High-yielding varieties of cucumbers for open ground are self-pollinating. The best varieties of cucumbers

After the article, a huge number of comments about the most productive varieties of cucumbers from gardeners and gardeners from different regions based on the results of 2018.

Using my many years of experience in growing cucumbers in a greenhouse and open ground, as well as having studied the reviews of other gardeners on forums and numerous neighbors in the country, I can confidently recommend planting the best varieties and cucumber hybrids. They are suitable for growing in greenhouses and under temporary film covers and open ground. Each gardener chooses what suits him best. All these varieties of cucumbers are available in almost every seed store catalog.

April cucumber F1

Of course, it’s better to take it for a greenhouse hybrid varieties F1 cucumbers, since they have short side shoots and do not need pinching. Hybrids, as a rule, are characterized by high yields and disease resistance.

If you are choosing cucumber varieties for the Urals and Siberia, then consider varieties and hybrids that bear fruit well in low light conditions and are cold-resistant.

If you plant cucumbers in a greenhouse or greenhouse that require pollination by bees, do not forget that from the beginning of flowering the bees must have free access to the flowers.

Varieties of cucumbers with photos and descriptions, reviews

Cucumbers Herman F1, characteristics

An early, high-yielding parthenocarpic hybrid with a long fruiting period. The plant is powerful, with sufficient nutrition it simultaneously forms up to 6-7 fruits in one node. The fruits are green, dense, large-tubercular, gherkin-type, genetically without bitterness.

The hybrid is resistant to cladosporiosis, powdery mildew and cucumber mosaic virus. It is grown both in greenhouses and in open ground using vertical and horizontal methods.

Productivity of cucumbers Herman: up to 9 kg of greens per plant per season (subject to compliance with agricultural practices, timely watering and fertilizing).

Cucumbers Masha F1

The earliest (37-39 days before fruiting), parthenocarpic hybrid. The fruits are standard in size, 8-11 cm long, ripen smoothly, have a very attractive appearance. They are good both fresh and pickled.

The hybrid is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, cladosporiosis, powdery mildew, and relatively resistant to downy mildew.

Productivity of cucumbers Masha: more than 10 kg of fruits per 1 sq. meters of landings.

One of my favorite cucumbers.

Cucumbers Connie F1

An early, high-yielding parthenocarpic (not requiring pollination) gherkin-type hybrid, 43-45 days pass from germination to the start of fruiting. The plant is medium-climbing, with tufted ovaries.

The cucumbers are short, cylindrical, 7-9 cm long and weighing 60-80 grams, bright green, finely tuberous, white-thorned. Crispy, juicy, without bitterness, with excellent taste. The hybrid is resistant to overgrowth, powdery mildew and root rot.

Connie F1 is a universal-purpose cucumber, used for fresh consumption and for processing. Recommended for growing in open and protected ground.

Connie's cucumber yield: 14 - 16 kg/m².

Cucumbers Courage F1

Early maturing parthenocarpic hybrid (from germination to fruiting 45-50 days), female type of flowering, intended for cultivation in greenhouses.

The plant is vigorous, with average shoot formation. 2-4 ovaries are formed in the nodes (often up to 5-6 pieces).

The fruits are dark green with light stripes, 12-15 cm long, weighing 120-130 grams, tuberous, white-thorned, universally used. The taste is high, without bitterness. Planting density is 2.5-3.0 plants per square meter. meter. The hybrid is relatively resistant to major cucumber diseases.

Productivity of Courage cucumbers: 6-8 kg/plant (subject to agricultural practices).

Cucumbers Nezhinsky 12

One of the best varieties of cucumbers for pickling. Grown in open ground and film shelters. The variety is mid-season, bee-pollinated, unpretentious, disease-resistant. The bush is long-climbing.

The cucumbers are short, elongated-ovoid, large-tubercular, black-thorned, 10-12 cm long, weighing 80-110 grams. The fruit pulp is crispy and has excellent taste. The variety is resistant to olive spot and bacteriosis.

Productivity of cucumbers of the Nezhinsky 12 variety: 1.5 - 2 kg/sq. m.

Agricultural technology: at the end of May, seeds or 20-25 day old seedlings are planted in greenhouses and in the ground. Planting density - 3 plants per 1 sq.m. The seeding depth is 1.5-2 cm. The soil must be fertile with high aeration (sawdust and leaves can be added).

Cucumbers Miranda F1

An early ripening, high-yielding, universal hybrid, with well-defined parthenocarpy of predominantly female flowering type. These cucumbers are intended for growing in film greenhouses and open ground. The plant is vigorous, well leafy, with one to two ovaries per node.

Cucumbers are 11-12 cm long, weighing 110-120 grams, cylindrical in shape with white spines, green in color with white specks throughout the greens and stripes up to the middle of the fruit. The fruits are juicy, aromatic, good both in salads and for any processing, especially in pickling.

Advantages of a hybrid: has increased cold resistance and group resistance to diseases, including powdery mildew, early ripening.

Productivity of Miranda cucumbers: up to 6.3 kg/sq. m.

Sowing: in unheated greenhouses or seeds or 25-35 day old seedlings are planted in the ground at the end of May, when the soil warms up to 14-15°C. Planting density: when grown in spreads - 3-4 plants/1 m², vertical production on stakes/trellises - 2-3 plants/1 m². The seed placement depth is 1.5-2 cm.

Cucumbers Ira F1

An ultra-early bee-pollinated hybrid of predominantly female flowering type, from germination to the beginning of fruiting 45-50 days. The plant is medium-climbing, with 2-3 ovaries per node.

The cucumbers are cylindrical, 12-15 cm long, weighing 55-85 grams, dark green, large-tubercular, with white pubescence. The pulp is dense, crispy, with excellent taste. The hybrid has high stable harvests and complex disease resistance. Designed for growing in open ground.

Productivity of cucumbers Ira F1: 9.5 - 10.2 kg/m2.

Agricultural technology: Cucumbers are grown through seedlings or by sowing seeds in the ground. Seeds are sown under film to a depth of 2-3 cm, seedlings are planted at the age of 20-25 days, when the threat of frost has passed and the soil has warmed up to 10-12 C. Planting scheme: 3-5 plants per 1 sq. m. m. The culture is demanding of heat, moisture and soil fertility. Care consists of regular watering warm water. Once every 10 days, watering is combined with fertilizing (1 liter of slurry or 10 grams of urea per 1 liter of water). The plant is formed by pinching the third leaf.

Cucumbers Karelian F1

Self-pollinating, high-yielding, short-fruited hybrid. It begins bearing fruit on days 43-45 from the moment of germination. Cucumbers are 8-10 cm long, spindle-shaped, large-tubercular. Fruits of high taste and commercial quality. Pickling.

Advantages of a hybrid: cold resistance, extended fruiting period, intensive simultaneous filling of several ovaries. The hybrid is not sensitive to temperature changes. It bears fruit well in poor soils. Well suited for growing in the Urals and Siberia.

Productivity of Karelian cucumbers: 14.8 kg/sq.m.

Agricultural technology: planting density in film greenhouses is 3 plants per 1 m². The hybrid responds positively to pollination or spraying with a solution boric acid(1 g per 1 liter of water) at the very beginning of fruiting. In film greenhouses, side shoots are pinched over 2-3 leaves. Plants do not form under temporary film covers and in open ground.

Care: regular watering with warm water. Once every 10 days, watering is combined with fertilizing (1 liter of manure or 10 g of urea per 1 liter of water).

Cucumbers Emerald Stream F1, description

An early-ripening parthenocarpic hybrid for growing in open ground and film shelters. The period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 44-48 days. The plant is vigorous, weakly climbing, predominantly with a female type of flowering.

Cucumbers are elongated-cylindrical, tuberculate, dark green, with delicate thin skin, 30-50 cm long, weighing 150-200 grams. They have excellent taste and aroma.

Cucumber yield Emerald Stream: up to 6 kg/sq. m.

The value of the Emerald Flux hybrid is its resistance to powdery mildew, cold resistance, shade tolerance, long and continuous fruiting period. Great for salads.

Cucumbers variety Delicatessen

An early ripening variety of cucumbers for growing in open ground. The plant is powerful, with long vines.

The cucumbers are cylindrical, smooth, finely tuberculate, 9-12 cm long. The skin is tender, dark green. The fruit pulp is dense, with a high sugar content. The seed chamber is small. All these qualities indicate that Delicacy is the most suitable variety of cucumbers for canning and pickling. open ground.

Advantages of the variety: resistance to short-term cold snaps, extended fruiting period.

Productivity of cucumbers of the Delicatesny variety: up to 7 kg of fruits per 1 sq. meters of plantings (subject to agricultural technology).

Agricultural technology: seeds or 20-25 day old seedlings are planted in unheated greenhouses and in the ground at the end of May. Planting density is 3-4 plants per 1 m². The seeding depth is 1.5-2 cm. The soil should be fertile with high aeration (add sawdust and leaves).

Cucumbers Corinna F1

Ultra-early ripening, high-yielding parthenocarpic hybrid of cucumbers of German selection for open and protected ground with favorable yield. The plant is medium-sized.

Cucumbers (improvement of Koni F1 in shape and color) - gherkins, 8-10 cm long, dark green, finely tuberous, white-spiked, genetically without bitterness, excellent consistency. When pickled and canned, they remain dense and crispy. The hybrid is resistant to a number of diseases.

Productivity of Corinna cucumbers: 5.2 - 6 kg of fruits per 1 sq. meters of landings.

Agricultural technology: seeds or 20-25 day old seedlings are planted in greenhouses and in the ground at the end of May with a planting density of 3 plants per 1 m² and a seeding depth of 1.5 cm.
Care: regular watering with warm water. Once every 10 days, watering is combined with fertilizing (1 liter of manure or 10 grams of urea per 10 liters of water). The plant is formed by pinching over the Z-leaf.

Gherkin Madame F1

Early maturing (43-48 days) bee-pollinated hybrid for growing in open ground and in greenhouses. The plants are vigorous, predominantly with a female type of flowering and a bunched arrangement of ovaries (3-6 per node).

The cucumbers are short, cylindrical, often and finely tuberculate, dark green with small white stripes, white-spiked, with thin delicate skin, up to 10-12 cm long, weighing 65-85 grams, dense, do not overgrow and do not turn yellow.

Productivity of Madame F1 cucumbers: 10.5 - 14.0 kg/m².

Hybrid value: resistance to downy mildew and root rot, intensive fruit formation and uniform yield, lack of bitterness. Greens of this variety are recommended for fresh consumption, canning, and preparing lightly salted cucumbers.

The plant is formed by pinching over a 3-leaf.

Cucumbers of the Graceful variety

Early ripening (40-50 days), bee-pollinated variety, for open ground, medium-climbing. Resistant to olive spot, has high cold resistance.

Zelentsy are finely tuberculate, white-thorned, 10-13 cm long, weighing about 140 grams.

Productivity of cucumbers of the Graceful variety: 5 - 7 kg/sq. m.

The Graceful cucumber variety is perfect not only for fresh consumption, but also for pickling and pickling.

Cucumbers Alligator F1

Early ripening (46-48 days) bee-pollinated hybrid, with long-term fruiting, for spring film greenhouses and open ground. The plant is powerful and vigorous.

Cucumbers are elongated-cylindrical, green, large-tubercular, shiny, with thin delicate skin, 35-40 cm long, sweet, juicy, aromatic.

Alligator cucumber yield: 14 - 16 kg/m².

Hybrid value: resistance to downy and powdery mildew, long fruiting period, excellent taste. Recommended for fresh consumption and canning in slices.

Cucumbers Chinese disease-resistant F1

Hybrids of the “Chinese Sustainable” series are distinguished by high productivity, endurance and excellent quality. Mid-early (48-54 days) hybrid for growing in open (on trellises) and protected ground. The plant is powerful, with short internodes and small leaves, formed into a single stem.

The cucumbers are smooth, cylindrical, dark green, with a shiny coarse-tubercular surface, smooth at the base, “with a handle,” 30-35 cm long. The taste is high.

Productivity of cucumbers of the Chinese disease-resistant variety high.

Hybrid value: high resistance to disease, tolerance to cold and low light. Recommended for preparing salads, canning and pickling into slices.

Gherkin Son of regiment F1, characteristics

Mid-early (40-45 days) bee-pollinated hybrid of cucumbers for open ground and film shelters. The plant is medium-sized, medium-branched, with predominantly female flowering type.

Cucumbers are oval, sparsely and coarsely tuberous, green with short stripes, white-thorned, 6-8 cm long, do not overgrow and do not turn yellow.

Cucumber yield Son of the regiment: 3.6 - 4.5 kg/m2.

Hybrid value: resistance to downy mildew, cucumber mosaic virus, pumpkin scab, abundant and long-term fruiting, high taste, technological and commercial qualities, suitability for collecting and processing gherkins and pickles (2-4 cm). The purpose is universal.

Cucumbers variety Pickling

Early ripening (41-46 days) bee-pollinated variety for open ground. The plant is long-climbing, medium-sized, medium-branched, of mixed flowering type.

Cucumbers are elongated-cylindrical, coarsely tuberculate, green with light stripes middle length, with black pubescence, 10-11 cm long, weighing 100-125 grams.

Productivity of pickling cucumbers: 3.5 - 5 kg/sq. m.

Variety value in resistance to downy mildew, stable yield, presentation and high pickling qualities. The variety is recommended for pickling.

Cucumbers Director F1

Early ripening (from germination to the beginning of fruiting 43-45 days), parthenocarpic hybrid. The plant is powerful with a well-developed root system. 2-3 fruits are formed in one node.

The fruits are cylindrical, large-tubercular, dark green, white-thorned, 9-10 cm long, 3-3.5 cm in diameter, weighing 65-80 grams, genetically without bitterness. The top of the fruit is green and does not turn yellow from the first to the last harvest. The taste and product quality are excellent. This hybrid is also characterized by high shade tolerance and a long fruiting period.

The hybrid is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, powdery mildew, cucumber vascular yellowing virus, and downy mildew. Cucumber Director is recommended for growing in protected ground: in the first rotation - 3-3.5 plants/sq.m and, especially, in the second rotation - 2.5-3 plants/sq.m, as well as in open ground. It is used for both fresh consumption and canning.

Cucumber yield Director: in a greenhouse 18-20 kg/sq.m., in open ground 12-14 kg/sq.m.

What varieties of cucumbers do you grow? Which ones are the most productive? And the most delicious ones, without bitterness? What varieties of cucumbers do you recommend for the Moscow region, Siberia, and the North-West?

Your feedback on cucumber varieties will help many gardeners choose the best varieties and hybrids for planting. If possible, attach a photo.

Interesting on the topic:

Irina Khorovets

Last year I planted varieties such as Emerald Stream, Emerald Earrings, Balcony Miracle. The Ural gherkin, Chinese snake, I collected a very good harvest for both pickling and salads. This year I will try the Harmonist variety (early gherkins without pollination). Aprilskie and Zazulya are always in the greenhouse until mid-September.

I plant April in the greenhouse, with a harvest until late autumn. You can also grind it. And in the beds are Claudia, German, Mashinka, Marinda, Kustova. There is always a sea of ​​cucumbers. Yaroslavl region.

Both self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers and those that are pollinated by bees can be planted in open ground.

It is imperative to take into account your region, that is, choose cucumber varieties acclimatized to your climate. Naturally it will be different varieties, for example, for the Southern regions and for Siberia and the Urals, or the Moscow region. Here, either experiment yourself by planting different varieties, or read reviews of gardeners from different regions and take their word for it. And, by the way, it’s up to you to decide what to plant - hybrids or varieties. It's a matter of taste here. And again, you must decide what purpose the planted cucumbers are for - for fresh consumption, pickling and canning, or whether they are universal varieties and hybrids that are suitable for everything.

We only offer the best varieties and hybrids of cucumbers, which have been highly appreciated by those who grew them.

Cucumbers Masha F1, characteristics

This Dutch hybrid is intended for cultivation in open ground only in southern regions, in the middle zone it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse.

Seeds are packaged in Holland. The manufacturer warns that the seeds have already been treated with thiram and do not require soaking before planting.

Masha cucumbers are early ripening, and if agricultural practices are followed, they begin to bear fruit on the 36th day after germination. They are high-yielding and, conveniently, parthenocarpic (self-pollinating, not requiring pollination by bees).

The plants are determinate, meaning that the growth of the main stem is limited by the flower cluster. Female type of flowering. Abundant fruiting is achieved through bouquet formation of ovaries in the nodes of the plant (up to 7 ovaries per node).

The cucumbers themselves are dark green, large-tubercular, weighing 90-100 grams, 3-3.5 cm in diameter, with light stripes of medium length and mild spotting, with thick skin and white spines. The length of the fruits is stated to be 11 cm, but we recommend picking them at a length of 8-9 cm. By this we provoke the development of new ovaries, which increases the yield from the bush as a whole. The fruits are genetically without bitterness.

Cucumber Masha is intended by the manufacturer for fresh consumption. In 2000, this hybrid was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation as a salad and canned hybrid. Masha F1 cucumbers show excellent taste both pickled and fresh. The fruits do not lose their elasticity and remain crunchy when preserved. Greens also tolerate transportation well.

Productivity of cucumbers Masha more than 10 kg/sq. m. (subject to agricultural technology).

The hybrid is resistant to cladosporiosis, cucumber mosaic virus, and powdery mildew.

Cucumbers Amur F1

Ultra-early (the period from germination to fruiting is 37-40 days), bred in the selection and seed production company “Manul”. In 2000, the variety was included in the State Register for cultivation in all regions of Russia. This hybrid is suitable for cultivation both in greenhouses and in open ground.

The plant is parthenocarpic (does not require pollination by bees), vigorous, indeterminate. The branching is weak, so the bush does not require shaping. One or two ovaries are formed in the nodes.

When landing in exhaust gas for 1 sq. m. place up to 5 bushes. Amur produces its main harvest in the first month of fruiting.

Cucumbers are small-tubercular, with a short neck, 12-15 cm long, weighing 90-110 grams. The skin is dark green with faint light stripes reaching up to a third of the fruit. The spines are small, white. The hybrid is salad, but is also suitable for canning.

Productivity of cucumbers Amur: 12-14 kg per 1 sq. m.

The hybrid is cold-resistant. It is resistant to the main diseases of cucumber - olive spot (cladosporiosis), cucumber mosaic virus, root rot, powdery mildew and downy mildew. This is a salad variety, but is also suitable for canning.

Advantages of the Amur cucumber: early ripening, self-regulating branching, high taste, abundant and long-term fruiting, disease resistance.

Cucumbers Herman F1, characteristics

Super-yielding, early ripening (40-45 days from germination to fruiting), parthenocarpic hybrid of universal use for open ground and film greenhouses.

The plant is powerful, simultaneously producing up to 6-7 fruits in one node with sufficient nutrition.

Zelentsy are dark green, large-tubercular, dense, 10-11 cm long, weighing 70-90 grams, excellent taste, crispy, without bitterness. Cucumbers are intended for fresh consumption, canning and pickling.

Advantages of the Herman F1 hybrid: combination of early ripening with high yield, uniformity of fruits, resistance to major diseases of cucumbers.

Productivity of cucumbers Herman more than 10 kg/sq. m.

Cucumbers Competitor

Mid-early (the period from germination to fruiting at spring planting is 45 - 50 days, in summer - 29 - 30 days), a bee-pollinated cucumber variety bred at the Crimean Experimental Breeding Station.

The Konkurent variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 1980 and approved for use in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Rostov Region, the Republic of Dagestan, Adygea, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria, and North Ossetia. Recommended for growing in open ground.

The plants of this cucumber are powerful, weakly branched, with a long main stem. The length of the stalk is 5-7 cm, which makes harvesting easier. Requires formation.

During formation, blinding is carried out (all stepsons and ovaries are removed) in the first 3-4 leaf axils of the main vine, which allows the plant to form a strong root system and gain green mass. At node 5-6, only 1-2 ovaries are left, removing the stepsons. And starting from the 6-7th node, the ovaries and side shoots are left, pinching them after the 1st leaf. But in the upper tier, the side shoots are pinched after 2-3 leaves, depending on the density of plantings. When the plant reaches a horizontal trellis, the main stem is wrapped around it 2-3 times, then lowered down 50-80 cm and pinched.

The fruits are large-tubercular, small (9-12 cm long, weighing 70-100 grams), the skin is green, with blurry white stripes of medium length. The pubescence is frequent, the spines are black. The pulp is dense, crispy, aromatic. These cucumbers are good for pickling, which is confirmed by numerous reviews from gardeners, but fresh and in salads they are also very tasty.

The cucumber variety Competitor is resistant to bacteriosis, olive spot, powdery mildew and downy mildew (peronospora). The harvested fruits do not turn yellow for a long time. With a lack of moisture, greens begin to taste bitter.

Cucumber yield Competitor: 3-5 kg ​​per 1 sq. meters (subject to timely watering and fertilizing).

Advantages of the variety: inexpensive seeds, excellent taste of the fruit. The disadvantages include thick skin and overgrowth of fruits not collected in time.

Cucumbers Director F1, characteristics

Medium early (42-45 days from germination to fruiting), productive, Dutch cucumber hybrid from Nunhems. In 2013, it was included in the State Register and approved for use in Russia. Recommended for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouses.

Parthenocarpic hybrid, female type of flowering, commercial purpose. Plants are indeterminate, medium-sized, highly branched. The leaves are dark green and medium in size. There are 2-3 female flowers in one leaf axil.

When landing in exhaust gas for 1 sq. m place 3 plants.

The cucumbers are medium-tubercular, weighing 65-80 grams, 9-12 cm long. The skin is thin, dark green, with short, barely noticeable light stripes. The pubescence is medium, white in color. The pulp is slightly crunchy. Fruits without voids.

Cucumber yield Director 250-360 c/ha. The fruits are collected every other day.

This hybrid is characterized by high shade tolerance and good disease resistance. It produces a lot of shoots, which need to be removed in a timely manner so as not to burden the root system and increase productivity.

Advantages of this hybrid: unpretentiousness, high and stable yield, keeping quality and excellent presentation.

Cucumbers Garland, characteristics

Early ripening (period from germination to fruiting 45-50 days), parthenocarpic hybrid with bunched ovaries (up to 4-5 in one node). Recommended for open ground and film shelters. Due to its shade tolerance, the Garlyanda F1 cucumber is suitable for growing on a balcony, loggia and in room conditions on the windowsill.

The plant is powerful, weakly branched. The fruits are 12-14 cm long, dark green, finely tuberculate, white-spiked, weighing 120-130 grams. These cucumbers are good for pickling, pickling and eating fresh.

The Garland hybrid is resistant to root rot, powdery mildew, olive spot, and relatively resistant to downy mildew.

Advantages: high yield, excellent taste and marketable quality of the fruit.

Productivity of cucumbers Garland: 14-16 kg/m2.

Sowing of seedlings is carried out at the end of April. Planting seedlings in the ground - in late May-early June in the phase of 3-4 true leaves. Sowing directly into the ground - in May-June.

The plant is formed into 1 stem. Planting pattern: 30 x 70 cm. Optimal temperature soil for seed germination +25-+30 degrees.

If you have grown any of these varieties, please write which variety for open ground you liked best. Be sure to indicate the region in which you live. If possible, attach a photo of the cucumbers you grew.

Your feedback will help many gardeners choose the best varieties of cucumbers for open ground for planting.

There is hardly a gardener who does not plant cucumbers on his plot. India is considered the birthplace of this plant. How to cultivate a cucumber garden plant began in ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire. Later it spread throughout almost the entire world. Let's talk a little about growing cucumbers in the conditions of central Russia in open ground.

Preparation for cultivation begins long before the cucumber seed hits the ground. This is where you should start with preparing the land. Heavy, heavy cucumbers are not suitable for growing. acidic soils. For planting, it is better to choose areas with light, well-fertilized soils.

It is best to do a soil test in a laboratory, but it can also be determined at home.

Soil composition

  1. Clay soil, when moistened with water, can be easily rolled into a cord; it does not crack when twisted.
  2. Loams can be rolled into a cord when wet, but they won’t be able to be twisted; they will break.
  3. You can easily rub it between your fingers sandy loam soils. When moistened, do not roll it into a cord, only into a ball.
  4. Don’t make anything from moist sandy soil at all. Neither cord nor ball. It will crumble.

Soil acidity

If there are no litmus indicator papers to determine the acidity of the soil, then the simplest determination can be made by the soil's reaction to vinegar. Sprinkle some earth on the glass and pour in table vinegar. Strong foam will indicate alkaline soils, medium foam formation - the soils are neutral, no foam - the soils are acidic.

Sandy loam or light loamy soils with neutral acidity are good for cucumbers. If necessary, you can change the composition of the soil by adding peat or sand, and you can change the acidity using chalk or dolomite flour.

Fertilizer application

Cucumbers require fertilized soil, so in the fall, apply 9-10 kilograms of manure per square meter soil. In spring, it is better to apply half-rotted manure. In the fall, if there is no manure, you can add superphosphate. Per square meter 40-50 grams. In spring it is possible to introduce ammonium nitrate– 10-20 grams per square meter. It’s a good idea to add wood ash 20-25 grams each.

The best soil predecessors for cucumbers are cabbage, onions, tomatoes, and early varieties of potatoes.

Seed preparation

It is better to start preparing seeds by soaking and germination. In this case, low-quality, ungerminated seeds will be immediately eliminated. You can germinate on cotton wool, filter paper, or sawdust. For germination it is taken warm water. It is possible to use a solution with the addition of growth stimulants, such as Gumistar or Siyanie-2. Prepare the solution according to the instructions on the stimulant packaging.

Plant the sprouted seeds in separate containers or peat pots with a volume of 350-400 ml, so as not to damage the roots of the sprouted cucumbers during transplantation. The germination of cucumber seeds lasts up to 5-6 years.

Planting in open ground

In conditions middle zone In Russia, cucumber seedlings are planted in open ground during the second ten days of May. You can plant in 2-3 terms, leaving a gap between plantings of 7-10 days. This way we will extend the ripening and harvesting time of fresh cucumbers. We always plant cucumbers in a recess (hole). The hole will provide better access to water and it will be possible to add soil to the roots of the plant. Adding soil will lead to an increase in the root ball, as a result the fruiting period will extend and increase the yield.

Cucumbers are quite responsive to the following conditions:

  1. Application of organic fertilizers.
  2. Regular loosening of the top layer of soil.
  3. Soil temperature. Do not plant seedlings when the soil temperature is below 14-16 degrees C.
  4. Do not allow the soil to dry out or over-moisten. If the plant dries out, it will die; if there is excess moisture, the roots may rot.

Add well-rotted compost or humus into a dug shallow trench. Sprinkle with a layer of earth about a centimeter and the seedlings are transferred into the hole made. Water the seedlings well to prevent root damage during transfer or plant them in a peat pot when germinating in it. Bury it 1-1.5 centimeters below ground level. The best option is considered to be planting on a ridge in 2 rows. The distance between plants is 20-25 centimeters, between rows half a meter. To protect from possible drops in temperature, a film shelter is needed. Cucumbers planted in open ground without shelter can be left from June 5-8.

A radish planted along the edge of a ridge will protect the cucumber from spider mite. The combination of cucumber with garlic, cabbage, dill, radishes, and beans worked well.

Video - Growing cucumber seedlings at home

Ripening time

According to ripening time, cucumber varieties and hybrids are divided into:

  • ultra-early ripening – ripening time up to 45 days;
  • early ripening - ripening time 45-50 days;
  • mid-season – ripening period 50-55 days;
  • late ripening – ripening time over 55 days.

Cucumbers are also divided according to their intended purpose into pickling, salad and universal-purpose varieties. Early and mid-ripening cucumbers are most suitable for growing in open ground. The breeders are not stopping their work. Varieties of different ripening periods have been developed. Below are the most famous and tested cucumber varieties by gardeners. Almost all bee-free cucumbers are hybrids. Therefore, an annual purchase of seeds will be necessary.

High-yielding, self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers for open ground

The hybrid produces high yields with medium ripening periods. Resistant to diseases. Pleasant taste. Doesn't taste bitter
Ultra early ripening. Resistant to mosaic virus attacks. The fruits are cylindrical. Doesn't taste bitter
Early ripening hybrid. The taste is good. It doesn't taste bitter. Gherkins are good for pickling and pickling. No internal voids or seeds
Medium ripening hybrid. Long length of the main lash. It is recommended to grow on a trellis. The hybrid is not affected by powdery mildew. Excellent taste. Not suitable for pickling
Medium ripening hybrid. Green color fruits with a whitish tint. A large number of side shoots. It is recommended to form a bush on a trellis
A hybrid of the work of breeders from Holland. With an average yield, it was highly praised for its excellent taste. Medium late ripening. Excellent transportability
The hybrid has occupied a leading position in surveys of Russian gardeners for more than 10 years. It tastes sweet. It never tastes bitter. Due to its dryish pulp, it tolerates transportation well. It forms bunches of 3-5 vegetables on a lash. When reaching maximum weight, it begins to turn yellow and loses density.
The hybrid is resistant to most diseases. Perhaps it tolerates slight cold snaps better than others. Excellent for pickling and marinating. Good taste
Ultra-early hybrid of good taste qualities. Resistant to cladosporiosis, mosaic virus and powdery mildew. Weakly tolerates cold weather. Powerful bush. It is recommended to form on a trellis
Ultra early maturing hybrid. Resistant to major diseases. It doesn't taste bitter. The lash is of medium length with tufted ovaries. Good for pickling and eating in salads

Comparative table of cucumber varieties

Variety nameRipening timeFruit sizeFetal weightPurpose
50-53 days12-13 cm60-90 gramsUniversal
40-42 days9-11 cm55-85 gramsUniversal
45-47 days9-10 cm60-80 gramsUniversal
53-55 days17-20 cm180-200 gramsSalad
53-55 days7-9 cm50-55 gramsUniversal
53-57 days12-14 cm75-90 gramsUniversal
45-47 days12-14 cm65-90 gramsUniversal
45-50 days18-22 cm170-220 gramsUniversal
38-40 days8-11 cm80-110 gramsUniversal
37-39 days9-10 cm85-100 gramsUniversal

One of the most popular vegetable crops- cucumber. Fruits with crispy pulp are grown different ways- in the ground without garter, on trellises, in greenhouses.

For getting good harvest For cucumbers in open ground, several factors are important: optimal temperature, timely watering, fertilizers and pest control. Choosing the best variety is one of the foundations of giving generously. After all, the bushes should not only be prolific, but also resistant to diseases.

Peculiarities of cucumber culture in open ground

Growing in a garden bed is different from growing in greenhouse conditions. In closed ground, a greenhouse effect is created: humidity increases, there are no sharp fluctuations temperatures during the day and night.

In the open air, air humidity directly depends on weather conditions. During rains or cold fogs, some varieties suffer from fungal diseases. Signs of disease also appear during late evening watering.

In hot, dry weather, the formation of ovaries worsens due to the drying out of flower pollen. The plant increases the content of a special substance - cucurbitacin, which causes the bitter taste of the fruit. Therefore, before purchasing seeds, take into account the climate conditions of the region and resistance to specific weather factors.

Cucumber plants are thermophilic. They do not tolerate frost, and at night temperatures below +10 they stop growing.

What to look for when choosing?

The same variety in different conditions will behave differently . There are both universal varieties of cucumbers - they can be cultivated both in open and closed ground - and those designed specifically for soil cultivation.

Other distinctive characteristics:

  1. 1. According to the type of pollination, they distinguish: bee-pollinated, self-pollinated varieties, as well as parthenocarpic F1 hybrids that do not require pollination. The difference between bee-pollinated cucumbers is that the plant contains female and male flowers separately. If females predominate, they speak of a variety with a predominantly female type of flowering. In self-pollinating cucumbers, both the pistil and stamen are located in one corolla. Pollination occurs with the help of dew drops or the swaying of the bush by the wind.
  2. 2. According to the ripening period, cucumbers are early, medium and late.
  3. 3. By resistance to major diseases.
  4. 4. By fruit size: gherkin (small-fruited) cucumbers reach no more than 8 cm, large-fruited (salad) varieties grow up to 25 cm or more.
  5. 5. By type of ovary: one or more cucumbers grow in one node (leaf axil). In the latter case, they talk about the bunch type of fruiting.
  6. 6. Intended use: for fresh consumption (salads), processing.
  7. 7. According to plant habitus (shape): tall (long-climbing), medium-growing and low-growing (bush), spreading varieties.
  8. 8. According to the properties of the fruit surface and thorniness: smooth, finely and coarsely tuberous, with white and black thorns.

In addition to the classic green skin color, cucumbers can have a white tint. Interesting varieties with long curved fruits.

The fruits of parthenocarpic hybrids do not set seeds.

The most productive varieties and hybrids

Recently, many new products have appeared on the seed market, which are quickly gaining popularity among gardeners. At the same time, there are also quite old, proven varieties of cucumbers with noteworthy characteristics.

List of the most productive varieties cucumbers for open ground. The ripening period is taken into account from the day of emergence to the beginning of harvesting.

Name Ripening period Flowering type Characteristic Photo
Alligator F1 Early (45 days) Bee pollinated. Long-fruited cucumber with greens up to 40 cm. Weight - about 300 g. Vigorous bush, resistant to cucumber mosaic virus and powdery mildew
Altai Early (35-44 days) Bee pollinated. Pickling cucumber for cool climates with oval fruits 9-13 cm (90-115 g). Excellent commercial quality
Apogee F1 Early (44-46 days) Bee pollinated. Medium-sized cucumber with a mixed type of flowering. Suitable for salads and processing. The fruits are short, weighing 80-105 g. Resistant to downy mildew and productive
Brigantine F1 Medium run. (40-46 days) Bee pollinated. Tall, resistant to bacteriosis and downy mildew. Fruits up to 105 g, numerous, for pickling and canning
Gerda F1 Medium run. (45-50 days) Parthenocarp. A plant with bunched ovaries (3-5 pieces per node). Gherkin length - 8-10 cm, weight - 70-75 g. Resistant to powdery mildew and downy mildew
Herman F1 Early (45 days) Parthenocarp. A hybrid with greens up to 10 cm long and up to 100 g in weight, several pieces are tied in a knot. Resistant to fungal diseases and cucumber mosaic virus
Friendly family F1 Medium run. (43-48 days) Parthenocarp. Cucumbers are light green in color, without bitterness. Length - 10-12 cm, weight - about 95 g. Long-term fruiting is characteristic
Zozulya F1 Early (35-40 days) Self-pollinated, partly parthenocarp. Medium-sized plant, in nodes - 2-3 fruits up to 22 cm long and weighing up to 250-300 g. For fresh consumption and processing
Kai F1 Early (43-48 days) Bee pollinated. The hybrid is resistant to unfavorable conditions growing. The fruits are short - 6-8 cm in length, weighing 60-70 g. Universal
Cascade Early (45-50 days) Bee pollinated. The plant has a predominantly female flowering type. Spindle-shaped greens, 13-15 cm long, weight - 90-120 g. Universal purpose, resistant to downy mildew.
Chinese Miracle Late (60-70 days) Bee pollinated. Very tall plant, requires growing on trellises. The fruits are long - up to 60 cm, juicy, tender. Suitable for salads and processing. Not stored for long
Claudia F1 Medium run. (45-52 days) Parthenocarp. High-yielding (up to 27 kg/sq.m.) hybrid with complex stability. The fruits are 10-12 cm long and 3 cm thick. The pulp is crispy, without bitterness.
Wren F1 Medium run. (48-50 days) Parthenocarp. Compact, with dark green large tuberculate fruits 16-20 cm long without bitterness. Resistant to cladosporiosis, tolerant to powdery mildew. High-yielding (up to 22 kg/sq.m.)
Madame F1 Early (43-48 days) Bee pollinated. A strong bush with bunches of ovaries in nodes (3-6 pieces). The length of the fruit is 10-12 cm, weight - 65-85 g. They do not overgrow, with delicate skin. Resistance to root rot
Moment Medium run. (45-47 days) Bee pollinated. Variety for pickling. Cucumbers are 12-20 cm long and weigh 120-133 g. Resistant to powdery mildew and bacteriosis
Patty F1 Medium run. (40-45 days) Parthenocarp. A vigorous hybrid with bunches of ovaries at the nodes. The fruits are cylindrical in shape, up to 11 cm long, weight - 60-90 g, of high taste. Has good yield and disease resistance
Prestige F1 Early (42-45 days) Parthenocarp. Universal purpose, medium height. Fruits are 12 cm long, weight - 70-95 g, beautiful green in color with thin skin
Firefly Medium run. (46 days) Bee pollinated. A universal variety with fruits 12-13 cm long and weighing 75-100 g. For cool climates
Serpentine Early (36-38 days) Bee pollinated. A plant with a mixed type of flowering. The fruits are short - 9.5 cm, weight - up to 75 g. Medium-sized
Relish F1 Early (45-48 days) Parthenocarp. The fruits are crispy, weighing 9-11 g, and do not accumulate bitterness. Universal purpose
Success Medium run. (47-48 days) Bee pollinated. Medium-sized plant with fruits 14-16 cm long, weighing up to 130 g. Suitable for fresh consumption and pickling
F1 Champion Medium (45-55 days) Parthenocarp. A weakly climbing plant of medium height. High-yielding (up to 30 kg/sq.m.), with excellent taste

Parthenocarpic hybrids are characterized by greater yield compared to varieties. Their seeds are more expensive, it is recommended to grow such cucumbers seedling method in cups or peat pots.