New beet varieties for the year. The best varieties of beets with photos and descriptions

Table fruit is two years old. In the first year it forms strong, large root crops, and by the end of the second - flowers and ripening seeds. The crop propagates only by seeds. For planting, it is recommended to choose a lighted bed, although the vegetable bears fruit normally in the shade.

The soil should not be acidic, then the greens become small and the tubers remain small and hard. The best land for planting is fertile, airy, permeable to water, does not stagnate, and has neutral acidity.

Seeds are planted both in spring and for winter - at the end of September - beginning of October.

In spring, the planting period should be chosen so that the soil has time to warm up 20-25 cm deep to a temperature of +8+10 C. This situation occurs in early to mid-May, the temperature remains stable during the day at +20+25 C, and at night it does not drop below +5 C. The main thing for a successful landing is that the temperature does not drop to +4 C or lower. When air temperatures drop, the root crop may not have time to form and the vegetable will go into flowering - it will drop in the first year, immediately moving on to the formation of buds.

Basic landing rules:

  1. The seeds are initially soaked in a growth enhancer for 18-20 hours, then dried in the fresh air. Planted directly in open ground.
  2. In the spring, furrows do not need to be formed; the seeds are placed on the bed approximately from May 1 to May 10, at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, separating the rows every 20 cm.
  3. After planting the seedlings, they should be sprinkled with soil 2 cm thick.
  4. If frost is still possible, planting material cover overnight with a greenhouse or film.

You can also plant seeds for seedlings. Boxes with sprouts must be kept warm and bright room. At the moment when 3-4 true leaves have already been formed, the seedlings are planted in open ground.

Care - mainly high-quality weeding, timely watering, thinning and fertilizing. Mineral supplements containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are required. The lack of fertilizers affects the quality and volume of the harvest. If it is not possible to feed with special additives, then you should add wood ash, combining it with humus and.

To obtain quality and bountiful harvest, you need to make 2 additions per period:

  • After thinning, adding nitrogen substances - 10 g of urea per 1 m2.
  • At the moment of joining the tops in the rows, it is done by watering with potassium phosphate fertilizers (10 g of potassium chloride + 8 g of superphosphate per 1 m2).

It is not recommended to supply fertilizing in excess, otherwise the sprouts accumulate nitrates in the tubers. To prevent the heart of the tuber from rotting (there is a lack of copper, boron, molybdenum), the seeds must be soaked in these microelements before planting or later added as a foliar additive.

The first thinning must be done when 2-3 leaves appear, the next one after 14-21 days, leaving no more than 10 cm between plants. It is recommended to water abundantly only in dry, hot weather. On other days, you should focus on the condition of the soil.

Harvesting ripe beets begins in mid-September - early October. The event should begin on warm, dry days in the morning. The main guideline for starting work is the withering of the tops.

In case of accidental spoilage, the fruit must be used short terms- in the near future. If this is not done, the tuber will spoil itself and infect whole healthy fruits with rot. When removing a vegetable from the ground, it should be left to dry and dry in the garden until the evening. Before sunset, the tops are cut, cleared of adhering soil, and placed in containers.

Beetroot is stored in cool, dark places - basements, cellars. For preservation, the ripest and healthiest products should be selected so that not a single sign of disease is present. Otherwise, storage will not last long.

The root vegetable is famous for its high calorie content - 100 grams of product contains 42 kilocalories. Beets contain many vitamins B, C, as well as B9 - folic acid, so necessary for pregnant women.

In addition, the red tuber boasts the presence of malic, oxalic, citric, lactic and tartaric acid. The latter promotes the digestion of food and the normal secretion of gastric juice.

The culture is rich in the following microelements:

  • Manganese – improves immunity, strengthens the nervous system, is suitable for the prevention of heart disease, and prevents the development of infertility.
  • Copper is required for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and for the proper functioning of female hormones.
  • Magnesium – reduces nerve excitability, lowers blood pressure.
  • Iron – supplies oxygen to internal tissues and organs.
  • Potassium – relieves arrhythmia, regulates surges in blood pressure.
  • Zinc – eliminates the causes of potency problems.

The root vegetable contains fiber and a large amount of pectin. They help cleanse the intestines and remove toxins from the body.

Thus, beets are not only a vegetable rich in variety, but also a very healthy product.

The main task of a gardener to obtain a good harvest is to plant and harvest a useful tuber on time.

More information can be found in the video:

Beetroot is a vegetable crop that has a positive effect on human body. It contains a huge number of valuable microorganisms: potassium, phosphorus, vitamin C. The young leaves of this plant can be used in cooking in the same way as spinach leaves. The reason is the high content of iron and calcium. But to obtain a guaranteed high yield, you need to know which varieties and good seeds crops will take root well in your region in open ground.

Bordeaux 237

This culture belongs to the mid-early one. Harvesting can be done on days 95-110. The weight of one root vegetable reaches 500 g. The shape of the product is round, the flesh has a burgundy color. The taste is sweet and pleasant. When planting seeds, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the fruits grow very quickly, for this reason they should be planted later than the required date or thickened.

Most suitable for growing in Siberian conditions. You can get a good harvest even with bad conditions weather. The plant tolerates heat well and retains its presentation during long-term storage in winter.

Single shoot

Allows you to get the harvest later than required. It has a spherical shape. The weight of the root crop is 300-600 g. The crop is characterized by excellent yield and keeping quality.

In addition, the plant can resist flowering. Due to its excellent taste and beautiful appearance, this product is actively used for preparing various dishes.


Refers to mid-early. Characteristic feature The plant remains with its excellent productivity. The culture has excellent resistance to cold, harvesting occurs on the 70-100th day.

The vegetable has an oval shape, burgundy color. The weight of one root crop is 150-420 g. When growing this crop, you don’t have to worry about being affected by cercospora blight, since this variety has strong immunity to the disease.

Cold-resistant – 19

Mid-season. Harvesting can occur on days 60-75. Product weight is 250 g. Their surface is smooth and dark red in color. The pulp is quite sleepy and tender, so the vegetable can be used to prepare various dishes.

Can be used for winter or early landing. During long-term storage it retains its presentation.

Winter beets

This variety is used for mid-early planting. The fruits have a round shape. The weight of the root crop reaches 200-400 g.

The product has a beautiful burgundy color. The culture is cold-resistant and has immunity to various plant diseases.

For the Urals

If you need to get early fruiting in the Urals, then you should use the following varieties:

  • Egyptian flat,
  • Dark-skinned,
  • Bicores,
  • Wodan F1.

When growing the varieties considered, it is possible to obtain sufficient large fruits already in mid-July. The shelf life of such products is short. They can be stored until December. The root vegetable can be consumed fresh or for preservation.

Bordeaux 237 is in great demand for growing beets in the Urals. The culture is early ripening. Harvest occurs on day 100-110. This root vegetable has a round shape, and the flesh is dark red in color.

For winter use, you should pay attention to the following varieties: Mulatka, Slavyanka, Detroit. Their storage can take place under proper conditions until the harvest, and their appearance does not spoil at all.

For the Moscow region and the middle zone

Beetroot is one of the most common vegetable crops Moscow region. Its characteristic advantages are resistance to cold and ease of maintenance. It is one of the first to be sown in the ground, but it manages to form a root crop even before the cold weather.

F1 Pablo

This variety allows you to get a high yield, which is characterized by early ripening of root crops. The flesh is tender and red, there are no rings on the cut. Harvesting occurs on days 78-110. The shape of the product is round, smooth, dark red in color, and has a thin tail.

The surface is smooth, thin, one fruit weighs 100-180 g. During storage, the presentation and excellent taste qualities. The presented variety resists bolting and can be used for early growing beets.

Egyptian flat

This variety is characterized by its high yield. Fruit harvesting can take 110-130 days. Used in autumn-winter period. The root vegetables have a flat shape and are red-violet in color. The weight of one product is 300-500 g. The taste of the pulp is pyrite and delicate.

The variety in question is immune to flowering. From 1 m2 it is possible to obtain 3-8 kg of root vegetables. This variety is suitable for long-term storage.

Detroit round

The presented variety is a product of Italian selection. Fruit harvesting occurs on days 80-120. Beet pulp has an unsurpassed taste and aroma. The vegetable itself is round in shape and has a smooth surface. The weight of one root vegetable is 200 g.

The crop in question can be used to obtain an early harvest. The variety is able to withstand cold. There is resistance to coloration. It has a long shelf life and is suitable for preservation.

Single-sprout beet

When using this variety, the harvest can be obtained ahead of schedule. Root crops are harvested on days 80-130. Has high productivity. A characteristic feature of the crop remains the presence of one- and two-seeded fruits, thanks to which it is possible to perform minor thinning of the sprouts.

The root vegetable has a round shape, weighs 300-600 g. The taste of the pulp is at top level, its color is dark burgundy.


The culture belongs to the middle-late culture. Used for farms and personal plots. From 1 m2 it is possible to obtain 6 kg of harvest.

Root vegetables are presented in the shape of a cylinder, their weight is 400 g. The surface is smooth. The pulp has a delicate and sweet taste, very juicy. The product is used for preparing various dishes, as well as for processing.

Incomparable A 463

The variety is mid-season, harvesting takes place on 70-100 days. The crop is characterized by high fruiting even in cold weather. The shape of the vegetable is flat, the surface is smooth, and has a dark red color.

Beets have tender, juicy pulp. Its color is burgundy, there are dark rings. The weight of one root crop reaches 170-400 g. It resists cercoporosis and is suitable for long-term storage.


The variety is mid-late, the root crops are harvested on the 130th day. The shape is smooth, presented in the form of a cylinder. The weight of one is 180-600 g.

This variety is classified as mid-season. Harvesting can occur on the 120th day. This crop is characterized by a small amount of foliage and has an average growth. The fruits have thin skin and a round shape. The pulp is tasty, tender and juicy, there are no rings, its color is bright red.

Beetroot is a product unique in its qualities. It can be grown in open ground in various regions of Russia. The reason for such widespread cultivation is that the crop is cold-resistant, high-yielding and has excellent resistance to various ailments.

Can be divided into 3 types: cylindrical, spherical and leaf type. The following varieties belong to the spherical type:

Flat shape - Gribov strip, Early miracle, etc.;

Round shape - Detroit Dark Red, Red Ball, etc.

Growing season early ripening varieties are 50-80 days, but their quality in terms of taste is inferior to other varieties. In Russia, the most widespread are medium-growing varieties of spherical shape. Their growing season is 80-100 days. When purchasing seeds of this type, you should pay attention to the fact that among them there are single-seeded and multi-seeded. The second ones are worse because the beets are improper sowing you will have to thin out, since 3-4 plants can grow from one fruit.

Early beet varieties


The period from emergence to ripeness is 85-105 days. The rosette of leaves is small and erect. The large, smooth root crop is round in shape and dark red in color. The pulp is intensely colored, there are no visible rings. The variety is intended for fresh consumption and storage.


The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes 75-100 days. The smooth root crop has a round shape and is dark red in color. The weight of the root crop is 160-360 g. The pulp is dark red, the rings are poorly defined. The taste is good. The variety is suitable for processing. The variety is characterized by long shelf life, resistance to flowering, good commercial qualities, and yield.


The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes an average of 100 days. The rosette of leaves is erect. The shape of the root crop is round-flat, the color is dark red. The pulp is dark red, the rings are poorly defined. The weight of the root crop is 250-300 g. The taste is excellent and the yield is high. The variety is suitable for fresh consumption, canning, processing into juice and for winter storage.

Bordeaux 237

The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness is on average 115 days. The shape of the root crops is round, the head is small, the color is dark red. The pulp is intense dark red, tender, juicy. The weight of the root crop is 230-530 g. The taste is good. The variety is characterized by good keeping quality, commercial qualities, yield, and long shelf life.

Gribovskaya flat A - 473

The period from emergence to ripeness takes 65-99 days. The mass of the root crop is 180-420 g. The variety is characterized by high yield, cold resistance, resistance to flowering, resistance to major types of diseases, good marketability and good keeping quality.

Detroit Rubidus

The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes an average of 90 days. The shape of the root crops is round, leveled, the tap root is thin. The variety is characterized by early ripeness, long shelf life, and suitability for processing.

Red ball K-250

The period from emergence to ripeness takes 95-105 days. The large root vegetable has a round shape. The weight of the root crop reaches 350 g. The pulp is dark, red, and has excellent taste. The variety is suitable for long-term storage. It is cold resistant.

Red ball improved

The period from emergence to ripeness takes 95-105 days. The average weight of the root crop is 300-400 g. The pulp is juicy and tender, dark in color. The rings are practically invisible. The variety is characterized by high cold resistance, resistance to flowering, excellent keeping quality, and productivity.

Leningradskaya rounded

The period from emergence to ripeness takes 85-115 days. The shape of the root crop is round. The weight of the root crop is 330-500 g. The variety is resistant to cracking, flowering, relative resistance to disease, good marketability and shelf life, and resistance to temporary soil waterlogging.


The shape of the root crop is round, the color is red, the weight is 125-225. The pulp is dark red, there are practically no rings. The variety has good taste, uniform root crops, and good marketability. From 1 m2 you can get 1.8-5.8 kg.


The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes an average of 105 days. The shape of the root crop is cylindrical, the color is red. Weight is 200-330 g. The pulp is dark red, juicy, tender, the rings are poorly defined. From 1 m2 you can get 5.5-5.8 kg. The taste is excellent. The variety is suitable for processing and production of early bunched products.

Incomparable A-463

The period from emergence to ripeness takes 69-99 days. The shape of the root crop is flat and rounded-flat, weight is 170-390 g. The pulp is dark red, the taste is high. The variety is characterized by good keeping quality, high yield, and cold resistance.


The shape of the root crop is round, the color is dark red, the weight is 150-377 g. The pulp is tender and very juicy, dark red in color. The content of sugar and betanin in root vegetables is increased, the accumulation of nitrates is low. The variety is characterized by productivity, good commercial qualities, resistance to flowering, and a long shelf life. Suitable for fresh consumption, processing into juices, baby food, and growing for bunched products.

Round dark red

The shape of the smooth root vegetable is round, the color is dark red, the weight is 203-680 g. The pulp is juicy and tender, dark red in color with purple tint, the rings are weakly expressed. The taste is excellent. The variety is characterized by high yield, good keeping quality, and a long shelf life. Suitable for growing for bunch production.


The shape of the root crop is round, dark red in color, weight is 158-438 g. The pulp is tender, juicy, dark red, the rings are very weakly expressed. The taste is good. The variety is characterized by high yield, resistance to major types of diseases, good marketable products, and is suitable for long-term storage and processing.


The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes an average of 110 days. The root crop is smooth, round in shape, and dark red in color. The pulp is tender, juicy, red in color, there are no rings. The weight of the root crop is 109-180 g. The variety is characterized by high yield, high commercial quality, uniformity of root crops, good taste, resistance to major types of diseases, resistance to bolting, and long shelf life. The variety does not need thinning.


The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes an average of 105 days. The root crop is smooth, has a round shape, and is dark red in color. The variety is subject to long-term storage. It is distinguished by excellent quality of root crops.

Russian single-seeded

The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes 90-100 days. The shape of the root crop is round. The pulp is juicy, burgundy in color, the rings are practically not pronounced. The variety is characterized by good keeping quality, resistance to flowering, uniformity of root crops, and long shelf life.

Skvirsky gift

The period from emergence to ripeness is 84-87 days. The shape of the root crop is flat-round, the color is dark red. The pulp is dark red with a purple tint. The variety does not require thinning and is suitable for growing for bunch production.

Dark-skinned girl

The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes 95-110 days. The rosette of leaves is erect. The shape of the root crop is flat, the head is small, the weight is 350-550 g. The root crop is half immersed in the soil. The pulp is juicy, red with a purple tint. The taste is excellent. The variety is characterized by resistance to flowering, excellent keeping quality, and long shelf life.

Cold resistant 19

The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes 68-97 days. The weight of root crops is 250-450 g. The variety is high-yielding, cold-resistant, has resistance to flowering, good marketability and keeping quality.

Mid-season beet varieties

Crimson Ball

The shape of the root crop is spherical. The pulp is juicy, beautiful dark color. The taste is good. The weight of the root crop is 150-180 g. The variety is characterized by productivity, uniformity of root crops, and fast cooking.


The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes an average of 120 days. The rosette of leaves is medium-sized. The root crop is smooth, round in shape, and dark red in color. The pulp is tender, juicy, intensely colored, with no visible rings. The head size is average. The weight of the root crop is 250-280 g. The taste is good. From 1 m2 you can get 5.5-6 kg. The variety is characterized by shelf life and productivity. Recommended for fresh consumption, canning and storage.


The mass of the root crop is 200-780 g. It is 3/4 immersed in the soil. The pulp is tender, dense, juicy, dark red in color, with no visible rings. The taste is good. The variety is characterized by high yield and good keeping quality.


The period from emergence to ripeness is 105-115 days. The shape of the root crops is round, the skin is thin, the mass of the root crop is 256-488 g. The pulp is tender, dark red in color.


The period from germination to harvest is 100-120 days. The shape of the root crop is round, weight 111-212 g. The pulp is dark red, there are no visible rings. The variety is characterized by yield stability, marketability, cold resistance, good keeping quality, resistance to flowering, and uniformity of fruits. Suitable for canning.

Detroit Nero

The period from germination to harvest is 100-110 days. The shape of the root vegetable is round, the flesh is dark burgundy in color. Weight up to 300 g. The variety is characterized by high yield, long shelf life, and accumulates nitrates less than other varieties.


The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes an average of 118 days. The smooth root crop has a round shape and is dark red in color. The variety is characterized by drought resistance, high yield, keeping quality, and long shelf life.

Red cylindrical

The period from emergence to ripeness is 100-120 days. Smooth-skinned root crop, middle length, cylindrical shape. The color is dark burgundy, the weight of the root crop is 320-520 g. The pulp is tender, there are no compactions in the vein area. The variety is suitable for fresh consumption, for salads and pickling.


The shape of the root crop is oval-flat, weight is 500-600 g, the outside color is dark red, the inside is red-violet. The taste is good. The variety is characterized by good keeping quality and resistance to flowering.


The shape of the root crop is round, the color is dark red, the weight is 140-310 g. The pulp is dark red, the rings are poorly defined. The taste is good. The variety is characterized by high yield, long shelf life, good marketability, and resistance to flowering. Recyclable.

Madame Rouget

The period from emergence to ripeness is 85-95 days. The root vegetables are smooth, spherical in shape, weight - 200-250 g. The color of the pulp is dark red, there are no rings, the taste and yield are high. The variety is suitable for long-term storage and processing.


The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness is on average 120 days. The rosette of leaves is medium-sized, erect. The root crop is smooth, has a round shape, and is dark red in color. The pulp is intensely colored and there are no divisions into annular zones. The variety is characterized by a long shelf life.

Odporostkovaya G-1

The period from emergence to ripeness is 100-125 days. The shape of the root crop is round or round-flat, the color is dark purple. Weight of the root crop is 311-610 g. The pulp is tender, juicy, dark burgundy in color. The variety has good keeping quality, high taste, and good marketability.


The shape of the root crop is round, the weight is 110-152 g. The taste is excellent. The variety is characterized by high productivity, high yield of marketable products, uniformity of root crops, resistance to flowering, resistance to major types of diseases, and good keeping quality.

Red Cloud

The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes on average 120 days. The rosette of leaves is large and located vertically. The root vegetable is smooth, round in shape, and the skin is dark red. The pulp is intensely colored, there are no divisions into annular zones. The variety is suitable for long-term storage and grows well in dry areas.


The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes an average of 118 days. The root crop is ugly and has a round shape. The color is dark red. The variety is characterized by drought resistance, long shelf life, and good keeping quality.


The root crop is smooth, long, cylindrical in shape, weighing on average 220 g. There are no rings on the pulp, the taste characteristics are excellent. The variety is resistant to flowering.

Scarlet Supreme

Root vegetables are round, aligned. The color of the root vegetables is dark cherry. The pulp is juicy and the taste is excellent. The variety is characterized by high productivity, high yield of marketable products, and resistance to diseases.


The shape of the root crop is cylindrical, the tip is blunt, the weight is 150-400 g. The root crops are half immersed in the soil. The pulp is sweet and tender, intense red in color, the rings are almost invisible. The variety is suitable for thickened planting and is characterized by high yield.


The period from emergence to ripeness is 95-115 days. The shape of the root crop is round and round-flat, weight is 300-500 g. The pulp is tender, juicy, dark red in color with a burgundy tint. The variety is suitable for fresh consumption and canning. It has good keeping quality.


The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness is 110-115 days. The shape of the root crop is cylindrical, the color is dark red, the weight is 250-600 g. The pulp is dark red, there are no rings. The taste is excellent. The variety is intended for canning, long-term storage and processing. Root vegetables are easily pulled out of the soil and cooked quickly. The productivity of the variety is high.

Late beet varieties


The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness is on average 125 days. The rosette of leaves is located vertically. The shape of the root crop is round, there are no visible rings. The variety is characterized by high yield, resistance to drought, flowering, and a long shelf life.

Two-seeded TSCA

The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes an average of 125 days. The root crop is smooth, round in shape, and dark red in color. The pulp is tender and juicy. The taste is good and does not change during the entire storage period. Weight reaches 570 g. Root crops are aligned in shape and size. The variety has good keeping quality, good disease resistance, and high yield.

Egyptian flat

The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes 110-128 days. The shape of the root crop is flat, the color is pink-red. The pulp is juicy and tender. The mass of the root crop is 320-520 g. The taste is average. The variety is characterized by high yield and is suitable for long-term storage.


The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness takes 125-130 days. The shape of the root crop is cylindrical, length 10-15 cm. The pulp is sweet, juicy, dark red. The root crop is immersed in the soil by a quarter and is easily pulled out. The peel is thin and easy to peel. The variety is characterized by resistance to major types of diseases and good shelf life.

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Types of varieties and their differences

​For the Urals and Siberia, the most suitable early varieties are Cold-resistant-19, flat Siberian, flat Egyptian, flat Gribovskaya A473, flat Polar K249, Podzimnyaya A474, Incomparable A463, Bonel hybrids 9805290.​

The varieties of this group are still rare. The most famous variety among gardeners is Cylinder.​

​The variety is easily distinguishable from others by its root crop, which has an elongated oval-cylindrical, blunt-ended, slightly curved shape or, in some varieties, a rounded shape.​ ​Carrot pulp is dense, very juicy, and quite sweet.​


The pulp is juicy and tender. The percentage of carotene is up to 15.2 mg, up to 9% sugar.​

Root vegetables have a cylindrical shape, smooth skin, and small eyes.

The flesh is bright orange in color, tender, juicy and sweet in taste. The Amsterdam carrot variety is recommended for fresh consumption and processing. In addition, for growing bunched products.​

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- a variety of table beet, classified as mid-season, ripens within 80 days. Dark burgundy root vegetables have a special round shape. What is characteristic is that they have no rings, but the pulp

​To the very popular varieties table beets include:

Bona is valued for its consistently high yield. C 1 square meter When planting, you can harvest about 6 kilograms of beets. Root vegetables grow round, medium in size with soft and uniform pulp. The Larka variety gives a yield of up to 600 centners per hectare. Root crops are adapted for mechanized assembly. Beets can be stored for a long time. Root crops grow up to 300 grams.​


Beetroot is one of the most common crops in middle lane and Siberia. Its root crops are used for cooking, sugar production, and for animal feed. It is also customary to eat beet tops. For each purpose, there are different varieties of seeds that best fit the required criteria. Below we will present you the best varieties of beets and tell you what the fundamental differences between them are.​

The growing season of mid-season varieties covers a period of 90-100 days from germination to technical ripeness of root crops. The most common varieties in dacha farming are the Detroit and Bona varieties, which produce round-shaped root crops weighing 220-300 g with smooth skin and a deep red color. The varieties are highly resistant to bolting and have excellent keeping quality. It differs from early varieties in having denser pulp, which allows them to be used for long-term storage and processing. Detroit is suitable for pickling.​

The most productive

​Knowledge of the characteristics of the variety types will help you purchase the appropriate beet varieties for winter storage. Select the early ones, the most suitable for fresh use (juice) and after heat treatment for the daily diet and winter preparations.​

​varieties belong to the group of medium ripening period,​

​Keeps well. Productivity reaches 5-7 kg per square meter. meter

​Stores well, the harvest is stable, the taste is good, the carrot variety is resistant to low temperatures.​

Video “All about beets”

Dimensions of the root crop: length up to 18 cm, weight up to 160 grams, with an intense orange color.

The variety has a medium ripening period (108–115 days) and has a high carotene content (up to 18 mg) and sugar content (11%). The root vegetables are orange in color, cylindrical, with a blunt end, fruit length is from 15 to 17 cm, weight reaches 160 grams.​

The best varieties of beets

​tasty, tender and juicy. The variety is well stored, resistant to diseases and flowering.​


Sweet varieties of carrots for winter storage in the Urals, central Russia


​The root vegetable is conical in shape, with a blunt end, the color of carrots and pulp is orange.​

​The variety stores well and is resistant to flowering.​

​Carrot variety Red Giant with medium ripening, high yielding.​

Vitamin 6

​good for use both fresh and for processing - this is a mid-season beet variety with so-called leveled roots. It is high-yielding and, in addition, has good shelf life.​

​Podzimnyaya A-474​

Red giant

It doesn’t matter whether we sow beet seeds for our own use or the seeds for sale, in any case it is important for us to get a good harvest. The following varieties performed according to this criterion with the best side. The early variety Podzimnyaya A-474 speaks for itself. Seeds are sown at the end of autumn and in the spring you get about 6.5 kilograms of juicy and fresh root vegetables per 1 square meter.​

​Sugar beets have White color and an elongated conical shape. It is grown for the production of sugar, since the content of this element in it can reach up to 23%. Sugar beets grow best in southern regions with fertile soils.​

​Of late varieties, the Cylinder variety is grown everywhere in warm regions. The variety is characterized by elongated cylindrical root crops up to 10-18 cm long and weighing up to 180-300 g. The variety contains increased amounts of sugars and does not lose its taste during heat treatment. The pulp is juicy, pleasant dark red color. The variety is high-yielding (up to 8-10 kg per m² of area). Resistant to diseases. It has good keeping quality.​

​Early ripening beet varieties can be used in bunch and root ripeness. Beam early and mid-early products are selected during thinning. The most suitable varieties are Carillon, Mona, Detroit ruby ​​3 and other multi-seeded varieties.​

​Cylindrical beets.​

​The shape of the root crop is close to cylindrical, with a blunt end, up to 16-18 cm in length.​

Losino-Ostrovskaya 13

The length of the root crop is up to 16 cm, with a weight of up to 100 g. Boltex carrots are distinguished by good uniformity and sufficient resistance to flowering.

​There is an improved variety Dorina.​

​Root vegetables have an elongated conical shape and orange color.​


- one of the best early ripening beet varieties, ripening 55 days after germination. It should be noted that the variety is resistant to beet blossom.

​Bordeaux 237 produces up to 8 kilograms of root vegetables from 1 square meter of plot. Beets are distinguished by their rich and deep color, as well as juicy and sugary pulp. Bordeaux Single-seeded is valued for its economy in sowing and for the absence of the need to thin out planting. The variety has excellent keeping quality. Up to 6 kilograms of crops are harvested from 1 square meter.​

​In Siberia, the yield of this crop is slightly lower with less sugar content.​



​Popular varieties for growing and canning are Red Cylindrical, Slavyanka, Sonata.​

​The color of the skin and pulp of the root vegetable looks red-orange.​


​Store well, transportability is excellent.​

​Minicore variety with very early ripening. Recommended for early consumption of fresh root vegetables and for canning.​

​Dimensions of the root crop: length reaches 24 cm, weight up to 130 g, carrot diameter 4-6 cm, core - medium.​

​- average early variety, which is used to obtain early beam products. Root vegetables are cylindrical, long, dark red in color.​


​Bordeaux Kharkov​

Among the late-ripening varieties, Cylinder stands out. By the name you can understand what shape the root vegetables have. Beets grow up to 20 centimeters in depth and up to 7 centimeters in diameter. Thus, productivity is ensured due to compact placement in the garden bed. Cylinra has a rich dark burgundy color and sweet flesh without distinct rings.​

​One of the most popular is Eckendorf Yellow. Cylindrical root vegetables grow from the seeds. The roots are not very developed, so it is easy to pull ripe beets out of the ground. The tops are smooth and semi-erect with dark green leaves. The pulp is juicy and white. From 1 hectare you can harvest up to 970 centners of crop.​

​Of the keeping varieties we can recommend to home growing Renova beet variety, which is stored practically without waste for 6-7 months. The root vegetable is cylindrical in shape, the flesh is pink, juicy, dense. During long-term storage it does not lose its taste. From 1 m² it forms up to 9 kg of root vegetables.​

​Red Ball and Detroit seeded in early spring, after 72-75 days, root crops weighing 150-250 g with dark red soft, juicy pulp are formed. The red ball is recommended for children's dietary nutrition. Detroit's precocity allows for two harvests per year. warm season. Keeping quality is low, so you need to sow a limited amount.​

As a rule, varieties of this group are late-ripening with a long growing season. Therefore, they are grown mainly in the southern regions.​

​The pulp is very tender and juicy, of good taste.​

​An early ripening variety, a hybrid of West Siberian selection.​

From the germination of carrot seeds to the harvest, 88–90 days pass.

​The surface is smooth, carrots are well stored and do not lose their juiciness until spring.​


Coreless carrots

​is considered the best variety of beets for storage. Sweet root vegetables sometimes reach a weight of 460 grams. The disadvantage of this variety is that the beets quickly outgrow, so the seeds need to be sown a little later.​

​The choice of seeds is important, but it is equally important to create for the crop the necessary conditions for growth. This plant loves moisture, sun and warmth. For good harvests Weed growth also needs to be controlled. Otherwise, even the most productive variety will not please you with a good result.​

​Arnimkrivenskaya is considered the most productive. The ripe root crop has a cylindrical shape and ¾ of it protrudes from the soil. Preservability is good. Aboveground part The root crop is colored gray-green. The bottom of the beets has a light shade. Sutton has a round shape and gray-yellow color. The pulp is juicy and homogeneous. There are practically no small lateral roots, so root crops are easy to harvest.​

​The varieties with a cylindrical root shape - Andromeda, Ataman, Torpedo, Tenderness, Rival - are not inferior in taste to Cylinder and Renova beets. They are distinguished by high taste, good keeping quality and productivity. Resistant to variable weather conditions. Late varieties include Bicores, Egyptian flat, Single-sprouted G-1, which require 100 or more days to form root crops.​

​The beets of the Cold-resistant-19 variety are good in terms of root quality indicators. A mid-early variety that yields its harvest from seedlings on 66-76 days. Flat-rounded, with dark red, sweet, tender pulp, it is successfully used in fresh and processed form. It can be used in the spring diet during the breakthrough in bunch ripeness during winter and early spring sowing. The variety is characterized by increased cold resistance and good keeping quality.​

​Different from other varieties:​

​The period from germination to harvest is 100 days.​

​The roots of carrots of the Minikor variety are small, leveled, cylindrical in shape, up to 15 cm long, and also have a small core.​

Features of the Eclipse beet variety

​The Red Giant carrot variety is one of the best varieties in terms of carotene content (up to 15 mg).

  • ​- late-ripening beet variety, can be cut into bunched products. The pulp of these root vegetables is sweet, juicy, tender and tasty. The cylinder grows up to 20 cm in length, has a thin skin that can be easily removed.​
  • ​Incomparable A-463​
  • ​This video shows a brief description of of this vegetable and seeds, its features and an overview of varieties.​

​Vorriak has a developed root system. From seeds grow large plants with developed tops. The variety is afraid of frost. During autumn frosts the tops die. In winter, root vegetables are stored well. For Siberian conditions, it is best to purchase seeds of the Northern Orange variety. ​

​Attention! Breeders have found that in Siberian conditions, varieties with flat roots are stored worse than those with round and cylindrical ones.​

Features of the Erfurd beet variety

​At the same time as the Red Ball, you can additionally sow the Bordeaux 237 variety. These two varieties are similar in quality, but Bordeaux 237 has a longer growing season. Root crops reach technical ripeness later after 90-110 days. It is characterized by heat resistance, productivity and keeping quality. Throughout the summer and autumn-winter period, the family will be sufficiently supplied with the necessary dietary product. Bordeaux 237 has one drawback. Root crops quickly outgrow and become tougher. Therefore, it is better to sow them 2-3 weeks later than early varieties and grow them in thickened plantings. The early variety Egyptian Flat has good keeping quality. From mass shoots to root crops of technical ripeness, 95-115 days pass. Forms root crops weighing 250-400 g.​

​long-term, practically waste-free storage in the autumn-winter period,​

  • ​Beets Bikores.​
  • ​Carrots of the Zabava variety are planted to obtain an early harvest.​
  • ​Carrot pulp is tender and sweet, suitable for whole-fruit canning.​

​An early ripening variety, Polish selection, which was zoned in 1998 for the Central region. It will take 80 days from germination of carrot sprouts to harvesting

- one of the best varieties of red beets. Its root vegetables are slightly flattened and one of the most delicious.​

​Although some gardeners consider foreign-bred vegetables to be the best, domestic beet varieties can prove the opposite. Yes, many foreign root crops are smooth and beautiful, and their yields are stable. However, for us, the most important thing is that table beets are tasty, safe for our health and stored for a long time. According to these indicators, our varieties of this root crop are superior to foreign ones, and in terms of yield they are not too inferior to them. Let's find out which beet varieties are the best.​

Early varieties of table beets

​If you are looking for the best varieties of beets with a high sugar content, we suggest paying attention to the following options. Detroit is suitable for cultivation in the central region. The root crop has a round shape with a short root. The pulp is dark red. The average weight of one fruit is about 110 grams. The sugar content ranges from 12-14%. The main advantages are shelf life, marketability, stable yield.​

​Growing beets.​

​excellent taste,​

​When grown in any conditions, it produces high yields with excellent quality.​

​Carrot variety Altair has an average ripening period (102-110 days), a hybrid of carrots, zoned in the West Siberian and Far Eastern regions.​

​Variety Losinoostrovskaya 13 with average ripening time, from germination to harvest - from 80 to 120 days.​

Medium varieties of table beets

Root vegetables with smooth skin, cylindrical shape, with a blunt end, up to 17 cm long and fruit weight up to 60 grams. Amsterdam variety carrots are resistant to fruit cracking and blooming.​

The concept of “the best varieties of beets” is very relative. For some it is important that there are no white rings; for some - to be stored for a long time; the third loves cylindrical beets, the fourth wants to grow a sweet root vegetable. Fortunately, hybrids and varieties of table beets delight with their variety and are able to satisfy the tastes of almost any gardener.

Therefore, we suggest dividing the table beet varieties according to the most important classifications to make it easier for you to choose the appropriate variety (by size, shape, ripening time, etc.)

There are beet varieties based on ripening time:

-early ripening . The fruits of early ripening varieties ripen in about two months: planted in May, and at the end of July you can already harvest the first harvest! But the only problem is that such a root crop is stored quite poorly, so it’s not worth planting much early varieties of beets. The best early varieties of red beets– Detroit, Egyptian Flat, Bona, Red Ball, Mulatto, Oxblood, Cold Resistant 19.

- mid-season . The best option for gardeners living in the middle zone - growing mid-season beets (ripening time - 80-100 days). Such beets store quite well, have excellent yields, and their taste is more remarkable than early ones. The best varieties mid-season beets: Bordeaux 237, Single-germ, Incomparable, Cylinder, Podzimnyaya, Pablo

- late ripening. Late ripening varieties(ripening time - 100-135 days) are best suited for long-term storage. But their main drawback is that in the middle zone they do not have time to ripen normally, so they are planted late varieties beets only in more southern regions.

Depending on the form, table beets are:

Flattened (Egyptian flat, Incomparable, Nosovskaya flat, Bona)

Cylindrical (varieties Cylinder, Mona, Ataman, Torpeda)

Round (varieties Pablo, Mulatka, Detroit, Bordeaux 237, Red Ball, Boltardi, Smuglyanka, Kestrel)

What are the best beet varieties for storage?

The best stored beets are the varieties Bordeaux 237, Podzimnyaya, Incomparable, hybrid Pablo F1, Nosovskaya flat.

What beet varieties are suitable for winter sowing?

What are the sweetest beet varieties?

Cylinder (most cylindrical beet varieties have a high sugar content), Mulatka, Red Ball, Detroit, Incomparable, Smuglyanka, Kestrel.

The best varieties of beets without light rings:

Pablo F1, Cylinder, Detroit, Boltardi, Kestrel

Characteristics of beet varieties with photos and descriptions

And now we bring to your attention a description of the varieties of red beets - the most popular, most productive and in demand today.

Beetroot Pablo F1

The most popular beet today is the hybrid of the Dutch selection Pablo F1. Her secret is optimal combination small shape, almost complete absence white rings, sweet taste and easy to grow. It belongs to the mid-early variety and is resistant to adverse weather conditions (cold, moisture deficiency) and, very importantly, to soil quality. Therefore, it can be grown in Ukraine, and in Belarus, and in Moldova, and in northern regions Russia. Thus, Pablo F1 is one of the best beet varieties for the Urals.

The root crop can be stored for several months without loss of shape and taste; it is not prone to cracking, bolting or blooming; it is resistant to many dangerous diseases(scab, cercospora, root beetle). U beets Pablo F1 straight, medium-sized rosette, round fruits, weighing 100-150 grams (sometimes up to 200-250 grams), diameter 10-15 cm, average yield - up to 7 kg per square. The color of the pulp is burgundy-violet, the skin of the root vegetables is burgundy, smooth, and rather thin. The growing season is 100-110 days.

Beet Cylinder

Another very popular, time-tested one beet variety – Cylinder. Gardeners fell in love with it for its fairly long shelf life (more than 4 months), its sweet, juicy pulp without the notorious rings, very tasty, and its resistance to major root crop diseases.

The beet variety Cilindra is a mid-late variety.(ripening time - from 120 to 130 days). The shape of the fruit is elongated, cylindrical, diameter – 5-8 cm, length – 10-15 cm. The fruits are medium-sized, with dark skin, weighing 150-250 grams (sometimes more). Cylinder beets are often grown for sale because the root crops grow neat, uniform, and level. The yield is more than 7 kg per square, and the “cylinders” are pulled out of the ground very easily.

Also in favor of Cylinder beets is the fact that improved hybrids were developed on its basis - Daughter Cylinders F1 and Granddaughter F1.

Beet Mulatto

This is a mid-season beet variety (110-120 days), which appeared on store shelves not so long ago, but is already loved by gardeners. The Mulatka beet variety is distinguished by a not too rich color of the pulp (not burgundy or ruby, but dark red), but this in no way affects the richness of the taste - it is juicy, sweet, very tasty. After heat treatment does not change color, which is important for borscht lovers. The roots are round, not too large (150-300 grams), smooth. From one “square” of bed, 4-5 kg ​​of Mulatka beets are harvested. This variety Suitable for winter storage, resistant to temperature fluctuations, unpretentious to soil, immune to flowering grass. Among the disadvantages of Mulatto beets is their increased demands on lighting; in the shade, the root crop will grow unsweetened and small.

Egyptian flat beet

Brought out almost 80 years ago, this beet variety is still popular, which says a lot. Of course, Egyptian flat beetroot is not as sweet and tasty as some new varieties (in other words, it tastes ordinary), it does not last until summer (although 70-80% of root crops will survive the winter), and this variety is susceptible to cercospora blight, the main enemy of beets. weakly stable. But the Egyptian flat beet also has advantages, thanks to which it still remains among the leaders in the preferences of summer residents: unpretentiousness to soils, the ability to endure long periods of drought without damage, and resistance to flowering.

The characteristics of the Egyptian flat beet variety are as follows: ripening time - 90-100 days (mid-early), the root crop grows flattened, small, neat, average weight - 200-350 grams, but there are specimens up to 500 grams, 4- 8 kg of root vegetables; The color of the pulp is burgundy-violet, without pronounced rings.

Beetroot Bordeaux 237

Beet variety Bordeaux 237 - another time-tested, reliable, and for many summer residents - best variety of red beets. Round, neat root vegetables with rich burgundy juicy sweet pulp are not too large, so they are easy to process and bake; Bordov 237 is well suited for salads. The variety is famous for its stable yield, good germination, heat and drought resistance and the ability to be stored well - until spring, or even until the new season, it will lie in the cellar without wrinkling or drying out.

Beetroot Bordeaux 237 belongs to the mid-early variety (ripening period - 70-110 days), root crops grow weighing from 200 to 500 grams, with a diameter of 10-15 cm, shape - round or slightly flattened. The variety is considered resistant to diseases, but in some years it is affected by peronospora and cercospora. From a “square” of bed you can harvest from 4 to 8 kg of beets.

Beet Detroit

Perhaps the most popular of the early-fruiting beet varieties today. Of course, Detroit can be sown twice per season, since the ripening period of the root crop is only 65-100 days. Taste qualities Detroit beets magnificent - it is juicy, dark red, has a pleasant sweet taste. The root crops grow small (from 100 to 200 grams), but leveled, round, smooth, with a very small axial root - in general, very marketable. Other advantages of Detroit beets include resistance to flowering and cold.

As for early beets, Detroit is stored well, but for storing for a long time winter storage However, it is better to choose another variety, mid- or late-ripening. Another unpleasant bonus of this early-ripening beet is its poor resistance to disease and increased demands on watering and light.

Beet red ball

This is an early variety with a ripening period of 65-100 days, which is famous for its very juicy, dark red, almost purple sweet pulp, practically without rings on the cut. Recommended for use in dietary and baby food, and, of course, cooking (it cooks quickly and does not have an unpleasant “beetroot” taste). The beet variety Red Ball is resistant to cold, flowering, stemming, resistance to drought and disease is average. Root crops grow round, weighing 200-500 grams. The productivity of Red Ball beets is high; up to 6 kg of root crops are harvested from a “square” bed. Stores without problems until spring.

Beetroot Mona

The mid-late beet is cylindrical in shape, so in the middle zone it may not have time to ripen. Beet variety Mona The good thing is that it is single-sprouting (not 3-5 sprouts grow from one seed, but only one), so thinning is not required. As a result, root crops form quickly, grow evenly and delight with stable yields. Despite its elongated shape, these beets are easily pulled out of the ground, since they are only immersed in the soil by a third of their length. The average weight of Mona beets is 200-350 grams, length is 10-20 cm, diameter is about 5 cm, the flesh is tender, juicy, dark red, the rings are almost invisible. The yield is high - 6-7 kg of root crops from a “square” bed.

Beetroot Incomparable

This beet got its name for its excellent taste - its pulp is juicy, very sweet, dark red with almost black rings. Beet variety Incomparable refers to early ripening (70-96 days). Root crops grow round or slightly flattened, weighing 150-400 grams; despite their early ripening, they are stored well until spring. Among the features - incomparable beets do not like heavy soils, are weakly resistant to cercospora, resistant to flowering, stemming and cold.

Beet Boltardi

An early ripening variety (70-100 days), which, due to its cold resistance, can be sown in very early dates into open ground. Roots Boltardi beets They grow small (150-350 grams), but very even, smooth, neatly round in shape. The pulp deserves special attention: completely without rings, burgundy-purple, very sugary and juicy. Suitable for storing for long-term storage. Boltardi beets are considered resistant to disease and flowering, but are demanding on watering and fertilizing. From a “square” of beds you can collect 3-8 kg of root vegetables.

Beetroot Oxblood

This beet variety is for lovers of large root vegetables: the weight of one copy can exceed 600 grams. Beetroot Oxblood – a medium-late variety (110-120), distinguished by its resistance to cold, flowering and excellent keeping quality. The beet pulp is dark red, with faint rings, but without hard veins; the color does not change after cooking. The characteristics of the beet variety indicate that the weight of the root crops is 150-240 grams, but in fact, gardeners note that the real weight of Ox Blood is 2 or even three times higher.

Beet Bona

It's relative new variety beets with medium ripening periods (105-120 days), which is loved by summer residents for the juicy, delicate, sweet taste of the pulp, small uniform round root crops weighing 200-300 grams and good keeping quality. Beet variety Bona It is pleasant because it does not have rings on the cut and is resistant to most diseases. From a “square” of beds you can collect 5-7 kg of root crops.

Beet Smuglyanka

Popularity beet variety Smuglyanka due to its sweet, rich taste, dense pulp of bright pink-violet color and very good keeping quality. Smuglyanka beets are mid-season varieties (95-110 days), root crops grow weighing up to 200-400 grams. Other advantages of the variety include yield stability, cold resistance, and resistance to flowering.

Podzimnyaya beet A 474

From the name it is obvious that this is one of the best beet varieties for winter sowing. In general, beets Podzimnyaya A 474 is mid-season variety(95-105 days), and is suitable not only for winter sowing, but also for early spring sowing. It is distinguished by dark red root vegetables of a flat-round shape, growing up to 200-300 grams. Podzimnyaya A 474 beet pulp is sweet, juicy, with good taste and dark red color. No less important features varieties - resistance to cold and suitability for long-term storage.

Beetroot Kestrel F1

One of the main red beet hybrids for Europe and the USA. Moreover: abroad, Kestrel F1 is one of the standards for quality and high yield. It is used in baby food and juices, as its rich red color does not fade after heat treatment. Also beet hybrid Kestrel F1 has excellent commercial qualities - uniformity of root crops, good transportability, high sugar content, keeping quality.

Kestrel F1 beets are mid-season hybrids (90-100 days) with a small root shoot, smooth surface, and small leaf rosette. The average fruit weight is from 300 to 400 grams.

Of course, that's not all best varieties of beets. Among the early ones, one can distinguish Odnorostkovaya, Libero, Vinaigrette Marmaladka, Gribovskaya flat, Bagryannaya, Borschevaya, Kubanskaya; from the mid-season - Boheme, Negro, Tenderness, Opolskaya, Bon-Bon, Larka; of the later ones - Ataman, Torpedo, Renova. This is not to mention the hybrids, of which a lot have appeared recently!