Finishing of facades of multi-storey buildings. Cladding with metal panels. Mixed facades of private houses

The facade of a building is the first thing that catches our eye when we see a house.

The facade must be selected not only according to aesthetic criteria, but also according to technical characteristics.


On modern market There are many materials for facade finishing. Let's look at the newest types of facing materials.

Decoration of facades of wooden houses

Wooden facades are best suited for houses in southern regions. In other cases, you will have to treat the siding panels with protective solutions, which requires a significant investment.

On the other hand, if good quality And home comfort play a bigger role for you than the price of finishing, wooden facade just for you, because after good processing it can be used even in regions with large temperature differences.

Siding is installed at some distance from the wall. The void is filled with thermal insulation material.

The air that circulates between the wall and the finishing material prevents moisture from condensing on the wall surface.

The most common types of profiled siding are herringbone and shiplap.

High-pressure laminate panels are considered a fairly new finishing material.

They are made from thin cellulose sheets compressed under high pressure. The thickness of the panels is 6-15 mm. They have good bending resistance.

Such panels are coated with a special varnish that protects them from external influences. You can place any image or texture under the varnish.

This type of finishing is ideal for balconies and individual residential or small office buildings.

Facade injection molded panels

Molded panels can be used both in the facades of private houses and in multi-storey ones.

They are made from polymers by injection molding and have long term operation. The panels can withstand temperatures from -50 0 C to +60 0 C, so they can be used in regions with any climate.

Panels can imitate brick and stone and can easily be mistaken for natural material.

They are resistant to corrosion and deformation, and are difficult to bend or break. The panels are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws.

Their advantages include not only low cost and reliability, but also ease of maintenance - wet cleaning is sufficient, periodic updating is not required.

Facade finishing with clinker tiles

Clinker tiles are made from baked elastic clay. It contains no chalk or salts.

In appearance, such tiles imitate brick, but have much less weight. It practically does not absorb moisture, which prevents it from the appearance of cracks and releases of salt from cement-sand mortars.

Such tiles are easy to clean from dirt.

Facade clinker thermal panels are excellent for finishing the facades of private houses, as they retain heat well. They can also be used for finishing multi-storey buildings.

Ceramic plate

A ceramic slab is made by molding and firing natural clay. Such a plate can be oriented horizontally or vertically.

It is extremely frost-resistant, so it is perfect for residents of cold regions.

The tiles place minimal load on the foundation because they are light in weight. The material has high water resistance, strength and thermal conductivity, resistant to aggressive environments.

Ceramic tiles are equally suitable for cladding single- and multi-story buildings.

Concrete siding for facades

Concrete siding made from white cement, sand and dyes. Excellent for cladding multi-storey buildings, cottages, industrial and commercial facilities.

Thermal insulation material can be laid between the frame slats. Concrete siding can be used not only for the construction of new buildings, but also for updating old ones.

Concrete siding does not burn, so it is great for buildings with increased requirements on fire safety.

Facades of multi-storey buildings

When cladding the facades of private residential buildings, you can use almost any type of finish. If we are talking about high-rise buildings, then the materials will be somewhat limited.

In addition, glazing or composite aluminum panels are more often used to decorate the facades of buildings of large companies, since such buildings must have a presentable appearance.

Also, in ventilated structures, facades with ceramic magnets are often used. This material increases the waterproofing properties of the building, provides resistance to low temperatures and impacts environment.

The simplest and most economical material for cladding multi-storey buildings is plaster. It increases sound insulation properties and does not weigh down the foundation.

Thus, with today’s wide selection of finishing materials, you can easily choose the most optimal option for you.

In Russia there is no unified document on the insulation of facades apartment buildings, different cities and regions have slightly different rules. In some regions of the country there are state programs for insulating high-rise buildings, and all work is carried out using budget funds. If your home is not one of the lucky ones, then before performing insulation you will have to contact the utility services.

The external walls of the house are common property, even if the apartment is privately owned. Since insulating the facade will change the appearance of the house, coordination with public utilities and local architects. As a rule, there are no problems. You just need to go to the appropriate management authority and write a petition, and the chances of getting a positive response increase if the petition is written simultaneously by several residents who want to insulate their apartments. In addition, joint integral insulation of the facade is many times more effective and better than “patchwork” thermal insulation technology.

Your application may be denied if the house has historical value. In Moscow, it is almost impossible to obtain permission to insulate just one apartment - work can only be carried out if the entire house is insulated at once. In some regions, insulation will be possible if all residents of the house do not mind.

In Ukraine, the external walls of the house are also the joint property of the residents, and, in theory, all decisions regarding changes to them appearance must be adopted at appropriate meetings. In practice, no one does this; everyone insulates themselves without asking permission from their neighbors. Such amateur activity may end in court or a meeting of owners who collectively decide to dismantle the insulation, and this decision will be completely legal. In fact, there are practically no precedents.

No. 3. Who pays for the insulation of an apartment building?

If you decide to insulate only the outer walls of your apartment and haven’t asked anyone, then you’ll have to pay for everything yourself. There is a more attractive option, but it requires the active participation of all residents of the house. If you prove that the house needs insulation, and without it it is not suitable for normal living, then you can receive funds for insulation from the budget of the council or management company. In addition, in some regions there are programs on gradual comprehensive insulation of apartment buildings.

Residents of Ukraine can also save significantly on. There are government programs aimed at increasing the thermal efficiency of residential buildings. They only apply to houses that are fully insulated and not insulated in spots. Of course, the agreement of all necessary details will require time and patience, but comprehensive insulation will give much top scores, and all the work will cost much less than with individual “patchwork” insulation. State programs provide for reimbursement of up to 50% of the cost of insulation work. Banks offer preferential lending conditions for apartment insulation: the state repays from 30-40 to 70% of the loan.

No. 4. What's wrong with spot insulation of an apartment building?

As soon as we drive through a number of post-Soviet cities, we will see the same unpleasing picture - the walls of high-rise buildings are completely covered with stains different color. These are residents trying to make their apartment more comfortable. Of course, this sight does not cause disgust, irritation, or any other negative reactions in anyone, but the main problem is not even the appearance, but the quality of such insulation, its durability and the safety of the walls of the house.

The boundaries of the insulation of a separate apartment run exactly along the floor slabs. In these places the dew point shifts sharply from the insulation into the wall, which leads to moisture condensation and the risk of mold, and the fungus can appear both in the insulated apartment (at the junction of the wall with the ceiling and floor) and in neighboring apartments. Temperature difference façade wall in neighboring areas also does not benefit the house. As a result, we can talk not only about the problem high humidity, but also the gradual destruction of the main wall.

One more problem - constant wetness of the upper end of the thermal insulation. Although they try in every possible way to protect it from precipitation, the constant exposure to moisture and the accumulation of snow gradually destroys the adhesive fastening of the thermal insulation and allows water to enter. It is difficult to create a continuous contour of thermal insulation, therefore complete tightness of the insulation area is practically impossible. We will not mention the aesthetic problem of spot insulation anymore.

Ideally, it is necessary to negotiate and insulate the façade of the house completely, from to , especially since it will cost less than individual insulation, even if you do not use any programs or benefits.

No. 5. Technologies for insulating the facade of an apartment building

There are two fundamentally different ways insulation of the facade of a high-rise building:

No. 6. Choosing a material for insulating an apartment building

Today, polystyrene foam and mineral wool are often used to insulate apartment buildings, but there are many more options, and each of them will be most preferable in specific cases. So, You can choose from the following options:

It’s worth paying just a little attention to studying various technologies and insulation materials, choosing a reliable contractor, in order to enjoy comfort in your apartment for years and save on utilities. If you use all your communication and organizational skills, then you can insulate the entire house and your apartment in particular very cheaply. Since it is sometimes impossible to come to an agreement with neighbors, and spot insulation cannot be avoided, then at least try to find the most qualified and responsible team of performers and ask what materials they use.

The decoration of the facade plays an important role in the perception of the overall appearance of the house. But in addition to its aesthetic function, the facade is designed to protect the building from the harmful effects of precipitation and winds. And if previously the range of materials for facade decoration was limited to tiles, special moisture-resistant whitewash or stone chips, now every owner of a private house can choose the most suitable way facade finishing.

Let's consider the most popular types of finishing of facades of residential buildings and administrative buildings, namely:

  • decorative finishing;
  • decorative stone;
  • facade panels;
  • decorative bricks;
  • professional sheet.

Decoration with decorative plaster

This method is one of the oldest ways design of the facade of both private cottages and industrial buildings. The only disadvantage of plaster is that it looks beautiful only on a carefully prepared wall.

There are several types of facade plaster:

  • The most popular is mineral plaster. With its help you can create an imitation of some elite coatings, as well as all known species finishing "". It is produced by adding various mineral pigments and dyes to the cement-sand mass. Mineral plaster is vapor permeable, so before applying it it is necessary to insulate the house with foam plastic or glass wool. Over time, cracks may appear on the plastered wall. Mineral plaster will last 15-20 years.
  • Acrylic plaster more elastic, so the resulting cracks are not so noticeable. Foam plastic is used as insulation when finishing walls with acrylic plaster. This plaster is not suitable for finishing country house or a building located near the road, because it strongly attracts dust and is difficult to clean. Acrylic plaster will also last 15-20 years.
  • It is vapor-tight, so any insulation will fit under it. It is a universal type of decorative plaster, because it is not afraid of climatic influences, dust and does not absorb salt. The service life of silicone plaster is 20-25 years. The only drawback is the too high price.

Artificial stone for cladding

This material is durable and allows you to realize any design idea. Thanks to a wide range of textures, artificial stone can be combined with decorative plaster, and brick, and can also be used to decorate the facades of houses and administrative buildings. We recommend that you read the material about.

Fake diamond much cheaper than its natural counterpart, and thanks to its lighter weight and smooth surface it is easy to work with. The only drawback is low thermal insulation.

Facade panels

Cladding panels, otherwise called siding, are successfully used in the system. These panels provide good noise and heat insulation and allow you to hide any defect in the wall (irregularities, crumbling old coating, etc.). We recommend that you read the material about.

There are:

  1. metal;
  2. woody;
  3. polyvinyl chloride panels.
  • Metal sandwich panels are steel or aluminum strips coated with polyester. Their advantage is strength, water resistance, resistance to precipitation and temperature changes. Aluminum panels are most often used for finishing industrial buildings, as well as for shopping complexes, where, in addition to appearance, much attention is paid to the strength of the cladding.
  • Wooden panels are made by pressing wood fibers under high pressure, after which a special coating is applied to them. These panels are easy to work with, because they are easy to saw and at the same time have high strength. The only downside is that, like everyone else wooden crafts, these panels swell from moisture and dry out in the sun, and are also susceptible to burning.
  • PVC panels are absolutely safe because they do not support combustion. They have a wide range of shades and textures, and are also easier to install than metal panels. PVC installation The panels are made taking into account their expansion in the heat, so small gaps are left between the panels, and the fastenings of the panels are not at the edges, but in the middle. The disadvantage is low frost resistance and the appearance of cracks from the cold. They are used mainly for finishing the facade of private houses and administrative buildings.

Decorative brick finishing

Decorative bricks have many forms - from classical rectangular shape to specimens with rounded edges and have both a glossy texture and a surface that imitates chipping. This material is characterized by increased strength and low heat transfer. Thanks to special technology processing and firing decorative brick waterproof and does not attract dust, which allows it to maintain attractive appearance despite exposure to precipitation and high levels of air pollution.

Most often used for finishing private cottages, facades of administrative buildings and fences.

The most popular methods of finishing facades (video)

Facing profiled sheet

It is used primarily for finishing industrial buildings, warehouses and workshops due to its low cost. The main advantages - strength and resistance to chemical attack increase the service life of the profiled sheet up to 50 years. This material is suitable for creating, because when it is installed between load-bearing wall and the sheets themselves leave a gap into which the insulation is laid.

Market of materials used for exterior finishing of buildings for various purposes, truly diverse. Each consumer will be able to choose the most suitable product that is best suited for the implementation of the facade arrangement of both a shopping complex and a small private house. We recommend reading the article about .