DIY garden crafts from scraps. Do-it-yourself dacha photo - exterior decoration of the house. Such materials are suitable for work

apartment, Vacation home, plot, vegetable garden, and in general anything can be decorated with homemade items. The option, you see, is low-budget and interesting, especially if children are involved in the process. Do-it-yourself crafts from scrap materials are always exciting, and some people even elevate them to the rank of art. IN progress is underway absolutely everything: bottles (plastic and glass), natural materials, old car tires, etc. It is impossible to talk about everything at once; we will only show you areas that certainly deserve attention.

Where can I find improvised material?

Our answer is everywhere! In absolutely any home you can find a screwdriver, a hammer and pliers, an awl, cans, plastic and PET bottles, unnecessary disks, ropes, buttons, etc. Or maybe there is a Christmas tree or oak trees growing near your house, then you all year round have a supply of cones and acorns. All this is quite enough to make a craft from scrap material.

Show your imagination, and you yourself will not notice how familiar and ordinary objects around you will begin to be considered as raw materials. Take as a basis various master classes in the direction of your choice and fill them with your own ideas.

Crafts from glass bottles

There is no need to repeat once again that imagination is, in principle, limitless, and you can do whatever your heart desires. And although glass bottles In terms of polarity, they are a level lower than their plastic counterparts; crafts made from scrap materials of this type are simply amazing. Glass is much more textured and interesting and looks more stylish. We offer you the top 5 most common ideas.

1. Vases. A beautiful bottle made of colored glass is already decorative in itself. It can be painted in two ways: from the inside or outside, sew or knit a beautiful cover, cover the surface with applique or paint it with stained glass paints, paste it with twine, decorate it with beads, etc. If you don’t like the neck, you can cut it off special device or by heating, you just need to be careful.

2. Lamps and candlesticks. With glass cutting skills, you can make interior items of incredible beauty - from the most basic candlesticks to entire designer compositions.

3. Vases for indoor plants or hanging planters. This option for recycling raw materials is extremely popular.

4. Fencing for beds and flower beds, paths. Such crafts for the dacha made from scrap materials will come in handy. If desired, you can insert it into a bottle LED garlands and deepen them to about 1/3 of the height. At night, your area will transform and play with bright lights and glare.

5. Architectural objects. And this is also possible, and it turns out just great with a slight hint of mosaic and antiquity. You can do everything in a classic two-color version, like the original gazebo in the photo below, or use all formats and colors.

Crafts from plastic bottles

There is plenty of such material in any home. After all, the lion's share of drinks is sold in plastic bottles, and it takes a very long time to talk about what can be made from them. The topic of children's toys and crafts deserves special attention (further in the text). Plastic is a universal and durable material; it is not afraid of either the sun or moisture. Where can we use this raw material, which we have in abundance? Firstly, these are construction projects. Nowadays, craftsmen and visionaries make absolutely everything from lightweight containers (from greenhouses to gazebos and even houses), and I must say, the result is very interesting buildings. If this is too global for you, then try making some furniture: an armchair or pouf. Such crafts made from scrap materials will not only bring something new to the interior, but will also surprise guests.

Containers of various shapes make wonderful wallets, boxes, caskets and chests for storing various small items. And some designers have long been using plastic to create entire collections of jewelry: bracelets, brooches, necklaces, etc.

PET bottles, similar to glass ones, can be used to fence flower beds, create borders, flower vases, etc. In addition, the material has one very significant advantage - pliability and plasticity, you can literally “sculpt” what you want from it .

Crafts from pine cones

Surely many remember how in childhood, together with their parents, they made deer and little men from acorns, hung them on christmas tree real fir cones made up a panel of maple leaves. Now you can do this not only with children, but also on a very serious level. Crafts made from scrap materials with descriptions of methods for making them have become extremely popular; there are many master classes and video tutorials. It seems difficult only at first glance, look around and you will find a huge number of beautiful snags, branches, cones, etc.

Fir or pine cones are a 100% attribute of winter decor and Christmas and New Year. Impeccable in their form and natural beauty, they look great in the interior as individual decorations (on a Christmas tree, garlands, compositions and installations) and in various kinds crafts. It is enough to sprinkle them with artificial snow or silver or gold paint. On the eve of the holidays, you can use them to make wreaths on the door or for candles.

Acorns will look no less original and interesting in this context, which can also be used for panels with other natural materials(leaves, nut shells, seeds, etc.), making ikebana, pasting photo frames or albums, for example. Anyone can make such original and festive crafts from scrap materials with their own hands, just show a little patience and diligence.

We use dry branches and trees

How many amazing interior items can be created from old dry branches and even trees! It is enough to look around and see the amazing in the most simple things. In the photo above you see the author’s lamp; such a creation can, without exaggeration, be called a work of art.

Just walking through the forest, pay attention to old driftwood or stumps, look at them as material for creativity. Perhaps this is a future chair or bench, table or shelf, or maybe just decorative element. Crafts made from scrap materials of this kind will harmoniously fit into any interior.

Elastic willow branches or vines are useful for weaving Christmas wreaths, baskets, vases or even furniture.

We use old tires

Used tires are a common material, you can find it in large quantities, and completely different sizes. But what can be made from them, besides the well-known swans and flower beds? Take the example of the Korean master Yong Ho Ji, his works are impressive and completely delightful. Magnificent animals with a clear structure of each muscle made from ordinary wooden frame and old tires. Of course, this is aerobatics, but we also recommend that you move away from banalities and conventions. Use more bright colors and cheerful ideas, because even the simplest things can be brilliant.

Crafts made from paper and cardboard

When studying crafts for the home from scrap materials, it would be unfair not to mention paper and cardboard. One cannot help but recall the well-known art of origami. Its scale is amazing, and its technology is amazing. Modular origami has been especially popular lately, when different shapes are assembled from identical parts. You can start with the most basic, gradually improving your skills. It’s unlikely that anyone would dare call such a dragon an ordinary craft.

The second most popular trend is weaving from old newspapers and magazines. Willow twigs are still a capricious material and somewhat difficult to handle, requiring certain work skills, but paper will become it an excellent alternative. It's quite simple, fast and very variable. You can weave ordinary baskets, floor vases, light furniture for dolls, and pleasant decorative items. Another plus is that the paper perfectly tolerates painting in any color you like.

Forks, spoons, ladle...

Cutlery that has served its useful life can be used in home decoration. They make extraordinary and bright crafts for the kitchen. Make an amazing lamp or floor lamp from scrap materials.

Small old kettle or a sugar bowl can easily be turned into boxes. And designers and professional craftsmen manage to make entire sculptures out of spoons and forks that look somewhat post-apocalyptic, but do not lose their splendor because of it.

Crafts for the dacha from scrap materials

As you know, a dacha is the place where everything that has become unnecessary in the apartment is brought. So why not make something useful and interesting from at least half of the material at hand?

  • Bottles made of plastic and glass are suitable for paths, flower beds and small decorative buildings.
  • Natural materials will best harmonize with natural environment without disturbing the balance. Old branches and trees, logs and saw cuts - everything is used. Using the advice of the masters, you can weave amazing animal figures, as in the photo below. Large round cuts are suitable for paths.

  • Old dishes (kettles, pots, buckets and even a bathtub, sink or toilet) - all this will make your area “alive” and unusual.
  • Shoes. Old boots or holey rubber galoshes are unlikely to be useful to you for their intended purpose, but you can use them in flower beds, and it turns out to be very fun and appropriate.
  • Old furniture is another common technique. Chests of drawers and cabinets with slightly open drawers and a cascade of flowers growing from them will decorate any garden. Or, for example, an old cart, like a flower girl’s tray, drowning in rich and bright colors.

Crafts for the playground

We don’t always have what we want in our courtyards of high-rise buildings. The playground is sometimes boring and is limited to a couple of iron structures. The situation is easy to fix with a little effort. Various crafts made from scrap materials for the playground will delight the eyes of not only little visitors, but also their parents. The scale of action depends solely on your imagination. The leading place among materials is occupied by old tires. In the shortest possible time you can make anything out of them: flower beds, figurines, tunnels, etc. In second place are plastic and wood, in our opinion, this is more interesting and safe. You can make figurines of cartoon characters and even a New Year's tree, and even a beginner can handle the original bird feeders.

Creativity with children

This is not only a way to spend time, but also valuable communication and development. Materials such as cardboard and colored paper offer a lot of opportunities for children's creativity: from elementary applications to complex figures and castles. With older children you can do quilling.

Crafts from scrap materials, made together with parents (from the same plastic bottles), often become more interesting than store-bought ones. These can be complex robots assembled from many elements of multi-colored plastic, or simple penguins painted with acrylic paints. And if you have sewing skills, then there is even more room for creativity. Any children's crafts made from scrap materials with their own hands are always fun and interesting.

The day before New Year's holidays from the same plastic bottles, cones, beads, paper, cardboard, ribbons, etc. you can create Christmas decorations, garlands and compositions.

Crafts for the garden

They can be not only decorative, but also very functional. Take plastic bottles for example - it’s no longer a secret what comes out of them good system drip irrigation in small areas. And by applying the papier-mâché technique to them, you will get gnomes and decorative mushrooms peeking out from under the trees. From old things and straw - a garden scarecrow, from willow twigs- wattle fence (a fence that will become a real highlight), etc. Any crafts for the garden from scrap material will become its noticeable feature.

There are a lot of old and sometimes unnecessary things around us that can be used to create new designer items that are interesting, unusual and completely unique.

Crafts can look organic not only at home, but also in the garden. They will serve spectacular jewelry summer cottage and will add unusual notes to it.

Gardeners often prefer purchased figurines and other similar paraphernalia, believing that all methods of creating accessories are old. Designers and craftsmen are constantly coming up with something new, so there are many ideas for decorating a dacha that cannot be called banal.

Creating a flower bed may involve not only the arrangement of flowers, but also the creation of an effective frame. Check out this simple flower arrangement.

To make it, you only need an old garden wheelbarrow, as well as seedlings or seeds of selected low-growing flowers. Place the item in the selected area, fill the container with soil and plant flowers - that’s all the instructions!

A stone flowerbed-basket is something that seems complicated to make, but is easy to do. Instructions in front of you:

  1. Find boulders different shades and sizes.
  2. Determine the location for the flower bed. Mark the boundaries of the round flower bed.
  3. Make a concrete mixture. Mix cement with construction sand in a ratio of 1:4 and add a little water to make the mixture thick.
  4. Lay out the first row of stones.
  5. Lay out the next rows of stones, fastening them concrete mixture until the base of the flower bed is ready.
  6. Remove excess cement.
  7. Measure the diameter of the resulting base.
  8. Lay out an arc on the ground from stones. The distance between its ends should be equal to the diameter of the base of the flowerbed. The stones must be connected using concrete.
  9. Once the arc is strong, attach it to the top of the base using concrete and stones.

After all the concrete has hardened, you can pour soil inside the “basket” and plant the seeds. Here is a photo of the finished flower beds.

A flower bed made of twigs looks natural and impressive. It fits very harmoniously into any garden. You can do it this way:

  1. Draw a circle on the ground that will form the outline of the flower bed.
  2. Place several rods on its borders. They need to be inserted into the ground at a distance from each other.
  3. Take a thin twig and weave it between the vertical rods. Wrap the end and glue it to the back of the flower bed with wood glue.
  4. Weave the remaining rods. Once you notice that the basket is tall enough, cut off the tops of the vertical bases.
  5. Pour soil into the flowerbed and plant flowers.
  6. Take several rods and form an arc from them. Insert their edges between the bars of the top of the basket.

Are you looking for the most natural and simple option? Take a closer look at the flowering stump! You just need to find a part of a tree trunk, make a cylindrical hole inside it, install it on the site, pour soil into the cut hole and, of course, plant flowers in it.

Do you have an old iron bed you don't need? Turn it into a huge flowerbed! Using five pieces of plywood (one base and four sides) and nails, make a box, place it on the bed and plant flowers in it.

DIY fauna figurines

Unfortunately, many animals are extremely difficult to keep in the countryside. There is a good alternative - hand-made figurines of fauna representatives.

Perhaps one of the most simple options- these are large ladybugs. To make them you will need stones and paint, which can be purchased at any store that sells construction supplies.

To prevent the drawing from being smeared, first paint the entire boulder with red paint and then dry it. Next, you need to apply black dye, and after it dries, you should add accents with white and yellow.

Using the blade (bottom) of a shovel and a few other similar items, you can decorate your garden with a cute black bird.

To make one bird you will need black paint, a shovel blade, glue, thick wire and play dough. The last ingredient can be purchased at craft stores. Instructions in front of you:

  1. Cover the blade of the shovel with black paint and wait for it to dry.
  2. We wrap two pieces of thick wire to the surface where the “birds” will sit.
  3. Place yellow play dough on pieces of wire to create bird legs. We make a thickening in the upper part. The top should be flat.
  4. Glue the blade of the shovel to the tops.
  5. We paint the thickenings on the top of the “legs” with black paint.
  6. We make eyes from white modeling dough, and a beak from yellow dough. Try to sculpt so that the bases of the beak and eyes are flat.
  7. We attach the parts with glue to the top of the shovel blade.
  8. On the “eyes” we make black dots with black paint.

Are there a lot of flowers in the garden? Then it’s worth decorating the area with large decorative butterflies!

A bottle, varnish and glue are the main materials required. Everything else depends on your imagination. The manufacturing technique is not complicated:

  1. Draw a butterfly on a plastic bottle.
  2. We cut it out and bend the middle so that the figure looks natural.
  3. Coloring the butterfly.
  4. We protect the image with a varnish coating.
  5. We glue sequins or rhinestones into the middle of the figure, imitating the body of a butterfly.
  6. Glue the resulting product to the surface.

If you find it difficult to call yourself a good artist, use the attached stencil.

You can color the wings of a decorative butterfly in the most different ways. The table shows the possible effects and required materials.

DIY decorative interior items

It is pleasant to spend time in the garden not only during the daytime. The aroma of flowers that did not have time to close, moths, the starry sky - all this creates a special atmosphere. In order to make it more magical, you will need unusual lanterns.

To make an original decorative lantern you need a garland, threads, construction glue and a balloon. The manufacturing technique consists of several points:

  1. Inflate the ball. It should be round.
  2. Apply glue to the ball and immediately wrap it with thread. Try to leave a hole at the bottom.
  3. After the glue has completely dried, deflate the balloon. Cover it with varnish.
  4. Place a garland in the hole of the ball of thread.

This is what the finished product will look like, which can be placed on a table in the gazebo.

Using stumps and firewood, it is not difficult to make a table with chairs. You can make both ordinary garden furniture and small decorative ones.

This is not to say that when creating such wooden furniture, special subtleties need to be taken into account. It is enough just to saw off most of the tree trunk and make its top and bottom even. The base of the chairs is made using the same technology, only in the area of ​​the top you should leave a small rectangle, which will play the role of a backrest. Nail two small bars to it with nails so that they are in a vertical position, and attach the horizontal half of the bar to them.

Iridescent vase – bright accent for a summer cottage. It can be used not only for placing fruits from the garden and orchard on it, but also as a bird drinker.

To make it you will need old disks, a vase made of thin plastic or other material and glue.

Technique for creating a sparkling vase in front of you:

  1. We shred old discs.
  2. Glue the pieces onto the vase. Attach them with the wrong side up. It is desirable that they are located as close to each other as possible.
  3. We install the finished product.

Mushroom figurines for the garden

Mushrooms look especially impressive if you have a vacant lot with grass on your site. To make them you need white paint or putty buckets, old large plates, glue and dyes.

First you need to paint the upside down plate. To make a fly agaric, apply scarlet paint, wait for it to dry, and then make white dots. After the dyes have hardened, glue the plate to the upside down bucket.

Original crafts from unusual materials

On your summer cottage Lots of damaged or unnecessary green hoses? It's easy to turn them into a spectacular cactus! In addition to hoses, you should stock up on silver metal wire. You can also use plastic fastening clamps instead of wire.

The technology of creation does not imply any difficulties. First you need to roll the hoses so that they form a circle. The joints need to be fastened with pieces of wire and the tails imitating spines should be left outside. Between the top row and the previous one you need to insert pieces of hoses with multi-colored taps. They will look like flowers.

It was once fashionable to make swans out of wheel tires, but this idea is already considered banal. If you are looking for an unusual but simple option, try making a snail. You only need two tires. You just need to paint one, and cut out the snail’s body from the other. An example of the product is presented to your attention.

Video - Royal pigeon made from plastic bottles

To create a charming, fairy-tale atmosphere in their garden, many try to make something unusual in its territory. Although garden crafts have already gained such enormous popularity that it is not always easy to be original in this regard. Or maybe it’s not necessary. After all, the main task of a gardener is not to keep the neighbors’ mouths open in amazement, but to create a pleasant atmosphere that lifts the mood. Experience has shown that many homemade garden decorations quickly lose their appearance or even initially do not fit into such a landscape. Therefore, on our website we invite you to consider only those recognized as the best garden crafts with your own hands from scrap materials (with description). So let's get started.

What improvised materials are best not to use for garden crafts?

On the Internet you can find descriptions of many garden crafts made from scrap materials, but not all of them look impressive and retain their original appearance for a long time. appearance. From the experience of creative gardeners, the conclusion is that you should not work with the following materials:

  • Plastic bottles. Firstly, crafts made from them rarely look beautiful, especially up close. Various dogs, elephants, bunnies, palm trees and bells from cut plastic containers look miserable and tacky. With their help, you will create a mess with your own hands rather than comfort. Secondly, they lose their appearance extremely quickly. The paints covering the crafts quickly fade under the sun, after rain they are covered with dirt, which is difficult to wash off, and the flimsy structure quickly disintegrates from the wind. In a word, the labor spent on making such crafts is one of the thankless tasks.
Plastic crafts quickly lose their appearance
  • Old shoes. This is a fairly popular way to decorate a garden these days, but it has more disadvantages than advantages. First, the roles flower pot Only those boots or sneakers are awarded that are no longer worthy to accommodate the feet of their owners. They will create clutter in the garden. Secondly, shoes made of fabric or leather, of course, are not intended to be regularly exposed to rain, so they will quickly become unstuck and fade.

Old shoes in the garden create a mess

  • Other inappropriate materials.

Not all decorations create comfort

Remember, if some great landscape designer decided to plant a flower in an old sneaker or place a rare toy on the lawn, then this is not a reason to take all the home “antiques” out into the garden. Try to make do with decorations that are more universal and less stylized.

Crafts for the garden: the most practical materials and the best ideas with descriptions

Car tires

Among fruit trees Originally designed flower beds with bright flowers will look great. It is common to use old car tires for this purpose. The creation of such a craft does not need a special description, since it is done very simply. One option is to decorate the tire in bright colors(you can make some kind of animal out of it) and arrange a flower bed in the middle.

Old bicycle or car

Instead of throwing away a bicycle or car that can no longer be repaired, it is better to paint it in beautiful colour and use for decoration. Look how beautiful it can be.

Various containers

To decorate your garden, you can create cute crafts from unusable buckets, barrels, watering cans or kitchen utensils. If you paint them in bright colors, then they will take on a well-groomed appearance, and no one will think that the container was accidentally forgotten by the owners.



It is very practical to build a bench in the garden with your own hands, because it will allow you to relax pleasantly in the shade of the trees. But if you paint your craft in some interesting way, then the place to relax will also turn out to be a magnificent decorative element. And if you know how to beautifully process wood, then the bench can turn into a garden decoration even without paint.


To collect good harvest in your garden or vegetable garden, you don’t need the best tools and fertilizers, but enthusiasm, golden hands and pleasure from work. And it’s doubly pleasant to work on a site that also pleases the eye with its cleanliness, neatness and individual beauty. Of course, afford to purchase garden decor items or services landscape designer Not many people can afford it, and therefore you should know that doing your own gardening is much easier and more valuable. And in this article you can find clear and detailed algorithms for making them for yours.

DIY materials for the garden and vegetable garden

Absolutely anything that is unnecessary in the house or that has been hidden in the closet for a long time can be used as a raw material for the manufacture of decorative elements, and therefore it’s time to look for priceless things among the seeming trash! So, you should collect empty bottles different sizes, paints, building materials (gypsum, cement, polyurethane foam), various containers (barrel, trough, wheelbarrow, pan), and even trampled shoes or a broken chandelier.

Remember that literally anything you find will work for creativity, because with a little imagination, a supply of enthusiasm and simple handicraft techniques, any thing can be turned into an amazing craft for the garden. For example, you can make wonderful figurines and figurines, organize flower beds and shrubs in the form of interesting compositions, update all the items in the yard, starting with the bench and ending with the cladding of the house, lay paths between the beds from decorative stones, and in a quiet corner of the yard, set up a flower garden with a real one. This way, you can create a charming atmosphere in your garden, in which it will be doubly pleasant to work.

Garden crafts made from plastic bottles

For such work, you should choose the most affordable materials, so that homemade projects for the garden can become your favorite way to spend time, into which you can put all your inspiration. For example, from ordinary plastic bottles of different sizes you can make a donkey as a symbol of the hard work of garden owners, and beginners in such creativity can try to make simple lampshades for lanterns.

So, first you just need to cut off the top part of the bottle with the neck with a knife, and give the lower edges of the workpiece the shape of petals, so that, in the end, the lampshade looks like a tulip bud. We put it aside, and at this time we cut out leaves from the extra walls of the bottle, dip them or paint them with a brush in green color, and the flashlights are red, orange, purple, etc. We screw the lid on the neck, make a small hole in it, and pull a strong thread or even a string through it. Now all that remains is to “string” a couple of leaves on it, fix an LED light bulb inside the flashlight and hang it on a support. Believe me, these will look very cute on tree branches near benches or on the porch of your house.

Donkey with flowers

To implement this idea we will need:

  • 1 bottle with a capacity of 5 or 8 liters, 3 - 2 liters each, 4 identical - 0.5 liters each and 1 container with the shape of a barrel or a closed cylinder;
  • gray and red paints;
  • ribbon (4-5 m), artificial flowers and plastic eyes for toys;
  • black cord or a coil of thin cable (3-4 m);
  • self-tapping screws and tape for fastening parts.

So, to begin with, we cover all the bottles, except two two-liter ones, with gray paint and leave them to dry in the sun, after which, using tape and screws, we connect the structure into the one shown in the photo of handmade garden crafts. Immediately after this, we cut off the two lower parts from the remaining bottles and cover them with contrasting color paint - these will be our flower pots. Now we decorate our donkey: we make a curly mane and tail from a cord, a bridle from a ribbon, and ears from the walls of an extra bottle. We attach “pots” with artificial flowers to it, and then place our donkey in the shade of a strong tree on the site or at the entrance to the veranda.

Crafts for the garden from tires

This material is much less common than plastic bottles and is quite difficult to handle, but you can use it to make a very interesting homemade product for the garden in the shape of a crocodile. It should be taken into account that even an inspired woman is unlikely to cope with this task, and therefore you need to call your strong man for help so that he can “cut” the tire into sections, help you cut out all the parts and cut out a large wooden block.

Now let's get to work ourselves:

  1. Using nails, we attach a long strip of rubber to the block, forming a back, insert triangular “teeth” and “legs” between them, as in the photo, and also cover the sides with rubber.
  2. Now we make the head: it consists of two open jaws and bends for the eyes, into which we later place bright table tennis balls.
  3. We glue “teeth” cut out of thick white cardboard to the inner sides of the jaws with tape, paint the oral cavity pink, and dark green the crocodile skin.
  4. We place our crocodile in the grass, but in a more visible place, so as not to inadvertently scare anyone.

Crafts with floral motifs

Flowers and textiles create a bright, charming and cozy atmosphere best of all, and therefore you can make unusual ones as crafts for the garden. Yes, for climbing plants as a support, you can use an old chandelier, brought into proper shape by washing and painting, but for flowering ones, instead of trivial pots, you should choose a broken cart, paint cans, and simply decorated wooden boxes.

In addition, you can make garden path tiles in plant forms. For example, you can spread a large burdock leaf on a hard surface and coat it with a thick layer of diluted cement on top. After drying, they can be painted, the failed edges can be sharpened, and then literally buried 1 cm deep into the ground in the form of a path. And if you make such a slab on a sand mound, you will get a wonderful bowl for water or fruit in the garden. Ready-made stones can simply be painted in solid colors or in the shape of bugs, and then scattered throughout the garden or near the pond.

Homemade products for the garden video

Original ideas garden decorations with your own hands will help to emphasize the natural charm and bring to life the hidden talents of the designer (and everyone has them). Before embarking on a critical mission, inspect your supplies... and go ahead!

Advice! Remember the sacred rule of a real dacha owner: you can’t throw anything away!

To create extraordinary things you will need things that are completely unnecessary at first glance: dilapidated furniture, old dishes, car tires, plastic bottles, firewood and scraps of building materials, tubs, barrels, shoes with holes, etc. Using stones, wood and plastic for decoration garden and dachas are the most effective ways.

DIY garden decorations: dedication to garden design art

The most important condition in creating decorative ornaments- sense of style. First, make a plan for yourself style direction(taking into account the size of the territory, the style of the garden and your own preferences). All decoration ideas for decoration garden plot can be divided into two groups:

  • functional;
  • non-functional.

DIY garden figures: functional ideas

This includes elements that harmoniously combine aesthetics and useful functionality.

Magic ponds. If you have old metal/plastic bathtubs or other containers, use them to create tranquil ponds. Plant it in your ponds aquatic plants. You can even get unpretentious fish. Decorating flower beds and ponds on a summer cottage can be entrusted with boulders, pebbles or tiles.

Crafts for the garden from bottles and garden decoration with flowers (photo)

Flower world. Original flower beds made from plastic bottles, old tires, unnecessary shoes, iron buckets. Here you can even decorate an old bed, chairs, bicycle or chest of drawers. If there are large stumps left on your site, do not rush to uproot them. From them you can make magnificent ones with your own hands. flowerpots for the garden and plant flowers there.

Advice! For flowerpots made from stumps, additionally use clay pots (to plant flowers). You should not plant flowers directly into a tree - it will rot from water.

Romantic buildings. Plastic bottles can be used (you can build an entire gazebo from them). What do you think of cozy benches with a canopy in the spirit of French villages? For this, unprocessed logs of various sizes are used. You can build cozy ones from old armchairs or chairs. swing or unusual crafts for decorating the garden with your own hands.

Wooden crafts for the garden and a decorative birdhouse for the garden with your own hands

Favorite birds. Our magical garden simply cannot do without the shimmer of birds. To make the birds comfortable, you can come up with original wooden birdhouses for them. Decorate them decoupage, painting, decorative details. For the birdhouses themselves, you can use the remains of boards and wooden furniture. Birdhouses made from old large boots look great. You can awaken your imagination and create a real miracle of a birdhouse idea from corks or large porcelain teapots.

Advice! It is best to hang birdhouses on deciduous trees, with a slight tilt. And make the roof removable to make it easier to clean.

DIY garden sculptures: decor

A world of pure aesthetics reigns here, which pleases the eye and gives a special charm to the entire appearance of the garden. Various souvenirs, funny animal figurines, garden crafts - decorating your garden with your own hands from scrap materials will be a real highlight. yard design.

Crafts from stones for the garden

  • Fantasies made of stone or wood. You can make wonderful things from stones or leftover boards. To help you acrylic paints, beads, fragments of multi-colored glass. You can create funny gnomes, little men, or just wonderful little animals or insects. And if you paint the surfaces of stumps or boulders with fluorescent paint, you will get magical night lanterns.

Advice! Involve your children in exciting work with paints and applications. You will have a wonderful time with them!

  • The revival of plastic. Using plastic bottles of different sizes in design is the most economical option for decorating a garden. What type of garden decoration made from plastic bottles do you want?