Hybrids of oriental lilies are exotic beauties. Oriental lilies

If you ask your gardening friends “What are the most beautiful flowers in your garden?”, most of them will probably answer: “Lilies!”

Well, lilies- very beautiful majestic flowers. But, like other flowers, there are favorites among them.

Genuine masterpieces - famous Oriental hybrids , luxurious, fragrant and huge.

Some varieties of these lilies have flowers up to 31 centimeters in diameter (for example, the white variety Nippon with a pink edging, famous among lily growers). Others are not so huge - 23-25 ​​centimeters, although this size is the size of a large plate!

Oriental lily hybrids are very popular as cut flowers. They are quite affordable for gardeners - you can buy their bulbs and, knowing a few tricks, grow them in your garden.

Before deciding to breed these plants, it is better to master the easier-to-care varieties of Asian hybrids and LA hybrids.

What soil do lilies need?

All lilies that were used to produce oriental hybrids grow in Japan, mainly in mountainous areas. The soils in the mountains are gravelly and permeable, and no matter how much water is poured into them, it does not stagnate and everything goes down.

To imitate natural conditions for lilies you need to prepare special earthen mixture and arrange drainage. Lilies simply need this.

If there are a lot of lilies, dig a trench the width of the intended planting. For 1-2 bulbs, a hole with a diameter of 30-40 cm will be enough.

Count on distances between plants of 25-35 cm. It is with this planting that these large plants will grow well. A sufficient depth of the pit is 30-40 cm. Place expanded clay, broken bricks, crushed stone or slag at the bottom in a layer of 15-20 cm.

The bulb is planted at a depth of 10-15 cm from the top. It is placed on a layer of fresh substrate, lightly sprinkled with sand around it, and the hole is filled to the top with earth.

Soil freshness requirement- the main thing for all groups of lilies, and for oriental hybrids this is perhaps the most important. The fact is that lilies do not feel very good when “tired”, already used for other horticultural crops soils. Most likely, the plantings will be short-lived and unlikely to yield good flowering.

Fits good earth mixture approximately the following composition: 1 part fresh peat, 1 part sand, 1-2 parts pine litter. It is advisable to add finely crushed slag to the soil.

You can grow oriental lily hybrids in one pine litter mixed with sand. The results will be wonderful.

By the way, these lilies do not tolerate the presence of ash.

If frequent rains wash out the soil, the bulbs should not be allowed to become exposed. In this case, you can add pine litter to them in a layer of 4-5 centimeters.

How often should a lily be dug up?

If all the important conditions for them are met, lilies feel great in one place for 4-5 years. If the lily grows and blooms well, gives birth to babies and thus multiplies, continue to grow it.

How to propagate your favorite lily variety?

In the Moscow region, it is difficult to propagate oriental hybrids of lilies; they almost do not produce children, either on the underground stem or on the scales separated from the bulb.

If you still want to experiment, spring planting try it separate several scales. Plant them in boxes with soil. Place the boxes in partial shade in the garden and water regularly. In the fall, the children obtained on the scales can be planted in the ground. After a season you can count on the first flowers.

How to fertilize oriental lily hybrids?

If the soil is fresh and prepared correctly, then lilies you don't have to fertilize 2-3 years.

It is advisable to enrich soil that is not very fertile. High quality ones are best soluble fertilizers, for example "Kemira-Lux".

All lilies, and especially their oriental hybrids, cannot be fed with manure, even highly diluted, as this will cause the bulbs to rot.

Feeding needs to be done 3-4 times before flowering, with the first one being best done when the stem is about 10 cm high.

Do oriental lily hybrids need to be covered for the winter and how?

Those who grow lilies in containers and take them to the basement for the winter should remember that bulbs should be kept in dry soil all winter. This means that from September their watering is stopped.

The same goes for lilies growing in open ground. Oriental hybrids must overwinter in dry soil - this is their main condition. proper cultivation in our climate. They tolerate frost well, but winter dampness is destructive for them.

Therefore, in the middle or end of September, before the start of autumn rains, place metal arcs over the plantings. Place polyethylene on top so that it is half a meter wider than the ridge. Secure the edges so that the shelter does not blow away in the wind. Leave the ends open for ventilation.

Place mouse repellent under the film.

The ground under the lilies should always be raised by 15-20 cm, excess water will drain away, and the soil under the shelter will remain dry until frost.

In November, with the onset of frost, the film can be removed. It is useful to mulch dry plantings with 5-6 cm of pine litter. In spring, do not forget to check for slugs under the mulch - they happily eat the growing shoots of lilies.

If the weather is dry, lilies must be watered. It's better to do this in the morning.

What diseases are lilies susceptible to and what pests threaten them?

Oriental lily hybrids are susceptible to fusarium(the bulb is damaged), and also viral infection(mosaic pattern of leaves and flowers).

Good remedy against any misfortune - prevention. Periodic replanting and the use of “fresh” soil can prevent plant disease.

If you still cannot avoid trouble, the affected specimens must be dug up and burned. You cannot plant other bulbs in the vacant space; it is better to remove this soil from the site altogether.

We must ensure that aphids and such a dangerous pest as the red lily beetle do not appear on the lilies. If there is not much of it, it is better to collect it by hand, otherwise spray it with insecticides - “Arrivo” or “Decis”.

When to plant lilies?

You can plant lilies in spring, when frosts are already unlikely, or in September.

If you are attracted to bulbs in beautiful packages, keep in mind that lilies after winter storage They grow quickly and sprouts should be visible in the bag. If they are not there, you need to carefully touch the onion - it should be firm.

If the onion has no sprouts and is soft, refrain from purchasing. If you buy bulbs with sprouts, plant them as early as possible in a pot of good soil and transplant them into the garden after the frosts have passed.

Unfortunately, what is drawn on the bag and suggested in the annotation does not always correspond to reality.

What varieties of lilies should you choose?

There are many varieties of lilies on sale, it is better to buy the newest ones. This guarantees beauty and possibly less infestation of the bulbs.

Imagine a combination of deep pink flowers on the bottom and white on top. Simply fantastic! Such combinations of colors and delicious aroma make Oriental hybrids always welcome in our gardens.

The varieties are very beautiful and reliable - white with a yellow stripe "Time Out", tri-color white with a yellow stripe turning into red-orange "Arena", tri-color - white with a yellow stripe and pink bordered by "Star Class", the luxurious chameleon variety "Set Point" - white with wavy pink edges and then deep pink.

The pure white variety "Rialto" with wavy edges or the white variety "Willeke Alberti" with soft pink wavy edges will look luxurious.

The champion variety “Barbados”, a crimson variety with wide wavy white edges, or the huge pure white variety measuring 27 cm, “Deshima”, are magnificent in any garden.

What else do you need for Eastern hybrids, since they are already divinely beautiful?

It turns out that they can be improved by creating varieties that would grow in any garden and be less susceptible to disease. For this purpose, lilies of oriental hybrids have long been successfully crossed with Tubular hybrids, producing Orientpet hybrids, and with long-flowered lilies, producing LO hybrids. Hybrids of extraordinary beauty are obtained from crossing with Asian hybrids.

Photos of lilies in the garden - in flower beds and flowerpots

Fairy garden

Don't you think that you are in a fairy garden and that a good fairy with a little page is about to appear?

Indeed, only a real sorceress can create such a corner, and even more so maintain the entire garden in the same style.

There's so much here!..

And one of the central places is occupied by a beautiful lily.

Successful placement of lilies

Lilies have a bright beauty. They will look good from a distance.

Plant a few bulbs in the far corner of the garden, where there are many tall and mid-height shrubs, but not in the shade.

Shrubs will create a nice, uniform background. So that nothing distracts the eye
from beautiful flowers, place any discreet, low-growing plant in front of them
or ground cover plant (knotweed, heuchera, tenacious).

Lilies in containers

Using plants in containers allows you to quickly change the look of your garden if desired.

And what’s especially important is that with their help you can simply and beautifully design that part of it that you don’t want to completely redo. For example, a lawn or paved area.

In this case, the container with lilies is placed near a pond, but it could be in front of the house or at the barbecue. Finding a place for it will not be difficult in the garden, where there is a lot of free space.

Not enough space in the garden?

By purchasing more and more new varieties of lilies, sooner or later you will face the problem of placing your pets.

How to plant them so that they not only bring pleasure with their beauty, but also fit into the holistic appearance of the garden?

Look how interesting the front area of ​​this garden looks. It is divided into squares. One of them is entirely occupied by lilies. This is at the same time a fragment of a small collection.

Lilies at the entrance to the house

If lilies are your favorite flowers, you can plant them along the path leading to your house.

And let them, and only they, meet you and accompany you from the gate to the porch.

Flowerpot with lilies

Lilies look good among the greenery of ferns, mantles, coleuses, especially in combination with medium-sized bright flowers daisies, zinnias, poppies.

Such a flower garden can easily be arranged in an “antique” garden flowerpot.

Take photos of your pets!

In winter, when the snow turns everything around silver, the memories of the summer heat and the cheerful play of colors will be so pleasant!

Always take photos of your favorite parts of your garden.

Queen and retinue

Lily flowers are good surrounded by large-leaved plants such as hostas and cannas.

You can also combine them with indoor plants that you brought into the garden in the summer.

Festive bouquet of lilies

On the occasion of the arrival of guests, cut some magnificent lily flowers and conjure up a lush “palace” bouquet.

Is he asking to be put on canvas? So why don't you pick up your brushes and paints!

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​To late varieties fully grown and managed to bloom, they need a long summer. Therefore, in areas where the climate is similar to the climate middle zone, they need to be covered with film and other blood materials to protect them from frost. New varieties introduced relatively recently bloom a little earlier, the period from planting to flowering is about 100 days. Therefore, they can be grown without shelter and there is no need to cover them for the winter either.​

Photo gallery of oriental lilies


​OrangeArt​ Lilies of this section absolutely cannot tolerate lime in the soil. When preparing planting sites for them, add peat.​

The flowers are turban-shaped, of various colors, with dark spots on the inner side of the perianth segments. The aroma of flowers is weak.​

​Remove stems and leaves when they turn yellow;​

- The lily bulb has a diuretic property, as well as a menstruation stimulant. This lily has emollient and expectorant properties. They are used to relieve heart disease, heart pain and angina.​

​(Lilium canadense)​


Growing indoor or house lilies - from planting in a pot to storing after flowering

There are many varieties of lilies, but only Asian and Oriental species have gained wide popularity and numerous cultivation.

​How to care for an indoor lily:​ ​You will not regret buying oriental lilies. When they bloom, your neighbors, friends and acquaintances will definitely ask where this is spreading from. pleasant aroma.​ It is better to purchase oriental lily bulbs in February or March and store them in a cold room at a temperature of +5 - 7 degrees until planting. The bulbs are sprinkled with slightly damp peat to prevent them from drying out. Before purchasing, you need to find out whether the plant belongs to an old or new variety. New varieties are best suited for growing outdoors. Such varieties have flower diameters from 15 to 17 cm. Such plants need slightly acidic soil. When planting, you need to observe several simple rules, on which the success of growing lilies depends.

The roots of lilies penetrate to a depth of 60 cm. Therefore, the soil is cultivated to a depth of 40-60 cm. Add 1 bucket of sand and peat to heavy soil, and 1 bucket of peat per 1 m2 to light soil. In addition, for each square meter When planting, add 2-3 buckets of well-rotted manure (it must sit for at least three years) and fill the soil with phosphorus and potash fertilizers(100 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2). For varieties that prefer slightly alkaline and calcareous soils, apply 200-500 g wood ash or chalk, for oriental lilies and OT-hybrids, which gravitate towards slightly acidic soil, prepare a mixture of equal parts of peat, turf soil and humus and spill with a strong solution of potassium permanganate or add pine litter to the usual soil mixture for lilies.​ ​Tango-Asian hybrid. Height 110 cm. The flowers are bright orange with thick dark speckles, merging closer to the center into solid brown “scorches”, directed upward.​

Indoor lilies: planting and care according to all the rules

​Use pine litter as mulch - it helps maintain the looseness of the soil and maintains the slightly acidic reaction of the soil solution.​

​The most frost-resistant among lilies, long-lasting plants, not susceptible to viral diseases, almost do not suffer from gray rot and are rarely affected by fusarium. They grow in one place for a long time and do not tolerate transplantation well. They prefer partial shade. They need regular watering and are undemanding to the soil. They grow slowly and rarely form daughter bulbs, so they are propagated mainly by bulb scales.​

​Mulch should be removed at the end of autumn.​

​Lily Pantera​


  • ​Water the plant regularly from the moment the shoots appear until the leaves dry out in the fall, so that the soil does not dry out, but is not too wet;
  • Oriental lilies, or orientals, are hybrids obtained from crossing East Asian species. This section is distinguished by a wealth of shades and shapes of large, usually very fragrant flowers. They bloom at the end of summer, after the most common “Asian” lilies in our gardens have bloomed.​
  • ​Choosing a landing site. When planting in the garden, you need to find a place protected from the wind for lilies. It is possible to place it among low bushes or near fruit trees, provided that they do not obscure the lilies too much from the sun.​
  • Lilies are usually planted and replanted when the plants are dormant: from late August to late September.
  • ​Fata Morgana​

​The best place for Asiatic lilies is elevated areas that are illuminated by the sun for several hours a day (before or after noon).​

​Plants obtained from crossing varieties from different sections with each other are also of great interest. They are called intersectional hybrids. Often, breeders manage to combine the advantages of different sections in this way, eliminating some of the disadvantages. Several groups have already been received:​

​To prolong the flowering period, remove flowers when they wilt. This prevents the plant from wasting energy on seed production.​

​(Lilium pardalinum)​

​Snow-white lily​

How to care for home lilies (amaryllis and hippeastrum)

- small flowers, not very fragrant, wide flowers.

From time to time, spray the lily leaves with water;

​Planting depth. Oriental lily bulbs need to be planted deep. This will save them from winter frosts and will be the key to a successful winter. The depth of embedment in the soil must be at least 15 cm.​

​The bulbs must be pickled for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 liters of water) or any special preparation for pickling bulbs, which is used according to the instructions on the package. Bulbs from own garden Before this, they are washed under running water, dead scales are removed, and the roots are shortened to 5 cm.

​Asian hybrid. The plant is 90-100 cm high. The flowers are cup-shaped, looking up; bright yellow with dark specks. Double flower, diameter 17 cm. Racemose inflorescences. Blooms in July. Forms a spectacular, abundantly flowering thicket, very good for flower beds.​


Lily flower - care and cultivation: types and varieties of domestic lily in the photo

How can you tell if a lily flower is real?

​Share them more often​

​AA (Aurelian x Asiatic). They bloom in July and usually have a strong aroma. Frost-resistant, not susceptible to gray rot and fusarium.​

​The importance of lilies in a person’s everyday life is difficult to overestimate. This is not only a wonderful element of interior decoration, but also beneficial features, with which you can overcome various ailments. The oil obtained from lilies has healing and softening properties. When the oil is mixed with calendula oil, the mixture is wonderful for very sensitive skin.​

Lily varieties

- flowers up to 1.5 meters in height, red with a yellow center and burgundy spots. The bulbs are edible.​

​(Lilium candidum)​​Tubular lilies.​

Loosen the soil by adding peat, humus or leaf soil;

In addition, a whole group of completely new double oriental lilies has appeared on the market. All of them are distinguished by a wonderful delicate aroma, amazingly bright flowers, and an unusually large number of petals. The flowers of some varieties of lilies are so large and heavy that they can show their true beauty only in the second or even third year after planting. Provide them with good drainage and humus-rich soils, and they will certainly delight you with their friendly and bright flowering in late July - August. Otherwise, the agricultural technology is the same as for ordinary oriental lilies. They are fairly easy to grow and grow well in sun to light shade. All varieties winter well in the absence of excess moisture. Height 80-100 cm. We recommend new products: "​ ​Wintering of plants. For old varieties, it is necessary to make a shelter for the winter. To do this, take non-woven material and cover the bulbs before heavy frosts. But it is better to grow such varieties in greenhouses.​

​The bulbs are planted to a depth equal to three of their diameters, but not less than 8 cm. The rules for planting candidum hybrids are different: all work is carried out no later than August, and the depth is calculated so that the thickness of the soil layer above the top of the bulb is no more than 3 cm. Martagon - hybrids, on the contrary, are planted somewhat deeper than the general rule dictates, but at the same time as most other varieties.

​Chianti​ Asiatic lilies need to be dug up and divided more often than other varieties - about once every 3 years. Their nests grow quickly, and the bulbs begin to interfere with each other. If the division is not done on time, the flowers are crushed.​

​LA (Longiflorum x Asiatics). The largest group. Resistant to fungal diseases and winter-hardy. They inherited a variety of colors from Asiatic lilies, but have larger and more beautiful flowers and a pleasant aroma. They grow well in open or slightly shaded areas with neutral or slightly acidic soil. For the winter, it is advisable to cover the plantings of this group of lilies with leaves or peat.​

​The oil can also be used for massage, in the bath, after the bath, for children, dry cuticles and elbows, as a moisturizer for the face and as an oil for the skin around the eyes.​ ​Royal Lily​

Various types of lilies in the photo

​- bulbs are used in medicinal purposes, is highly sedative and also has astringent properties.​

​Eastern​​remove weeds;​​Magic Star", "Broken Heart", "Sweet Rosy", "Lodewijk".​

The aroma of these flowers can be barely noticeable, or very strong and spicy. It usually intensifies in the evening.​​Depends on the height and power of the plant. Tall varieties are placed at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, low ones - 10-15 cm. After planting, especially in dry weather, areas with planted bulbs are thoroughly watered. Bulbs purchased in the spring are planted in the same way, but in May.​Asian hybrid. Plant height is 90-120 cm, the flower is 8-15 cm in diameter, goblet-shaped, opens wide, directed upwards. The petals are pale pink, delicate in color. It blooms profusely in July or 90 days after planting and grows well.​

​When purchasing a selection of Asiatic lilies for flower beds and container planting, pay attention not only to the height and color, but also to the location of the flower. Varieties with flowers pointing downwards have a more modest, refined appearance - they can even be used in natural flower beds. Low varieties with flowers facing upwards will look good in containers.​ LO (Longiflorum x Oriental). The flowers are short-tubular or funnel-shaped, white, white-pink or deep pink in color, with a pleasant aroma.​​The flower symbolizes purity and refined beauty. Depending on the color and type, a flower can convey different meanings.​

​(Lilium Regal)​​Lily Henry​- have persistent aromas and are distinguished by large flowers.

​When flowers appear, tie the stems to the sticks.​Oriental lily bulbs do not need to be dried. If planting material obtained from dividing nests on your site, plant lilies as soon as possible after digging, and if you purchase bulbs in a store, make sure that they are not limp or wrinkled. The layer of soil above an adult bulb should be on average twice its diameter, but not less than 10-12 cm, and in the northern regions it is even recommended to deepen them to 15-20 cm - this way they will germinate later, and the likelihood of damage to the buds by spring frosts will decrease. Luxurious flowers need sufficient area to feed; try to maintain a distance of 20-25 cm between the bulbs. The white lily belongs to the lily family. Most often found in gardens, it has various hybrids: Daurian, Tiger, Henry. All of these hybrids have white petals.​

Some lilies - Asian, trumpet, oriental hybrids - prefer open sunny places, others - varieties of lilies from the martagon group - can only be grown in partial shade and with significant shading. Fortunately, there is an external sign that allows you to fairly accurately determine the place for planting: if the stem has supra-bulbous (annual, formed annually) roots, the varieties need light shading.​ Fragrant lilies with exquisite large flowers are not only for experienced gardeners. By carefully reading the recommendations in this issue of the magazine, you will be able to grow them, even if you do not have much experience. You just need to put in a little more effort.​

​Beginner flower growers and those who are not going to devote a lot of time to caring for flower beds should pay attention to unpretentious varieties lilies. As a rule, they have no aroma, but their decorative qualities are excellent.​ LP (Trumpet x Longiflorum). They winter well in central Russia and are disease resistant. They have beautiful multi-flowered inflorescences.​Published​

- perennial flowers unite a group of hybrids that were bred for royal courts.​(Lilium henryi)​​Wild varieties of lilies.​

​Photo of indoor lily​​Overheating of roots and bulbs is harmful to lilies. To avoid this, use mulch. It is even better to shade the planting site with ground cover plants (planted directly above the bulbs), other perennials and especially low shrubs (planted nearby). Lilies look better if their lower part is covered, and next to bushes they also winter better: snow accumulates here, and damage to the sprouts by late frosts is less common.​ The white lily is found everywhere, but the Mediterranean countries are considered its homeland. The plant can reach one and a half meters in height and has lanceolate leaves up to 15 cm in length and 2-3 cm in width. The leaves grow straight from the stem. The diameter of the flower is about 20-25 cm, the color of the petals is white without inclusions. A fairly heat-loving plant, it grows well at temperatures of 19-23 degrees in summer, and at temperatures not lower than +12 and not higher than 16 degrees in winter. In order for the lily to grow well, it is grown under the following conditions.​

Lilies do well in raised flower beds and on terraces that provide drainage to the plantings. But they should not be placed close to the retaining walls of the southern and northern exposure.​ ​Cherbourg​​Alaska​

​OA (Oriental x Asiatic). Quite unpretentious, resilient plants. They bloom in July.​02.04.2012​ Lily is beautiful

​. Relieves spasms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.​​Martagon​​For such a capricious plant as a lily, home care also includes liquid fertilizers fertilizers. The first feeding should be applied before the lily grows, the second - when the buds are forming, the third - before mid-August, after the lily blooms. Your indoor lily plant will be stronger and larger if you periodically add wood ash to the ground.​

​The main secret to a successful wintering of the oriental lily: the soil must be dry. In the fall, wait until dry weather sets in for a while and cover the plantings with waterproof material. The place should be level, without a slope, so that water does not flow under the shelter. It will not be noticeable in the flower garden if you plant flowers around it that grow luxuriantly at the end of summer and autumn: buzulnik, posokonnik, helenium, perennial asters.​ Lily prefers open, well-lit areas. The plant will not do well near large trees that cast a shadow on it or near high fences.​​The planting depth may vary depending on the mechanical composition of the soil: on light soils the depth will be slightly greater, on heavy soils it will be less.​

Growing lilies in the garden and at home

​Oriental hybrid. Height 90-100 cm. The flowers are alabaster-white, with a light yellow blurry center and wavy edges, directed upward.​

​Asian hybrid. Height 90-100 cm. The flowers are star-shaped, directed upward, white, with sparse specks in the center and yellow spot around the nectary. The filaments are greenish-white. Diameter 15-16 cm. Blooms in July.​

​OT (OR), or Oriental (Oriental x Trumpet), are hybrids. Plants with very large beautiful fragrant flowers, reminiscent of orientals, but less capricious. They bloom from mid-July.​

Lilies are usually placed in the middle or background of flower beds. Aim to arrange them so that other plants block about half of the stem on all sides from which the flower garden is visible. Then the lily shoots turning yellow after flowering will not be noticeable. Hostas, heucheras, geraniums, lavender, hyssop, stachys, brunnera and other crops with beautiful leaves, maintaining decorative value throughout the season. In the spaces between groups of lilies or behind them, you can plant perennial asters, phlox, and echinacea that bloom in autumn. Their aboveground part grows noticeably and becomes more lush after most varieties of lilies bloom. In such a composition, the plants located next to the lilies will almost close together in the second half of summer, and the space freed up in the flower garden above the bulbs will become invisible.​

​(Lilium speciosum)​

​Lilium Krameri (Makino, Japanese)​

- hybrid lilies, edible and edible herbs.​

Lily flower: care and subtleties of breeding

You will most likely get an equally magnificent indoor lily, photos of which are widely presented on the Internet, in the second year. In the first season, it is better to remove all the buds at once so that the plant gains strength and gets stronger. In the future, you will need to remove buds only from those plants that look weakened.​

​Growing orientals in a container is easier than in flower beds, and who would refuse the opportunity to place fragrant flowers on a terrace, patio, or balcony? Bulbs can be purchased in the off-season at a discount, because they are planted at any time. Choose varieties up to 50 cm tall. The main thing is that the container with growing lilies does not dry out or overheat. After flowering, stop watering and keep the bulbs dry, and for the winter, put the container in a cool place with a temperature no higher than +5 ° C.​

​Water the flower as the soil dries. When watering, water should not fall on the leaves, so the stream is directed directly to the roots.​

  • Lilies are grown in one place without transplantation for an average of about 5 years. The exceptions are Asian and LA hybrids, which require replanting every 3 years, and slowly developing tubular and martagon hybrids, which can develop in one place for up to 7 years or more without replanting.​
  • ​Rio Negro​
  • ​Salmon Classic​

​It was once believed that oriental lilies were too delicate and capricious to grow in the middle zone, because due to late flowering they went into winter poorly prepared and often froze out. But modern technologies have made it possible to create many resistant varieties. Some bloom already from the second half of July, even if you plant them quite late in the spring (for example, after purchasing them at a garden center or by mail).​

The meaning of lily in human life

​Lately, low-growing varieties of lilies with a stem height of up to 30 cm have become popular. In the middle ground of a mixed flower garden, they are almost invisible. Sometimes they are recommended for rockeries. But against the background of stones or pebbles, they are too clearly visible, and after flowering, when it is still impossible to remove the yellowing shoots, so as not to disrupt the development of the bulb, they look ugly. These varieties are suitable for planting among groundcover plants with a shallow root system - creeping phlox, gypsophila in a rock garden or in the foreground of a flower garden. But the main way to use miniature varieties is container planting. Any varieties of lilies develop well in containers and bloom magnificently, subject to timely feeding, but low-growing ones are also more mechanically stable. The container with them does not turn over, and the stems do not break if touched by accident. When lilies in a container lose their presentability appearance, you can simply remove it away from view, replacing it with the same container, but with later flowers, for example, with miniature dahlias.​

- flowers emit a persistent and sweet aroma of honey. Homeland: Japan.​

- nutritious and useful for breast diseases.


Secrets of growing lilies - caring for lilies, correct landing, popular varieties- Roses in Gatchina

Secrets of growing lilies - caring for lilies, proper planting, popular varieties

​Snow-white hybrid.​ ​Now you know how to grow lilies at home, but preserving them until the next season is not difficult: in the fall, the dead stems of the plant are cut off at the very bulbs, the bulbs are removed from the ground and placed in a bag with wet moss in the refrigerator for the winter or stored in a layer until spring moistened sand in the basement.​

Lily is one of the famous flower crops- more than six thousand of her are known hybrid varieties obtained from crossing various types. In 1962, the American gardener Jan de Graaf systematized varieties and hybrids of lilies, connecting them by origin. This classification was adopted as international in 1964. It will be very useful, especially for beginners, because the most important features, such as soil requirements, resistance to frost, drought or excess moisture, and resistance to diseases are the same for most lilies.

​Among indoor flowers, lilies with bright juicy greens, beautiful large flowers and a delicate aroma occupy a place of honor. Of course, this is not about garden lilies, which can reach a height of one and a half meters or more. At home, compact indoor lilies of various types and varieties are grown in pots.​

​After flowering ends, the white lily goes to winter. To do this, the stems need to be cut and the bulbs dug out of the ground. All bulbs are shaken off the ground and dry scales are removed. After this, they are soaked for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate. This measure allows you to protect against insects from eating the bulbs.​

Important to consider

The optimal time for transplanting and planting lilies in central Russia is August-September, in the southern regions - October. You can plant later, when the soil temperature is close to zero, but then cover the plants well for the winter. Plantings are insulated with dry leaves when the top layer of soil freezes. To prevent them from being blown away by the wind, press them down with spruce branches.​

  1. ​Oriental hybrid. Height 130 cm. Flowers up to 18 cm in diameter, crimson-red, with a contrasting thin white border and dark purple sparse specks, wavy along the edge. Blooms in July-August.​
  2. ​LA hybrid. Height 80 cm. The flowers are cup-shaped, directed upward, pinkish-orange in color with a darker center. Blooms in mid-July, when planted in spring - 70 days after germination of the bulbs.​
  3. Oriental lilies, or orientals, are hybrids obtained from crossing East Asian species. Today this section includes about 300 varieties. It is distinguished by a wealth of shades and shapes of large, often very fragrant flowers. There are two- and three-color varieties. They bloom from the end of July to September, after the most common “Asian” lilies in our gardens have bloomed. You will not regret purchasing oriental lilies. When they bloom, your neighbors, friends and acquaintances will definitely ask where this pleasant aroma comes from.​
  4. The appearance of lilies changes noticeably as the season progresses. Conventionally, four stages can be distinguished.

Long-flowered (Longiflorum)

​Growing lilies is an exciting process that can result in... beautiful flowers and a lot of fun. The plant is propagated mainly using bulbs, but lilies can be grown from seeds and from scales.​


​Tiger lily​


​Long-flowered hybrids​

Oriental, Oriental

Trumpet & Aurelian

For home cultivation, oriental and Asian hybrids, long-flowered lilies, golden, beautiful, dwarf, and royal lilies are used. In addition, indoor plants


​When planting bulbs, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 30 cm between the holes in which they are planted.​


​Asian hybrids can be replanted throughout the season, even in flowering state. Just do it carefully, do not damage the roots! After transplanting, they need abundant watering and shading. It is better to remove all the buds immediately - in this case, the bulbs and roots will develop well, and next year the plants will bloom profusely.​

Intersectional hybrids of lilies

  1. ​Overheating of roots and bulbs is harmful to lilies. To avoid this, use mulch. It is even better to shade the planting site with ground cover plants (planted directly above the bulbs), other perennials and especially low shrubs (planted nearby). Lilies look better if their lower part is covered, and next to bushes they also winter better: snow accumulates here, and damage to the sprouts by late frosts is less common.​
  2. ​Vegetation. From May until flowering begins, flowering stems grow, covered with bright green foliage. Among other plants, lilies do not attract attention, but they do not spoil the appearance of the flower garden.
  3. ​Although plants grown from seeds are more resistant to disease, the only downside is that they will take longer to grow and may even take five to six years to flower in some cases. Thus, for those who grow them, bulbs are the most preferable option.​
  4. ​(Lilium tigrinum)​
  5. - strong and sweet aroma, large funnel-shaped flowers, usually white.
  6. ​Often, domestic lily flowers are confused, calling hippeastrum amaryllis and vice versa, although these indoor plants have different flowering and dormant periods. It’s better to immediately determine exactly what kind of home lily you have - caring for amaryllis and hippeastrum has some differences.

Oriental lilies

​amaryllis and hippeastrum​

The planting depth should be at least 15 cm. A layer of sand is poured into the holes before planting. This measure will allow young roots to grow faster.​

What to plant lilies with - compatibility

Reproduction by bulbous scales

Secrets of planting oriental lilies

​OT-hybrid. Height 130 cm. The flowers are bright red, with a wide pale yellow border along the edge, up to 21 cm in diameter, directed horizontally, fragrant. The variety is quite resistant. Blooms in early August.​

​Asian hybrid. Height 80 cm. The flowers are red with a yellow center, medium-sized, directed upwards. It blooms very profusely in June-July.​

It is recommended to plant oriental lily bulbs in August. Keep in mind that they do not tolerate drying out. If the planting material is obtained from dividing nests on your site, plant lilies as soon as possible after digging, and if you purchase bulbs in a store, make sure that they are not limp or wrinkled.​

​Blooming. Exquisite, rare in beauty flowers bloom, noticeable from afar. This is the main reason why lilies are planted.​

​As a rule, bulbs are planted in the garden in the fall or spring. Cool, porous and well-drained soil is important for good growth. They can also be grown in containers or outdoors.​

​from China with bright orange flowers, purple-black spots and prominent stamens. They bloom late.​

Asiatic lilies

The easiest way to determine the type of lily is from the photo and its description. We offer you various types of lilies in the photo.​

​It is not always possible to determine by appearance what genus the house lily belongs to; a photo can only confuse things even more. You can find out the genus of the plant as follows: if your domestic lily blooms from summer to autumn and remains dormant in winter, then it is amaryllis. If flowers appear from winter to spring, and the plant rests in summer, it is hippeastrum. Accordingly, the bulbs will need to be planted and replanted during the dormant period of the indoor flower.

​from the Amaryllis family are also popularly called house lilies, because their flowers are very similar to real lilies.​

Secrets of planting Asiatic lilies

  • Eukomis, also known as pineapple lily, belongs to the hyacinth family. This is a bulbous perennial herbaceous plant, which is growing rapidly. The bulbs are large in size and ovoid in shape, and subsequently have powerful roots. The leaves are large, about 60 cm, linear or lanceolate in shape. Peduncles are a thin arrow ending in a bunch of leaves. The inflorescences reach 30 cm in length and form a raceme. The color is white or purple. Eucomis indoors is not often found in flower beds, and is considered exotic plant. But despite this, it is not at all difficult to grow.​
  • ​This is the most effective method, it applies to almost all lilies. The scales are removed during the course of the process, but it is best to do this in spring or autumn when transplanting lilies. Reproduction by scales allows you to multiply the variety you like, obtaining the required number of plants for the flower garden.

​Apricot Beauty​

For planting, choose warm, sunny areas with well-drained, fertile, acidic soils. The layer of soil above an adult bulb should be on average twice its diameter, but not less than 10-12 cm, and in the northern regions it is even recommended to deepen them to 15-20 cm - this way they will germinate later, and the likelihood of damage to the buds by spring frosts will decrease. Luxurious flowers need sufficient area to feed - try to maintain a distance of 20-25 cm between the bulbs.

​End of flowering and fruiting. The shoots of the plant lose their beauty and gradually acquire a yellowish or brownish tint.

Varieties of lilies

​Add large quantity organic matter will improve clay or sandy soil. The bulb will remain in the same place for several years, so good prepared soil is an investment in the future.​

  • ​Lanceolate lily
  • ​Japanese golden lily​
  • ​Both hippeastrums and amaryllis feel good in warm, well-lit places, but react very poorly to direct sunlight and overheating. In summer, it is advisable to take the plants out into the fresh air, providing protection from precipitation. Amaryllis are fed twice a month mineral fertilizers, and for hippeastrums they alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.​
  • ​From the article you will learn how to properly plant a house lily in a pot, how to care for house lilies in order to achieve abundant beautiful flowering, and what to do after the leaves fall. With proper care indoor flower Lily can decorate the interior of your apartment, balcony or winter garden for quite a long time.​
  • Pineapple lilies are grown in open ground, in greenhouses or in pots at home. The plant retains its decorative properties and after flowering has ended. These lilies bloom in June and July, sometimes lasting until August. The plant has its own growing characteristics, observing which, the plant will bloom profusely and beautifully.​
  • Rake the soil, trying not to disturb the roots, remove the bulb and, lightly pressing on the scales, break off 5-6 outer scales. The broken area must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with a mixture of crushed charcoal and sulfur. Then return the bulb to its original place and cover it with earth.​
  • ​Oriental hybrid. Height 130 cm. Flowers are very large (27 cm), with strong aroma, purple-red with dark purple specks, directed horizontally. Blooms in July.​
  • ​Asian hybrid. The variety was obtained in 1964 in Holland. The plant is 60-70 cm high. The flowers are about 15 cm in diameter, cup-shaped, directed upward, apricot-orange, very beautiful shade, with cherry specks. The variety grows well and is disease resistant.​
  • After the surface of the earth has been frozen, the plantings are covered with a layer of fallen leaves; after the snow melts, this cover is removed to allow the soil to warm up.
  • Peace. The stems dry out, they can be removed from the flower garden, the place of lilies in the flower beds is empty.​
  • ​The ideal place to grow lilies is where there is direct sun all morning during the summer, with partial shade during the hottest hours of the day.​
  • ​(Lilium lancifolium)​
  • ​(Lilium auratum)​
  • ​Video about growing lilies in the countryside​
  • ​Video about planting and propagating lilies​
  • ​Planting time varies depending on the climate of the region where this flower is grown. In warm regions, starting in May, lilies are planted outside, leaving a small distance between plants. In temperate and cold climates, flowers should first be planted in pots at home. This is done in March or April. Choose deep pots for planting. Light, well-drained soils with a high humus content are suitable as soil.​
  • ​Disinfect the scales with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, then treat with a solution (Kornevin, heteroauxin). After processing the scales, dry them and dust them with a mixture of crushed coal and sulfur.​
  • ​Brasilia​
  • ​Geneve​
  • ​The main secret to a successful wintering of the oriental lily is that the soil must be dry. In the fall, wait until dry weather sets in for a while and cover the plantings with waterproof material. The place should be level, without a slope, so that water does not flow under the shelter. It will not be noticeable in the flower garden if you plant flowers around it that grow luxuriantly at the end of summer and autumn: buzulnik, posokonnik, helenium, perennial asters.​

Choosing a lily variety for connoisseurs

​The flowers are tubular to almost star-shaped, usually white, very fragrant. They bloom in July-August. Plants are not frost-resistant enough and are susceptible to viral diseases. Suitable for forcing and growing in pots.​

  • ​When selecting bulbs, make sure they do not look dry or wrinkled and plant them immediately. The correct spacing is usually from 12 to 18 cm from each other, but varies depending on the variety chosen.​
  • ​grown for food.​
  • ​originally from Japan, white cup-shaped flowers with a golden ray in the center of the petals and crimson spots on them. The flowers are fragrant and have a large cut.​
  • ​Like many other indoor flowers, lily loves wet cleaning of leaves for hygiene purposes. Moderate watering is necessary as the soil dries, but do not overwater the plant, as amaryllis are easily affected by rot when over-watered. During the flowering of the house lily, watering is increased, and during the dormant period - reduced.
  • ​Since lilies at home, as well as in the garden, usually bloom from June to August, it is recommended to plant them in a pot in early spring. You can plant several bulbs at once in a flower pot or in a tub, and then you will get a beautiful lush composition of lilies of different varieties and colors. For one bulb, a pot with a diameter of about twenty centimeters will be enough; a container that is too spacious can cause the lily to lack flowers.​
  • ​For some time after planting, watering should be very moderate, and during the active growing season - abundant and regular. After each watering, loosen the soil. When flowering ends, they practically stop watering, and after the leaves turn yellow, they stop completely.
  • When the scales are separated in the spring, they can be planted directly in open ground - every 5-6 cm, with row spacing of 20-25 cm, deepened to 2/3 of the height. Mulch the soil with peat chips or humus, and shade the plantings. Do not allow the soil to dry out! In the fall, small bulbs formed from scales can be planted for growing.
  • ​Oriental hybrid. Height 120 cm. The flowers are pale pink, with a brighter blurred border and wavy edges and sparse pink specks. Directed horizontally, flower diameter up to 27 cm. Blooms in August.​
  • ​Asian hybrid. Height 69-80 cm. The flowers are pale pink, goblet-shaped, with a darker center and sparse specks at the base of the petals. Pointed upward. It blooms in July and grows well.​
  • ​Growing orientals in a container is easier than in flower beds, and who would refuse the opportunity to place fragrant flowers on a terrace, patio, or balcony? Bulbs can be purchased in the off-season at a discount - after all, they are planted at any time. Choose varieties up to 50 cm tall. The main thing is that the container with growing lilies does not dry out or overheat. After flowering, stop watering and keep the bulbs dry, and for the winter, put the container in a cool place with a temperature no higher than 5 ° C.​
  • The flower shape is usually cup-shaped or turban-shaped; there are several varieties with double flowers. The color is white, pink, cream, yellow, orange, two- and three-color, red and dark burgundy, almost black. The disadvantage is the lack of aroma. Unpretentious, winter-hardy, slightly susceptible to fungal diseases and do not suffer from viral infections. They bloom well in sunny areas and in partial shade. They do not tolerate lime, prefer neutral or slightly acidic fertile soils. Easily propagated vegetatively. Many varieties of this section form baby bulbs in the axils of the leaves (bulbs). Such varieties are called bulbous.

​Once the soil has warmed in late spring, apply a 4-inch layer of organic mulch around the plants. Mulch will keep the soil (and bulbs) moist and shield them from high temperatures during the summer.​

Planting lilies

​Long-flowered lily

Tuberous or orange lily

​If lily room care gets the right one, it is less likely to be affected by diseases and pests, and the plant looks healthy and strong outwardly. With a lack of watering and waterlogging of the soil, the leaves of the lily become sluggish and pale, the flowers begin to darken from the cold, and from too much sun they begin to turn pale. Carefully monitor how your indoor lily looks so that you can take the necessary measures in time, and then bright, beautiful flowers will decorate your apartment for a long time!​

The home lily flower will feel best in light, fertile soil mixed with river sand. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot, then pour a layer of special soil mixture or soil enriched with nutrients, place the onion in the middle, carefully spreading its roots to the sides. Fill the bulb with soil mixture only halfway; the soil should reach the middle of the pot. You can top up the soil after the stems outgrow the edge of the pot.​

Lily planting time

Lily needs to be fed regularly. To ensure abundant flowering, fertilizers are applied once every two weeks. Nitrogen cannot be added to eucomis.​

Treatment before planting

​In the spring, after removing shelters from plantings of heat-loving varieties, the surface layer of soil is loosened to retain moisture. Until the plants flower, they need sufficiently, but not excessively, moist soil. To prevent the roots from overheating and drying out, it is recommended to mulch the soil with humus or peat chips. At the end of flowering and for some time after it ends, water the plants at the root, trying not to wet the leaves. In autumn, after the lilies go into a dormant state, it is recommended to cover areas with oriental hybrids with waterproof film.​

Planting depth


Distance between bulbs

​If you like oriental lilies, but you doubt the success of growing them, pay attention to OT hybrids obtained from crossing Oriental and Trumpet lilies. They have all the advantages of the eastern ones, but are more resilient in comparison with them. They bloom from mid-July. It is better to plant bulbs in raised flower beds; when preparing the soil, pine litter and sand are added to it.

The flowers are tubular or funnel-shaped, white or yellow in color, fragrant. Varieties of this group are susceptible to viral and fungal diseases. They need reliable shelter for the winter, a sunny location, and well-fertilized, preferably calcareous, soil. The bulbs are planted in August without deepening them, since hybrids do not have supra-bulb roots. In September, the plants form rosettes of wintering leaves, and next year - flowering shoots.​

Lilies do not require daily watering, but at the same time, make sure that the water penetrates deep enough, right up to the bulbs.

​(Lilium longiflorum)​

​(Lilium bulbiferum)​

Lily is the flower that gave its name to the whole order. There are many species that are called "Lilies", but many of these so-called ones, such as daylilies (Krasnodnev), water lilies and calla lilies, actually belong to other groups of flowering plants.​

Care and propagation of lilies

The photo shows a lily planting

​After flowering ends, the plant goes dormant. IN climatic regions Where winters are warm, the bulbs can be stored in soil. They are only covered with spruce branches. In cold areas they need to be dug up. After being removed from the ground, they need to be washed to remove any pieces of soil, disinfected and dried. Place in paper or fabric bags and leave in a well-ventilated, cool area. Another way is to place the bulbs in pots filled with soil and store them that way. Only during the dormant period do you need to water them occasionally.

  1. When the first leaves appear, the plants are fed with mullein solution (1:10) or complete mineral fertilizer (40-50 g per 1 m2). Repeat during the period when the plants are gaining buds and during the coloring of the buds, but no later than August 15. For most varieties, with the exception of those preferring acidic soil, it is useful to add wood ash 2-3 times during the season at the rate of 100 g per m2 - this helps to increase the size of flowers, enhances the intensity of their color, and increases plant resistance to various diseases.​
  2. ​OT-hybrid. Height 100-130 cm. The flowers are golden-yellow, with a brighter center, tubular in shape, directed horizontally. Flower diameter 25 cm. Blooms in July.​
  3. ​Asian hybrid. The height of the plant is 70 cm, the flower is star-shaped, directed upward, about 15 cm in diameter, with bright pink tips. It blooms earlier than other lilies of the group, when wintering in open ground - in June. Prefers sun. A spectacular and unpretentious variety.

Caring for lilies

​Unpretentious and unusually spectacular - none of the groups can compare in popularity with Asiatic lilies: they are grown almost everywhere, even in permafrost conditions in Alaska! The varieties of this section produce a lot of baby bulbs and therefore are ideal for flower beds: having bought a small package of bulbs of each variety you like, in a few years you will be able to divide the nests and decorate the garden with spectacular clumps of lilies obtained on your site.​

The flowers are fragrant and odorless, tubular, goblet-shaped, star-shaped, turban-shaped, very varied in color. They bloom in August-September. For a long time they were considered unsuitable for cultivation in central Russia. But the modern assortment has been replenished with varieties that successfully bloom and reproduce in the conditions of the Moscow region. Usually they are severely affected by fungal diseases and viruses, but recently more and more new varieties that are resistant to infections have appeared.​


Varieties of lilies for growing at home and in the garden, video and photos

Oriental lilies

​Water the plants with a balanced fertilizer every three weeks for growing season. Avoid highly concentrated nitrogen fertilizers.​

​tube-shaped, white and waxy flower, early flowering and stem rooting. They are mainly grown in flower beds.​

- The bulbs are edible. Sweet and mealy, these flowers go well with any meal and can be used as a substitute for potatoes.​

​Plants in the order Liliales grow from bulbs or rhizomes, both of which store nutrients for winter or during the dry season. Unlike other species, these produce shoots into globular clusters of flowers and are called “umbrellas.”​

  1. Before the shoots appear, the lily in the pot should be in a cool, dark place, and as soon as you see green shoots, transfer the plants to a windowsill or balcony. With the onset of summer, growing lilies at home continues in a cold place where it is possible to provide the plants with an influx of fresh air.​
  2. Eukomis goes well with coniferous perennials and gerberas. Peduncles can be used for cutting and use in bouquets and arrangements.​
  3. Oriental lilies include many varieties and are considered one of the most beautiful lilies. These hybrids are grown mainly in Australia, the USA and New Zealand. Breeders in the 19th century, while working with these flowers, encountered some difficulties and curtailed the cultivation of oriental lilies. This flower is very unstable to viruses. Among oriental lilies, hybrids whose flowers resemble golden lilies are very popular.​


White lilies

​The focus is on color and shape​

  1. The flowers are fragrant, tubular, less often cup-shaped or star-shaped, yellow, pink, orange. Outer side The perianth is often darker than the inner one. They bloom in July-August. Frost-resistant, prefer good garden soil with the addition of leaf humus. They do not tolerate acidic soils. They are not susceptible to viral diseases and are quite resistant to fungal infections. Requires a sunny position and well-drained soil. The flower of trumpet lilies is formed outside the bulb - it is laid during the growing season on the flowering stem. Therefore, in the case of late frosts, there may be a lack of flowering or the appearance of defective, ugly flowers.​
  2. ​To grow lilies, constant and careful care is required in accordance with the agricultural technology of this plant:​
  3. ​Matragon​
  4. ​Canadian​

The real ones have fleshy lower leaves without a protective outer covering. Their true flowers never “fall asleep” at night.​


​Further care for home lilies is not much different from caring for garden representatives of this bulbous plant. The lily will develop properly and bloom profusely if you provide it with slightly moist soil and humid air. There is no need to replant the flower into a larger container.​

Any of the varieties presented is worthy of taking center stage in a flower garden or greenhouse.​

  1. ​In the process of crossing different varieties and selection the best plants, modern oriental lilies have become more resistant to diseases and pests, they can be grown not only in hot countries, now lilies feel good in the middle zone of our country and can winter without shelter. The plants have wide, lanceolate-shaped leaves located on long petioles. The flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of brushes and directed to the sides and downwards. Both old, long-bred varieties and new ones are approximately equally popular. They differ in terms of growing season; for the old ones it is 140 days from the date of planting until the first flowers appear, and for the new ones it is 90-100 days. Thus, new varieties belong to the early ones, according to the growing season, and old ones to the late ones.
  2. For lilies in the garden, choose sunny or slightly shaded areas protected from the wind with well-drained soils - from slightly acidic to calcareous. You can find out what soil requirements the varieties of each group have in the “Classification” section. What all varieties have in common is that they do not tolerate stagnant moisture. Areas where meltwater stagnates and rainwater, are unsuitable for growing lilies, and too heavy clay soils require improvement.​
  3. ​Asian hybrid. Height 70 cm. Flowers are tubular, directed upward, dark purple, almost black. Blooms in July. A very impressive variety for flower beds, can be used as a basis for exquisite color combinations.​
  4. Unfortunately, Asian hybrids do not have the aroma like their relatives from other sections. But in terms of diversity of flower shape and color, they have no equal. Only here they meet terry varieties: yellow Fata Morgana, orange Double Whiskey, pink Aphrodita. Also notable are the Tango variety series (with sparse or dense specks merging into dark tan marks), Brashmark (with dark strokes in the center of the petals) and others. The unique decorative qualities of Asiatic lilies are a treasured “lure” for collectors and designers.​

Oriental lily hybrids are considered the most beautiful among other lilies. interests many. Their large flowers of wonderful colors with a charming aroma are an example of luxury, bred by breeders. What you need to know about oriental lily hybrids?

"Country Hobbies"
Oriental lily hybrids

However, oriental lilies are finicky beauties that can only grow for several years in regions with a maritime climate and in lime-free soils.

In all other climatic regions their splendor lasts only a year or two. Many varieties of oriental lilies are not resistant to damage by viruses and fungal diseases.

Therefore, oriental lilies are plants intended for lovers of exceptional beauty.

All lily varieties in this large group are the result of crosses with Japanese or East Asian species of lineages such as the golden lily, the beautiful lily, the Japanese lily, the reddish lily or the Henry lily with its orange turban-shaped flowers.

Many hybrids based on flower shape are divided into varieties with tubular flowers, varieties with cuboid flowers and varieties with turban-shaped flowers.

Conditions for growing hybrids of oriental lilies

Oriental lily hybrids require moist air, a mild climate, a sunny, sheltered growing location with a shaded base, and lime-free, permeable soil.

Flower beds with herbaceous perennials and slightly acidic soil perfect for this type of lily. Plant them in the center or background of the flower bed.

Many hybrids do better and bloom longer in a container. For the winter, lilies in a container can be brought into the house. This was taken into account when developing new varieties. Low-growing varieties of lilies have appeared, growing only to 60-80 cm.

Choosing a place for lilies on your site

Oriental lilies hybrids

Oriental lilies will be charming, but where would they be best to live?

Oriental lilies have flowers of intense colors and patterns, so they need calm companions that allow the lilies to dominate the composition.

Roses are wonderful neighbors of oriental lilies. And here you can choose from a variety of colors and varieties.

White and silver-gray tones go well with almost all shades of oriental lilies.

Cohosh, white spur, two-colored groundsel and sea lobularia will highlight the splendor of oriental lilies.

Light-colored lily flowers will look more luxurious if planted with evergreen shrubs.

Planting oriental lilies

Oriental lilies hybrids

Planting time: spring.

Loosen the soil. Mix it with one shovel of peat and half a handful of complex fertilizers.

If the soil is heavy, then dig a hole 30 cm deep, put 5 cm of sand on its bottom, and fill it on top flower land y. Shape the flower soil into a skittle shape.

Before planting oriental lily bulbs, stick a stake in the ground.

To protect the bulbs from voles, wrap them in wire mesh and plant them in a prepared hole to a depth of 15-20 cm.

Carefully fill the hole with flower soil and press the soil down. Then lightly water the planting site and cover with bark mulch.

Tie growing lilies to a stake. Water during drought. After the lilies have finished blooming, stop watering.

Oriental hybrid lilies grow well in full sun, but they should be shaded at the base. The soil should be permeable and fertilized with humus. Required.

In waterlogged soil the plant dies. In regions with a harsh climate, it is better to keep lilies in a container: plant them in a flowerbed in the summer, and bring them indoors in the winter.

Look for varieties of low-growing lilies on sale that have been bred specifically for growing in containers. manifests itself in the appearance of orange or faded brown spots covered with mold on the leaves. The bulb is not affected. In this case, you should cut off the foliage and spray the lilies with a fungicide.

In spring or fall, buy light, strong lily bulbs. They should be evenly colored. Do not buy lily bulbs with soft or moldy spots or bulbs with long shoots that have already sprouted. Thank you! I invite you to the group on Subscribe.ru for summer residents and gardeners: “Country hobbies” Everything about country life: dacha, garden, vegetable garden, flowers, recreation, fishing, hunting, tourism, nature

Many people want to decorate their country cottage area or home flower garden unusual and beautiful plants, these also include lily flowers, namely their oriental hybrids. These crops are grown both in boxes on the balcony and in small floor baths. In the flowerbed they are planted close to the edge to create a beautiful flower arrangement. More about this beautiful flower We'll tell you later in the article.

Oriental lilies: description

Oriental hybrids were created by crossing several East Asian species. The brightness of the flowering of these plants can only be observed closer to autumn, when other flowers have already faded. The flowers of hybrid lilies are large and have a pleasant aroma. Thus, flowers of some varieties can reach 250 mm in diameter. Color palette the blooming buds are quite diverse. They can be, for example, white, red or pink.

As for lily leaves of this variety, then they are broadly lanceolate. The petioles of most of them are long. Flowers on spreading racemes can be located either below or to the side. On some petals the existing papillae are visible. The shape of the flowers can be star-shaped or turban-shaped (i.e. in the shape of a turban or turban). The first ones in the outer circle have beautiful petals.

It's worth saying that various varieties Lilies grow to different heights. In addition, each type of plant has its own individual rules planting and care. It is also important to properly prepare the crop for wintering. In particular, it will be enough to simply remove the containers with seedlings to a suitable dry place until autumn. For the winter you can place them in utility room or basement. The main thing is that they maintain a suitable temperature.

Blooming different varieties also at different times. So, early species begin to bloom in early August, and late varieties at the end of the same month or at the beginning of September. Old plants should be protected from prolonged rains, because... they can do them a lot of harm. To do this, seedlings can be covered with film or, in general, grown in greenhouses. Besides, high humidity increases the chance of developing a disease such as fusarium.

General rules planting

For hybrids, a sufficiently long time must pass after planting for them to begin to bloom. For older varieties, the growing season before flowering is about 130 days. In order for these plants to have time to bloom, the summer must be long enough. Therefore, in our regions we have to protect plants from frost using non-woven materials. This is done in mid-spring and early autumn. But new varieties begin to bloom earlier, thanks to which even in our regions they have time to go through a full growing season over the summer. However, they do not need to be covered for the winter.

In general, the first eastern hybrids were simply not suitable for growing in the middle zone. But that changed thanks to modern technologies, which made it possible to make these lilies more resistant to our conditions. The first flowers from some varieties can be expected already in the second half of July, even if they were planted late.

Among the new varieties, oriental double lilies are gaining popularity. There are also varieties of this crop that must “take root” on the site for 2-3 years before showing their true beauty. The fact is that their flowers grow so heavy that the stems simply cannot stand them during the first years. Only after some time will they be able to get stronger. As for the soil, it is important that there is enough humus in it. Good drainage must be ensured. In such conditions, flowering can be expected in the second half of summer. Otherwise, the growing technique is the same as for ordinary lilies. Any varieties of hybrid crops can grow both in the sun and in partial shade, and for successful wintering the most important thing is that there is no excess moisture in the soil.

It is better to purchase bulbs of Eastern hybrids in February or March. Lilies that will be purchased during this period can be stored until planting at a temperature of +6...+8 degrees in the refrigerator or in the basement, covered with a layer of damp peat. If the seedlings are purchased in containers, then they can be replanted with a lump of earth in the summer, even during active flowering.

Purchasing Oriental hybrids for open ground, it is important to find out how long the plant’s growing season lasts before flowering begins. In addition, when purchasing, you should focus on the characteristic features of the region in which the summer cottage is located. So, for the middle zone it will be enough to take plants with a growing season of 90-100 days. Many new varieties have this duration. They tend to have an average flower diameter of about 160mm. To successfully grow Oriental hybrids, you need fertile, slightly acidic soil. It is allowed to plant in peaty soil, which is filled with sand and leaf humus. Drainage must be done. It is important that the bulbs are not planted in low areas where moisture may accumulate, as this can damage the seedling.

Choosing a site for planting lilies

Since the stems grow quite tall and the flowers are large, you need to choose a place for planting that is protected from the wind. It should be noted that oriental hybrids go well with marshmallows. Alternatively, you can also plant the bulbs in groups among low bushes and under fruit trees so that they are in light shade. In any case, to protect seedlings from winter cold the landing must be deep. Above the mature bulb there should be a layer of soil equal to a thickness of approximately two times the diameter of the bulb.

Late-blooming lilies are best planted in the spring, which allows the plants to become properly established. It's also best to prepare the bulbs for their first winter. In late autumn, the crop is mulched with fallen leaves or peat. Then in the spring the lilies will begin to sprout later than usual and, thus, new shoots will not be subject to frost, which is likely in early June. In addition, low shoots are easier to cover.

The flowers of Oriental hybrids are quite large and have a pleasant aroma. The smell emanating from freshly cut flowers is better perceived in the fresh air than indoors. To make the flower beds look more stylish and modern in appearance next to the Eastern hybrids, it is recommended to plant creeping ornamental crops short stature. This is also convenient from a practical point of view. So, thanks to this planting, you can prevent the earth from overheating in the heat. In addition, in winter, these shrubs will retain a layer of snow, which acts as additional insulation for nearby plants. In the spring, they will create protection from frost, which is useful for young shoots.

In order for Oriental lilies to grow well, as mentioned above, they need loose and nutritious soil. It is important that moisture does not accumulate between the seedlings. This can occur on heavy and wet soils. Such areas should be loosened and made more breathable before planting. To do this, parts of sand, peat, perlite, vermiculite and other leavening agents are added to their composition. It is also recommended to add a little ash. It is better not to use fresh manure at all.

Planting order

Depending on the variety, its height and power, the distance between plantings of the Eastern Line depends. In any case, they should be planted at a distance of at least 200 mm from each other. Thanks to this, the lily will eat well. In addition, this will provide good ventilation to the root system, because it is most prone to the appearance of fungal diseases. It is better not to loosen the soil around the plant during the growth period. It is only allowed to mulch. The fact is that there is a possibility of disturbing young roots located close to the surface. Lily bulbs that were dug up on the site or purchased for planting should be planted as soon as possible; they do not need to be dried, because they do not yet have their own protective shell. Before planting the bulbs, it is best to soak them in some quality fungicide. After which they should be dried in the shade for a couple of hours. This is necessary in order to eliminate excess moisture, which could accumulate on seedlings. The roots of the plant can then be trimmed a little to make it easier to place the seedling in the planting hole.

If you plan to store the sprouts before planting, they should be carefully placed in containers, lightly sprinkled with peat, moss or sand. In some cases, sellers and suppliers use dry sawdust obtained from softwood for this purpose, which is not very suitable when the bulbs need to be stored for more than 3 weeks. In general, plant bulbs are stored much worse in sawdust.

Lilies that have not been transplanted should be fed with phosphate-potassium fertilizers in early autumn. In spring, complex fertilizing, such as nitrogen, is applied to the site. This should be done when the sprouts reach a height of at least 100 mm. In the spring, at this time, additional roots begin to sprout on the flower stalks of plants, due to which fertilizing is absorbed faster. Enter again complex fertilizers follows the beginning of bud formation. If the bulbs were planted in August, then autumn feeding they need to be eliminated or minimized. In this case, it will be enough to add ash to the soil.

Oriental lilies: care

Oriental lilies grow best in sun or light shade. It is advisable that plenty solar lighting it was in the morning or evening, but this is not necessary. If you need to cut seedlings, it is best to do this early in the morning, while keeping as many leaves as possible on the stem. Removing more leaves will cause the lilies to bloom less well. To prevent mice from harming planted plants, Persian fritillaria, daffodils or crocus can be planted next to the beds. IN winter period It is important to remove fallen snow from the site in a timely manner.

Oriental lilies usually reproduce vegetatively and by seeds. Each reproduction method has its own advantages and disadvantages. But if you don’t have time for this, then it’s easier to buy bulbs in a special store. To make the appearance of the flower bed more stylish and sophisticated, it is enough to plant only 3-5 plants.

Crop varieties

Depending on the type of flower, four groups of varieties of Oriental lilies are distinguished.

  • The first group includes lilies with flowers elongated shape, for example, varieties such as Little Fairies and Viceroy.
  • The second group includes lilies with cupped varieties, for example, the varieties “Africa”, “Dusky”, “Lavender Lady”, the hybrid group Oriental, “Betty”, “Crimson Beauty” and “Red Band”.
  • The third group is oriental lilies with wide flowers. This includes varieties such as “Imperil Gold”, “Imperial Silver”, “Aurora”, “Jillion Wallace”.
  • The fourth group includes lilies with petals bent back, for example, varieties “Allergo”, “Evening”, “Potomac” and “Enterprise”.
Eastern lily: photo

Lily is one of the most ancient flowers. The history of its popularity is calculated not in years, but in centuries and even millennia. This flower is mentioned many times in the Bible and is found in ancient manuscripts. And on the most ancient frescoes you can see his image. There are approximately 80 species of lilies in nature. From these, breeders developed thousands of hybrid varieties, which they divided into groups. The most common group of hybrids is asiatic lily.

Botanical description

The Asiatic lily is not one variety, but a whole group, which includes approximately five thousand varieties. Their parents chose eastern types of lilies: pleasant and drooping, David and tiger, dwarf and Maksimovich, bulbous and monochromatic, Dutch and spotted, bulbous, Daurian and others.

Asian hybrids are distinguished by winter hardiness and unpretentiousness, as well as a wide variety of shapes and shades. Asian varieties have different heights: can be short (up to 50 cm) and tall (up to 1.5 m). The flowers are often cup-shaped or turban-shaped and range in size from 8 to 20 cm in diameter.

The color range is very wide: from light soft tones (white, cream, yellow) to bright ones (sunny orange and fiery red). There are two- and three-color varieties. Located at the top of the stem, the flowers can look up, down and to the side.
Unlike other lilies, Asiatic lilies do not smell. But they bloom earlier than other species: in late June - early July. They reproduce by scales and babies. And on some varieties (bulbiferous), aerial bulbs or bulbs appear in the axils of the leaves, with which they reproduce.

Did you know? In Russian, this flower gave its name to the female name Lily, and in Hebrew - Susanna (from Hebrew “shushan” is translated as “lily”).


Eastern countries are considered the birthplace of lilies. According to one version, flowers appeared in Europe thanks to the crusaders, who brought lily bulbs from the crusades, among other trophies. To adapt oriental flowers to climatic conditions different countries, breeders from Japan, Europe and the USA began to work.

On the territory of Russia (then still Russian Empire) at the beginning of the 20th century, I.V. was the first to engage in hybridization of lilies. Michurin. Now lilies, in particular varieties of the Asian group, are distributed throughout Asia, Europe, the USA and Canada.

What is the difference between Oriental lilies and Asiatic lilies?

From the name we can conclude that Oriental and Asiatic lilies are identical. In fact, these are two different groups of hybrids. The Asian group includes 30% of all lily varieties. This is the most common group in the world. The second place in popularity is occupied by oriental hybrids.

The two groups have significant differences:

  1. Oriental hybrids are very whimsical; they need fertile, loose soil. Asian women, on the contrary, are undemanding in this regard.
  2. Asian beauties are not afraid of frost, they do not need to be prepared for winter. Eastern ones should be covered for the winter or completely dug out to prevent them from freezing.
  3. Asian lilies bloom earlier than all other lilies, including oriental ones.
  4. Unlike Asian women, oriental varieties need special care, as they are susceptible to most lily diseases.
  5. U oriental beauties There are two significant advantages: they are considered the most beautiful and exude a pleasant aroma. Asian women have no smell.

Did you know? In his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ said that the lilies of the field look much more beautiful than King Solomon in his royal robes.

Varieties of Asiatic lilies

In terms of variety of varieties, Asian hybrids take first place among other groups of lilies. Thousands of Asian women were grouped according to certain characteristics. Several variety groups were obtained.

Brushmark(from the English “brush stroke”). A common feature of this group are strokes on all tepals. The shapes and sizes of the patterns are different: thin, like a pencil mark, and thick, reminiscent of an artist’s brush strokes. Patterns are painted in different colors: From very light tones (cream) to dark and vibrant (dark purple). The intensity of color is often affected by weather.

The most popular among brushmark hybrids are the following varieties:

Two-color hybrids. Characteristic feature is that the flowers are painted in two or three tones, which smoothly blend into each other.

The following varieties are in demand in this group:

Tango distinguished by dense speckling in the center. The most beloved of this group is the Jason lily. yellow color, which is decorated with dark brown speckling.

Pixie-the group consists of mini-lilies no higher than 40 cm. There are not many representatives of this variety group. The favorite was the miniature Lady Butter Pixie with large flowers painted lemon yellow and with a golden spot in the center.

Terry varieties. Velvet petals give the flowers a luxurious look. Fata Morgana is considered the most striking representative of the double lilies.

Growing at home

Growing Asian hybrids in a flower bed near your home is not at all difficult. Unpretentious flowers do not need special care and conditions. All you have to do is choose appropriate place for planting, fertilize and replant the bulbs in time.

Choosing a landing site

Lilies - perennials. Therefore, you need to plant the bulbs immediately permanent place, where they can grow for 3-4 years. After this period, the flower stalks usually become shorter and have fewer flowers.

Several small stems may grow next to the main stem, which signal that many new bulbs have formed and are crowded in the nest. All this means that it’s time to dig up, divide and transplant the bulbs to a new place. If this is not done, the bush will most likely get sick and disappear.
For Asian women, you need to choose a well-lit area, partial shade is allowed. With a lack of sun, the stems will reach towards the light and bend. Perfect option- buds in the sun, and the lower part of the plant in the shade. This can be achieved by covering the ground with a thick layer of mulch, which will retain moisture. You can also plant low-growing neighbors next to the lily bushes, which will create shade for the roots.

The advantage of Asian hybrids is their winter hardiness. They are not afraid of cold or frost. Therefore, there is no need to dig up the bulbs for the winter. There is also no need to cover them in the snowy winter. If winter does not bring snow with it, then it is advisable to cover the bushes with mulch.

Soil and fertilizers

Although Asian women are unpretentious, they do not like calcareous soil. Neutral or slightly acidic soil (pH 6–6.5) suits them. Suitable soil composition: loam, leaf humus (but not fresh), and.

Before planting, it is advisable to pour sand into each hole, which will act as drainage and absorb excess moisture. Before planting the bulbs, you can saturate the soil with mineral fertilizers, but without nitrogen. A solution of potassium nitrate is often used for feeding.

Lilies need to be fed 2-3 times a month, starting from the second week after planting. Feeding becomes especially important during the formation of buds. But during the flowering period you should not feed, otherwise this process will speed up.

Important! Asiatic lilies don't like fresh organic fertilizers(manure) and excess nitrogen.

Watering and humidity

The Asiatic lily easily withstands temporary drying out of the soil and does not tolerate stagnant water, which can cause it to get sick. For an Asian woman, it is better to “not finish drinking” than to “overdrink.” On the other hand, constant drying out is also undesirable: the plant becomes weak, loses growth, and the flowers become less beautiful.
The best soil condition is moderate moisture. This will help, as already mentioned, by mulching or planting low-growing perennials between the lilies to create shade over the roots and prevent them from drying out. It is necessary to water abundantly and as the soil dries.

In dry weather this should be done once a week. It is advisable to water at the roots in the first half of the day, so that by night the soil above has time to dry out. After flowering stops, watering should also be stopped. The only exception can be a very hot autumn.


There are four ways to propagate Asiatic lilies. The first three are related to the bulb. The fourth method is propagation by stem bulbs. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


Video: propagation of lilies by scales

Stem buds (bulbs)

Among Asian hybrids there are varieties that reproduce by bulblets growing on stems. They look like bulbs that form small leaf scales.

They themselves fall from the mother plants, take root and germinate. They need to be collected in time and planted in the right place in the same way as root bulbs. New lilies will bloom only after two years.

Planting lilies

For planting you need to take high-quality planting material. Only in this case will you get healthy and beautiful flowers. The bulbs must be firm, without damage or other visual defects.

To disinfect them, they should be treated with a solution of karbofos or foundationazole. To store the bulbs, leave them in a room where it is dark and cool, and cover them with moss, sawdust or a damp cloth.

Important! The flowering time depends on the size of the planting bulb. Bush grown from large onion, will bloom in the first year, and from a small one in the second.

When to plant lilies

You can plant lilies at any time of the year, except winter. But still, the preferred planting seasons are spring and autumn. Asians are often planted in the ground in March, after the snow melts.

Benefits of spring planting:

  • in the ground the bulbs will not get wet or freeze;
  • they take root and take root better.

Many gardeners prefer autumn planting lilies. The roots have time to develop enough to survive the winter. Even severe frosts are not scary if the planted bulbs are covered.

Planting lilies in spring

When planting lilies, you need to remember the rule: the larger the bulb, the deeper it needs to be planted, and the deeper in the ground it sits, the later it will bloom. The depth of the hole also depends on the height of the future plant: for low grades a hole is prepared with a depth of approximately 10 cm, for medium varieties - about 15 cm, and for tall bushes - 20 cm.

Video: how to plant lilies in spring Prepared holes or trenches of the required length can be fertilized with humus or compost. The bottom of the hole is covered with sand, the onion is carefully placed on it, and the top is covered first with sand and then with earth. The planting site is thoroughly watered and then mulched with peat or sawdust (5 cm layer).

Planting lilies in autumn

Purchased bulbs are planted in the fall according to the same principle as in the spring. But most often autumn time already growing bushes are divided and planted using the methods described above: children, bulblets and scales are planted in the ground.

Three- and four-year-old plants especially need this. Transplantation can be carried out without waiting for autumn, 1–1.5 months after the end of flowering. Many Asian varieties can be planted as early as August.

Video: planting lilies

Caring for lilies

Caring for lilies, especially Asiatic lilies, is not difficult. We have already discussed the main points: regular watering, proper feeding and timely transplantation. You must also be prepared for possible difficulties.

How to care for lilies in the garden

Unlike other hybrid groups, the Asiatic lily is not afraid of winter. It is not afraid of severe frosts, especially if the beds are covered with snow or mulch. There is no need to dig up the bulbs before the onset of cold weather.

But if the bulbs are still dug up or purchased, and there is still a long time before planting time, then you need to provide them the right conditions storage The air in the storage should not be very dry or very humid, cold, but not frosty. The room must be well ventilated.
Such storage can be a basement, loggia or even a refrigerator. Before taking the planting material to a storage location, it must be placed in a container (box, box, bag), laying out the bulbs in layers and sprinkling them with peat.

To prevent the contents of the box from drying out, it must be sprayed with water from time to time. This way, the bulbs will remain in good condition and will wait their time.

Possible difficulties in growing lilies

Difficulties rarely arise with raising Asian girls, but they do happen. Let's discuss their causes and methods of combating.

  1. The flowers fade quickly. Possible reasons: the soil is very wet and water stagnates in the roots, or, conversely, the soil and roots become very overheated. You can save plants from overheating with mulch (sawdust, grass, straw), which will reflect sunlight.
  2. Bushes often get sick. Reason: fertilization with fresh manure, which can be a source of harmful bacteria. Lilies do not tolerate fresh organic fertilizers. You can use well-rotted compost or humus that is at least 4 years old.
Video: growing, care and propagation of lilies

Pests, diseases and prevention

Lilies after flowering

After flowering ends, you need to remove the seed pods if there is no need to collect the seeds. And the stems with leaves remain standing until they turn yellow and wither. If the weather is hot, then you need to continue to water the plants, as they supply their bulbs with the necessary nutrition.

Video: caring for lilies after flowering In autumn the bush is cut down. After this, the lilies can be replanted. Before the onset of frost, the bulbs should be covered with mulch. Cut bushes are not suitable for compost.