenly throughout the entire area where plants, vegetables, etc. are planted.
  • Aktara. A product that penetrates deeply into the plant, making its juice completely unsuitable for insect pests for twenty days.
  • Fitoverm is another drug based on the same active ingredient (as in the previous case) - aversectin. It is a biological derivative of the result of the vital activity of microorganisms that usually inhabit the soil; can kill aphids.

Biologically active preparations kill insect pests using waste products of microscopic bacterial organisms, and therefore are considered relatively harmless.

Second group of biological drugs

  • Powder for the Colorado potato beetle Golden Spark. It is very convenient to use, since the dosage is written based on a certain number of acres of planted potatoes. Safe to use.
  • Anti-mite, akarin, dedrobacillin, zhukoff are drugs, each of which is designed to destroy a specific type of insect pest. They are used depending on the degree of crop infection.
  • Freshly slaked lime. The composition is always prepared immediately before starting work with plants, which is why the substance is called freshly slaked. By following the proportions and instructions printed on the packaging, you can easily prepare fresh slaked lime for treating plants. Usually take from one to two kilograms of lime powder (this should only be done with glasses and gloves) per ten liters of water.
  • Karbofos. It has been killing pests for many decades. Time-tested remedy.
  • Commander is a concentrate for the destruction of all garden pests. It is used at the rate of one milliliter per hundred square meters of plantings.
  • Medvetox. It is used against mole crickets by distributing bait that is poisonous to this insect, which it eats, resulting in its rapid death.
  • Lightning. From pests of roses and potatoes. It is not washed off by rain, so it is highly effective in any weather, killing the insect after thirty minutes of action.
  • Ant. A completely ready-to-use remedy for garden ants. Effective when the colony of these insects is large.
  • Regent is a capsule that is actively effective against Colorado potato beetles in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and similar climatic regions.
  • Colloidal sulfur or yellow ground sulfur. A completely natural remedy for processing vegetables, which should be stopped no earlier than three to five days before harvest.

By selecting a product from the second group of biological preparations to combat insects that destroy crops, you can collect wonderful harvest without any danger of harming the health of people or pets.

Traditional chemicals

Preparations for controlling pests in the garden and vegetable garden, which any gardener or summer resident can buy, are fungicides.

These include, for example, the well-known copper sulfate, which when dry looks like blue washing powder.

This product will destroy all pathogenic bacteria and small pests for plants and trees.

In addition, copper sulfate will remove mold and fungi, phytoporosis, fruit rot - all factors and diseases that interfere with the development of garden crops. Application: bushes and trees are sprayed with vitriol solution.

Bordeaux mixture is the second most popular preparation for controlling garden pests. It is some kind of derivative of the previous remedy, since it contains copper sulfate. But there is an ingredient that has not yet been considered - lime milk.

A mixture of it and Bordeaux mixture in the right proportions allows you to get rid of rust, which often covers the surface of the leaves with a thin layer fruit trees, and berry bushes, grapes and rose bushes.

In addition to copper sulfate, iron sulfate, urea, oleocuprite, mustard, colloidal sulfur, and ammonia are also used to kill insects.

Common folk remedies for pest control

Those remedies and advice that offer folk beliefs and the experience of the older generation, may also be as effective as stronger chemical agents.

First of all, it is necessary to proceed from the rule: “insects harmful to gardens and vegetable gardens are attracted to unhealthy plants.”

This means that in order to avoid this unpleasant factor, it is worth strengthening and supporting plants, shrubs, and trees.

Here are some tips:

  • Hilling up bushes up to ten centimeters in height helps wintering perennial shrubs avoid butterflies (caterpillars).
  • Putting leaves and other parts from fresh food into boxes white cabbage will attract moths and butterflies (cabbage whites).
  • Folk remedies are mainly systematic, so they are used several times a season.
  • When making solutions from herbs and rhizomes, you need to allocate separate dishes for this purpose, and unused remains should be buried deeper in the ground.
  • Unlike other drugs, folk remedies are used to spray plants in the afternoon, when there is no longer bright sun.
  • Garlic is used against ticks, gleys and small caterpillars, which is taken in an amount of two hundred grams, crushed using a meat grinder or blender, filled with water (10 liters) and left for 1 day. Afterwards, problem areas in the garden are sprayed.

Folk remedies are varied and are not limited to a few rules. With a detailed study of this subject, you can achieve big harvests in the garden and vegetable garden without the use of chemicals unnatural for plants.

Fighting aphids with folk remedies

Recipes for preparing preparations for treating surfaces against aphids:

  • To safely get rid of insects, an infusion of tomato or potato tops is suitable. After passing half a kilogram of selected leaves through a meat grinder and pouring warm water over them to infuse, all you have to do is wait about three hours - and you can add a little ammonium nitrate(about one teaspoon), the same amount of pepper and crushed or diluted bar soap. After mixing, the solution will be ready for use. It is recommended to do the treatment every five days.
  • You need to take a few regular onions onions, which are most conveniently chopped in a meat grinder and diluted in water at the rate of 10 liters of water per glass of chopped peeled onion. After adding soda ash, apply by sprinkling on plants and trees.
  • Yarrow and wormwood are poured with boiling water or a thick decoction is prepared from them (it needs to be kept on the fire for five to seven minutes, infused for three hours).
  • Tobacco can also help in the fight against aphids and more. It will save you from caterpillars gnawing on leaves and from ticks. Tobacco leaves or dry tobacco trimmings should be taken in the amount of two hundred grams and thrown into boiling water (in a large ten-liter pan) along with the same amount of onion peels. Keep on low heat for two and a half to three hours.

Before spraying, you need to dilute the resulting brew with ten liters of water and mix in a small piece of soap (about 30 g). Most means of combating aphids involve brewing decoctions and spraying these substances, which are unpleasant for the insect, into its habitat.

Folk remedies – 2

What to do if you don't have enough ingredients or need new recipes? Here are some more tips that will come to the aid of a conscientious gardener:

  • If there are no onions, but there are aphids, tobacco (can be replaced with shag or tobacco dust) is poured with water and infused; if necessary, dilute. If there is soap, add it there too.
  • A real complex remedy for aphids is a set of identical parts of herbs and auxiliary components such as horse sorrel, dandelion, marigolds, tobacco, yarrow, potato and tomato tops. An important point is a uniform spraying of a diluted decoction where the insect or its offspring usually accumulates. This is the underside of the leaves, the upper leaves on the branches.
  • If fruits that have begun to ripen are attacked by a codling moth, this problem can be helped by collecting 150-200 grams of tobacco residues (tobacco dust) and pouring that’s all hot water. Spray with a diluted solution.
  • Celandine is useful against aphid attacks. Three bushes cut into small pieces are filled with a whole bucket of ordinary water (cold). After standing for three hours, the product will be ready.
  • To cause disorientation in Colorado beetles, you need to spray a decoction of wormwood infused for one day with the addition of walnut leaves, elecampane rhizomes, poplar leaves, tansy, and horsetail.
  • Saving onion green shoots consists of watering young sprouts that have not yet reached five centimeters with salt.

Preparations for controlling garden and vegetable pests (photo), including folk remedies, are a whole complex of various measures of a chemical or biological nature that are designed to protect crops and trees from insects that harm crops.

Anti-aphid preparations are means of protecting against pests., which are used when they appear en masse on plants.

They must be used only in a special suit and mask, to prevent substance vapors from entering the body.

Otherwise, aphid control drugs may cause poisoning, skin rashes and other negative consequences.

When using chemicals to control aphids, you need to carefully read the instructions for their use, because with an increase in the permissible dose, they can provoke the death of beneficial insects.

Processed vegetables and trees chemicals , begin to act almost immediately, causing the inevitable death of the aphids. In order not to cause pests to become addicted to one type of drug and to increase its effectiveness, it is necessary to alternate it with other means with similar protective effects.

Plants are allowed to be treated with them only before flowering or after flowering (before the fruit appears). Harmful substances are removed from environment after 3-5 weeks. Until this time, eating fruits from sprayed plants is strictly prohibited.

Wide The following aphid control agents are used in the fight against aphids:, like Iskra, Intavir, Tanrek against aphids and whiteflies, Aktara against aphids, Karbofos, Komandor, Aktofit against aphids and many others.

Biological drugs

This type of drug acts much more slowly than chemical agents. Aphids eating such a sprayed plant, dies only after 10-12 days. At the same time, biological products cannot cause any harm to bees and fish.

These aphid repellents are much safer than chemicals. They can be used during the period when mature plants already have fruits. They can be used for food after 5 days.

Effective means

In addition to chemical and biological drugs, quite effective and harmless to human body and plants are with aphids, invented by the people.

It can be prepared in a special way solutions using chamomile, dandelion, celandine, tobacco, citrus peels, tomato tops and many other plants.

Also we should not forget about birds, hedgehogs, lizards, ladybugs and other insects that help in the fight against aphids. That is why, if this pest is present on your plot of land, do not drive away warm-blooded helpers from the garden, who not only will not harm you, but also will clean all your seedlings and seedlings.

The best means

The most effective in the fight against aphids are, of course, considered chemicals. However, in those cases when people don't want to use chemicals against aphids, you can plant your garden correctly and some types of plants themselves will repel aphids, thereby using control.

Here we are talking about onion, garlic, chamomile, calendula, lavender and thyme. The aromas emitted by these plants repel insects and do not allow it to reproduce on cultivated plants.


Insecticides against aphids are preparations that have chemical composition. They are excellent at fighting aphids, their eggs and larvae.

Depending on the effect of such drugs on the insect body, they are divided into several groups:

  • contact– act on the entire body of the pest;
  • intestinal– getting into the intestines of an insect, they cause poisoning;
  • systemic– cause the inevitable death of aphids when they enter the body;
  • fumigants– enter through the respiratory tract and cause poisoning of pests.

Today we will look at the most effective and best drugs that will help get rid of aphids. In addition, read the material “The best folk remedies for combating aphids and “.


This remedy for aphids belongs to biological preparations. Poison from aphids, affects a large number of pests. Can be used to treat cultivated plants in the garden and in the greenhouse. It is also not prohibited for spraying indoor plants.

This product is especially dangerous for bees and fish.

May cause poisoning in humans, if treated vegetables or fruits are eaten immediately after spraying, without waiting for the drug to be completely removed from them.


Trichopolum against aphids is a tablet used in medical practice for the treatment various diseases caused by protozoan bacteria. Also subject to correct proportion can protect cucumbers and tomatoes from aphids.

  • What is it produced in? Produced in tablet form. One cardboard box There are 2 blisters, each of which contains 10 Trichopolum tablets.
  • Chemical composition. 1 tablet contains 250 g of metronidazole. Additional components include starch syrup, potato starch, gelatin, magnesium stearate.
  • Mode of action of the drug. It has a detrimental effect on the body of aphids, causing paralysis and problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Duration of action. The action ends before the first rain. After the rain stops, the spraying procedure can be repeated.
  • Compatibility. Can be combined with any drugs that, after mixing with Trichopolum, will not precipitate.
  • When to use? Apply at the first sign of aphids on vegetables. You can repeat the procedure at least every day (if after the first spraying it started to rain and the drug did not have time to act).
  • How to prepare the solution? 20 tablets of this medicine completely dissolve in 10 liters of water and spray the plants with it. It is not prohibited to carry out treatment during flowering, because the drug does not pose any harm to bees and fish.
  • Mode of application. Ready solution seedlings are carefully processed. At the same time, the work can be done without special protective equipment, because it does not cause harm to the body.
  • Toxicity. The drug is absolutely harmless to humans because it is used in medical practice to treat various diseases.


An excellent means of protecting plants from aphids and other insects. It has a biological origin. Capable of destroying pests just like in the garden, and in greenhouses.

  • What is it produced in? Produced in bottles of 200 ml and 40 ml, as well as plastic canisters with a volume of 900 ml and 4.8 liters. In addition, this drug can be purchased in soft bags of 40 ml.
  • Chemical composition. The main component is aversectin C – 0.2% (natural neurotoxin)
  • Mode of action of the drug. An effective remedy, which, after contact with the body of an insect or directly into its body, causes paralysis (8 hours after eating the sprayed plant) and leads to the inevitable death of the pest (after 2-3 days).
  • Duration of action
  • Compatibility. You can combine Actofit with fertilizers, growth regulators, fungicides, organophosphorus preparations and pyrethroids.

    It is prohibited to use the analyzed product with drugs that have an alkaline reaction.

    To verify the compatibility of Actofit with other products, you need to conduct a test. If sediment appears, they cannot be combined.

  • When to use? The greatest effect from using this product will be if the process of processing agricultural crops and fruit trees is carried out in sunny weather, without wind. The air temperature should be above 20 degrees.

    It should not be used during flowering, because Actofit has a detrimental effect on bees. In addition, at temperatures below 18 degrees, the effect of the drug is significantly reduced.

    The positive property of this product is that it is not addictive to pests, so it can be used annually.

  • How to prepare the solution? Add 8 ml of the drug to clean water (1 l) and mix these two components thoroughly with each other.
  • Mode of application. The resulting solution is poured into a sprayer and agricultural crops are treated with it. The working fluid cannot be stored. After the last spraying, at least two days must pass before harvesting. To completely destroy aphids, you need to use Actofit against them 2 times during one season (preferably with an interval of two weeks).
  • Toxicity. It belongs to the 3rd toxicity class, so it does not pose any harm to humans. However, it is necessary to process plants only with rubber gloves and a respirator, so as not to provoke the occurrence of poisoning of the body.
  • Dangerous for bees, but at the same time does not pollute the environment and quickly dissolves in water.


    Jaguar medicine for aphids able to fight weeds and aphids, common on cereal crops.

    • What is it produced in? You can purchase the drug in a plastic canister, the size of which is 5 liters.
    • Chemical composition. The main component is fenoxaprop -P - ethyl (its amount in 1 liter of the drug is 69 grams) as well as the antidote cloquintoset-mexil (its volume in 1 liter of the drug is 34.5 grams).
    • Mode of action of the drug. Almost immediately (1-3 hours) after Jaguar treats the crops, the drug begins to be absorbed into all its shoots and roots. Thus, the product has a detrimental effect on aphids.
    • Duration of action. Protective properties remain for 3-4 weeks.
    • Compatibility. Jaguar is compatible with many drugs, however, to avoid unexpected reactions, you must first conduct a compatibility test. When sediment appears, combining plant protection products with each other is prohibited.
    • When to use? The processing process is carried out at a temperature that should not exceed 25 degrees. There should be very little wind or no wind at all. It is better to spray at least 3 hours before rain.
    • If the temperature is below 12 degrees, the effectiveness of the product will be significantly reduced.

    • How to prepare the solution? Less than half of the entire water capacity is poured into the sprayer tank. According to the instructions, pour in the required amount of the drug and mix everything thoroughly. Then add water until the sprayer is completely filled. The consumption rate is 150 liters per 1 ha.
    • Mode of application. Use the prepared solution immediately, without leaving it for another day. Using a sprayer, plants are thoroughly treated.
    • Toxicity. Belongs to toxicity class 3. When processing plants, you need to wear a special protective suit, gloves and a respirator.

    It is forbidden to use this product near bodies of water, because Jaguar has a detrimental effect on fish.

    Does not pose a danger to bees.


    Aphid repellent Fufanon, a drug that works well against aphids and other insects, adversely affecting cultivated plants. Belongs to organophosphorus agents.

    • What is it produced in? Fufanon is a concentrated transparent emulsion. It is produced in transparent glass ampoules of 5 ml and small bottles of 10 ml.
    • Chemical composition. The main component is malathion. Its amount in 1 liter of product is 570 grams.
    • Mode of action of the drug. Once on cultivated plants, the substance is quickly absorbed into the stems, shoots and roots. After just 2 hours it causes paralysis and difficulty breathing in pests. Within 24 hours leads to their death.
    • Duration of action. It does not lose its protective functions for 4-7 days.
    • Compatibility. It is strictly prohibited to combine with other pest control products.
    • When to use? Processing of vegetables, flowers, fruit trees and cereals is carried out in cloudy weather, without wind. It is better to do this work in the morning or evening.
    • It is strictly forbidden to use during flowering, because the drug is highly toxic to bees.

    • How to prepare the solution? Pour one 5 ml ampoule of the drug into clean water (its quantity should be 5 liters). The consumption rate is 1 liter of prepared solution per 10 m2.
    • Mode of application. The prepared working liquid is poured into a sprayer and the plants are treated with it at the moment when aphids appear on them. Apply such an amount of solution to the plants so that it does not drip onto the ground. Eating processed vegetables immediately after spraying them with Fufanon can lead to poisoning.
    • Toxicity. It has a toxicity class of 3, so it cannot cause any harm to humans. The treatment process must be carried out wearing a respirator or gauze bandage, as well as rubber gloves. The duration of spraying should not exceed 3 hours.

    The drug is completely eliminated from vegetables and fruits within 20 days.

    Poses an increased danger to fish and bees. The substance must not be allowed to enter rivers or other bodies of water.


    The drug arrow for aphids is intended for the destruction of aphids and other harmful insects. Belongs to biological drugs. Suitable for processing plants both in the garden and in greenhouse conditions. Getting rid of aphids on tomatoes also provides additional feeding.

    • What is it produced in? Available in small bags of 50 g each.
    • Chemical composition. The main component of this drug is bitoxibacillin.
    • Mode of action of the drug. It is quickly absorbed into the leaves of plants, reaching all shoots and roots. Destroys insects within 2 days after treatment.
    • Duration of action. It does not lose its protective functions for 2-3 weeks.
    • Compatibility. Can be combined with various drugs. If after a compatibility test a sediment appears in the water, these components cannot be combined with each other.
    • When to use? Used when aphids first appear on plants. Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening in warm weather in the complete absence of wind.
    • How to prepare the solution? The contents of one package (50 g) are poured into water (10 l) and mixed thoroughly.
    • Mode of application. The prepared liquid is poured into a sprayer and the leaves of tomatoes, cucumbers and other cultivated plants are treated with it.
    • Toxicity. Belongs to toxicity class 3. The process of treating plants with this preparation should be carried out using rubber gloves and safety glasses. As the product is an environmentally friendly substance, it does not pose any danger to bees and fish.


    Using chemicals to combat aphids, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations of the instructions compiled for each product.

    Otherwise it may have a detrimental effect on human health and the entire environment.

    Useful video!

Garden plantings are attacked from all sides - if you do not have time to exterminate insects and disease-causing pathogens, the harvest may be completely lost. Ruddy apples and juicy cherries are guarded by drugs designed specifically for protection against garden pests and plant diseases. Detailed instructions and every gardener should know the processing calendar. Study the recommendations and put them into practice within the specified time frame.

To grow a rich harvest of fruit crops, an indispensable condition remains a system of protecting the garden from pests and diseases using agrochemical and agrotechnical methods. And this should be a system, and not random processing from time to time. To do this, you should draw up an annual work plan for garden plantings and strictly follow it.

All plants have certain stages of development. Insects also go through cycles of transformation. At certain periods of life, both are especially vulnerable. Taking this fact into account, a work plan is drawn up in order to maximize the impact on those phases of insects in which they are more sensitive to spraying with drugs.

Garden protection using agrochemical methods

Various methods are used to process fruit plants:

  • agrotechnical;
  • agrochemical;
  • biological;
  • mechanical.

Stages of insect development

To preserve the health of humans and birds, preference is given to biological methods. But there are situations when chemical treatment is necessary and even mandatory for comprehensive garden protection from pests and diseases to work flawlessly.

It is preferable not to neglect the garden and not allow pathogens and insects to take up residence in your trees. For these purposes, preventive measures are carried out for tree and shrub crops against pests and diseases by any possible means. If a set of preventive measures is carried out on time, then subsequent treatments are reduced to a minimum - regular preventive work.

To protect the garden from pests, they begin spraying trees and shrubs in the fall immediately after harvesting the fruits. At this time, it is important to massively exterminate egg-laying insects, the nests in which they hibernate, get rid of intermediate hosts - weeds, and growths of lichens and mosses - breeding grounds for fungal diseases.

Beautiful healthy garden

Treating the garden in the spring against pests and diseases is of utmost importance; it begins long before the buds swell. This includes a whole range of work leading to the destruction of overwintered individuals, the prevention of diseases and the impossibility of relocating pests from other places to your plantings.

Pest and disease control

The fight against hordes of insects and diseases begins with planting healthy seedlings purchased from a nursery, where all planting material is properly processed. Planting zoned varieties that are bred specifically for the corresponding region can reduce damage by insects and pathogens.

Next in importance are preventive measures. They are followed by regular spraying with pesticides, biological products and mixtures of various substances to disinfect garden plantings.

Drugs and their use

Preparations for garden treatment

Begin processing garden plot in the fall, after harvesting fruits and ending leaf fall. The most common drugs remain urea, Bordeaux mixture, iron and copper sulfate.

  1. Another multifunctional preparation for treating garden plantings is iron sulfate. It is used for scab and cytosporosis. Timely treatment of the garden against pests and diseases with iron sulfate pursues two goals at once - the destruction of pathogens and the supply of additional iron to the plant.
  2. A solution of copper sulfate is used as an active fungicide. Spray the plants thoroughly powdery mildew, spotting, moniliosis, scab and a number of other fungal diseases. Proper garden treatment copper sulfate can triple the yield of fruit crops.

Preparations of copper and iron sulfate are irreplaceable

Biological products for the garden plot

Many gardeners spray their nurseries with a huge amount of pesticides, often forgetting about a sense of proportion and own health. Among the wide variety of pesticides on store shelves, there are those that are not dangerous to human health. These are biological products for the garden, which are divided into two groups:

  • agents that kill pathogens or insects;
  • drugs that act on a plant in such a way that it increases immunity and ability to resist disease or insects.

Biological products for plants

Weakened plants suffer most from diseases and insect attacks. On trade shelves there is a wide variety of biological products for horticultural crops. Some of them are discussed below.

"Healthy Garden" Plants become less susceptible to scab and powdery mildew pathogens. The product protects against damage by codling moths, sawflies, and aphids. Increases drought resistance of plants. Reduces nitrate content in fruits. It is produced in the form of granules containing, in addition to the active substance, potassium, magnesium, and sodium. To prepare the solution, two granules are dissolved per liter of water. The trees are sprayed three times a season.

"Mikosan." Actively improves plant immunity. The drug, obtained from an extract of the tinder fungus, contains substances that, moving through the vessels of the plant, affect the cell walls of most pathogenic fungi. In this case, the cell walls become permeable and die.

However, the drug does not have any effect on the beneficial microflora and increases resistance, which contributes to the rapid growth of green parts. The product is available in the form of a preparation for treatment planting material(“Mikosan-N”) and for spraying mature plantings (“Mikosan V”). Instructions are included in the package.


"Ecoberine." It is used when spraying trees to increase immunity, drought resistance, and increase resistance to diseases and pests. The substance cleanses crops of poisons, heavy metal salts, and rejuvenates plants. Improves the taste of fruits.

Fungicides and their effectiveness

In modern protection systems garden plants against pests and diseases, they certainly include fungicides, without which full chemical protection is impossible.

The incredible increase in the incidence of scab, coccomycosis, fusarium, sulfur and other types of rot, all kinds of leaf spots, fruit moniliosis, leads to significant crop losses.

Developed against fungi various drugs. Fungicides are divided into systemic and contact. Systemic ones penetrate the internal tissues of the plant and act from the inside. Contact remains on the surface of leaves, branches and trunk. They act on pathogens only through direct contact.

Treating the garden with fungicides

Contact fungicides - polycarbacin, zineb, copper oxychloride, mancozeb cannot cure a diseased plant, but they perfectly protect healthy specimens from pathogens. To do this, just spray the garden thoroughly. Moreover, the foliage is treated from below and from above, since many fungi begin to germinate precisely from the bottom of the leaf.

The disadvantage of such reagents is that the first heavy rain washes away the active substance and the treatment has to be repeated.

Systemic fungicides for plants from the outside and inside. They treat, but at the earliest stages of infection. After spraying the garden, after a few hours the rain will not be able to wash away the reagent, since it has penetrated inside the plant.

After this, the drug works for up to three weeks. The main disadvantage is that pathogenic fungi quickly become accustomed to the substance. To reduce this factor, gardens are treated with the same reagent no more than twice a day. growing season. They can be alternated with contact drugs or with systemic drugs, but having a different chemical formula.

Copper oxychloride

Such alternating spraying is considered the most effective way to combat diseases of fruit plants.

A whole list of fungicides is recommended for these purposes: “Vectra”, “Granite”, “Derozal”, “Rubigan”, “Folpan”, “Horus”, “Strobi”. There are multi-component products that act immediately contact and systemically: “Acrobat MC”, “Pylon”, “Oxychom”, “Artserid” and others. Systemic, but belonging to different groups: “Falcon”, “Archer”, “Mikal”.

New generation drugs

Scientific developments are constantly underway to produce new generations of pesticides. But modern requirements so complex and high that the pace of industry development has slowed down. However, new drugs for controlling garden pests are available for sale on the shelves of relevant stores.

Cherry moniliosis

Here are a few of them:

  • “Zineb” is a complete substitute for Bordeaux mixture in the fight against apple and pear scab. Used on pome and stone fruits at the same time as Bordeaux mixture. Very poisonous to humans.
  • "Selinon" - designed to fight against copperheads, scale insects, aphids, anthracnose, scab, and American powdery mildew. When working, serious safety measures are observed, as it is poisonous to warm-blooded animals.
  • “Pthalan 50%” – effective against scab, powdery mildew and other diseases fungal origin. The product can be used with most other pesticides, except alkaline ones. Not dangerous for warm-blooded animals.
  • "Ethersulfonate" is a drug for the destruction of herbivorous mites. Kills eggs and young larvae, but has little effect on adults. Insoluble in water, but when stirred it forms a stable suspension that remains on the foliage for a long time. Because of this, it has time to act on different phases of tick development from eggs to larvae. May cause burns to vegetative parts of plants if atmospheric humidity is high. Therefore, it is better to use it on already coarsened leaves.

Coccomycosis of stone fruits

Do-it-yourself mixtures for treating your dacha

To save time on processing garden plantings, many summer residents prepare so-called “tank” mixtures, that is, prepared in one tank.

For example, a mixture of Aktara, Topaz and Zircon works well on garden trees and shrubs. At the same time, insects and various diseases are destroyed.

A mixture of “Copper Oxide” and “Fufanon” is used to treat trees against diseases until the buds open, which reliably prevents infection by fungal pathogens and gets rid of many pests.

To protect against sunburn or late frosts, as well as to prevent the appearance of aphids and fungi, prepare a tank mixture of the “Healthy Garden” and “Ecoberin” preparations, taking 40 granules of each. This effect also leads to increased growth of vegetative parts of plants.

Any tank mixture is consumed only on the day of production. Processing is carried out at low atmospheric humidity, without wind.

You can combine in a tank mixture:

  • growth stimulants, fertilizers, pesticides;
  • growth stimulants, live biological products, fertilizers.

Attention! If flakes fall out during the preparation of the tank mixture or the solution separates, then this mixture should not be used. It is most likely dangerous to humans and plants.

Tank mixture

Until now, a lime-sulfur solution is prepared and used successfully to control garden pests. It’s not easy to prepare, but the effect will not be long in coming.

  1. For 17 liters of water, measure two liters of ground sulfur and one liter of quicklime.
  2. Lime is slaked in a small volume of water without vigorous boiling. As soon as the lime has warmed up, add sulfur to it, stir and pour in the rest of the water.
  3. The resulting mixture is boiled for 50 minutes until it turns red-brown, covered.
  4. While boiling, gradually add water to the original volume.
  5. Stop adding 15 minutes before the end.
  6. The cooled broth is filtered through a canvas and poured into storage glass containers or enamel containers.

Effective for treating garden pests and diseases against most pests.

Product "Clean Garden" for healthy plants

The modern drug “Clean Garden” is a remedy for pests and diseases that saves you from many problems. In addition to insects, the drug is active against most pathological fungi.

By treating the plants with “Clean Garden” only once, they achieve multiple effects, which include:

  • rapid death of pests and fungi;
  • long-term result;
  • pests do not become accustomed to the drug;
  • at optimal temperature effective.

“Clean Garden” remedy for pests and diseases

The package contains three ampoules. One contains a fungicide, the second contains an insectoacaricide, and the third contains a stabilizer. Such a universal formula is a worthy assistant to any gardener.

The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water. The contents of the ampoules are poured into water, mixed thoroughly and sprayed onto trees and shrubs.

To reliably protect your plantings, you must strictly adhere to the terms of treating the garden from diseases and pests throughout the year.

Video: Main types of garden spraying

  1. From the very beginning of spring until the buds swell, garden plants are treated against diseases with copper sulfate mixed with slaked lime. In this way, prevention of the occurrence of cytosporosis, common and black cancer, as well as from tinder fungi is achieved.
  2. During the “green cone” phase of the kidneys, Bordeaux mixture is sprayed against fungal pathogens. Protection against aphids, flower beetles, and honey beetles is carried out by “Decis”, “Tanrek”, “Fufanon”. The preparations “Strobi”, “Abiga-Peak”, “Skor” are sprayed against clasterosporiosis, leaf spots, rust, cytosporosis, scab, moniliosis.
  3. Pink bud phase. Aphids, leaf rollers, and copperheads appear. Weevil, flower beetle, Californian scale insect. Among the diseases, scab and bacterial cancer begin to develop. Spray with preparations “Aktara”, “BI-58”, “Decis”. Bordeaux mixture works well against diseases.
  4. At the beginning of flowering, plants are treated with Karbofos-500, Gamair, Abiga-Pik, Euparen-M against ticks and weevils. Also from fusarium, alternaria, moniliosis.
  5. After flowering is completed, “Fufanon”, “Abiga-Pik”, “Raek”, “Fitoverm”, “Cumulus” will be used against activated caterpillars, leaf rollers, moths and mites.
  6. The following treatments are carried out before the start of fruit ripening with Fufanon, Inta-Vir, Vertimek, Iskra against aphids, weevils, copperheads, codling moths, sawflies, and powdery mildew.
  7. In the fall, after harvesting, preventive spraying of the garden with copper and iron sulfate is carried out.

Garden treatment table for pests and diseases

A well-designed system for treating the garden from pests and diseases, strict adherence to the deadlines of this system leads to the desired result - healthy, beautiful and tasty fruits.

Folk remedies for insect pests

Currently, modern preparations for protecting plants from pests are not always at hand. In addition, it is undesirable to treat a ripening crop with chemicals. In this case, folk remedies will help.

Infusion of aconite (wrestlers)

Required: 1 kg of grass, 40-50 g of laundry soap, 30 ml of alkali, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The grass is collected during the flowering period, filled with water, laundry soap is added and left for 48 hours. Before spraying, add 5 liters of water.

Application. Sprayed against apple aphids, raspberry beetles, leaf-eating caterpillars, beetle larvae, false caterpillars and sawflies.

Aloe solution

Required: aloe juice, water.

Preparation. The juice is diluted with water 1:1.

Application. Used for seed disinfection vegetable crops. Before sowing, the seeds can be placed in this solution for 6 hours, then rinsed with water and dried.

Anabasis solution (leafless barnyard grass)

Required: 800 g of young branches before flowering, 30-40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The collected plants are dried, crushed and filled with water. Stirring, leave for 24 hours. The resulting infusion is diluted with water 1:10. Before spraying, add soap to the solution.

Application. For spraying vegetable crops against leaf-eating caterpillars, flea beetles, false caterpillars, as well as rapeseed flower beetle.

Orange infusion

Required: 1 kg of dried orange peels, 10 liters of warm water.

Preparation. Fill with water and leave for 3 days in a warm, dark place.

Application. The infusion is used undiluted to spray plants against aphids and mealyworms.

Infusion of dissected hogweed

Required: 1 kg of raw materials, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are harvested before and after flowering (roots), during flowering (leaves, stems), crushed, filled with water and left for 24 hours. Strain before use.

Application. Used to treat fruit crops against aphids, mites and other sucking pests.

Infusion of black henbane

Required: 1 kg of finely chopped dry raw materials, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are poured with water and left for 12 hours, then filtered.

Application. Used in planting fruit crops against various types aphids, herbivorous bugs, copperheads, spider mites, hawthorn and lacewing caterpillars, as well as cabbage whites, which damage cabbage plantings.

➣ To prepare henbane infusion, the roots and leaves of the plant are harvested in the fall or in early spring. During this period they have the highest insecticidal activity. The whole plant has this activity at the beginning of flowering. Henbane takes a very long time to dry in the open air, therefore, it is better to hang the plants to dry so that each one is well ventilated.

Red elderberry infusion

Required: 200-300 g of crushed elderberry shoots and flowers, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are poured with water and left for 10 hours. Filter.

Application. To protect garden and vegetable crops from leaf-eating caterpillars, aphids, slugs, fly larvae and beetles. It is a good repellent against currant bud mites.

Infusion of marigolds

Required: dried crushed marigolds, 40 g of laundry soap, water.

Preparation. Fill the bucket halfway with flowers and fill it to the brim with warm water. Leave for 48 hours, then filter and add soap.

Application. For spraying berry plants against aphids. Processing is carried out before the berries begin to ripen. In addition, the infusion can be used to disinfect gladiolus tubers, as well as aster and gillyflower seeds from blackleg.

Black henbane decoction

Required: 2.5 kg of freshly harvested or 3 kg of dried plants, 30-40 g of laundry soap, water.

Preparation. The plants are finely chopped and boiled in a small amount of water over low heat for 2-3 hours. Then the broth is cooled, filtered and topped up with water to 10 liters. Add soap before use.

Application. Plants are sprayed before and after pests appear.

Spotted hemlock infusion

Required: 1 kg chopped and mashed hemlock, water.

Preparation. Leaves are harvested from spring to June. The gruel is poured with 2 liters of water. Then the liquid is drained, and the pomace is poured with 15 liters of water. Leave for 10-12 hours. Afterwards, the liquid part is separated and combined with the one obtained earlier.

Application. Against young caterpillars, leaf-eating beetle larvae and sawflies.

Infusion of rose bittersweet

Required: 1-2 kg of crushed raw materials, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are filled with water and left for a day, filtered.

Application. Against sucking pests of fruit and berry crops.

Rose bittersweet decoction

Required: 1-2 kg of crushed raw materials, 20-30 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw material is poured and left for 6-8 hours, boiled with iota for 30 minutes, cooled and filtered. Before spraying, the broth is diluted with 10 liters of water and soap is added.

Application. Against sucking pests of fruit and berry crops. The decoction can be prepared in advance and stored in tightly closed glass jars.

Peppermint decoction

Required: 1 kg of stems, 30-40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The collected stems are poured with water and boiled for 30 minutes. Let stand and filter, add soap.

Application. For the destruction of many leaf-eating pests of vegetable and fruit crops. After 1-1.5 days, the pests die.

White mustard infusion

Required: 200 g mustard powder, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The powder is poured with water and left for 10-12 hours.

Application. Spray apple trees (by leaves), as well as others fruit crops(5-6 g per 10 liters of water) against red apple mite.

Sarepta mustard solution (option 1)

Required: 100 g mustard powder, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The powder is stirred in a small amount of water until it reaches a creamy consistency, then the rest of the water is added.

Application. Against aphids, caterpillars, cutworms, tobacco thrips, meadow bugs and ticks.

Sarepta mustard solution (option 2)

Required: 200 g of powder, 10 l of water.

Preparation. The powder is poured with water and infused for 10-12 hours.

Application. Spray apple trees against red apple mite.

Sarepta mustard solution (option 3)

Required: 50 g powder, 1 liter of water.

Preparation. The powder is poured with water and boiled, left for 3 days in a tightly sealed container. Then the solution is diluted in 20 liters of water.

Application. When red apple mites appear, spray the plants.

Birch tar solution

Required: 100 g tar, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The tar is diluted with water and stirred.

Application. Used for spraying against the Colorado potato beetle.

Infusion of Datura ordinary

Required: 400 g of raw materials, 20-40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The aboveground part of the plants, collected during the flowering period, is dried in a suspended state, crushed, and filled with water. Then leave for at least 10 hours and filter. Add soap before use.

Application. To combat pests of fruit crops: plant bugs, spider mites, copperheads and aphids.

Infusion of high larkspur (option 1)


Preparation. At the beginning of flowering, the entire plant is cut off, dried and crushed, then filled with water and left for 48 hours, filtered and used immediately.

Application. For spraying plants against cabbage moths, cabbage and turnip moths, sawfly larvae, beetles, apple worm, ringed silkworm caterpillar, hawthorn, goldentail.

Decoction of high larkspur (option 2)

Required: 1 kg of dry grass, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The herb is poured with water and infused for 10-12 hours, then boiled for 1-2 hours and filtered. The decoction can be stored for up to 1 month.

Application. For spraying plants against pests of vegetable (cabbage moth, cabbage and turnip moths) and fruit crops (sawfly larvae, openly living beetles, apple worm, ringed silkworm caterpillar, hawthorn, goldentail).

Calendula infusion

Required: 200 g calendula seeds, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The seeds are poured with water and left for 24 hours.

Application. To combat a complex of pests on vegetable crops.

Ash-soap infusion

Required: 1 kg of ash, 40 g of laundry soap, 8 liters of boiling water.

Preparation. The ash is poured with boiling water, closed and left for 48 hours. Then it is filtered and the volume is brought to 10 liters, soap is added.

Application. Spray cabbage, radish and radish seedlings as needed to repel cruciferous flea beetles.

Ash solution

Required: 300 g of sifted ash, 40 g of any soap, 2 liters of water.

Preparation. The ash is poured and boiled for 30 minutes. Let stand for 1 hour, then increase the volume to 10 liters. Soap is added before use.

Application. To combat powdery mildew of currants, gooseberries, cucumbers, cherry mucous sawfly. Treatment (spraying) is done 2 times a month.

Infusion of carpesium wormwood

Required: 700 g of raw materials, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The above-ground part is harvested during the growing season, the seeds after ripening. The raw materials are filled with water and left for 24 hours.

Application. Plants on which mites have settled are treated.

Infusion of potato tops

Required: 4 kg of green, disease-free tops or 2 kg of dried tops, 40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The tops are poured with warm water and left for 3-4 hours, then filtered and soap is added.

Application. The infusion is sprayed on fruit crops against aphids and mites, and on vegetable crops against cabbage whites, moths and cutworms.

Infusion of clematis grape-leaved

Required: 1.25 kg of buds and flowers or 500 g of fresh leaves, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are poured with water and left for 1-2 hours.

Application. For spraying against sucking insects, aphids, and copperheads.

Oriental goat's rue infusion

Required: 1 kg of dry plants, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Plants are harvested throughout the growing season. They are crushed and filled with water. Leave for 24 hours.

Application. Used against spider mites.

Mullein infusion

Required: 1 kg of raw materials, 3 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are poured with water and infused for 3 days, then filtered and diluted with water 3 times. If you leave the solution for 3-4 hours, there is no need to dilute it.

Application. Used against powdery mildew of melons.

➣ If strawberries are struck gray rot, then you can get rid of it by pollinating the bushes during the ripening period (10-15 g of ash per bush). If necessary, pollination is repeated 2-3 more times. Many amateur gardeners spray plants with an ash solution when they are affected by other pests and diseases.

Infusion of manure

Required: 1 bucket of rotted cow dung, 5 liters of water.

Preparation. Manure is diluted in water and infused for 5 days, then filtered.

Application. Used in the fight against powdery mildew of gooseberries and currants. Spraying is done in the evening. The bushes are treated the first time before the buds open, the second time after the ovaries have formed.

Nettle infusion

Required: 1 part nettle collected before flowering, 10 parts rainwater.

Preparation. The plants are crushed and filled with water. Leave for 10 days. The extract is diluted 10 times before use.

Application. To combat aphids and as a growth stimulator.

Infusion of burdock

Required: freshly harvested plant leaves, water.

Preparation. The plant is placed in a bucket to a third of its volume and topped up with water. Leave for 3 days. Strain.

Application. Cabbage, radishes, radishes and other vegetable crops are sprayed against various leaf-eating pests.

Onion infusion (option 1)

Required: onion peel, 10 liters of warm water.

Preparation. Fill the bucket to half the volume with onion peels, add water and leave for 24 hours. Strain and dilute 2 times with water.

Application. Sprayed to combat aphids, herbivorous mites and other sucking pests of vegetable crops.

Onion infusion (option 2)

Required: 200 g onion peels, 10 liters of warm water.

Preparation. The husk is filled with water and left for 4-5 days. Then filter.

Application. For spraying cabbage seeds against spider mites and aphids. Spraying is carried out every 5 days (no more than three treatments).

Decoction of milkweed, twig-like

Required: 4 kg of leaves and stems, 3-5 liters of water.

Preparation. The leaves and stems are cut off immediately after flowering, crushed, filled with water and boiled for 2-3 hours. Then filtered and diluted with water to 10 liters.

Application. For spraying vegetable crops against cabbage white caterpillars, cutworms and moths (4 day interval).

Buttercup infusion

Required: 1 kg aboveground parts plants, 40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Plants are collected during flowering, filled with water and left for 1-2 days. Then filter and add soap.

Application. Used against aphids.

Potassium permanganate solution

Required: 5 g of potassium permanganate, 10 l of water.

Preparation. Potassium permanganate is dissolved in water.

Application. Plants are sprayed against powdery mildew of pumpkin and tomato streaks, and repels the raspberry-strawberry weevil.

Urea solution

Required: 700 g urea, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Urea is dissolved in water.

Application. Used for treatment against scab in early spring tree trunk circles fruit trees, as well as in the fall after harvesting before the leaves fall (500 g of urea).

Soap solution

Required: 250-300 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Soap is dissolved in warm water.

Application. The solution is used against aphids.

Dandelion infusion

Required: 300 g of crushed rhizomes or 400 g of green leaves, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Rhizomes or leaves are poured with water and left for 2-3 hours. Strain.

Application. Used for spraying fruit trees against aphids, mites and copperheads. Spray on the blossoming buds, and then after flowering. If pests have already appeared, then spray several more times with an interval of 10-15 days.

Sulfur alder decoction

Required: 2 kg of fresh alder leaves or 1 kg of dried leaves, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The leaves are crushed and filled with water. Leave to knock, then boil for 30-40 minutes. Allow to cool, and filter after 6-12 hours.

Application. Fruit crops are sprayed against aphids and spider mites.